LEE COUNTY TURNS TO BERRIES AND PEACHES Maajr F«mm MskUp RIm Mb C»wi A* Wmt Apfrndbi Sanford, Doe, 7.—Th* rapid and certain approach of i&e bail weevil aud the peculiar adaptability of the anil ha* led the fanners of La* coun ty to turn their attention to th* pro duction of other crops than that of cotton a* th* principal money crop. Already It has .bean demonstrated that Las county roll la adapted to the growth of the finest grades of to bacco, and th* tobacco market hare for the past two years ha* mad* good. But many farmers In this section are tfn willing to put all of their eggs even in two baskets. They ar* branching out Into the culture of; berries and peach**. For a number of yearn dewberries have been grown ia this county with great profit. R. R. Carrington ha* IB sorts near Ban ford in dewberries. Mr. Carrington rectutly set out 10,000 strawberries and about 1,000 peach tree*. C. H. Smith has a large fans naar Olivia, about 11 miles from here, which he baa recently equipped with well appointed tenant homes. Mr. Smith has sot out this fall 2,000 peach tree*. He win also specialise in to bacco culture and the growth of peas. L. P. Wilkins and H. A. Palmer re eently pare hated a large farm in tha Lanon Springs section, which they hare equipped for tha growing of frait ssd tobacco, haring pit oat 5,000 poach trees. E. B. Hodgin, who '* tha pioneer peach grower of this aaetlon. has a fWe-arr* orchard be tween this city and Jonesboro, which has netted him handsome prof Ha for tha pant taro years. J. R. DaJrymple. of Jonesboro; W. A. Harkle, of this city, and many others In the coanty hare launched into the frait and ber ry boeineae. Through refrigerator cars from this place to Cleveland, Ohio, and Boeton, Maas, are uaed la Aippiag the product* of the Lee coanty orchard*. MELICAL PROFESSION IS AGAINST DR. LORENZ Bat the Femeaa Austria* Surging la CA| to De All He Can For Crippled Children New York. Dec. 7—Although keenly hurt by the cold shoulder ho ■aid the medical profession of this country had turned toward him. Dr. Adolph Lorana, famoua Austrian, in dicated to eight he would probably continue to carry on hta free elisl— for crippled here. He had announced earlier la the day that'h* would * ban do* them end return to Vienna. "Til Any, if they don’t throw me eat," he said tonight. X- Lorens attributed tha fselbv I---a ■lain*! Mm to aaiuao^i’.'.r. hr. d the war, and aaid It war general wtiii In the medical preflation of the Um |Ud State* The people aa a wtao.e, though, had been wonderful beyond daecriptlon la their reception of hla work, the eurgeon added. "Whether 1 go home to Vienna ee stay and do what I can la entirely up to the health commissioner of New York," he declared tonight When Health Commissioner Cope land wet told of this, he sold he weald eee to it tomorrow that Dr. Dorena remained. He aaid he would cell together a pro up of orthopedic •orbeone end map out a channel for I the Austrian visitor’* activities that would dlleld him from exploitation; and ensue warm and proper co-opera tion. ; • — ' t They aey Germany wants raw ma terial* Sand her tome diverse caeca. Ju-ilvr B. Y. P. U. Program l‘V December IX, l#2l Mai Locile Ay cock. loader. Topic: Talc* ol the Red Men. Introduction: By yraup leader. ■ (o) Pone: XU drew—by Eleanor Grimes. Scripture reading — Matthew IS, 1-9—by Louise Denning. Missionary work among Indiana— (a) Early Work—by EnoU Pugh (b) Prraont Work—by Trank Cullam. IIow Indian Btoriea Have Bean Saved—by Margaret Lucas. Solo—WeVe A Story To Tell—by Marion Kanma An Old Indian Chief nad Hi* Works—by Beasi* Ilobbs. An Indian Story—by Rachel Ay cock. IVano Solo—Chariott* Hatcher. Some Words from Christian In dians—by Robert Britt. Memory verse—Louise Brewer. -LU u iw-iluj-g=~=st=; .-.rr? • •UCW»N AT.D JERNIGAM ¥ f\.j :»» ar d Counsellors ¥ • Allaw ¥ ¥ dunk. twitTM Carolina * A lAbCu SUlta Mail* au4 * * Trait Company BaiUiny ¥ LEGAL ADVERTISING — a ■ — NOTICE K'otloa I* berab^ aim that tha ua dfwifnad • dm ini Abator af G. W. Ea nia, d*eaa«sd, wttt aaD at public aae *• 1ifcc W«bt|| bidder for ano half ''ash, the bafcaya to ba paid with in I* months front the data af aala •nd to ba lecqrad by a xood not* bearing Interest. A larre quantity and other peremsm. proparty, oa tha fTc,'nJr*w°r “if totaaiod at lfrOB l&T* M- •" WBr, Daeember 92,, TbU 8th day of December mi. **;, T-GODWrN,, Administrator of 5 W. ENNIS, Dniiitd. Dec. 9 16. ,v —-- . NOTICE SALE O^LAMD FOR Dl Onf" “«• hy tortus of authority rootalnsd In aq oyfar af eouK upon > ipaeial pfoeaad%bafaro tha clerk kz'r' ZS* "WV a Barefoot, Eva R. Una and bun. >and W. R. Ha< tad tjiu... p Westbrook and _ ‘ Lawia WesK JJ’?!L»ndnext Maud if UlUan F. Waat) !er tha dm. on ml a certain of land h*x«U Jcseribid, tha * ad commit doner in accordance with an srder of aala a da la tba court in Morambar Mb, 1921. will iffar for aala, to ha highest bidder •' caah, upon U tot deaerihad ba *w “ Wtohar ft, 1M1 SAiSSf *■ “u“» »gjs.*a as it s» railroad in Avan too township on Pm;# •trort in tU Ju of tha town >f Dunn, N. C. BMmaJac at a «*«t~ Ndalrf ftps street in I. D. Will I saw Mitod runs South east direction iff lost to a Vtakc, '■ “li#i thanea a Uaa ? *•■?* J“?k ta R?“*t*nrl dlrec iou 180 feat to fi' stake, J. D. Williams eernerv ftbence a line mrtherty d:n iiUfcW180 font to a take in Pope atii|t thanea a lino elth mid street Utah aaatoaly dlree ion 180 feet tsIW beginning con alning 22,800 amah fact. Tho above laqZ|f aold under ok Ifr of court forBByiryett of dl Tenna af sato/mA. Tima of Mh.faapiay, December JEWSiaSWRi." A ■ -!_!■! _ _Ll! I . --v :r*:. ..* it tvi-KU «. 1»r«e uf ir.tw o1: n.eaatcd .-• rd 'e/v'l. i Shu i'.’.U jey • i ’ ca>mu, r i. csv'ZL'i 4 • .> a*k I* .Tf.'’.Nlw.vN. CwfsiJI.tJn-' hJ-. >i !. .• •? •••:. KOiiCS C.:' SALS Under and by virtue ot the lty if i judgment of the Superior Court of Jiarnett County entered in’ • eauto aatitlod "The Bank of Bar-! nett again*! J. D. Byrd, end wife,: Mary L Byrd, Parrirh-Drive: Ccm-' pnny and w. H. Pnrrlah,” the under-: alga od roamlaiioner appointed by ’ the Court will cn Tuerduy. Decc. il er 2Tth 1KI, at 12 o’clock M„ offer for Mte at public oactlou at toe wait konao door, in the terra of Llliington the following doteribrd reel ertate in Harnett County, N'rth Caroline: Adjoining the laud* of 1. A. Par ker, O. P. Norn* a:<4 C. i. Pyrri. it bclag the home plate where tho raid I. D. Byrd and hit wife, War- I, Byrd, now live, i| being Mary I. Byrd*! part of her father*! rit.itc, bt ginnlng at corner of Lot No. 1 and rune a* this line South 21 Eart ! 1 50 chain* to a etake In Smith’* live: thence aa hi* line Snulh 65 Kart 9.2.1 rhaina to a itake and pointer*; thc.:cc Worth 26 Wert 8.84 chain* to a pil e L <3. Jemigan'i corner, aleo a cor - T *t r : . tv a ■* rt ♦*. -• * no rh-Jt, j:.f. • M Ka V. . i'h f -j* ._.«»>•< ?.. n* s iv ?• as.:;wt x.v. *' tl* .*'*«' IJ‘t.v i»j l_v! -Xo 2* *. ft* o >.ist)fr1n# <•- L ‘ • — -f‘ to ;*!f . t- i«* t»u!.Jxr J . * it.-- ■ at- 1-. i. ^ (1. • • -- i-.-i ■ *i. - - -*r ».**<■ - • %•, tub l| II 111—— I •• • ' :1t CVsr ft b> ■ y • uv «• mi 'Jm jr*ji fWft ..1 wtUrf 1U1 : ' ■ M’Ca.t rtj.,vcry ».f . ... . . > ivi Narfhir. . *. T *7i. CmumViUs#. • ; « U 23. T *ir.- r~ ii • • i ■■ i i —B _ j Txrrjr eas- ■*——■ ■ i !■■■■■ w - - ft _ EAGlE“WKAi)0”>*:.i cucilKo.174 mMa^ r"W,*‘»w' D~l.r fcU^taHr..™^ ** r°* ™* TtXLOW ; NQL WITH THE KED KAN) r.ACt MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL C MPANY. NEW YORK ^mMMainaRiMBi * hbbmbmikmbbmmusmmvi^-^xmi ■MM JiHML'IMWm -— _ ANNOUNCEMENT! On account of the condition of my health I have decided to retire from Liainoas and will offer my stock of groceries for aa1.* Lo the higheat bidder at auc tion on— Wednesday, December 14 Or if you are inter, , ted in the purchase of it I will sell at a private ask any tima before above date. The purchaser will get the benefit of my leaae on the building I now occupy on North Clinton Avenue. N. A. BUTLER .. FERTILIZER* i > • i HOME MIXING MADE A SUCCESS Um MEALYMOH1A—latter far heme than eectan aaa4 -Meal---< > Who you ou meal get your ammonia from only one !’ eource When yon uae MXAL.YM0.V1A yoo got AMMONIA from ! t'kier sources, Sulphate of Ammonia, Tobacco vtcme and cotton 1 1 seed meal. j | MEALYMCNIA Analysa. a. follow.. | : Add ..1.00 Par Cant . AMMONIA ... .7.00 Par Cant Potash . _4A0 Par Cant Nothing to injure the seeks, will keep like cotton teod meoL V^TD°nNr.Sfo^kAJ‘Y“.ONIA • TON of II pereeet ! I ACID PH08PHATE will give two tons of fertiliser analysing at follows: Phasphorls Add-ISO Per Cant Ammonia---3AO Par Cant PMaah.—.tot Par Cant i > FOR SALE OR EXCHANG.: BY N. B. LEE, DUNN, K. C -MABl ONLY BY LEE COUNTY COTTON OIL CO, —SANFORD. N. C. \\ • ► Plenty of Tim* fcr Gik^i iatZJZH! ,L h"s' Coir’s $«nJtj>ry Dow-» Di«ft Rmif* w* M rrr'rc, lr. fc-tta. r™*Wl ■»'■ '*w fr* n** X. I,. .0.1 r.4t *% vr»ui» *na rnrf W.*WM %n' sim vm*T^ HoU. Fir# OOot Klskt pOLE’C V ^ HOTBiJurr . J 1..- . *«■ *avivg nrsm< rasggsasaiBss^pB Barnet ft Holliday Co., * Don, .N C. REINALD WERRENRATH Antrica'i Fmwimt *twn at the Raleigh Auditorium On thr Evening of Friday, December 16th Ticket* fo? Sale at Raleigh Time* Building Price*: $2.75, $1.65 and $1.10 (hue paid) • « ' ’’resented by the ' f aUREAU r—ee Building. Raleigh. At Eight Miles an Hour, or Eighty IVTHETHER cifcwiin.; along; al a snail’s pace in congested \yf traffic or hi^in : *l;*» hrttfi '•rwM on an open country road, “Stands "' '* Motor Gcsoitne will fire smoothly ghd hui n up cocipl'tdy, That is why i'3 tal ” e.-n <,! c.’t'a" cut of all proportion to the Increase ba lot:.! 'uiir.: -v-.:.~iplion. E*t>"*denc»d driven. vlw 'i ,i . i .' n fdliuir of the improved *?$‘r:>(Urti” Molt’'.1 ' • ». * «j v:*f*dly go far out of tjkeir way to plutic r< p-rr t. '—a. Ant fhSt fs not af-e.unw. fVI;:*Wc» d-niers handling this lieelty ?>alnnced moio«- fnt-J i. 1 to hr fcand on I rath Mikf . *h» h'pfhwey where re? jv.i *; atfL Yh.v c harge no more hr ‘ standard” Motor GtM,5V * 'l-’i o’hcTs ask for Inferior fTide-i mssqueradlnj ttn;V- frJtdfuJ names. • If your motor is sluggish have lh> rarhon cleaned from • gyUnfieri) and spark plu ;, < ;!..y the old diluted oil from Jour -»wnk case, and f.<i- v v.*a«: v >h a pin; or so of La*. Mhe. OH wdh POiiARINE r.1' ’!;,•■ ?r ti.io ^pcciftevl for your V* Then pin il'3lin.i*" ’■* Fui:?o * Gasoline into your fuel fcuk and see whst a good car run do, 1 ‘ ‘, - * STANDARD GIL COMPANY ; (NEW JERSEY) . ' , t . * >/\«

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