***** t * * * •LOCAL* * * ★ » » * * * Mr*. 0. X. Tilghman will leave this weak for Philadelphia where the will Join Captain Tilghman. They will re turn to Dann within a faw days and spend Christmas here. n Reports from the bedside of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Bsn Den ning who eras badly burned early tbi* week are that sha is improving. It waa at first feared that the injuries sustained would prove fatal Gilbert C. White, the engineer who appraised the value of the town’s lighting system when the agreement between the town and the Carolina Poorer and Light Company now nndor consideration eras reached, Is here from Durham. All land In Harnett County is post ed. It was made so by speeial act ol legislature. 80. while you arc hunting it will be well to guard against going on the land* of any one who object* to th# presence of hunters. Hunting upon any land In the county without permission of the towner constitutes trespass and can be punished by law. Although only a email crowd was present to welcomo tho Falcon Or phanage Singing CUe* at Its concert In Metropolitan Theatre last night, the little folk got along fine with their program and pleased all who heard them. A. E- Robinson and oth ers who are interested in th* orphan age at Falcon war* here for tha oc casion. All owners of automobiles who re side in town ire asked to aid as much a> possiblo in getting voters to the polls for next To today's election—es pecially if the weather ia bad. It will be necaaaary to poll nearly 400 af firmative vote* If the friends of pro gress arc to win in this election. And It is a matter in which every dweller in the town is directly interested. It will be of interest to their many friends here to Jearn that Claude T. and Rufus Gardner, brothers of George Carrdner and sons of R. Gardner, have opened a fancy gro cery atom in Washington where they have acquired a long Isaac on one of thn most attractive locations In ths capital city. Rufus Csrdntr has been In Washington for sovsral weeks. Hr. and Mrs. Claude Gardner moved there from Knoxville, {Tens., last week. Judge Cranmor, fulfilling his pro mise made to the wily bootleggers and moonshiners of Johnston County last summer, will return to Smtthfteid this month. He will find a docket crowded with casco—many of them involving liquor traffickers. We sure •oery foe any who have to go before him on theee charges, for he believes that the only way to h*oek u^the * traffic la to punish to the ttmdt those who engage in it On his last trip to flmlthfleld for the trial of erimlaal cases he gave eighteen men road sen tences. Readers of The Dispatch might havo noticed the large number of sale of land under mortgage fore closure proceedings. Leeks bed for the county, doesn't it? But thsre are » not near so many mortgage sales ad vertisement* in The Dispatch as there are in publications from other coun ties that And their way to our desk. Thors is, of course, little oouealaUon in this for anybody, but it serves to show that our folk have not been as improvident at may appear on the surface. They’ve bad hard luck and are unable to meet notes given for land purchased at tha peak of high prices. Since the weeds and grass which captured our garden last summer have died we find that we have a re gular spring lay out. Onions, beets, dottaeo, salsify and ssost all of the things we had such great hopes of last spring art growing at • groat rate and with a few more days of sun shine will ho ready fur gathering. Being a very inexperienced gardener and a not more than averagely Indus trious oae, we do net know whether this is unusual or not. But with re ports of second -crop apples, peaches and the like coming from all sides we deeerrso hiu mention. If ws are wrong. 1st us know. In kb* mass meeting tonight hold la the Interact of carrying next Tana day's election for the sal* of the town’a lighting tlyxtem the feet waa brought oat by Engineer White, who appraised the property, that th* ori ginal offer for the property eras (Mr 400, which, so far a* the actual salat of the material hi concerned, ho coa steered a good price. Bat by adding esrsval Hems that are not apparent to the lay mind th* price was prised upward to $48,000—and that for th* property not Inc ted tag th* load and be tidings used In the operation of the Most of Dann’s stars windows an flllsd with Christmas goods and an a fsast to the starry-eyed yeangsten who srs looking forward to the com lag of Santa Cteaa. Forehanded pan eats art basy too, haying their Christ sea* necessities before th* stocks an picked osar and while th* oaloepoopli has* time to fi»* them the attentioi sash parchasas demand. There ten auy stocks of toy* and ok of then or* larger than wt seas ember t< has* seen for sever*] yean. Mast el th* dry goods sod clothing store* am showing isrsteaakl* good* that wfl make oxeeUeat Christmas presents pad throaghoat th* bashes* diotrle (' everybody U praparinf for Christmas and its trade. MJm Mead* Johnson and Mia* Vir fioia Stone, of Benson, were visitor* in Dunn Thorsday. High quality usually means high price—Cole's Down Draft Bantu* five you high quality at moderate prices. Henry C. Lea and Charlie Baker returned Wednesday from Charlotte, where they attended tha winter car** mortal of Oasis Tempi*. Stockholdati in tka Baaaok* and Salomburg Railway Company wiU mart her* In th* offioas of Wilson and McLeod oa December so far tka pur pose of dacldint whether or set to vorrendtr their char Ur. All frieadt of th* treat aactiaa through which th* proposed toad would run era sta raroly ho pint that tka stockholders will decide to go on with tka work. No more worthy project ha* over been attempted in tha Lunn District, openint aa It would th* flneet farming region of tha vtate to rail transports '-•on. Tha banaflta would accrue to th* farmer* through tha construe t!on of this road cannot he estimated Aovriue Lopioo Elerte Odkm Th* local port of th* American Le sion met Tuesday night and elected the following office re far th* next /ear. 1. B. Williams, Commander, 8. B. Ferrell, Vice-Commander. C. L. Eoy, Finance Officer. L. U. Bixsell and K. L. Howard, Executive Committee. W. M. Pearsall. Historian. Jun*« But, War Risk OOcor, Carl Fitchctt, Chaplain. LhtU Infant DU* Gordon, tha fourteen month* old ton of Mr. and Mm. J. 0. Weat, died it tha homa of iu parents in Dnnn, Friday morning, December 2nd, after an Illneu of ten days Tha barial took Uaek' in Um family burying ground* ..n Sunpaoo county Saturday after neon, the funeral terrieoa being eon luctod at the grar*. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Vest in Dunn and vicinity deeply -ynn path Ire with them la their be es rement The Highest Peak of Old Testa ment Revelation studied in the 8eni or B. Y. P. U. Monday night Decem ber 12, 1221. We invite you to eome vith ua # Bong—Tak* my Ufa and 1st it be in I ou. Prayer—by Volunteer*. 8eript«r* Lasaon U W. Strick land, Min Lackey, Mias Stewart. Introduction, leader—Mrs. B. L. Denning. What the world thought of Christ —T* A. Com -■>* •> -*■'**• * Quartet—Mim Janie Ipock, Mias lohnron, R. L. Denning and B. D. Buna. Tha sufferings of Christ—Miss Vi ols MeNoiU, Mia* Henderson, and Mim Ovolia Bfltt. Boot—I know that Jetna lover ms —Mrs R. L. Denning and C. C War ren. The resutts of Christ's suffering*— Miu Ruth Westbrook and Mim Hern don. Comet Dust—He suffered AO Alone—Oliver and Caspar Warrae. Mr. and Mrs. Levinson Entertain. , Costa. Doe. 8—Mr. and Mrs Lev iason delightfully entertained at din ner in honor of ths Cost* Graded school faculty Wednesday evening. Covers wet* laid for twelve and ftva courses war* served. During ths even ing rook became an Interesting fea ture. Mr. and Mrs Levinson’s gussta were Mr. and Mr*. T. T. Lanier, MImot Lillian Johnson, Umlaut Ysl vington, Addle Newsoms, Nall Gibb*, Graca Long aad Clyde Jennings Moser*. Fleming and Graham. Rook Party At Dak# U1)M, UN. i.—on Wednesday av ailing Miaaaa 'Hamilton, Pnrker tad Taylor delightfully entertained at a rook party. The gnaate tint entered the spaci ous hall which waa profusely decora ted hi Belly, mistletoe and pi*sc. They were then Invited late the reception room which waa artistically decorated In holly wreathe and Christ mas boils, the eoter scheme being red >nd green waa canted oat ia all fea tured af the evening and the colored •ghu and baybcrry candles added much to the decorations The geests found their porta era by matching Chrietmas Cauda. 1 After several games ef rook an rnhiguc contact waa Indulged In. A hex of Bread Nats were prsainted to Mies Gladys Hamilton and Mr. Web ster Byrd as being the winners in the After this a delicious mind come and candies were served. • At a lit boar the guests departed thrilled with the spirit ef Chrietama. BeuMa Jonea, who Bros just north ef town, will celebrate MM birthday next Banday, P seamier 1L Mr. Jens* has been a irtpla for many roan and all ef hie friends are plea ring to snake the anaalia ef Ms birthday one of rail plwnmi for Mat. Bov. Albert Bntler will preach a abort aeimea and a great dlanes will be carved. All «f Mr. ionet friends art Invited to attnad and . bring a ban. ' ¥■ ■w ChH.Us in ptmb East To the potroaj of tho Doan poll offlea: Our greet poetofflao dapartmant ha a hi* job ahead and no ode year half Think what it means to bo laub Clam to our 100.090,000 people am to debtor Chrlatmaa pereale ta aver] family ia thla great country wHhh the abort apace of a few days am wilflout disappointment It caa h dona and we are golag ta da it, t ** may have your help. I am gulag to aak a vary oao of yoi to mall your Chrlatmaa parcels thii week, far notes* you do oo, Hack Same load aay ba so heavy the lea few days before Chiratmaa that ha want ba able to deliver all the Christ m« presents by Christmas tvs. The parcels must ba wall wrapped end tied and addraaead plainly Is order that they may arrive in good -ondition with their Christmas ap pearance unspoiled. You caa put oo your packages, "Do not open until Christmas.** And, there trust be a Dumber on your house and a araall receptacle, oo. for, if there lent, Santa Clan’s messenger, your letter carrier, may rot be able to And tho houae where Mail eariy tor'cSLmm, ■ Better a weak early than a day lata, If you care a tap, wap «M care, , Help ta aaka tkla -r happy, Gariy ta bay—early to Mall * I SOUD CAR LOAD OF [' ORANGES ARRIVED > -MONDAY > * Priaa from-SI.50 to 93.00 PER HUNDRED .. Will pall any q antity to any -body —r ANOTHER CAR EXPECTED -DECEMBER 1XTH Also Car Of Apples Thurs - day - a US. DIBS Broad Street l*l Dunn, N. C. Catty to noth tb« asd of tho trail. Last foryat to aafl CMOmo pro mote tfclo wit Wkhlac y«a a Happy Christmas aad a happy Nrar Yoar, I am. Touts owpootfaMy, X. C. WEST, Pnatwaotsr. Who Owa* Ttw Upat Who osrao tho byaor whoa it it ••Uod by Mats oOcarsT That is a bars riaoTctterof Polka Pago path- j •rod 41 yaarts of touted ia toad astosd hot* late tho tafo I tofts— of J k?■**='*: KHy. -JV- Vsbb~*T’TL-> ‘a—fcUffflMWSTBi the lagiabtar* la lalatgh broaght the "Mm to hold CMC A call to the Fed eial District Attorney wm wniM with the aae answer, bat the itam lUon to a welt a derision from Judge Connor was addsd. ; Meenthae a strong gasH is half. Dig the fen while an anay of desert i-'easier* with teagasa lalling hang •round the bars seeming to get setae wlaee tmm the feet that they aw at east wtthia smelling distance of a ittlc earls. Come to Diiil am! Colossal! Stupe nd tu! SHRINERS EXPOSITION __ ' . Vl* ■ n i Seven Days! Seven TOghts! December 24 th to Slat ImMIA Merchant* and Manufacturer* Exhibits! \ AatoosobiU Show and Sty U Re—1 }' Fw* Fto Demon.trad—1 TlscttHal DkpUyst Bend Concerts, Danda*, Eta, fetal . **■ REDUCED RATES ON ON ALL .RAILROADS • * * Martha Washington yandies * \ * 4 t i Fresh Fine Fruits, Nuts end Confections for f CRYSTAL1ZED FRUITS U ARCTIC ICE CREAM ALWAYS GOOD-ALWAYS PURE • ' j» » Phone 268 —s— Next To Postoffice , S' ' • * s Dunn Ice Cream ^ Parlor • * , » and Candy Kitchen F. C. SHKAN. Pibpri«u>r . .—■«■■■■■! ’ : £ . ; ; I “I Will Pay in January” i> what thousands of Christmas Shoppers used to say, be fore the days of CHRISTM AS SAVINGS CLUBS. Now ~ they smile and say to the clerk— “I Will Pay You Now” They have money because they have been putting aside each week a sum so small they hardly missed it, in their Christmas Savings Club A Plan for Every Purse. A Joy Policy for Every Member NEW CLUB OPENS ENROLL NOW BANK OF HARNETT I Duke, and Coats, N. C. % 4 - ■ ) CLEAN CP Greet Santa Claus With A Clean Town • r The Street Cleaning Department, die Chamber of Commerce and the Woman's Club ask your cooperation in the annual winter clean up campaign beginning now! Get all trash and garbage cleaned fro myour premises and place in boxes, cans of park ways before Friday morning. , Town wagons will begin moving such refuse in ward No. 1 Friday. They will take other wards in succession until work is completed. They will not make two tripe through the same Ward. • BE READY FOR THEM • * "■ I