UtAIn SEN1ENIE GIVEN 37 SOJERS BY GEN. GODWIN V*K And Jwi>l|u Are Execu tioners In Mournful Slaughter Haro PLEAS OF FRIENDS AVAIL NAUGHT AT BIG TRIAL Johnny Walker, The Haig Twine, Jim Gordon And Old LewU Hunter Among Thoee Whoee Life Blood Trickles Into Sowar Gan. ■ Barley corn Routed. Thirty-eeron deed soldi*™, ell in a few, occupying one comer of the of fice of U. S. Pegs, chief of poliec tetl the pathetic tele of John Barley eom'i latest eland against till forces that would ban his dacetolng smile from the light of day. They nrj there; their spirits have flown—and in the flying there lie* a talc heartrending and tragic. These little soldiers cams to town aboard a Pullman ear in company with two man, a woman mid—it ha* -isitimslad_samo ^-- a# dial. bind. Chief Page, Oesifer Nipper and Detective Langley, supported by oth er volunteer deaths, were at the sta tion to engage them. Through the wire mesh of a Pullman window the twe men escaped at the find sound af the impending clash, leaving the pore li'l eojen with no protection on the flank save that of the women. Nestling in the soft parking of eev-, an suit eases, the li'l sojers warn giv en ne intimation of trouble. Their eote remaining protectress oarrvndsr ed to the grim force of the law and with her wont them. At the police its tion they wen brought from cover. There ware, according to original dis patches, forty-eight of them. With the womaa they were put in durance rile pending the decision of General Godwin, commandant of the prison, »• »• what would be their fate. AH of this happened Thursday taand to taka charge of miy number •f «hem and see ta H that they ware iMde useful through-proper rearing It mas pointed out that so many of tham being furrinera it was not po lite nor hospitable to behave handily toward them. Being bashful and un-1 accustomed to sunlight in this conn- i try. the captives were not compelled ta appear before the trihonaL General Godwin, however, remem bering that General Barleycorn bad been treacherous on many previous occasions, decided that the old war rior should be taaght n lesson. He ordered tbs captives executed. Rare the garrison was overcome, ■neb a decision was terrible; It was •nthiabable. The limit of the law, aa far as the sunk and file of the gar rison knew, had never been inflicted on General Borieyeorn'o soldiers cap: bored bare before. They pleaded and implored, taming their attention to Executioner Peers and Ass: Kant Headsman Jcrrtgan In aa effort to save the Uvea of the condemned. Bat be so avail. The pleaders wars ta ba denied even the solace of ad ministering to the eondemaed in their last momenta. The execution wan to ba private, shielded from the gaxc of the thirsty throng. Gan oral Godwin’s judgment mas that the eejors be de stroyed "in the presence of the Chief af Mite and n deputy sheriff." He did not provide for any other wit Se, oa the diodes of night fall over the sorrow-stricken city "taps" was sounded far the on fortunate breves. "Fades the light; "And afar, "Ooeth Day, Comath Night, "And n Star, "Leedeth all, speedeth all. "Ta their mat" ■lowly the sweat notes of Hen wvHfwnitp HWHpVk U1 OKU room* ae root the etr»et eehoec throotfc the sarrowndlnp swamp*. UaatMant Jml(M seised the find «*Pt»v*, Minay Walker, by tha neck Johnny uttered net a white per, al thaaph the Lieutenant waa wrepinf ®**dy t eatfc aerww wae placer thraagh Johnn’ye ekrall. In a amnent hit bead waa yanked from kia ehonld era aad hit Ufa’s Mood eu trlekllm tabs Captain Papa’s kitchen sink Then e*ma aid Lewie Ranter, wbi has many friends here, and the **s ally popular Help twine, U he fel ••mad by tha raat af theee who onei wata Meade ta many Dana people OM Men Gordon, of Plymouth, wa last to po aad bo died as a soldi* To the boras* ad thopeande TV Dlapaaeh eatonda Its eympathlea. Bat I Mke tha root af yae, we’d like V nmt lawitK iuhtu* FIGHT CONSOLIDATION Cltisaaa Wrought Up Over School Qocctien Engage Atturnejr And Hold Mui Mooting i Harnett County Newt. That a hired attorney from Utr State Capital could add weight to the opposition to school eoDiolidatlon In Harnett wai the evident belief of tome people who gathered here Moo day in an impromptu meeting to whoop ’em up a gainst the mua»ure. Some hundred or mote citinens at tended the gathering, though whether all were In sympathy with the oppo sition movement would be hard to say inasmuch as the majority portion re mained calm while others imparted the beet information they had upon the subject. J. C. Little, an attorney of Ral eigh, had been employed to art as toastmaster for the occasion. It Is -sported that the attorney was paid 1100 for his services, the fee is not of so much consequence, however, the main point being that people In Harnett county engaged a foreign lawyer to attempt something he could not accomplish, which tho lead ers in Monday's demonstration could Have known. The object of the meeting was to •nskc a ’’shewing" against consolida tion of schools. It was a poor showing. Hard-earned money paid to the Ra leigh laaryor went whore it enmeth °t back. The attorney delivered a ’ittto speech in which he toid his Kent* it was not the proper timo for the question to como up. His hearers 'new this In their own mind of courso tut they applauded. After the meeting had gained full swing Supt Gantry undertook to rea ion whh the aaaemblaga, bat they would hoar none of It. They had a naid lawyer to do their talking and chen the attorney had quit talking hey quit the meeting. ORLS PLACE BAN ON THE LIPSTICK Durham High School Stadoat* Agfdmt Modem “Boauti fiora” Sean nailed upon twentieth century weane to boauty. The lipaUek, the vsbrew pencil, rouge, rolled stork nga, the decollete gown and even the pld stand by s-efa awing gum and pow ler are by official decree laid at rest eaide the reotlcia remain* of John Urieyeorn, and perhape with aa nueh effect "From Flapper to Lady” might veil designate the proposed tranat lon and the regulations as laid down by the 8todent Council of the reboot, are as follows: I. We disprove of the UJC of the -yebrow pencil, the llpstiek, rouyo vnd heavy face powder. 8. We disprove of powdering pub iely in elnsaoi. 8. We disprove of georgrtte, chif fons mod other thin silks for aehool wear. 4. We disprove of extremely low heck* ond f >rmnl eveninp i • nos. 8. We believe that dry's Ingth i 'honld be remlavd to suit the phy ■iqoe of tho Individual. f. We disprove of rolled and fancy hose. 7. We disprove of gum chewing :n public places. 8. Wo believe that slang should be abotlahed in our speech, 9. We believe In acting In a lady ilka manner at all Units, in al placet. 10. Wc disprove of eonversotior over the fence at roeesa with friends II. Wn believe that no article: each at lunehee, bakery products, etc -honld be received over the plary ground fence. 19. We disprove of eheatirg ii on recitation*. Bom* form* of cheat tag are. Using note*, tulng wrlttoi translation*, asking one’s aeigtibo question* for oocaeone ohm and look lug on aach other*' paper* If. We heller* that In enee o dlipata a* to whether or not a ccrtali net I* a form af cheating, the jndlri* committee In collaboration with th the faculty adrtaort. 14. We dleprore of aot* wrltini If. ' W# heller* that the atadsnt Aottld show mare rtepect to teach era and oldar people. If. W* conaidrr It dlidionorabl to participate la eraggeratian m* IT. Wc baiter* that any girl wh coraaa to achool improperly or lamw ' eetly attired, er chamlt* any oth* 1 *(f*n*e included In these reeelatien •foald ho sent before th* Jnidieli > -ommitte* of the. council tad the fi ' ealty advisor* v .4 1 Interview th* gtatlcman who can ta , where the other It quart*—if the 1 family araf ware w>wt. THINKS MARS CAN BE REACHED BY WIRELESS i _____ hUrcMi Has Nat Changed His Opin ion la Ihw4 Ta Saak A Possibility London, Dee. 11.—Marconi, who j some months ago caused a Cottar in the wireless world by announcing that he had reeeivud a communication of t'Tmrndosu wavs long* which ha Uttered to have coma from Man, hie not changed his opinion on tha possi bility of communicating with that ! planet because of his critics. Although ' r.'.ahle to prove tint the signal he hcaid was from outer space, ha now 1 declares he refuses to say it was not. Discussing the recurrence of such . "inieifereoM" in wire lass eommanl 1 c-ation, he said, “I have stated at vsri I out times that undoubtedly effects re irtnbling signals of graat wavas Isngih occasionally havs been regis tered by wireless receivers—affects coming apparently from aomewhere In space—and thesa observations have been confirmed by many wire loii oUervcrs. I may also havs men tioned on sumo occasions that tha pos sibility of such signals emanating from the planet Mare could not he en tirely excluded for the reason that 1 these effects seemed to havo their source somewhere in specs outside the earth and that the planet Mar* undoubtedly was situated in apase outside the rcath. It is dear, there fore, that when a metaphorical pistol '■'*1 held at my head I refused abso lute1/ to affirm the signals did not •omc from Mara. "How can I know How can any one know? How la It possible ta '.rove they did not? "The signals come from space out side the earth. They may coma from upper reaches of the atmosphere; they may be caused by nagnatic dis turbance in the sun; they may coma . >rom Mars of Venus even. “As a matter of fact, these effects tmro not been neoriy so noticeable of late—I sincerely hope the press wiU not interpret my Inst remark to mean that I assert the Martian^ in despair , at receiving no reply to their signals, have given up the attempt, probably thinking oar state of civUlaatioa to low that they bad better wait fer eev aral thanaand more yean before re peating their attempt" I The Shrine Exposition, which will be held at Durham Christmas week, promises to be .the most extensive and varied exhibition of the prodoets ef the leading manufacturers of the country ever brought together at one time in Eastern North Carolina. The exposition ball has been arranged as ns to fully show the merits of each exhibit Special attention baa bean paid to the lighting effects aad one of the most artistic In deer electrie illuminations ever witnessed in the rooth it being installed. Tbouaanda of electric lights will be used and the j color and riiading effects will bo of ! the latest Invention known to the electrie art. | Tbs special ball room which will occupy the center ef the exposition hall it 40 by 64 feet aad equipped . with one of the finest dancing floors In the state. The ball room will be i illuminated with a canopy «f electric lights in the colon of the ahrine. . O.ie of the largest and moat papular dance orchestras has been secured aad the Inver’s of the light fantastic are I premised a most enjoyable week. The management has secured one 1 of the leading concert bands sow on lour and concerts will be given af ternoon and night during (he week. >' Tits latest novel specialties la the vaudeville line have bean engaged and will appear during the exposi tion. ,; A Fashion Revue la which prefae i a'onal models will appear aad 4am : onstmte the styles ef the day win be .'a feature. All railroad* leading te Durham t will offer sBeriel rates darin* the run i «f the exposttiei. A handsome Automobile will ba i presented to the para— boldine tbo r lucky number. Every admioalea ticket . x>ld baa a coapon attacked which en title a the bolder to a chance In the f l-awinp for tbo automobile, i The net profile derived from tbo | iixpoaltlon will bo aaad far the pur l chasing and equipping of a play , tr uuod for the children of tbo aWf at Dorham la preparing to ontottaia I the large vt aunt bar af visitor* during . Christmas weak that baa near boon | within her rates, and all will mama ■ | thet warm »»d hoapitabla waltom* lei j which Durham people aad the abate j era are noted. t McD- Holliday, of the Barnes and HoMiday Company, who waa patefuHj 4 injured (broach a fall while locking »t the antics af the troupe af Mol bicycle riders beau last w—k, baa re _ covered and la again at hia desk. Mr II HoDlday waa bra lead about tea ohm y and shouldar bp contest wMb tb comer of aa auto mob bo door. I BOLL HAS NO FOR T rUIl nu In* one. Ui attKBO young log* ready In addition o profit! from^Bpfilr. Turlington -iptared nit pritao there '•r* In the fnh^HC at Raleigh, at 'ayetterilla rtBR point* in the tate, hi! throbAeietoe Won lor Xing bottg^H^aad ebampion Mr. TuTUac^^BEftM two herdi ierr| w-ae bead^^^EjgA-rtator which -and pound*. J^BSIer boar, Top 3clmra ^Wtt^ncr herd Mr* and dMft^KjSjLcra HI. by the way, it, fe^K^?otd Sciaiora, with tin .gy^ET*i« hard Hr. Turlington worked a °™y frowt»JjH|^MMfccrtiT.tla* and H to hogn Aook andb%H^d«s] laft orer '»r» of U*t CAW Winter tha wolf did not come Ulk door and Utla taooi that ■i >l#ilt»| farmer* in the >>nn DHtrtet KftMiUring to Maw ffeV* WHITE Bimt RATE IN THE STAtfeLA5T YEAR tUCHZlWMTHE UNION G*** 'iMM j|E|jl SwJtT WmU*gtim/mE 11.—Worth Car olina ha* the iJjbat birth rata for he white popwj&jkibf all tha elates ight la figures g^Qahad Vy tha fed eral burtan ofWtaati. North Car olina ala* ahnnaejl»te tha birth rate uaong tha eaUREyae**, balng «a -eeded only by Mkington and Catt le effect, tbdRt Heel state laadi all la bath IhCBm and oalarad birth rate* beciaadtVin are faw bo ttom in CallfOTtif Bad Washington, and tha i ia|ahf .h hardly worth wbil*. M Canons bureaw jkotN shew that ia 11<M there w*r*ti.40T birth ia North Carolina, aahaamared with 7le Tm* nit of WOMAN’S CLUB STACKS CANTATA NEXT SUNDAY Fifty mi Seat Vaises Flaked Fna La eal Oehi Far HhM Treat CbririnM season observants pre gram will be opened ban next Sag day night with a cantata by a eheraa of fifty of tha beat voices picked fratn the chain af local cheiahaa. Tha can tata win ha given andar tha awgteaa af tha Woman's Chib and in being directed by Mrs. Harper MaD. Hol liday, aaa iMh* Fannie Spain, af Greenville, wbe was one af the moat noted singer* of tha State before her marriage hare two yean agn. The eentente will ha ataged in the main euditortan af Divine Street Me thodist chore* and will be given sole ly for tha edifHatioa of the eomme nlty. No charge will ha made far ad mission and no offering will ha soli cited. Recent rehearsal* jndlrntie that tha occasion it to be tha meat enjoyable from a me ileal viewpoint aver at tempted la Dana. Mrs. J. Lloyd Wade, president of tha Woman* dob, w* play tha organ. Min Alloa Boberteoe. tha medast, motherly son] of the ^atns, at free Rcprcaantativs from Oklahoma, in tends to teak another term. She pro poses ta go before tha elect*rets af her state, despite tea fact that eat wn progressrr# women nave mso to weaken bar by labeling her as a 'Friend of Wall ■Wart.'* “I’m lined ay with Wall (treat, aad I'm U bad all round. I’m la a kettle of hot water ail right," ays Mim Rohe risen. “lack hem,’’ mid the Oklahoma Representative, reading a radical newspaper. "Under tha heeding "Vot ing wirir Wall street agaiaet he Free, dent” is my Beam. Poor eld L who la my Ilia, beeeam I always had tee Mg a family te feed, 'lined ap wtth Wall Wrest* I have a tittle piece ef land deem in Oklahoma. Whaa the thing ea tt. I atom toR kM fat-4 •9*9*7 '-iv* sz&ftsnsnsr*? nt*R usatmo plant Harnett County Howe. A steam hcwtlng pleat has set been inetaDed in Central Harnett Hospital to take tha pines of fhs hat air system whieh wee fosad inade quate to meat the aeode af tha in stitution. Radiators la tha kaRa, affi rm and 1* each roam aad ward rea der the hospital comfortable through out. The hospital is Mkeg a (sag felt aead far both LiOiagtaa aad Basaatt county. Besides faraiririag add aad relief Hr tha tafia hip la time af •tram, the inetitatioa has been made comfortable aad home Uke far the convalescent, aad the people are (eel laiag aad appreciating tha eerriem of On. Halford end Riddle, aa weO ee the efficient end petea-tWdmg ear* af Kim Wheelers, the Mperiateadeat DIRECTOR SCHOOL EXTENSION MAKS* REPOET OP WORK Harnett Ceanty Newt HI* Hama Camp, director ef school extension la Harnett sseaty. submits tha faSowing repart ef the wark accomplished daring the month ef November! Twenty-three meeting* ware held, with • total attendance af thrae thousand. Six special prtgrmae wtth a thirty-minute lecture oa mm vital tapir, ware fives. Three hundred del. Ian wm raised by the different com munity dabs far athletic gee* aad ether echeol equipment. Fourteen basket ball aad valley baH autSta war* yurchaead by Mm different schools. Twenty story hewn war* Mid dea mg tM month aad twwaty-eue after noons vast la giving settingup ex •reUee, arganlaad playground wash •r *m* etMi farm af mhlotlca Hx *MaH started dealer CMtoearirip wath (a the seventh and eighth grades. I_ __ i It btkhr iKt Mts rfeint «*» hie , whiah aar ba InM , -jormal yaw, M H . tha United State* late tea wwT , . "For lWO, tea hi*** birth rote (*11) far tha white r .nVHu h . frond far Narth Carolina nd tea i h>wate (1M) far OaMfrawta, white , for tha aatarad (whiah totted* n» . (raa*. ladtesa, China** and Japan***) .jtha lifted rote* an Ml rad Hi — -hteiln nl OH * **•"»*■• Th* nast Itghaat rata far Om j aatarad 11 1, la far Narth CaroHoa Wte tearaat rate, talaaad (dtan**rd * ins tha vary tew rain te a faw af th. k'Naw rnstenf atetea la whiah th* n* * (1T.I) ate 11white| (JM).« CLAUDE KITCH1N MUCH IMPROVED Of HEALTH to tha haahk W Minority late, Claada Kttrkto. Aad thsprababOHy ofktowtareto hit attire duty to tha Hoaaa." add A- WOtea McLaaa, Director of Aa Aar Ptaaaaa Caayaretlaa, who waa to Raleigh toat sight. ~ Scare aty a day pastas that I da sat hear a on pr are I a sat Dwaaerat aaytaas As sptetoa that As safacead ahsaaaa at Mb. *KHchaa here Mi toy sa ItosiaaraUa badar to wall tigh aa (mparahls tore to tha Da ■acratk party aad to Aa coaatry. "It to generally aaaaadsd hy both E)istcvt(i aid lUftMkaaj, tkit ju Boar badar to tha great dthatoa that utawrlf hrahs toaaa hataaas Aa rppndng patttfcal pottea at ttem tea Aa ptaaaat Ctoadt Ktoehto has "‘ftteh tewSd^l tow aarar waa say aaa whs to aay aptotoa, paa wwwd tachjaa] ability as a ready TOinf Mvm Um BcpuNktAi a tha Baaaa whaa a early arary pra aiaast tapablliaa waald at aarea tota to tha dabata altaaspt to coiaar Me. VIA n«U fire gaaatiiai, to* r si ring svary coacalrehla phasa af ha itlirsadii **Tha reetot was always Aa aaaaa. Kltcbaa waaM torertobiy floor hit atotregstoit as tote aa Aay waald toare, sad aaoo thay waaM all ba ret to flight, may af thaw aa ere tanaread hy Ms goad bareatad logic tad rapaitaa that thay waaM acany » tha cloak ream to escape Ac aMh ng caaataasacc af tkair colleague*." n. C. HAY BE THIRD WVALOE OF CROPS ter tha 'etah far mi. be glean eat te IT Mr. _ their owm and they lm ground for boptag that ioatsad of being atxth te the Mat aa area the caaa late yaar, North Carolina may be third or cer tainly fourth. According to their calculation* and •fmfm Tessa will he Ant with arwaad 1471,000,000; California wOl be eoeend with !«■ thing like |800. 000400 and Marik Cantiaa third with areand MO0,000,000. Certain naknown qaaatriiw eater, lag into th* equation mmkr It paa •ibl* that th* flail raeaHe will ha dif larait Iran abt It appear* mi they wOl be. On^ ad tbaaa onknew* MaatMaa la tha rain# *f th* crepe ethar than tha tf principal crape on which th. Agaraa tore haan aatfcnated aa tha haaia of the Kwlir erep report*. Mr. filter H-g that thaaa cropa wOl hear tha land rtit Uon to tha whale aa to 1*0*. tha tote •at flgara* at Ida caaunend. J,ni1n that tha total vataa will be a. etatad. ■boat three hidrad aflUana Vatoa ad frtoelpal Crape BidtoMtad value* ai tha principal er»ps f>wbU< firm tha Itiylir «• m Mlatt: O*0« Valaa Cera, bateaU.940400,000 Wheat, hateik. 7.110,000 Oate, hateeb. 1,070,000 Badey, hateeb. 9,000 Bp*, hateeb. 440400 Bnekwheat. hateeb . .. 77400 bateeb. 0,000 "bbA hateab. 0.100,100 Bwaet potato**, hateab. 10.071400 All hay. toko-14 AM.000 Tobeeaa, paand*. 00400400 UM tatton, peaade->0471400 ******. 00400 Ctorer seed. hateab- 004400 faa»aHa, hateab -- 0410400 Apples, hateab.. 1400400 . . .0000,004400 V*»a* liitMTa, A »—Birina «f i«*r*a H *oNrfftayMk|«tr«(llU abow **Maa 0t crops bar* *ki*ak. h tka» y**r th* nka of North Car* U** ***** (a*** *f Ik* tgara* ta ***• »*«rta*k) *■* NUAM.Hfa* M* Mai* war bvO. Tazaa wa i fW wtth lUHtWNt. Not atm - Ww* with M4MM.M0. It|ii«a to 1 laaHa* (am ***** k *ha* fta mat ntMto. MOl.UT.aM, OaHtoi [SALE OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM DECIDED 1 BY BALLOT TODAY MOrR*lMkd WOMEN ORGANIZED FOE EFFECTIVE WORK CM Krtow"T?m7aU Vton T» Falla—Ns DwW Tkai Elscttoa Will Ba Cw rtsJlf CMmh Am M» Him -rUrto M* af ito Mr toalati ratify a i—act mb ■dttad tot^ Carottw Maw aad aft bo dacldod la olorUaa km to toy. WWi^yd^ of too yoMa tola *« Ctoalbirad rnmm"a!!!to M dfeotttoa of Mm t. Usyd Wad* tod T. L Kiddto, too. too Said la aa ►Sort to briar tvwy r—lit—id astor la to* laditl— flaw to CHy Matt. liopaaal ad Alt atttait away of w> <«l wbo foal tost too tawa’a fMut nlfm la at otako to tWo ’tnira fca ara I Mr £■£ Mwi •ak tfca • mUk kirn p»fr MM “7 •» >t Hmct r Ml iMh la V tfcaaa Mr CM Mt It lha nr U alae aaavil an M STS M »Wra mi tt la Ibrlha 4 a4ar at iaat rtoa MB My in I MM M *r<v ■Mi la a la a naa MB M IgnMI H la hUiI far am* paayU ta DM yaa aaar aattaa IMl aw* fe aaeia] vrtton an paarT ala. -ClA.ItTjMtt Haw Tartu KNr «*■*••» Paaaaytraata. MRJHr •00. Caa^rtM Igma «ar la* ywr i a*aa «ka «nat rtnap M «a*aa «a 1 *«• way bat ha4 aat atoaak tha aaaa «fy vNk fall faraa aaai Taaaa, rr*V - 4N,IN|lm.MN,»MN|BMa I •4M,m*l| Cafwala. HTI.IMr 1 *00; Maw Tartu URMT,** Kartb » Caraltea. MH4TI**. Mr. ttahar r an that vartaaf Apm far mi

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