THE DUNP X^iy111- ' Dunn. North C«o MERCHANTS’TAX RETURNS EASIER * Gilliam Grissom, Collector Of IgWiriJIiWMW laauaa TV following rat—ail u h—ad ky Collector of Interval Revenue GUllam OriMom. District of North Carolina: “Moreheats, manofarCuroro and ba Ma— —a gaaeially aaad experience no difflcalty la taking their lnvantor lea for tha yaar 1021 to conform with the naw ravenna act. Tha lan guage af tha Revenue Act of 1010 and tha Ravcno* Act of 1021, (Sac. 201), ralatfag to invaatorias era iden tical: “That wbaaavar in tha opudoo of the Conuniaeioner tha uaa of Inven toriao la aoea—ry ia order eteeriy to datormlno tha income of any tax payer, inventtortes shall be taken by •ach taxpayer spaa sack basis as the Cni— Imtliner with the approval of the Secretary, —y prescribe aa con forming aa a early aa stay bo to tha beat accounting practice In the trade •r business and aa moat clearly re dacting the Income.’* “Present Treasury regulations pro vide that Inventories must bo valued at either ’sort’ or ’coat or market, whichever ia lower.' Taxpayers wars permitted, regardless ar their part practice, to adopt the ‘cost or —rket basis, whichever is lower' in —king their inrantortes for 1020. Thereafter, the Regulations provide, changes can be made only after per mission it obtained from tha Com missiontr af Internal Revenue. * "In tha cess of a merchant ‘coat* manna tha tnseice price leas trade or other discounts, expecting strictly cash discounts approximating a fair mis mf - a. a _ a > w D*‘ •» the option of tho tu ****** providing a consistent course ia followed. To tho not Invoice price ho added th. oool of transpar toWoa and othor neesmery chargee incurred in aegairing r-Im 0f the goods. “In tho «aso of a mT-efaptar.r ***** provdhag at the date of the Inventory for tho particular marchan dlno. Tho burden of proof os to th: correctness of the price rut* upon the tax payer In each case. When no open market quotations are avail able, tho taxpayer* meet use each ev idence of a fair market price at the date* nearest the Inventory aa may he available such as pwille trasac tieas or compensation paid for caaceV letlon of coetncts or purchase cotn mteaentn When, because of abnor mal conditions the taxpayer he* rcgn Uriy sold merchandise at price* low er then th* market bid price, the in ventory may be valaed at each prieee The eorreetnem of each price* will be determined by reference to the ****** ■>•* •t the taxpayers for e period before and after «h* date of inventory. Price, which very materially from the actual pric « to eeeortalned wDl not bo accept ed ae Nflecttep the market. “The value of each Mom ia tho in ventory may he measarod by eoat or market, whichever Ie (ewer. An en tire ebook may net bo inventoried at eo*t aad aim at market price, and tbe lower of the two inventories need. Inventoriee on whatever baste tehee will be (abject to iaveetipatton by to# Oommimioner of Internal Rove nae. aad the tax payer meet satisfy the Cemminrioaer of tbe correctness •* the price* adopted. Be meet be prepaiej to toow both the coat aad price of each artSela ia 9 ‘ladod ia the Inventory. “I* the conduct of aoodorn buoinom H " of too Irtmo* importance that *rmr harineaa. lappa or Mall, wheth " partner* Ip or IndM oaai, mall maintain an exact record for raeeipta md expemm No rpecUl ijriu. of aooonata ie prescribed by to! “*T*"**' b*t theboefca toooid toow fat detail Inven “•ft*1 Invoet iMJtr( end similar itana roonlvad^ in mekfnp np become tax return*. ' . i MUCH DAMAGE DONE BY FOREST P1EE IN CUMBERLAND FayaRsriHs, Dr. 17/* 'A fortst <lto which bemed over a larp* area, topad la Canror*( Creek township this ”Mka. It itaried on Uttlo River oaal of Maaehatoor, and burned eaatward to to* linden rand, a distance of cam lap to tho Linden mod tot mfl*. from too elty. k ti estimated that toe area burned over comprised tone sends of seres Fee taneteiy, however, there was Mtth famiap land or timbor In too area CHAMBER PLANS TO AH) PROGRAM Will AnU In Dlwaralfionboo Plus of Dunn Farm With all minor matter put aside and the wont of the "hard timet" far behind, the Dnnn Chamber of Commerce, comprising all of the for ward-looking basinets mtn of the community. Is clearing Ha dacha for strenuous action against the boll wee vil and other evil forces that may have designs upon ths natural de velopment of Dunn District-resourc es. With this end in view a mooting •f the foil membership bat been call ed for Wednesday night, January 11, at which time a program mapped out by Secretary T. L. Biddle and direc tors of the organisation will be start ed on its way toward fulfilment. Inelodad in program Is a scheme started a year ago through which the organisation hopes to substitute truck, food crop, cattle poultry, twins and nail fruit production for cotton. And the scheme has every chaw* for voccem. The chamber is striving to indoe# every farmer in the district to acquire thoroughbred bogs and cows and to plant at least small parte of their farms to food crops and ber rieo. Many have already promised. General Julian S. Carr and other wan prominent in the State have boea nvlted to add re ee the January meet, "« wheih will mark the begiami« of a now roar's wort by the chamber. During the last year the organise ion has been badly handicapped through a lack of funds, but next ear ao such trouble la expected. To Were r, even so handicapped, the nVAblutinn Mi m vtvima fa<4aa I. carrying the election for *200,000 is *bool bonds and the recent election '-h rough which th etowa disposed of U oioctrie plant vary advaatageoas CANTATA PLEASES ALL MUSK LOV0B Magnificent! landtorr ad ■•od by tba mar* porsaao who Boday night beard the cantata—the Light of the World—rung by n mixed chorus of forty voices chosen from the ehoire of Dunn’s churches. No finer motie, ban ever been heard in Dana and much praise is being accorded the Woman’s Club, under whom auspices •-h* cantata was presented. The cantata was given In Divine Street Methodist church, whose great auditorium, Sunday school rooms balconies wore crowded to capacity whan tho sweat strains of aa organ prelude by Mm J. Uoyd Wade, pros dent of the chib, heralded the open ing of the program. Then Rev. J. H. j Buffalo*, pastor, read a few g assess from the Bible and lad in prayer. This was followed by the opening choru*:' "When Light is Come” announcing the coming of tho Christ. Thon on taro ugh th* woBdrotu tal* th# made re**, ending in that eweet carol; 8U*at night) Roly night! Woodrow otar, load thy light; With tho angel* lot a* dng Ailohdia to oar Xing; J**a«, tho Savior 1* bora. Tbo ooio, duet and qaartot part* went aapoclally good. Mra. Harpar Holliday and Mra John C Hodfo* contralto and alto, mag “Skint, Splendor Divine.” Tbi* ora* followed by "Tho Light Bvorlaetlng,” by tho :horot. Then followed ta ardor: Ho. A.—“Tb# Nomo of Jtoa*”— Soprano Solo and Doable Quartet— **>». Herbert McKay-Mra. W. *. ColtrwB*, Mra. Jno. rttagorald, Mra. John Hodgoe, Mlea Gertrude Jaekaon. ^B**T*- Sotlor, Warren, M (Queen and Bain. Ho. S.—“Stag O Heaven*”—Choir, Tenw and Baa* Daet—Moran. Cae ♦er Warren and Jaa. C. Phillip#. H»- »■—‘There Wen Shepherd*” —Wproo 8o|« a»d Do*bl# Quartet rJhV *+* ritagaraU—Mra Mo Kay. Mra HoBid.,, Hr, Hodgoe, Mira Jaekaon. Meter*. PhflliD*. War. •en, Bain end MeQoeea. Ha. T.—“Glory to God la tb* High. •«t”—Oiera* by tbo Choir. Ho. S.—"How When Jeew Waa Barn Solo and Choir—Mr. Geo. W. Gardner. Ho. —"Wonderful Baby Jtaa*“ —CentraIto Sol* and Double Quar tet—Mra Harpor Hollltoy. Ho. 10—"Sook Y, 0^ Lord"— by tbo Choir. N*. II—"Th# Light of tbo World" —K»oal Chorw. by the Choir. ...Try •Ho—"Holy Night”—Dr Joto Hlgbemitt,. ri‘**waH. Hr* V Hr# K L. Deaaing, Mm J. W. Pordlo, Mra NEW MANUFACTtmma COMPANY AT ULUNTON Drate TVU Pram MhwU A corporation oarapooed of 1*1* ISb and Pam villa teutMi* mb to forav in« thi* wed for *• pmm of w tebliohlng m piaBt on tb* oft* of tb* old Empire Lamber'Ce., to aMite tor* cm rat pip*, drain tU* aad other cement product*. Tb# pleat will bo located on tbo Norfolk Soathora mil rood between LiUingtoa end tho Gap* Pear river, jut outaid* tb* corporate limit of town. Tb* company baa acquired right* to the property from the Standard Sand aad Gravel Company, which will furnta tb* near concern about three can ef rand and gravel poo day. Lumbar ba* bora erdorod far tb* fraction of ibodo, etc. Contract wa* lot Monday far tho flooring of the property of traoi, rtuorpe, Ota, end grading tha baa* ground for tbo P'ant- It io the purpoae of tho rom rrny to cure operationi immediately. Product* of the StondaH Sand and C.v.*rf Company are wall <uttrd for (Ira claa* of manoCaeture. at ureQ c< for road aad balldiag w. ik The Sxrdard operate* « of tb* moot c . p’ote plant* a tha country, tam ing out a auperior grad* of grnvoL waabed aand, day, at*. Coraoat work on the Oilaur building in talilgb la which the Standard product* arare need, proved by teat to be of tho moot darable quality. The cement product* corporation which ie koine chartered thla weak will locate Its plant near tha base af material mpply, and than nave the freight heal. It la understood that operations of tha company will ao> Msa largo proportions. — Harnett County Mown REPORTS MOONSHINE SYNDICATES IN R. C. Eahloaa Talk Comniaataoav Haywe. ' •* Gigeatle Orga at—H—i Wellington, Dae . IS.—Operation af gigantic iwaonshlaa syndicate* fat North Onrolina was reported to Pra Ubitioa bp U ' "There are dteartea,** Mr. to bo operated bp in lhair tommnnttJea, in a” basin cos way and otherwise. While not per sonally engaged, they famish sup plies cad money to little fallows who are doing the work.” Mr. Kobloat rtiofttd thi ttsAuft and destruction of forty etOla in sixty days in North Carolina. N. B. Bnaa Hart fas *i nriilsat N. B. Baas, aopartntandaat of the attract cleaning department, loot two fingers from kit left hand in an onto mobUs accident on FaystUrlBa road Friday night while rats ruing to Dnon | oHth Marion C. Bstler. K was one | of tha strangest accidents afar ts happen in this locality. Tha lights af Mr. Bauer's ear were vary poor. A few mflas from Dana bo taw a seen walking la tha rood. In t» raring hie ear to tocapo Uttfa^ the man, ha collided with a wagon that tha man was The mmmm wm* walking U knap warm. Mr. Bam *m thrown against the wind Aield end Ha broken glue aeeered Me An kers from the bead. Mr. Batter wae net taut end little damage wae mi fered bp the ear ar the wagon. JOHN LEWIS JERNIGAN IS KICKED 1Y A HULK. John Lewie Jemlgaa, n pinlmi farmer who rostdse a limit dlrtann from Doan, b suffering from a eeri oaa wound to kb head Indleted by one of hie mules a few nights ago. Mr. Jamigaa was kicked hy the mole when be epened the deer to He atoll, the animals heel strife!»g Mm ever the eye. It wae feared that Ma AnU wae f motored, bat after tenatmea* by Dr. W. E. Oaltrane hare he ap pear* to be eat *f danger. If Ckrbtms* dee* bring peace la Ireland Lloyd George wM ataha he b Santa Ctaan Erery third tom ha* an ante. Otto *r two third* atari tale* Mrs. . *• X- Jeffrey, Mia. Oeaer Btriekiaad^ X"- w- X. PeamaB, Mr*. MoO. Hot llday, Mrs. Cmekatt, Mm Biwagbtoa. ,Mla* Leaab Oetaey. Mbs BaA Watt hrook, Mb* Vtela MeMefll, Mrs. Mar I Per KeNMey. 1 Altee—Mm F. Smith, Mm Jtm Hedge#. Mis* Jneheea, Mb* Mis* Kennedy. * T soots — M*mm Batter, Mlgh smHh, Pbfllips, Warren. »—oo M*mm Gardner, Beta. McQasen, day, Denning and Snlpee Director—Mm Harper BetBdey. Oigaabt Mm Lloyd Wad* u. L NOT OBLIGATED TO AID JAPAN IN WAD ■tea ad tana la Prtaeljal *ba and aa mIL dorsad tt •ad ten "’**V**t *•>■*•*■< to niktto* to ^MSuTxuUJulLr**** f>hl*1 ** ®toto*r ton toil ton* ka* km n M k, to. aUtoMto •*•*■*• to liafuft i| M**TT** .** ***** k. >ti)mi to •to tki iiMtf to to* AjMrimm toWii tat wKk to* bwtr al £sgr&.nl*g«~~* hhits^2 to to* tan* *f *ar •aOto toto mm «f Ha ^ton frirrDwmrri.«. *to W«dMk*r titanm to. d H- «. tatoMtodi in UQtoctoa H. s. ^-1H Umm u to *» to 14 « to* atonl -. . . U"*- natiiiglmi ky “to *• |«toi to to* ■**, to* to. «to M *y M**#r tomato Jto #*♦ at to^bVr'm •< to*"to!^*.*Tto JM. —. hartor foaakt to. *yyHgMJj to |iT35 2r<LOto511,*£^2 Am. 7** m «f tiu ff if prl I

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