THE DUNN /olume Vlll. Dunn, North Carolina, WATSON HEARING GOES OVER UNTIL i HOLIDAYS Failure of Witnesses To Ap pear Before Committee Cnneoa Action ONE FORMER SOLDIER TESTIFIED YESTERDAY Marion J. Wallis, of Athena, Ga., Tells of Alleged Killing Of A Private By A Corpor al at Camp Wheeler; More Witnesses Are To Be Sum moned. Washington, Dee. 21_Because of the absence of half e doaen witnesses summoned to appear today, the Sen ate committee Investigation of charges by Senator Watson, Demo crat, Georgia, that American soVdiera had been hanged in France without trial waa forced over until after the Christmas holidays A new batch of witnesses—nine In all—waa ordarud to appaar January « i vi iMainiuvn in *n» ui statements mad* heretofore, in let ter* to Senator Wataon and other* that they had flrit hand knowledge of illegal execution* Kiltie* of Private The only former soldier appearing today—Marion J. Watlie of Athens, Gx.- dld not Mm overuai, hi* tco timoay relating entirely to the alleg ed killing of a privat* by a corporal at Camp Wheeler, Go., in ISIS. War Department record! to determine whether the corporal designated by Walll* only a* "Corporal Crawford.” had bean tried were demanded. Thorc waa an Intimation that tho committee would proceed to compel the attendance of George P. Hub hard. who recently declared In n ftatement here that he aaw tho bodie* of three aoldier* which had been In terred. and that there nrau a repo around the neck of each, “allowing tho men bad been hanged." Notified that he waa wanted aa a witaeta and aakod to coca* along at one*, Hub bard aaat a thru* word telegram from ■tour Tut aaglag: “Will sat accept.” Ooaigio Pooolly Raw wa* named Crawford, mad tho man shot, he thought. Privet* Halloy of Tampa, PI*. Wallla rood a latter from on* of hie comrades at Sanduky, Ohio, at tacking oBeers of * Georgia regi ment, and indicating be would get even tome day. “Some of those Georgia oBeora were pretty bad from that?” Wall!* was aakod. “Y*», indeed," he replied. “This moms to ho n Georgia fam ily row,” laid Senator Ernat, Repub lican, Kentucky, aad Senator Wataon joined in th* laughter. At thia point Senator Wataon of fered a telegram received today from Jam** R. Milton of Chattanooga, Tannoaooc, saying he a loo had wit n earned the killing of Halley by Craw ford, aad would come to Waehington 4d» iMtifv lA tkst affapt Annthfwr t/alm gram from W. P. Brock of Lyndale, Cm., aaid the aoMier was killed be cause he wm lit and unable to work and that crawford was not tried by court martial. Wallis, however, had another version, raying that Craw ford was tried by court martial, giv en a thirty-day furlough and then made a sergeant. To the beat of his recollection, ha said, the killing was la May ar fuse. 1*18. Some of the telegrams referred to Crawford aa a captain, but WnlMs stuck to hie story that he was corpor al at the time of tho shooting. Wltweos Court Martial »d Wallis, on erose-examlaatlon, ox plained that he hod been court mar tilled twice for being absent without leave, losing his poy for ten days for the fir* offense and locked up 40 days for tho second. He raid he vol untarily returned in each ease. “Thera are three A. W. O. L chargee on my dlsehergo papers,” ha said. Reports publish rd at tho time of the Camp Wheeler shooting, he mid, •bowed that Halley was shot while re stating arrest, but be added such re ports wart not true. "Did ho give the corporal provoca tion for * noting hbnV Senator Wal ton asked. “None whatever. At the time he was diet Halley's aim had been brok en by clubbing. Halley wm struck down with a slab far refusing ta week and then (hot ta the hack dur ing the next day. fames W. Wilson, of Winston-Sa lem, arrived la* night to join Mm Wilton and their little sea who have bora visiting relatives hors fur sev eral weeks. Ho will probably locate hero peimaaentlf. UC.C.US I-UR LAND MUST HAVE EEVENUE STAMPS Chatham Record. Janet L. Qnfln. cleric of 00art la convention with the editor Mel week, told that many people wen making a grave mietak* by bavins deed* recorded without having a rev enue stamp recorded with them. The Mw require* a 60c revenai stamp on every deed for every |6<M or fraction of five hundred. A deed of 1.000 would require a (tamp ol ft, ate. Yet there are many peoplr ratting on record every week paper; without thee* ttempi, thinking they are all right. Coed B**M«*» The daily preit report* the em ploy*1 of tha larger packer* through their committees have agreed with the packer* upon a redaction In wage* which will go into effect No vember 28. That ia good news. A lac it la tha fair thing to do. Three wage* have been too high in proportion to ether thing* and right-minded work er* know It- Now, If the railroad wor kers would bat be equally fair we might have a chance for a further redaction of the high freight rate*. It i* generally known that the rank tnd file of the worker* admit that iieir wagon* are out of line and toe high for present conditions, but thth leaders ars determined to fight U hold them there because they think their Jobe depend upon it. The aver age working man Is fair minded, but he doaa not take enough Internet in the meeting* of hit organisation to attend, lotting the extremist* fix the policies.—Wallaces Fanner. CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR EVERY HOME Dam Institutions Will Reliwvw Cowry Case Of Suffering Reported to Dispatch Are you*to much In nswl that San a Clans may not visit your home? Do you know of any person who is n such a condition? These are questions tbs Dispatch oeoM She to have you-answer bo '.ho Woman't Chib, tha Chamber of Commerce or some individual carries ■ellef to tbs suits re r reported. There rre many institutions and individuals who will bo glad to help all who need help during this season when every home in the Dunn District deserves Chat cheer which comes with Christ as*. Already the Woman's Club and the Masonic order ars at work relieving the suffering. Ceerge Gardner and Z. V. Snipes, at a committee appoint ed by the Mason’s ars looking for isffsrsrs and are anxious Vo find somebody they caw help. Alyready, lAA iVtnw kana fsaoeo_ day they carried cheer and soma of the substantial things of life into the homaa of several negroes, who other wise would have had a very desolate Christmas indead. The Odd Fellowi and the KnighU of Pythias, also, will (tart today to search for those who suffer. The Bed Men, the American Legion, the Moose end oil of the churches want to help. There is no necessity for suffering any where in Urn Dunn District this Christmas. Wherever there is o pos sibility of It, let the Dispatch know. It will be relieved. B. Y. P. v. Prog roes—-Chian Monday evening 7-.J&—Decemhei M, IMI. Scripture reodtago_8oo* Ferrell, Orahom OHvs and Xaynsond Denials Introduction—Croup CapUin-Evi Strickland. Part 1 and 1 Some ways and things that they are greatest—talk— Mrs. Mary L. Batta Part S China’s Crest Wealth talk—Mr. X. M. Slaughter. Duett—C. C. Warren and Salih Naylor. Part 4. The Power of Supersti tion—paper—Amanda Culp. Part t. Education in China — talk—Perry Godwin. Solo—Mrs. Oscar Strickland. Fort 9 and 7. The failures of China’s old religion and tholr present success—talk- W. H. Crimea Part t. Southern Baptist Mi* •ton* la Osina—talk — Jessamin* Surfing. "The** Wise Fools" ho bo at Fey eMovlllo The most sensationally anccoaefu theatrical manager of this genorotloi Is John Golden, purveyor of elooi Hvs, and h* will present one of ht heat, “* Wla* Peels.” by A oat it Strong at the Lafayette Theatre, Dec ember tSth, FayeCUvilli, N C. The roamrkable thing about Gold TELLS WEIRD STORY OF LOVE AND MURDER iQttiwtwpU TragWy U Far North Re parsed ta the Mowtod Pe Uaa I Edmond ton, Alberta, Dec. SI—A weird atory of Eskimo love and ruth j last morder was brought la by mra erngcr today from the Icy radon of ' Wager’s Bay, thirty aiilas cast of , the Hudaon’a Bay trading peat—near I ly five months after the quintuple l.regody occurred. The ilaying*, according to the ■ - oport received at mounted police headquarters, revolved about tha am ours of a trader named Otto Binder. Binder, the report said, became attracted by the wife of an Eskimo, ■ id bar husband and the husband’s *alhsr volunteered te And Binder an ithor Eskimo woman equally attrac ts. Setting out on their search, they womnn they thought would be at •etiv* to Binder. The only draw -irk was that this woman also was narrlcd, and her husband refused to ,trt w;th her. He bride hunters sol >d the problem by shooting and ae riouxly wounding the husband. His cousin, however took offence and ahet he younger of the pair. The elder man then opened fire. ■>«t also wee slain by the cousin after he had exhausted all Mi ammunition. The cousin then proceeded to slay 'he woman to save whom husband and father had started on their bride 'nest. His left the four year-old girl etherises end motherises, so aha was t angled to death by one of the •head men" of the diatriet W. S. Hart Married in Hollywood Char all Lea Angeles, CaL, Dee. 8.—WU tiam 8. Hart, mod so picture actor, was married hers tonight to Min Wlolfral Westover, who has boon in* elided in bis supporting company for iomslime. The service was read at an Episcopal church In Hollywood. IAMESD.PARKER TUCEKER’S HELPER District Jamas P. Parker, prominent Re publican of SsnKMald whom aepirw t:ons to be United States District At torney for the Eastern district of North Carolina was defeated by Irvin Tucker, of Whltcrillc, has boen nam ed as first assistant district attorney, according to an announcement made here yesterday by Mr. Tucker. The Parker candidacy had the en dorsement of former United States Senator Marion Butler, but that baek ng was powerless in the face of en dorsement of the Morehaad-Lanney "H°f Combine" which area xrrord»d "r- Tucker, the selection of the SmitMald mao at assistant hoc occas ioned torn* surprise. Mr. Tucker was here yesterday at tending to the form all tie* of r.vt-g over the office which has juat been vacated by Edwin P. Aydlett of Elia abetb City. He is stated to tako the oath of ofica today or tomarrow,, and wfil probably be (worn in before Judge Henry O. Connor, leaves for hta home in Wilson Hut afternoon. Appointment of the remaining no »i*tnnt and tho clerk assigned to the office will be dofsrrod by Mr. Toekor until It is determined where the of fice of the district attorney is to ho located. Headquarter* is now estab thhed at Elisabeth City, but will ho | removed to Raleigh or Wilmington, it being required that an ofie* ho main tained at some point having n federal | court. Mr Tucker stated yesterday | that ho personally prefers that the office be placed here on account of .tho heavy docket in the Raleigh di | vision, but that tho matter ha* not bean finally determined. I Col. George H. Bellamy, Halted States Marshal, la sow the only Dem ocratic holdover and It to expected that he will shortly ha replaced by R» W. Ward of Raleigh. Haws and Observer. oo’a comedies to that white moot com mercial managers maintain that the public likes and patron lies only the risque and salacious, ho has boesms n minions Its wtth plays that do not I contain nn unclear Una or thought ■ Ho to responsible for the world's re !*ord breaker. "Ughtota,-" “Tho Ptssl Year," which to running in Ms second ••aaon at «be Ubtle Theatre. Non > Yoik; “Tarn to the Bight," mid U 1 the’ movies for three quartern of a I million; “Door Mo,” starting It* thtrr i Ve season, and "Thank Yon", srhlel i followed ''Light*la" at tho Gaiety ’ New York. His plays are Moan, hw the fannies* aad most tatorestta| - of tho stage. PACE NOT CON Report! Of fcxafgwra Report* to Uk Police Page war run battle on j one day thi* v. *ffe of the lata exaggerated. Z hoi oecu inot even bean half of the fact cutodiaa of or wave* in which at all. Trite, who felt uan««d. ,_ h!> _ o*fWll or an sihk. •It .ties ha Ordinarily rftkhl . rlka ding*, ha ia Juldlced to lot this •*. Pago. Gaanro throe-yoar old ia Pittman a in*. | ^ his temporary' treatment his grand W K. Butitr. with tha chfld lata Into tha Bight until ha waa taM hat h* had a fair chance to recover. The accident occurred in Layton srenoe In front of the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Butler. Little George Har man war playing fat tha street with his brother, Caster. Mr. Royal saw .ester run from tha curb to tha mid dle <# the street and dash back. He did not sec the smaller boy. who ap parently waa fallowing bis brother, until he ores Immediately in front of his car. Fortunately ha had stowed 1 down whoa k* saw Caster M into the stroaL George Harman was struck by one of Ac springs of tha car, but |not tnocttm down. • Mr. Hoyul etopped u ww m the child *u (truck. He gathered the lit. • tie forte K bla anna aad nuked tot* ! tha Butler horn, to which be ed Dr. Hlcka Immediately. A. aeon aa Dr. Hidta examined the bey Mr ■eyal •uggertcd carrying Mm to F«y etterill*. Report* from there yeeter doy were that the little fellow wat rettliy vary well. ASK CONTINUANCE 1 AGENTS SERVICE Wonu'i Club Aad rhamhm , Of Co-area PotMom To CoanmiaekM-rn Haaae dcmonatration work, ordered by the Ooanty Beard of Conuniaaion ora to ho diacontlnued January 1, will not be gie— up without a atruggte by the Chamber of Commerce, the Woman’* Club tad huflvidualt who era cogo leant of and familiar with tho groat f*od that hot earn# to the county through tho effort* of Mim Bridge, beaaa demonstration agent, Wbe hat b#*» Working In the county for auroral month*. Petition* are be ing circulated through oat the county aaking the ceau—eeieoetn to re mu rider their aattrii tkroagh which the epproprlatioa providing for continu ance of tfcb aerrlea w«U be etepped with the aad ef the year. The ceoaty pay* only Md.«T pet month far the terviee given by Him Bridge. The balance of bar aalary h paid by the State and Paderri gov ern meat* that the email earn epeul by the ee—% tor thb aerrlea hoi b-ovrht headaome return* la ritowi i by the work deaa here wtth the Wo man’* Club bp Mim Bridge That, toe r It a very —ah part ad the terviei ■he hat gir— the eeuaty. She kai I Twenty-At* mi cotton by Monk to f radiated in a cottea latter from a Hew York Brokerage bawaa U Major IW. C. Heath. -The dawning if a fitted of ampacity," read* the letter dtoarmaaeeat ccnfermcc at Wctolag tea baa predated a faaliag af caaft dceca through ant the woctd, which hot alroody resulted in giantly im proved rntaa, nnd hatter credit coadi ttone ebread. which will enable for eign eonntriee to hay greatly to aoaead amounts of eatton. Japan and ; Gnauy are making iacraaead da maade far eattea each day, far ah awe i lid year. Thia iacraaead demand , from abroad ecopied with the a- ] tremciy limited raw material ea , lyued at the cotton mtOc to eeitela to rt UmodoUcn wfll t» Ha coara* | by Jauuy 1* aad thca It will b* | hard to bay eotton at aaypviaa. , ( “After tho holiday* tro expect tho , diy good* market to materially lm- | i pfov# roeuhiog In a very good do- , i mood (or apeU. Boon Booth Ameri ca ia ehowtng on tnrre—ad daman* ] (or nor place good*. “Wad* Wamptoo Arautreag, oot too specialist, aayi: 'll it repair** "twenty atz aad oaohotf million aetm | of boll woovtl load to prodooa eight , million balm ai cotton it wil taka Sf.7M.0M aero* to ataka twolv. mil- ‘ liao end IS.1SS.000 aero* to mate 1 tn bUIIob btUi Wlo b<BiTu that I tb* tooth will plant forty -ate. 1 aim next yoar, rtiit will bo a no* aaiy to make twelve atilUoa balm and 1 tb* world wiH rag litre haiiia or flftaon mill tea*. W* bolievo in dd aetely mad bigkar prime far cot ton aad weald bay oa r oca mi i no. ft will b* waO to keep thil Ikh—t ia j mlad and giro R aorlotu coaRdara tho. "Ootton win roach U coh by , March. Don't aoU a halo, hot hay May and hold R." SAPIRO TO SPEAK ! ON COOPERATION < •gj^aruBai*: Aaron Soph*. mcigalaod a* poo- < bap* tho highest anthority aad yr»- \ bably tb* moot i aa i fai lag gnttr aa 1 cooperative movkeilog In AmrHoa, < Win dolivar addrvmm on thi* aobjoct at tho following place* oa tho follow- < I lag datoa: * I , Goldsboro, December *7. Bmtthdald, Di iodhir tl < ! Kiarton, December il. Greenville, Deoembar M. Rocky Meant. December SI. I Mr. Bayir* to aad boa boon Bar 1 year*, the attorney far faortaoa Of 1 the moot socceaafol eooporativ* Bear- < keting oeooclotion* of CaMfoiato and 1 *» the odviear and attorney Of the • Barley Tobacco Grower*1 Association. • IJoat organised ia Ron tacky, with a 1 dfiod ay of ninety per cent and of * the Tri-State Tobacco Grower*" Aa- ■ renation of North Carolina, Sooth 1 Carolina-aad Virginia, am h pro 1 eem of omntoatioa with a Roe aa ' already aafteieat to make certain tha . arcaalaatian early to Jarmary. The i organisation la eeadaettog ] •a inatnahra campaign and caavam far mcmbcrchtp to clem Jinuy 1. 1 It la Jam a qneetien bow of hear wt • caa make the a^irity to KmH Can •Haa. We an auMw that tha Mr ' ltd ftaa-a«rcd Wight tohacca grear I lag State la tha nation theft hare aa 1 January 1, the Mfgect timed mem tenhip far eaapentire maikatiag. , In tha Ught af tha evidence af Ha 1 ■Bceamfnl opanttoa to many ether 1 tiatoe H la hatlavad that cooperative ' marketing which eaama now Iain ail ‘ in this State, wfll greatly toenaeo <he ‘ profHahlenem af agrtonltore ami 1 Prove a gnat hlaaetog to the farmata 1 and to eU other todaetriee wham proepertty Is materially affected hy the program read praeparity af *e chief Indaatry af tha State la Which tight y-two par cant af tha pi pale ' tien are engaged. Bah—“If opt pee pie an net whet they aaad to ha.” Charlaa—"Haw*» that!” Bob—“Child ran.” ■one late every neek and eeraar af i Harnett, toaahtog term women a* weH aa them ef the towai how to make the meet af their eppeitaaittae. She haa taaght eawtag, had making, fruit preenrvtag, toetdag, heme eee acadaa and all petto af thlagi that ewman an Intonated to. Tha cervine haa heee af nadald, haaaftt to tha enmity. A fiaadatlan far mack halpfnl aerriae h the Ba ton haa keen bonded The cemmla i dmtrt tootod einndlii MOIWBMlOOnM TO FAX* OF MSB SON WQntegtan, Dot 21 — AMapph Wnt A. Banina, aoi ax'- oorrico ■MW thle city,'notified boten the da r Kiot. --^tr—"■ItiftiatM raa knap hi Franco tecnno* ho nr to rfeey tho ardor of a onpnat * elaea-ap a Maahada vtth a tooth Maah, Ha Oaaar Edwaade, •* Ofla dtp, natter of Slap, darlorad today Jntdholoyoi diatefal ai totte fan rfWaaa. Horinp haaa infonaod from od> dal and otter aaaana that Kiap ted liad of woando la Franco; that te •r obadap aa adnr aadtoally that M wi hasp, tho relaUro* teto of te non an doahtfol aa to what to Milan. Kia Edward* atatad thh ef onooa that uadi now aha had flw 7 teMond that ter aaa had diod a aldiar'o death la tea The naan of Ktap had haaa Meta led M the Nat of than which an to d to ter World War doai,tatM ktttoc M charge of tea monoriol ma lABDlMG MAT PAT ▼hit to ranuauuT Wateingteo, Dm. tt_TtoUnt brdiag U conaMccteg a trip u Ptae •Mt, North Carolina r*R tho ChriM mu holiday* Attorney General High arty ha* boon invited U aecom •oy tho PnriM, if tho plea nen •rialiaoa. /OTE TO ABANDON RAILWAY PROJECT i reQiead mnoortiag Dona. Salem Bornir, them la a rtroog proh ■bttlty that tho charter of tho com “T will ho retained aad an effort * mode to rhaoga tho direction of ho propoead mad ao that It will con *ct Clinton aad Dana, with a peoM •le detoar to Newtoa Grove. Tbit iroject wtH ha propoaad U Um dirre tora whan thay aeaet ham at aa oily date. DkUh to giro ap tho Bil—hnrg »d Kotohoro project wao coached ooa after the meeting came to order * Piaey Omen. Tho Mechheldcm tamed to bo of one mind ia tha mat »r. Thay did not fool able to taka ap he Mack for white they had aabocrlh d aad worn cnnvtarad that tho aaM M way oat of tec matter was to a «ndoa tha project altogether. After he amofl oapooot to white tho eoot ony has boo* pet hoe beea paid each totehaldcn (ham of tha faada white «vo booa paid la wfll bo retained to P an awaiting tho rater* of 0. M. rilghmea to town from rMHi1|>la t Coptota Tilghaion thlaka wall of ho CUatoa-Doaa prefect, it io pro •Mo that aa oftort win ho made to wM H. ho aeroon to totm to tho »p poking dago la “Cornered"—ip which Ac rffl appear at the Lpfhpotu Theatre, ’apettevMe, N. C„ Docotahor STtk a opctaoi of *Ib opociaHate which ao 'f kite la Now Took eannaUp, tho ■facteroto, hSM P^lHr Md poof act la ■ rwo diatlactica woo hootowod oalp iftor rorlooo ooloraoeopio taoto aad HMlpaaa had boon soda af tho bn «< Niao Kennedy*# akin. Tho hen poactioaUp ororp aoownfartpre* it coM enoao, lotto aa aad dcia *We Wm" M America heeteged Woo Koaacdp for har oadoroomoat of their proporaUoaa. Proaoliiaw. bow moo and darn la the 1—paay‘o pro Mo won offered Mtn Kowaodp far iba am of bar boom md pbitigropko la ceanectiep with dlfforoat «n« fooda. Dot from aU thorn effen. Jflm Koaacdp taraod la iwpltli refowl “Tho oalp external okla boaaUft jro 1 eon Id oror andaroa," Oka doctor od la irplojalng bar rtaad, “would bo water, frook air and mlight” I 'nnWtn’t oooa ror irnnecnd thee* epo •iaSp. Mp aOfkt tfMfo op hot BOSTON MAYOR ONCE JAM BOB) W WUah U Why laciaa - Ju. Corby For tte nnM Um “W tewi M. Carte? te III City BaU aa Mayor, b a way Bootes’* portomoneo at tha poll* oa Taaoday yaralteb that of Cteoetaad, which ol octod aa mayor loot Nor saber a au •ha had boo* twM frost tho city hsO oo ehiof of patten os afty char gm la retries a wis.n Tha oterUoa •f Fiad Kohler Is tha Ohio aetiapo •at tho country (has hat the'etecUoa aaaia ia Baotoa of “Jha" Corley. "BorprtOoa! Boar did ho do It— aet aaly la the find teataneo bat ta tha attend cespetfn T** it tho qoce- - ttea ahod aa te Curloy. Not to op tar flippant b offering aa esplana ten. lb a now or amply ia that Carter te a rate factor. Bo for at bio aoth •da art oastooaod. that u aaathar J** A aampl* of tto Cutter way of totag things, towovsr, h not out of plate. Ja 1»1T wtoa to nt serving hi* l**t tam aa aifir, Mr. Cuitey was ,J»»tod to Chicago to attend a patri ot dinner gives on Oaorg* Waiting, wa’a birthdar by tto Kaighte of Co hnAw Bob due Rear, just defeated far Mayor by Thompson, bad spoken and ha arm foBooaJ by Judge John P. McOooity. Each tod toachad aa Urb affair* aad tto topic of tint off sodom aad what to do with thorn. Hcaaia Aotani of tto guoot fro* “OoBthaaoa." to began, with aa aaoy manner aad a Mato as Da. -I haw* boas vary such iotsrmtad in •tot I hoard a few a tastes coa* 'cniag tto ■anagsaitet of penal ia ... — “* Ur of attar simplicity and Indtscrib Ate fnuAaasa to tell of hU tors, » Door Mato, wbaro Bostoo'a city ’Usoo b situated. Mb story was true A may raspect. Ms did aot oaait a uogl* detail. Why Cartsy Oot Tara la Cad ft was back fat Ms early days aa a politician la the Koabury Crossing »«tloc. Me tad promised an old ■tool friend hb asatatoae* in being appointed « tetter carrier. Ha gar* It. hut rattar overdid the giving in hb loyalty, guteg oven to th* extent if answering personally anna of th* TtoAtea in tto required civil aervte* "twahmboo. Tbs frteto got the job tod Curley got, as one might iay. the teto. That is, soma political enomy ■■a late paassaiia of tto facte and kicked up a row about it Trial aa a technical chary* followed, ns did a aad mayo^^wu^andtecd vfter doing a bit af throe month* is aot a port of this story. It b cited *• tow tto Curley method. Aoy ouo running for cfltet who doubts (to (Assay of A* slogan. “H* weal to jail far a frteto.” aeed ooly taka n little nerve, tot b asoa* to work. Df r*u syhoatho aHntofcf Bam* tatoted* of you do; Uto R b a filthy Sab it. There b a law agniaat It, toot s town law aa welt as tto law of do ooucy. If you or* bound to spit, apH to gutter. WeaMu must wnlh on to UdowaQca Kaao Aa sldrwalb* d«a». *»#• wfll pinch the apitten. ■attar qntt now. water, cold air and rtroog aonlicht, Wt another woman'* mightn't. Skin, wo m dlUtmt o* tompeumwl* ■*4 U yo« enrtr notteod. «hh»r m rOTy uynttn tompermmente. "Don't taka tUo to mean." worn* Mlae Kennedy, “that my aw* temper mamt it what tha beacty doctor* mmf have aaid my Ain wu Tha ■and** I took the teat, 1 may have Wan in na angoUe mood. If I had Wan aeraoaa, irritable or roboll eo*. ’* weald Kara raoaalad itaalf la tha ■klat jam tha maaa aa if I had aatan Ua maay rweete tha day before. I •to"* yaw how many that* f •wM tarn my foaa ta tha wall U I mw a akin rpocialim appcoachlmt. "A perfect aawmloalaw," anma ap tkle yean* pey*haaaklninaanHm, "•Maaa net from araama and lotion* 1 applied externally, bat Aram the per fect flaw of pore blood Internally. Aad that la only pomMe whan there la partem harmony hi a dear mML* i 1

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