WE DORR DISPATCH fUtUSHU KVUY TUUMV I AMD nUDAY. Sown* — iiiiiIMim lUtfiN 1 ««il 1st, 1(14, at (ha peel dn * t naaa. M. C, aadm the asTal i -.•» t. im. L SU3BEK POPS. PAMa »■ »c months__ AS • SLAV **®^o • • • •• W'J. To the mini of the Dispatch tho a»er or 1M0 and moved to town are temporarily much bettor off than thedr lam fortunate neighbors who stayed by to* farm. Ssaae of th*** very men, however, are now again giving evidence of their farsighted ness by getting ready t* term again fas 1ML Npw is tha worst pomdhls time to quit farming. Tha man who hold* a mis now almost inevitably sustain* a serious Isas. Financial relief 1* slow ly but surely eeming brio th* elate sad next summer prices wfll almost 'certainly rise. There are men who ars not fitted for farming who are doing tha right thing to soak soma other occupation. n. ,--i «-- a.i a._i_ of fimoi really Iht farming and that they will be making n mUUke te ga into tarn, other oeenpatlon. TV fact that eo many peopte are dlaaaaiagad right new with farming far fundamentally a wand argument far gtaitlaf ta farm agate with re newed rigar.—WatUae'i Farmer. Ta Baaawtaga Oertege Mcwaal Oteeial acmiaanmint hat bean re tained by Peataueter U. - V.c'.- red >. a juitvMe*.: and the a: n»!j'tat< I nent eo-tlntiad, wa.a merely to ha" ) Jf:?. rw-.rn appo’nted odminlrtratr’-: f so ct'.lrr.t wets tn tlia stata of Ncv. , Y#.!>, to pay New Yok creditor* and to tern over the eurptu* to the Italia e Sate '» ta dispor-d of rccotd'ng ti l*.; •*? x-'ment. AH pasties, it aaaer* J '* r-c wfl.king ia hmnony. Tt-c remaining onc-htslf of the cf l tata ia to ba divided into four aqusl i- parts to ho dlatribntod among the * *ont r.odoifo and Tinrioo; tlvo widow i- :'o~cthr Benjamin, and the Brothc 3 Giovar.no Caruso. The agreosneot also r- makes provision for the proper sup part and maintenance of tha deceoe d i r «• mvthar with his expromod Premiums with Horsfords SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION The purest, most wholesome, economi cal end satisfactory self-raising door is nualo by mixing Iforsford's with your revorlto flour. You also save money by exchanging the Red Labels on each package for valuable KKEK PREMIUMS. Partial List orPramiasia Cieao rresfocrtrd labrlaf runt HertfordV packages! gelid Geld WnkllDX (Una *ilrrr»iuY, quality simreutead Mart Heavy OvIJ PllkUJcarcUjr I locnv _ Tunalsi Tedri Artielea Vanity Cur, bilk Urn Vr *1 llumc Dm Hied Haas Child's books Wrtal Watetm tbiraea till Water DoHlei School Sets j Price Litt FREE CAKES Bg Cakcs Liitlc Ca .cs Plain Cakes .. Fancy Cekec Baked in Your Own Home Town t _ Straight 'rom theCven to Your Table * Pearce’s J&ajcery r r Your Grocer Hah 3117 Y MCE BREAD »»■»❖♦»+•»■» ♦■»♦»♦♦♦♦♦»*♦♦♦■* — _——— USEFUL! f While Johnson Brothers are Selling Goods at a Great Reduction, Get Some thing Useful for that Christ mas Pres- * ent. • • t EVERYTH*! G TO WEAR I . i _._ _ ■ —— •* wlsbe* and for tho traction of a ftt- ’ ting chapel la the Naples cemetery to receive the deceased's mortal re main*. PAY TRIBUTE TO col. watterson Lomlv.au Grieved By The New. Of Hie Death; Taft Deliver# I Eulftfj Louisville, Ky., Dec. 22_Col. Henry Watterson1, who died in Jaek. i-onrillt, Florida, aarly today, left Loutavilla three weak* ago far hi* an nual pBgrtmagp to tha South, whom for yaara ha had spent tha winter. Apparently ha war In his a fuel health erhlch, however, far several yean had not been good. Newt of hU death was rccaived vilh many evidence* of grief in Lou isville, whore for more than fifty ••are be had been a notable figure. Apparently he faced with calmneea the end of hi* span of Ufa. Once, Srior* ondorgolcg an operation, he .‘aid to the managing editor of the "loa Tier-Journal. “I wn prepared at any time to urrender my life to God who gave t We do not know about there Hlngi and 1 face the outcome with -vanity, whatever It may be. It U t perilous thing for a man In hi* *ev 'nty-ninth year to jubmlt to the eur Teon’e knife, hot I am ready for i< rod all that may follow.” While convalescing form a previous linens, Mr. Patterson con wn led tc *e*d tome advance obituariei of him relf and wrote this: "I am retting a foretaste of mj vwn funeral—sitting up in the grave e* it were and reading tho obituariei —and grinning at tho boys, hut very -hoorful and grataful. It it *kind o* n set’—heaps better than being wad ■lied with movie* and called name*.' Wea Fear lew Fighter CoL Watterson was known as tki feartea man who, having arrived al » decision on mature of public policy fought brilliantly and with tenacity for the position he and the Courier Toumal had taken. All through the World War every editorial he had written invariably contained the alo pan: “To hall with tha Hey'burg ami -.* Hohcniollern*." Later, after ho hid «i retired aJ editor ha occaaieaalW rtadr contribution* to tha Couriec-Jou. anis editorial peg*. On the approcch of ’,‘l 78th btrthday, under tho title “An >' Autobiographic Foray," among the J last of hi* editorial*, ho wrote on u c variety of tubjecta, includin' wentao euffrage and Woodrow Wiloia. A foa of eroanan eufTrago, he aid, Iten who favored It regarded it "a* vi ca tering wedge—openly to turn lo. • and {reclaim that the Bib!-* 1* a m.m —made IV out oi the «ti •» clttli «:# aUnad far tha euhjoct . of wuiae i,1 adi “that under ‘.he Chri turn ui • • p'**eal"* n, the wv d i* a mt * urU; ef erotig. InjutUro and falK rcw.sr to v.umen.'' To ) oil on the r.dewelkT Somo t. •••;? o' vou do; w.d It i* a filthy A Hem* l> a law againat It, too; 11 Vv law a* well a* the law of dc '■ you are bound to kpit. fpit . li.. utter. JVomor. must walk on ’• ■•• — ll'.n. Keep the ildewmlke ire will pinch tha *pliters, -ft now. -Tiwi> t". vVib'Mi, of \V!n*ton-S» .Hi. r i»,.d latt night to join Mr*. '. il:o:. rd their UtUo eon who have -i v.iix.r.j relatival here for trv r ■ iU'c'is Ho will probably locate ; ; rintneally. Allow us to extend our best wi-hee Cor a vary Merry Christmas and the ewassl dosi.-c ter your health and happiness during the coming year. We bare a store full of Chrolnct goodies that will I make your Christrr.fs diuoei- a success. Order yonr yule tide jiw.vj necessities today. I ■ SANTA CLAUS - - - The bearded little gentiemun who coir.es from the h'.u\h every year to spread cheer through the Christiaif worid hr.s n rrte hii nrclitainary • visit to our store—and be left a great stock of •.•k**;aiv.l cheerful things here for you and yours. It matters not vital your age may be, there Is something here that Old Santa designed especially for you und other folka who are like you. The stock includes all the pretty toya that the children will expect in their stockings op Ch;i/ttr.a3 Morn; it __ has dainty toUeUaats pur-mo4her aad the girls, weed book* for'SH ; nicety ■ bound ulbles; pretty ornaments, novelties, dolls, candies, perfumes and the like. About everything that would be acceptable as a Chrit tmas pre sent for any member of the family can be found in our stock anil we will be mighty glad to show it to you. It will be well to make your selections ;u.v/, l.e- vj-.a in another week the stores will be crowded with belated steppers via will make it impossible for you to buy intelligently. V'e 1-vr? of time and help to serve you well now. Make your selections while .selecting is easy. WILSON and LEE A ■