_THE D Volume VIII. TWO INTERESTING PAPERS ARE REM) AT CONFERENCE Mrs. Whitehead and Mrs. Rid dle Taka Part la Program DUTY OF PARENTS TO CHILDREN OUTLINED Relation of Missionary Society To Church Explained Sun day When Divine Street Methodists Meet In Annual Discussion — Pastor Gives Years’ Plan to Members. Relation of the Woman’s Mission ary Society to the Church, and Pa rental Responsibility ere titles to two papers read before a conference of Divine Street Methodist church Sunday night by Mr*. T. L. Kiddle and Mrs. 3. W. Whitehead respect ively. They were the features of a program which ineludrd presentation of the church plan for 1922 by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Buffalo*; a talk on Sunday school work by George E Prince, one on methods of inducing full attendance upon services by 7. V. Snipes, another on deepening the spiritual life of the church by D. H Hood and several other interesting points The conference w*i held daring the hour usually devoted to Sundsy even ing services and was attended by most of the members who were in town; Mrs. RiJdVi Piptr Mrs. Kiddie's paper follows: Tho Woman’s Missionary Society is a complete organization which, work ing under the auspices of the church to which it belongs, baa its own pecu liar sphere of ueefulnssv It may mean much or little to the church ac cording to the energy with which it functions. A real live society can be of very great service in attracting people to the church and in maintaining inter est In church work. It undertake-* 'o sac that the church building ia kepi clean and attractive at alt times, am’ to have supervision ovtr the social aCaire of the church. < kind, seeking out those parts of the work for which it Is best adapted, and directing its special attention along those lines. It assists in caring for tbe poor and needy, doing missionary work at home and in the foreign fields, and in various ways it raises considerable sums of money for these purposes. It also assists in raising money for tbe maintenance of church property and for building fund-' where churches are being bulll. It is an organised medium through which the women of the church may do their part in assisting the church to servo the community in which is located and in the upbuilding of the kingdom of Christ on earth. Mrs. Whitehoad'e paper follows: ParnatUl IU«pon.lM|ily The home Has been called Ihe faun tain of civilisation, and this is indeed true, since the voters who shape the course of our country are trained in tho home. No other teacher has the acknowledged divine right to instruct that is given to the parent. They are first in the love and in the confidence of their children, and first in the opportunity of training them. Word* spoken and deeds done In the home dhape character for more than do sermons and lectures or any other outside agency. Since tho fountain of our national life is nndsr the control of the fathers and mothers of tin land, it is in their power to make this fountain tend forth waters cither Utter or swoot for tho death or the healing of the people. Parents have It in thair power to train their offspring to ‘‘ahhor that which is tvll and to Ooave to that which is food,” end they owe them this d\ity. They briog their ?i.-ldr»n into existence and hare them under their control until the young lifo has taken a bias that will last through eternity. This fact should drive us to llvos of piety; for bow can wo teach that which we have sot learned llow can we Impart that which we do not poasomT Parents must teach by ex ample. Our ward has sot authority or Taaeh CUJm OMimi Children thou Id early be taught obedience. Thl* la rieerty brought out In God’* word by such postages a* “childran obay your parant* in ail things for this Is wotl-plsasing unto the Lord" and again In Eph. 1-1. "Children obey year parents In the Lord, for this Is right." Tat there has naror boon a tine whan disobedience was ao common or widespread Why In this! I think the trouble 11m not ■o much with the child at the parent. Many parents art ditobedient to Oed, thair Haarenly Father and that they hare failed to bring up thair childron la the fear tt the Lord and la the BURIED TREASURE ON WAYNE FARM TLree Stranger* Vilit Old Lane Place And Dig Up Pot of Gold Goldsboro, Dec. 29.—People living a few miles south of this city, near 0>c old Lane farm, nro greatly vrought up over the vi>li of three S'.ra -ger* to the Cane farm. The *-»>"/ farm is ur.e o<* the old before .h>- K-ur plantations. ami it has been •parted time and again that tbero .»» money borltd on the place. Last •"hu'as'ay three ‘linage met ca ic to this city 0.1 a t uin from the North i'hvy had ti'iut appeared to be a •amptng outfit, with suitcases, rods and other things. They hired an au (mobile and went ont to the old Lane farm. People living in the neighborhood aw them search over the place with heir instruments until they found rhat they were look;ig for. They 'ug a deep hole, and took therefrom i pot said to have contained a q san - •ty of gold. They placed the goM i their eulteasos, came back to Toldshoro and hoarded train No. 42 for the north. The people who have seen watching their strange actions :otried to the piece where the msu ud been digging, and found a deep ule in which there appeared to have io*h n concrete vault built many, lany years ago. and the iron pot was *rt empty in the field by the three tvanpVri. A number of people from ‘■is cty have visited the place, and •ay that the hole has been dug, and C pot left, as toid by people living n the neighborhood. Now the people vine in the neighborhood feel like ticking thrm^lves because they had tot dug for the buried gold. —w - —- --m- ■ ■ ec • xarilk as If it* lienee of the child to the parent is he preparation for reverent obcdl •nea of the man to God. The ono is a tapping stone to the other. If a Mid is cot taught to love, honor re pect and obey his earthly fathar 'hum he hath jeen, how shall ha leva nd obey his Heovanly Father whom tc hath not seen. Lav! of Homo Naedad Law la every when. There I'.wof Jh 0 break the laws of the home will '■•o Ircclt the laws of the Bible and he laws of the land. To send forth ' om your home a lawless creature Is l s send forth nne who will be a men •;c to society, one who will likely bring shame to hi* father and mother •id dithonor to Ucd. Another rcrpensibility that rtsta "on parents is that of guiding ehil en ''n the sclcetron of tlte literature h'ch they read. The family reading "hould be at diversified as possible, it books and pcidodieala dealing nth religion* questions ihould have • place on the reading table of every Hone. Make Home* Attractive Than uur home* should be mad* (tractive and bright at possible, and ho door* thrown open to th« friend* f our children. They should be able 8t«l their entertainment and pleas •V in the l-r/nr tather than on the -eel. Sn tffe picture show anil else •>.ore. Thousands of mere boy* and "I* in their pursuit of pleasure, ere r-eri loore to go where they plea re aether, at all hours of the day and •light, without the presence of a rown person; and the result is that 'Tty of them fall into sin before 'hey arc eware of the danger. Par •ilf are to be pitied who do not toe ■o dmggrs to which modern social -ntema expose their children, r*r ■!* whore time is so taken up with : Incas or domestic h(fairs that they -ve no l'me to know what their Vhlrcu are doing are liable to wake •» to some awful tragedy when it Is •r inle A well-known writer on this ,vj«rt says; “Parent* who have *1 'wed their eons and daughter* to get -••0"d (heiT eont-ol, who have not ‘•e —.oral backbone to rule their own who tee the danger to which their children art* exposed, and yet have not the courage to mtereiae pa rental authority and snatch them 'rom that danger am guilty of theit « «»wwu. nnuk mi dwiui |n dletmcnt! Altar la Every Hhm It Is of very groat hnportune* Cut 'n every homo there ho a family al tar. fn fact. It la hard to eee hew any Methodist head of a household ear he eoniislent and Igaere family wor dily, stneo wa have procaisad to be abject to th# dUelplIno of the churrti; and the General Role* of th< Methodist rhareh declare: “It la ex pected of all who desire to continue In these societies, that they eontimii •o evidence their desire for mlrat-ov by—faen'ly anil private prayer.’ How can we yet aroand lh1«? Itnlen the homo Is pervidod by a rsligteai atmosphora, all that la dune for Dm ehlldron outride the homo will aval hat tittle. Children derive their idea: •f what ia good and right freai wha / , FORMER GOVERNOR DIES SUDDENLY IN BIS RALEIGH LOME Thomas Walter Bickett I* Vic tim of Paralytic Stroke LIVES ONLY 12 HOURS AFTER HE IS SlRiCKEN | North Geroliau’s CItiox Eseeu-; tive During Wcr Is Lrid To Ae■ • ’u LtCa Ce:-eUry At LouLbu.-g Surrounded By ll'.outssdi V/l.o P.'cum Ilia | Pcssing. Thomas Walter Ricked, governor of North Carolina from 1917 to 19Z1, !'«d at hit hnrnc in Raleigh Wednes day morning at 9:1S o'clock foltow •>K n rtroke of pi: wly.ii twelve hoars -I'er. The to !y wrs moved to Ih* otu ida of the con'iol da'ir.r the d'.v i l » *n slrtc v.S I? tfcou a d: iphcJ cv* a*d loy-'cl V-i a . No :h Cnro nk’t Wr- Ccvuuio - r.od p'sin Mr. *'ckoU f Ivd past hi* bier to pay ••ir lart re.pectx. Fa ic si -ervUci wore cone'acted at *’>riat Chu>ch, Interment w»» mode I the cemetery at Lo’:irb'j-g wh«:v two cVldcn who d ed in in'incr »tt A reporter for tha New* nod Otv •rver w-itea tti- fot'earirg beituttfo’ 4gry o* 'he ohr-tjuie*: C" enlh a mounln'n nf rt-d rorr' *'v.c ’ IhnI T,e ln»od w th V» dead '• I n pfc't r! > l*r of ‘hem. under a great wh'"o n.'k traa hroogh tvh'eh Di-embe' w'nds w*‘l •atcVr/'jr. Thomas Wa’ter Biekett ■*ir'h C" t1 War Gove-nor. raft* ■wn mn-lat 'e-v'ra to tha State in *he little cemetery at Loabburg **e»’«lo hie two children who died in ' ’fancy. Liard} shut lovo-1 h'm b ought h'm ’ tbs p'nre whc~o he 'Iren and laid •"Wi to rert; e'c« tb-t lov-d h'm ’’•c' »'-ronrb a mist i.f tm-e ai I’m • hot lo’vr -ed Into the earth, •’vend over, hidden altogether with ■lowers that went down Into the ■’•vo v’H; him. VovC' that loved *n »hnk?f| r*d *'ecak,'rrr w *h yie*. Sw *:ftod up in the old nongs that » ’«*ve4 *• the e^y hid the Th • V/-r Gore—or :s home at lad. •soaw .ee’ea whe’e life ran richest "or him. among the people who were •Brer to his he« t than any t»c«ide The State paid itr solemn tribute hr-n thousand* of its men and wom rn nnd children filed pa»t hU b'er un '<*“ the rotumla of the Capital where r lav In state yesterday morning, '.ouisburg and Frank’in county •aotwad the draft of Mr. tiirkcU. ■ho though gone f:om them for waive eventful years, was thoir own alway*. RHrf ■« Km Klirtp!/ utmiI.4 liavn wished it, simple u tic himself would have made it, the two funeral ferv ors, the first at Christ Church, where he was a communicant anil the otter at the graveside with thousands of hU own ‘ people gaths'ed around, carerly o*i» among thorn able to krep back the tears that welled up, were deeply impressive. No word of eulogy was needed. It was written with tear* upon the fares of all they who stood by and looked upon tlio laying away of the dead friend of al! thing that dirw the breath of life. Friends From Everywhere From every quarter of the State, from among all of ita people, sorrow fnl travelers converged upon thg Capitol yesterday morning, long be fore the hour whrn the War Gover nor's body was brought to lie in state "or a brief hour before the funeral service at Christ church. When the | doors of the Capitol were thrown open at 0:15, a human tlda flowed art in an unbroken stream for an hour and a half, until the door* were shut again, and the cortege removed to the church. Out thoanands stood 7>:>h band head* in silent tribute. Almost among the first to cross the th-erhold to the ratamla where the War Governor lay were an eld negro man and hi* son from Moore county. Not long before ho retired Ihov cee thair paianU do, •ml tha ehild la indeed unfortunate who nev |ar hear* the yoke af foihar or mo ther lifted to boa van In prayer, TVs In regard to tha Sunday aehool. It la tho parents duty to aen that hia eb'ld attend* Sunday aehool, that 1-e or she ia on time and hat a prepared leaaon. Tho Sunday aehool cannot take the ptaeo af parent* in training children, but the Sunday school can co-operate with tho parent, and It la tha duty of the parent to eooparato la every possible wuy with tho Sunday aehool In developing tho religious life of tho child. fort a-c ‘t )| tho d»ty of the parent to aao that tho children attend Run 1 day reheol ro It la their duly to »e« that they attend tit* regular church sarviro. tvary child that hat ranched * tha age of ais ar eight year* should hr I required he attend the regular aarriec NDS HELP ITENTIARY Fwemer Dni OniiMlkl la Om Of First «• XlANoer E..f Suf * fsritilflll Messy AU df yon folks who lived in Dunn before lha war nemembrr John Hall and his clarinelr-but few of you know what hajjbvrum# of the trre *1 o nlble faOntettho was a friend to everybody hat 'Jmek Hall. Lie ten tp this's •'Amonf th^lonti ibutiona aent in ;e'-i>onaa to tho jchrrt-»:|. a•> >*.••! so n (he Near Stf Relief to Josephus •UsieY Honorary State Cha..ra»o.| o'c from apr. oner ;-i fa - #-*— •» ntiary. Jadk Hall, who in cerv ine a sentence ier bigamy sent in a one dallar trill, *ne of the first con tributions to bo weeatvsd in ■ capo me to Mt. Daniels’^appeal." Tltat is the Vat parag.aph of n io-y aent owl tgr Colonel Geortre II. ef^rar.-^Mtesetialnniin of the com-' •vitro jtrhrng to swell the Near "M Pe'Vf.Fjjjd A-d ell Jaelc *«-1 e of the first to answer the appeal * the sftffmrs ft Aimenia and oiW] Tb’e lands. Doesn't that prove that ] tharc is * Vhol* b>t of rood in iha | ' «>w eve* jf it did borrow trouble I wtddln| tub women at o time Then oed cah lfive a fellow all the -•euh'e be call Jbt away w'Cif Dunn friends pt the cl-tr n--t -Ivv w’il he sorsy tf learn t'mt he ij in "he big jail, but they will be glcd to ow t bat'll ij Scarce nation thv„ has he d"-ed hb hea-i >,;oin.t those ■ a-’#*^—«e<Stoo. he la safe from t ‘ . W*rt Fiml Wnrdena A large delegation will mart' in '.'Hiagton Us."day to n-ipcr.| to the ••'•nty board of commiationers for •> in-—op'intlom to a'd ti e Stile and "adorol poveramanli to aarc the for-! alt of Barnett county. Several warden are needed for the -o-k and jt la pointed out that the ;oty vrill aava thoma d* of dol - * annually through the presence, • t'-e fill tes-ohgwhen th.re it mod linger from (tut W. Darrow Clark, i ofrtl«of the.for*»t-r division of he State, will «4t with the eommis ’c-ora and pry^^ot the pleas of tho Vpation*. Aah i. af Work jfkM * -- . ■« - -Tiub (tmi “•n ana aart« of the county ; I 70 before tho county eo-nai* " at Lill’ngton Monday and aik ' 1 ** e appropriation needed to con re home demonstration work In he romty be allowed. The coranu flT'i declined to renew the appro - ‘t ut.on in the December meeting. The Women’* Club of Dunn, under '•e direction of Mr*. J. Lloyd Wade. -re*'dc-'t. i* much intercatvd in tho rlc 0 flha demonstration agent and I •T’ rend a delegat or to UUington '■ned.o -™ office, the Governor had pardon •1 tho old man’s son, and together •boy earn# yesterday morning, with wet faces, to look for the last t:me upon the face of the man srho bad eed the son. Behind them came hundreds, -many among them those who had been befriended by h-m who lay there still in death, with his arms about a great mass of red rows. ■edy Lies la State nrr.vy emblems of mourning drap ed the walls Of the rotor da Piled Vr-h against the casket, and complo 1" hiding It save for the cover through which tho War Governor could be even, were reeves of floral -'fin. some of them simple, many of them magniftclsnt In their splendor. At either end Of the casket, standing at parade rest, were members of the TlredqoartcT* Company of tho First ■'eT’mrnt of the North Carolina Na tional Gourd, with flxsd bayonets. Tho thong flowed pail in single f'V. each pausing for a n»a™i to -i'se upon the features of the War Governor. Ho seemed to be but » ’sen, with a faint tinge of Ms well teved asillt* about bis lips. It was dif Irr.H to think even that he wee dead, that the face was cold, that the eves o-i’d nn-» open again. People were nomb with grief, shocked to the po’nt where net even sight ef him deed couM quite convey the terrible real Uw af d..»L f ‘.he church at leaat once on Sun dry; ar,d. although thoy may not un <T'-r*nid »‘l that la aa’d. thoy will ac quire a habit which will mean much • later jrearaj and ona which, you “HI eg Tt, we aru aadly In neod of. whoo we art the wall rongregat'eM »t‘o id’ng our church aervlca. "Train up a child In the way ha akould go, cod when he ir old he will nof depart from It." Parenta are reaponalblo for the eUnbllihmvnt of habits of prayer, church attendance, Bible reading nnd •tody, obedionct, reearence foi th nyt ra.'red, proper care of the tod- t o.MKly, thrift, belpfnlroat and •olf control. Now let ua aa parents wthc u-> to the fact that although wo may -ec‘ •d *b*n** C"- n ,'t)v • •*■•4 In the rearing and training of oui rh’ldrcn, wc <c:i,rct pa <, **. ,e ,.*• . i |ibllsty to othar thoaVlera. 'PAGE OFFERS EB . RsamiuHO TEE TOM BOARD Chief of Police To Quit Janu ary First Or Sooa Thereafter HAS SERVED HERE FOR TWO AND A HALF YEARS - I Ssya Ot? or Out'o". Keou're Zo f -.•*«» Cc Hh Tlcto Thr.t He, Ccnnct Give Prarcr AMrv 'W-vr Appii canta For Hi» Potilion— Accepted Yet. IT. 8. Pair*, for two and a half years chief of poll re of Dunn, ha* I tendered his -e/jrnatlon to the Mayor * d Poard rf Commissioner*. The' r?-** at'on war fcan-led to Mayor | •> Cvt 'll; r.t»~»l»ip nnd trill be-j r*e : r< t'vr Cl'.r&Y 1, t>v an toon' r ra'tr,- ft the chief can be relieved '-cm KTvifr. Other duties incident to the admin istration of hit fntber't rtlult of H>h he It executor require ro much if M* t'me, Mr'. Pape *l:it*i, that he -sir I hr* h-> en.i id p'.vc h!a duties ' e « t c attention they demand. Rla : e ‘n l’-« Vo>»“ r.nd Comwilc»’on ... ...a.. “ft -r'rif to the other heavy duties ' •; >16? m ■ at this f air I llnd 1 - s*i y to t -ndt- mv resignation | i •*' "ci>« ef the town of j * <-f«rt Janoary 1. or a» o- ti r a- you ran rc'leve :ao. I •e*,y, the necessity of tendering I • e ' — Rt'o« just at this time, but '3d t’ at I ranrot give the dot es ' h- o"c» a -d ih* other dnt'ee do •'o’-w o-cn trt t>'e attrrtion which ho*h d-mand. "I (•».»!■* ti thunk the boot'd and h* c't'uc-s of Ihe town of Dunn for ’’"ir hearty coopenstion with me in 'o fV-ly and tally discharge » r*"t!of of police doting in Dunn.** fth't nrlff-uVen wsa rubmit •* 'o the k •'»'•(! there have been MW *» oH'rtt'o't far the position. **r»u of tvo syp’i cants reside in ’v--.ni many a*o re-:denta of other ‘«*u It la nndcrrtoed, boWerer, that .w.O.no.. .il.y.i .. amrs Yn»HT» *9 nLLfD ACCIDENTALLY r 7"1 :» IS | •*'*y-r Fr-d". Bril Weev il In Cocl-.lebur Beet Fs’f‘ttvi!> I’ec 2" —Lawencr 11 «l lb, o'" Vw.vv VI' -f r.r tfc:* ‘ • '• Vnd a* a remit of the *eel« ••'* )*:«-,*v »* . .1’ lol on Phr: tt •• !!>-. Von 'a DcjI c.*.d a f'iend •• •• |.\-"nvn‘np tl«« -vviiver at tl oir «* ifne h?t>'e •«' ci the wcauan w*a '"-•Svtced ia orexphuimb!.1 -11-1-e- He was brows"’! to n horpi *•>1 in tfcij city where he died later. Doal wan the ton of Andre*- M TV-' - d w»« employed In a cotton Bill near Ure city. JVr. W. C. Wicker of Ele- <WW. -••-;>:nn' pro id lecturer of the ill -me o-der it 'n Fayettrvl’le thie week led .-•n? to the rkoefx chs il*r \*i. i " It'. W l-e- a 'pcsker of Bt<u'ur.S •«»’. ’•a* wtr.il-' rueh a rlro.-g -eet'oo o-« lec-1 TJnrcn* it nan -tat •d led- v that thev have "erolved to —‘1 h'm i i'cb to Fa-ott-Vl'e 'n Mev. *rhs wo-\ that he ie doing. it '» raid. I ' r.-or'"? of ye-t h, refit to the r'w T>- Welter will he in thie city a fu'l trick. A new h'd’-e p’*c» for ’hw Sol1 ha- beer dl*-overed by 1. C. C",mbf land 'nrmcr and Fnv ’ pc "lr Ir.w-pe. Mr. Tnlley ray* that he has punled up a number ef cockle '• - re©!* on the edra of hie cotton “• W a-d ha* i”v**-l*bly found that 'bo weevil* hvl b ireweil into the -ot*. Vr. Tal’ey edviee* the plowing v'd bnrnnr of ail rarblrhur burke* -"d oiV-r e’m-lar p-owth bi the pwx ri TV 07 Tr ro ion ucia Ai won ai ir.t '•O'tOIl 4»aII«*. B-H AeJram Drll A~ar*wI M-%. Janie C. Ball and Claude 3. M we-e -parried Monday eren'eg (a the parroaayc of the Tint Baptist h->~rh here Tea. & N Johnson, w to*. perform 0,1 the ceremony. Only a few clot* f -'»'id» and reiathraa if Mr. nnd Ml. Bell wore present to •' l -am !''0 eerenoae. Mn oDII i.« th<- w''ie** of Jr.«e?h A 'drown, of Dann. Mr He'l la a ton ■f the late Mr. and Mr*. Bryant A. Bell ard a brother of the lata Cater Hell. Roth bav« many friaada throarhotit tha Dunn District who join the Oiepateh in wishing them a ; long and happy Ufa. HaHUpthanb Ml»» Maude Cechurrh and Conner "n'l e-e'e mrf-'ed f«ndor oftrmona r.t the home of Mr. IlaU'e brother In r :• cl'eri'lf. Th r will make thaii ho—e :n Tnw t'erllle. The bride Is a na*lee of Harnett ’■** parents lltrlng at Bo<a« Creak ?h" rar'di d In Don nfor eeve fa yean ai • milliner far Jahaaan BrotWrs. ; WAREHOUSEMEN i ElUST US SHOWN Wilson Tobacco Board of Vrcdc Dtniw AntagcnUn To Now Plan Wiltoc, Doc. 29.—T1i« tobacco boa 4 of trade hero dealt; that !t la » -Ivycr-klns the ce-cp»r»tlvo mar keting movement. They taka tb» posi tion that when !t '* p.ovrn that cotton ra:t be iclil t’rt way. It wiP be tine r-orjrb to try ‘t cat on to-acco. V. lie i It became circulated In the rural d’etrlcts that uT.lv-s the fam es sig.-id with the cooperative more •ta■ the a would be no market in W.laon for their prod acta, the ware hi-asvmvn decided to prevent their eldi of the care. The half pare adver t-cement In the Kcwi and Observer and other paper* In oa-tent North C'-aol.'na wme intended to o IT vet a re* "t- »'M«h the waichauvemea hold * b • false. i >-w n* in on semen expert to con tinue In bualoom until they ore hewn. They or* not expecting to re •e right away. I’arsncra si.d bonne** man of tho --ty are dirided In thalr opinion* • the pro; o-rtl new plan, but all —rt ‘e 11 ■ rt ’f J« fft'-p «*rc“. Hov rrer. tho warehousemen rouit have m orUsal vitusl »> fB01>li-t'on r t- k-f'»i thi-y make any change* [n their plan*. Bam* contend that the eooparatlra ;.ilan would kill Wilson wfc la other/ ny that *f tho y’aale-r <rct ?ro-* for • r tobacco, it mean* a better town, f the forme’1* p-oifmr. everybody ro pcm. they point oat. Twelve Stan So “Tho Affair* of Ajutei” Rrma*1:*bW cast headed by W*V ’■ts He'd Glor'n R*nvson. EP!of "*rrior. Bebr Daniel* and Agnaa * -on root in sunerb picture. Twelre tlcllar player* and a *«p •v.fcc cart of uurivaUod quality— the record »ct by Cecil B De latcrt Par* mount masterpiece Tfci Affair* of Aaetol" which will *hown at tho Whho Way Tanadar id Wednesday. The rooter road* like •ozradom'a who*a who. Tho phtaaa laUan .ntwirraam *>o.M*». it‘t udenualely d<wer!be* a caat that •c’rdes Wallace Raid, fanout Para ’"iin itas; Gloria Swanaon, Elliott ***xter. Be he Daniel*, Me ate Blue, "’’■’da IlawlcT. Theodore Rohm*, ' •:*#> Ayrn, Theodor* Kotloff. Polly florae. Raymond Hatton and Julia Noib'nar like this cast in the way traTerete talent has ever been f'-.’-VJ before. The drawing power f r.'-no'd eay of the namca on the "■ hi* liern sufficient to awaken the rT t^e if rrr’mlnatlttg public *ferc for the firat time, they are ap '■aring in a "in(tie production unde' he direct'd) of a master producer— >'T B. DcMilk. "The Affairs of Anatol" vras writ ten by Jeanlc Macphcraoa. author of usov nctvb’e Cecil B. DcMilk pro inctionr. Her story war ruarrvated V' * ib~r Schn'taler'i scintillating con fir of the same r.crac. "h" ramc nasiifv tbut is featured '-> the cart of p-inclpalr and in <br • ho" h'p h-s b-cn carr'ed through " t'T oba*v of production work. Th< supporting cast inrludrs rueh eapahV "••vrr at Cue Ol’vc', Charier Ode, 'l-rancc fiefdart. Maude Wayne. •'-Or Miller, William Boyd. Lueim ■ (‘kfleld and other*. The beautiful •'f-rs *-* the werk of Paul Iribo 'amour French artist, designer and Vcorator. A V Alt 'V'd-i*’ n!*M. Jntnary 2, IPS'* 7:SH I*. K. Subjarti “Wall Plaaa’n* Vat "an” I. S-ne by (froap—B. Y. P. V. TVnir* Soap. S Ren terra prayer* — yroop mam bora. “ °trV» T ratrtny- Mrr. Sam Brouebtan, M'.»» O'*— ft / jVr e' tSa rnHjaet— ** t* Djnn’rp. l>*da-. •' T.'i-—"TVa may be well-plaaa t » fa ff-a I-o-d fen livl'y a life ef raHh"—M> Trn Pr'efc'avd i 6. TalV -“Fn’tfe Ip Oort Ih-ooffe |*r. -»'•* C:nt-*V P»’ee. 7 Sot# — Mr*. JaJUk Reward ’>~d 8 Talk—“Wp m»-- fee v*v* n^» ’riff Ip H’m kv ■ l-fo of jovfol akart; eirp to Go<r< will—E. U. Slaughter 0. Due:—Alto anrt Soprano— ,M'e» Sal’ta Kaylor and Mra, R. L. . IV nlnjr. 10. Talk—"We may be -wall Ipteailey uatn H'm by mrorln* la I**'i "Tv'ra"—Mira Mary Warren at ~ •*•» V <\ ”• T,-#m-.fav them now—Mia "V.V Hall rea'.i*# oai tt be vnjkjl"*di|a net# n'm k" eh-a •v’p- »*•* — r -*•% -f’e-dat u* to rtow a Heavenly character^ Mlt< CMa Maylar. tS. SaateU# — Soy ran**: Mia DUNN RECOVERING FROM CHRISTMAS FIGHT AND FROLIC ScmNmStra Heed. Aad • Sara Hwrti, Bat Good WtiHm PACE HITS MAN IN FIST WITH HIS RIGHT EYE a Caaaawaa ChUf Carriaa Pretty Moaaa Uadar HU Btialcur — George Gurdar and SpUlors Lead Tlsoea Who Carry Santa Claus To TWa Those gladsome Christmas days era war aad Dunn a slowly reforming 'rom tbo fight*. fcstivjtio and fro incident thereto. About town Jtr*u at* those who nano sore hoods, hefts ar.d sore conncione'es as •oil as U;o'n whoea soul* art filled t.n thnt mellowness which cornea :cm good deeds well dona CooTgs Gardner. Beats Claus to v: poor through hU ability to rccae from tkoa who hero the >V.g» necessary to giro to the a whs sveat, is happy; for be, with ethi ■ hit bird, carried cheer to assy roor homes In the Dunn DUtrlet d ing the tea son. Aad Spill*.- ;> • m-locking filtonr who nils need T tits l*ro le’s fioprly Company— -* is fooling good too. Splllcm plsy I Bantu Ctuos oil by himself for rrcral needy fam'lics. Than were £» of others who fool bettor sod •* hotter for baring hat a helping 'and to those who would have inf ■creo. . < h-J*«maj was a gay season about •Wf!. At times it wat necessary te lamp the 3id down tight whan Gen ral Benjamin B. Bo esc threw hi* re ctvv farce* against Dunn's valiant . srmg of vetsraa fighter*. Once, wte -he Gonitra] advanced against {ho "Hum Cafe, it wma necessary to call mt the police reserves. Afur a two tow siege it wit possible to roapen He eatery for ita ragalar haaaaett IWpolie* ware aarioaalr hampered n thalr hattlaa by the -»■—rt of the ■Wef who in. a srrcbtM Jtzmwwa. . h't a man lit the fiat with hit aye -with more damage to the ayo than a the Bn. it appear*, slice that silicon* youngster’s map is marred 'T th* presence of i mouse andor 1" right bilnser. Howsoever, K was ■ file Christ naa. Nearly everybody had a grand rd a glorious time while it was on ind no doubt win faec Judge God ■in wfib a smile when the reckoning oaiea raxt Thursday. Xom of tho t > •orted in the list of ea-aalfe* w* t ha id when tholr name* ware eal' i yerterday morning, but have y« ' •♦d to show up on Unto neat Than «7 Breach Nm Spring Branch, December 26—Ac uities u this community during the •ast week were confined nn*tle t«* "s-et'ena for the celebration of he Christmast'.da. On last third Sunday the Spring '.aneh putpt was ceru - ed t> T ert N. Johnson of Burn Hi* teat was Homan* 10-in ii ermun waa a plain simple and d'rscl -crcn'.ation of the Carpel of right ring !n the stralghtfo-wsrd manner •i which we sheeikl erpeet the Ma» ?r h'm<r)f to yeie-.t It were he fer.t 'a ih# wo-W toln- ’rV* sf • 'ced'ng t'-e M' "t ’» - c -.-d ••arl ’g Jch .ron'e. On ib« af'erroon of W.-d e’-'a n> 21 Jolly fit. Ni-bo's* stopped at ptlng Branch paVl'e school ’oog ojgh to rhow a woade-ful tree on h'ch aTea-ed many geo ! and o»e 1 th np*. Re roes plucked tha tout »r of it* strange amertment af >• thing* and eery kindly dletrlbut d them among thorn young folks who e at ones the hope, pride and tor -lent of those rnexprsaalMy pstisut • cm»n who are trying to teach tVm be roles of co-nmen dreency. grrn •H* and other profitable things .Ban* "’* vlait was a little premature but Y« was because he was on a hurried ’r to the fa* south h *cir h o "is ’erect and most ac d lemon In n'-teree to ha->d to any Nations) re urereV.stire who should fa l to ae * ■* t'n ’e Barn’s dlrermsment pro POffcHL ! >ML* mi win bt U» I noted In nil the hitter? of tho wo»M :f It ihall hart marked tho end of 'that period in which we ire told "there ehall ho wan and mnn of wan." Map the Xow Toot mirk tho "careful era. . Viola McKVlT Mr* ft L. Denote*'. r'“9 M'eO Hl'r Xtr1”* »'•(’ r»r. por Warron. haooa, Dr. Bala, ft. L. Der.nlnr A pnod Mew Year** atthi *T» D« WothMcaain* Unfa H:m." A cordial welcome le eotoaded to ■ tl mo ->h*»e ef *he rhn-eh and repo < a'ly to nen-B. T. P. U. rnrail in m i well aa wiaKara af tho town.

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