THE DOW MSPA1CB •’uluwp^nw TOi^T .ZrV4? 1*14. at tto pvat^oilv I Oana. to C- mkr to Ml r i -t i, uj» T 1 $--U.» Ihm Hn Taarl kit U to • happy Nra Yaart Ara ta avatiaaa tka apwaid nriag wa tUitad a yaar ago ta pall aat af tka aiaapk tata vrkiak Mpoadaata thraw aa vkaa tottoa kit tka toboggaat Tka Dt^atck tkiaka wa are. Bat— Vkat ara yaa doiag to aid to tka onUaaaaea ad tka apvard atrldat Ara yoa oaa of tkoaa vka ataada by with crapa roody to bai« an tka daad bady of pragma ta tka mat tba watkaia loaa MilUbilati and lat It era* back dan tka hiD? U yaa ara tka ceauumty htotaoM Duria* <*• lad weak wa ton heard many squawks; leta ef people ere prudietlng thet the hard Uau we ba— —a* were Bathing to those we will see la the tomlng year. If each e spirit ta habited the minds ef el! ef the Dona District folk, wo would ho a desolate people indeed. Oar rich las— lands ms aid seen grew up ta weeds, ear factory building* would borouie the rotting habitat of rusting machinery, industry would die, our stores would ctoee, our banks cense >?o-utioes end ear streets become lanes through which no traffic earn ed. Fortunately the are a very wnall bubo they In make the loads re is -— —- year should net he erne of the most f ruit ful ever w It n small by our people. The eppsrtuultles era here and the will <0 make the most of them Is here. Gradually. aH ever the unrold. men era returning to mnityi industry to ssakeaiag, mills ere opening; peace cra-tasqpg to to sight This means that the world will Want end be able to buy the things the Dana District predueaa. It means that next Christ mas wfl] gad ua wall an tha way to daancaal freedom if wo make tha till ton rhid tha arhafc af Oa old Marti State aim that hlooaad ate tow. «* Wamaton. wham aa a chOd wa tradgad Ha mad dy hUU aad tend fta gaaat aad gray hafldtega through thaea aOeat ipacoi tha ghaate af dayoitod glory wan want to main to Bats tempted aas ate* Tha Warrantee of that day haa goaa. Program haa tawchod It; aad wa an act aa ean that the incident w« mat and teto It dawa that hOI op aa whom tap Copula OHrnr Parry Shall had hte home. •"il, agphaltad atnata, oowored. watomaiacd aad electrically-lighted, greeted aa whan tha rad day af aid Warn*, ahedod hy age old time, rhaald hare haaa. Timbers of old Bate Cowrthaaoo, which mod to otead atop tha aaat hffl. long age had be ceme date, Jalateg that of them pre rovelotiea araten to wham mime they had raoanadod. A tea to the left into Mala treat aad our old U hmteat of Wow oat on an gem. TUa hml Wadhtegtan,*^ "** 1r*7a* 4>V*T Marten. Lae, Saaaooa aad meat of the Soathh ftwlgta have paaaad, la today a typical me dan mall town heat Snappy brick aad atone baBdiaga with **ap to data" fronts bmrn wp»t«H tha grim, dbattomd old ataroe in whit ear forefather* tend ed. tar Bickeit, who died In Vi j home at Baiolth Wedcatday atoning. Caver aor Blakatt waa of the highest type of North Carolinian. Eloquant, wise. h*aM«. of friat heart, ho endtafed hteMtf to an who appreciate fine qualities In men. Mr. Biekatt’a death la a aad blow to tha State. He wee yet in hia prime and much area expected of him But, he had accomplished more than ii tha lot of moat. For that Narth Caro 't»« la thankful while It bow* i(a Head la htuabla submission to the wOl of the {(attar. A Cor-ee’lon We take •* • statement md ' >„,,i •olamn In the Urt ‘ante of the die °*teh with refere-rr- to the J. R. HghunHh seed store rrhe—in wp left ►ho improasion that Dr. Charles High ‘mith and Dr. John T(!ahs:p:th wouM nrnetleo medicine jointly and alto op erate a seed bcainoft* i t the ■» oa Wilson avenue recently vacate; by l V. Galnty. Theeo gentlemen have ranted the 'hove mentioned bul'dinr to which lo ration Dr. Charles Illghsmith will ■nove his offlec from the plot Nntle!. sl Bank building and the seed hod* ram will be operated by l>r. John High smith. The new concern will hs -eedy for buaineai about. January lit. i A«irrnii* n«wi Kits Martha Ann Hall *.<o hr* httn In delicata health for invent months It improving. % Jool Johnson nf Cedar Crtok. i popular young preacher of the go.w o«L filled hir regular appointment' »t Leag Branch church in rh;« part of Sampaon Saturday afternoon ard Sunday. The hour*, of preaching are ot 2:30 p. aa. on Saturday and at 11 . o’clock on Sunday. Rev. Mr. John-, 'on waa recently called-to the piwtor \U here. He is a Hn of Rev. W. R. lohason, who formerly era* a pastor *iere and reiidad in the Cedar Creek vicinity. Maasn. J. T- Hall, A. S. Hall. J. F. | Naylor and tha writer attend'd the nngin* at Mt Zion church in tha up per poet of tha county Sunday niter- j noon. December 18. The ringing by \ tha ciaatet which consisted of the J*t klen choir, led by Mr. L. W. Au try, of Falcon, and tha Duke class l*d ky Prof Joe Core waa excellent, ia a abort army of putting it Tfaare j *** indeed a o m e pretty good I ringing done by both of the I ehetau and waa liaUncd to attentively by a large eoncoune of people who filled the aeate, aisles, doors and part I of tho yard. Mr. Pritchard Hall spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark JaekMa fat the upper part of. the county and attended tho singing *a Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Vclarin and thalr children recently moved from Cumberland to this part of Sampson I WKmmmmmmmmmmtsr'jruvrc: v ■ mm **m*mam«■———mamim *■» « lion'* belonging to Mr. F. 8. Pu Sir. and l»n. T. I. Hail will movt won to be n«r Itha home of Mrs. Hall1* father, Mr. 1. 8. Aotry, where th-jjr will assist !o th* farm work of Mr. Autry. Mr. Parker U critically Ui wfth r. canesr. Mr. W. J. Capp* attended th* ling ing at lit Zion Sunday afternoon. Mr. Joel Hall attended the tinging at Mt- Z.on Sunday afternoon. Mk. Hunby Douglas* and MU* Term Halt went up to FayetUrille tome :lmc aro and waa united in marriage. The Clement school this year U - * targht by Mirwe Loaaie Mc haii and Be-sie Williams. Ihc school dosed Wednesday for iho Christmas holiday!, which was horoughly enjoyed by a Urge crowd. Many Citizens To Petition The County Board Tnat them are many citiaens in county—men and women— who il«sire that the county retain tho .'CJViic* of s county home demonstra tion agent is evidenced by petitions that arc being circulated in practical ly every coiner of the county to be presented to the Board of County (.'omruu.gners when they moot in re icl’Iod here Monday, January 2nd. A nnmti'AMtlw >•«>j ut taing the rounds in Lilliagton this veek In Dunn tho Woman’s Club Is active in obtaining signatures to peti :.on.* which thejP will present to the beard. Present indications are that n 'armldahle array of petitioners will be in evidence, either in pmon or by proxy, at tho board meeting rfonday. The sentiment in favor of : ilaiainj; the agent seems to be grow :l'C daily. M je Elisabeth Bridge, mho has ' ’ on in tne county only a few months ax onp admiration for her work and aero ur*. legions who will stand by >T department against the order of toaatv board aboifshing It. Miu ’.rv’i acliv'tles have caused the to 30 recognize the value of ■ demonstration work that they e dr icrmined that she shall remain. t at cee ns to ba the aenti- ( <t who. bra signing | ' — . • .-a^-ha. bean datermlo- ( •‘ i-gani to'employing % county i :t. tii.» minor of .which yu i - - -he n-xembar treating of i it the ,'*nuary meeting, ve 7 well art In tbie re i pard also. there bc'tyr bombers o i >; e v b, ela m that the farm agent i i a valuable as let to the county. The coenty oaecotlye board's poei ; tlon In the matter of *«a ploying the* home demonstration and farm agents It that the county Just now I* In disc I reed of funds and that retrenchment all along the line must be made la order to “make ende meet.” Not so much emphasis, however, would be : laid upon the matter of economy in tbie regurd, any members of the ex ecutive board, If tho people showed more appreciation of the work of the agents. As one member of the board puts it, “there has always seemed ■ a "ark of interest in that department of county work; K has seemed ell along that tho people didn’t want Its and the board felt Justified in dis sent* in g with the services of tkt agents a tthla lima when the county n«eds money so badly, and taxes are coming in so slowly”—Harnett Com PASS ACTS THAT AFFECT COUNTY Officer* Pat oa Faa *T]^tme —Charges For Fees Are Changed—Other Acts Senator W. P. Byrd of UlUngton has famished the News with the fol lowing synopsis of legislation apply- i iag directly to Harnett county, pass- I ed at the recent special amnion: The law whereby the county oA cers of Harnett ^county were pat on salaries was repealed, and the oA cers will receive the feee heretofore allowed at the* compensation for serrices. The law doaa not go into effect till the first Monday In Decern- j her, 1922, therefore all the present I L” II IW- I 'iLl.ll II ..I .1.1 nig Score wfll bo allowed to eerve their recent term on (alary. The fee* for probating deed* wsi banged from 10 canto to SB curd, nd for probating a chattel mortgage rora SO canto to 10 (Onto. Thee* low re to fore* at once.1 The gome law relative to hunting ker wma amended, making the open •awn for deer from November 1st o November lltb. instead of M lays aa tbs law provided for tbla rear. The town of Buanlevel was incor porated, with L. a! Betbnne named n the bill ae mayor, A bin of local Importance to the own of Dean was yarned, allowing b* town to sell Its electric pleat on oag time sates, sold note* to be duo ud payable at the time tbs bond* heretofore issued by the low* to pay for eaid electric plant are due. W. H. Qtlbart was appointed a justice of the peace for Hectors Creak tnaasRIp A law was passed prohibiting the dumping of sawdust in Upper Blear and Barbecue Crook or their tribu taries. * ♦ ¥ GODWIN AND JERNIQAN * ¥ At formers and Counsellor! ¥ ♦ At Law ¥ ¥ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA ¥ ¥ oflke la State Bank and ¥ ¥ Trust Company Building ¥ Mr. Fred Whits Says, “Don't Id:. B mum You Only Soo Omu Rat." “1 did, pretty soon I found my cel ■r.jj.'.r.iTw_g—a=sa iar f«Jk Tkuc aie my put aloe.t Aft» *•/■*•* KAV-ENAP 1 gat 6 dead ml-, fha real later They pitas up the tatoea la cat RAT-SNAP". If there are rat* around your place follow hit. while’i example. Three aUoa, 85;. '-'6c, *1.26. Sold and guaranteed n ‘Vuioi A Lee, Hood and Uranthaiii and Duller Brothers. Why Mr. Joe Aiailten|, CoWhra'ed Oo* Trainer, Uni Rat-Snap ; “Noticed rats around my kenntL'. 'fr'.af; hundreds of prlae doge, cou ti »'t take chance*. Tried RAT-SNAI'; In thiec weeks every rat disappear?' . Noticed that the doga never went near RAT-SNAP. 1 tell my. friend> thou' RAT-8NAP.” U»o thin.eure ro dent e-U:m,n»tor, it'a aafe. Cornea ■t cake form. Three idler. 35c, 85c, vt-2&. Sold and gunrantsed by Wil I 'an A Lee, Hood and Cion thorn, Bat | ->r biothera. | Ths Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn and Coats, N. C. t 4 Wishes You A Happy New Year _ '■ . I May it Be a Prosperous and Fruitful One for You and Yours. -- - —1 Begin Now To Trade at Our Store —Then the year 1922 will be a prosperous one for you. Hundreds of new customers were added to our list during this year and all of the old ones are still coming to us for the things they want to wear. m • a — It has been a good yeai tor us and for those ' who traded with >s and we are thankful. Ill strive harder than ever in 1922 to j >me.a the very best values possible j those wno save J ' it/-* || B & Sons || • ; if 3 ti • ’ s * ' * * . . / Thirty-one years have passed since D. H. Hood and G. K. Grantham es tablished the business then and now known as Hood & Grantham. o*ey ears have been good to us. Bach passing year has seen our buai neas grow until now it ranks with the largest drug concerns of the State. We art proud or this growth, but we are not unmindful of the fact that it waa the confidence reposed in us by those whom we serve that made the business as successful as it is. We have striven always to deserve -this confidence ^ ^ for this confidence that we thank you, and in doing so we as* *ur? you that we are still working as hard to merit it as wc did away b*f* tbo“ d‘y* when our business was not so large. We have three w *^rVe in °“r proscription department. They are D. H. Hood, G. K. Grantham and Paul C. Hood—all with many tears experience in filling accurately your prescriptions. In other de partmenta of our store we have the best salcsforcc we can employ. All strive to make trading here a pleasure to you. W# wish you a happy and a prosperous New Year. HOOD & GRANTHAM E*tabli»ked l&l _ m————a F«^^——————===^ - The First National Bank Wishes You A Happy New Year It Also Invites Your Business for the Year 1922 I ' Assures You of that Same Measure of I Safety, Protection, Convenience y and Ser vice Which Has Characterized Its Oper- II ation in Years Past. The First National Bank I

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