HEAL ADVERTISING l-teder aad^b^virtee of ttuTpowor •Mi sgttdB nmiart in imMi M of tract * noted by law D Htjk te Jmm 9. mm, tractec. on tbo Mtb day of Nor., 1*19, and rocordod Is tbo oSce of ngUter of Dcodo of Haraott Coaaty la Book 193, Pa«o 111. default bavins km nado iv tbo poymaat of tbo bondi tbvrvby^ovc^rod and tbo bolder of told bondi bavins demanded of tbt mid trmtec that the mid land de bed te mid deed of trait be sold i» laid bendi, the undawigned i*i vr'xl on tba Ptk-day of Jaa. 1:12, a', 12 o'clock soon, at tbo ev-r-bocie door In LOUagtea, North Carolina, mil at pabtio a action for earb. to tbo Uit and highe* bidder, tbo following doicribod tract or per <-ol n* k>ir Bcyt-nlny at a (taka on Johnson Alley, a-.d mm 0. 27 W. i ' ‘-at to o -take In Morris lino; ■>* » w th mid line N «7 2-4 w. 14: f »t to a tlmko; tho. co N. 27 E. ICO feel to a (taka oa ltd alley; tt ce & 48 E. 181 feet to tho bo e'nlnjr. contain hi y three-fourths I % ) :( an acre, more or less, some belay h < sm as the kerne place of the said Emma D. Hoyle. -b t 'and was sold by tha under sifted trustee ea December 11th, :»21, aad this sale is made under or der of the Clerk of the Superior Court far a resale, the bid made at the former sole has icy boon raised 2dl>8JL*nt' T*1* ^ “*w •* Place of sale—CeuTtfcosue door ia Lminytou, N. C. Tim* of sale—Monday, Jam. I, ms. at IS o’clock M. Terns of sale—Cash. This Doe. IS, 1221. JESSE F. WILSON. 'AILSON A McLEOD, Attend Doc. 13 20 Jan 6 la Supertar Ceart North Carolina—Harnett County. Sadie Wells. Plaintiff ea. B. D. Wells, Defendant. Nee tee The defendant above named will take notice that oa action entitled aa above km been commenced la the so ocrior court ol Harnett County, to ll»-otve the bonds of matrimony bera te'ora axl (tiny, upon statutory .-rounds. A d the said defendant will fur ther take n otic a that he la required te appear a: tha no*t term of the superior court of said county to be held on the 4tt Monday before the la Monday la March, it briny the 6lh day of February 1922, at the court hoots of laid county in LU icTton, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or tho plaintiff srill apply to tho court io' tho relief demanded iu said corn point. a. a. McDonald, Clerk of Superior Court. This It day of December 1921. W. C. BELL. Attorney for Plaintiff Doe SI SO J 8 II SO 27. North Carolina—Harnett County . Millie Woodall, Plain tig Rhiley Woodall, Defendant. Me The defendant abora named will take notice that an action entitled as above haa been commenced in the superior court of Harnett County, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony he re before existing, upon statutory grounds. And the said defendant will fur tber take notice that be is feqaired to appear at the next term of the su perior court of sold county to bo hold cl the 4th lfoiday before first Mon day in March. !t being the Ilk day of February 1922 at the court bouse of sa'd county in LiHlngton. N- C, and anrwer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff trill apply to the court far the relief demanded in said complaint. a. a. McDonald, Clerk of Superior Court. This 21 day of December 1921. W. C. BELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pec 23 30 J 6 13 20 17. NOTICE Notice (s hereby given to the pub lic that the undersigned was appelat ed permanent receiver for the Per rlsh-Drirer Company of Dues, North Carolina on the 12th day of Decem ber 1921 and all of the creditors of su'd Parrisfc-Driver Company are hereby requested to Tile their claims ia writing with the undersigned, pro perty sworn to Immediately aad no tice ia further given that said credi tors Bull file end prove their claims within 99 days from December 12. 1921 end that all eredttaro falling to do so within this time shall be barred from participating ia the distribu tion of the assets of said company. At Dunn, N. C., this 13th day of December 1911. _• J. W. WHITEHEAD. Receiver for the Pnrrisb-Driver Co. Dee. 18 29 M Jan 3. AMateralw'i Matte* Raving qualified aa admlntemtar af J. C. Ball, deeaaaad. lata af Har nett County, Worth Caroliaa, tkla i* to aatlfy all pmau having elate* against the estate of J. C Ball t* esblblt Ikaa to tha undersigned aa or before tha 1Mb day af Daeantbar, IMS, or this notice wil bo pleaded in bar af their recovery. AO paroon* in deb'.ad la nald aetata will please «a<* i nun ad lata yaymant. This the 15th day af Decani bar, INI. IHADDARUS LOR, Adn'niatrctor Cl fa>d A Townaend, Attamayi. Dae KMMtoniM. Mafia a af Sate af 1 and Baa Partition. Under and btr virtu* of s Special Proceed,*/! la the Superior Ceart of Hamate Monty, entitled On. L L. M»nmr, aad etkern, Kxparte, Mm sate being M*. 1M7, Oparinl Pro voadlhfn Do chat af tald eavnty, tb* a2cnwSrt/e5*ref*SwmmTSm te lb* norae on Da*. *, mi, will •fW for ante U the blgbooi bidder Monday Jan nary p, IMS. lb* follow »” doarr bod land t*-_wM: Ena. a evraer < at MeArtaai I Eti<aE,,r!7llfk^u EUrfsjEsrinurr: EUtotte North w**t toman teens* a* hi* line k 4 I. 10 chain* •*4 »• link*: those* N. TO W. 4| duuaa aad TO link* to • slake and » * W. 17 chain* and 74 ll^a H the beginning, eontatiUqg aero* Mon or leu, being tbe tract of land deeded to laaae Wra 2» b/ O. A. Norris and wife, by dMd dated Nor. ft. 1017 and roeord ^ia Book 1ST, Pag* *50, oBc* of tho Keglftor of Deed* for Harnett county. The above dotcribod land it Mid trader an order of eoart for tkc pur pose of a division The m< of f*e ral# ore ea»\ ar.d th, • m *4 ,a*e , Monday. Jar.ua y -1' i'i .< '2 o' ?*£«* tb* « -icoi* n LiiHr^ton. Home;; C j ;y. Sort)' This Deeeubor 0, 1921, _0. H. BKOWM. Coetmivi'oaer. Do*. 16 XI 30 Jan 6. **•**•••**•*••* Poreooal Property Ndlh 4k McKay of Dunn, if. C., hav ng. at the reqooet of th* owner. Job* P. Byrd, repaired one Dodge touring ear, aad more titan ninety day* having expired rinee said car vet repaired and th* owner haring failed to pay for the repair* on said ear, the eold Smith * McKay, by virtoo of authority contained in sec tion I4M of the Consolidated Stat I utr* of North Carolina, will on Sat I unlay, January 7, 1922, oxposa tu •al* for the highest bidder lor cash, to ratirfy th# bill tor repairs, one Dodge touring ear, property of John P. Byrd. Place of tale, front of Municipal Building, Dunn, N. C. Time of talc. 12 o’clock M., Satur day. January », »*28. Term* of tala, cmJk. Thi* the 26th day of December t>£l S0 Jaa. 6. Notie# at Sal* at Lead Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed on the 10th day of April 1020, by Jerry Byrd, and wife Betsy Byrd, which mortgage deed la of record In the rigirtry of Harnett county, in book 122 at page 1, default having been made in the payment of mid note thereby recur ed by mid mortgage deed, and the raid mortgage deed aa wall aa the nota, having been transferred, to the undersigned, the undersigned Trans feree, of the mid mortgage, will tali to the hlgheet bidder for caab. at tht court house door ia tha town of LU lington, N. C., on Monday tha 23rd day of January 1022, at 12 M. The following doocribod tract or parcel of land, boandad aa follows; Being lot N.o 29 ia block according to iha map of J. A. Cook, and wife AWd in the office of the register of deeds of Harnett county, being a part of the tract of land bought by J. A. Cook, and wife, Beulah Cook, and subdivid ed and in lota bounded on the North by Cook street, 30 foot on the East by South Avenue 100 feet; on the South by lot Mo. 30, of laid subdivis ion 100 fact, a lot 39 x 100. Thao of sale Monday the 23rd day of Janaary 1922. Place of sale court house door in Ulliagton, N. C. Wt MIC I 1U1S NIC AtflU day ot December, 1911. MAT GUT, Mortgagee. M. G. UEB, Transferer of Mortgage Wilson A McLeod. Attorneys. Dm. M Jan • 11 10. State of North Carolina. Department of State CERTIFICATE OF DI2SOLUUON Te ell to Whom Theta Presents Me; Come—Greeting: Whereat, It appears to my satis faction, by doty authenticated rororii ot the proceedings for the voluntar; dissolution thereof by the unenimou consent of all the stockholders d* posited la my office, that the Dnnn Ice and Fuel Company, a corporation >f the State, whose principal office i. situated in the town of Duun, Count, f Harnett. State of North Carolina (Clarence J. Smith being the aprn therein and in charge thereof, upoi vhom process may bo tarred). ha complied with the requirements ol Chapter 11, Consolidated Statutes, en titled "Corporations," preliminary te the iaauiag of this Certificate of Dis solution : Mow, Tharafora, I. J. Bryan Grimti Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the Mid corporation did, on the 15th day of December 1921, 51a in mr office a daly executed end attest ed consent in srriting to the dlaeolu tion ef Mid corporation, executed b\ all the stockholders thereof, which mid consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid ere now on file to my Mid office ae provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh this 15th day of Dec ember, A. D. 1911. J. BRTAM GRIMES Secretary ol 8tat*. Dec. 20.27Jan.3-ld. Hutu of l*U Urn dor Deed of Treol Certificate el Dfeoolatloo Pa foment to tha power and authori ty contained In a certain dead of trad exeeated on the iltH of Aagurt 1920 to Elite Mamie to the under signed Traitec. which laid deed of trad U recorded la the office of the Kegslsr of Daoda for flarnell Ooun ty la Book 12B page fig, default haring toon wade in the payment af •eta thereby Mrured, the undenign. ad baring been notified and requested to fereeloao the aald dead of trurt, by the aactui qae trust, will afar for -wle to tba highest biddar for caah at the courthoajs soar af Barnet: Cooaty an Maaday the 16th day cf January 1922 ad It e’eleck M. the fallowing described lands: Situate In the town af Coeu, N C. Beginning at the North We*t earner af Sarah McLean’* let on Doc ley Street, nod tana South 1X0 feat te Taw James lot; theaco Bait Bn feat; thence North 120 feet to Dooley Street; thanes as Dooley Stud Wait •0 feat to the beginning, containing a fractional part af aa arm, and ba ng Lot Ne 10 in block "Y” in tht plan of the Town of Coat*. Th*e the- 10th day of Dec amber I Ml. L. L. LEVINSON. Dot. »0 *7 Jan. S-1S. T"*** Note* or sale or valuable LAND Under and by rfrtae of authority *»*Ula*d la a eerla'a Mortgage Dead, which mortgage deed wii exe eated to aocare part of the ardao arts# af mid treat of land byVlIliaw >l*»*»1 aad Thomas Stewart u E D. Laagdea aa the SSth day af No raaakar ISIS, and daly mwdsd la ■jf* Ngnmt^fffii^wlji •ell for cash to tba li gheit bidder to aatisfy the notes secured by raid Mortgage Deed on the 2nd day of January 192*. at 12 o'clock U.. In front of the courthouse door in the town of LilllngCon the following tie •cribed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a stake ,bn tWdtteh bank. J. S. Cobb’s coiner, in C. E Stewart’* line and run* North 80 W. 16.88 chains to a stake. Hillwy Stew arts comer; theneo S. 21.60 chain* | to a stake m C. M. Stewart's tine;! thence N. 70 E. 21.60 chains to a! stake in the branch; Calvin 8te«rart's corner; thence down tha run of laid1 1 iamb 18.SO cheini to the beginning, 'onioning Th rly-Four and one-half (•V 1-21 acre*, more or lc.-a, T’lin December lml. 1921. I E. D. LANGDON. Mortgagee., EZRA PARKER. Attorney. Dee. 6 13 20 27. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of Itr power of rule contained it a certain mort ~a** dee,I executed on the 15th day ■i' December, inis', by E. C. Edge * to-j co J. N. Cvd Jr., wh.cfc mon tage deed i.« recorded in the ndiee of >g:*:cr of Deed, of lla.-nvtt County North Carolina, in Book 113. "age •lOt, aud which rnort Tago deed m,d tm note: era cd thereby have been duly nrtrfctrcd e.tj n/t'g :.:d by the Said . N Creel, J*’., to 3. W. far, de fault having been made ia (he pay nent of the notes secured by raid a J rig age deed, the undersigned will, n Saturday, ihv Slit, day of Decem ber, 1921, between the hours of 12 o'clock M. end 1:00 o’clock P. M„ at the courthouse door In Lillinglon, Harnett County, North Carolina, toll at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, for cash, the follow ng described tract of land lying and being in Averatboro Township, Har ielt County, North Carolina, ia the own of Dunn, and bounded at fob (Hi Beginning on the eastern line of *i!m Street ltd feet from the south ern iine of Broad Street, and run; oustwardly parallel to Broad Sireel 149 feet to the alley; thence South vardly as the alley 30 feet; thence -eslwurdly parallel to Broad Street t feet; thence southwardly and par llel to Elm Street 30 feel; thence rcstwardly and parultel to Broad Ureet 100 feet to the cut line of '!m Street; thenre northwardly with be euit line of Cim Street 60 feet to he beginning. T mc of >a'.c—Suturday, Dee. 31, 021. between 12:00 M. and 1 *>0 P. 4. Place of sale—Courthouse Door, '.illington, N. C. Terms of rale—Cash. J. N. CRKKI.. Jr., Mortgagee. B. W. Lee. Transferee. •VBsor. A McLeod, Attorney*. This Ore. 1. 1921. %_ m a • AA AW - I NOTICE OF SALE OF TOWN LOTS in Dim, N. C. Under Deed of Tnul Under the power contained n a .-crtain deed of trait executed by Nrs. Ilattle D. Wilton on May 11th '921 to W. G. Mordecal, trustee for MaysviL'e Banking A Trait Co., and reorded in tbe office of tbe Begirtur :f Deeds for Harnett County in Took 128, Page 05; default having een made in the payment of tbe in icbtedneia soeured by said dead of trust, and demand to foreclose hav ing been made by the holder of said -Ota, tht undaraigned will offer far -ale, at public auction to the highest Vddcr for cash, at tbe Courthouse door of Harnett County, Lillington, 'lorth Carolina, on Monday, January ' »d 1922, at 12 o'clock M , two lots f land situated in the Town of Dunn North Carolina and described as fol lows in said deed of truet: h Being two town loti In tbs town of Dunn, North Carolina, lying on orth side of St. and between VayetU ville and King straits. Being >*a Nos. 1 and 4 lii Block CY oe orriiag to plat and plan of laid town f Dunn. flare of sale: Courthouse Door, Lillington, N. C. Time of sale; Monday Jan 2nd, 1922 at 12 o’clock M. Terms—Cash. This November 30th. 1921. W. G. MORDECAl, Trustee. Doe. < 13 20 27 paid. This tale has been continued by concent of parties until Monday 8th day of February 1922. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of authority ontoined in a certain Mortgage Used, which mortgage deed was Ple ated to secure part of the purchase orlce of said tracts or lots of land by Ram Thomas to E. D. Langdon on the 17th day af February 1920 and duly recorded in Book 115, Page 575 Registry of Hamstt County, dtfauh Haring been mads in tho payment of the notes secured thereby the under signed mortgagee will cell far rash :o tbe highest bidder to satisfy tbe 1 iotas secured by raid mortgage deed ' on the 2nd day of January 1922 at) 12 o’clock M. In front of the court- ! ’meiv dour :u 'he tewn of Lillington he following described real esute; to-wit: I am* link. ail m MUKU b. 3. Irangdon's comer in Id* Street; t'icnee ram as Ida Street South 25 feet to a (take; thence wot 100 feet to a (take, W. It. CoeU' line;' thence as hit line N. 25 feet to a ‘take, A. D. John.*on’( comer; thence •at 1 Cnl f-ret io the beginning. It bo ’"•g let No. 10 in Block "J” in the i*lan of the Town of Couls. 2nd Lot: Beginning at a (Lake, N. T. Patterson's corner and runs South with Ida BtiOat 26 foot to a (take; thence wa»t 100 r*«t to ■ Cake. W. H. Coat-' lie*: thence N. 25 feet to a (Lake, N. T. Pattemons earner; Ihene* oast a* Patte son's line too <**t to the beginning. It being tel So. II in Block “J" In tb* plan »f the Town of Coats. This December 3rd, 1921. 1 E. D LAMUUON. Mortgage* EZRA PARKER, Attorney. Dec. • 13 20 27. Administrator's Natio* I Having qualif ied as administrator I of the estate of 0. W. Ennis, deeeae- j •d, fate uf Harnett county, this lai ta notify alt persons haring claims •gains* said estate to present them i* me dnly twora to on or before Her. 29th, 1122. or thl* aotlca will be pleaded in bar nf their res or ary. All perrons indabted to Mid (state make ianmadst* pay man t R. L. GODWIN. Admr., •f O. W. rVNII, Deceased Thfe Nee. 29th, I9S1. WeSU* That under tha power of aatc res lelned In a certaia mortgage >>*nd del* I Apr9 14, 1921 »*aceted by Isaac . I •' ■■ -r-.. 1-.,. — • aad I^ara MaKoy, hi* wife. .<* j*. ii. .1n *.J hon iuv <i«.J .1 -i. >»*.*. Onrt^ ii. E«w 12$ p\gc f-1 !i w‘ 1' .itg bc«r. ai»:.e ia •nv si; ■•.mi if iw. d rceu.aii ane.<-b/ t.io ui l»r<i(evd wilt .vapor* «3 aalr .at fad* •c.sv :fon_tgL.'.S fcfrfcert b‘iMe>- Ur fc . t. tils: iWri licaACCeir in"*.’ Via.i. iTf. Mi Cov i> at I it si*1, n* • 1: !*' ci Ja-.Ut. *•' 1.1. -*.2d-th iwS..» <i tcriocl .ract of .li. }: A. <. wta.lt rleee <> tract o; «. •'g and being i.i Stewart C cc • •* lit.cHt County, North C. a ».'U described and de’ned *• • lo> *. t« vrit: Adjoining lit l: d r T-.■ S. Wlllic.ni• e.vtitc, tnew fir bbjrO C.O. K. in 1 olio ■' . i k on i'c vritfe 'i •H. 1) <>,■<• - nr*. ' oi.idwl a- JoIIccn: .rug: icing at c »U'tc and p tint* r • lirrat titter ( iovr ycArth-i -.)(•■ .!»«> cdjtw of the read ) ear Dry On ok *»'• ' .'.ni thi oca wilt hi. kn< t 7 . 27 clta.nr- a-d 3U link* to a rl ike * ■aiti.l'tto; ti c.ic* K. 2 E. 2J cb.ri.-i t ’ i:k» u> a j.a.o and poiir.er* I it' o s-.t-lc? li.-e: tbonce w th thi •• 70 Vi. 21 clra iu 2» link. I. 1 o-|. .*,.(t plain.-1 (non * A it'r' * or. . ; tnancr w th h. ’ .ic . i*. 'n •■. b ' 'ink: to ,lr "• >i- if, rc .ta'nisrg $j ;t-< ar.e> m r or leca lh December », 1521. J ■ 'f. Al.I.KN Si SON. ifo •tgryci •ilnttt-ia Bros. Advlgnoe oi .inrg, rv*r«. tec 13 20 27 Jan a. Notice Under the power of tain rentalm-r'. n a mortgage deed executed on Nov ember 81), 1917 bv Arrive Knigh! ir.U wife. Mary Knght to W. W. A1 m autl Son recorded in Harnrtt county !n Book 11C, page 1H0, do Been mane in in* pay Pent of the bond secured thereby :hc undersigned will expo e to fair jt public auct'en to the hirrheel Hid ;Ur for cash at the court hauy* dont n L:!l:Rfrton, Ilaruett county, at 1! •‘Hock M-. January 13, 1622 the fol lowing drsrMbcd lands: A certain piece or tract of laid 'ving and being in Harnett County. North Carolina, in Upper l.’ttlc Riv er Township, and described and do fl”eil *a follows,, to wit. F,'"i,„Trnxt: Adjoining tbe lands el •?. J. Holder. ki\d olb^'i: Beginning •t a fake. Archie Blight's corner or ‘He L'Uington and Jebnytnnville mail tid tana thence with said rood 17 •Hainr and 50 links In a stoke side of a:d fond: thence North 18 West 12 •hnin» and 20 links to M. J. Mrdde-' 'Hip; rhet.ee with hi. liae North 7? Ta*t 17 chains to Archie K.i’ght*. -c.-iic-; thence with h'a line to the be ginning containing in 1-2 acres. Pc end Tract: Bcr'nai ig on th Llllinmon rood and runs North 1ft ITfst 1ft ehaita and 80 link.; thener Nn**.h 72 East croving Reedy Branch 71 rhr.ins and 80 links: thence South 'ft Ecrt II cha'ns and HO Vrt-. to th* Lillineton road; thence with the road to the beginning, eor.taiaing 30 1-4 ic res. Th:rd Tract; Beginning at McRae Holder’s corner and • rune tbenc. vV.th 5 ra.’in.; ‘.:si.«v foni’i a1. Met I> I.mi.' Nk U- t>7 rat f. .hai.itj thjiif N-ifiV. ip Wc'-l b .a.U.-i rMUNi'f!1^ >• tll'-ll. ti.v above tocond tom ij ».ibj«ct I* * doduetiat: .f twvty at--t *.old IJ.- R. IS 1-l.ur.iy ub/vet to ib-i n*.. i^a-Te aa.i'ti ■»( J aird tract. TMi Becemb.*!- b. lt;i, ?.• ALLia A .UN. .Mot' .'tic:, >.'"<lc>it iJr. ii,••.•>, Ai<>stcr Mon fa jvc. TKw 13 20 27 Jin 8. Notice l.odoi* titc pci h. of Hal*- tc-iiiw' | ; * U'.'id of T.u t excel,,ra bv ij I”. Cadv.S.t and nil*. S:.-.ilu | rim 2 .i(v .lav of October IDVt in i to v d nirncii In. Hie whifH Deed I; T c ; i* duly rer&'t.V ia Havnrtt i osinty ii- took U. of T. cl p.-iyo lie, .11 bavins' be-n :n.iJ. in to.1 no.* i -io.t cf the bind- secret! ihe’v'iy ••d t>c o* le of t .r it. d bud !iav • ' R .V"iaiti;a that »,;M I'Csil c f . * i'u#t bt fortclo'.cd ;>'« U vtrf 'rrll.' I ■ '"ii! CX'Ovr to .ale vt nu' lie a-clin.i (' 5 the hi.rkc.t U'd..'C' i.f I a: !h evil.'. Iii’ruc door i.* !.:i :.:»f •Kft ec.-rty, Nlu IU C'a.c i " " *' rlc . ^ I! on Jri'i.,A> ' 1 ..a r ('.‘22 liio fuflairi.c <|. • -ilx. . t. • A ctresin l <f jar..; iv ... • t'ljr ' ' Tar'Ct. tor.i:ty, Nona '.'ar i ::h :• id aion pa. . d'. J a- f. UiWf: " • tivKiu.i.n," n plan .'.imp by an* . the- t i..a atump r. ..r, ( po.’t oak. : '■•col i.a.n, i iii-tury aid 1 dopwoed politely, supposed to be Stc.her.’s ice*nr- and eon.. Hue Snufii vtt. Ii I • tie of No. 2 ami tiu* il»5 ac»v tiMct S2.85 chains to n j*a!;e with 1 hick fry and five 'i!a|ck Jack pointe-.s; memo South SO 1-2 E. 24.70 ehaV.t to a stake with I h’wck jack end it p-ne pointers. t>. M. Andrews; corner t esr a field; the ice X. 3 3-1 C. 43.03 chain* t» a low stake with 2 (line, l hlnek jack cm.’ 2 port oak pointer h. •' collier of S. k. A.’.drci*s' riencn.; thence N. 85 3-4 W. 21.74 cha n* to a stake with 2 tmaii post oak. 2 'mall ilickmy ar.J 1 p'ne pointer, an lithe • of S. Ji. Amltowa' co>-ncr.'; t leoce S 2! 3-4 W. H.20 cor ns to the beginning containing 104 1-2 acre*. T'>U Decernl 20th. 1621. It. L. COIMVIN, Trustee. Dec. 2S 30 J..;i ti l;l. Htsclike'dsrt M««ti«, The xnuual meeting of the stock holder* of The F'isI National Ita.ik. Dunn, N. C.. for the i lorlion of ni rectors ond such ol’ie* business hi r.-.ay pioncciy eome beld-e the snc-K '■.rg w.ll bo held i.i the le-nl.i l - • io •* lit Le i o'clock on Tilo.:.l.':y tiVtt.*:n", «anbury 17th. 1922 . II. U. TAYLOK. Cashier. December 10 th. 1621. Notice of Di»«o!ction of Cs-Pidair. j ship of Slricblaad A Joreigaa The film formerly iluinc hu>inr-SA under the mmc nf SHrkland & Jer nitran. al 304 F. Main Stn-et, Cam X. c , Tas th.s the 2Mh ila> of Do 1 ctmbor 1021, beoij mutually <1.mo1y etl. J k. 'ilk. V5« >1 bavi.g pur ha.« t-i* the i •*. i. it it Jc* .-tfe;*. am., iIn' -.ohl hi. Sti ichl'.'.'.ci Hit Kiaa rn ail IisLiI.liO. oi ini 'a d lnui. Thai said htuinees will be continued at Ih* i ctuitu eland under the mim» at J. k S:t>Wu*'d All atx'un'.i to>m*-iiy *i<u ;!- ' ifaln tun 'atyiec1 t.tti t? et;'• r» pa.., vill be paid lo J. K. Strickland. J. E. BTMCKLAKD, li. u. jeunigan. Dec. S? Jan 0 13 20 pd. ./ Els York Grocery firm ktopc bom Kou Vroome £ Co., Butter and Che. jo Merchants, New York Olty, mya: "W* k*e;> RAT-SNAR in our cellar all th ■ urae. It keep* down rata. W* buy it by the irroj*, would, not be without It." farmers use RAT-SNAP because rata i>aw up all food for RAT-SNAP. Three tiaea, 3Be, #6c, $1.«. Sold and guaranteed by Wllaon and Lee, Hood and Grantham, Butler Brothon. - s_ . m Better Brenda make tetter homes Wi'ti Jur ccn i9lf-"ri-u^.* flanr— FREE tr.Ms by iv.ixiaa Kc wftmT* with : yonr regular floue— yoor hat bread*, b acuiti, bastry will bg more tie licioui, un<i nbcicsom* than if you used »*4uty-: ilx*T floor. Hora •brtl s rr.vi dcunrh or halter just ylelil--it* i>Hor ^liases buiMUrrnirth. Howfcnxl’i KU :ii PkKMIUMS aw I first cta*t, (tua.jmtcod. Pur free Pvi*t List, write Kumford Chemical Work*. Providcicc, K. I. (■Urctlirg Eaf.-An.* cv a Lady Who Deckrw TUt 8 Mon Y/t:a.-« iCr.r.v A'scut Cerlui They Woold Be Spend i (lath Sic!u;eu and Worry. ' Navcrcts, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. Peden. | , PtiJiisi j«.e, tfluies ti»'. 'oliowii.gi.iteies! 1 inR ac;c:mt of how tl.c recovered her I strength. having realised that she was ; acuity ioei.vj !::i lic .Uli: “KesUh !s the grariest tr-ir]* in *ue world, md when yci; f-tl fnai grAiVxiU? '•lippingaway fro.r. ><»•, you ceriewiy sir up and take notice. H:ci U what 1 diJ 1 coc:e U.I1.' ego I l s.nu s.iysc!t in a •vc./ ivrvv.s, e.»n-fl:-v3 cenditiou cl iir-lth. ! was «.;td ieil so liletcss I I could Isaciy go r! of. "I v»ca i-'fi na account to; work. I. wouVi t;«i c, trac*re! e f War iud wouW! ied sc wea': i would have to set itdcw i. beiorc I lilt hire i could liU it tntlie alicl!. In ilu: ccfilithw, c! c -rse, 'a do even ny ho rse., erh \va» r. vcfc :.lRMt int puaibie to eceon.f li-,n. ul was . . nervous and ersily upset. -rirn ~~ - ■ ■ - — 1 couldn't rest well at night and was . .. just lifeless. "1 heard of Cardul and alter reading I decided 1 had some female trouble that was pulling me down, i sent for Cardul and began it . . ''in a very short while alter I began the Clrduj_Hoire Treatment I saw an Im provement and it wasn't long until I wan EU right—good appetite, splendid rent. :• .id i.tuch stronger so that | easily did my liouss work. "Later I took a betue ol Cardul at a tonic. I can recommend Cardul and glad ly do so, lor if more women knew, it would save 3 great deal ol worry mu) sickness.” The enthusiastic praise oi thousands ol other women woo have found Cmdoi licl^ul should convince you that It Is wotlli trying. All druggWs sell IL i. a What Poor Coal is to your F urnace Low Grade Gasoline is to your Motor ANY cxprrkmrcJ oil it liner cun ruuke a gasoline which will xx. develop riiij:L*nr<r' nsvrcr, or give maximum economy, or caiy Plar’iugr; thr.l v/l»’ w&Ja a moior to idle well and run smoothly at a iow ttiraitl*:; ev thr.l xvfll give small carbon deposit. Hut to perfect a £>cWcsl g..:;oI5uc conjoining afl the desirable proper?<e? »•« proper p^oj:orlIorj took years of careful expert* menial ion by orr ehemlsto and engineers. Ca-sirlrs fron ~?ri;*;:r.r.f / cvv.-v pro'Ievini field, fntprovc.'. rr ‘. irg nroer*™*, del'esst-s rl-vrsdou! fiftc nnlnnlionut teal* f r fli.no speed, pr.ir.'rrtj, rreli'.ro; trlJ in every type of Internal eor.*Ar.?;?.j-« «rpr;nt*, Iwili in ?3;;. l d or-rlar;- i.n-t In n^lual Aor'-Jec; t!nv.« v; i;y;m of l*ie far lor a v.Vch led to i!<j rfrvflojmtenl of onr itnproc^.l “Slf.nikird” Molar Caroline. This uainticfiil “Stand-rd" K^w Gasoline equals or cacrlfl ov’itr Motor pnoiino. in pots, jH/wnr Mid rroiwimjr. li tornr fiud anti r.)e keep jwto Jown tlse year nroun,'. ?t w ••.r.vlieularly desirable in cold ’vrai.her when !r*s perfectly con* d tiuued givtolitie makes motors »'vfy;*w: oven with a rich, waste* i i\ 'v.rhon-makiug mixture. Kerf yo.i need gnuoline drive iu vditre joii see the familiar O.” Cel n tankful of Le.V.ucJ “Sti'adtrd" Motor Gaso line. See wluil remarkable pull* In* power you pet on the hills, how quickly .your motor “snaps ia.” Kern tafia on the mileage yon f«l. One quality wherever yon buy It. At tcrvfee stations and garage* everywhere. /: Refiners of POE/RiNE for all kinds of » internal cum bastion rn friiiet. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New^ Jersey) > . * v'V t # . ' - • . 4 • • « ^ a

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