* ♦ W 4 4 •LOCAL* !*. ♦ * * f » ffi # 4 USn Gertrude Daughtry of Ota *d*. M km u * guest of Mfct Evk Lackic. Miss Era Bullock, of Rowland, k In town us ■ guest of Miss Lucltk Howard. lira. Virgio Warren and bar aon, Edgar returned last week from a via it to JackaoovUI*. Mtth Ruth Fowlar, of Head*non. was her* this week to visit Mr. and Mr*. James Farthing. Mr*. Belle Flemiag, wbo was seri ously U1 for several days, la tepidly recovering. Pablie schools In Dunn will reopen Wtdnseday after a two-week’s holi day for Christmas. Mis* Elisabeth Kenney, of Duke, tnd Miss Helen Ilenly, ef Winston Sa'am. arc here to visit Mr. and Mrs. J-me* F< fling B. F. Oden, once pastor of tbo Christian Church hare, now of Bt. Stephans, 8. C., wss here during the holidays and was a gaast of Mr. and Mrs. McD. Holliday. Mr. and Mr*. B. W. Kinksdd and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Duncan hava re tumsd to thalr home at Griffin, Ga., after spending seme time her* with Mia* Isabelle Young. Mr. and Mrs. Bed Collin* hava re tumed from a bridal trip to Western North Carolina. Mrs Collins waa Miss lulls Ennis and Is a daughter ef Mr. and Mia. L D. Ennis Mr*. Emily Paanon and Mias Vir ginia Mitchell will leave this week for Raleigh where they will vend the winter with Mrs. Pearson's daughter and Mis* Mitchell’* mother. Mr*. Mary Mitchell. W. JT. Holland i» moving his stock of grocvriM Into tha ho.Min* form erly occupied by N. A. Bell A Co. N. A. Bell and'Compaay are mov ing their stock Into the beildlag be ing vacated by Captaia Hal'und. Monday morning's heavy frosts completely ruined tha aacond crop •' apples In tha Julias A. Cubreth or chard at the western edge of town. It also finished our crop of "sprin*” lettuce and caused all the other vege tables to acquire a very droopy look. A youth named Carter, twelve years old, was drowned in Gape Fear Elver Satarday. according to reports ranching Dunn. It Is uederqiood that the boy's parents live in Duke and that be eras with a hunting party at the time ef the tragedy. HU body was recovered Bonday. George K. Grantham spent moat ef „ last week at Castenis with Harvey H. McKay with whim he U associated ia'Ike drag hushseml&erar Hr. Graa thsm and Mr. McKay purchased the Morrow-Harper drag stare In Gas tonia last fall, h has prospered. The business was once owned by a broth er of Marsh Morrow. n Monday morning's shooty on tha Coast Una was delayed several min utes below Godwin when the conduc tor’s cop was blown off by the wind. The whole craw and moat of the pas sengers alighted to search for the eap. The conductor did not look with favor upon the possibility of riding hareheaded to Richmond on ao cold a morning as was Monday. The ten-day agricultural course to be conducted for negro farmers by Professor James W. Vines with tha amiatanee of instructors from the State and Federal agricultural de partments will start January 15. Through this coarse Professor Vinos hopes to teach tha fanners to com bat the boll weevil since the whole course is based on "forming tinder bell weevil conditions.'’ Although the resignation ef Chief of Police Page wee ached o led to be come effective at midnight Saturday no successor baa yet been named be cause of tke absence from town od Commissioner Bills Goldstein who has been spending the holidays with his mothsr In Augusta, On. Mr. Gold stein Is sxpocted to return today. li he doee, tha hoard will meet tonight to choose e new chief. There era sev eral applicants. Mr. and Mn. J. A. IIcLmb and Ui«ir Mn, J. A. McLean, Jr, *nt vlcitori bora daring (ha holiday* Tbay were gocata ot Mr. and Mr* McD. Holliday and Mia. Annie Han per Iona* white here. Mr*. McLean la a (later of Mr*. Holliday. Mn. I, F. Hick*. Mr. IfcLaan wai for never* year* (uperintcndent of the leeal arhoel* and wu at oat time aaaaaia Ud with Byrd P. Gentry aad'fea late J. F. Pittman in tha publication of a ncwapapor at Salma. Ho abo c* tabludied fee Benton Review. Work of fee heme deaMmetratiei agent In Harnett County will be eon timed In pita of the deeMen of llii beard of county cemmbaieneri h November to dleeontmne fee appro prietlen neeeamry to tbe week. See retory T. L-JUddle, ef fee Cbambci •f Commerce, armed wife prtIUeni from fee Weawn'a Club end tbe wo men ef Dunn generally, went be fort fee beard yeatorday at LilMngton aa< Induced K* member* to retanaldn tbelr action wife tbe reault feet fet appropriation trill be eenUnum feroegh felt year. Tbe county pay ealy |Mt for fee aervlee given b] Mica S. HUaebetk Bridge, bema dam enatratton agent lb Stole and Fad oral govemmoata maka ay tbe *raa ef fee 9S.0M weeded far bar talar; and rapt****. Mm Cornelia C. Mar rla, ribtrfct daateuabutbu ageut, « , Henderson, also was peasant to infer eodo with th* commissioners for tin work’s coatinuance. Miss Bowie Wilson is visiting thii week in, Btantonabozg. , Mins Looits Brower has tvtnrnoc from Raleigh where she visited Hi* Margaret Fuaaoli Mlm Vlrgi# Home, of Wadadboro and Miss Body* Morria of Manly, have baea visiting Mlsae* Haiti* and Pear] Wilton. Autry Baggett left this afternoon for Maidsnd7 Fla., where he will ^3«nd too winter with hi* son, J. D. W. R. Craws of Barneavillc, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parham and family of Kinston, am here this week visiting Captain and Mr*. 1. M. Reams. The January bale of the R. G. Taylor Co., win open Friday January •th. A page ad In this issue will tell you ef a few of tha many bargain* they will offer thair customers. Mrs. Paul Hood Carried To FajrottosriUo Hospital Suffering with acuta appendicitis. Mr*. Paul C. Hood was carried late Saterday night to Fayetteville where an operation was performed early Sunday morning. Mr. Hood and Dr. Wallace E. Colt ran* accompanied her to Foyeltoville. She was rcsttag well <ast night and apparently was well on th* road to complete recovery. COMBINED ACRS OF TWO COLORED WOMBN »4 YEARS Corinth, N. C., Jan. 1.—Thor* arc two colored woman in th* Buckhom -ertion who*? combined ngc it 114 war*. Mari* Arnold, who live'* Just over to* line in Harnett county, la tl7 years of age, and I.ela Thom**, who lire* on the Chatham side, i» *7. “Aunt" Lei* say* that until ah« Sad the flu she could so* well enough to thread ■ needle. She say* toe had » flae Christmas, and that th* neigh bor* gave her a lot of good thing*. HAW SUGAR AT LOWEST PRICE IN LAST IS YEARS ****** Per Cab*. Out Aad Freight —I S-4 Crrli A F...d— R_ need Sugar AM Ceuta New York. Dee. 28—Raw sugar to day plunged to the lew*A level In IB v»*rr end within a quarter of a cent if tho low eat over reported. The price (or Cuba*. covt anti freight, wag 1% ‘ent* a pound. Bafined sugar aha red the broah In "•w* and waa quoted ot 4.90 cent* a tound (er fine granulated. Thu was tha first time la many years that K "old for less than 8 cants. Wftla nearly all farm product* dnee the war have raeovarad front *halr low Jmmja_maar lew price* hat* bean laanBram dotty (a tho M Tar n srit ft. Daring tha war, with sugar under central, there was little variation, hut when In 1920 this control was withdrawn raw* sold for more than 23 eeats la May and Juno and gran tlatsd passed the 28 cent mark These priest naturally attracted *u war from all parta of tha world, oven, tually demoralising the market and leaving Caba with huge unsold tap plieai Efforts wars made to market this >ugar in an orderly manner through tho Cuban sugar Usance commission, but with little success because of big offering* at lower prico* from other toureen Therefore the commlavion is to he dissolved and after January 1 Cuba become* a free and open mar ket, with private competition which I bo trade believes may bring still low er quotations RAISE MORE HOGS ADVISES EXPERT *'W« can never hare the independ •aee which shoald have coma to North Carolina former* until they taler ■ore of their own food.” declare* V.j W. Lewie, State agent la marketing livestock. “We arc large consumir* of meat*, ecpectally lard end bacon —are wo le rontinoe to rely on ton* ether source for our meat aipplyT*' Mr. Lewia aaka. Mr. Lewia ha* learn ed that Baltimore ia paying mere for hog* than Chicago. On December 18. he date*, the top of the hog market I" Chicago waa $7.60 wklla the top in Baltimore for the same day waa NJO. Few of our North Carolina fann . cn are aware of what thla margin ! in prices in favor of Mia Bastern mar ket* mvan* for them" Mr. Lewi* nay*. “They have an eaay outlet to thee* eaatern markets and are moth closer ; to them than many of the other 8ou * then states. Corn la cheap, the mar gin between corn nod bog* being enough to give a good profit to feed ers of hoys. "A* the cotton growing area of North Carolina la rapidly being in vaded by the cotton boll weevil and •or farmers are going to be forced to grow more hogv in that section there i* every reason why the farm ers of this section should begin pay ing more attention to hog production The opportunity for making a profit from the hueintss Is almost a mu red and bare naeeeslty will force our far mer* into a greater production of hog*. Why delay 7 According to the 1980 cento* of North Carolina there are Just about enough beef cattle, hog» and eh rep In the Stato to last four months, tak ing a* the average par capita coo ram ption of meats far this Slate a* the average for tha United State* in 1910. Think of a great itate like North Carolina with it* great climate and *oili aa having only cnoOgh aunt to »apply her people only four months if all the herd* wars to he consumed—not coanting cattle listed us milk eowa 1 "The Office of Swine Extension and ,the office Of Livestock Marketing or | the Extension Service are earnestly | endeavoring to tarn the attention of North Carolina fsrmera in the cotton growing arena to that of pradocting more hogs aa a money crap. Where a Urge number of cotton hell weevil* will appear in the ipriag of IMS. the >«•» of this section might aa well Agars that duty -an better offi wow tha" they will bo for several year* if they fall to gram legs acreage af cotton and more food sad feed crops for livestock. Hogs make a most ex cellent money crap under boll weevil conditions sad sn opportunity is of fered st the present time fer a great er production of bogs on nearly ev ery farm in North Carolina." CHAMPION PORKER OF NORTH CAROLINA KILLED * IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY ReidsriUc, Jan. 1.—One of the lar gest hogs ever raised in this section wai killed by W. T. Barham on Route 8 one day last week. It weighed 1.584 pounds standing mad 1.888 pound, net dressed. This giant hng ‘was 19 months old. Mr. Barham bought him from Howard Sleds whsn 18 month* old and he then weighed about 800 pounds. He gained about 4 8-4 pound* par ilay for tho oaren month* bo was faJ by Mr. Barium. Two other hog* It month* old each, worn lolled *i ta« poo time—the total nat weight of tha threw doing 1400 poand* Thee# bag* ore bred by Howarc Slada, #f near Lao ox Castle, and an bnaern a* lb* Giant Baiter, Big Bom Pulaad-China. Hundreds at peep!* visited Mr. Barham's place to *** tbtwe gigantic pother* during the pah Mr* week*. - .— Ml • ***.•»• Y * BUSWESn LOCAL 4 -•*****#« n.ENTY OP mUT. COCOANUTS, lie sin*. Pig*. Dale*. Camiy and Nut* at tiie right piica. Get them hefor* tho null. Freeman'* Cash Grocery. 16 tic. CEMENT. — FOE TIDEWATZE Portland Cement tec People* Sup Co.. Du 'n, N. C. ~OE SALE—YOU NO CGW TO frnrlwn Febi-uery 14. With fresh ratf. C. V. Skinner. 21 pd. • GST —I LEFT MY OVEECOAT at (lack lle.'fjH i n'l»-rue pit last Tuesday night. If the natty that .iiek«d H up. will k'ldly tear* t at Mack Hodir**. I will appreciate it ax 1 nn*t| it these cold morning*. R. M. PcaraalL • 1U. -b—OMWMBBBWW— 7 3TOLF.N—TWO FOX TZRKlEMi | oil* biU, one {ratal*. Both white with black cart; mala baa black •pot*. Both pupplea. Reward for nrtvrn to J. u Hodfeo, Damn, E. F- D. r Sta. LOST.—A UY RING WITH*FOUR kajn aad botxU epaoar an tt. Loot c «S»Rd, LOST.—OMB FOUNT AIM PEN ON ftrccU of Dunn. Pan waa loat Boa* day Jan. let. Finder pleat* retort to M:ao Boogie MatoonytE and to* celro rrnii Itpd. JUST ONE BARBEL OF THAT "extra Fancy Barbadooa Helaaaot" at Fraemaa'o Cadi Grocery. lStfe. CEMENT. — FOR TIDEWATER I Portland Cement *** Preplan Bap* Co.. Du jib, N. C. ‘ FOR SALE*—THE BEAUTIFUL homo and farm of the late Dr. J. H. Halfo d aa *a»y term. 1th -lace li located near Duke. Bale'i Crook aad Coata at Groat Biadt Dally mail. The residence la aa Fa* car-t U»OHP*ory building la • Men rrore. Two rood tenant bottana and lota of cleared load well feared. Make a date before comtnc to nee me. J. G. I-ayton, Dunn, A. C. 10 tl pd. "B.’aJriSSSffSCSi; sirjsi’&jSEnS*. ZC 4t po. Wt EM F --* FOUR OAUjOH isatrsir-ins-jti T1*«R TO KUX HOGS. ASK US' j*,wi pile# an aah. fitnaia’r Cask Grocery. t6tCe.| <*“*»*• r- W* TlDEWATElf Portland Crm-.Ml wo Fooploi Sop Co., Puna, K. C. ' ^ CKMRWT. — FOR TIDEWATER west* ~ a“' *’»* •ALE. —LOVELY COUNTRY bemr I'. iUst half ja'ce. The at t>nrtiee hvuie and ts-m of the late Dr. J. H. Crawford Ur «aV at half Wjec on easy terms This house m a boastful two-story tiulldn* >w re aided with row and ctmbinjr Ttsws. Oa the buck you hare burns, | rtcb'.es. word house, meat boast, . •rchat.l and fare rlrcs. The entire farm of twa Ja»m> field-, sad oau-i tare all fenced. Tine hind to clear. I Near (toad wheel aud ehorrb. Locs te t at a erase Roads near Dnke, i Caste tad Buie's Creek. Make a. ••ate before com'mr to era me. 3.1 G. Layton, Dana. N. C. t ft pd. a *v4 'ft# #••* eottaa an J r ^ r'®®miUvt* ><’ii fv'ftii'ju1! I&* Jrt.n 31. ^Mki/Ti-n »- P. toiekmj, Daan, K. C » tc . —IUa 111 AAAA" *------ ^ ----- » | FERTILIZER ' 1 HOME MIXING MADE A SUCCKtS MIALYMONtA—S«H*r for homo wiping Au ooMon o*o4 Wo»jfW om wool vo.. tot your imraonl* from only on* •rare*. When you goo MXALYMONIA you got AMMONIA from Ihrae •ourtfoi. Sulphat* of Ammonia, Tobacco atoam and cotton ***4 mouL ' 1 MEALYMONIA Anofyao* a* follow*. Ph*»plnrU AoU ...I.M Poo Con* AMMONIA .T OO pw Cant ..4M P# Com 1 ! Nothin* to In lor* tho uch. will hoop Ilk* cotton Mod moal. r I* AL™ ONUmiaM wK* a TON of l«pMMnt I , > AC© PHOSPHATE will fW* two ton* of fortUMor aaalymlog aa I follow* I PhomhMli AoM.—.AM Pm Coot Pom* .. Pm Com ' ' ' V : POM SALE OK EXCHANGE EY N. X LEE. DUNN, N. C -MADE ONLY EY LEE COUNTY COTTON OIL CO, —SANPOEO. X C. 1 %MMS.A.♦. S EE D S GARDEN :: FIELD :: FLOWER * * • '.']/* > y* *Xwft iOr ■%■ |J*.j’•>)(»► mHcdQ . FULLrO-EEP—POULTRY FEED—Scratch and Math BREAD! The one food that all the pcoplo ▼■at all the ttate Plain and a hole tome — bitar.'.ial and noarithinir— Ql*e It the Brat place an yaor table. No ether foad hat the aar food ▼alue. Oura la a really dolictoaa loaf. Aak yoar grocer to tend yoa a loaf today. Bread la yoar Bret Food — Eat nara af it. Eat Mity-Nice Bread Pearce’s Bakery Compare it with any other- then you'll buy it After using it for thirty days you'd have no other. Recommended as best for Chickens by 1 Poul try Ranchers. t J. it HIGHSMITH Company . SEEDSMEN - WikoneAve., Between First National Bank and City Hall DRAUGHON’S WINTER SALE ! •. • j 4 V ■ —. ’ . ' , , , — '■ ' ' . U Begins Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1922 ' r * Wait For It! Those who are in the habit of trading at DRAUGHON*S already know what a DRAUGHON SALE means. We do not have to tell them how great the values are. But, for the benefit o those who are not familiar with DRAUGHON goods, prices and meth ods, we want to emphasize the fact that into the few sales we conduct there goes none of the goods sold on'wholesale markets solely for special sale purposes. The goods we of fer in th'ese*ales are the same that have been offered you all season—no “seconds,” no defectives, none that is not just exactly as we represent it to be. The object of this sale is to clear out the surplus winter stock. Within a little while we will be buying spring and summer goods. We must have room for these. All winter goods “must go. To get rid of them wehave marked them at figures that will be more than attractive to you. If you have not already provided yourself and folks with all the win ter wearing apparel you need, this will be one golden opportunity for you. Draughon sells only goods that he can recommend I REMEMBER THATl • V ,*\, *.«£• - •' i ■>' lU v I*- i-'rlrT' W T — ■ - - - - - * _ _ _ I J. W. DRAUGHON

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