i HE DUNN DISPATCH •UdUIHlD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. -tut red m socoud-elam oMRt jim lit, 1V14. at the pool *Sa * :>Ji»a. N. C., under the aet oi forth S, lift. 1. SUSBEE POPE, PaUltbr iLi>:e moetbe............... AS tlx in on the..—.......... ...$1A» i re year-.............IS.VO Le Roi eet Mart) VWo W Rol Fifteen iycan o policeman—and liver n hand railed against an ai iv Jar except once whin he m ot . ' l.e*l by u desperate negro. that lx the record of Donn’e new cis'ef of police who will on the Af .vo.ith of this month succeed U. 8. ’tie. A id it wus not made in any •1 !d stove" community where one ‘■IK only to «how the rfhthorlty of the 1a--- In malnlain order. D was made •' :’ic factory town of Durham be >V «• and since the wle of liquor bo : aic illegal and In the service of 1 r n-venuc department of the Ted •;'! Government. Neither was it made 1 ’.hu expense of duty—for it la mid l' . It. Pendergrast In Durham as It v ii d of Hig Bill Dovery in New Veit “he r.ati the beet chief of po .'ic thn city ever had." to. i.i ipitc of the fact that we -. i-'J not havo been averse to the '...pc-iiikuieiit of a local man, use art ■:< t .egretful over the appointment of !'• .ilcrgntat. We are sesured that be s a mun of strong character, of eu ' i rlo' Judgment, honest, courageous, -i'lceru an d dutiful. He is mature in >"«»:> and experience end we arv r.c will give Dunn the fullest dc S*»e of service if the eilisane will cr mil him so to do. •t I», fear, rather unfortunate f' Mr. Pendergrart that there b •'..Bit feeling of reefntment over the i •mielorsrt' failure to regard the . .ion ncnt to them for the appoint :• ;• t or D. c. Albert, the local *pli ’■ Tula fact may result Id the fail b / tome of those who ere diaeat ■ ' J to give bun that degree of eo •; i »t:on hr rnurt hare if hie aerrlee •>» town U to be satisfactory to ' people and satisfying to himaelf. “ nvrvrr. we would adatonUh our f • >dt who may feel this resentment I . . Mr. Pendergrart is in no way •f ..pnsihla '.for ths comsaMoaen' • !' 'Tc in this rsgard. lie waa not am on !;rant for the position unto hit i 1 v’ecs were sought by the mayor a d tho board. Ha made them a pro* They accepted. He Is to he chief of police beeiasa the rapeaaea ti:- >*w of the people wanted him to -*•» not bacease he was sopiting the -fCb.‘ " v ■**'"*» e ■» — . . /.ud, in defense of the coasmit era who ware axpactad to aupport M Albert’* candidacy, it ia just to •tit that they did all they could fo~ him until they saw there eras ae :'-c of coming out of the doodloeh support of him occasioned. Com pi' oner Warren, while aekaowted .t •; the greatest admiration for Mr. A i* 't and expremlng the conviction *h '. Mr. Albert waa a fine citisen, e d ttlful man and a 'Christian gen ’.'r an. could not bring himself to 'v' va that his appointment would ;uc the bc« intervals of the town. F' would not vote for a local atpir . while men of other localities ware i. rptablo applicants. Courmiesioner X: r berry, while expressing publicly ’ > opinion, is understood to bare v--kod upon the matter aa did Mr. 'Wren. *>;th their colleagues feeling that about the thing, there was notb t for Coiamiasionera Lee and Oold ftrla to do but abandon their candi «’*> when Mayor Wad# expressed p determination not to brook a tie cT.'cpt after delay and under co» / ilrion. Pendergrsut, toe, was a far c lie of Messrs. Lae sad Goldstein >.+ rn an effort was made to unhorse I’vjre six months ago. A Car* Far Fwtlwim If yea are fooling bhw and tho fog <■ ' poisimirm envelopes your natural i? ninny disposition to tho degree 1'isv you rannot Me the bright eua cf returning proeperitjr mounting ovrr the junipers in Mingo tong, jn.it take a look at tho two bank •V-cmunU printed in thin lean*. Jut toVa a look I If thee* figures neoan no thing to you, get hold of a copy of ’•'ho Dispatch of tlrla time about a > tar ago, and than compare those flg urrs with thorn of that ported. Only two statements ore avnUehl* it pte-nnt, bet we are a sou red that t!<* two other banks of Deaa and t’oce of Angler. Lffliagtoa and Buies Creak are la fine shape The younger hanks haven’t mad* a groat daa] of money during tho past year, but they l>*v* dono a wonderful good to tbs <oi:mon!ty and are looking fordrmid to the coming year aa on# In which thvy will render a greater degree of ! *lp and at the mm* time make mere money for tkomsoHoa. The First National’s statement /bows tbst when II was called bp the romptfuBnr it wa* on Ih* cargo of raying an • par caat dloWaad aad that It still had a rarpias of dtO.OOt snd undivided proBto of dam to f<2,000. The Bank of Harnett hasn’t ’’er’dsd to pap aay divide ads, hut Ms rniydns account to $10,000 aad Ms W divided profits more than $11,000. In the two banks there arc la de mand deposit#, that aad motngs de posit* more thaa three qaaots/i of o mflflen dollars. And they an only two of the tea miking institution* in Harnett Coun- 1 Ur- « Truly, «• kudu no luaonn u faur ] th* blighting hand of adversity aa i long a* oar banka aw waking no good < a allowing aa tftda The Mtatotavial AmAH.1 Tho Dtopatcb to glad to wolaotao among tbo kalpfttl ogoaeloa of Dunn Dm ntwly fumed ministerial asse ciatlon through which tho mdntoUr* of Dm W—Dp hop* to play a greater part is couaja unity hslpful noaa It to aa institution that long ha* boon needed in the town sad wo trust that it will bo kept alive. Preachers are mighty valuable folk to a community. Anything that wdl broaden tbo seep* of their aacfulaem to to bo balled with enthusiasm by aQ who art striving to build a worth while community. And wa bollevo thto now association will giva tha preach ers groatar opportunities for practi cal work. Through thto association wo hope to aoe tho preacher* reach out beyond their pulpits and carry tha aeaaac*) with which they are charged by the Vaster to those who cannot bo reached over the chancel. There 'a much of this work to do la ovary •own—probably aa much in Dunn aa elsewhere—and wo treat that the irsarher* will dig into it with a vim. Mas* Kara Ageat If the Doan District if ta ba lu eeiful ia tU aspiration ta baeona a ■reat food producing region, it lint out bo taught bow. And there is ao ray that it can be taaght how to aavc -h rough the teaching* af person* who bamaeHes know how. Bofore we etn r*t the benefit of the help given by carious agencies o) the State and fed eral 'department* af agriculture we aast have a farm demonstration tgent through whom the govora nenta can deal wtth the problems that art our*. So. tomes now Eugene T. Draper, -anker, merchant and farmer, with he proposal to aid in the emptoy toat of on agent by individuals. Tha Mspatcb thinks wall of Ms plan. Doan nd its farmer friends would profM sore through the private cmployaacnt if the agent than they would were e employed by the county. A county 'gent necessarily would hava his af See* la Lilliagtoa and it is not lm Tobable that ha would never team ehat the eastern end of the county oohs like. An ogeat hired by individ •ab of the eastein ead af the eouaty could dee etc hi* time and attention to the instruction and help af faim irs ia this district. 'greed to help fb. <D^Tria Mm vloag. The Diapotah trust* that it eiU lot aa grass grow under its feet ♦the wMottmo. Tha Duaa DhUd <eads the agent now. Bo will bp worth boaaaad* at dellart to our farmers f h# It pat to work hers before the ipring. WWt A** Tm Um T. Def What have you dona, what are you lolag and what do you Intend to do 'or your Chamber of Coaomerca? Soma of yon have done much aad *IH continue to do much. Some of ■on hare dona nothing—except cen •3re, perhaps—aad peohably never vill do anything. Hero, aa in every other commnntTy >f North Carolina, the burden of carrying aa haa fallen upon the •boulder* of a mail body of man who raeognlaa in their town aa agency through which they aad their poster ty are ta prosper or fail according lo what they put into that town. Thi* “11 body haa been carrying an te ha credit of thaaaaelvaa aad tho pre tho eoumuaity. Unfortunately hone who have aided them have pro* tied, too; but, lomnhnw, wo have a 'eelhtg that thoee who have no profit 'd do not fool aa good shout It aa hay would had they aided their fet 'owr. However, them are some who will lever help. Realty, aa help la expect 'd of them. They are the vultures of the community. Thera art, though, many who will help and waat to help -f they are convinced that they can le to through tho Chamber of Cam oerce. Their big fault lias amatly in "-heir failure to align themselves with the ether fareas far irtgrmu and 'earn what the dumber it trying to. la. They knew nothing of the chan*. Sot** activities aad agerta for the tela reason that they have never triad *« lean. Sack u Umn nm to look upon tU chamber a* a thing apart from themmlceo—e thing that "you fei >•»*” are trying to pot oner. Tkahr perupecthr* la ant af Uttar; their ««to •# nUi.4 la wrong- A. toon a* tUr ■ nayt the ihnakn ae o thing lUt “wo fellewc” are putting ever, them) be In the right plnoe. 'The Chamber af Coacmaroo U not 1 »rW*1* aotaryetae. It to deolgaod *• >o»—whether yon help It or 1#t- *• yrlma and aoU object to to M Dnna’p deretopment. If yon pro kt through that deoolepment you ““•* » rary poor optoiloa of raoraolf Indeed if yon oro not o mom Ur end pop tote the troeoory of the HVMtootfen yon juot portion of Ho D»iM the prooont yoar too eo« cWar of the chamber will ho greeter than rear before baeaoae there to erace far It to do. OrndnoVy tha aom mmilty to amazing from the depreao od oondMon late which It waa thrown etohloon month* ago. The now ptoo podty win bring many paoblame bo fora tha bnclaim man of Dmm end the fmmwc of the •erroondiog coon- , t ry. It li the office of du ekinbti -of < Olamerct to tackle throe pxobkmi.! 1 1 you boor any good idea aa to boor h* tackling la to bo done, got Into' ho organic* t.oe, Then your vote#! otU bo board and your advice bo (Jvoa the eontid* ration do* on# vie i ho wo kla love far bU community' jy giving of hie money and hiv time :o lto development. -a LITTLE OLD DUNN # With Apelegiee to McIntyre, • of LHtlo Old Now Ye* 0 0 _!_.__A Thought* whit* itrailing oboot the town: midnight at Broad and Rail road. Nipper lurking (a the shadows of Ueldatoin's waiting to speed the last drunk on hit way when be com so from the cafe or to giro him a night’* lodging la the gaol. Wonder what a eop think* about. Light’s out Only the red gleam of tho traffic lights to guide mo home. It will be great when the power company bring* it aerrlcee to town and keep* the streets lighted all night. Its a lonesome old town alter mid night Its streets peopled only with ms rending alley eat* and waif dag* prowling on their nightly suit* to the garbage cans. The rapid chug af an open exhaust some where to tho west. Two whit* gleam* stab the night aad a big auto glide* onto tho pavement at Broad’s western end. Tha cot out 1* closed. Quietly the car sneaks to tha Kirst Baptist corner and tom* to float noiselessly through town. It stop*. There I* a soft good sight A girl staggers from the ear and disap pears In th* shadows. Wondar what an aatomeblle would tdl If It ceukl talk. Dan E. Brown, representing Wash ington and Lee University aad now la the Add to inter*it people of North Carolina in a prefect to build sad equip a building [a which is to be established the Robert I. Lae School of Joeraslloa os a memorial to the great chieftain who helped to establish th* university in 1AA9, thiaks Dunn on* of tho prettiest and Vranest town* of either Virginia or North Carolina. Lika most Virgin tan i la era* surprised to see a town of Its age and ilia equipped with all of the convenience and comforts af th* Uigur cities and at tbs same lime At-n majestic home* with suck large parks and beautiful surreundingi. While this ii coau«v,i In North Caro lina—notably ban «nd in Hrotland fleck, Oxford, Warrsafon, aad a large osmbor of other towns—<It h \ mldom osoo in th* little cities of Vir ginlo. W kilo talking to Mr. Brown wa war* (mhM of Mrs. Norman Ran *>lt*'a opinion of North Carolina Mwna Mm Randolph la probably the boat known woman of Virginia and la prood to ha called tha "Mother af Richmond.” During the world war the waa much interested la relief for woandod soldiers who caau to Camp Leo and to Wasthanaptoa hos pital in Richmond. Often aha would coma to the old Times - Dispatch where wa ware serving aa city editor. On one occasion the fine old lady tallied for more than an hoar with us about a achasa aba had for pro viding ovary wounded man with a Asia. Whan Ac arose to go, the ask ed Where we ware reared. "In War ronton—North Carolina,1, we replied. “Oh," she said, "I was hoping It was Warrantee. Virginia; I came from tbara rayealf—but North Carolina la » Ana aid 8tate. My son has just re turned from a tour through its east s'™ regions and ha said that ha had never aaan so many pretty little towns. There was one ha mentioned particularly—Ounn, I think waa the name. Re said it was Aa prattfest, 'ovtiaat little teem ha had over aeon.” Wa warn glad to hfar that from Mra. Randolph—though she had no Idea that wa bad aver aaan or had any Interest la the town. Hor ion had come through Dunn soon after tha paring waa completed. R was Aa streets and pretty homes and buai *em hoaaee that had aa favorably im pressed Mr. Randolph if they A Preseed Mr. hvm and everybody else who comm to Dunn. Back yonder In IMS or thereabeat Charitf V. Skinner waa chief of po lice of tka town of Dm—and the town had never had a better nor it had n better Unco. He resigned, however, after Ilia marriage and mov ed outside of town. Another chief eras appaiated, then another and still another—with poor to little satisfac tion. Finally friends of Charles V. prevailed open hint to apply for ths job again. Ho did. Than ths point waa raised as to his allgiblUty. It was roled that aot being a resident ef the lawn he waa not eligible to the oglce and another was appointed. This waa meaftod to oar mind by the reeent action of the town board In relating to appoint a local applicant becanae he waa a resident of Dm. While tempos logits tempos alee Hist I Tla a mystery; a daap and dark myatoreal Hasp sets are many bat etnas ara few. Somebody swiped the water. One mo me at H was there! The nast it was gens. Don* I Just Ska that! Snuffed eat aa a sandto** light is tooffed by a wintry blast. Detectives investigating tbs matter are ap again* It. Tree, they suspect ****** of the Moonshine Oong, but there is a* evidence. Mew the teens >f the crime (hart I* a track ef a * n whethe r ttet Week i'll ‘‘‘ ' a dodo, or m Wine t * '• ■ Vaatn. It la piobable . 1 o •« -..‘.1 aw know unless Big V'< r,'.n<i-';rL*rt tan find mbs Ugh'. 1 Sex Ve lesaei her* on tha OfWeutJi 9 «a <k lha opening of the nlilm. 1 >■«; | Ncv t'car resolutions may be re i>' is.bU. Mora folk kava been drink 1 ag water sintee Christmas than eve i >cfoie. It may be that »pma of tlx dd eoeks fl.vllng how good wets really la, desired to corner the market and hoped to retail it at right l bits tha pint. However It fceppeaed, the fart re malar that the municipal will want dry yesterday afternoon. And witS ®ot at that. AD day Old Faithful, which has yielded million, aad millions of gallons of the new m pierioup fluid year ia and year u«t since Hector was a pup, had been soughing swap as dutifully snd a I swsetly as ever. A good, strong ***•■ w*e gashing into the rseervoU. kuHdcnly the Annas wn. shat off. Old Faithful continued her chugging, hut Ac brought no water. Superintendent Biasell hot-footed U to the scene of the trouble. Mayor Wedc wae summoned from LiDington where he was aheat to grace the Jury box with hie aagost presence; Cots mlsiloner Newberry, Commissioner Goldstein, former Commissioner Neel —own ourselves—hastened thither. There wan as water. Bis and -I Mm aad the entire force looked all alb cad the place for the water. It wa» net there. Old Faithful was dineretedfto see if die had it bid **f *!>•• aheat her snatoaajr. She hadn’t. Bor 168 ft. piung, with the valves on the cad was pulled to the surface. There was ne water I After boon of work Old Faithful "* P*1 keck together. About 1 o' clock she was started la motion. And .srekal Them wan water! But the W»tery of who had It and where in till with os. Meantime the school kid dies were riven a holiday because there w no water with which to make ~ *• knat the school bail ding. (They vers looking forward to a week of It tad would have had that week had be esriper of the water held out that eag. To guard against a repetition of •he theft um mayor and other off -Isle will have Old Faithful watched lay snd night until the new pump >t the well under the water tank Is -tcemmicaieaed. Mechanics from the ,**f factories «re expected here hie week U pat it together. _, 1821 irsrabercd 18,6«t. with • total ndcbtedaeis of 1887,8014*2 as com rartd with 8.8*1 in 1880, iarotrioc 1888,121408, according to a report by R. G. Dunn ft Co. Tho number of failure* last year ranked next to the 1818 total of 28.088, aad the indebtedness wa* Lfea haeviart aa record. Baskin* nt ncnolona and personal bankruptcies were not tneludod in the Sgurea. The barinea* mortality lacraaaa was felt » ail aactiaae of Ac coun try—worW in the South Central «UUa with nearly SO* per cant la rrea*e oear 1880, and least on the Pacific coast, wher, taiiurw ran 58 p«r esat graater. TV* year's default* seen 81.8 per cent greater in the Middle Atlantic 8late» aad 188.8 par ceat more aam tr»es hr the South Atlantic croup. Western Suapeaa Nfttaa Cooper, Jan. 7.—WeH, ft u all orrr end as usual, some are aot happy. There is a huory saapended in the •» lb* Cwadw ml . THE BANK Or HAJtNETT _A£ <*>•*» «n the But* of Norib Co retina, at the data of bunneaa, Dmutor *1. 1911. kesoukcp* Loau. and JXaeounte-Ml9.013.73 Overdraft*, ,*ceurvd, anaaearad, *16043 . ... 1B9 0C United State* Bond* and Mbjrty Bead*. 73,990.00 Pamteir. and PUtafaa. 1.444.30 Cuh in vault and net jaMBU dm from Banks. Bonkers, and nTtf£3rtU„:: “•*“£ ™“ ' UAiiUTSi*5*^ Capital Steek paid U..4 15.900.90 Barpla* Faad. 30.ooo.00 Undivided Profit*, 1*** earrant expo**** and _ t"e* Of*4 -. 12493.40 Deposit* Boa Bank*. Hanker*, and Traot Com panto.. 1.191.M po.it, Do* In Laa* Than c£&r cmii -x. rSTStAmS«K porit. Bn* an or After . *? n*P ~ .. M.«tl4C Saetna* Depo.it,. 137444.33 Bond Depoaito. 49490.00 Total .. ..1330,14440 State of North Caroline—County of . !’•?’•£? ***®*nr o, joss. If y f C**h!er of th* abaoe named Bank, 4e eolemnly .wear that the above at*lament to bXf° tk* b*,t •* *T knatrlad** and Tka%'^issr^St: C* rreat—A total: « C. Hines, 5kVKS: Dlrtetera ir poiaibly fifty feet u a reault of1 noerupalirtw operation about Chrlat a£J. i. T. Hayaa aad D. A. Autry an rytag Alfalfa this year. They have •a r-«aid &nd the etuff look* goad, ■j tko wap Aatap hag a ;iikw Wad a aavpaatd to weigh 600 Iba. 'tow adtauiH of consolidation of eboole will very likely ban aadar ailing sow. W« have feet owr giaaat f pal.lie •«» tinea t hcan't aofteaed if aaoridarably. We have noticed far more “now [round**1 In the clearing tbaa ia aa0 rrevloar winter. Stopping with our neighbor, J. A. Barefoot the other day wo had oe-j ! a lion to we a fairly good acreage! a bun elover. He ia a clover eethe ■last, aad baa faith lo tho legume aaj a aoU builder aa wol aa a graaiag crop. Than too bo abowod aa by far the finoot bard of Eaten bog* wo ever1 ■aw. Barefoot talk* frvtn a big goo* mooi heart and kicfei no oo* who wlahei another brood. Bio argument lac Grow a thoroughbred, pour chateau1 Hi* hooka thow that he realised near >600.00 from hit hard laat jragr. Co oa you community bailden, tko pro com map bo elow. but poo will win. Sapp Ota you atop one dap aad see foe peunalf, Janet Btlrdana making •boot. Ho apeclallsaa in wdrfc akeaa ---- Mi Uay laak an' right aad waar •» ’rrralli FaB aaodad aha at* laaUag flaa. W* foBrw* vho 414a *1 4a It-waB. i wtaa au aaaa.aaUi -Oa to tha mu Ufa riaggnd,** aU. Tha Mat hritMawi aatlal mat at if Mr. O. W* Oo4ari*!*U* roatag aa at Vi. 1 1. Qodwia, of Sad via, M. CL, ta mat HatUa lut Mr**J** N?irrfiirifju!ml,f flf Caapar, hat aav of Data. Baa. B. B. Banova, of rriiaa. aMMai Baaa aftar thrlr ■anlagi tha happy aaa pla Mtorag ta point* north far a far day* tad ara at haau aav at Coopar. Thit happy atraal vao (ho * i* ml Lr.wna * Cmtw h. c • * * O' FuaHK They carry Bubonic plague, fatal U *!““ *«»*•■ They carry foot ud -math dtaeaao. which U fatal to Mack. Thay kill chicken*, cat grata, daotruction to property. If nu rat-knap wm kin t. mate* rata aftar killing laaraa -a aaiatL Come* ia ready far at*. Three rise*, lie, Ik 1111. laid aad gaarantaod by Bat lar Brother*. Hood and Grantham, Wilaaa and Laa. I BBSaS? Mn. Bmm Tall. H» IUu AWe a«r>W Her Hwm Dm “Kor two month.' I never wont la »ar cellar, fearing a rat. One light 'n bed I naelled Hr*. Bare enough 'be rat bad been nibbling at tt* matebea. If 1 hadn’t acted proatptlr •ay boaac would bare bean burned Later are found the dead rat. UT SWAP killed h. It'a mat «taB.» Three dsaa, Madia, I1JI. Bold ead fwMMhrMkr Brea, -Seed-A Oraatbaaa, WHm and Lea. HI— PgROORWS Stopsafl pais. Eaeeres norefort to tho teat. Uekee walking aaay. mac OX CHKXKTM. wovkv rice<<eo». k. Y. • ——" Tfoedford’s _ _ BLACK DRAUGHT PROF. SMITH, The Palmist ■messatf to T«S Jot OotoMa of dtp lioiu, OtoldQ Eaat look m mom at raoerr ombit YOUKFATE IS IN YCHJE HAKIM DON'T MISS THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Prod. Ami th |tw jr*u advice on Lava, Conttohip aad TUnfaja If poo an avparotod from tba on# pan love, or to trouble ho w U toB pm all poo vast to know shout poor affair* of I ft. It totfa poo aatnaa of poor frioada or cscaalm. WooU pm* Mm to ho married to (ha ooe poo leva? Art pan la trouhl* over sap affair is lifaT If poo are ha it ready to balp poo. Are poo eoatoaptstisar asp important chaaceT Do pao uri* to bo mceaaafalT If m, poo aoad hit advice. Tomorrow May ho too Iota. ~ OMoa Hsaii • A. M. ho Iff P. ML 'SjjBSjS jgggj ■ ■!!====■■:■— " =mb—ammgaBsaaeaBa— ’ 1 < STAe £P/wfi __ _ Ballot Girl beadoir U*ht-Sedated from CM to |Md Powder Jar...bdMld <M t I io H« Udw Vaao..Reduced fnm *11 to HIM Card Tables... faff AO doU furniture at aaat AO fancy candles rodaeod to lto esab Thaa* topics an Veto# offered to order to icpltakA our atock Ur ftoy. Va desire to thaak the public for its reception of ike GIFT CHOP^aad tta piimip dnb« the holiday taosoa. Wa extead ' ^^55® *^2^^ . -.- - - _ The Big Sale Moves With High Speed ALL PRICES CUT WITHOUT > MERCY *: ary 12 to 14. Others Likewise Granulated-sugar, 10-lbs to customer_6c lb. Ladies newest, all wool serge dresses.$4.69 Girls new $4.00 Hats....$1.00 * Aon* very heavy overalls and jumpers_.90s Ladies $25.00 and $35.00 coat suits_$12.95 Ladies $40.00 silk plush coats_$11.65 Ladies high top $5.00 dross boots_$2J8 $2.00 Lansdown crib blankets__$1.19 3est ground coffee, worth 40 oenti.,i.l5e Girls $10.00 and $15.00 coats.$3.98, $4J6 1 irown homespun, the yard _____5c $1.00 Serge . _ .......80s Delay is dangerous. Stock large but can't last. Act quickly for your own protection. " .... 1,1 *w 11111 . * R. G. TAYLOR CO. b the Yellow Front Store—Dunn, North CaroUna

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