GEORGE L PRINCE DIES IN HOSPITAL; SICK SHORT TIME Funeral And Burial Service* Attended By Urge Crowd Here Today WAS ONE OF DUNN’S MOST VALUABLE MEN A Lending Business Man Hero For Twenty-Two Years And One Of Community's Most Steadfast Christians—Fam ily With Him When The End George E. Prince U dead. This morning hie bier banked high with fragrant flowers expressive of the sweet spirit now flown to Us heavenly reward eras escorted by Ms Masonic brethren and hundred* of men and women who had loved him In Ufa, to Divine Street Methodist Church where his pastor, Rev. J. H. Buffalos, preached the funeral aermoa. Thi* afternoon hi* body rest* in bseatifol Greenwood over which the Master wham he served so Joyfully hovsrs with Us protecting spirit. Dunn feels keenly the less of this lint eltiten — this Christian, aprlght man who walked in the ways ef the Master. He died Vsursday morning hv e Richmond Hospital to which h* was carried early this week by his son Hegh in an effort to save his Ufa. It eras known Tuesday night that he could not live long. The wife who had beon Us faithful helpmeet through every struggle of his mature life, end his daughter, Mia. Ref of Smith, were summoned to bis bed side. They and Hugh were with him when, cheered by that faith which had been his throughout Ilf*, be pass ed snwsrd. The news of hit passing shocked Dann; for Dunn loved George Prince. For twenty-two year* he had bear one of ita leading bottom men; for all of theae yean be had worked to make the town a better place in which to lira. No areolar tribute can ha paid a citiaen than that given Mr Prlnet by every perron of Dunn. "A flood man haa paaaed from amongst ua.” That [■ the opinion of alL Georga E. Prince waa .not aa oe tentatloos citizen. Hit floodnem war not for show. Hit beat deeds were never advertised. But, wherever there era* need far a helping hand. George E. Prince waa alaraya among the Amt to extend It and he eared aot for the world to know. Ha waa atten tive to hie Christian dntier. Hie church had few so faithfal. Dann frill min him maeh. Mr. Prince waa bon in Harnett County and waa about sixty yearn old. In eaothar issue The Diepateh will poblitti a more extan dad account of Ms life. What C*«|mmbh Fan Say* This U what Congressman I. W. P*o «ay» In regard to tha Woodrow Wilaon Foundation, now Wing brought before the public to Wnor our former President: “I consider It • privilege to aid. even though it must bo in a saonil way, to the ostahllshsncat of tho Woodrow Wilaon Foundation. It Is impossible from this near viewpoint to make anything like a complete ap pralsal of the services of this great man. Certainly there are some of his achievements about which there can be no dispute. "Like aa inspired man, W led Am erica safely through tho perils of the great war. I believe his messages brought the war to aa end almost a year sooner than It would have end ed, thereby saving countless htmmn lives. In the face of what appeared to bo insuperable obstacles, ho brought from Parle a treaty contain ing a practicable, workable plea waereby war was csrtalaly rendered Improbable. Ho did not entirely arouse aa an thinkable world, bat be did point out to mankind the certain pathway which leads to liberty and universal peace." ■sued Over to Court For SestsMag Aa Odbose I. H. Mtomes, a young white man of Harnett county, was arrested Sab urday night by Policeman White fei being drunk and disorderly. Whet the eiker arrived at the statiea wltl his prisoner, Mhema refuted to onto) the door and reslated so fiercely Chat K was necessary for Oftcer White ta as* his elub. Mi mass later gavs bosM M his aypearunea before tho Mayo Men day, when ha area give* a hear lag and hound ever to tho Marti tom of the Superior Court under i •MO bead. Carotiaa Baauer. Who* the Cow Ones Want "ad" us. and all that ware aot taetantly killed were mare or lest nljured. Three ambulances and all available hxslrians ware called tern Van Wert. Forestry at Camp Bragg lew* and Observer. Last summer, when at on* Una t was thought Camp Bragg was to >e abandoned along with other mili ary oatobliohmonta that had giaau tp oat of the war, a plan was gro oved to establish a national forest m the camp area. Bat the temp fayed, and the national forest failed o arrive But with the advent of 'enoral Bewley several things have been brought into prominence at amp Bragg, and one of them out '~od la LilUngton at a masting af is Harnett county association for irest (Ire prevention was e schema hat will (till make Camp Bragg a itioaal forest. Already the roeaaaan 'ar has act on foot bis plans for reserving and enlarging the growth f native pine, and the plans are ss •mprrhensive that the comp will be r-ductcd on the basis of covering he whole boundary with as much no timber as the military opera* 'one will permit to stand- A big saad handred foot wide will bo cut along be property lines of the romp to sees as fire barriers and dree origi nating In tbo camp will ho leapt from vUing oataido, and fires on the sat 'd# win be kept from getting inode hen from pear to year the wild -ram that grown all over tbo reaer ation will ho burned during the six -eeks of mid-wtater, to got rid of be dangerous Inflammable material ■d this will be dona at tlmea when ho fires can be held under control iy the men in the camps. In that way he sprouting pines as wall as the '(Mr ones will be free from th.i 'ingcr of damage by untimely fires vith a lot of dead grass to feed them nd the forests will bo encouraged md protected, aad in a few pears "-amp Bragg wdU be the finest long raf pine exhibit In the whole world. An lntalltgwnt system of forestry re applied to military handling will Sc applied to the camp, and wttn the fall authority of the army to- handle ‘be matter ao It daaires aad with imple forcea to carry out the plans be camp will hare an illustration of tine colters aad praeerretlon that warn than merely North Carolina win bo watching before long. The rhola wire gram country af the State ton look right now In the direction of Camp Bragg end profit by the work bat is already enmmenced there. TW Haw Tern A city, town or rOtay* teat to ther >uyhly imbued with a spirit a* "Pti atom, stole prtdo and eeoperattoa la ii aura of proyrowlro roaulta 01 tho mo that to permeated srith pootlml— keenly habits, a dtopocitioa to wran fle otot toad crab lp and find fault rtUi wall (mentioned effort*, to deem 'd to baatoew ateynatton and social etroynewien. And material efforts a 'ane wffl not briny a fall meaaaro of trospority and happiness to a *«■» nan tty, bat when thoy aro ottosdad by aplritaalised mereasnto wMh Chrietiaa parpoaea cntT prayerfal -on it deration they fail aet and all Ulke are blessed^-UwtoriUa (Tex.) enterprise. | PROBABLY THE SAME BRAND AS IS SOLD m HARNETT American Leyton Weekly ■ease of tho com liquor boina ■»»do daws south nowadays has a pe ,#n*Y •>! Ho own. They tell thto sun in lllaetralion: 1* the North Carolina moantaini tor* "oyroao opened a Jay. end Is do toy ee tpfltad a little. One drop fell n * tumble bay, whe homed lately let hto ball. oSekod bit heels teyether throw book bio akooldoia and, back lay apte a kata of cotton tho two no i (root bod boon carrying, aaortedi “AH right. My bey I Zmt’o yal" Mdas Btaabeth Eseall was take* fc ' n PayetteriBe beepttal Thursday fo | an operatiea far appondtoitta. Nra. I. D. Hinas of Henderson. f • rioitlay bar stator, Mrs. L. B. Pope PART TIME FARM SCHOOL TO START MERE NEXT WEEK 3p—lal Court* For Nagra Far* ■tors InsHtiitod By Pro* fwor Jam**. W. Vines WILL TEACH FARMING UNDER NEW CONDITIONS Praparmg For Coating Of Boll Weevil To Dunn District Farms — Exports From Ag ricultural Department Will Aid iu Work—Local Spoak ora To Toko Part. To fight ths bolt weevil luccem ful ly farmer* mast cooperate Intelli gently. So my* Protestor June* W. Vine*, principal of the Harnett County Training School In a circular addrewed to the negro farmers of the Dunn District calling upon them te take advantage of the opportunities offered In the “part time" school for negro farmer* to open nest Hea der night uader hit direction. The school will open with an ad dram by one of the leading whit* far mers af this district and will be con ducted with the aid of experts free* the Stale and Federal Depart meats of Agriculture. Professor Vlaes Utter to the farm er* read*: ”0 Negro Fenner* of Harnett Ceaa tv: 1. The U. 8. Government, lb« 7t»te of North Carolna aa well at Harnett county. reialae that the pro *T*»oe of the Sooth depend* ve— largely open the nccut of the far m«r. North Carolina, and especial!) Hamett County haa depended upon eettoa aa a money crop. Tjnfn-*»*»at» *T. or fortunately, the boll ne'Vl wTI *oen invade thia sect’on, and uniter 'he farmer, begin to prepare for the :nva»ion, they will -offer the can— roaneo—ruin and dlaaater. To Sght the boll-weevil auc -enefullr. fa-men moat co-operate 'ntelligently. To make the attack ig norantly and wHboot training meant «ra defeat. The Inatruetion to be given to Mm farmers la absolutely *Vwe. Come and get the trebUag, that bo ready far tbo attack wpek '» w» be come soon fimnS' and tholr wives, and otiara who are ia ttreated In the general welfare of tba •action arc Invited. S. The Harnett County Training aehool, hoping to halp the a-g-o far meca to make preparation for the -omiag of tbo boil worril. *11 con duct a part time aehool for Negro farmers of this eecf.\ offering in streeti.ta oa *Tlow t> Ke-p Und.-r Bon Weevil Conditions'’ The t-hoel will begin Monday night. January If, 1*21. All firmer, and others who are interested, are Invited to attend. Tell vour neighbor*. Our plans la to her* vUiton from tbo State department ac well aa other local men apeak on the different sub jects. Thi. Is your opportunity, don't let it pun you unnoticed. Bo oa time, sad enroll, Monday night, at T o’clock o. a., at tbo Muonic Hall. Treating that a Urge number of Negro farm ~r* will be present, I beg te remain, Yours for the farmer*, JAS. W. VINES, Principal. U Your Mo—y Me °r 8*t,rd»7 ni*ht deposited It to a place where It srs •hie to go up fat flames or he stole) ru« "Kot ta tfco COM ol •!nt ■lot of it 'o Hot” icnj of faro wor to U tio.. f ttM O* • tnd L. whms OoMi * foneealad •artfer. Ho wont ta caa* Hannibal Tlioon aa !1U4 't>W>g •'lei 'Vflcaa. ha k!f :lioat Wilaon’i h»f»o on tabn of 't any time, 4a fwf—■ - ■ r tn difiaoiT lng K in a bank here It weald her* '•an safe at ail times. Tha wav* of adat is aidant ta tka rerid war ha Bttte ... of •balding, aaithar people aar pi v being lanwi them attack at «d aomc of (he perpetrator* ad Trt*e* »«P ba opart bey may be among 0 i or n aaothem Indiana -r~tir eea cmlng the Indiana OU Mefiaing Co * Colnmbaa tod., tha stack of which “ *o»d to many firmer*, by a deal r hi inTcitsut >rrnrh Im It «»• ■ mad that the atoek of this eom t .t won Id pay aa Ugh as IM par ‘be Cnt pear cad the mlee falk eras *e altering that they crecded «• Ploiag a good daal of *•’» dock with peraons of mmH •an* U faemt that weOde-de peo '• end barks did not taka wd ta It ’• *drUed ear reader against ia a ting in nay centera making mch xtrnraga-it Haton aad cored that he rrenWgata carefaliy any aampary isfara patting Me money Into It Bacantiy the India aapollt 1 are kora 1 Cohunbaa t i Indiana Oil | : bean placed (a tka hands of a n i er aad that a petition had haea filed I *n the circa it *a*rt asking fa* a apart I if inquiry (a an effert ta team what > J*d bacocac «f tha aampaay'a meacy I alleged la kora beau glased by tha I ■ affe*n at the aampaay. The mattar L will ha leaked grta aad if K Is found i that tha aaaata aad liaMlMoc of Mm l aampaay irdlcata that it wtM ba 1m # ' peacock pretty b»d, but Stork DflJVERS GOODS KbW trick Sam TW b N* Cmn PirMb Ualaea Help la Ode*. SPEAKS BlfORI ANNUAL CHAMBER MEETWO HIM AMm Pyb TaCet Tagadb-. lUddU hUW*Re^it TW Or tofpetorhad Will Meet A Ml kwittwa bird is tb« each—bat It takea the stark to Mir er the goods) WHh tbi* declaration Oeloael T. U Kirkpatrick af Obariatta aAtioahhcd p true gstharte; . • Dana to* *a theca «u me gead to thstr prase tog aad bragging abeot tke beat tewa wa der the aaa wmlaaa they ware da toe their pact la belptog to keep a peed aad whs it better. He waa eddraca tog the aaaaai waattop e< *a Dorn Jut atoriing apea Ha third rear as the ifnktb tea—It wwtr tor opfcft. orwrS, aew la^ahiaa bad baaa at tracts ud 1k* tktmhti bS gfaaa aiaeh aid to the Mias cleaSag do ->artaM8t la aiklif 1ha tawa Mara ' aaHbfal aS taalMfjr. Director* far 4m aaariag yamr wan ik'tS a* fallow*: KOI* GoJdMeta MrD Holliday. C L. WIWi. ft. u Crdwfa, J. A Bailor, A. U Hrwkarrr Jobaam. A P. DidJc: T-Hlor, A T. Draper, W. A Celts**, W. Tba-ntoo. Walter 'ia. w. A '■-w»-d. Job* X Longue*. The dWee •or* will meet Friday eight and aic«t t president. a Mcretary and a treas urer. oaaikl* to eoatiaa* A Ike raeofaor '14 ha InKtractS to wind ap tha af i folia of 4m camyaay. Jaat how mmy bare bought Math la mat Mated, bat It b a aafa aaat* that them who did •• are tedder aad wiaao me* aad we maa. Waralag bare baea aaaadS srhny la wfld-aat oil com pea la* aad Fortaaa* or* eot poatrtfle mt^r to 74*4471 Ufa* War* ^ Ginaad Up To j«. l.t Waahington, Jan. J«—Ottaa (4c ■ad pnor t« Jiaaary l awraaiad to • *84,171 nun; balaa inrludlac *: vaaai hiaa await* J >• n« f balaa; SO,OH balaa af Awtiitaa •:ty»tian, ana 1,1*0 balaa af tea fa land. To tea. 1. iart yaar, 11414, 101,1*7 ramMbateTidJMtete* Amorlcaa-Kcyptian u4 144* af tea -Aland Ginning* by atataa ta Jaaaary I, :>la yaar. war.: Alabaaaa *14,135; Artaaaa 154*4; Ubaaaaa 7*1411; CalKaanU H4N; barite l*.OH; Qaargla *174*1; **Mum m,TT*! MMartppi Ulr Ml Ntaaaan 1741*; North Carolina 83,59*; Oklahoma *7*479; teatb arallaa 770,**•; Taaaaaaaa M; Taaaa 1.1174M; IryinS. 1*471; U otter atataa *447. i—atari townr* tha low art > priaa Irrrt it m rffart ta la Maf tte dollar aad 4* af baada. Tte bra la anaalaad art* later lad taw. Voach hk* touto— tkM ur -to m* n< tost im mwu' he «nia 01 ntrrri to 1— It- TV -’*» totoff* an aat jrfvaa to too f*k V. It \t wnB to row f* nr that to* ' 'Poor o*a I* oofnc to lot yaa la an s* rroo-vt floor bo* ilruly tofco mrooMoo of the howw rot and V o*V»» ran to Mo **w fora Hi ft '<“* «*- ot»»f» pf oH man I to «■ « n. mm*-** fr too arm ml|M boa teauaw to ^al Vo n** n|ry«»- T vto III 11M vai> Ml V’lM mot thaw eat of the mat* of -* •--•* *Vn act eaooo* ’•mr ♦« «*y »*ib -’v’fo** ** 0.4 »•«- «.w(| V. f„, V hot. Oar- a*vt«a to to taoaot If fu *»- •• * i '* - •* <-ro-« • • S-'<-•» ci*-. him-* oi)4 fcreor to* *"4 w"tt'n* roar owner lata now promoter*! pocket like he«l ** -* r«r wirt ff-p»»< to aat toe'r ■more to rlirtrt In their fnao oaf -nom whpro too* earn eajay too in •froiaaao; pa tat aa too heaao 00 ooo r-aata-ooo hi too kftohon art too hat tor than too f iwbhi of Mato la aawa concern locate! la a 4latent Mala ahaat uhlok Mttla It ta tki* At a staka mad ro'ati* tfgras&g.v: . M B. *4 Malm* aaf SO I nks M iW Ir Un •*,. of • A*M. tbi. 5S R T --b«hw end Ml |!*k* t> * ijr • I link* to -lit •>* V o; thane* a n*w J'o: T •' * ‘a w ml toy. t’ * ** •*’ 'll- do; #a v j: Ik- *ra a- K~v la-, r -. '*- ■ « *»» ia ;■«** to t># .-.f* to **»Vt'If if • IS *§"«• • • W J r m n .-•••*. .^v . ( rt» :/.v r CKroy ■ . . ’ ’ VO IfV c » Coepr atlvr ■#«:**> Of Am0?it0 W«h I* mmrn hi tb* ton* *f Uw *aan To oapoaot BCo company wt nr f oar r**4*r» who hot bought itwk oak a* to te* rary wraraly Bat lo -**41paUo« oaw Bmn hot hlf ra nnfttftg oat of tM>M»C that hot woo Hrriont to tba •oetaty'a (took *f —jm ponooa hi Wtaraaato fH -•io lafloao oaf MoMm. That* with* (•* • ohMw to bojr frooi (ho mm* that tto robU* Pha* u b* Eadlaaa FtfiMn OcMt