LEGAL ADVanm 4 WeTle, Plata tiff X. 'D. WaSa. Defendant! The defendant above UVe notice that ea above hu been i tturer coart of an d: waive She bonda of be'ere exiting, ** And «ho raid defendant »01 far ther take notice that ha la milrif U appear at the next tern ef toe c'T'.-r or Matt at raid aonatar ha ha held ee the 4th Maadayhoftee toe Ut Monday ia March, It hate the y J.A. Coek, erg wife, Beulah Cook, and **bdl Tid ed end in lou bounded on the North V Cook street, SS feet so the Beet by Booth Arena* lOS feet; on the South by lot Ne. 10, of said aubdirts lon iso feet, a let M x 1(M. Time ef ml* Monday (he 23rd day of January Mil. Place of tale court bees* deer te LiUlagtea. N. C. Tinu of aale "eadh.” Tble th* SSrd day of December. 1321. MAT CUT, Mortgagee. M. C. LEE, Transferee of Mortgage. Wilson d McLeod, Attorney*. Dec. 30 Jan d IS to._ A aortal* tract of Im4 tjim aai ^^OaSEaSh MaJmiH doath WHh tto too of KtlaMtolHam tract to a (taka with 1 black Jade aad S mwa Aaid; tbaaaa K.IMR. U.U Ante* te a law ataka with t pine, 1 2&SS tu' E&S SSS tbaaaa HUM*. Il.Tt ehatoo to a atoka with t aaH pad aak, t si&Tvti£S3*s&2, thancc LUM V. 14.10 chain* to tha bwtoatac eaatatobw 104 1-* IN* Dll mb If tbtk. 1ML & L. GODWIN. Tram Daa tS M Jan 4 IS. N*4m ^M.nbm d Ca-Pnimcc jrswti tka aaid J. I. Strickland baa camm ed al liabiUtlM a( the aaid ft™. The Mid baatoaa* wfll be caattaaad at U* B^d AmmmtofSnwri/daa toe aaid ftna of Strickland A Jernl ■■■•«“£ eSi *5^ *1b^“ckl“d J. E. STRICKLAND, R. B. JCRNIOANa Dm. If Jan # II10 pd. ____i Ms YnTanbt* » —J j Uadar aad by virtu* *f a mortgage da«d assented to th* undentguad by J. A. Paata aad wit* Dora Pool*, aad aaaardod la Ham oft Co. ia book 10*, pag* MS. default kiring been mad* » tka paymaat of tk* not* aacnmd tkamby. I ariU afar for aala for cook to th* highest Udder at the court home dear ta LUllagtaa, N. C at 11 o'clock K. on Monday to* (to day of February im, the fallowing deecriV •d lead*, to-wit: lit lot No. 4 beginning at a stake and palatal* la to* Mclaab D**, tamer artth Let No. 4 aad ran* wtto toattaaafLatNa.ll.TSW. 11 abates to a atak* corner at the Season Bead ia lino at Lot No. ].; than** m to* road S1IE. 4.80 chain* t* a staka comer with lot No. thence da* west 11.75 chain* to a ataka comer to to* Sold: thence with another line lot No. 1 S 47 W. 11.78 chain* to a ataka In George Hodge* b**: than with his Uae & M B. 18.10 abates to a ataka earner •ailed a dag weed comer; thence N. 1 W. 1.80 ttelu to to* Baaaaa Road thence with tha said road toward] Mingo to a Make comer artth Me Lamb* tern jute to th* north edge of th* road; there with a lino of sold McLombt N. 38 W. 4 chateo. 35 Unki to a atak* by na aid ditch; thence Us ite* B It W. 7 abates to hi* cor aor stake aad pots tees; there with another of Us line* N. 11 W. 4.80 chain* to a teaks tha beginning cor aor. aad la 18 acre* morn or tea*, lea* torso acres mom or tea* here to-torn nawgad to J. N. Hedge. ■ad. Lai No. 8 bagtaateg a* a stoke aad pointer* ia a pend with Gao. Hodgta earner mnatag with hit marked IhaSMUS 41.80 toatar to a teaks aad earn*? at to* ma at Mingo tote helaw an aid fond (called a **w ford ta to* old paper*) these* up th* eartooo course* of the ma of Ming* to a gam on to* orate *dg* of th* ma jute below fard near to* adga of too road; thane* with Ma Lamb* ite* S. 07 1-3 W. 1.50 chela* to a staka with aaaaB iw**t-ma ear ner near to* narto edge of tha road; thanes as tha road la a amtoia di raettan to a teak* corner with lot No. 4 these* All. 1. chain 80 Itak* to a teak* aad comer ta a field called a dog-wood comer wtth Geo. Hodgei; then co with hia Una A 1 I. I chain* to the bagtaateg aad is SB acra* m*r* l. M. KcLAKB .Mortgage*. Docoatoor 30th 1031. Jan 0 It 30 37. Tuesday. tkt Wk ter tit Mmry. lass, at IS ekbckTMi la tent of tha Mut how* 4m* la the town of Lflltagtan, N. C, Mil to kb bighorn adte far twk, the following deaerib «d primIni. to-wtt: Treat Me. X. Adjobtnr the lands of U D. Issnt R. M. Smith, Ben Miller aad other*, aad bounds* as foUeinL to-wtti Raging lug at a stako R. M. Smith'* aadPraf Lanlor'a cor ner aad rant 8-4 degrees aad 44 minutes W-f 104 toot to a statu; thaaee 844 degree* aad 14 minute* 1411 fMt to a atako, a eotwor of tract No. t; thoaoo M-4 degrees aad 14 tohratoe K-liod feet to a stake; a eoraer ef Prat. Laaito** aad W. O. Altman's; thaaee M44 dames aad 14 mlautoe W-StO feet totke togtn ilu, cosrtainlng 14 aad *4-100 acres. Tract Ma. 1 Or that tract kaewu as tha Mmer-ptoee, bounded as fol low* : Beginning at a stake In the Duma Baad aad rwaa S-M 1-4-B 00 feet to a stake; them 8-4 S-4-B-14 feet to a stake; thence 8. 44 1-4441 fMt to a stake; Prof. Lanier's oeraer; thence 84 4-4 W-4U feet to a stake; thence N-00 1-4-W-T44 feet to a stake la the Duaa Road; thence N-T 4-1-84?* feet to the beginning cos ier. containing 8 11-100 acres. This sale nil be made subject to confirmation ef (he Clerk of the Su perior Court uf Harnett County. This th# 4th day of January lttf. JAMBS RAYNOR, Cemmladoaer aad Mortgagee. Tan. « IS SO ST. Ss.Ahsld.TI Meeting Ike annual meeting ef the stock holders of Ike FlretNationa] Bank, Dean. N. C-. for the election ef Di rectors and such other business as may property saws before the meet ing whi te held la the beakiag memo at ton o'clock on Tostday morning, January ITtk. lOSS. h. b. Taylor, cashier. December 10th. 10S1. hawiy 8, IMS 8mlari proposals wfH ki received by the Board of Treaties Dunn Grad ed School District, Dane, N. C~ ta the odtcv of chairman at I p. m. Jan uary at, IMS, end there opened for the erection end completion of o Grammar School Building for the City of Don, N. C. Drawings sad Specification! may be eeen at the (Sees ef Chaa. C. Wit ion, Architect, 105 Davie Building. WUsoa, K. C SOS First National Beak Buildli*. Gastonia, N. C. 804-T Palmetto BaOdlag. Colum bia, & C. And in tha allces of the BaOdlag Exchangee la Columbia, S. C-, and Atlanta, Ga., alee la tha e«ee af the Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte, M. C-, aad may ha ahtaiaad upon ap plication ta tha Architect 804-T Pal metto Building, Columbia, 8. C, up on a deposit at 916 as a guarantee -hat they will ha rate rued not later than the day art foe the egeateg af lha bids, la good condition end with out east, ana that o boon fide bid will be submitted. Deposit will only be re turned when the above ce editions have been complied with, other else It will ha retained fey the Architect. Additional eats will fee famished uponeppltoetlsa ^at^elmTge^of |16. may secure each portions ef the plane aa they may desire from the Columbia adBce at current Maa print prices. Tha nwaeaa raaerra right to'let the otombing, heating aad eUctriaol work leaaiwtety. . The right ia raaarvef to accept or reject aay propped. J. CL CUrrORD, Chairman, fan 8 10 15 IT SO 14. fJOirr NEED TWO ARTILLERY CAMPS Br*oS.*wiUBl,s5aT 1 Washington, Jm. 10.—Sale e ear** ef tracts eased by tha Wa partsaeat aad tha eenaolldatlon a belishmaat ef a amber of am activities are recommended by a House sab-committee, which, after waaths of iavastiffstteu into the ad HsahDity of dta—*■« of War Depart aant property, made pabilc its re ort today. The Sndiaga amt bo ap proved by the Hoorn military coenmlt Ice before aetiea can be takan oo them by the Haase aad Beaate. The eab-eeesaslttae approved in their entirety unnammidaUsns of the War Da part—oat as te tha die posed of d saves of army poets aad adaor rsssrvatioas no longer asaded for war paipnsas Haas—awdtiana Blade la addition to tha soh-coaualttaa tha consolidation at Oaanp Banning, On, of tha infantry school conducted there and tha instruction activities emsriad an far tha signal corps at Cam Alfred Vail, N. J„ for tank oOcecs at Camp Meade, Maryland, and far tha angleaeiisg carps at Camp Humphrey*. Va. Tha schools conducted at tha latter three cam* weald be abandoned. Tha report aim toceraanded th* aboHdimaat of three motor repair depot* maintain ad by tha army with civilian iaatractofi at Oampa Hola bird. Maryland; Jamaa, Georgia, and Kamayta, Taoma. Cvary military po*t th* aob-enmmlttn bald. ihooU have tbop fheiUUaa with tnMcleat mechan ic* among enUatod man to da repair wait. Abandonment of remount depot* at Fort Sana, Oklahoma, aad Front Boyal, Va., waa racmnmended, with the anggaMien that aD roonowat ac tivitiaa ho centered at Forta Keogh, Montana, aad Borneo*, Nebnuha. See ArMDery *—g— Two artillery range* are not need ad In th* Month aaatam part of tha United State*, th* report Mated, rac er Camp Bragg. Vorth Carolina, which ia a tract of 110,000 acre*, or Camp Knox, Ky„ which ia 30,000 acto* tn aba, ba aald. The report Mated that a Ur?* n»n har of baaoa uviVtd daring in* war ry the array f*imiahanm .braid ba aald. , ■ Froparty la tha Sooth, which th* War Department aaid it no longer needed, and which tha aab-comrait t** racommandad dhanU ba -aid. in ■ • rnmmm i i 1 eluded Beacon Inland and Pan Ma con. Me*. Stem Toll* Mew Kate Alnal ■wwed Mor Hoorn Down “Par two month* I moot wont in oar cellar, f oaring a rat. On* night in bod 1 mnattod fir*. Sure enough the rat had boon nibbling at the msteboa U 1 hadn’t acted promptly my banco would bam boon burned. LaMr m found tbs dood rat, BAT*. SNAP kflted It. It's mat stuff.' fins Aaoa, UuUc, |lil. Sold and fauna toad by Batter Bros., Bood A Oran than. Wilson and Lon About Disoaao Catstod bp Rats » j Tbsy cuiry Bubonic pla*us; fatal to bitnan balnea. Tier cany foot and atoatb disoaao, wbleb is fatal to stock. They kfll chicken*, eat mi*, cease destruction te property. If yon have rati RAT-SNAP wiU till them. Cre mates rata after killing them— leave* no email. Comm in cake*, read; for aea. Three dies, tie, tk $1J6. Sold and gearaataed by But ler Brother*. Hood end Grantham, W Itooo end Lae. L_" • la Superior Court Nsrrh Careliro-Harnett County • Mill:. Woodall, Plaintiff BfcUey tVoudrll, Defendant. N*4i«« Ti* drferdaat abet* named will taka entire i>«t an action aatMid aa «ljti hai Icon commenced In the riser .er cou:t of Harnett County, to d.ufe tha f.rdt of matrbaonr be.vVforc exiting, upon lOPPltP^ Aud the iai7 taka r o:Ice that be ta riauttad ta appear at the utt tana of ttr an pe:!or court of mid county to bo hold on the tth Sloadsy b«for« fttnt Mao day in Match. It batag Ilia tth day af Fab nary IKS at tha court house af »‘4 county in UUiagtan, N. C_ and annrrr or demur to tha complaint la Mid action, or the plaintiff wfll apply to tha court for tha relief demanded ■r. raid complalat a. a. McDonald, Clark of Superior Court. This St day af DaMahsr Ittl. W. C. BELL, Attorney for Plaintiff Etc s* to j a uso _ I PAY YOUR TAXES 1 Have been as lenient as the aw allows me tc be in collecting State and County taxes. Now I must insist that they be paid. Please do not force me to take any action that would prove em barassing to you and unpleasar t for me. m J. W. McArtan, Sheriff 4 Dodge Brothers t.. • Will' Announce on Feb. 1st. 1922 A Substantial Redaction * in the price of their can I ' Effective from January 1, 1922 Smith & McKay ! v; ‘J - ‘1 -j p * • . \ i • • • I l §■* . - I--'