VOLUME VIII. POVERTY PINCHES YOUNG MEN ARE DRIVEN TO CRIME D. R. Lee Preaches Sermon That Should Touch Heart Of All ONE IS IN JAILj OTHER MAY GET OFF LIGHTER1 One la Prison It Sou Of Invalid Father, Other Of Widow— They Are Accused Of Steal* ing load of cotton cYE ing Load Of Cotton Seed : ' Valued at S1S.00. By D. R. LEE On tbo morning of Friday lh« 13. day of January there were two young man found in tha town of Dunn try ing to dispose of a one-hone wagon load of cotton seed; tha scad being the property of a farmer of the Shady Grove recticn of 8arapnon county. These young fellows wars apprehended and haled before a Jus tice of the Peace. Beaide* being caught with tho goedt there Is pretty strong circumstantial evidence that they committed! other • petty mis deeds on the way to town during tha right There must have been great nead to cause thorn to take all the trouble end pains incident .to hauling a heavy load 12 or IS miles through a hard freeaing winter night for ah amount which could cot possibly exeeed (20, i* obsbly not more than (IS. One of them is in jail, the other will probab ly get off light by tuning State’s evidence. Tile hoy in jail is the eon of an invalid father and a mother who has reired a large family and la growing old. He is their only male holp. The family is in pitablc circumstances. Ills companion in crime 1« the son of a widowed mother In needy cir cumstances, only a few days ago 1 saw a notice posted "For sals ander mortgage” In which were enumerat ed all tbe feed, stork and tools owned by this widow. or driving a team when hid only pre lection from tbe cold was a pair of ragged overalls, a thin ragged shirt a thin ragged coat and a rag that bad once been a cop. Ones I have known him lifted and carried from '.bo wegon into the house of a neigh bor so cold bn could not walk. And fhls when other children were getting the benefit of the pablie school which poverty deprived him of. To* toe came reucon hr was deprived of Ibe oppurturity of attending Sunday /school and rhuirh services. For com pni'onrhp be must associate with people similarly situated. He was not the son of a drunken, shiftless im provident father. His father was a bard weiking. lionest man wboes word was a good as another man’s bond, hr died In middle age from hard work, undernourishment and expernre. Cold fact* arc sometimes a hard pill to fwallow but peoplo who boast of our communities wealth and en lightenment nerd to face the ordeal occasionally. People who live on largo form* Inherited from parents who probably entered the land at 60 cents the mere and have their final tended by people who wore not to fortunate have no Idea what roal need I*. Al though thvy may set others la need and undergoing aoro temptation on account of it they seldom tie# the golden rule when dealing with those who prove too weak for the tempta tion. Lent 1 might be misunderstood let me cay that not for one moment shall 1 champion the cause of one whr follows law breaking merely because ha would rather do it, neither am I In favor of the much-used method of chiriding one law braakar from the fall penalty due him and rail roading another to the full limit J««t ■'ecauve ono has mrtnsy or friends "with a pull" and the other has not The great State of North Carolina ra-tnot deal true Justice to It* people. Whyf Be-'snsc the peoplo who make tip the 8uto are not Just ta each other. Nobody wants Justice end very , few arc willing to give H impartially. If true Justice and a square doal ta all had taken place years ago those two boy* would not have grown up In an atmonpher* and under condi tion* that mu ft nee* warily make criminal* of them. And number* of other* would be serving instead of being served. dreed and need brought those bey* to grief, the greed belonged to folk* hi general sad showed itself in die tremendous pro Mowing orglo that still throttle* Out eeoatry and need earn* to those and coantlow other families on accogal of It. "Tour gold and silver la can kered; and the root of lhaaa than hi • wit not* against you, and shall cat your flesh a* it wore fir*. To ham TWO SUTIS FILED AGAINST FORMER CHIEF OF POUCE Civil Summons Served On U. S. Page Yesterday By A H ens Attoretyt WILSON AND MORROW ARE THE PLAINTIFFS It Is Said They Want <10,000 Each For Injuries Inflicted By Page—Wilson Case Grows Out Of Incident Which Led To A Near Riot. rwo civil vummum involving lUiU of probably 910.000 each ware yes terday issued against D. S. Page, for mer chief of police of Dana at tha instance of attorney* for Enoch Wil ton and Marsh Morrow. In each ease t is contended that tha plaintiff suf fered srrions personal injuria* at tha hands of the defendant while h* was a policeman hare. The caaa* will be docketed In Harnett Superior Court -ind era expected to ha reached at an early term. The Morrow ease grow* out ol "aga’e arrest of Mr. Morrow on Christenaa eve when the policrinan ■harged him eritb disorderly conduct end carrying a concealed weapon. Mr. Morrow was badly manhandled it the time and it is alleged was track several times by the police man’* rlab. He was, it is alleged, dmgged to the police station and thrown upon tha eonerete floor In vn unconscious condition and left here for more than two hours with out medical attention, although ha e said to have been bleeding from several wounds an his head alleged •a have been Inflicted by Page. In this case Mr. Page contended hat ho wae compelled te strike Mr. Morrow In self defense. Ha exhibited • black aye as evidence that ka had bean struck by Mr. Morrow. Mr. Morrow, however, denied that he truck the effieer. Tha Eaoch Wilson case grows oat 4uteimmmttom u m « ■trees day several months ago whan he officer's dob upon Mr. Wilson's ead sa aroused the town that It was aecnsary to plaea a guard around "tty Hall to keep back a mob which Hrcatenrd the policeman's life. Mr. ’VilsoD was arrested upon a charge > eorryiog a revolver eaneaalad la '.Is automobile. He and Mr. Page had rrac words about a bondsman with he result that the young man arms lubbed and locked up. A jury last v*l acquitted Wilson of tha conceal 'd weapon charge. Attorn ays for Mr. Morrow are lannibai L Godwin and Mack M. ’amigan. Attroney* for Mr. Wilson ire Messrs. Godwin and Jernigun and ’•woe Franklin Wilson and John Al cn McLeod. BOUNTIES FOLLOW GUILFORD’S LEAD Want Sanitoriurn* For Tmnt »ml Of TIiom Afflicted With Tuberculosis The following bulletin wot Issued •>* North Carolina Tuberculosis Aw oeiation: Fallowing the load of Guilford a lumber of count!o« are becoming •wro and am Intereetad in the -aunty anabHin problem and dele gate* are approaching the county omminioncr* with a rlanr of having he people vote for a bead lame to Solid and malaUHi a eauaty aana ‘orlum far the treatment of toboren The cotamlftlnners and tbo poo la will, ara be Her a, cooperate on Oris sue when (hey are made to renllae 'hat a aanatoriam pay* dividend* Seth financially and la better health »• a community. The Worth Carolina ""nherooloeU Aaaocletlon baa secured ntne atatletlea from tha State Sena ‘ir'nm ‘that ipeak vary elormentlf ''em a financial atondpeiat and arc ' a Mere the people In them eenntiea •hat are working far a aaaatorluni •nil bo Interested. Far (he fi-yeer pc •led ending Jane SO, lfilo. there had Seen IJSS patlenu under treatment it the State Sanatoria* of thh number SfiS had tuboTCeloei* tat the 'nrlpJent stage urban admitted. T1m follow-up cmik done la Nora mb at feclocei that MB of theae patient '•» living and working; ST are Uv K**ped treaaare tagetber fer the hwi daye. Behold, the hire ef the labor era who hero ranged dwwn mi AdMe. which if of you kept beck b; fraud, crietb: and (he cites ef the* which have reaped ara entered lab the cart ef the Lord ef *a berth. . fudge net ena again* another brefh can, last ye be condemned: behold > the Jndge ctandeth before the Seer.’ MAY GO TO RIVER FOR CITY WATER; POMP STILL OUT ! ^ oTte!" ^' Capo Faar WOULD COST ABOUT $180,000 IT IS BEUEVED Meantime Dunn Must Cat Alone A* Boat It Can With Artesian Walla, But Must Ba Vary Economical — Mayor Ask* For Copara tion Of Cits Dunn will have no definite hope of permanent relief from water faue'na* until it builds a pumping station on Cape Fear Diver ami a larger reser voir in town, according to engineer, Bocrreh, who was here last week rep resenting G Ibert C. White, the town’s consulting engineer. The cost of sack an undertaking would approximate $150,000. Meantime the town vRI have to get along a* beet It can with the twe wells which have shown so perverse a disposition during the last two weeks. No Immediate relief from the famine la promised, although R. A. Buchanan, a pump and #eH expert of Richmond, Is here and will attempt *o rig up a temperary method for getting water from tha eld wcH at the power station. Use new wen, Hnce the eans'ng of Mr. Smith a week ago. has been working fairly steadily and Is now supplying all of the wa ter used. Sunday the entire fores of the elec tric, water and street departments, aided by the Mayor and Cotnmiaslea m. worked all day to pull the casinr from the old wvll so as to hare It mady for Mr. Buchanan whan he ar rived Monday morning. Several joints of tha big pipe were ao badly worn that It was found neeeasnry to dis card them and cracks in totac are be lieved to have been partly responsi ble far the pomp’s failure to supply water. Werk of replacing the casing darted last night end Mr. Burkaagn US s baps*! imerMnery luialmtMRs morning nr i.ta per annum. Complete report) could net be eeeurod bat from Infer motion submitted an estimate of *1. •00 wae eiade. which wetrid give oi an earning power of (841,000 a yum for the potion to hack a4 work. Thi coot at treatment, te the State, tv the alx year* wee **8*,0*0—thi* I* *f coor-c for maintenance only. We feel, therefore, that teh mono] ■pent in Keith Carolina for tbo treat went of Uhercoloala le well Inverted It haa enabled men aad women wh) etherwlae would hero died of tube* euloala to hoeome aa economic aas and they ate turning into the fits* theoannde ef dollar* that weoid hav keen loot PENDER NOT! BE Write* That He rapt POUCE OEP IS NOW Wl 1 Deputy Sheriff b>f TenporeHl ! WuU South But Goldatem CboioB la May Hi \ do mi it wmutnt a or police for the time being not know when it of one acceptable to the and Board of Comaaiailoncrf. discern seed yeetenUy Wade was making » ovrear xle office J. K. of Dur ham, who aovoral oral ap pointed to eucceod whoso ac Ignat ion bocame laat Bat urdajr night, tot ibow letter from found it impoodblo to office. Meantime Deputy S. Y. Jor nigan it acting will centiniM wan is foand. Mayor Wade Mr. Peo itnymti' letter In i*i regular meeting afternoon end afftd Urn take tome tclion at once. R. M. Voiron if Mr. ■dio was a at the time Mr. i ap ointed. To tkia Elbi Oolditela entered Mr. Qoldotein laid ha to have a man become chief of Dunn. "Them ere men la Dunn or close te • want Ur Job and will pelibe. won If given the aid; "and I for horn si to Interfere “tie. "Tee gentlemen." ho aid, “got a poticeatan. and I'll try o flx the pumping maakiaery." He *’d been working all day in an of ten to overcome tko water famine chick hat had the town, in ho grip *or I'm laat wock. It wai luggcited by Mr. Goldstein hot the appointment he given to D. fl. Albert fer whom eeveial band rod ■‘ticcm petitioned tke hoard in iti In* mcetxgi held to rhooee Pago's iurcewor. There was »en»e doubt ex ■ Tiled, however, ae to whether Mr. Mbert wai it TO open to acceptance, fhe matter wae deferred far actloa ■wiay or tomorrow. Mrant‘.*e there U a nice police Job Ting a-begging. WEEVIL WILL BE SUBJECT TREATED Mooting Hot* Jam. 24 To Plu Affaios! Damaga From Cotton Foot On Tin* .day, January 24. the lint '■ .vid uantjr agriealtara) agents •' ih c Sion rorrlag aactkma a* a 8'sto wfll meet at Ore State Col >*# la disrate plans fat controlling l«D weovi) damage. It Is announced ‘*al a aplendid program has boon iwvparrd to cover tho moat important ***•* radueiag tho damage from I**1* destructive past. Thors wlU b* nrooor: raven arho have experienc 'd heavy damage tide season and “"■* who bare not yet seen Its do ■t ruction. Apoelalieta of She Experiment.) ’UUon and Department of Agrfcul taro barn been giving this subjocl taroful study for several Year*, and •• tho coming meeting will bo g>m ho mast recent Inferotation far l» •heclrg the damage of tha weevil. The disc nation vfil tenaider not '■•'ly the meaiu of eoatroMiac th< • m-*r but will ragged supplement ary and aubctUnta crops sad tha plan nt ''Vertoek ander bod waovfl eondi Tho boll weevil has made eat ‘•ou a laaa eurt crop than M former!] waa, ru It la predicted that It wll form many changaa la agriealtara practices. » 'flip boll weevil eonforuaeo wll ’ * held during tho regular meettaj of county agent* and tha North Oar : "c'd Improvement AaaecUtiea j hu Seed Improvement asaectattoi wh ch was organUnd last auiumar ha l' »»"*bo»*Wp rovurlag every saetloi of the kalo, thoagh Ha largest mam ■ | herrbip la among the cotton grew ijeta. » >n eve wen of tho Ul who a» • it erected !o thle m**4!ag hr* 'aviso la a It end Pa-thrr Information mo --=^==g""m - j. —egggge 1 ELLIS COLDSTKIN | - _ I Elected for the third eon eecudve time Preeideat of the 1 Duob Chamber of Commerce. i PART HUE FARM SCHOOL IS OPEN Many My Farmers Ktn draae at The Oprahf With brilliant and encouraging ad. j :'bal L. Oodwla aad Pnfsirir Ju | IT. Vines the part ttaae agricultural I Febeol for Megra fanaan apaaad | aioat auepidoaaly iaat Bight wbaa 4m initial mtetiag waa bald to tba Ma j gra Masoaie HaO at the ft«t ef tael Broad rtreet A dam of many farm * wan enrolled last eight and wit , .cot tea timer during toil and aaxl I \0-!th. e chool. a cording to aa outllnr n 'a t -light by Frpfesmr Viaen II iter. d. to tench farmer* how b*at ta overcome the dasaago that wtO be I done by the boll waeafl anlem math 114< of farming are changed. Tto ; - lootings and their sabjacta will to > VH aa follows: I January IB. fertlllsottawo; Jana ary **, mall grains; January II fruha; January BB, poultry pro duct'on; February t. dairying aad I've clock; February «, earn aad part production j February », mart ding etc. The ,d«» or me aehool U to toad the farmer* dbeca* mad bUcnaivi faming and t* ton tide rad a harbla gor of th* coailng of that time what all lamer* of tMa diatrlot wfll pro doe* all the food and forage —rtrfrl by them and th* people of the town* Mr. Godwin ipoka for more that , half an hour, atxeaaing th* Import I ante of food culture aad th* fatOtt) I of placing alt faith hi cotton. Be wai heard attonthrely aad applet much for hi* talk. Pro fewer Vlaaa hat arranged ti have the clam hear tweral wee a* M farmer* daring the comma Among thorn 1* Henry A. TurUagtW oroprioter if Turlington’* Dome Jet •cy hog faiW aomo Ume thb most* Other ox'wita who are to com* mr Iw. D. Moot*, of Ooldaboro, aad C A Cardwell, tf Saloigh. h b alao hoped that Prof amor C , W. Carver, of Tuakegae luatHut*. th great** Negro acWntbt ,{ Amort ei i eon bo indocod to rUtt whoa ho com to tho State to make anvoral add real lea upon th* vela* of awaet pat* production. Prafeeaor Carver la th originator of atora than too by-yn ducta of the two* potato aad U cm rldnrod the great** two* potato *1 ■'-art la th* world. Th* Chamber < r»ntKm aad Mr. Oadwia wfll al P aftaeer Vlaaa ha hi* effort* to gi I Carver te apeak her*. I. ' — I A young man had baon talking 1 I a bored, editor far guita a quart* I f an hoar and at la* ohaorra • '*b—* »"* aomthlaga in tho marl > ’ ’ rn wthout toying.” ' *Yo»." aald th* editor, "mad that •J m atm mora paruona in th* wor >. «ti* any • goad deal without going • Hr want - ft-- - - - be obtained af 1. T. Winter*. Seer f w*r»h CaralHt* Seed tmgrov I t * ■ ae’V'oa State Cotlog* St f ‘nr Raleigh, N C THANKS THE CLOB FOR SCLPIER AID; Dim Orgawimaitiow Slat Christmas Bob To Otaaw 1 Haopltal l Mrs. M. G. Barrow has wrttlaa , Mrs. j. * Batter, chairwaa af tha nate'aaa roltef cwnralttea af tha Wa rosVa C.ah, Uur.kna tha dah far i O'saa HoyUl the latter reads: 1 raw m are nrhe'wtd with saahs * -I’t-.ni M niT -twas far ary - f-rr.: the eta': woman «f my ho *»' a 1*0 is h"sy besides balag ‘ r * • * e-vj'W I as sarry I .Via- rei has as it • " »Sa h« and * ■ • ti'lial hays. • * * • vw h ’ghtar, 1 .it ► *f h*9*;.a! l with It waaa r‘* > V pro la knew haw tha » rotated ‘nta the CHrfotwaa gta1 1 o fear bed wmrda and bang aocka |»o all the tods. ha Hag tba jelUast, • happiat^ ttoo, boyo, ardaitys aad names an taring Into tba frolic. | Srary ward, tod a tree toaaUfaBy d-eorated. Ward No. 11 (death word . the boy* call It) tod ”ratty tarbtam i aocka, *o boaatlfa’ and bright. Mat . j (ram W ddoa, N C-, and a waodarfol I package for each toy—a dozen cuts Uttie garnet, pataka, rerap bathe, ” ate, sad by ■ (ted f*om Matos and I bar camp fire girl*. Ilk poor rick toga wan Joat beam kg—I aak) ta the norm “May I HaH aU the beya," dm rapUtd. "Many are too afck for a Christa*** gift." Wa had aocka aad package* for tka dfty , colored bmm (tod pat tecta). Wa toaa . wtre aocka cad fralt ta aB toe wires. . •hlTdraa aad mother* of ear toys i rvfng atoert In pevorty tn Mg . ihaeba amend tho toapiUL 1 am I nreud af my itoto. Next Chridau Tory few af tham i toys will ba la the Hospital, tod atb . era wtB to (bam, to I tops much wd) i '* dona f«r them. We aaanet do to# - maah. TSak days art taag aad ione i hr- Some coffering tagribty aad maay a a fa* from toaas Maay toot dlad - faaUog they warn (orgottoa. i» I toank yaa again far year totp h The Ml 2 do. with dm help ef etkom, f ** (b* Joy of my lift. Hamm (bank | vt«h lady who fit]ad a tack. *1 MM. M*a**A«bOW, No. T Mr Baa Id Apartment, o OmanHUa. 8. C r fannarry 8, IMS. 1. --- d (to Jab naan, who ha* torn eon* f'rd H toll *to*a Ma mtaasa ftoaa a *n#r!tal (allawtng h*» Injnry to dm d testing affair In which Frank fftatm " tor* HP ad. was rakased from Jodi I Wodnaoday afternoon an band far p tl ,000. Tim bandsman am kk fa ► *tor 1. | Jekaeoa. and X. t. Tne ► ’"ra ""■# r«»* wto rrma nw far trial m ’ }*• ' n J- **0-0*1 Conto ••-wa. GOLDSTEIN AGAIN •j W. ?*«t o*rl C. L * J. [ W*» gp, ■M* rir w ojmmT. FSg Hi *» nr. H. • co lt* Vr ,v. pt any r$m of Um Bon m Uo oo m. NAMED HEAD OF JEWS IN ST ME Ueaal Weil, of OiUrtw, «u IM tordajr alactak chairman ef a paroa ■oat organlaatiea of Until Caralin* fnrs to pet over tka campaign fa* Oka - all— JaerUh Belief commit, la* of North CareUaa for 1100.000 •f^tha faartaea mDUaa a tin I for |a wm kata—lack, wdl ha atagak dor lag tha weak ef Vahrearp PU. Tk* meat tag. largely attaafol ky ’rprmawtattra fan *f Marik Caro lina, wm kaM la tha Waaaan'i OeV hotWHng. km—lag at 10*5 Dr. Ka tku b— af Maw Tat, aahakelak m tka principal —aakar peetarkap kariag tka key iactnkak Mam T. B ■krlkga aak Law]* tommh, who ka 'Narek alkreMm ef welccmi; Dr. B N. Cake—, af Wikmial, ▼*., Ma* Uop. af Narf*0u Bteta -itinTnnn far Virgin!*, aak D. a Oka. af AUaata, ! SSSfSitt* M t* pra «nt* tfm *f tk* fowl* r*. faf campaign, wm toaagbt in ky n * ana'ttaa. af wklak J- L. Dmanii* •f Balrigfc, WM Otatamm. Aa*v tVngi n-r -T I th*‘ ■> ■ 't»"« k* appoint art t* w*> at Oeoaraar Can me* Marring te •<* •hat to lama a MM i r _s A A fupt tom Dai aa—ai r y ''’ • •r.-r J*. fr'eo'H. *-k toi ••