W. would Ilka to almka the paw if to* gaaUama* wba aaggmtad toad ttoft. WaVa never loved to* *a«4 *f that "lives* town" thing. In the Sae pin** thorn was nea tor dispute vito soma other lowaa that dm might ttoim earn* dagse* at Ufa beyond to* rjunl; and tn tola dap and tons whan ■ life" in a town Itiaa to aMan Jass and gin. wa art not a* sure that era warn to b* called to* lhraat tows. * Bat—tha BEST town I That amana something. It apaaa to ns s aaw.aad snare worth* field of actMt*. W* can rosily htaama to* haat town beaaam the BTataga town* ara uniform)* had. Wan*, or worst. We are not »o snjt h>u« to became a Mg town. Oraat stoc to towns usually mmas great graft, j olUirsl fDth. moral dim* and crowd ed atom*. A little town and n little town U to* meat blessed bf *B human a*t> Memento—can ha mod* as gead as .anybody-* town. Dana is alraady an to* read to gaafnmi It has to* ooa vr r.icnre* email* atti touted to citla* and all th* comfort* of to* manta*. It "sods man* things pat bafoto Hs ciaisi to hatog to* haat town eaa ga unchallenged. hnt It la an its wap. As th* Chamber or Caatmarc* and the gtsd citisaas who week with that or-1 gzuiaaUou add to toa List of thoir nrcr/mpHshments we wfll em« closer to to* goal set. Erantaalp w* will iseth Utopia. » - ▼**» Mmy »• WoHr ;«flc mor.oy » nntklm to tho poo *•» Hi to tho public. Monty an tttejMMd in biding place* whom H i-annot perform it* proper fraction hi :ha cotamenlty U of » earthly ago to aarena and might a* wall bo hlnnk prpor or p% iron. Tho other day oar Iktla hoy woo ploying atom. Mo had exchanged a Jot of wortWna stag Cor a lot of which warn nwhdnMir1^ tiorx of the itanomiooilmi* hi nddeb tho national • currency is imoo. He had mm hmdrod* of “deOan** from hU aflerneon’s oalaa. We alksd bbn what ho intended to da with ell tint wraith. He informed at that ho vn traded te met it—that It WM Us ia teatira never to epcod it. U ho worn to remain troe u that (-etnimiliation dm Imitation manor votild ho of Jnet as math eahm to tin* sa wo aid tho real stag. There am man in every rirmmimitj v ha *rcumulate money to hoop. Mo thing wm taka ha place with thaw. Every sovplnt degar they got goes ir.to hiding; This money io taken » way Cram tho eeoumoatty Joat aa of f retnaOr ao if it woo homed. Honey io valuable far the thing* it will boy. Money repreeoate work far the laborer, the mechanic, the clerk, the mlnnaan. the hnHrtraapoTi t represent* new dwtBhma, sow *;eaol Mldbpi mow Mono; new fac tuiiaa; it rapraaowla Homan dhit JVoporiy funetloniag It nan* at] of tkam thing*. Kept in fajdtag it rep raienta aotbiag bat tepidity, mlaer finom »t U aat thrift u aatra merely far ttt «kt af cavteg. h amriag am *■^•14 taw a definite object tor LT» Money and ha toeold ha careful It heap hie metope la rireatatioa trrafla he ta la tha act af aorta*. Thrift !» aat mlanfinefa. Thrift le tha la trll.'paat applleatiaa of what yap vast. If every Me dehar ia too Data Mrtrfat ware pleiad when It weald perform tha aaretee every dattar wm created ta perform, than weald he I'ttie lata af toed tteaea. U tha peatlarnaa af Mato Camatp •ha thtnbe ha haa eamo apple braady It peare aid haa aap detot Meet the tg*. aoaMy, preef, to, af tele prop fJH. a mighty goodjMg* tdy"to? nyoltantato Mir. Mewteaerj got the aeet ia the Caaato. Maw Maary retd wfl have to fa cadefled with Mnedi dhaata May ha that wtJI give Mb eaaato toteagto ta defeat toaMaatearry dag ta Mkhi p ^. Stoatadt, loader ad toe - • I I "An in a oitiion or 4* |ts M 1lNbnr*nMb«kttlhiChn> tor of Commho to oMiag rrory ha toon oaf profooolNial mm of Dun. Bow mm yoa UNU thott Motor WlUtom A. Axtonoo. com ■totoniN of ogrtcaltor* of North CinUiA, )si Imm4 sr InttiMUBf foMtr to which ho toil* of tho oolo> h*Hr of oar ottiooto, tho profnotfrtty of ooo aotto, tho woUth of oar.for. ooto oaf ootoooob oaf tho gaodaooo of Corollaa gonoimHy. t* to a Am* thto*, onooMty that part of ft orhtoh towftoo tho hoolghtoi pooplo of loo* fotrooof rogtou to oomw to thto toad of “ton oaf win*. % oad homey ote. Wo ioaht aot that Dm gonial ac tor oil pt toootto from hto effort to ottroet folk thto tray. Wo'4 llbo to kaow whon tho omtor hoop* ft Why Adwthat When you Mace a nice party at home, srhea yoa build a new haute, a4n you do mat anything you on proud of—what do yoa do. If yon want the poblic to know all about HT If you an like the nat of ua, you Ml tha newupapor follow. When you do tainMlilar of which you an idauil, something you dent want to tut to tha pabHo yen >rally—what do y«a do? If you think the newupapor follow boa discovered It, you on a peculiar citiaeu if you don't wk around to the nowapapor Mira with a request that It bo aopprsued. If yoa have a nice Uao of yoodi to saB—what do yon do then! Wo caa ye up and down the streets tt Doan or any other good town of tha country ,ma if wa did not know oho you an, end toll Juct ex actly what yoa da in a ease of that kind. If yea an tbo kind of merchant oho puts hi* coeds on an old packing mao and places than sat front to mtch tha dust while attomptiny to etch the public’s eye, and uoyWct o toll the public about your good* will show It. atm*m9n%~~r>wr *Ur* If yon uao prin tor’s Ink — year sen wifi show that, too. Ton may say that yon do not ad '«rtia* hacanao yoa do not believe , **•* ? ty) bat yon know you «n not telling the truth. Ton dona advertise because you an ahvaya hep 's* that the other fellow's advovtis lay will attract people to town and that they wifi spend aa much with ion aa they do with him. Tan an too dad blaated Mingy to advertioc in Aa mp^n. But, yon do advert! a*; whether you know it or not. The feet yon do not toond monoy far advertising edvsr Anjm In a way that la not proAu aMa to pan. WBJ You MiT Nrxt weak the directors ef your town's Mi helpfal institution will I* Mmugst p» asking that you help than to otki tha institution ■ora halpful. Thaw Ben get no mo ■>•7 for this sanies thay era perform *** for you, for aa, for Dona and far tho great Duua Cownanltg. They wa taking times frow thair own bo tinaw to caQ to your sttonttou a duty* h watts no wort difference to them than to you whether er net you Wn tho Cbiutu of Cnwratree. It ■toons as wock to you as it does to (hey. Thay bam* no private aza to triad. They are interested only In keeping stive an organisation eroated to foster Puna's welfare. H is uwlws, of count, to toll you that It la 7mu duty to support thfc organisation. You, hotter than say sue okw, know what your duty is tlong this Has. Most of you will Join -gladly. .Sow*—gladly—will not loin horuuw thay ore so constituted that thay will not pay for l thing that thay can get far nothing. Thaw •otter will ha content to let the rmt pny while thay enjoy tha heneftta squally. ~ However, thaw ia coating a time arfwa ttwrtwt of tha Chamber of Cewwereo will have aa advantage ov er them basis am anon who are not newborn. Oh goad way to dioeovtr what this advantage In to Join tha organisation when the saliaMort viaM T»a,—«r, batter attfl, eaU Biddle up aaw and 1st hhn tarot! yew. IfiiitoM eriile. furthermore, he «M the ealy man la the world ef Mflkieat atetare te ynppl* with a preMem *o *4«*ntic that it had Att l*»4 Maahlnd, and te propoea • ao hrtiea that waa net n mh palliation, hat that weat-atraicfct to the heart ef the Matter. He proyoard ae laaa a thing thee to reorpeniaa the covora •aeat ef the world; and lie cuw with in e hair*! breadth of ooccvedui*. In fact, there la «oed reaeea to believe that he did aoeeeed; for evidence in cnaaee dally that even hta earn eeua try, the laM atrooyhold of the old ayt tem, w01 eventually eckcewledffv the IrraaietlMe logic of evoato, and adopt the plaa that he prapuaed. If the Halted Statea yeea into the leayae of nathrna even 10 yea re hence. Weodrov WUaoa vtti have aacceeded after all. ms ncna, in uui event, wiu bn like the sec com of Nelson st Tn rnlgar; for ot the height of the bot tle the commander received a wound fro* which be will never recover. That Is why the note of tragedy in die career of Woodrow Wilson domi nates nil else. It is rather eurioee to note hew !hi* men, while still living, has step ped into American history. Mr. Gil bert remarks that hie lllncee has made, la Mr. WUsoa’s own mind, a complete break between hi* preeent end hi* past. But more remarkable Is the extent to which it ha* made the earn* break tn the minds of most of his countrymen. Few of aa leek opoa Mr. WUaoa as wo do span Mr. Lloyd George. for instance, or even opoa Mr. Oemoaoooa. As for Mr. Lloyd George, wo spend *ur time wondering what be will do next. Aa for Mr. Clemen ceau, we spend oar time wondering if he trill not breik loom la a now ploco yet. Wo do not think of trying to earn op the career of either; hat a* for Mr. Wilaon. wo know that be wiU never again participate actively ia public affairs. Re may some day set In an sdvlaory capacity, but hit porasnsl career is undoubtedly closed sad ws are as well able to sum It up as we are that of say man who bos died recently—that of Bmoevolt, for instance. Aa illuminating example of how the country feels about Mr. Wilson is presented ia tbe effect now bring mad* to rale* a Woodrow Wilma me morial fund. Wo ara actuaHy.engag ed la building the auta’s monument, although he still lives, end inhabits Washington I It is aa inapt sort of monument, to be rare—nobody ***** to knew precisely wist it is fer, or how it is to bo administered. It is more of the heart then of the head, mere emotional than intelligent. Nev arthalam, it flhmtontm how the conn » * “ mam name eneogn to de clare that the career of Woodrow Wileon to mow before the country la IU entirety, for the etody of the am bitious youth. Wee ever one of eqwal importance endowed with torn attrac tiveness? Hare was a nun gifted with one of the most pewerfel intellects of hie time, called to supreme power st the moment ef a supreme ertoti. meeting the crisis with a conception so gigantic that it staggered the world. It was a big career, an enor meos career. At one moment the »aa came nearer to being aheelnte master of the world than ever did Alexander, or Cfccmr, or Napelana. Furthermore hto mmtrry was achiev ed, not for himself, bat for tho com ■•« paopW; wherein he differed from the three emperor*. And what did It lend to Defeat, physical collapse, and voluntary ob livion. Certainly there to far that no Invitation to a man of unasual pow ers to throw himself into the straggle •s a champion ef democracy, « Mi ambition to to any degree personal. tart that view to a "eless-np," to the atotiea pictara parlance, and perspective. Te set aff a^last It are theca fasts: Wilson shattered more completely than did tho allied armies the last remains ef the moa arahtot theory, sad the aristocratic thecer; ho forced the princes and po tentate of the earth to how to hto win. and compelled ell the people of the world to hrtas to Ms deetriaei be took Into his two hand* the gevea ***atot syrtem ef every nation that amounts to anything la the world aad .■pressed hto rtaoap open it; he left the world radically shaded, aad h win never again he what Hwuto wpew the am He has aad to. hated | he has bean. a»d to. rilMUd and condemned; ho has been defeated} bat he hae not been, bo to nob aad'fce never wfll be for gotten. Gentlemen BURLEY TWmAn* Um! of tLt due? Maet rigiitU. tobacco* ' m on* jMrfcci cigarette one-eleven cigarettes B^OO *rn '■iimax*« BANK SENDS MEN TO WEEVIL LAND FayattovilU Institution Want* First' Hand Information On Boll Foot Business man of FaystteviUe art «o reach interested in the advance of the boll weevil that they have nut man to tha Infested fields of Geor gia to stody the situation there at Aret hand. Thia Information roaches tha Dispatch through the Fayetteville Observer, which yesterday published tha following story: Masers. J. A. Oates and B. W. Christian will leave Fayetteville to night for Georgia where under tha auspices of the National Bank they will investigate boll weevil conditions. They will inquire and seek to fiad out specially as follows: First. What effect the ravages of the ball weevil have had is Georgia; (a what way the people suffered note aad to what extant they have boon inane tally Injured. Second. Whet steps the farmers have taken to eradicate the past; haw the warfare Fas conducted, what ware the bate method* employed, etc. Third. What steps Um farmers have taken to ekange their fuming system from all-cotton or largely oot ten to other crops; what is the plan a flotation or dlrsrFflcatlon; what «*■ On their return' from Georgia Messrs. Oates aad Christian will re port their fadings to the National Bank, when the matter will be care fally prepared and given wide pub licity through the press and through the medium of pamphlets. The beak management acted wisely in choosing Messrs. Oates and Chris tian to perform this important work. They era dose and intelligent obser vers, have'good business aad caeca Uvc ability, and bnvo had long sxpsr* laneo in fussing. DUNN CONCERT BAND MIN STEEL REVUE a • Tuesday night at the thaatn, tha band will poll off it's Plat Annual Mlnatnl Ravoa, and tha parfomanca promise* to ba a splendid ana from viewpoint of tha artistic. No pains or axpanaa Is baiag grar ad ta make tha prod action worthy tha patroaage af the amnac—ant lovors at larga. aside from tha fact that It la being given In aid of tha band's ticada. wbiah is a real live lasaa aad really worth a groat deal, from a etv j* point ad view. (The east of characters, la a asset capable owe and tha chorus— an eMeieatl Tha eaataming U strikingly attractive, and gtv— bright color ad* fact ta tba stags piataras. The mode In past. Is af tha traditional, aid ptaa tatlaa aenga and are claaaica in thetr way, with taterpolattene af aaraa danesa af tha (paint kind aad sort to please! The Mlastisl Oral. CasS af latarlacater—Mr. Willis Newber ry. >• *>»»n Tooaday at nwa. Ha Band ind Klaatnla la fall BogtHa. Ha •and'* offorta along tka Biiulnl Una ] a a crodtt U tka ally and a yaakad '.oaaa ahaald gnat tka Mania Mia* 1 •train, la tka Grand MVnatral lama I Ticksta now an aala for raaarraUon ind by aollattatloa. l*roaa Agont B. B. Gantry, Boakar Harnett County Mew*. So fnw people in butt coanty ' on a equate tad with tha font of Prm- ; ideal Ceatry'a ^lurtid work te be kalf at Utttectea'a reupet beak. Harnett County Trurt Company, that, we deem R not autea hare to atato; teat ha hae accompli eked te tha part | IS month, that which earned ahaoat mpomible. Be baa brought tha Aaect kind at order oat at ■»—-riffm wont Lonfuaad. Whether it be a* Chaa. Boat »o* reeta, that Gentry's face hod pity written oeraaa ft. or whether ha teak ed uyiy whan ha cried—thane da aat matter; he tamed the trick, and made It paaaiblc tor lUUtecton to hare laatoad of oaa tent bash— two. • PereonaSy wa weald any that hia wonderful aucceta may be attributed mtUillHtllUUUUIUll I* kU •meanly of pturpom. tha plain ■irtpla kooaaty that ara part and Wiaal of kia vary aatdra—to kia bu -BBHaggar »ln*» Integrity that la abort ao p roach. Ho ihould bar* full credit. BHHnMIBK' t i MONEY~to LOAN~ < ► in the Spring o «« ._! am in position to take applications for loans on Harnett County real estate, money to be available in the Spring. I suggest that vou put your application in now if you can use the money in a few months from now. « » L. L. Levinson < - Attorney-At-Law \ COATS, —NORTH CAROLINA i: • < • • i II Johnson Bros. I ALWAYS LEAD || i! —IN PRICE I: :: —IN QUALITY |j 5 -IN SERVICE I: ;; The thousands of customers of this establishment know that here ; l; > 1 they are always ffiven the utmost in Quantity, Quality and Service for * j ; every dollar they spend. They know too, that the presence of any ar- 1! ; ; dcl« on our »helve* is s i-ecommendation of that article and that we ; J ’ ! 1 stand squarely behind it in every way. ! *« n ! ! !< * Hi. < .< * I ! ItiB worth much to know that what you buy come* from— * i__ __■ <! Johnson Bros. 5* : DUNN’S.MOST ATTRACTIVE STORE- i:: • ■ ■ -• ■ ■ . ——-til... . t '* > .".... —. One Car Load Kentucky Mules Wo have Just received a ear Wad of Fine Kentucky Mules, which are now being shown at our stables. They weigh from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds seek and are from 4 to S years old. All Shipped Direct From Kentucky And Are In Fine Shape We will sed you for cash or on tens, or will exchange for other stock. Our prices are as lew as you will ftad elsewhere end we guarantee what we sell. Come And See What We Have Before You Buy i Ben Johnson and C. A. Johnson STOCK ---DUNN, N. C

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