'v. THE DUNN VOLUME VIIL DUNN, NORTH BAND MlNMKtL IS GOOD IN SPOTS PLEASES CROWD Mora Than Two Hundrwd Wit mm Organisation’* Fir it Effort In Thaatra MISS DAVENPORT STARS IN AESTHETIC DANCE Fallow* Cot Lino* Mixed In Sketch In Proaoating Trarer erty On Dramatic Art— Fleiahman And Kurdall Fea ture Song and Dancn Pro gram. Excellent in many ipob and rat tan enough to ha mora than good in cth»r»—that ii what mar be eaid of the Dana Concert Band's initial ef fort et minrtreley aa rtaged here in Matrapolitan Thaatra Toaaday night when mar* than two hundred friend* ef the band paid on* dollar each to be amused and found the money wall ^ent. Where the show waa good it wee at goad aa anybody** minstrel. In eong aad dene* the boys war* fie*. Their joke*—old, middle-aged and young—were good and well pet a crow. With the** they did ae well *e any aggregation ever heeded by Lew Docketed*? or Honey Boy Er ase. Starring in Ike attraction wma Mima Gladys Davenport, who gnva an an thctic danea of rara marit and charm. Btllia Kurd all and Bam Flelshanea. billed a* "them two beyi from Dixie” addod to tho entertainment by giving a aong and danea number seldom aur paeaed by professionals of the larger vaudeville cirenita. Kartell shook a wicked foot and was applauded Into giving the aadlanee ell he bed. Sam Fleishman also did a comb turn with Bek Warren which war very good, end Boh did a good bit of foot wiggling of hta own. An specially enjoyable feature wma a aong by Casper C. Warren, in troduced by Interlocutor William Newberry as John McCormick. That vary emottng sketch, “The Ba&way Junction,” portraying a rube 11 u wj, ju jj m,: a, arranged to clooe the Blow-end It did. But at the last mement the nran agameat found that oae of lha prin cipal characters had left town. Thlr occasioned a general shift and throw the burden upon four youngsters who had Bttle thus for preparation. Lew i* Denning unearned the role of the rube. He woo oil right except for o little lock at training and kia fail are to remove the black from hlr face before amusing the green whio ken of the robe. Henry Shell war ehoved into the play a* the hobo but through eome inadvertence war gives the line* of the opera singer William Newberry took the part of the linger, but recited Send**' “CaP of the Yukon" Inauod erf attempting operatic sire. Bob Warren took the port of tbe retry negro. It was quite a mix up, but the boy* mved tbe ekatcb by abandoning liner and merging into eong. At tht* they did welL The east and program follow*: Interlocutor....Mr. Willi* Newberry Mietah Bemee-Mr Jam** Farthing MleUh Tambe.Mr. Yoit Sutton Mietah Sa obeli _Jtr. Robert Warier Mietah Blackball. .Mr. E. F. Ballard Use!* Tern.Mr. Louie Denning Overture—“Land of Cotton" Min rtr*| Circle. "Stood up and slog for your father and old time tune"-Mr. Edwin Coop er. "My Mother’* Evening Prayer'’— Mr. Gmaper Warren. Aertbetie Dance— Mice Ciadyt Dav enport. Cemie Song—"Ma”—Mr. Robert Warren. Quartette—"Why it the Ocean So Near U the Shore 1" “Punmaa Porter Bln**"—Mr. Ja* Farthing. "I T* Got th* bib** f*r 014 Kaatoeky Ham* WlMl* Nowborry. PUaUttMi Pane* Mr. Snoboll— B*b Warn*. "H**r*n U Uk* Dial* After AD’ —Wl»* M*wb*rry Tb*m ter* boy* fraaa Dlxf* !a aon* m4 daae*. — Bom TlMriunan aac Mil* Kartell. •My Room Town I* * On* Rm T*wa”—Mr. Harman Rod#**. Th* J. K Hiahamfth Co, baa a* t*yte4 th* a**n«y *f th* J. L. O' Q*«nn Co, Florlrta, of Balai* am Tay after 111*. Till* *onn*«tion will *n •bl* th*m to fir* prompt **rrl«* Tb**a iaatrlao flowai* may eoaamoa leaf* with tin local umpnj or wtt Mr*. Cka*. RlghwnKh. Mra. H. B. Ryr4 and Mr*. W. 0 Jahaaan, who kora boan II for th yaal **v*r*I day*, m hnpr**inc. t BfcNs PKOHTAdLE TO L A. CULBRETI Fifty Columbian Rock* Lap An Ararat* of 41 Egga Each Day Tbu Yaar Sunday mean* little to forty-eight of the fifty hen* owned by L. A. Cui breth, a brother to Julio*, who oper »tc* a small chlrken ranch na a side line to hia other *cMv:tiv* at Fikon. Mr. Cuibreth gathered forty-eight -'£){• from the chicken yard Sunday. Mr. Cuibreth baa an interesting tory to toil of hia chiokant. tie ha* •nty fifty hen a—Columbian Rocka_ he call* them. Lait month he gather ed *08, or »n average of forty-one ad a fourth c*ea day. The*# hen* have (applied the Cul >reth home with *11 th* chicken* and ggs it rontumad. ha* paid for th* pkeep of a fine cow and (till have •ft a comforabl* little turplu* fund o tide over any rnaaon of unpro luctivene** that may come. Ho* Dm Ho Do (* 7 Wall, for oat thing, be am hit 'rain. The chleka art not turned ont o depend upon their awn rraourcei .'or food. They are fine fat**—arie ocrata, if you pioaae; and. being *urh bey demand and get treatment due heir rank. They have comfortable wine. Tor breakfast they get a pat •et poultry food; for luncheon—now •ar la mind that they are arlato -ata and do not have dinner nt mid ay—for luncheon they have uprout d oats, sprouted through a special roceua Mr. Culbrath found in one f his poultry journal*, and for din er—the final meal of the day—they ave skim milk. There You Are Ta ihow that this treatment pay*, ake a look at brother Julio** ehiefc ni. He has a large number of horooghbreda They era aa pretty aa cacoeki, and strut about vith all he pomposity of a drum major— at they produce equally aa maay ggu aa the dram major psoducas otea. They are not profitable chleka wai^irei,1 *il i torn the Inaaatei of hla aach over to the brother L- A. Chicken* pay wben you treat 'em right ’LAY POLITICS IN BULLOCK’S CASE Canadian Office Seekf a Saak To Win By Attitude To Negro Fugitive It seems that tha vacation of /hcthor or not Matthew Bollock the Varrcn county negro who hai been rrcUrd in Canada, will be turned ver to tha North Carolina authort ek, U to bo mode a political iarao i t the comtag election of South B» j ex and Boat count!bj, Ontario, Cau da. uya a former North Carolinian •ow living in Canada in a letter to he Newi and Observer. "Than are probably more colored eoplc In these two counties,” the entteman write*, “than la any otbei 3 the Dominion. The elections wii e close and of course the cam el \ia negro criminal will bo used U ho boat advantage by the govern ont members Who are up for re lection." Tha gentleman sends the New od Observer copies of editorials U ho Canadian papers which show hers (■•rant aoaaa of tha Caaadiaa adi irs are of the manner In which Jus ce la dkpcaeod in North Carolina Tha Torah to Globa says: "A negro arrested in Hamilton ei ' charge coming from Norllna. Noitl srollna, says that If he la dolhreroi ■ver to tha State authorities ha wii ot he triad, but lynched, aa his hro bar was shoot a year age- This i Tult* possible, {edging by America] 'ectlmony as to the prevalence o lynching In States where race feellai rae nonar ox duui la waorro I* tw» com. Tba rotate* U entitle be all tba protection wo eon *hr tninet tba law loot, tWmm nd rt "IT pOMlblo let*! oMtotanoo abaold b eaUadad to him. Then la no mo for bade Tba priaoner la aata ban ia4 May wm da aa bora, bat one So la aorra dared wo aboil ba pen ariaaa. Tba aaeaeeta abaald ba mad ‘a data their earn and tba rata** allowod to praaaat hk If It appeal •bat tbara la a daater of hla beta bided by a North Carolina mab. I i 'bonld not ba aarrandaradL "Canada onaa enjoyed aa hano able rapatatian a* a refute fat ban . ad darn* from tba United Mata* aa i wo *emld adapt *e ana palter I retard to theea wbe mifbt fa rl F. T. DUPREE MAY i "BE G. 0. P. NOMINEE IN THIS DISTRICT PootJsle That Angier Man Will Oppoea G. K. Grantham For Job Hold By Lyon REPUBLICAN OF SIXTH ASX HIM TO MAKE RACE Grantham Still Undecided la Matter And May Not Caro To Sacrifice Bueineee to Poll* tics—Godwin Satisfied To Practice Law, Bnt Will Help Local Man. If Georg* K. Grantham is induc >1 by hit appealing friends in all <*Tt» ot the district to mske the race Jo- the Democratic nomination at a -srdidsU for Congress, Harnett srlU ' C well represented in the forth com congrvwienal campaign. Rtpub cor.s of the county and district fan rrally arc striving hard to get Frank n T. Dupree, Angler lawyer, to eon rot to accept the Republican nomi alion. ao nr uraDUun hat refuted o take the requests of hit friend? eriouiljr. HU business interests are ’■trge and require practically all of h t time. He may never be able to *et the convent of bit own at lit d to .arrifiee hit personal interests to thi leiiret of thote who think he can •he Homer Lyon't scalp. However 'ere la a very real effort to place Vm in the fight and his entrance it ot among tha impossible things o.' ■olitica Mr. Grantham hat often been m>ortuned to enter the political ar na with acriout intentions. Man met the druggtato of the State hav had h m to becoret a candidate to "ate treasurer or some other State -creative office. Mover, however jvo they been successful. Once onl; aj he boon induced to accept a po 1’tlcal office that would take him t rom his home and his business. That as when he was elected to repiu ont Harnett in the State House of representatives. Ho made a good iw •ord there. Of course, Trank Dupree haa no lUEawayMtea u u verubelraingly Democratic to par mit af such a thought even by the most optimistic of hU partymea. But '-here is some glory in mowing the race, and it U certain that the Aagier man would rather be hem tec by Gao. Grantham than by anybody else that Uie Dr-mo era tie party could name. l nr prooaoui.y oi BIT. Uupraa’a *n traoee Into tho campaign will hdr 'fr. Grantham conaiderably should he ; decide to make a try for tho Wash I'agtJn job. Beraocrmfj, no matter how big a majority ^«y may be as I nre.t, an* a'waya aruuoua to "rub l la” good and doop oo tha Repub licanr. They fael, of coarao, that Gaorge Grantham would pul] many Republican and indepcadoat vote* from a HamtU County RoptAliean. They could do lota worn*, even If the job was held by a Harnett coun ty man for fourteen yeara prior to i'he time Homer Lyon defeated Han nibal LaFayetta Godwin In the bit ter ‘battle of eighteen znontha ago. Mr. Godwin, by tho way, la playing henda off in the fight to far. “Giro me the practice," he said a few day* -;go, “and lot some other of tha fel lows have the job.” And the big fel ir.tr w\o has gone into lb* buxines* of latrjc log after to many yaart at law mating, ia going after that prsc ■ lice w.th a vim. HI* old time rigor 1 'n debate haa returned to him after v four weeks of fooling hla way hi lo cal courts, and folks art now wntefc ' ' <g hla amok*. Tho Honorable Hannibal aatoraly ■ win rapport hla friend George Qran I them if that gontlomaa makes tha race, but la the moanthaa, all of his | hu«ky atrength and nathru ability li balng devoted to piling up a good 1 praetiea la law and good crops on hit ’ farm. I i t'm« of Jndge Lynch." f • The Star, of Windier, Ontario r «7»: | “No alleged Uchnieal rioUUoa ol ! »n Immigration tow whereby, H ii I told, he entered Panada Illegally » roght to Hand tn Die way of yrataet - “an ef ‘kit' Bollock, a colored an • hold In Hamilton at the rcgaaet el I the aetherlttae of NorMna, North Car i, ollna Hew re aid one escaping Iran • certain death ha expected te cam - oat formal towa regard lag hla an • trance to Canada! a i' • t of »R worda ottered by thl a fagMra from lynching after hla ai I -s ware theta: e “Hoyt, ah'm gwbie beak to h •traag ay to tho flrat tolegrayh yet b day coma* to. They alii aorer g-wle t- e g ee me no trial na nL Dm d Southern folha jaa rtriag* an yoo n nlggaha" ►* "Hero** how laUodc gat fart* trm # T. B. DARpEN DIES SUDDENLY HERE Woe Good Mpk Aod Hod Hod Of Friocoda 1b Duma mmd faMiim Thom*! R ~J»»rd*n, ililrswo years old. died suddenly la hts boo) Wsdydsy morning. Fn services wm* conducted at tbs Cetbollc church E bi. Father Wat. iuuc and latenadK was made at «t. Mcphans CrmstLy nssr Nswton OtOTl. where HdJ. Father Irwin as ..•Ud Father W^kias ib perforating Jtc Inst sad rite^pvsr the body of e man whose mrndkj witi rvsr be J.v* Is Lie hearts and minds of a «ftcat host of fitted* throoybout this .action. Hr. Darden mm connected with be Bstler Brothers item at the -me of hi* death. B« had aeread this vsUbliefaaaant tear since hie coming a Dunn several ytar* ago As a sslst iuan In this store he hacaaia sequela cd with aaariy all .of Daaa'a people. iy ha sterling character, gonial dis position end sonny disposition he node friends of Dane’s people. They -onered and admired Hr. Darden. Me waa horn in Saaapeoa Coanty ■id lived there on01 ha eatae to <ann. He was e termer moat of hi* fa, and a good cm. Be raarod a •ally of hoys end girls who have prominent pUcee in the cw u.iitlei to which Hey have gone. « w.-enght well, living hie ferity r.eh heritage la, character and par tiality. > Mr. Darden was maniod twice— *'• tn c Mien Moths, of h!s native ianty. To them three chddmn were trn. Last he married Esther Ood In. To this anise wets born Dr. nomas t Da idea, Paul, Ooorgc -I AUea Darden aad Miaeee Etlaa th aad Mccga.at Da. den, all of t survive him. Daen lotos a valuable eitlxcn in hlk ■seeing. ■ ag oat a coler when of roes and Liur.ng the evading delicious rc eiiuecete, consisting of chicken ited, deviled eggs, sandwiches and .t coffee, followed by salted nets, tre served. Those enjoying Mre. Nobles hoe allty wane: Misses Ipock. iludd. . a.itrharst, Rigsby, Lee Moore. . hnsoa, Grantham, Nobles and Z. - rm«A Motors Itull, Lewis, War JcrJsr., Fverrall, Kooas, Parker, • .iidoa. Nobles end Turlington. «, aeco.ding to report*: A yaar >Z«> hi* brother purchased apyla* rvn a white pewr, which proved aecd.’ Whan h* waat hock with >ca a raco riot started. Th* brother ->» arrested A sab of white* broke .te J*H, (cigod him. carried out and • achod him, then riddled hi* «w»y. g body with bullet*. Determined te veng# hi* brother** death, Bullock, bo had do protection under th* law, /btalaed a gun aad ihot certain of ie white* though he himaelf waa ehot ■ •* tiaec. H* fled North—te Can J.t. w+i'eh oppose* lynching and *at» that It protect* the catered ■a within hi* right*. Bullock wrote home and thi* i t -* North Carolina oScial* a ■* to hi* whereabout*, resulting la t 4 arrest. ‘Important ***ociatioui of colored >ple in Now York aad other placet ‘ w.n a* influamtlal association* of i: te people op paced to the whole tic lynching of negroes by white* ■ho know no law,'' have rotalnod unwl for Bollock, while the Toroe t* Gl.-he and other Canadian new* *•«** Jala hi pro teat "Thi* County of laws waa th* -to- aa for Southern' tier** flaring “com cruel masters .la days before u,*!ted Statei' JCMI War. and bolitio* of lagtdlsdI slavery. Will <'anada refoa* to ho&er descendant! "f tkaao mate Hava** now terrorised bv dependent, oftheae d#»c bolder* who murder them orf*right en flhatj wo**i and boost that the tew aerai • PsmHlod U Intervene? Ceaada’i ’ good "*me te at stake ta th* Bulioel eoa*. If Buflock eenttenos aa iadoa i trtooa mombor of Canada’s pflgtfa ’ t'on, for alnee his arrival In thi ■ country a nuadber of months ago hi bat lived Ilka any good etUoon, that » h* ooght to bo permitted te go fro coaaaJou* of the fact that'In Can 1 rds, wham ho flad far proUetten, th » -olov of no otanYskte *aJ«ro* hit op ( • o’tunlty U pvagresa** » Colomd poapl* t» Hamilton, Or t terio, are rarryteg on a ovooagnnd r 'n Bun oak** behalf tad taking w anl taetteM te help U» te eocore leg* • «*- ' . E. P. DAVIS AGAIN ELECTED TO HEAD THE COMMERdAI StoekkokUm nmmmd Wld NOW HAS RESOURCES OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSAMt B«foa BwImmTwoYmn Apt Juat |)rfm D- ■ Cum To Malta ItHoirf Fm All B«ihini Differ a Fn> wor Cooparotuo Cotton Mar. bating Plan. Bounding •«* a jrur in which th« mutation bad Bade Tory gratlfyiag i -ogroaa. rtock ho 1dm of tbe Cob ■erelal Bank, Doan’a youngcet ft nan. :ial iaatitatioa. Bat yeeterday in tba oCcu of tba bank, rariewod tba ra ■ort of tbo oloor* end eloctod diroc ara for tbc mining yaar. IV diroe ore aat iataadiataly after election end cboae E. P. Darla, who We head ’d tba iaatitatiea dace ita organ iu Uoa, prcaideat; C. A Bieke. riaa 'caldont, and Jamaa D. Daria, —*■ lac. Tha direcian J. W. Pirdie, J. C lyrd, J. W. Jordan, Pr*<J W. McKay, ■■ Hieka and K. P. Daria. Tha director! aonaidarad tha ad L-abimy of paring g dhrtdoad. bat >t two reasons decided net to do re. beat reasons ware, fir*, do* tbo aaton thought It boat to build up . surplaj protection to dapaaiton, «*. lacocd, that K waa boat to keep •e money hi tha bank to lend to » ihy people dnrlmg tha year, m. her than to diatributa it among tha 0 jiiioldara. • be president's report dtowad the k to hare rnsouRoe at ap»r»*> •aly 1200,CKM) and that it had no « .i. ney It* atria* depot •* d .-row.: to neatly *41400 dur '**, *h*' ya«», drnwlng an iaeraaaa »- iar the year. The eapMai - tk of the institution la *30,000 1 it* surplus aboat ftZ.006. Pagan . aCk-agnta about *lft*400. ac eeoparnthre marketing project coltoa eras dhenaead and tha ^ekboldara wore of tha opinion that ic movement will mean mack to the tton growers of tha county. The Commercial Bank started bn sinem hers in Deceasbvr, 1*1*—ju* fiorr the depression kit this gait 0*c country In spite of unfavor able conditions, however, it has gone •. -iiC . tcad.lv and new ranks with 'to loading institution of tha coun ty. «f RmMM With Mrs. Wade The CorarliiM Harnett Chapter of 0 Daughters of the American Rev utloo met at tha homo of Mrs. J. •yd Wade. Rerant af tha Chapter V.tfajr. The meeting was called to d*" by. Mrs. Wade, and after tha epoita ol th« Secretary. Mil* Raeh eJ Clifford, and tha treasarer. Mias *-abel Yoang, several Items af bnd V'rs were diacaasod. It was decided that tha chapter mkr a contribution ta a North Caro * "aonritain school. Another bridge ■ raament was pUnped foe an aarlj 'o. And tha quaetloa of saadlag a arnta to Washington to tha Ms 1 oral D- A. R. conference la March ’-as discussed. After tha moating a vary interest ’* program was riven. Miss I Baba! * '»ag read tbv message af the aa o»al president from continents iv mo rial baO, whera the Arms con ference is in session. Mias Ktho Hooks than rand a very (lhimfnttlnf •H’elo aa onr State motto aad Mis RsehaM Clifford read a detailed ac •wit of tha Bottle af King's Mows ‘a a, wMeb had been written on da occasion of a recant vUt of D. A. R 1 tiers tea to that historic spot darini ft* State conference at Cation is. After the program a doll decs sal ad courts aad aoff aa were served k IV boaters. ▼he acort mevttag wfll be scW |vlM Rachael Clifford aa Fab. it LktU Mnr AmcUUm It- , jf | Mm ■ . ■tfM Wtttint 5>hirdA Belt’. Croak, Jan. U—Tk* Unto i Mooting of tbe Llttlo Wear Am >! elation wQI bo bold at Oak Gm i Bapttot ehanb, taro mile* north « i: ^Ve Crook, Jaaaary M and H. Tka introductory oonoon *01 I i --cached a* Ratarday at 11*0 t •, Pa*. E N. Johnaoa. Don n’t new pa ' Ur and on Sanday Bo*. B. H. Straw • "roadway, will pro oak the nanrva i n» araotlag kerb Ratarday amraU + t 10 o'clock with davotfenal owe 1 daw aawdaatad by Bov. S. A. E gactao. t I 1 JEWS OF RUSSIA MHTABLEPUGHl i «u ■Mru utend th* , c)o**lr u uidiui and | Iha ihahra* to Dm Am i J* on* of Iter plctar«* t i iky Abraham Bhoha* of BnaMJtenk. Ur. Shehaii, wheat work _ _i Joint DUtriootion Cwaaitte* h*yt I h a la VslyliyaU during th* 'day* of tee Buetltta-Ntoh ate, alt* found that th* J*w> of that torritooy *r* (till lhrlng la trontha* aad *-g joau, thoao grim tialtdat of «ha war bring th* only «■-available for th* JawUh rtflfOK. “Th*** Jaw*, who toft Votyhala to ISM whoa th* war ri~~t'if to thoir very do*r^“ *aid Mr. ghahaa, j“i*toia after a tot y*ar atito to th* rite of their former hate** to Ugh hop*. Thoir *•-a'ng to tgaglc. Thor* i* tittle toft hat rate*. Th* botaw that Mill (tend art aara torito •ft«a tholl (iwnd aad aartfar u. FORD RETAIL SALE TOPS A MLUOH Shows lawsiw W tOUN Cars sad Tracks Ovor Praaiaws Taar Retail sales of Ford cars, tracks and Pordson tractate hare -g-*r ex ceeded the million mate fee the year SMI. according ta a fckatst given sat today by tbs Paid Meter Con ps*>r ' The Ford factory and aaacwMy nlant production figures mashed a total of l,OSO,T«a cars, tracks cad •metres for tec year, wttb retail sales l y dealors approximating UWMdO, which is tea Halted Matas aloes tur .ysaiwd tea mo retail sates reseed by 104,313 Peed cam sad tracks I The Fred Company says tea oak look for 1033 is decidedly uTasl.Ui In fact, concrete evidence all sell cxlits la teat car sad track retail mica for December 1RO salsa by almost S3 par coat, sad Tordaon tme | tor rstall salsa for tec saaso periods I'bow SB Increase of ever 100 par ccat for December I Ml, re well as cn lacrosse soar tea total ta actor salci tor tea month of Moeeteher. Tbeso feats saaas to l illisSi teat aet only am Urn farmers bay lag mars freely, hot teat tea puiiiri plVt Is becoming mars ngisdrs aad rsrea I'ttsa. I Another point brooght ost hy a 'comparison af prodactisa flgoraa fay i (ho pact taro ysan shows that Feed enclosed cars art gakstag la yapatoa : *7. as « par seat at tea 1331 psa . faction wart Badass aad Oeswas at - against a total of IS par east far tea ' year previous. 1 awont reduction* hi M car ui I track price* brought Om Ioim Ww Urol. Tk* tourIng tor now mBi for |34«, tko runabout for HI*, tki 'Coop* for |l«0, tko o*a*o for H4I r tke Chants for Ml, aad tk* true! I for |48*, *n f. o. k. Detroit *, TMo in tk* fourth prio* not hi tko 0 post sixteen months. During tte* tfcm f tho price of tko toorlag oar oloao ha boon rut from |*TS to IIO, n to o Motion *f 40 p*r ooat Wilaatfaa r on mao of tk* other tjrpci koo* kooi ► rrm (motor. i. ‘rh« Forf Compear keBoooo tha I.. tkli rod net ten. wk'to not a iorgo aa g to rrpeeiaBp haportoat at tkk tfeot k oi It the old g* o lsag wap trow I- -tabtfolag market —Tlmi For* to firing mplipmaat at pm HARNETT COTTON oowERsmsr m TOWNSEND |||| in _ 111 £ Pr-gr*# lfe'"*;v •’>•■' ri ■ It# Ik

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