YME BONN DISPATCH 'UBUSMIO tVUT TUUOAT AXD WUOAT. ' V IM«. at tb* pornTlmi • N C-, kM« -.2. - 4«Ct »0?K »■ ‘ S »’ . *• — — - — ■ ■» »■ ■ r .* tu*H' . .* ■*«nU*. Il> <•• T»M. 4t» : - St M«pra who ...• vd ■■ N;riina a year or wore ago ti:» riel which cuhMinatod la th* lya ■ V*g a( Iwo aagraaa, ha* kaaa ar ■-'.iad ta Haaalton. Ontario, Canada. • J i* Mrf Md there by Canadian j'VsMu peadlag th* sHows ad •."th Cerohna’a attaaapt ha kh| a ' self for trial. Meanwhile aw - !■» Canada and Keithacn Mai .-rorti-g crary effort to hadnea >.* *• North Carotina'a ragnlrittaa -os. asking extra ditto*. Thay '■ .4 t'ftt Bulloch will not ha ftraa a ; 1*1 area if ha sirtfia lynching ‘ho ‘vn.nd* of lha aaab which took • i» liw it JU hands la daatag with • h other taro cagrooa, oca of whom : it. brother. Ivafa* la the aowcat town in 0m . d <*d county af Warraa. U is pc* r’-i aao'tly by food oU North Caro ' r'.oe’;—white and black. It la a :«fol ralllemcnt la a county ad " J l tnrlr. It waa to this Mils towr 'i'i KtBM Bullock, returning from f o"rt In tho North, brought tha spirit cf fjatiibcilM and isaaaliamt te Ibo negro. It was hua aridsaua 4«*i—that Bala eh planned h ittjo the initial battle of a Woody W> against tha wWtae. Hi* hraffl tea h> chief lieutenant. Ig a* large «. ttjrro population as Warm has. •z waa Inerttabt* that ha should Bad a jtt b»r willing to join his ark an. V.' th gnat cunning Matthew* But •t planned a quarrel with a Bisiak - Tha quarrel rasnHad in tho riot riot re salted ha tha urrast *i s' n than a scars of ocgroac and the lrne’dng of two of lha leaden f tha riot. Matthew BnBock. atm f-"t"g. Managed to bo away when t%.a day af reckoning cams. Haring ' 'ted something that ha canid not frisk, ho doMito^hls follower* and ■ !:d to Canada Had Matthew Bollock bw few* at tHp time hia Mbmn won HMt> *d. ft U probable that he woald have art Dm fate af hk brother. Now, U h—opht beck to North Carolina 'it woald he kept I the handler up aw «*** Vdif Hew ! • ana Ditt ha rote raid to Wa i with hk peksa _ » »*npte kiteara of tc’-areen the two rorw ead e k ***** of the fact that far tha 3*»r» papnktioa erectly eataaw htted the white. Since the faB of •ho CoafeSmcy the i til worked h _ I It Wanoo. They had e>7 rid by the white woo. They were Vocsiod aad rttoeeted. Thai ww them a deep and tineere friend fht* frow Ike white people. Warren wr.» pointed to with pride by it< aa :'ro aeftou aQ over the country m *■ esnwplo of hew white awn and »ni roold iko fa pane# and bar rtooy art perfect aaileiplidtog Bat, Bollock raked moat ef ttda. TTbeio cmo there woe mi teal m> rp*n and tract, there imnow aoa *’d*t Hk (rooteet crime woe net to fecitlnjr to riot, hot to dknpttep a fHend«hip teat woald ethenrke heeo Ivted (brooch the epee. He niikid a -tractive boflt by two poweraUoei ef hoaeet, dneero neproee. He do it:eyed p tn»»t. He k n rani-nn I. hk race. h ot For oar pact, be can be tried by a lory of bk race whan ha eemee Vert. a r. a u. V* l» w. ] tb« C«l COMM to go ^ i portt of tho vorid— C. Warrao. tor 19tZ—Ivi -a r StmftlAM. Wk-n. appoaa. to thm mo-I Soog No“«T—Gn»p. It foritod to sttwxL Off hull ml YA4I. rmwm Paffw^uU tfagw power? A Breakfast that SatUfUm Try floaty of ptoh. or “•toad Bnad with yomr moth lay eof 'N. Too orlB Uko It. *»*d to y»or Boat rood — Eat won of E tooal to tho food of food*—Tton • *• otoor tiko it for noortobia*. in /%ontlB« qoaBtha. Good floor, floaty of yeaat aad aad aalt «tra tfco apoctol krol 'alao to Mity-Nice Bread Pearce’s Bakery ffl&^ja£sEiir£‘ U parcfaaw.; of th* premises ho.sr •ftor dnsrOod. to comply with tb *™* oi said nit; tho uidaraigoc nmmimsay, will on Monday, lb *J*h Rohraary, l&M, at ! o clock, M. upon tho premises of th Old Jonas KaoToa, hssnsetsai, to to tho high art bidder foTeo*, o npom tack terms at shall bo annoon red «t too tins# of mid ml*. tho fol •?d®«. <-cra th* ofle* *1 -he Register of Doode of Harnett County, N. C., said lot No. 8 being bounded by a Une beginning in the £ line of Brood 8t. (East) at the NW comer of let No. 1, In said lock A. aad run# theocc 8- 84 1-2 Jegroe* £ 14S feet to a stake in the line of on alley-way, thence N. 1 1-8 degrees £ BO foot to a stake at ■Jkt SE comer of lot No. 8, In said dock A, runt thenct N. 84 1-8 do gmas W. along the B. lino of lot No. 8, 148 feet lu a stake In the E. boun dary Una of Broad street (Bast) thence along th* W. Une of said Broad Street (East) B. 6 1-8 degrees W. 80 feet to the point of beginning. Second Tract: Being the southern ?*rt of lot No. 3, block A, aa shown by map made as shore referred to, ar.d bounded by a line beginning at a stake in the E. Boundary Une of Brand street (Eurt) at s point 28 fast Nly. from ths NW. comer of Lot No. 2, in bloek A, end runs thence S. 84 1-2 E. 148 feet to a -take in tho W. boundary line of an alley, thence 8. 5 1-2 degrees W. with the W. Une of said alley 28 feet to a 'take at the NE corner of aaid lot No. 8, thence N. 84 1-2 degrees W. llong the N Una of said lot No. 2 148 eet to a stake In the E. line of Broad tract (East) running thence N. 8 -2 degrees B. along the E. Une of lroad street (East) 26 feet to th* loint of beginning. Third Tract: Being th* N. part of lot No. 1 la mU black A, thown by M» abate referred to, beaaded by » Bn* beflanbia at a (taka la tba S. boundary line of Bread atreet (Enct) ■t a point 18 fact Nly. from the NB. comer of the taftanecMon of Broad (treat (Boat) aad LUUnctoa' itreU, tad ruaj tbaace N. I 1-1 dcgreca E. 10 feet to tba MW. comer of eaid lot New 2, aad raaa tbaace 8. U 12 U- «. Omnwl Wins FinMn About DUu. Cm.1 by lUu They carry Bubonic plague, fatal to human beta**. They cany foot and ■loath disease, which Is fatal to stock. They kill chickens, aat grain, cause destruction to property. If yea ha to rata RAT-SNAP will kill theta. Cre mates rata after killing them— leaToa no smell. Comes In cakes, ready for use. Three situ, ate, 66c H it. Bold and guaranteed by Bui. Icr Brothers, Hood and Grantham, Wilson and lee. dcgreoi X. 143 i«it to a stale* in tor W. boundary Uno of said allay, run ning thoneo S. 3 1-2 degree* W. 20 fist to a stale* in tbe W. boundary Uno of raid alloy, running thence N 34 1-3 decoau w. 146 foot to tbe point of beginning. Teinu of tala e**h A. U. SCALES. Tiuatoo. dan SO 27 Fob 8 10. "TW Farmer’s Want Enemy—-Rat The Farmer's Best Friend— Rat-Snap" These arc the words of James Bus ter, N. J.: “Ever sime I tried HAT SNAP I hav-j always kept It In thi boose. Never fails. Uiod about $8.4 ktsignliu err ej. Uiii/p 8 12-100 aetei. Mia aAU ha made tabjaet »■ < t..raatlon of tha Clark af Ute S w!*r Coart of Ur-nett Coe-tv rhl* the 4th day of Jenusr-r 1022 7fc*K3 RAYXOP . ?SM“'2.or*- Mjttyaoe, ti. 8 18 20 27, r* NoeUa Cf SaU .Under and by Tinea ef th* sow; f tala contained m a eartaln M rt P»*> by B. W. la >B. W. Smith, of data Dtet.nber U SIS, and recorded Jo the otiae o. aa Watirtar of Dacda of Hemet ,*"*7 »• Bodtya. 2N, pace 20, da aalt Winy bean made In the pay not, of tha lndebtedneM tharain »« urad. tha andcrelfned will mU b ■oUc aoetien far e**b to tha h«he* ddar, at tha Court Heu*e door fc ..Uinaton, at 18 e’eloek M., aa Mon lay, Febnary 80th, 1888, tha land ontrqred in tald Mortem, aad d. Ubm aa fallawa: SEEDS AND DOLLARS Seed that is not planted does not grow. Dollars that are not banked do not increase. No farmer is so foolish as to think that a pa per bag of watermelon seeds, hanging from the rafters, will ever grow until he planted it Vet are you not expecting those dollars in that bureau drawer will grow without bank ing them? Dead seeds and dead dollars' bring no returns. . » The First. National Bank Duos, North Carolina I When ran Think at i; HARDWARE FURNITURE ii BUILDING SUPPLIES STOVES x RANGES * » • \ 1 ■ > Remember— ' ' | > ji The ^ARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. i; ; I HXh£>»T*ftfe. I ^O/niffluwc- .• Mime • ; < | Dunn' <- North Carolina ; < . I. ' ===== Torsfords SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION makes better self-raising flour. Yeu know It’a pure and whole some—you ala II yourself with your own flour. Mure economical, because It makes better breeds, cakes, pastry— more easy to digest. Use one package with a 85-lb. sack. „ P»« F*EMIUM*_A,k your - Grocer for free Prise List; or write: Roraford Chemical Works, Provhlence, R. L ► 4 We solicit your repairs on Dodge and | Studebaker cars and especially your battery 3 ! and generator work. We have efficient and \ competent mechanics, both for your repairs 3 and service on batteries and generators. J > ! 4 A full line of rental batteries on hand at all times. Can furnish tlxide batteries at $25.00 up and allow liberal discounts for old batteries. . Yours for service’ _Smith & McKay : Dunn, North CaroUnTI The NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY’S DEMONSTRATION ' - Tuesday Afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 o’Clock -: When FREE SAMPLES of TRITON the Delicious Sandwich Cake Will be Distributed. s P E c I A LS I 0 No Limit to Time or Qnality .Uneeda Biscuit 7 l-2c ic. All 10c National Biscuit Company . 7 1 2c AO 20c National Biicuit Company Goods - . Me ALL TftE TIME The Centre Croceiy-in the sheU Building-Underirell*. Compare it* Price* with those you have been paying. Compare its goods with all others. Then you will buy of The Centre Grocery ^unn* North Carolina 1= _