COTTON DIRECTOR NOT TO BE CHOSEN UNTIL SATURDAY Farmers Gives More Time To Cast Ballots In Astoria tioo Election HARNETT GROWERS ARE URGED TO VOTE EARLY Those Who Have Net Paid Their Dues Are Not Ellcthle To Participate Until Note Or Cash Is Sant To Cover Fees —The Other Candidate Ac tive. Recauw bad weather throughout the State haj Interferred with the de livery and caiting of ballota the elec tion through which th* directors are to bo ehneen for the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Aaao ciation hne been poitponod until Sat urday, Feibuary 4, according to tnaa eagoi from th* office* of the amoela tlon in Raleigh. Thia give* to Harnett County folk more time to caat their vote* for Ben O. Tewnaend, of Donn, who ia op posing a Franklin County man for th# poaition of director from the Sixth Dlatriet. THii dlatriet rmhraeM Harnett, Lee, Wake, Chatham, Dur ham and Franklin. It ia understood that Mr. Townsend'* opponent has been working bard in ail of the coun ties except Harnett and that he ha* a fleet of automobiles for th* accom modation of hi* workers who are making a house to houae canvass in most of the counties. Even with this very vigorous ops* •ition, however, advice* from Ra leigh reveal that th* Dunn man ha* wonderful strength throughout the district. Wake and Lea are giving bl*» very gratifying rapport and those, combined with the big vote in Har nett are expected to elect Mm by a good margin. Mr. Townaend today mailed out letters to all ef tbe members ia Har nett acquainting them with th* poet, ponemeet of th* election and asking that all of them strive to get their ballots ts Raleigh by 'noon. Ukase who sriah him to take their ballets in can band them to Ma bow or to Honey Hpeers end B. P. Gantry <a Llllingtoa. There ahould be no delay In this, for it will mean much to the cottoe interest* of HniwoU Cose ly to have thetr own director on the board. Many of the members bars neg lected to pay their fees. Really there are seventy of these out of a total membership of 575 in the county. They will not be entitled to vote un til* they have either paid their dues In cash or given a note payable next October. Th* membership fee i* 55 which pays all dues until 1937. If th* delinquent member* prefer to gwe an October note, the note ahould bo mad* for $3.40, payable to the asso ciation. la* omcial .ballots were mailed from Ralelyh lest Friday. They should be la the hands of the mam bars by this time. Every member whs receives a ballet should fll It out end mail'it immediately. Those who have not paid their dues probably will not receive the ballots. If they do not they should send their fees to Hr. Townsend, along with a proxy entit ling him to east their ballots. Sue Advaatage of Grow* MarketU| "I am a believer in co-operation in everything,*’ uld Hr. B. O. Town send, of Dunn, who eras In the eity yesterday. "When the co-operative movement started I became one of its strongest advocates. I realise Use immense advantages which tha grouser would derive if g|vcll t})e opportunity to march as dls* his pro ducts Instead of dumping them on tiro market The grower has never had a square deal. He has always been at tha mercy of the middleman. Where are Just twb questions the growers ask. ‘What win yon give me for my products* and *How much do you ask far yours.’ And nntQ the grower Is allowed to have a votes la making a pries on his products, based •n what It cost hiss to rnaks these products, he eaanot be prospers*!. "The cotton growers bars signed the co-operative marketing contrast te better their asstditio*, it mart make good from tha start The Birt year Is the crack] one. Oar enemies arc watching our ovary saovsrtant, waiting to take advantage of any mfc taks wo may make."—Nows md Ob server. D. K, Pan Head* How >«* Soatkem Plnet, Jan. tf.—The dh rectert ef tka Ci U«en. Bank »* Trant Coatganjr, of Boothera PiM* bar* (elected Kobart K. Pag*. 9*+ itent of the concern. Mr. Peg* bai neado bit kotae in goo thorn fUm tor tha loot three ream aad beM* I place of Ugh act eon pad ginatae af fecttoa la the baarta af hie ***** and arighbora. ' ELIMINATE WEST AS CANDIDATE FOR POST OFFICE HERE Civil Service Examination* Place Damoirati At Haad Of ElisibULUt CAPTAIN BOX HOLLAND DRAWS THIRD POSITION Cu(*M T. Lae Stand* First and Ralph Wada Second—Rela tive Position* Of Other Can tender* Not-Oven By Offi cial*—No Decision Made Yet. H* who taught last laugh* and laugh* So might the luppocter* of Jap tain William D. Holland ramoan Mr, now that their man nobs to lavo the edge an Edgar Cartlda Wort n tho matUr of becoming postmaster at Uncle Bam’a atatiea in th* belt •own under the tun. In tho now hr rogulatad cfril on 'it* examination! bold to determine Yhoen of tha faithful should got the **t plumb to bo handed out la hinn, Captain Bill distancad hi* ri al and bow aland a third from tho top In tho roster of contendere. True, third from the t«»p la not th* beat tlaeo in all raees—but it ia “In the none*" area on the rae* track, and n this Instance may be Jurt a* good a if Captain BUI had boon played 'on the none." For, since Mr. Harding and fals ollewera have gotten eat their mon ay tranches and thing* to fia up th* •nril service machine 'taint like it ‘tarn* Cap'll BUI has two Democrats ’head of him They stood bettor gr» llng taro ways—Gene Los, beat, and latph Wad*, better. But the Bepub 'can party chooses its pc atm esters 'em tho first three. It Is not known bow Neill S. Green, uto dealer, college follow and all 'round bua|aem man stood; or are ■ho rotative positions of J. E. Croe *•**» W. BSjobnoon, Mger CarUolo >*d tho great punabec if sthees wheat; "be field paused under tha -wire 'enow*. . j Pises d lap*tehee do not even state Va* -^4»-Jhu nmoA-V- .a-v. The public la infonusd only to tha -xtent that Cap*n BUI edged In ahead rf lb* other faithfuls and that h* •vail* the tar* Democrats. P»bm dispatches state that aavoral days will yat claps* before an ap pointment ia made from th* list of "hree eligible*. The public, however, s doing little speculating as to th* vrpoiatoa’s identity. Cop’n BIB has 'He endorsement of influential Ba ■'obllcaiu bore—and the victor get* th* spoils In politico a* in most all ala*. mt. west naa bean acting post waiter far several months. His ap pointment same aa a surprise to all -on cam ad. He had put ana aver on the Holland contingent of the local Republican organisation aad it was 'rooty predicted that he would not he ousted until ha had served a fall term. He succeeded Eugene T. Leo, who bad aervod as poetmaatcr sines ha death of Thomas Jsffarson Jack »en which occurred soon after the election of Woodrow i Wilson while President Taft wits still the na tion’s Chief Executive D. L. McLAMB takes his OWN LIFE AT HAYNE Mr. Denial L. McLamb, a promin ent farmer and highly respected arti san, living at Hayno, this county, committed suicide at his home last Sunday by hanging hjpself with a ropo. ft la auppshag that Mr. McLamb tied the rope to a Joist in the wagon •halter and to hero stood wp to the bad of the wagon, fastening the rope around Ida Back and than Jumped. Ufa waa extinct alien ha waa '•und by relatives. Mr. McLamb has bean in vary poet health far several mentis and tha supposition Is that ha brooded e#«i U* ittneas until ha decided to and H »* by his rash dead. Ha leaves a wife **>d several children to mourn theh to w4om wa extend oar deepeel —CHntonHsw, Dispatch. FnabUa » «• blqMy arMIUMa to Aawrfeaai Uwt. «itk tti, UpM ,f tW gpn elatioa af to. of B^M*h ^T”kl1* It^raaaaa. It ia eartohi tb» la tba aot Atrtaat fatal, ba will b< *•"+*** ■••that tar yradaeaf la tbl ~™7 ^ *• baeaaha af tba af Tv?1r* r*n«a at bit aatMttoa, fa • "* »taa4a artthoat aa aqaal a «»T million* wba ban ntaaedad bha. Pear XiehaH araa b “ “T*' * 9*rtaat obatoator, aa b b Iraartf frankly aAaalttod, bat be wa amaaiaqly lataraattoq ma. and hi rtpiyi • Mftfil wkndTs— MAKE PLANS FOR NEW CONFERENCE | ON RULES OF WAR 'FIVE GREAT POWER9 | WILL BE REPRESENTED Preparations Far Neat Interna tional Mooting To Bogin As Soon As Pi oiont fooler on no Ends; SaWnortnis And Oth* or Matters WUI Bo the Foa vsaanington, Jan. XT.—Tho ground work for another international con ference, to rc-writo the law* of war for the submarine and other aew agencies of attack on Uad and sea, waa completed today by tha arm* del egates Under a resolution adapted by the erraament committee, preparation* for the now con foresee will begin immediately upon conclusion of the Washington negotiations The United States, Great Britain, Japan, France and Italy will be represented and the American government will select the exact time and place of moat ing. - Firm Step Oortlaed The find step tedrard revision ef warfare regulation* U to bo takes by a "commission,'' presumably com posed of International law expert* wltbeat plenipotentiary powers, bat th* resolution provldm after they have agreed th* flee govern ocaU ah All “coafAr aa I# th* AC£*pt~ one* ef the report and th* coarse to be followed to secure the martlets tlan of it* recommendations by the *a*r civilised yemm* It 1* taken for granted that ques tion* of national policy as well as legal considerations will aster late th* Anal decisions reached. and that -ha whole problem of th* submarine one of the ahorm oentem of the Washington conference, will be re na*sd when th* powers fees each awe* mere about th* ccunotl table, n I* pneefble that the «—* thru egreement* reached ben both at to lehmirin* and poises ga* will be passed dug be rtertb ,■ ■■'■ mu to provide a basis for th* renewed discussion*. th* resolution at a short making called while meat of the other activi ties ef tb* conference were waiting on u decision of th* Shantung con troversy. The Par Casters commit tee likewise met and re-adopted It* previous declaration on th* Chinees radio situation, at the sans* time en tering on the regent supplemental suggestion* ef th* powers and of China on which no unanimous agree ment could bo reached. The Shantung negotiations still hesitated just short of an agi n mini, hat the 1st ling seemed te he uaiver sal that a day or two probably would <oo o complete acceptance of the set tlement plan supported by Prcaidoot Harding. Tbs breach between tha Ja panese and Chinese was said to hare been narrowed to a question of the extent to which tbe farmor shall par ticipate in managamant of tha Tsing tac-Telnsnfu Railway during tha pe riod in which China is completing payment far it. la leaving determination of new rules of warfare to a later confer ence the armament committee car ried out the recommendations of a auk-committee af exporta whe spent ***01*1 weeks considering the sub Jtot. The resolution as adopted was 4**ft*d by another subcommittee ^ *V *Uhu Real of tb, Amorl eon delegation. CAMP BRAGG SURE TO WIN OVER CAMP KNOX wawnfton, Mr. *7.—Mawbar of tha haoaa sommlttoa aa military af fair* an arhadalad ta lrara Washing taa tomorrow far aa iaapactioa af Camp Bn«f, N. C- Thay win fa aa Invitation af Oanaral Bawlay, ia taa *mn<s »M eaatp aad tha aVJaet *f thai* via* will be to obtain first kaaf Information regard lay tha prograa u ■*■•••** aaa artflltry camp in tin That Camp Bract wffl win am 2^2dJd"*ltom"S?*k7, aaatrooa, On on tim mar dapartaeon' favor* Bract. Tha paraaaaal af tha lavaatfcntfaif party «a todeflalto today, hat Sana tor Btanaas hapea to aeaampaa, th. baaaa mmotor* aad Bepeeasntotlva Lyaa, af Meath CaraUna. aad BtoU af Boatt Carolina, arc Uatod aa ear tola to f - Tha party aa asada ap i ■ally nay inelade at laoat a half dm aa mwtbara af tha haaaa -rmoltln Mr. W. & Tadloek aad Mlm Myvtl iron* Papa. Mr. D. B. Lavas aad Mha Baths Ttobb. »ml Jftwlnit kin That win be Ui«'Stent of fane operations by Jeha MM—i aid, Io cs! stock dealer aaffJkbMr, who tbio .year will aadertebeT#* bind to tfvtdoai farming Jpmt oer at tempted ia tho DenaMdrict The potato piffi> ig"*~"r will be watched with wsJhftcraet by aU iirrain la tbc liiitilBr-1 wr stark toe boginaing of a Sbwk farming era In the district. hIinm follows the effort, within n^k years form ers of this settled 'Sti mot* to* te-cstad ia the rdp^k of potato bug/ than they nowJM li what the ’ *>II weevil win do M|ff sort year, ■ be potato buff, by tag way. is a lot lees Unwelcome rlffmC Baits green will send him to Ihlfari hunting ground, while Ut/WSk laughs at all instrument* of dgBto Mr. Fi tag* raid hulofftt his seed potatoes. They aiellh cobblers. Within a few dap#K' will begin planting and ho them to ma ture between the of tho Florida aad OeorgiAjtepe and tho time for tho VlrgirApai Delaware erupe to mature. qKplll give Mm practically the uliejfftiff the ••‘untie ‘•aboard far a warhM aad he ia coa Went that bo aad Ms teoirto will reap a nice profit. ET? Ho wU make a ggSsu crop on the potato Mad after Mm potatoes Imre yeas w« wai^ii. of for. of tenant families. AH of thasThave been secured and srfll ha kept aea I < tartly at work antd next winter. Mr. Fttageraid realism that he is taking a chance oa Che cetten pro ject, but be feels confident that the wuevil will not offer spy serous dan ger to cotton la this territory this year. Nest year is msthsr matter on i *■ roly and it is possible that ho wfll I net plea the culture of cotton at aU. | Ho is much Interested ia the develop ment of agriculture to this district land will make numerous experiments I tout will prove of retoe to other fas* | mere here. I «r. riugorain n • ran or tho pit* T. L. Fltsgcrald, for otoro than ; JR years traded Id hvo (teak ban ' a rule' tho name of T. U Gerald. Hi» f irming activities srfU otabiuee meat .of the land owned by hie father, . nh'ch la elaaaad am«»f the moot pro dactive ef North C"oUoe. One of the prvttieet ooetlooa of thio land is that adjoining tho frdhk Wood place on Fayette villa road about two mOoa f join town. It la e* thio taction that the potato»i will bo Planted. HOTEL PROPRIETRESS threatens reporter Goldsboro, Jam. «—Mia. Biri. i proprletiese of Ad Coiuaaorcial Ho j tol, who unified la the superior court | on Monday afternoon favor of . JoSony Judge, nag* Porter, received bo Lee from the sndM bund of otti reaa who nu Jekany Judge out of Goldsboro on MludeT night, to cloaa op bar hotel, and Move Goldsboro, it la said today. T*a woman hit am* eery indignant arar tht matter. mf“,4»Uy to thaw purtar far writing *> the cnee, and Wcdnttday while A aerlhe wma eat. In* a hearty dinner at the Maw Tart eafa At tint A Da eafa dear and Tutj Amply demanded that ha eeaaa down to the betel, h which the 1W potter objected aad Mnllaead aatlai hla hearty diaaee. Ae than tarttod him to come an A* Arret, which to ’ aJto lefered to da- In the yrnaati . Ae knew when to Ad him and the! I >%f waa pb>( to k* him and wall - near hla body. The '•potter laugh* i and kept hla aaA b *he eafa. Am i than flammed Ae d»** and left. Un i Bird weight abend Mg and Ae re porter M panada. *« Made of hat ■ era being wagered “Weed town * • 'ha an to erne. Dr. WaOaaa «. CeUrape, wha ha t been ill af eppauiMHa In g Belaid hoepttol far ae ratal weeks, ratarne t beet* latoTdsy aad bee renamed kl , prnctlea. t ) * BANK OF HARNETT HELPS FARMERS AGAINST WEEVIL ADVISES HOW TO GROW CROP WHEN BOG COMES Aad Way* To Produc* Pood Crop* jknwto Col tor* of Swoot Potato. Besliaiag that the boll weevil la elate upon the field* of its cutaua, *• Bank of Harriott baa mailed te **b el Ita customers e tetter adris n* bow boat to combat the post. It 'e)h attention te the fact, alee, that it hu a Urge supply of litomture on the growth of tweet potatoes and other food crops, the culture of which •t advUri femora te taka op. The l«t'« erada: • Below poo will find the rarnaaaiaa dalionj of * reliable committee of w aett men, firmer* and bankers of South Carolina who have hose ate* dying ways and means to fight the BoB Weevil. Wo thought Uhls might ^c of interest te you and are pa triad tho Information to yow far what It -nay bv worth. It la hoped that army farmer will appeal himself a com mittee of one te tell Uo usighben of those recemmendattflpa, and that all will ghre them a tho rough trial, l ets go te week. We desire te call particular et icntian to the last few paragraph of Uimc suggestions This bank has ap pked to the Department af Agrlcat ture for a supply of bulletins an “Sweet Potato Stonge," which win b« mailed to our customers whan re ceived, and will ha cheerfnlly dle tributed to others upon request. Wo veuld bo glad for you la *4 visa us the names af yew friends whom you think might bo interested is isi airing this Utter er bulletin or both. Tho report of tho South C-seaM^ Committee Is sc falkurs: "■*» en 1 IllibilS—owHta— ,ths cotton beH has boss-myuriid | by panic and dsaortelisatioa. Barm see, henkere aad msrehaem. AfiMas od by one or two yearn ef heavy lseuoc, have in many eases curtailed 'peratUa* and ered.t* to the point] where farming was stifled and labor was forced to leave the country to p: event starve lion. There are rigne that a similar panic may occnr in -arts of this rtato unices urine are taken to rcsseurp the people aad olit cat a safe course for agilent tarsi operations under boU weevil conditions. To this end s group of prmcncu mam ana Naun man la coop* ration with tha Fxtaaslon Sanaa ham studied the situation ia ’.ha light of their-own experience ■- -d lha| of other stales ead the ae . o» slated experimental resells of mrsramsntal agencies and present the following suggestions and prep ram as one which will meet the rito ttlon, preventing demoralisation and •naMing oar farming and business men in cooperation with the exten sion Banco. It is (specially important te ptu ▼eat our people from stampeding in to new and untried Acids of agricul ture in which they will fail far loch sf information and exp* tones. Prom ’sing new crops should, of some, ha tested end whore proved »ni i imfal Aould bo increased as rapidly as the •wople gain experience, but hot tee ter. Tbs problem ie net so moch who! to do os it it how te rsameis the peopU and get the information oi h«w to proeoed to every farmer, mu ter, end shaveeropper la the state This moat be done If it it dene at ail by the larger farmers, merchants bankers and prsfsssiiaal men, whi should make it thair *—'i—i ft math the Isolated farmers and tan ante and discern with thorn tha pro gram of operations under boll weed conditions. The greatest responribai ty mate open the landowners. £ they are going te eeutlnwe to ewi their leads they will be obliged ft mo. to K that those who farm hum | cermet information and closest an jperrlsien for (he avenge form ten lent must here sympathetic and Wi met instruction and nettoe supers lea until he UoreugMy league th> •ew methods of epersUen. A few hmed principles of opera Uon for the whole state may he sag , gn|||j i 1. Destroy bumedtetely sD eottet i 'tofts as seen u the crap is gethmsd This will prevent the hatchtop of ml tloas of now weevfla during Octobm I The old weevils do met hibernate us i to sold weather aud the destruetiii I of their food supply ufll sum thus i to die before frost. It ft Imparatft that this suggeetleu be carried os EMANCIPATION OF COTTON FARMER 6 SET FOR FEB. 11TB If Y«f«t O•» M W«mB IIbm, OM Dm KUAla Hm TWImmAt ,7^ "*■« h» *he dtortte U mg. «d to attoad thie fT itfag It bmu ■sack U Ml and it met —f »_ ronptlf, and mrj afnt abated to mil to tadace every farmer to tto tale to da tkia mark, far If aaly a law do H H nrffl bare tittle agate in educing tto nent year*! weevil mg' i4y. *. Dating tto faO and tenter de :tray all cover in white warrOa mag *a biding, tarn tag ditch toato and utargina af waada and tlaaiiag ay *t»eka teeald ate to aBawad to re •i'b Tar otto a ». Cattaa aheted to HtoraBy fm ■iHaed with a quick acting fertOlmr -oatalsing about M yoaoda of evull tela yboephoric acid per earn ammon ia and palate to to mad amardlng to Um character and ralatfra fertility ef the aalL An appHeaUem af mm mania tested to pat dewa before tea middle af June. Qmr daaoi af palate tom a tendency to delay mtenilj Where the weed vwwi tall onto a eociurmgee evergrowth ef iWh «. Early ptaMlng af apptwmd m rmtavM mom wit* plasty «f (Mi TO* towar abooU mm at Uast • Vuhob of goo4 too* for aach aera ho fa |M| U plant. Ha *a«M pint at faaat two Mt(b baton April 1« «o tha app.r bolt at tha Hat* fatten. > lag a boabal par aaco. H a rtaa4 fa i not Moairi by tha that planting ha - *hoal4 plant ooar aot latar than April 10 la tha lawar half or April M tat tha ■ *PP*r halt. If largo goaatMm al •aot at* aaai goof rtaaOa apt oaw Of M» MM ea* af Urn pablic toaa^djad -•We. tod to track with the MU| A toe ar*t new atom. Thu ttoe n* tteed rid Machine* whim eat the electricity lav power aad fit a creak via heard Iron than a» toy patfaanad the faaatlea* far ehkh they ware creeled. The Ul* >aai lyarmi eaaaa threach iatart. W toi caal nee laU dewe ea to Jab. Than we* pleety on tha yard eel Mby a tea# eaeld the eeaaaae Wtos wea the matter! The caal nam'a to ylera ware Jnl they weald catch cold. They -efoaed to head caal, hat hit ice bm rapt ap tea daUvette* to tha aada aaatahta Whfl* aaaw fad fa— wha aaad naa eatoTce* ndan. Ta all hipatrin Made to the tehee af the aea| naa dura cane tha, jnpaan Out **we are aed able to Cavtotolpi there waa ttoawed *a •raah ua had to avatcana ta providiac Mivtea to tha people at Dean. Bat it aeerm many rniaplaiata aad therefore ,ninen to adtrlaa that to naa hi* track* with driven wto ere a little •n anceptaia to the vacate** af Japttar Ptariat. Falk* have a habit af teteac pattenei, even If they da to* they aaad aaaL The qaeebom of peiaoniag tor bo3 •veeefl to MBl in the expc lm*nu. -*te, bat ywt CoaiiittM tolno *0* petoening with ealciam tnwwu • rateable, aapir ally J at t~a »ropa* Um and Bailor favorable coa ditiant. Beery damage from plant ‘MO following dajhag vita eaklu-j eiaaMfo early laat August makei a. dowbtfal aa to this t.eaaaeet when applied at that tin*. The weonto dhaald atoo be picked from the plant in tha early toagta aad aa toon aa paactared aqoarea arc eot-cod they dwelt ba ptokad up twice par weak tmtU arid uuiumar. Rapid aad thor ough cultivation at all time* afould ha map toyed aad tha croya ahenld he gathered m fart at open ta laun a high grade, la ae caw riwuld move cottea ha ptaatod than can ha pre parlp handled at aL atagaa aw promptly pithed by the labor on the derm, fee it to tha bright of folly to plaat a crop aad tot tha beO weevil eat it up tor leak of attention or al low R to bream i -blue- ha the Raida far leak ot pishing force. The experience of buy of our ^ (hi* itaadard, tha crop* w«ro flit <h* M«M ill farmer aad ton ■at iHn'k (ImIi» rawly at food aad food aad that thia load aad load ha properly aaaaaread. Tha aai with a arh fall of com aad hay, a aaohehaiM fail at seat aad aa > a baadrod haahaii ad aaaat ’ »i tat i*e io a otaeago houe, aad a > gaadca faB ad 'i—itahha eaaaat ho Pat oat ad hariaaao by tha bod wooed ar aay athaapaat. ^ > drwtil aa Oria la aaa of tha groat I otd aoaprf wo haaa aad aaa which ooatjr lamer aaa laleo.

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