_. -q THE DUNN ■ " ' 1 1 ■■! ■■ I, —amga r _ VOLUMEVUL IU11J1J ^ • DUNN| NORTH OARi( " * m. — on DAD’S HAVE A DIFFICULT TIME FINDING NEW (MI Stowart Of SwtH Carolina Fail* TojSkow Up Wkan IS THE SECOND MAN TO DIMA POINT MAYOI PamUrgrmaa Of First To Decline By U. S. Pago —1 Jok Coos Bogging, Bart Tow* Soom. to Satfor Uttlo From La Wba wants o good jobt 'That pise* la tbs sea Ain* lonasr ly occupied by U. A Pago la meant sad gsing shagging. It appears that nAody wants A Tbs latsst man to •b®* tbs job woo gtron la not going to accept It Bi b C A Stewart, tooted so the “vary aaa Dona seed*" by Asm who talked witb Ma wfcfl. b* was bars ssrsral wnsb* ago sp rang far A* Job. It-that bio boa# folks fa KAopviBa, A C, d* not want bia to Isom Nr. Stewart, along wUh D. C. Al bsrt end n KsUlgb eop, was an sp pUcsat for ths psrttton when it was ward ad to J. A Pendorgraa, of Dwbna. Nr. Poadorgana was to barn rsportod bare on Jaapary 1Mb. In •toad. Aero some a Uttar tailing Aat bo hod decided not to aeosat ths ioh. The* the beard case together aad e«pl«Ted lb. Stewart with the ua darataadlag that he w*j to report here on January 16. January 11 came bat act lb. Stewart. Ho woo —trod lag Federal coart la Oohrabia aad eeald aot report until too fallowing Monday. Monday rrwo- bat Mr. Stewart U*il^»o<here. * Pohoe chfef. Dcgatg to..lM to'* iernlgaa toe boa. gtetog the town all the ttma ho eeald more tram Me regular dutica, aad that rrma to tovo been sufficient. Tha village cat ape aaaaa to tovo gene oa attoe etaea tha latoltohk Page fdt tha job. Thera has boas vary little far a pa ■mm majaBMMBil U the eaet amdwmt of town, Judge Oodwto weald have aa umtii^y naaU detoot to dfcpooo ef ia Me weekly aooMooe ef the Recorder's Court Meantime. Mayor Wade aad the Beard ef CommiaMonom are tmiIii lag if It would not to woO to atoUto too office of chief of police. They probably would da that aad tarn law enforcement over to tha toll weovffl V it wore pomiblo to collect town tamo without too aid of o aun duly authorised to carry all the weapons Mocked ia too town ansaal •* of PoBoo pays a •Miy of $160 . month. A good aaa aright prise thl* up to »1T«. A really (adattrioaa fallow could make the Job worth while with the aide money. It to* torn don*. Ha** ia a ahmaa far aa ambitieae man. PITMAN FORMS A NEW COMPANY *«*iy ontorprloo Oowpawy, fona i. biMityimd *oop«o'. Sopp*7 Oa ky hta. dool u tiH-iTr to |Mdi to ta Mid to pMk. SH or wWta. MMm .jril Undo to*d« » fOtall batoaoa iliM stolooalo Uooo- It win doa] la tun Md fosey **••«**••. Wodln, wp. ylloo, tea, cctooc*. ***«Wt Wta. ote- hay mad <TQ*s- ^ "ttatoSST frtood," «*&£ ho con ooU to tka to tor*o oaaoti Uoootsgrcoti *• prtoa, thoy pay for at toWoo. Ki hot loaood too ooeopM hy too JontoM eoncorn for too dUrafC of »«H os tooodkfloo. Thlo to tasted to *ko klooh coot of *0 Ohrtottoa Otar* ota to behind tooLI. Sarto, tom to to* tiono wtto ooom of too toodlNT S**1 eonr, food nd tafldta* otay hooooi of too coaster Osd oporto to do < lorpo kotos om. Ho wlU bo roody to 81 •n ordoio to Mo Uno sttMs tko soil fow days. ToN Mo If ttti state world ooyiod YOU— * Ooptod too lotto*— World h boi REJECT All BIDS ON NEW SCHOOL; PRICES TOO HIGH > LOWEST OFFER WAS IS CTHOUSAND ABOVE Beard Think* Bnilding Cm Be Constructed for $60,000 Or Um Tirantj Hm Cnmrmrne 3aknit Ben—lee And Nearly 100 Repreeentetkee Case To Be Freeemt Whan Bid* Are Opened — Architect Wnrae Against Day Leber Idea. With tk lowest bid ranging around *«,000 mere than 6m f 0*0,1 limit placmi an A* new (n mu school building, the aehi.il . ard decldtl to "Jwi nil bid. (akaltUd by M eon tracten whan tk estimates ware •pooed in tk mat of tk Cteeakr •f Commerce tkU wmL Tk matter la now in tk tends of tk baildiag committee whom nintri wilt strive to find seme build or who, with medl ®«etkn* l» th« plana, will agraa to •wild far a anm witkn Aa Unit. Oaelnian to reject tk bida was ■teds upon motion ad N. A Towmand ntto waa backed up by every oAar ■raber ad Aa beard mve tk chair men. Joba C. Clifford, who wna of <*>« opinion . that adoption of Mr. Tewnsandt’ nation would probably moan that tk board weald endeavor to can street the building with day la-1 kr radar Ka own taper.lahim. Mr. CJlfferd fsored that anch a naava would result in aetonl Isas rad la much delay. Ha potatod out that It wua mesh tetter to pay m eapauteae ad build or te mm. full charge af «a project Bad toapeMMBty fur Us perfection Mr. Tewnaoad, hewmr, tolawl that tto Wj «n entirely toe high «hw the falling eeet ad baOdlag aa. tortalg «m —it I mi, Md that * W? ^hnlttog14 *** m* ***" ****** to aatiaTaetory to tto hoard. ^TkU vtow waa told by other Utah MO ad tbc bond. Mr. Wtooo, tha arahltoct who drew CaN^Mtt^MMVM^MaatoaSrSa haUdtog wtthoot tto aid of a aklltod hslUar. Ta attaaipt to da aa, to aaid. would probably ha oaatty and entirely unntiafhctoiy. Ha did net preenme to dictate to tto board and amured tto mamton that ttoy would have hit beartieet cooperation in abataiai taattod ttoy aright decide to adopt. Ha gave the advice beeauae, to aaid. Me experience fa, such matters had *•“ itod day labor methoda woo ai anaatUdactory, dcUytng and Kanban ad tea building eoonrtttee aru John a Clifford, J. W. Dneugtou and George P. Pope. Ttoy are to re port ho tto whole board aa aaaa aa ttoy find nat way to erect the build ing at a eeet of not more ttoa tttr Odd. There wore nearly 10# contractors •M their aaelatenU hare Tanadar when tto Mde warn opened at S o' clock. Ttoy ropceaantod tha N buOd •euth oa Atiaato*^hUay Tligleia, North and ~ Mooted rogto South CaroHnn wane aniformly in their bids ttoa war* there ad porta of the country. An effort win to mode to court raatfaa of tto building tto spring fat seder teat it completed hy tto lima am ANNA CASS HAS OVER S00 SONGS IN REPERTOIRE RkNtlHMlMiMCiM, Mm i $100,000 WANTED FROM THS STATE TO RELIEVE JEWS Amor ice Ie Asked To Rales HjMWqOOO Fcr^mr. LIONEL WEIL HEADS THE CAROLINA ORGANIZATION * Appoal Mod* After Codml CwMiwHwi Of Rapartr Brwifht Fim Abenad Bp Workmra JFamflUr^ WikE» Amd Elaowkor*. Under the kaderehip of Lionel Watt of OoldAoro, aa chairman, tha Jam* of North Carolina are seeking to tmlea |100,0M for tha relief #4 thair co-religioiriete in Beater* Xm repo. ThU ram rep noon la tha Stated Q“<>U in the *14,000,000 nation-wide appeal I mood by the American Jewi A Bolkf Committee, of which Laela MarAall of New York, ie chairama, end which Indndea in tts wwAorAlp Jew* prominent in the boriaem and eeckl life of the satire country. Darid A. Brown of Detroit, t kad ing baeinoso man of that city and ptwmiaent net only a* a money raiser hot aa freehanded giver, haa taken peneaal charge e< the national ^ PmX Wader Mr. Wall's direction the State of North Carolina ie home thorewghly organised, sad already eommhteaa hare bean formed hi most of the altiee and ht many sf the-” ar aemmwnltiea U paA tha appeal lo. eaBy. The money naked by the Ameriaan Jewiah Belief Committee is U be dis tribated by tha Joint Distribetiea Committee, which repreeente eereral Jewish organisation* and has oeep erated closely with tha Ommiran Re Uaf Admin let ratios, of which Herbert Hoover is chairman. Tha joist rfiatri kwtten o—HOw haa already sec eamfnlly administered fnade amoant iag to 04T.OOO.MO. eoatribotod by Jewry, and has a will-oar saiaad relief machinery already sal op la Earops. !»«. and personally presented at a eonforoaca af Jm representing *1 d«Ua recently bald in Chicago. Tba appeal la baaed upon certain imme diate aaada. ana af tba meat proving of which V relief far the taiga Jaw hh population of Baaeia. rally a third of tha money nought ia to go for thia phaaa of tha wwrk. The Buariaa rebof will ba administered largely through the Aasarieaa Belief Administration, m that there win ba no duplication, of work and no added n— expense. Child care ia asathar abject for which a eoneidemble pareantaga of tha total win bo expended. Tba chil dren hare bean undernourished and bam developed dlaaaawdaa to malnu trition, which only ynan of aaraful ■ttaatlaa can eradicate. Orphans who warn renewed last winter from actual ■•wrath* mevt atlB be peprtded for. Orphanages must-ha-1 A ~ fcy American funds until the ai tiee in which thay warn ad recuperate raOciently u wt tha^ Tba arphnnagv are ecu. ad to capacity, aad there ^ Vs atATamny dasrrrlag children clamoring far ad mittance. Thia ia ia tha eawnWaa owt rfda of Roads. In Kaada tha work of child feeding baa juat beat eWM the tori* tm4 for.*# rad of rofegeoa, May of vkNi Mr# boon d circa froa Mr hooMO * Bom* oad UMa, rfl tor Innrtll U*NHM*|#iai pantiTO afrty la actgbtoriag. M trioo Tho condition of*& u rtportod by *ow who hor. #o«*t «• aid thorn, afeo* fcgg*, toor*. tUa. PtmilliM *i»TiH«*-V-ttaT m' tmm W** ui77> ur jT*4*—4 horiepiag la th. yrocnd, JJ^rta m of tho too* pfctfal Jjj* Mu dUd toaTdhL* ^ A»«oioaa eharKft*M that they ■»« »" h-Tm i ,1* i Tfruh *7**”» rt M aoeeeoary that they ho « opportaaity to got a ho «* Ufa. it * . pNMawiM U**y ruagtit rofoao rennet 7*** QaohUa. 1* # regnal #< *4 y^***. MijoTcooLto! •P^taho^orraagodTio *t*r>v flat hoot* problem h tho mml Uto wWro <ho MU nwitttl.e mm th row, urn |Hv*d I tad ml & In ku u lad m ta • finidb got kirn ta hat tan folks aka* think < I “That’s aaay to mmmr," ha deah* [ad. “Lietan: for Mas yaan wo ham bean uitting tight wmltta, far aona 'tbinr to eoma alaag aad lift n sot , of/atlM hale. Kiaajhadj has heaa do , lag It farmer, marc Wat, banker lawyer, all of aa. We have wot made aiaay iooll* yanhaan aad have liw ad does, hat wa ham set made any V*T7 big effort to gat had to normal. Wa really wars for hw h»«by tan ta yat as back when wa «are 1* the yaan s< inflated Jniam taftaUly we have a* atade oar defer •ay heavier deataf *e wettag m rioddfbet of aa bam dhavad thaw considerably. 8a wa start to work with better heart. Wa bam ftaagj come ta t faS nsMaailii that wa «n»t work ta lhilaad that to gal back aa ear fast wa taat atom clear of extawvagaaeo. € ~ I MmD. HOLLIDAY RETURNS TO NORMALCY Dunn merchant again wet n Red Rom. »~l celebrated •mile—thinks yett will be go* d for.businaw. “=Rra“^^IB*BSI mm 1 ' * ClBC:=:=aBB==i:=,,==*ni"»l»aB*B!^ I STATE WILLI LP DIMS PROGRAM FOR FARM WORK! State Agriculture! Depart, pmt aftetaU ere with Dana in tte «C»«te to improve faming iirnitlWine i" tte MJToanding centery le art* deaeed by tea letter* received tbit week by Magana T. Draper, director ef tte agrteakaral department of tte tlmtw of Cnt—irea. Om U fram C a Katttewa, State Horttealtortat, wte ii araeh intareeted la the potato looting to te bald tere Satarday, Btetaaiy U. Tte ether te tram T. D. Mr Lean, dietrtet farm dmilCnlion Mr. Matthowv write. ttet either te ^ OT Mr. Nelaon wm -firm tte Sat.. •"*»y mettag m potato and dewber ry ealtata end ttet te la endeavoring to get tte Carver potato exhibit •team la Dbml “• MeLMn writoa (MtowDit. (toad a mooting af tte oogaty M» IteteMMaaaatltateayaadaMMaa U appropriate a nun soMdent la as aara tte amplopmoftt ad a emir fana domonrirallaa gal Mr. Matthews latter follows: -Tear latter of January M to zo fard to tte nroot potato awottag far Tahtaaxy 11 at oao' o'cloak to Dm tea teoa Mislead. la zeplp alow ao te »p that sitter Mr. Naboa or I| vdB attend thla wiattog aad will dia aatt *The flrwt Potato ladnatpp and How Wo Mi old Parol op It1* "Wo wffl te prvparod abo to to* oa dowtentaa If tteaponrita "At rrvrp touting Mat wo ad droop wv nt aartowo for tte opportanltr to giro a fow rnaniki oa tte Tam oad Koooo Oaten, which to of ha o*»aa iaportaaeo at Mb ttoc. Please let as know Acfialtelp tf MU data "1 aa writing to Mr. Hadnaa, AtaU Age at to ana If It U poeatolo te arrange for Pnfeoaai Oarrvr to stew too aahOtH. Wtea I hoar from Piwfomr Hadaoa, I wffl te gtad to oomaaaleate sriM put" Mr. MoLoaa'a totter roads: "I aapoet to te at LimagU, on Moo dap, Pakraaiy CM> for tte pgr. pan* af trytag to arroaga with tte Board ad Cantrip Coamtoiloaart to ytooa to wort to Mo aaoaty a aoaa potoat ooaatp agawt Wo tewa manap moagh to oa* gopaatoaoBt now to oap P*T a frw mart somttoo wtM agaate, aad 1 want to laolado Baraatt a* oao i «d Mmo ooaatloa, therefore, 1 an] writtag to afc pan to here a strong todp *d an «d ponr tom aad poar ■•riba *d tHa Mnatp to meet with too at IdHtogtm. ao Mat wo aap te akto to pat Mb wetter mon. COLONEL MONAX VISITS DISPATCH FOR LITTLE CHAT front kb nintoi tmvittar to tok into the hnnted «|« rf kb «M friend Aictoenys Moans, too bad dl •4. “mad rn toll yea my Aery.” Hie direction obeyed, ha Anted: Tan know,- ha mid. tta haaa a hard winter aad ay ta my Uttg idee# than hoe haaa little ta ■poa—what wMh the hard team everything} aad IV» haaa cat down ban to Haaa far months. Oaca laA weak I did Unmaa ant af my hole, bat right mm hall woorlte gaaakf a iSd*aad they waat oa ta aty that my many, Old Sol. wnegeingte ran aa Hal ttme and (hat they maid nlralatr aa gte> tint a good mart. That waa tad aama far ma, aa Z waat haak ta tad. “This me re lag, ttaagh,” the oala* ■A. continued, “the aid ‘Oman ill am ay early, the an mya tea, ‘Aaa. ram mod-far aottiag teat, why Baa* m ret e» tea tan aad gat t» warh. Do yea think aw aad the chB dna an going to At are ml ham tel the faring with aoteiac •• aat nUa yaa raddle jtit kwy warn on •teta ham right amr aad «ad a Jte." “Z didn’t think mate af Aw Ha, haeaaaa tkiags waVt aa ylaaaaat tea latt tlam 1 waa dawn fa n—^ gm aat Z earn* anyway. A niggle1 wom en will make moA aay ad m tarn awtt any Und of danger ta gal ate •f her way. Whoa Z gat ate tarn at the end ef the panmeat I mot a M lew who toU ma that team wa’n’t no policeman In tawa new. Thea I ftet batter. Be I nook down tea bate Areet aad trite ma yaa—aad ham I am.” “Wen, Colonel, eta toy, we’re gted h "• yaw—haya ym*B Aay a lag ttae,” hie heat deeland, -aad atom what ta da yaa lldtet of Ux tegnu far aa early matey. ” *a«»7telag ie lovely," ha am P'ted: -net a ray af mateim tarn I •ma today aad it dam teak aa If 1 eaa gat through the day with.at earn lag wy te adorn. I hoBere wVI tarn |Ai warm waotear from new aat lata Fttageretd, Baa --.. 9.m 9 to • *! • tf! • to 9 to 1 • to

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