DO YOU WANT BIG COTTON FACTORY BULTJN DUNN ? Mu la CowiMtcitU. With ASK CITIZENS TO TAKE BLOC PREFERRED STOCK Offer* 7 Par Curt Nat On $100, 000 3a—red By $200,000 Plant—Riddle And Other OK trial. Aak Par Hal* And Paint Ta Wacauity Far Aid In StMh Matter*. A cotton nQl to eoot $300.0*0 end ta napley ooverol hundred oporativo* h iau| tee pee*B—lap for Dunn tel. year, n—rffag to T. L. Biddle, ooerotary *f tee Chamber of Com merce, who along with Director* A. L. Newberry lad Robert L Godwin, i. la coo—ualeatlon with a roproeon tettr* of later mho that w—t to build te* factory. There to a (trtag tlod to the yro poeW. however. The reproeentativ* dotoree citiaoaj of Dean to take $1*0.000 worth of the oateipriaoa nreforrud nock which will ear T dot f«at. Bom m, local mas who ore lotereeted My. It look* to ho o good «gg»lta»llj for tho ooauaaatty. The prOforiod did, of coaroo, woold ho ootarod by tho plot, aad tho mill compaay weald agree to gay o8 taxm oa tho grWorrod Meek. A letter from the rag rw on tattoo "1 tin one of tho eery hoot cotton adll moa la North Coroltao who wig hafld a 1200,000 oottoa m« la year city If year google will lakarilho far flMAOO, T par coat ptnfanad eteck, oa wfclih tho mix weald koag the taaaa paid. Ia thio way yaar paogla woodd got a T gar oaat taeootmoat ■ot, aad gat la tho —Mg aa ta daotrial antarprim that will gHa Moody iMglijMMit to a goad many frmlliM. Tea coaid draw a proper charter aad we eoald gat together, • get a oalMMa liMdlio ed SO oeree aw the oMy MadM aad It weald do far Dama what the Erwin Cotton *• «MUa are dalag foe Dalai though not ' aa aa law a soldo. “Thio la a mighty goad ohanca for m-“ M«W. MVP tho chamber of 00m aune, Is a mighty good time to proro wa*th«r uju doc* or do** not want nuihctcriif Nlupriia. If it want* th—l, pet op the money for thie eaterpriM, if after careful In «eetig*tiun. It prorca to be aa good — it —uta — the enrfeee to be. Ia thi* aoaaeetioB, Secretary Riddle pelade eet the following for the eon cidocettoa of citlien* who aspect big “In Judging the woch and accent pOdtmonti of — oqganlzetJo* like th* Cti—*ir ef Coauaarc*. tt i* w*U t* keep in mind the— important facte: Th* organ!—U— ha* aa power b*yoad moral —art— j R ha* a* cap ital fM laoatom—t, nor be* it estk orttp to Hill otbom to land It* •rto powor for good. r*«t* la it* abH hy to *mo*«h tho wgp for ia——amt and do-topmost; 1 do tho thing* that th* ladMdoal h— a*Mt*r th* to ctJaatloo nor th* p—>*r to do," * ■4* _ 1 of r*«M Poaf rr*» father aaf tha *»• mom ware feta* to Wilaaa to •oil a loaf of ttoMea. They took too no atomy far proteeUom, towlay FARM BLOC WINS NOTABLE VICTORY ON SENATE FLOOR Homo Ca-Oporatire MarkatMg Bill r«iNt By A Vote of 88 to 1 EXEMPT ASSOCIATIONS FROM ANTI-TRUST ACT PrarUaa la Measure Makes It loapoaalkta For A Group Of IadMduaU To RtmoIfo Tbomaoloes late A Clos ed ^ Corporation { Substitute Washington, Feb. •.—The Hrau c'-op<rr*tlvs aukctinf 1 '.It, a etu ore designed to aid tbs agricultural Lfiterejti and pressed by the fans bloc, was passed by ths Senate lata today. Only one vote, that of Sen ator Gerry, Democrat, of Rhode Is land, was east against the measure Two other Senators. Brandegee, itqmowin, di Lunntciicw, »na &inf a Democrat, of Utah, war* paired a (ahMt the measure and withheld their votes. The vote was 68 to one and ths Senate's action was regarded by “«• m the most swooping of tho vic toria* yet attained by the tana bloc rfnee, ia accepting the Heraae bill, the Senate overrode its ewn judiciary committee which had reported a sub stitute measure. The substitute was defeated 66 to foar. Tbo bill now gem to conference for adjustment of differences with the House Tsimyt From Trust Law As yarned by the Senate, the bill retains the provisions which relieve the eo-openattvn associations from tbs application of laws prohibiting trusts or unfair bTrainees practices, placing the authority to determine whoa such acta have been committed with the Secretary of AgriooMure. The Senate substitute would have made tire association amenable to tbs present laws and ft eras around •Vim .wind tVet -_ S !_ the wash tha subject waa bafor* tha Senate. 5 1 ' * • « •• a •. - w Daring the closing boon of da bote today, reference waa made to the bloc's power. This brought from Senator Norris, Republican, of Ne braska, the statement that he had beard the bill had administration mp port. Majority CaaMa Over “It i* tha B rst time in maay months that the majority hat com* over to ay aide,” he added. “It happen i so al mighty isidom that I feel I moat ■take note of it. Maybe the admtnls timtlon is behind this bill. If that it so. than I an glad they hove nan* over Into the mi wages with a*. Whether they come baeaaae of ae or ia n>ite of me, I do not know, bat I welcome them here.” The most important of the amend ments* accepted by tha Senate was one proving “that tha association* thall not deal in products of non members to an amount greeter ia raise than such a* art handled by K far ■ amber*.” Important Prtvittoa TMa, it waa axplained, makes it imposrfbie for co operative aaanria Hona to be "stolen” by a group of Individuals who merely by declining to admit saw member* rtoohr* them selves into a dosed oerp oration. Without tha amendment, the group would bo shin, according to Sena tor*, to engage in competitive trade, buying other farmer*' products to aa unlimited extent. Tha amendment Mm It* any nnaorlntloti In tha handling of the commodities of nen-enemhen so that what was described aa a throttle ef local business ceuld net he obtained. Other Important pruvtsiens of toe b® Prescribe that no member ad an association may have more then ana ▼vm in oirectlnp tta aeMvttleo npid lea of tbo amount of *tock ko koMa, nor can any nacaclaUan pay dividend# on cUck ar metoboruhlp capital to e«OM of elpfct per cant a yunr. raepact to tho authority pran tod tha doe rotary of AprieuKare to control attempt* to aoaopaliaa or ro otteto trudo, tho MB provide* that up tic* of ebaapo* ef allepod vtotottoue mat be aervod on tho offandtop nano elation and it aami bo dip* an op portunity to dnfond Itaotf. If foand puOty of tho chart*•, the aaeooUry of iptnlWi* n*oy ardor tho aaaoofe lion to "aonat and doototi* and ** ovont of ltt failure to do ao, tho oaoo than say bo roferrod to tho Tadorol Court* for enforcement of the ardor mad tho fttiap ad tiuh deer*aa aa tho SNELL OUTLINES EXTENSION WORK j OF UNIVERSITY WILL MAKE INSTITUTION USEFUL TO ALL CITIZENS Ouster D. Scan, director of the cnhranttp irtindw' dictate*, ot the Unieereity ot Narth Car* Line, «*nt • part ot last seek la rw— oomttf dnf with nhriiii of aartava orgailaa tiona and inf endec thacm ot da eca rtca offered tea paapU off tea Hate terw««h hi* dirtrtom. White hart Nr. 8n.ll Hated that ha waa deeply lae pmaad with tea peepr Mart* wap la which problem aff aoaanwadtp tetter -WhUa bat fair paapb from thta oomatunity aia kc ebb to attead tha Mr. 8n«ll, -eracyeee of tha nhrtaitrb ' iaatracttoa aad •xtaoatoa dteiatoai. Tha arjtoody kaa a H from It. tha to* aana of : tha apt boem fa aad acoi common ly threat be Ita « ad thro ▼araltjrV United State* ha* aa extaaatxi ary. • vntloiL Tt* a»t*aal»a dtr'^on ai oar aniiaiattji ia fnaafieala* *Hd etrthr ud ia Ua firameat irpiln. tioa ad it* Uad la fee nttk ft U constantly leaaeblac oat lata aev field*, aakinf to become a ***** vital factor la the yrecreae ad ear com mocwcalth. Hear Uae* ef Sarvla* The tbtrtoea dWaraet barvaos a* line* «f aarvlaa adTerad by th* naive r «tty *itaa*l»a diIW■ a are *atll**il la brief, aa liBwti 1. Corr*ta**den«a aad elaaa to* «trectioa: Staadard ITilrudly eeonaa by mail, atther (to credit a* S. i Uyea raqaaat i _ University far edoaatUaal *Tailya la stftotee aa road aagteaatbw. *«a*ti| Witt •crtcsltanU lutie Out List tt* Chcubcr of will U ImHWJn of ttc Dub District its slim, will** tto •ft •Ms a GRANVILLE M. TILGHMAN AUSTIN IS HEAD COTTON FARMERS AMrfatta*. Tto alMlM «f «*- | cnl mImt Ahum w»n found to I to iuMMty tocsaM of toad condi-• y. •MttotowJCfM IDAS y*UHkj mmntiug «&tfl l» fc tto tfUmoon, tto diroeton l<|MM«i. Tto uriiri ww Im mtoon tort nirffct. ^totodJUoM to W. B. A«*ai. proo- ' BRANWSflES GUN THENSHPSAWAYl wu aaaf far Price, a am wha had ham leadjay warrant* weMl ha had rmehad^tha pretriaecy ad a yaat that the dMml^Vnaa. Ihe eSeer aad tha ■« wha had —tha Iha UfleaUaa had atartad •« the jrto aaar toward Am wot hama aad all at oaaa It waa aay^aatod by tha attendant* tha* tha ear ha a*h a*, ear*. Pric* at aaca waatad la kaaw whart th« MtoaaWh waa mad Kwh* M ih* aay to tha car. Tb#y 4 fal lowed aad to *aad af <etoy to tha ear hr led the way to aa eat of *e way place aad all of a mddm ha taraad upon tha oAcar with a 44 nay pi ml plated directly tola Ha fbaa. He told the (Hear to be faed ■ad atoka a retreat backward aadfi beat St TXXA* CO. TO HA VI BIBTHIBUTINU PLANT • —■ mi I W«l—Nii, FA. < •f tba piaat *f tfca OhNh rt'fpii -» ■*- M—|— —ij **?"* ** *** » yffikVrM '• ' - r •■ T*-\ • .. ■' -y .• C-.1.1*' \ ■ •* ■ ' . * • * Y

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