THEL VOLUME VIII. DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA, POTATO EXPERTS TALK TO SMALL CROWD IN DUNN Loss Than Three Score Form ers Attend Meeting In Metropolitan Theatre MAKE UP IN INTEREST FOR ATTENDANCE Those Who Hear Locture* Are Much Interested—Matthews And Cardwell Talk Of Con serration Rather Than Of Increased Production Of Sweet Potato. Although there wore leu than three score farmer* pretent to hear C. D. Matthew* sad G. A. Cardwell, representing the agricultural depart ment of the State end the egricultor el department of the State and the agricultural end industrial divirion of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway, re spectively, when they spoke here un der the empire* of She Chamber ef Commerce in the inters at* of aweet potato culture, the attention given their manages by the few more than compensated for the sparsity of the crowd. Every farmer present left the meeting with a greater respect fer ithe lowly potato. The speaker* were not so much in torestsd in Increasing the production of the potato her* as they were in conserving the usual quantity produ ced. Last year Harnett County pro duced 280,304 bushel* on 1,743 acres of land. The marketable value of those potatoes was around • quarter of a million dollars, but it is not like ly that one fourth of them found their way to market. A large part of those that rsmaiaed rotted. Caring aad warehousing concerned *« Weaker, moat. With facilities for this provided there is no reason for any waste at ail. aad planters will be wble to hold their product for the higher prices that come in Into winter and spring. Both the railway and the State are striving to enlarge markets for the ^ wed'Jfwt now *prafereao/'u given’ the Jersey variety, which is a dry almost taotaleu tuber somewhat like those Dunn used to know as the "fcatut.” This, the speaker mid, was attributable to the advantage the Jersey growers hare goiter through getting to the markets first. In late years, however, consumers in these markets who have gotten a taste of the Caroline product arc calling for them. All that Is needed to op so Hrger markets is advertising and co operative methods of marketing. The potato crop In the Dunn Din 3wU« 2k I. __■_VI_ _ran .v . the largest on record end the waste will bo the smallest. Several small earing plants and storage warehouses are to bt built by individuals and Bon O. Townsend will construct a warehouse to accommodate at least <0,000 bushels on the site of the Dunn Development Company milling pleat FOUR OTHERS LODGED IN JAIL AT CLINTON Ssnpua ICeuaty Authorities Hars Net Vet Arrested Will Nertea Clinton, F^. lg.—Four men, who glv* Albomario as their home, hare been lodged In jell here in eonnee *>on With tbs reesat effort to take Will Horton, a white awn, Into cus tody on a charge of taking an auto mobile. Two ef them give their nan as us Clarence Tucker and Crow ton Holt, while the other two say they are brothers and give Burleson as tbelr last name. Norton u still at large. Tucker claims to be thn hnaband of the woman found with Norton. The quartet claims to havs driven here from Albemarle after reading ef the attempt to arreet Norton. Their stories varied so mud) that it wa* utmca ww u note «»■ a bond of $100 rack. which they haw* failed t* *iy*. Tartar tayi h* wa* married two yean ago hat mfi h* hoa not boon briny with kia wife for the laet to* month*. Two other man an in Jail eharyod *Ml briny Implicated wtth Norton hi default of boada of $(00 each Th* woman, who **»« ha» mm at Boaai* Burma, I* ala* In Jail. ifany Idea*. Uka many poopio, look (*od util you try thorn out Whoa a bmtaem bavin* to lorn bom kata* the boeUteepor Oatoa* pea hay* aarrkod a “WU)n( frote" yoa’r* not properly hardaaad To* eu tall tho fallow* with mo »oy htaml la a hualnao* bp th* waj they wort for tad wait a*) ye*. GREAT INVENTOR IS 75 YEARS OLi Thomas A. Edison Says Ha Has Fiftaaa More to Uvt| Answers Questions Wert Orange, N J„ Feb. 11.— Thomas A. Edunn, Inventor and ; trlcal wisnrd, has Just fifteen years • more of service for humanity in him. j This wns perhaps tha moat import ant statement ha made In hl» annual interview with newspaper men toda7 ! on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Vallay of Qaactias* Smilingly facing a little army of reporter j and news and movie lAo tngrapliers who eraylaid him on his way from his home to his laboratory he answered volley after volley of questione on overy subject the re porters could think of. “1 hope you will have several more birthdays,” said one of the reporters H thoy were leaving. “I shall have fifteen more," oaid Mr. Edison "imply. Re did not elab orate on the proceed by whieh he arri ved at thta conclusion. A moment before he had answered s qoertlon as to when he intended to retire, wit* "never.”. Arltcd whet he mi working on at present, Mr. Edison sa d he had sev ere! “red hot Irons In tho fire," bat that hr was not ready to talk about them as none were rumpleted. Roosevelt Hoods List The inventor placed Theodore Roosevelt at the head of a list of great men he Had met — although He said He had met the former Presi dent but once. “I liked Teddy,” he mid warmly. He picked Serah Bernhardt as “the rrrolosl woman,' declaring she was “still full of popper.” He thooght his friend Ilenry Ford would make a poor President, as that was “not in his line,” but de clared he would vote twice for Ford f there were an election for the posi tion of “Director of Manufacturer.” Berk. Up Ford He eoid He would giro Ford His luU. snpwnw if tha. automobile manu facturer obtained Muscle-BBoule Pro* ' the government. “I do uot think he should go into t,” he added. “He is too ambitious, tnd wants to help the farmer.” Hut he declared he did aot think Ford would fail in his undertaking f he obtained the plant. The Washington conference on ar mament nap retied Mr. Edison as “good—better than nothing at all," hut he declared In favor of continu ing naval preparations “experimen tally.” Fevers Experiments MVo W.0.1J _S.V.S _< I W eh. ■noatly deadly gaeee and tha bigg Ml gun*’’, he to be prepared ao that It will be eo terrible that the game m up.” The radiophone, he said. wee the greatest electrical development of •he peat year, with the amplifier, de monatrated at tha burial of AeaerieaV' unknown anldler at Arlington Na tional Comotery, aa a elote aecond. Receipt of congratulation* from bla family, reading of a aheaf of •elagrana* of felicitation from Prea ■dant Harding, Sir Tfcomai Upton, Chari** It. Schwab and many othere on tha paaalng of hit 78th mile atone and the interview with newspaper nea about ended the day*a celebra tion for Hr. Ed'xeon. Aa tha newrpaper men left, ha Plunged into hla laboratory to work on hla "red hert Irone." DISCOVERS OUTBREAK OF SPOTS ON THE SUN Artraeinr Predicts lUtwraM of A»r»»» Iwnlh Shartly Miami, ria., Feb. 12.—Dtsc every •t a la rye ortbrAk of spots near the center of tho ran. covering a terri lorV *f at least 84,000 miles seross, was reported ton!«bt by Dr. Dated Todd, former director of tho Amherst Observatory, who maintain aa ob •rrratory at his wlator home hero. T%* appearance of tho ana peb he laid, was sadden end unexpected as the eun’t diek was perfectly smooth sad quiescent Ron day These spots wilt probably bo teo 'bis for tbs note 10 days, whan they wid pam off the west end of the sot. noted they continue to extat, they will reappear >t tho eastern edge of the son about *4 days later. It is vary likely. Dr. Todd declar ed, that brflHant displays of the a» cere boreatts wfD bo seoa In the aostb aad that telegraph and other eiectri aal instruments will bo dlahtfbod, at they usually art when the spots lid become tesMa. DESPERADO AGAIN 1 MAKES GETAWAY Woman Found With Will Nor •on In Sampson Carrhd | To Clinton i ■ Clinton, r«b. 11.—The dnpenic ' Win Norton, who atood off the of | ft err* her* Wtdnudty afternoon, hai i again escaped imminent capture, hu' I this time with • few »hot woacdi ! about hit face and minus a cap whirl waa lodged on a bueh with aercn ahoi 'hole* through it. Sheriff Williams and throe depu Uea located Norton at the homo h.-' has bees liviag with a family in Kings Mountain and working in a cotton mill. Abaot three weeks ago Norton, who is said to have been running a Jitney in that section, waa coming to Fayetteville to see hla wife, who ho aaid waa is a hospital than, and the girl consented to coma along with hla to tec the country but in stead of taking bar back home ha ' nought her to Bampson County and set up a still keeping her under com pulsion and. according to her story, rooting to the Hare houae last night while the officers ware pretending to be gone sod compelling bor to go to the swamp with him, where they bad mada them a bed by the log mention ed. The Judge ia nonplussed. H* aeked bar if aba would Kka to go to Samareand hot »he wouldn't. She dresnt knew what she wants V, da nor ha what to do with bar, but the ia ia Jail tonight Within a foot of whsra bar head lay while aha waa possnmlng” In the swamp a half gal Ion af liquor waa dug up. Norton’s whereabouts now ia aagueased. Ho is fly take*. After hie oooapo Wednes day evening he dried himself In a ne VO bom* tooth of tewa and aowgfct conveyance, but when and wSorevej •eon bod hti go* in hla bond. Han, Barefoot and tba woman will hare a preliminary hearing Monday before Magistrate M. E. Britt. LIQUOR IMPORTS POR IM1 SHOW INCRKAM Waihingten, Feb. 18 -Ltgnor tm fwta daring the peat ywar tnareaati by nearly 11/604.000 aa coaeparec with l*la while iWpoNb of cofl drinka lata tba coaatry foN off k] ■•ore than 1100,000 daring tko on period, according to foreign trade re paria made yablle tonight by ih< Coatmeraa Department. Daring IPS: tha total of spirita winoa and amt llquere Imported aggrignti I $4,711, •00 compared with ♦•,*«•,004 fa IHt while mineral water* and edhe Wveragac antering tha i Birbij ’ am seated to 1147,000 as agilm |S4#,o»o fa IMS. WOMAN’S CLUBJlGni Tha Weman’a Club.tfeS’ efi« of r Aha aM enthaaiaatic jgjratlega <4 tha year at tha chib iMBfTriday afternoon. Mrs. Harare j^SoUiday, ' chairman of tha muatAMpgrtmanl, led tha el ah Hi tha ainJwWd Amcr Hn W. 8. Snlpa* Inter citing paper aa SamrnXjlA' Moore County, the home |pj4a^iqucnt Mr*. I ' eoold ha Independent and hS( «■ daily OTarright of a c a pibCVbtoper.iu n She tharafora bought tAjtnSae. She hai been rnccnrifol tn^M'-widertak Ing glaring also takApiMrta aa T»urg aa a few weeks how ever, rhe taker only AH' ladiae. She bar written thir oiSH^k that any ladice in the coanBttM**!rinC inch a home be notifl^Effe Splendid reports ftJwflMa department! ware gir tha nerweet department, hajA^e a wlen did beginning. The otAh Mated there will be an EartaAElfPa giv Prof. John Piol Wt the music deportment •tty will visit the combination lecture UI. Ko ndm lesion Mre. Oberadorfer, . Federation of Music run tbe city. The neenced later. The next meeting ment will be at the L. Godwin, the firvt A splendid progress la ed. Mlsa Bridge, •nitration agent will Home Economine ary 14th to begin in designing, drei Unary. The first will be drees form expects te derive these daman Mine Mum Camp vAlt meat with the shah »- *f—b *“j "ay~dt fleni far the writing aad ftagolng of a hie torical pageant of Harnett county. Mrs T. L Biddle announced that 'the program for the next meeting ef I civic department will be on Kerch Carolina child welfare work. Mrs. ' Biddle, Mr*. V. L. Stephoss sad Mr*. Herbert Taylor will read papers, Mies . Mary Shotwell, eas of the state work I era will be with the duh. The eloh it looking forward le tbe J privilege ef haariag Dr. Brandon ef jibe lecture boreao of the univererty. chairman of Americanisation. 9l< will investigate foreign born popula te!" of the city, tbeir religion* (tend ing. education oJvnOaq**. etc. The [associated charities bad aaked the elob to name aao ad the drib mem ber* to fill tbo otBea af aashtaat mo ratory af that oigaalaation. Mr*. Me D. Holliday waa unantmonaly elected Five doHan waa contributed to the Jewleh Belief Fuad. The president named a committee to confer with the achool board rela tive to equipping the new bnildhvg with domestic acieuoa kitchen*, mod. era tanitatlon and proper ventilation. Mr* LouU C. Stephan* 1* chatrmaa of this committee, Mr*. |. M. learn*, and Mn. Herbert McKay will eerve with her. A nominating committee waa elect ed from the floor, Mr*. L. J. Beat, chairman; Mn. John Fitagorald, Mn. H. O. Matter. M» E. M. Jeffrey*. Fifteen new mmabere were added to the rati at thla moating. In the eoclal period which follow ed Mr*. M. M. Driver, Mr* W. 8. Snip** and Mm. Wealey Thcmpmn The Mode Department af lb* Wo man’* eh* h*M N* Amt nodal aad bmainom nMtlif on Friday February >, 1*2*. Mr*. Harper Holliday, the chairman, called the meeting to ai der. After ringing “Old Jack J#a" a abort badaaaa meeting wa* bald dartag which plea* tar th* future war* d beamed. The dob hop** to bring nm meddan* to th* town who will Instruct aad antartaia that* la toroatad 1* atdt- Tbit organisatian la InvmtignUag th* ad ▼{■ability at patting an a meal* memory ran teat among th* high »*®ol boy* nod girl* They hope alat to preoant an ether cantata at Haaur. t After th* bndnaa* moating a very entertain[ag program wa* raaderod— I fall awed by a plaaaant metal bos* ever th* toaaapa daring which th* i hertmaaa Mr*. Ltoyd Wndo and Mm. • Herbert Malay enrved a ddlaiaaa 1 MUM, There wa* a goad attendance and r H I* begad that many mm «m lain, t IT* seat meeting will be Hald on Triday, March th* thiH at tha ham* of Mrv ft. L. Oodwia with Mra Har per Holliday aaatattog at booUar AO mat* lerora of tba to*> are taoitad to mm aad tacaaaa meaabon of tHa departaaoat. UNIVERSITY WILL PRESENT 3 PLATS ______ Faculty Co—aittaa 9*Ucta Pi—To Bo Chm Chapel Hill, Feb. 11. -The Lord'* WIH." by Paml Croon of LlUiugtoo. “Uarlc Wood limb#*”, by Wilbur Stout of Burlington, and "Blade Board. Pilot of the Carolina Coact” by Paul Green and Mlu Elizabeth Lay of Chapel Hill, art the three play* (elected to bo pratontod by the CnroPna PlaymaLem March It and 11. Thooo play* were ebojcn from a number of other* here Thar* day night by a eonrarittoo compomd of J. F. Royeter, B. D. W. Connor. T. 8. Grate*. J. M. Booker, A. H. Pattenon of the Uaieardty faculty, ■nd Her. Mr. Lawrence. Atl three play* war* written by member* of the Haymaker organiaa Uon who hart previously bad play* pramated by th* Playmakarr. They hate atadlcd North Carolina falk lor* In all Ita phaia*. written about R be fore. and them now play* are the lat e*t inepirod trariu to come from thdr monarch and ftudy. At the aa thor'* reading the play* aoanded. la many respect*, hotter than any that bava been pretested In the pan aad appear to ha the heat that the stad • nt playwrights have yet offrrod to the public. "Tho Lord'* Win," is a tragedy dealing with the Ilfs of a religion* fanatic. "Dark Wood Bashes," by the author at tho ever delightful "la Dixon’* Kitchen,” to wall received on th* laet tour of th* Playmaksn, I* another rooicdy of couoly lift. “Bbtekbeard, Pilot of tho Carolina Cosst,” m a atelo-drsaaa with many ntenee and touching situation*. Madam Borgmy Hammer, th* cele brated Spanish actress, will appear In kbea’e “Tie Master Bolder ” In Memorial Hall her* March *. under tho a aspic ee *f th* Ptoymahars- lb* Spaaish actreas is making a tmno cootiaontoi tour, mid tho busiaeo* manager of th* Haymaker* wa* for tune*# enough to oocuro an engage ment with bar for Ihla community. It ^bai^hoen^ announced that the yet-together event of th*' Carolina Student#, arlll he held thi* year os February 84 in Bwain HsU. A splen did program is being arranged for the feOUval, aad It is ejected to be lb* biggeet aad host attended Caro lina Smoker over staged. OPTIMISTIC VIEW OF IMPROVED CONDITIONS Moaagtag Dwuatur of War Waanas C***®~*ta- >«, Dayflgbt AIM Washington, Teh. l*. _ Optimistic views of improved condition. la the country's bade agricultural industries arc warranted by report* received by the war ftaaneo corporation from its Acid agencies according to a state ment issued tonight by Managing Di rector Meyer. "Cora is aow wiling at country ■levator* la Nebraska aad Iowa at 40 cent* a bushel as against SO centa. four months ago,** bo said. “Hoc* command a good market anti report* indicate that farmers are getting the equivalent of 00 to 90 cunts for com that U marketed on the hoof. The market for *eep is stabilised. They sru soiling in large quantities and at prices considered satisfactory ta tbe growers aad feeders. “Tbe cattle market Is no longer demoralised; tha brooding herds are bom* bold; the young stock is as linger being sacrificed aad the food in* and fattening boti no m is pm coedlng in good volume and with fairly satisfactory returns. There is a broad market far wool aad hides at good prices. gmla markets are ahowiag a goad eon aura pttva demand Tbe movement of cotton baa bean larger Ibia season than last year, aad the pricre are much fairer ta the piw duci»t*. Tha large cattom co-operative marketing organisations have demea Wratod their aMlty ta conduct their huaiaoas an a sound bade aad have proved ta bo a stabilising factor. "AH this meant that the farmer Is being P«* »« Parities to liquidate hi. debts gradually aad that his normal pmrcbaalng power-ua vital ta (ho commercial/ transportation aad in dugtrlal interests—hi being rostered.” Some pan will werh eighteen bourn a day in aider to bang on to a soft snap. Wo ana puU a man aut of a rat, bdt be must re on his own power after he Is eut. C'7ES$4,50b,000 " TO SIX THOUSAND Chicago Nw or da lor DM Load Oftco Bnri—ii Wk|| Cfliop, Ills.. Kvb. It.—gafBMd 3. Birrhoff, taken hit* raitody yea tiii dey altar Involuntary groreeiBagi •>’ banUraptry had haao Inatltatod ijali'il hi® hy civd'tera, today ad> "•'Hid '.bat k* anroa ahoat IUM, V 0. rvprvaenting the aa vinca at cfc :!te-rand Chincoaaa, aioatly feraigo rri 1>M Uum on* rail lion doQan worth of *11 ar.d pa* deck of doubt ful vahj* U available to meet the clilifatinra. It wma announced. I'orf "Tvparently rival thee* of Ckmu BUrhcff, wheae financial npem tion apparently rival thoae of Chaa. ru.izl, the “wtaerd," uytoa ed relief when taken iata curiody by der.uty ainnhaU. He kad recalvad Areata fivr.i thoae bo !* allegod to heve fleeced, he raid, aad ooa afraid to venture into the aoath aad wait tide didriclr, where mad ef hit vic tim* live. To* Central Trod Company wma raid ay appointed receiver far BlathefT. Kill* Bterychmaa, atteraey .’or the r.nijdltora, an id he believed Y'#c«*ff*« liabilities wil ran un |7, 000,000. and that tbe received will :e iueky t« realize that half of the tor* »ilic of thr stock held fcy Ua. Blscfcoff is 2i year* of ape. By pay* =K 1* |C retaro* to a tow client*, e m> a reputation aa a financial arson* the people with .whom tt- dsall. accordinp ta Federal apacta. Croft# of 40 par cant an abort lerm loan* wotv aald to ha common tnd Bifchol ti aald ta have paid aa ilpb a* 1*0 par coat la taaU. Aceordiap ta Mr. Btraychiaaa oaly .be ei editor* that abfactad to laap waits ware paid ia actual each. Tka met, he salr. weiw coo teat to aa .apt thair altapod earntnp* la mar* note*. Soma of Ufa people said al so* all they owaad to piv* Biwhaff nooey. Mr. ttrayehmaa aald. Os* nan, bo mir. ao!d kU home for *7, >00 and tamed over M.IW to BU •Mwt. Jam** J. Kelly, attar*ey far Bla a*y raechra ton canta oa too dollar. Mr. Killy said, when Backoff's bold *pc an- liquidated. Fedaral aathori •ks in limited thorn wu a* basis Cat retreat ion. STUDENTS POISONED BY EATING OF SALAD rint HuM W*m At “* 1 CetUg* Saffor At Celujo'-iut, Mia., Feb. If.—More (Man three hundred ctadente of the Mlniw.'pp' SUU College for Woman here at coffering with ptomaine pole snlar ae a Tree It of eating ditoken •alad v.-hieh tree « erred at tha rren ng meal at the college tonight. Beery nhyilclan in Colombo* area called to the inetltutlon and lade tonight it if (toted that all the (tudente are Ml »f danger although a large number k* etm very ID. Dr. J C. Pant. preekUot of the imitation. e tho** who dhl not oot it wore not effected. Dr. Iren# Father**, the cot. lege phy.ielan, mad* the aaaao gtotm ■rat. A thorough inveetigatloa will be made by the college aotkerlt!** tomorrow, it waa announced. The etudenti ware token ill wtthio on hoar after finiehing rapper and Am aid tr*etm*nt waa give* thoa* affected ualU phytic lane eosld hr tumiaoned. The remain trig atodcstr acted aa name under Dr. Patherao*! d'pwrtiraTl Hr Ta*i Ikfft A flin bar of »iWar ram* Hart fally racer ored end are eeeletlng in caitog fee them more acriouly 10. Ptryeicleni at work at the boapltal eay that ell the patient* are eat «f danger nod all will hare r*t*rmj by tomorrow. The tebool baa about nine hundred ftcdeaU and tolly one-third of tble number were affect ad. Code Tpy iiiWii Meet In* Again It U related that the Cade tvperaUing machine it about perfact rd and hope la held out that it may be on the market la the near future. Thoen who put their good money in tbit invention hare bad a long wait, and tbo end le net yet, hut heme hoping that their fondcct tgpeola tieae may yet be reaUaed, with ap an tra eupply for good mu tore (bat wMI mere than eoutpenioda for Urn leap deferred hope that may bum seated the heart U weaken a little ee qnoei Son.— Pta tear Ilia Landmark. 1 ““ “ We i’» a'l equal when we am aaWep. February it the month of honor, honoety and lore—Washington. li» rnln and St. Valentino MUCH COTTON IS STHL TO BE SOLD §8i ON DUNN MARKET ' VALUE ATmOXIMATELY OWE MILUQW POLLAIM Mffim «§?*§» r; vv 'n the waMhoaaaa of tba Darn DU »»et Out wSI rronlualiy Cud it* vajr to tki Dana aarint, according to 'Ifarca roaipHad fna «tati*i.r« avail* •Wo at tfca oAcoa of Tea. loyal, offi* •>ol watfbor for Dm Damn Marlcn. Blaaa Beptambe 1, IBM. only a !t«e Mata than MjOOB baWt of an :oe hart boo* aold bora. KcantlaM Ooraatt Coonty baa tfanad 60476 balaa. Ordinarily tha Dunn aurtut adla about aa ataab cottar, aa tho ■ounljr (taa, lanes wumtlUos coainr tad Jo hast on count)**. Allowing Ur ecrooood *al*> at Coat*. Duke and 9euea, then (till arc approximately iUW bake to be brought to the Den* market. A large part of thl« cotton it la bo hoads of ONUy farmar* who bxv# any whom from ICO to 304 tale* left from the crop* of IttO •ad mi. hat much of it t* in lot* Vom two to twenty baba. On* far war living n«»r town baa more than 104 bale*, aaothor baa mam than 200. avoial bar* quant*tie* ranging from 10 to 1M. All am holding their pro 'aat In th* hope that the price will lgalw mage aroaad 20 coat* or a bawa. IWwaoar, th* pramaa* at lb a eot •en naan pcoroa that the district is *r fmm being poenrty atrleken gad hal all cf ita wealth hai not go** )f the valac of th* cotton. ftOioa l Then ft I* mid aad the money plac 'd ie hank* where It wUl be arafla d* far basiaaaa d cm !■ patent and ixtciuioa, Dunn will maltae that it Another Indlcston that the C*W a unity b not near w poor nr the ea wal observer would believe b the -act that in the last eighteen month* «*aHy $2,800,000 bi boon paid to ha tamer for cotton. Back record* la not shew Wat all of this wealth aa been applied to aecoantoabw mar «* moot with merchants, hers are name hand reds af thauatad -f dollars scattered around the d'w det in homo strong boxes. If that wealth coaid bo eorrellod and pat to td. the whoab af progress would novt more avtttty. -wisewif tsnseepf tune ggp - MONTH TO MOMS SOCIETY '.sreett County New*. Chalma* J C. Byrd a id an the sembtta of his Board of County Taambabmm war* present Monday far the regular monthly sesi oa. r-» -apt Commbdorer Jamas A. Buefc «nan. who b 01 with pneumonia. It appaartag that Harnst* coontv ■as Area children in the Bent at 'reeacbora, aa appaal for s'd wai c (ponded to by the board- aj»prepTb :»g W* par month for carport der '» IHt to th( Chndren’r Hearn So ■aty of Oreecsboro. Dlatrlat 4 of Hector*. Creek town nip ptmuM for a vote on spceial tea lory. The petrtieo was tenad by Ooo. W. l>oaa. T. L. Don- - itef. 9. H. Barela. M. B. Iw, W. II. Loo. U H. Arnold, J. W. Mason. J. [A. Masaaa, M. X Mammi, 9. A. Ban. 'dr, X F. Griflln, X X Lynch, T. X Tpeace, W. H. Gilbert. X W. Wetter. Tke -regaeet was approved bp Or* Beard of Ed oration Election was (raatod aad date art for Marrli 14 wBh X X Lynch registrar: W. X Lot, 9. X Bevels peUholders 9. X Hodges resigned ao rood cow ■laotener of Mewart* Ov> and lob* W Blame mi appointed !n h'r W. T. Basltb alee resigned ae road •mmiaeleaer of 8 tow arts Creek, bo be ring moved to Averaaboro towr. Atip. Jasper Byrd was appointed I* U* stead. T. V Stewart, chairman. and H. A. Turlington, secretary, ft*M (Hand J repeat of Orwve mad MmUn (or 1M1. Tbe report skewed tMs’ re* rpipte of |lt.TM.7l | disbarrerneiU llXAM.t?. Boport Mem ear. 9. X Hodgea, T. D. Byrd and W •»|tk, mod sngimhnieaeu of •Bewarta Creek, repotted for mi: ,