* L © C A L * Min Laura Shell ha* returned from a visit to relatives Is Mexton. T. V. Smith, president of the State Basik and Trust Company, spent Sun day and Menday at Durham with kia mother. Carey B. Taylor, managing editor ef the Durham Herald, spent the week end here with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs- James A. Taylor. . ' John W Dntughoa will leave this ereek for the northern markets to purchase his wring and summer goods for the Braugbon store here. Mis. Bob Strain, Miss Aleen Rigby, Mine Ethel Johnson, Craven Exxcll and Ralph Kooru visited Raleigh laal night to attend the Anna Case re cital. George K. Grantham, Jr., and hla friend, Libby Ward, a son ef A. D. Ward, of New Bern, were here Sat urday and Sunday to visit George’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Granth am. Sr. They returned tn »Ky of North Carolina Monday. Captain and Mrs. Granville M. Tiighman, will leave this week for Florida where they will spend several weeks at one of the reoorts. They will -return to Dunn as soon as Captain Tiighman recovers strength lost dur ing hia recant long illneii in PhUadel phta. Tho T. E. L. Class of the Pint Baptist Church Sunday School will hold ita regular monthly meeting Thursday evening, February It at 7 JO o’clock with Mrs. Hsnu) Tyner and Mrs. L. E. Newton. All members of tho clem ore urged to be present at this meeting. ' ■Members of tho Chieora Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy will rialt the Confederate Widow*’ Home In Fayetteville this week. Practically every member of the chapter wtU bo in tho party and all of them will carry presents and refreshments for the homo’s guest* They will spend a whole day there. Response to George K. Grantham’s appeals for contributions to the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fund have been many and liberal, but Har nett County has not yet rone up to what eras expected of a locality whose people so greatly admire the former i imiucn*. * is jrwh time zor til who have not contributed. Contribu tion* ihould be mailed to Mr. Gran tham hare. Doe to an error in preparing the advertisement for the eale of $100, 000 fo Dann District school bonds the aala y*e«M far Friday, February 10, bad te he goaty awed aneU Wed needay, February 18. The proceeds from the** bonds will be devoted to bailding a now grammar school building to cost $00,000, to partial payment of the cost of constructing the negro *ehoo] building and the remodelling of the present white •ehool will begin boob after the bond* are sold, it is stated. Mil. Oeorge E. Prince, Hugh W. Prince. J. Rufu* Smith and Mr*. J. Fufu* Smith have farmed a co-part nerabip to operate the business of George «L Prince and Sen, which will be continued under the ant neune. The new firm will materially enlarge the business and is now plan ning extensive alterations and *n largetnenta to the store in which the banlaass has been conducted for more than twenty years and whore it has 8’“*'■ from a modest beginning to oa* of the leading store* of the Dunn ——w. rnncfl win con- 1 Unu« the management of the atora. Soreral month* ago we aaked Henry Hood why he did not put a lot of modern frilla and faneiei around tho aoda foun tain “"d In other porta of tho Hood and Grantham drug (tore. “It won't do" ho aaid. "—our crowd 1* tho good, old gallon gang; and thie ia tho bridge that brought aa aeroaa and will atwaya ha good enough for ua.” Tho other day, howoeer, we walked la to find him directing paint era and carpenter* who were engaged la apmeeding beauty end light all orar tho old atom. "Whntche doin', “we e*ed, “learla tho one gaHai crowd?” "Nope," replied lfr. Hood. “Juat painting and repairing the aid bridge." And He a mighty good Job they am making of H. Tho Initial number of “Tho Dua oea," a eemi-aanaal nugaxlne pub Kahod by the High School oadar the management of tho Senior Clam, will to dlatrlhutod within tha next few daya ThH publication, material for which la contributed entirely by atu dente of tho high achool. la tome thlng ia Duun’a jonmallriie hletery. Tram ad ranee proof* arfmiHtod to ue we find that there le much In M that U of real r»lue—literary and ether win—end that all of it la latoraatiag. Tho ye ua get era am arirbig ^nly 10 cento a eapy for the magnate# to town caetomeru. M«(l rurtamcn should add I coats for postage and wrapping. Only a limited number 1* being printed. If you desire a ropy, place your orders uow. Mia. Marsh Morrow Is Waiting re lative* in Cairo, Georgia. Rev. John J. Langston pastor ti the Christian church, will preach Sunday morning a sermon on the Ufo cl Elija. He has fifty Stereopticcn views to illustrate this sermon nod extends s cordial invitation to every body to attend the services. Ur. and Mr . 1. F. Hicks and Mi c Walter Torn age have returned from Richmond whither they accompanied Mr*. John Monde for treatment in a hospital. Tbty remained with her un til after a seiioua anrgical operation was performed, and report that Mte It recovering nicely. EUia Goldstein loft Saturday for Kew York to complete purchases of Spring and anmmor goods for his ■torn here. On h<s rctom he will ■tup in Philadelphia! to join Mr-. Goldstein who has brsn Waiting rela tives there for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein will return to Dunn within two weeks Evangelist services will begin at Firct Baptist church next Sunday morning and continue for a week nr ait. JD'VTrv it. Johnson, will lead in tha preaching throughout the series of meetings. He baa prepared several very fine *c**sauni which he wants tha people of Dunn to hear. Everybody is Invited to attend the meetings. Dunn is keenly disappointed over the inability of Mrs. Joseph** Dan - iela to accept an invitation to make the annual memorial address at Chi cora Confederate Cemotery this year. It was hoped that Mr*. Daniels eouki he Induced to make the address, but pressing engagement* made It irapoi aible. Daughters of the Confederacy, under whose suspices the annual me morial day reremnnfee at the ceme tery are held, are now striving to get tome ether noted woman of the State to make the address. If they are successful the occasion will mark the first time a women has been the principal speaker at such * ceremony. Newberry Brei. A Cowell yester day shipped la a New Jersey furni ture dealer the seventh solid on load of viory bedroom suits ordered of them by him within the last four months. The concern also has shipped Several car load* to dealer* in New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland since tha fs<*ory resumed manufac ture last fan. Rusinaea is aa good with Dlls rnniflm ■■ It map tam■ nktinmiA •there are few order* coming from ha old trade territory in the Carolina! and Virginia. Almost all of its or-; dors are sousing from Northorn States and meat of them are far the new j Ivory finished design, which the fac tory Started to make last year. The Dunn Band Minatrel Revue will be staged in the Duke Auditor iutn at Duke Thursday night. The beet parts of the show given hero throe weeks ago will be repeated by the company at Duke and many new features have been added. Harper Holliday, 8am Ferrell and W. H. Newberry, Jr., are directing the new ■how and pronlse one of tha beat minstrels ever shown in Duke or Dunn. The fellows have been re hearsing for sevarai nights and have perfected thsir parts to a much higher degree than they had at tho time the first chow was given. Proceeds from the performance will be turned into the uniform fund of the band. The Chamber of CoaMserce hat ac cepted the State Agricultural Depart ment's proposal concerning the em ployment ef a farm deasonstrmUoa agent for the townships of Averaa boro, Duka and Grove whereby the business and farming inter*its of 6m townships axe to pro* Ida $1,000 a year to supplement the Beat# and Fedeiai appropriation* toward nek an agent’* expense*. District Agent T. D. McLean, who made th* offer, will came to Daaa next week to aid Secretary T. L. Biddle aad Di rector E. T. Draper in raising the necessary money. He was expected bore today, but other baslnes* detain ed Him at Aberdeen. The Chamber of Commerce will begin In earnest Ha campaign for more profitable farm ing methods whan th* agent gets on I the Job. He wilt establish HI* office* | in Ibe roems of the Chamber of Com | mere* and will derate bis entire at tention to the farm problems that are brought to his attention. The Fifth Arena* Shop, Inc., is a new mercantile renters Just started by Sam Themas in the store building until recently occupied by th* Per rleh-Drivur Company. Ibis establish ment will deal principally In Import ed women* garments and band made laeas and negligee. Mr. Thomas will i'* ready for businea within a fear days. I Julius A. Cutbrcih, for meity years cashier of the First National Bank and later connected with the Semin ole Ilioephate Company, has accepted the position af confidential secretary jto Ben O. Townsend, secretary and treasurer of the North Carol Ins Cat I ton Growers Cooper*tire Aseoelstlon, -nd is now preparing to toko up his ''utieo in the offices of the assocto t o-i at Raleigh. Ho will not more h>3 family to Raleigh, It la under stood. although he will spend moot J |rf hU t'»* there. Dunn people who know Mr. Culbisth and Mr. Ton ' d are congratulating the aaouria tio * upon Ita acquisition of two of the community's boat eWxena to hold ^oMtions on ita executive branch. U all ether officiate of the organisation are of like calibre, the aaaociatieu is fortunate indeed and ia bound to bo - success from the beginning. Bon—to Mr. and Mis. Worth M. 1 ofo To today morning, a daughter. , D. C. Fuaadl af Raleigh, waa a bo siassa visitor in Dunn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hssbert McKay at- 1 tended tha Anna Case Concert at Raleigh last night. Miss Irene Parker, a student at Wlnthrop College, Koch Hill, S. C., u risiung ntr liutr. a. u. nnur. I W. H. Stephenson, cashier of the : Angler Bank and Trait Company, i was a business visitor In Doan today. ' lira. Fleming cantinacs quite ill 1 at har home at Young's Hotel. Her 1 condition is reported better today, I however. Bern to Mr. aad Mrs. N. A. ! Town seed Thursday morning at the hospital ia Mu, a son, Benjamin O. Townsend, Jr. Joe B. Wilson has opened a press ing club on 8ooth Fayetteville Are., Just back of the Howard and Bald win Grocery store. He opened for. business this week and is now ready to serve you. Mra. Lee Daniel Ennis returned this afternoon from High Point where she had been visiting her daughter, Miss Eula Ennis. Mias Kruils Is head bookkeeper for the Wtlaeh Furniture , Company at High Point. Director A. L Newberry and Sec retary T. L, Biddle of the Chamber of Commerce, have perfected plans through which a building and Wan association aril] ha created within the nest law weeks. The association pro bably will start with 2,000 shares. Subscribers will pay fl s week an each share, provldlag each month sufficient money to build two er throe rood homed. All money paid Into the association win drassr six per cant la ■ ■ m ■■ Ur—t bwo per cent batter than thi lavlnye bank—and wtll be —cored bj mortgage* upon real Mats whom raise win be appraised by man ben ef tbs association. It le praeUcall] aura that at least twetr hem— car be built by the aa*«ciatlra tbie year Thdee —faaeribure who are —reed by the carrier tarei—• of the DU patch ahoald report all daUaqueaclci of the carrier bey u this oflke at seen a* they are dlecavercd. Thi masages—nt ii (tririug U giro good and prompt eerrice through the car rier system and will he glad U cor rect any mistake* made. L— Harrington, nagre, wai e*p turud Saturday afternoon by Chief of Police Da arson after as exciting race through the street*- Herrington wn* is po*—<*ion of a gaait of liquor it i* *ald, when the chief started af ter him. The ve—el. however, war dropped erhUe the man raa The evi ucuv* VUKO inm UN wait* the chief continued after hie men. "The Little Minister," i» motion picture*, will bo above hare at tbo White Way Theatre eeder the sos picee of tbs Woman'* Club at an early data, it was asaeonced today by Manager Marsh Marrow, who baa tendered the use of Ms boose to the chib. Mr. Marrow has aim arranged to show tha "Tear Horsemen of tbo Apocalypse,” the wonderful war dra ma by Vieeoto Blanco Ibane*. next month. "The SbeOc” and tbe Tall of BMjyisn,” two wonderfully *P*ctoru lar screen dramas, sail) fellow the Four Horsemen. Q. T. Gay and Ora Wart, young White man, art la the town jail charg ed* with haring broken Mto and rob bed the phasing utedlkhw int mi B. A. Rowland, Jim MtDoagal and Bad John Carter and the harbor shop if Ed HoUdae. Thoy gUl bo board *y Jadga B. L. Godwin M a rpoeial cm af the recorder** mart this ■cosing. This is tbo fbrt really im portant onset iaa is by tbs new chief if polks. Will Dawson. Tha robberies lectured soon after be was sworn nto office ton days age. Ha last no me in hk efforts to detect tbe rob >era It is said that tbs young man tad much af tbe elothiag rtoiaa from bo prsmuig iWahllsbmW** Card ,| Tkaafcs We wish to thank you. oar good rlsndi for your many Mb •* kind* mss shows us duriag the atekaaaa md death of oar huabaad aad father. N ahall not forgot the beautiful rlonddripa that have boon extended o ao during our dark daya aad wo my that God may dool very kindly nth you who hero boon m kind to u. HRS. O. If. JOHMSOM aad Children Wa are all agaal—wkon wc am ukap. February ia the month of honor, uaesty and loro—Washington. Lin Mln and 8c Valentina B. T. r. U. Progm. Monday night, February If, 1921 Subject: Doctrinal Meeting—T. A 'ore, group leader—"May 1 expect sod to gire ara ayarlol lmpraaaious h rough the Holy Spirit " Announcement of sobjoet by ^ D. WUllama 2. Introduction by T. A. Core. *• (a) Scripture reading by Miss '•ilia Stewart. (b) Scripture road lag by Iran Bailey. (c) Scriptura loading by WiUiaa D. Pearce. 4. Special music, Miaa Rachael Lae. 5. Tha Holy Spirit the third par son in the Trinity—talk by W. H. Grhaae. t. Hm Holy Spirit is the prrtont dlopcntatian—talk by Mia Ethel Lu cas. 7. Tba work of tba Holy Spirit-^ talk by HIM Clete Naylor. >. The Unseen Captain—perm, Nix 14a Mao PlttaMB. 9* flpfci&i Ispitifioni through the Daly Spirit-talk by Mia Ethel I BaUay. 10. Bpoeiai music, MUo Flopcau j Koala. 11. TV« Holy Spirit call* oa to acrolca—talk by Mia Amaada Culp.. Conclusion by the paetor. ---— ' Mia Mary Shetwoll Cawley Hiss Mary ShotaaU, Stats Child’* I Welfare Ofleer, will lecture at Ike Woman’s Club rooms next Friday ef- i ternoon at 4 00 o’clock. Mia Sbocwoll1 U an intvreatiny talker aad Ue peb- I lie is cordially invited to hear her. ♦ r ♦ * BUSINESS LOCA2. ► * * * * it * ' FO« SALE. _ BUDDED PAPER riicli Pecan trace. large net*, fu migated and free from !*«■•« Drive over and ret what jroti nerd. SO cent* each ermlc they la»t. Fal-. eon, N. C. at Robinaon'e ataie.l Tom WaUon Water Melon .red el1 St cent* per pound. It u:1., STRAIGHT SALARY |HSO PER week and czpctue* to aka or wo man with rig to laUedeco I'ooUry Mixture. Rureka Utg. Co. Puri St. I-oaSa, HI._ it pj.' CAB RACE PLANTS POR SALE . IP it i( cabbage plant* yon want, nee or cal] Julio* M. Leo, photu Mo. 14S. Will keep in (tor* from no* ■niU the **aeoa la over the Kriu ii%e Young bland plant* of al’ kinda. Guaranteed count. *4-8te , TIRES, TIRES, TIRES— Lot Your a ext tire be a Hood. Wa baer Hood Arrow corde In atoefc la cl. •iaoa. They arc the beat that me < oey and experience ceaA'ecd era bund. E. V. Gainey J f i-tf. FOR SALE^T FORD COUPF In A rat claaa condition. Can bo am at Willie A. Jaciaon'* j*r;e a Cooper, any day. Dr. B. F. Bit W> Cooper. K. C. Altfe - LONG STAPLE PLAHTIHC (EEC ere ready far delivery. Get year., oow. B. o. Toemaend, Du»u, M. C. Feb. rtCTU. Foote’s Sketches of North Caro!ir;a hWMlNLIiMysMssMSftRBf4**^ t/Rt Tl lllf^lr idMib hwMtr -•*'* UMii)rt«ilnaRf>rliiil«rf ofriiifeitfpir:*V- . M< ml4mt /Ed.. JKO of U« *•*•. *>n. c.H I KFtfNT C3MPAMY, OUtCC, *t 5. ~ --- '■ W/i-TED—MEN Oft WOMEN H ■ uw Mdm far amnia n suar*at*n >-ne:.tr. far man, watnaa aad .4. *■>■ Eliminate* damtneftosi « va^k full Uaac. fl.oo an haul (Mu t.w.». Exporimca naaaeaa xSAfe-Sr * W vOU BUT POOR QUAUTT tcii r«» wlH harraat poor quality ,RW|«saftMr« + ^ If TU» raFaT-ojjTE l.maHt* a— «hat vO par mt cheapar Uaa t.Ur batteries that Map tad yea Jwu a* pood. Bald by E. V. Cisor, I S4-tf. "J-i-'-'i DOLLARS A MONTH IB r!’ Jr -1 c?.f: T.ou to buy a brand • .? Res \ -rbJe Typawmtaa; an isywri-4 .rx writer at a remark 1*0 .«i* n. Tea. P. O. Boa 94*. F«> a' ttrllU’, ^1. C-I St pd. ;vrv HOUSE AND FARM :•< :/ Jtfc Dr. J. H. Crawford far > aura timr. Thi» la a vi. ? y~ir 1} hour a and farm, about ri-r -j, being elaorad. Twa «aad trm at hour**. railatl and painted f.Vmmudlcur bam and HahUa • •-< <!• :c If a 1 aautifal 1 atari 'k t lara’y 4-acre rroaa, wtth ’ i-i l~ vf rerry, Sna hadf# and nil : r r- »'.. tuck nt araod ' •r' ni-t hov<a, tool home*. lab f f •• 1. l>»c> trd roa' Duka, Coatr Z-,'r'» ( .rik, A chant* far : o:t m o*’-i :i sard bam*. 1 0 I ny.M. Ifc: a, N. C. if *t pd. ‘^'T-J.CAtl ADDING AND LIST in- SnrhVc. brand naw and aaar : V'i!skr pristine, Rad To t*V mill r“ !*to«t frsturaa. Ra is:.-’ <b:j loa prir*—94.00 aadi, fcilc »■’ 1'. /rtall monthly pay 'irr.C. P. O. Bos •«!, KayrttwrilW. N. C. * cn.». r.'wTU|,MM» *■ rtirilil.e * * c»f «r N. C 0 * 0 W» T. MOTH 0 CHil IhImh 0 ien Daw, p. c. 0 • sr.d *n»t* For Lend ♦ • ^-— Sy;Tcyi — — — 0 Income Tax Jurt received the new in* :o-e tax law* for 1921, end a upply of forarjL Am prepared xr aid in me kin# oat Income •x return*. J. O. WEST, Attorney "i'st National Bank Building, ' Dunn. N. C. ey-»Li imi i i y———e ftrata. Cacharel* Match. fit* : &««,'«*W£ESE ■ lri7»Ak AUTO ACCEMOBT. I »• *MIM art that yes Win And I rtaT ** U * V C-:acr'* Ttut AOC or A STOHAOE SAT. UrV begin* the dar the LWro lyta ia pet lata It We j*it It in and charge Ike battery tiler yoc hay It Wa famiak yaa a lervxe bed t.rr free of charge while tk'» pr» *aea la going as. *. V. Gainey. M M tf. WWn IS THAT HANDY itaca by the Mm OHac. V. can •U yaur ear with gae and oil while raa yet yaa* wail Gr»« aa a trial. i-S4 tf. QUIJUrs BUENO COPTEJt—'-4 J ettZ per ye«e|. Ti'e.-maoe' Caeh Gra> CCfy. _stf«. w* CANDY A COMPLETE STOCK af geaaiae /••.aa-Nanvfll. Xea Barn Aibeataa Brake ttatrg and eroaU Ukc to flgarc with yaa cn that braha lining >eb .Dr V. Geiaay _ School Auditorium, Duke, N. C. Thursday Night, Feb. 16, 1922 That Dixie Boys’ Production Co., with a large company of Home Talent Sing ' ere and Performers, Presents The DUNN CONCERT BAND MINSTREL REVUE Benefit of the Band 9 __% * __ _ Replete with all the Elements of Pure, Wholesome Fun. Catchy Music, Old Plantation Melodies and Up-tc-Date New Songs New Jokes, Gags, Witty Dialogues, Funny Situations School Children 25c Adults 50c, Plus War Tax Norfolk, Vsu Tar boro, N. C. Columbia, K. C. Maoon, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Richmond, V*. Charlotte, N. C. Spartanburg, S.C. Columbus, Ga. Baltimore, Md. * MM l ■ .rnwmmmmmm _.i Lynchburg, Vsl Washington, N.C. Atlanta, Ga. Montgomery, AM, Toledo, Ohio — -. Be Sure to Pay Your Phone BUI by Feb. 15 We Have Positive Instructions to Cut Out AO Who Are Not Paid by That Time.

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