TO COTTON F AMKUU Ttet canon piaaten ore at th* part toe the trap*. Ob* road—tall aerc U>—iMh to poellhre and kepalea. c^-lnii to gitlah recovery and fe udal lolraccy- Th* future la la th* -tola; at Ih* planters Ibenjeelrrj f.-dvr nre-aat condition, of uppty cot-nraptloa, tit* cany over oa A”rit ist t« may ha Arc million h'L'S, as.1 cat not b* Ina thaa three rt’ou ball*. Mo actb*rlty eet-mste* )h‘ tod/ampt'er. «t American cotton than twelve *niioa bataa •rr tlnta for ibo -ext crap year, aad I 'A* aaty ale caarac to pursue 4 to W*to* arreag* to th* poasiblUty of only elate million bole: for th* can "d l‘v La* year's acreage turns =ol to fare been arc and thirty m2, teia M<t(. an# vtcejW far th* weevil >’»-'*e;»Uoc. aad adverse weather con dltlnat, a crop at twelve ariDloe Htla* wu*M have bean poadhle. la which event rotten wo aid hare sold -cr 10o a r»»od aad the Sooth would hrrn fccer. Inevitably bankrupt. Th* than ha. cam* to tarn ■ deaf t« - n:lmert»liit». The aautk doe* act ta’ia cotton for hnnwaltorloo Furpco**, mot with th* object *1 eloth fcg CMnete. Japanese. or what-not, hut primarily for th* parpoo* of mak I'd a UTUtg; aad there !i no more teat** why the South MtowU tired we - a rarpio* at cotton thaa that a cotton «»l# riwaM produce a smiphtt of «•**! or * bank of keep oat a icdtodaat currency. In the caw o th# ••two mill or th* hoafc, the** can ccnoli at wUL hat to th* caa# of th* rrttoa planter, be ton only one^lrr.c '••■-•’n th* year at which to carton, crfe>h i* the panting maun. A aaa has c* more right to com wit rconamia than physical xaicidt Th.- cotton ptantcri know that a small has a greater monetary vafec than a large crap, aad with this fact c’lchtldod and rerogalaad, failure to redae* acreage to Uw polat at the world'* coed far cotton woeltl ho no thing ahact of acoaoodc aaicid*. Oa? slogan *heald bo tight ail'.Hoa ha>. of cottoa tor tho oost crop. T-'ltli sack a crop Oa world will have a urSlri'ency of cotton, and thi. i. the extent at th* fUatar*''ahUgatkm to humanitarian consideration. Th* South Is oa trial. Its intelligence ia b*!cg weighed to the balance.—WO. mlcgtot. Star. BtaiAUWOLNOStCUTE TWOH WHO OVtlCMAKCt J&* *efa**«*d to the Dfctoiei Office *r the United State* Veronese' Burma a nanker of in htonee* in which attorneys am charg iag claimant* who applied for com MMtlaa or vnratfama) training feel . claim filed. at praaoentta* every attonaey ar •char petvoa Illegally charging fvaa U exert* at MOO far handling «1».me again*! tho Bwram. It In not neceuary that a claimant taka hU earn to a lawyer, inarm aeh aa thin Bureau will auht him In the prapaxa tlau *f hi* claim and ^nfarm him at thv gayer* air*m*ry nad will not rreognlte any attorney in the praam - tattoo #f any Haim agafaut the Bo~ tons. Unfortunate and illiterate dlmbled ra-eer/.‘c* mas ar* beuag made the rlctiuM at aaaerapalou* attorney*. W i* am defranding them of a eon aidsruble portion of Ibe niinl at msnoy allowed for eamyontation or tracing. A3 such coot* reported are hrirg invoutigalad through the Pi*. acogtum Section «f tfai* Bar*** and thaao perron* found guilty will be dealt with aovacely. Btaaie gfvr thi* Hem puhlieity aa that It may bo a warning ta tboao gamaaa who am violating tho law asg defrauding dlaablad men by tlrargirg UUgal fas* to which they AMERICAN CHRYSANTHEMUMS TO BE EXCHANGED WITH CHINA Two lutaw af particular intar Hllia* Twoattcdh Annual Ckrjrian tkamam Aw held ky the U «itad lM« Departawat af AertcuRur* at fTasUnfftoa, D. C., Mweaber 3-11, «w>« tk* Cklom* wodliap* and Km *0 vr man rariatU* at Japan*** ikijnnttiiw mu dll mi in tki* niw Mt fd da flnt Haw. Tk* CUnaw var'atla* *«» prana fraai wads pu ck*»*s ky da il*o*rtwrnt last Hem tty TWj *r* af tka pawpaw or bnd typo, *ad for da most pan arc pal* yoOow - c*fitar*d flnt Mat. witk Arflcataly carted wMtr nr Hated pat at*, ar like tk* Mqr Cfcqraaatkmnw. wkte *r pink, fa connnctioa XU tk* antew of bp tka Vntewdy af a wait *f Intaw tppa* af Awar> 1 fill d«rtly.ta aaat Orao SP ratten** *C Japa**n dap lypo. mo* dawn kom for AHM •taw. TW» wad Wowk to M □ a* *aap t Q ptante In I’d 1SS1. TMa *mtip pM oN Ik* aawnadat loo*a, apnwfp tad at do Japan aa* dry ■ • 35&'; -» - - - - ■ - I 1 ROAD BU1LDIKC GROWN TO ' MG NATIONAL INDUSTRY : I - i Road build inn U oat of ta* N» *ion’t l«**0*t lnduUr'e., orcovdlcg so •tat*»tl« compiled by «ta Bureac of' Pablle Road*. Unite.: Stoic, Dcput ■*>t of Agriculture, .ictl rarpa tt*o »*G fWIt Isfumie* n» t*«e . utn> af (tool and hroa ai well u« >So. irrodMtWn. m2c, ac.t mpa',- Af [ mobile*, la Doaeabnr, lOtfO. let dir.. M>0,C«t» men wore ^mfbyc.: In the .tool ami (ton Matt;. It is exdn> «i that but year oomcthlr* like * lf.133 mc.i at... .ssep 0 v, ■ -eH’.’ijr. Mk4 itrjw’-lqv jatorr.obl'n*. • -Vl ccasimn-d Trilh siiix aa nrny o’! pptox’mM ly 1,330.002 men labj.-- • ed lort year tb't»a#>.-»a: the r ja.l-1 .OK*., tui'n* !a ;-o!tdloj aad •Ktalrii# tta lOO u.j'i h vh-rttyj. j raUiV.n tor* of *-.» » „• h! *in- ! '•"cl trCl ho requited by tie 23 >C0 \ y’Jfti of Fe4vn0-a'd jil'-vc teat •Ictod or a:id»r jurfl.-wdiw ir tV.e TBltcd fitatca at the onj at :!>o yje« JS Oot-al ptiir, oceorjir; to the rtate* of the Beret a of Public Hoi, l». ?«mc It'r* of the quantity > tdv<-a 1.7 tha fact that it u equal la a ir. l Voc ear load., if the tot.crwere »ikd in one pLivti in ihc Ivm cf * tnbe ti would be approximately l.COt! "ret in each direction, c-* nearly iwit* ] Wfh ax Uki Waiting ton mer.nmcit.1 ill*I IKTOUNOED A POLS, AFAR. FROM HtS GOAL, SEEKING COVER FROM COLO iferoetc County V.-xet. Tnaihtd p<.i: TT'-k'.:. .« hla mvm wui tecnjded «,» St,vf IF toy, tad hi* tfory rut s» f.-i.t. - -.*»cn iut unfolded it before P.-eordcr L»*» "a»on fitting la pxtrudonllnutj- <c**'oa • n the Clerk** u tVcd-iv : B'-crrx wa* on the ho\> »r.J ;re* a leioor through the runny Houth Isek* att for heauet toil frvnt which he hoped to derive means tn place hi;n ^b't on thy honor r»T of bteadwi-i icr*. Hi* Uiuerrry efcr.nccd him d‘> tnrinb die cocrut remit ou tho I-* layette hlphway —;ut tint he wtLt ■'Mlinllrir anx'ou. .o he tlwd t- I ■nerg t*.r.t *p*cice of labois', but I wvu' U t UjO STU'A A rd good to 8t*ve. The keeper of the convict razviti tamed the oaid /s«uM«r to Steve o>id -' mended him :« th* sheriff, who for eahe gave bin lodgi'-g in tho hoi«l for the aicht. “I oaly Intel a chance to -.rorii, tnd something to cat, and a piece to .1***:," recited Stove,” and by the am»’» isatrienlatc English the Re corder gained a cine that Steve was of foreign origin. “What flag do yon salutet" inquire ed the Judge. “Poland U ay native land.” replied Steve, the Jadgo’i thoughta ran back to tho •!*« cf 1315-16 whan the Black Eagle and tha Baar w«r» crashing that inter “cning territory ih thetr mad rn-h at n:tli otic:-'* tfesac.r... JJ«* S>ve hyd hfea away from Polar.t for a >np wWI«r-rhe su ran-cd ilanrn In the America n Craft an account of pbj-rl :al unfitness, he eald Steve related his tale of was is -ro pretence of :i touii w.k who. had gathered in Oath's of Ikalevyir Janies Brvi, being in the room, Was to liapre-. with Stcrs*»J story tliat he eveu rvaeaher.'d tl>e i Pole'* name, or at leave melted that which we have printed here as hi; name. Tho Judge and hie court etlnchea, •ne'ndiry the ipectairr*. ><«c’doil It war a “iloaallon” cere, end forth with hands war* thrust Irta jvvVrla. five doliara was ralvod for Gtovo, who in pot-pourri English oxyreimd *hank* and departed to other pclcU. A friendship founded on basim-m j< hotter than a bucine.o founded on friendship. LEGAL ADVERTISING .. •*•*•»•« Sola «*f Lud Indor and cjr t!mi of tho now«. of tala contained in r. n-rit'n m-wi ta*c <l«*d -.xecuted ar.d drlirrrM to tit andetaiyacd by J. P. ifcLrai •W'b *«rt*asc doo.1 •„ rr ?.**** ,to ?» *»«e or the Rcirirtor 2 »Mdf of HameU County I;i Root m. pa#. Ill, default havlr.e »»on made ta tb* payment at the "•* 4#e«o«(ia t#’Cf j *d will toll to tbo hiphe-t b'ddnr for s»A at tbe court h»u*c doe - <a T.:l IU.«ton, X. C„ an Monday, Verrl* tb* 1Mb IMI at 12. o'rlatla 31. the lowlo# doaertbc! land*: Bced.airm „i » corner ta Joe WinunV line and tine oe Uio Be 'yar« Une X » R. d.60 ■name to a iitaJu) in I or liroi their. If. ST 1-1 T,. rhalnr to a >:ak* a a Sold; tbenr* 8. S W. d.ia rhakt ta a ataka near tbo force 'a AikI I Baeafoot’t lhaj tkoi-ro a fch Itno poactof hie cantor, tkonec w J or Wil »*•'* lino ». B7 1-2 W. 1* *0 chain* jothc bccir.nir.* coMaloln* 10 wiry ; Nldif •! 4 Undo* and'by rlrtw of tb# power of aalo oootoiacd ta a certain atari PC* doed »*rented by f. E. Wood Conn Wood, Haiti. Wwl ; and OooroU Wood to Id. V. I' fit zZ 'l&'V ,sl K i Utarof Dr«jj o#Uo of Mamet* Ci m-'; ty. If. Cv, dofaolt btreiu# b’*a la rha pemnl >f the bondi aromradh tar the onM wo>*#a#o dood tb# under-!; •*#*od aavrbpatoo wm rStr for rale *jK btaClWJer for cwb at 4k«! 1 lawrfhen door of Hamm Coa-ty ij s "Vm Traat! A certain '.mot of Uolf j aBr-w* * BoctaToy* eVtbo Fopo>BnaMb ta ] ibj bate *wcii fuiaa.'ly a dead water" m% V7. J. Wood's lorr.*-; aid ram M !;li lin- 8 J2 WA* ;H* load Wading ■' . C- TV sot's patlt b tho pas lie rood; theuce r.s 1".m >1,0.1 acroi* ia> L-.nd to niy mher (He; Ik core as Hit *tu*r Hnn N. 16 E .to » pint, the ok) rsnio:- on tho Em side of tho ditch, cud »iKt to Pofi* B-.veh; thence «1 miii thu run of mid brnr ch os it a* v.'.docl to tho beginning, containing d '.CVS* more or Was. ***•"'<* T.-asci A certain tract or ? lkiid in Harnett County* ’ , > ndJoialng tho lands *T. V nod, W. J. Wood <i a) on.1 * -v ■«. .->1 nr follows; Uogianing at a ■■"•»•• ,l.ic public road with oak ' -irit » •'-» «ach j’do of the road and ">"■»» n* a mad that load* out on the T. .-j: i lv.i of the public road N. 74 H s <,miu« tu a stake ia tho road, -»; si in TR\ J. Wood’s line; thence at •*•** Its* N, IS E. 16.2# chains a cot ter h"' line and tho public road; iuor.u m tho rend 8. 4 1-2 K. 17.10 vitair* Is the beginning, containing fJV- and rms tp .th (4 1-10) acral. , -* iJ Tiuit; A certain tract of "i !-s Hsmdt County, N. C., and >*41 id As follow*: beginning at a ■ ■•'■'/'U' pjinJers lu the Pope Branch r o'"g".ua! br-g.oulng corner and d. . «. 20 1-3 VI. 8.70 chain* to a t >r nad aft pine; thence SJ!1 W. chains to a corner in n ditch with * on the north bank of the ' ••"•i; .licce# a* t ie ditch S. 70 K. i "*• ci'olc.* to a stake near the ditch >i J. IV. TV oral 'a line; thence aa bis ■r.r atxct M. is l-t E. 15.10 chaise 13 Ik'! hc*Innfog. containing one and or -fifth acre*. *-null* Tract. A certain tract of *«• d fully described In a dead from T. Cl. Weed. t. at, to Julius R. Wood, “’to1 li th, day of April 1510, eon ^''■g j. 1-2 acrce, lens certain tract >JM c7, leaving six acre* more or .e*. Si-:.; deed being recorded la the •itEce uf the Register of Deeds of I'catb.-riand County, Book F. No. T ;»f fJccds. Page 184, and thia record Uy Cus refs-.-onco is made a part here 'f. for a full description of said tract 'nnd by meats and bounds. ^ThU the tth day of February, I’Urs of sale—At the Courthouse LJUn«on, K. C. Time cf dale—Wednesday. March :;b, ’ -Ik, at 12 o'clock, nooa. Vu. nu of Sale—Cash. M. V. SILLS, Mortgages. fao 7 14 21 28. Weete. ef Sale B.J virtu* of the tarmo of o certain leva of V.-a.t exocnled by M. U. Jack •an, ard wife, Minnie Jackron, which ' V~' ct limit ij registered In Book .C. Page 177, In the offiew of the ■'•7*Vr °* Daedt of Homett County. ••A.13.: having bean made in the •»; J.tcr.1 of the notes to cured thereby re cmlan;gneil trustee xiaKrd in •:d dec* of trust, barring keen re hy tko holder ef cold notes to rxi-rche the power ef sale granted c’.croln, will er. Saturday, the 25th .ay of PebrJUiy. 1928, ot 12 e’clock r»fr for tele nt public anettoa •*t lac courthouse door in LiHineton, C., for cosh the following lend* if. H.omctt Coanty, to-wit: Bri-g Tote Noe. 1, 2, 2. 4, 8. 87 vtd US, in the Town of Dunn, on plot •it land formerly owned by B. O. Tr. nri.-iid, pint of which to on iw ’j J in Harnett County, Register ef f eed’* c!Eco in Book of Map: No. t. Page 40, to which told plat for a 'tore description reference 4 made. The «sc?tsefal bidder will be re quired to deposit with the trustee 10 'iir cent oC hi* hid before the enln : eWcd a< of the Mod faith of Ms Md. ‘Must# of purchaae money to be ■stlil upon delivery of deed. ^ January, N. A. TOWNSEND, Trustee, -tc 24 111 Feb 7 14 21. Notiee ef Sale Ey virtue of the terms of o certain Herd of trust executed by M. L. Jack in, unj v.if*. Minnie Jackson, whick !.»J of tiunt Is regiatered in Book ■ JO, Page 270, In the office of the ‘■’.cr later of Deeds of Harnett County, 'ffavl'. havii g been mado In the pay me.i, of tko notes secured thereby, ’*«■ nnilvTcgncd trustee named in said; »d of trurt, having keen requested ir." fhr bolder of raid notes to exor < tko power of rale granted there ?• on Saturday, the 26th i'J u. Fubruxrr, 1B22, ot 12 o'clock oVct tor nil at public auction tli* cou "tho jso Joor, in LiUington, *7 C.f fur cjub tho following dt*cr;b units iu RimcU County, to-wit: In tbo Town of Dunn, and being WO—■—OW—■rnmms—m, ’UL- jm Lott Nm. 35 anl S« ta 0f land' y Oh.i; I •>, v. - «••. lilal U * >. ;u.*.tI ■ a. • I**1 «i.i ..4, ,.,.i *i ;i, *44 t. 1; Jt..4, , 44*. 4*. *. , •>«V *f. ti >*«..- t .;. \ ' ‘ *'*• » •■.i it.* •.* 4 U;!-,.* 4 },.* u. sVf'rvtJ to *».'i4 : . 4.* ,* «.* r .**. * dt 4 ■ ** £ * ; , - • ’ ._ j •y • A ; r*’ ;•» *, *4 • , , \ i f rt “•iV’»a • ., -• js* *1 u r, li*-|»* 4*. )T o.' Tb'j u*« 20th d&j *.£ J-sivw. 1622. ' • b A TQ .VMSTT : ” f 2*. SI Feb 7 U SI. Nolle* of Rf-Sale ! By virtue of a jodgrsenl of U. | Superior Const uf County 1 rendered at the ftcptsj;t.»r t(■ •* i I'.SSI. end of t*s ordir of r.'-.«al« yu-. !ter*d by raid court w ilia j;uu»-y 1 teim. 1928, In the nattor of L. W. Jvnu A. B. Cuirln, and wife.I lionaio Currin. Us**l Com-1 m.iiior- r of U.-o Court wiu ou Ifor.-I day. yurch Wit. 19*2, at 12 o'clock! II. te.l at poljlY aoeCen to ti« high-1 wt b e d*:- , o. ck'Ji at Us. rust: the sua', duo “4» i*Jt Inr^n, Nort> Carolina.) :hu lollowia* a . scribed ic.idr n );*r-1 luott County. sy-wit: Hegmaina at a stake nn flic nirth 1 <140 ul fa.kcr Slrert, Mo.parct WU ewi.icr, nad ru.u hk her Hno ard J. R. Wiggins’ line Yorth 28$ feet w Stewart Street; thence me “Id Street in an IHuterly direction 250 fact to a atake. a corner of lot N®.-2; thence n» tine of raid street 1C5 feet to a (take, P. F. Pope's eor nSr No. lOtthccce aa tho lino of said lot 11.11 ^eai 100 feet to a •take; comer of lot Mo. 12; thence ae die line of lot Me. 12 S. 1*0 feat to rark Street; theacc as raid rtreet Wart ISO foot to the beginning, and conla.nlag lot* Numborr three, four. ntc, air, avrrn, twelve, thirteen ana foorteee, as shewn on plat made by V. D. Stftmach. C. X., in December, 1909, in the plan of the town of Coats, and farther reference la mado to Book 189. page 182. In the offleo I of the Register of Deeds of Uarnett County. The etacceaafttl bidder will bo re quired to deposit with the Commie •loner ten per coat of Us bid before the sal# it cloeed aa ef tfea good faith nf hie bM. Balance of purchase money te bo paid upon delivery of deed. ikl* Hi* STth eUjr «f jtmrr, '<22 - »* N. A. TOWNSEND, CmbUkii. fan SI Feb 7M11W. , ifalsl«mi»»i Nm|n Harint qualified a* administrator «f the estate or Mrm. Jen nett L Tart, Ate of Harnett County, North Caro* ">«. this is to notify all persoM har ing data* against tha estate of said Icceasoii to exhibit tboea to the no Jc reigned at hla ofice, on or bofors i musty 10, IB23, or this notice «Ul • • pleadrd in bar of their raoorory. II persons indebted to said estate . i*! please make immediate payment MACK M. JERNIGAN, Administrator of Mrs. Jssnett I. Tart. This January 10, 1922. Ian 1U 17 24 SI Feb 7 14. $100,0*0 Sun* Graded ScLol Aietrict, North Carolina, g»U»l Buildiag Eeadi Scaled bi<l» will b« reeeirod by the daard of Trustee*, la ease of the un (Ura'tgtmd, mt'l 4 o'clock P. IT. Feb ruary 1 Sth. 1891, far the above bond, of Darn Graded School Dle ■ wh'ch corn Junes the toera of Junn and outlying territory. Bondi iatid August 1. 1921. Principal and nlorert <4 par cent F and A-l), pajr ■ blc iu gold in New York City. De nn i-ation $1,000. Coupeo bead* ro giilraUc at to principal Maturing annually, February 1st, $2,000 1984 to 1931, $3,$00 1938 to 193$, $4,000 193? to 1948 and $6,000 1943 to 1901, all Inclusive, without option of prior payment. These beads are to be prepared un der the supervision of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company of New Yurt City, which will certify w to the genuineness ef the signa ture* of tb* School District official* and the seal Impressed thereon. Le gality will he approved by Chester B. Meseltch, Esq., of New talk City, irherc approving opinion win be fur nished to the purchaser without cum. Th* law requires an unlimited tax for payment el principal aad interest. An bids must be ea blank forms which will be famished by the Un designed Secretary er said Trust Company, and meat be accompanied by tyre per cent ef th* par vahse ef bonds bid for, either la cash er by a certified cheek ef Uk* amount upon an incorporated bank o- turt corn* I May, payable to tbc onto- or the Trtaawer of the Board of Trnibvi,1 in order to eeeiire the Seho-.l MUitm* against any lou rectltiay h-oea lb. failure of the bidder to comply srttb the term* of hlo bid. Benda will be delivered on or about —1————— nw-mi— February 20, 1122, at plaer of pw rha«)'» choice. Mo b!U of lean that, •it add accravd (otecert will be con sYcreJ. The right to ieject any and u:i bid.- ir rwaTcti. NAltVlM WADE. iVnfauy, Board nf Trutletfl. .'.nn 111 Pro 7, EAGLE4 WADO". cndlNo.174 ‘CT gals at ymr (War AIK not THS THLOW I EACIX MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK ' MR. FARMER • . < ' We can sell you fertilizer or fertilizer materials eith .. er for cash or on time at as good prices as any one for our prices are guaranteed for cash. We will sell you ' the famous FISCO. fertilizers, manufactured by The 1 I Fisheries Product* Co., of Wilmington, at the following I prices delivered Dunn, in car lota, all other places at ' the same price if the freight ia not higher »>»■" the ■ » Dunn, rate, from Wilmington, and in that case it will <' bo only the difference in freight which ia very small: .-.-92X50 5-3-3- 92X74 18 pm cent Acid_$18.00 Kamit, 12 pm emit-81X00 Sods, for spot delivery-$8X80 All other gradoa wc will bo glad to quote you if you will only call to see us. !! * » « > _ 4 ' JOHNSON COTTON CO. ij Dunn, North Carolina « | ' 1 ' • Hot Breads, Biscuits Delicious and Wholesome Ulaiwr Oonfortti with rear ragular Hoar, aatna the pure.), moil whuli.awn wtd clhrlcol Mtf nWag iwi obtainable, hrtwd., Merulta, po.Hr, made with bup ‘•r«tS are alwon light, ino-ttitirwl, nutrition, -took Utter, ted. latter, tagn* with tut. Valuable, atpltah PREMIUMS FREE for Ronfonih labels Write t Romford f.liraiknl Works, ProrUcwra, R. L, far | ftxo Prim tilt Worsfordi SELRAISINB BREAD PBEPABATIDN TO" ’MA \ | : \ < • * i; For the Year 1221 • 1922 | «! o 1 Must Be Paid! < » ♦ ♦ | ♦ , » A !► ' i : -—-i 1 •s • i I NUMBERS MUST BE BOUGHT AND ♦ AFFIXED TO CARS AT | orccE ! * i ♦ : t » ► < ► * «. Persons oi-eratL g tsr; without license < ; j j are liable to arriai aitd will be arrested if ; attention is not given this notice. ' « » ► i > ’ < ► ' < t • . i • . ► .., , > I . > « > ' « » i NUMBERPLATES CAM BE GOTTEN jj FROM CITY CLERK OR CHIEF • . . ; OF POLICE I ► < I t • , ) QUALITY SWEET MILK Delivered at any home in town AT...lie Per Quart Special prices on larger quantities Can now furnish a few more regular customers i THE WHITE DAIRY Co WORTH M. POPE, Manager Phone 51 FERTILIZER iUaten to what Mr. 0. B. Tew, af Cooper, N. C., Says: I MEALY MOW! A ni better than eotto* aeodnioal for ! Mr. Tew got enonghMEALYMONIA to make forty | lone of fertiliser. E » f“® ■AGC1TT at DUNN for I E MEALYMONIA or for yonr fertiNaera. | - : Lee County Cotton Oil Company i SANFOIU), MONTH CAMOUNA ^ See The NEW FURNITURE Now Arriving New Designs New Prices -ALL ATTRACTIVE r i Several Car Loads Now Unloading t The Barnes & Holliday Co.

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