THE I VOLUME VIII. DUNN, NORTH CAEOLDM 1 --■' -- - --- - LOCAL PYTH1ANS TO OBSERVE BIRTH DAY OF THE ORDER Will Attend Special Swvien at Christian Church Not Sunday PASTOR LANGSTON WILL DELIVER ADDRESS Mambon Of Order Will Gath er fas Hall at 2:30 and March Id My to Church Where Sermon Will Start At StOO O’clock—-Public Invited To Attend. Special services in observance of tbs fifty-eighth anniversary of the birth of the Pythian Order will be held la the Christian Church Bant Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, when kov. 3. 3. Langston, pastor, will prsstch a special sermon to members of the local lodge. The public gour elly la invited to attend. Members of the Knights of Py thias Lodge arc asked to assemble in Pythian 1M at 2:30 o’clock and march in a body to tho church. Tho following proclamation calling members to the Atirwin has been Issued by the ruproas chancellor t To ell lodges and Members of the Older ad Knights of Pythias: GREETING—February 10, 1013, will mark the Fifty Klghth Birthday of the Order. It is most fitting that proper cele bration of this anniversary be obser ved upon all occasions, bet particu larly is this tree at this time, bona am of tho phenoraeam] growth of the order, lie growing popularity aa a fraternity, and consequent prosperity. Looking baclnrard twelve months over the greetset year we have seer known, we And a great degree of mb < abaction for the pert ere have taken la these successes, aad K girts an In spiration for the fatars growth, to go onward and upward in our work far the benefit dnd welfare of humanity. NOW, THKMPOBK, L William Ladew, Supreme CMtoaBor ad the and fittingly celebrate Pythian Anni versary during the areek of February 19th to February 25th, 1922. One feature of the program should be tbs reading of the “Declaration of Principles," as printed In the Su preme Statutes and the OAlckal Pyth ian Lodge Directory, hwuaneok at February loth, this year, comes on Sunday, it could very properly be commemorated by services in mu church. In witness whereof I have hereunto »«t my hand, attested by the Great Seal of the Susrcma Keener af Ha. colds and Seal, this 4th day of Jana ary. 1922, Pythian Psrlod LVHL EXAMINATION FOR POSTMAS TER HELD AT DUKE SATURDAY Duke, Fob. IS.—Tha competitive anamination for postmaster at Duka was bald Saturday. Thorn standing tto «uim were F. X. McKay. O. R. Simpson, aad J. R. Turlington. Mr. _ McKay baa the endorsement of the G. O. P. county organisation, and la said to have John M. Momhoad'a en dorsement. Dr W. p. Holt was in Raleigh last vreah attending the trial of Dr. J. X. Manning. He was tha first witness for the defense. Rev. A. C. McCall has accepted the pastorate of tha Baptist church hare. Ha moved hit family here from Oates. N a, last Friday. The entire tees extends a cardial wel come to Rev. Mr. McCall aad family. Archdeacon Morriaoa Bethea of the Raleigh convocation conducted in i leas ia the auditorium Bandar »«**. Mias Minnie Ayala spent the week end la Benson with rela* voe. Mr. and Mrs. R. A M.-Csrmiugbey treat tha waek end wltn rolativst hi Rod Springs. Mlm Mary MaLoaa of the high school faculty speat tha week end in Bad Springs with her parents. J. F. Hardee aad family spent the weak end la BaMqk. M. Beat wn rooay nlykt for WmaUaBeiew to «Uen4 the fa Mttl ot he* ■reatHtreadwethey, who wai ninety-***** yean «**• * Mr*. A. H, Harp** wM eemtel to the Coed Hope Heapital BoiUay. She Si aeftria* Irw a narrow Wreak Mr. end Mr*. H. S. Caaren ef KM(«cre«t are rieWa* Dr urf Mr*, We P. Hft« The eondltteo ef Mr*. M. M. Jtoyali aemalna unofcanced. Sb* |« nfirWf from a faneral debility ef the *«r ▼oar qrcttob. Her two aeaa, John aad Rayatead, *f Otaeadbore. ae* at Wei Tb* hubfSMUr bn*ml (By Ruth Toung.) On th# evening of February lOtli from b no oath the cave* of aa auatexe bat familiar old aquarr building, th. ayrlnd twinkling light* of Saint Vo I i extine, ahone forth, for th« acan< within waa that of the Junior-Ban to: reception of -*2-*8». Vnaocuatoa ed to aught save the rigid regulation! of adtoel Ufa, it waa with acme do Itrae of oatanlahaeat that the amid time-worn walla felt thcnsahraa a quiver with the merriment of Uii youth within them. The broad ca trance door* were flung wide to th balmy brcetei of a *prlng-llke nlgr'. enticing tha merry-maker* from th< punch-howl on the firat floor, mid at i fornt acena, wherein the bine and white-of the Junior elaaa prtdemim > ed, to a moonlit campul withou; Through the open window* of the eat end floor, the (train* of made from the splendid ondicetm, lent rythmic beauty to tha arane. In the auditorium on the eecord «m»r, promptly at 1U o'clock, V . XM*U ukiUoI arc and the banquet board. Unique ia (to gala dress of red carnatiom and Valentine place-cardc, tho artirtie table waa lifted by groupi of fllekoring rod taper! from the <inter* of Cupid heart*. Both Ihc color ichetna of tha table and the fettoooed Will* where huge beam appeared, depleted the color* of the Senior clan—r»d and white. The wrmptuoui three-eoune banquet wai ■erred by member* of the Freshac i ind ropbaore classes, wearing whit :ostume* with the heart decorations, mil Helen Vaughn, pToaidtht of the Junior ela*», praddod. while appro priate toait* were given at intorvul duriag the repeat- The response to Mil* Ruby Crockett’, toait—**T« Saint Valentina** came aa a character •ong and dance by the pupil* of Min Agnes Kill*. Then fairy-like nymph! In their improvimd garden of roaea, to the ctraini of "An Old Fashioned Carden," brought forth re peated applause from the guests. The reply to tha toast of Mils Mildred Shell—"To Cupid", came from little Mima* Margaret Townsend and Doris ratlinn* ■nsarnti a# tkd» iuninr snd enior c lanes. respectively, Imperson ating the mamengers ef Den Cupid, himself. The Mate af the evasifeu vers aa fellowst ‘witiiiiP "To Oar School"—Klee Emily dewberry. Etipenat—Mr. W. 8. Snipe#. "To Cupid”—Ml** Mildred Shell. Rriponee—Clan Maacota "To Saint Valentine”—Mue Baby Crockett. Bceponee—Saint Valentine's Me# ■angers. "To Our Town” —Min Elisabeth Davis. Rcspontc—Mr. Bill Newberry. "To the Admlaiaten of Awe and Multiplication”—Mr. June* Ferrell. Keeponeo— Min Ethel EnHn. "To tho Vlfloui That Lie Bey cm d U*—Our Career*”—Min Ruth Young. In tho firet woo hour of the morn ing, aa the gueate ware reluctantly de parting, the eeaiar elan, eaprening their appreciation of this event In heir honor, aiiwnblad on the cireu 'ar stairway and toasted their hortl of the evening, the elan of IttS. THREE ARRESTED ON ARSON CHARGE State Insurance Department . Henderson. FA. 14.—Investigation covering a period el severs] seeks resulted In the arreet today of Gee. A. ffyetaff, toca^ Jeweler, W. F. Wooten, former member of the police force and Willie Scott, the Uttar a negro, charged with conspiracy in connection with fire, last night teal partially burned the baOdlng in which Wyckoff has hie store The negro k harged with conspiracy In connection with the homing of an automobile about a year ago, mid to have been the property of Wooten. Inspectors sent km by tee Stats Insurance Department, detectivm In the ampler of Ineoraaee eowpeniee, •ad local ateeere are alike reticent •bent Uio development ad the chnnrei •gainA tea men nader arrest At three will bn given preliminary boar ng tomorrow, but it la uaderetooc that only evidence with a view U bolding thorn for SnperUr court wfl be offered. Bond was required for tbs two white mm In tee mm of $M0< •ate. Ten firm doting tee peat wont] knee aronned tea raepialane of tb< laannuee Cosnwlwisner, end A 1 tenoTully expected he^» that fartbai ■feeelepwanta wli be atere ee lea ••motional. Bote Wyckoff aad Woo*. •* were placed under arreet n fee daye fellewlng the fire In the build 11 In*, wkm Wyrkoff kaa Ma plua af ' kiMtataa. He lisa* aa tka *aaaa4 (tear ilaf tka balMtnf. Tha eharga aada •pulpit ttiiai al that thaa waa mml ’ 1 Both sara ba#4 far 14,00* a>4 ua ' awaMn* trial hara hi Maiah. gives some history IN REGARD TO BONUS —■ I Tam Weises ls|t WsiMeglee Ami UFtysHe Usee teed BeaiM Greets j Washington, Feb. lb.—Statements | that George Washington end General ; LaFayette received grants ef e bon »* from Congress w«re made In the Senate here by Senator Watson, De mocrat, Georgia, in support of bonus legislation 8cnator Watson renewed Senate discussion of the boons in n yoei-b [replying te that yesterday by Senator 3orab, Republican. Idaho, u4s con tended that the government should have first concern for eoldien. Taking issue with Senator Borah's I position. Senator Wateon mid ha de plored the effort to “tack odium to [the word bones" and added: j "Washington took hie bonus from l.-o French and Indian were and so 'u-d all of his soldlatn, ia grants of 1 lund." , denaler Watson said that Cs^nm trusted La Fayette a baa as ef ZOO, ooc cedi and 3Z8.000 acre* of land in 'Florida. f cnator Watson said bo would not . ro'.o for a bonus tf it had to come ; ‘.arougti a oelao tan, s tea on gasoline or a three cant postage rate and sup ported the proposal of Senator Sim mons, Democrat. North Carekaa. te .’ey it out of the foreign debt. Better t’uoa that, be said, would bo to “pot • •«<b into circulation the two btltiae j collars srithdruam in the last year mad .a half." BRYAN WILL NOT ENTER CONTEST Say* Ha WmU C—Mar Nam. matioa Howwver. If T» <UndT«Hn William J. Bryan responding ta inquiries u te whether ha would be a candidate for United States Sena tor from Florida in the ITssasnitlf primaries this year, leaned a etate aeat la whieh be Mtpai *T have been actively agmN to politic* far moro the, thirty yaero, end with the exception of loos then •o\oo years my work has boon done »s a prime eitieen, and I prefer te eontlaao to serve the pah lie without the earertof aflce. If the Democrat* of Florida fell that *> * Hon at or I .-ouid render a icrrice te the Btate end to tho party to she action taA elent to justify them ia calling upon au to represent them at Washington, 1 would consider the matter from the standpoint of doty<aad to eoanoettoa with ether claims upon me. bat I have no thought of catering into e eeatont for the oAce. “The nominations that I have re ceivod—two for Congress, one far the Senate and three for the Pmd dency—have been tendered me prac tically without opposition sad I have prised them as expression* of can Adcace. No friend will aspect me, at my period of Ufa and who* my poli tical record is knewa to all, to solicit opport or to taka tho risk of alien Jtlnp those pledged to aapisanta. I mb looking forward to eonghotel assni la lion hers with Florida Democrat* who kavo been my te lahorsra for a quarter century—I am sore that ear relations trill be pleasant aa tom m any plane do aot conflict with the am bitions of others or with their pertow al prof creates" CARGO OP BOOZE IS I THROWN INTO OCEAN New Bern, Feb. 15_Aeeerdlng to '■porta reaching hare free* Baa a fart and Marchead CHp, the cargo of -to wh lakop thrown of a Brmadad arhooaer near thoaa potato caracal waoha ago haa hoaa praatlaaUr an haoated. The whiter Mh^tad hp aathroe af that aaalloa and need both for boioo conaoaatiaa and akip. ■toot eatoMo, a good portion of Ik la reported to hare hoaa cent hare. It la andoratood froaa Beaufort neopla that the naa rnaaar waa flee ing fma what it enppaaed waa a reranaa antler whan it wont agroand. After Ha cargo, art wealed at be tween ilea and eight thcaaaaJ gaartn had baaa thrown lata the aeeaa the toartcr of the «boon or dlaearerod that kla roewiae craft waa an ordta 1 erg tog boat. K waa amid. 1 _ _______ oigmalaatloa. It to of creating bo darted IL Meantiaa. U gathering aU can aa tha to aerorml to Information lattara ia orahly of ti aa g team ho pa that Daaa will letter from 1. tnaaarcr of aaa of tioaa la Sanford, "la reply ta yoar* with refereeea to iag aad Loan N. C. 1 hag to iaad our* ia Mi aharaa. Tha dull aaa laaaa, dwelling*. Tha other half have baaa loaned dtlofly ta paittoe that already had built. “With reference to par ceat af dt eidanda, yon will fad ia farther itady af tha Bn tiding and Loon af* fair* that tha dieldand la a deferred ta* of instaBmaat atack, that la ta ■ay that certain no la daaa paid to a certain period of tha* and Internet oa thee* laataBiarnta wake 1M par rehw stock. Wo bettor* that Sana an rayport a Building nag Loan A* •orlottos nad I think, it nrfll ba a wonderful help to the tnUire growth and develop want of ]f*w town. We would ba glad at any tone wham yau •re la a or town to ga Wn tba ettuo Uaa mere thoroughly with yea, ga into dotalU of boohs aad recants tost it will ba nee emery tor yau to hasp. In fact gree you all tb» Information we Kara worked out." GALLANT MUMtt * POSTED AS SLACKEN Kinston, Fob. l«^-1*o W*r Da poitmist's camploto «*»n«rmtioa of William Conway, sa-ssTriesnaa of tkU city, formerly charged with *a l action wrrtrt delinquent*. la piano, lag to Conway. Aim ho k Had to haao bnno tornad sat of Tba War Dopaurtmont caaaod a vary tons' thy atitrmant U ba tontod to tba of* fact that Conway bad mraad honor ahly In tho World War. Bofora this earn* from military baUqoarten, it waa mooted today, Ooaway was k> boa into soots dy an ton dasartlaa cbatgt and contacted to an army pool whara ha arm dotahiol Conway* f Hands aakl that altar balng onstil ba was aot given tho apportaaltr *• nrodnco proof af his sarvica. Flald AitlSery, ana af tha “marehlngoat" *r merits ta go ta Fran**, and waa aflan udcr flra. Ba had miowtaarad and waat ta war whan tho draft bo camn too "stow" far hi«. forgot to tall tha draft board, and now, mom than throa room after too war, ha ha* to provs that ha wosnt a slasher. I PUT BAN ON MOWS ■ OP PAIN dCNESN STANS Lynn, Naas, Fah. 1*-—Local no tioa pie tor* tbaatroa have dtooantlon ad showing platnraa faoteiteg Mary Mfla* Mkrtar and Mahal Mtcmaod. what* a oat so hove boon maattonad <n coonaeUan with tha mnrdar of WMiam Pound Taylor, motion pic ture dtraater at Lot Angola*. Tho aetMa waa takaa at Sta mqoaat of tha aitya hoard of oaaoom. Tho hoot tdmlkm to that whtab on pro** ii kaaif to wosba lint and >9,711 af Baton ia Jaaaaiy aad km. Cottoa an hand January >1 ia eao auattog aatoblltoncnto anoantod to 1,«7*,0*3 balaa af lint aad m,7*l af liatan, corapatad with 1J41J41 of Hat aad *38Jit af Baton aa hold a yaar ago, aad ia public too rag* aad at coaman. MtMN balaa of Bat aad 1UJ1I of Baton, tiaurrd with 4,4*6.481 of Hat aad IUJ11 '•f ia<m n It! t j,or tga. bapaita doriag Jaaaaiy aaiotmtaJ to 4UM balaa, compand with Ur 0*4 la January laat yaar. 4uin| JmumMxy 47*.*14 baby including 17J43 baler af Baton, najiril with 494.Ml balaa, including 4.144 balaa af Ba ton, to January laat yaar. Cotton aptodla* act hr* doing Janu ary uunbarad 14,447,447 aompond with IU4IJ31 to January tort yuur, ’WtntirtSr* far cotton grauing Mato* foOawt Qa band Jaaoary >1. to uMiunfad catablWuuaiU 847,061 bain com pand with 414,7(0 a yaar ago. aad 433*317 bale*, compared with ir 1*13*4 a yaar aga. MAJOR HALE DIES * H FAYETTEVILLF PmmmJSSST"** Fhyottovflle, Fab—Ibnrt J. Halt of the Wilwn admlolattottoa to re-1 ogniae the do facto government of hat country. Ha *U U year* aid. Although he bad baaa ia docttnlap iealUl far fear yean Ue condition ae net coMfdeeod adm antH the **» few daya, aad his death was ‘iohatfcr naeager^«il, coming almost heforo the member* ef bis family ra il i red that be wee ia a linking eom Ttloa. ae be wae in the fab pneecce of bla faeoltiae an til a few aim -.•» before the ead. Major Hale was Fayetteville’s flnt titles n. and the anexpected aewe of hi* death bee thrown a pall of Borrow war the city for wbee* advaacoment be bad labored faithfully aad wntlr agiy daring the long yuan ef Me 'labile service. It wae announced to- I light that the faaaeal mrrtree wOl he bold Friday afteraoea at > o'elerV being eendaeted from St Jehu's Epic -opal church, ef which Major Half wae a life-long member. Major Hale wee born at Haymeaat 'ear Fayetteville, December t§, IMP the ton ef EAward Jean aad Sarah *aao (Walker) Hale. He'wae prepar 'd for college Ip Fayetteville, taking h’gb rank far hie classical attain fern la aad was toady for entrance in fo tbo sophomore rloas at the unlver ■ ty In l»M. bat 0) health prevented and he ipeot a year in travel, berom ng a (todent the feOawing year sad Twdaattng with diatiaetiaa fat 1M0 WEST AND CUT UNDER BOND FOR ROBBERY Two White Ye*.« Me. Ha line Staten Gnnde Pram Ora Went, alia* RegUter, and O T. "ay. ponng white an wbe thla weak no anaitad on a charge ef ha*lag hbed the clothe* greeting eotaMMb • C of Jim Doogald, Bod John Car a - aad the Globe Preadng Club tad barber abep of Eg Holden, cow lamed go« before Judge Robert U "od-gja when Med before a apodal am:ex ef (he Recorder’a inert 1W dag night aad are being held for hMr appearance la Bop or! or oenrt. Tie Oag hop mad. a clear aad *n Vocal confcarton, admitting tko iona rohharlao aad aaklag the mrcp of tbo eaort Ha appeared to banc been led Into tbo Crimea bp the other follow, who haa bad pradoaa •reubto m coart. According to Infor mation gotten bp Dopatp Abort# R. P. Jemlgaa Mo powog nun iateadod ■tenting on automobile la Boaaan and rmapfaf. ft wot three gh the dopatp aherVfr. rre motion that Uu man ware da* taatad la Bmaoa Ha Wlophaa.d the Pdlee tboro to watob far them. --- ■■ . -J— H. A. Stewart bit Taaada/ tm fcroxnilo, Tana, whan bt kM ae rrpt/d a peaTUaa. fv L. L. Larin mi, Mr*. ft. p. Kally and Mr*. T. H. Otteaa van* a few hoar* la Doan Krlday. A'cjr n. Byrd left Monday far U> tlaton where bo will bo annoyed u a uatbar the* *4*aria. T. ▼- ft. O . and W. 1. Stewart tyat Monday In TTaliMh an iNwkiata. Mr. ft. L. Jabaaon rotmrnod to Ui homo at Miami, Pin.. Monday. Kerman Woodard want to Qaida bora B Mi*, ft. 3. P abort*, wbo ha* boan »Udtx* bar ion, Or. U. C. lob art*. returned to tor how* M MUWMf tuurs ). a imm, v. r. imo lay, and B. O. Kmui area* to fi| .iterill* Sunday to aoe B. M. Base ley. wba it la tto heapttal (tot. . Urt. A. C. arlaii to la Watolaf tea, Baltlmre and Elrhan*« ttoto week buying «pring gaada far dy Caaa. Hn Badgara Iwtaa ad LUlicgton .teat a fa* doya hara laat week with tor aether, Mrs. B. F. Parrish, who -m giito «*«* Tbe High achaa) basket had tow to,'rated Chalybeate finings hara tot Saturday altersoan hr t neaie bf 14 .a 1*. Hr. C. G. Kuquay conUnaaa Quite ri at hi* boat here much to the re rt of hi* many friends. Mr. srd Mr*. T. 0. Boaakry sgant J'dar with friend* at BaanhoeL Mli*a» Ethel Orahaa aad Oorti* *!gh, tractor* in Ifca Bo mil aahaoi pe«t laat Friday at the ham ad Mr. r. D. Whittentonto. have » "suparstitiaa* fooling" hat wa will hear mddtag toll* very V. Wiggins ^tea* to oyaa aa up to late drag (tore at Vaaa, and alee aaa a St. Paai Stoat Matak 14th. Mr. JTIggia'i friend* boro^wOl to glad iiag little IMW i “A Poor Harried Hn*, s mm# a Hum arta, ghrse bar* lart Friday ught ia tb* aaiiaal aodINrt— by • iumbtr of high mbit! atadeat* of lagUr, area m*S rttiaial Mr. ud Mn. 1. T. Coats an csa .uaJ to tHrir ham*, aafloriag with vara colds. Mr. and Mn. W. M. Bona apart an day ta Poor Oak*. DUKES GIVE mm POM NECMO HOSPITAL Durham, Fob. Id SawrtrSro Sou**,id dollar*, tb* ■■■ant to bo lonmtad by Jaoaaa B. and tiajarthi 8. Dohc, wbca a like smart baa w# raitod locally Car a soar negro lotpftol ia Daihm. baa koaa glased :n depot* to a bask h««, it vat in not.need ban. Whea all of tb* B*o <*y needed to ccangloto the bargain ( in hand toon will bo lor bt BOV institution. At a mooting of tb* board of mate** for tb* a*v hotpUal Ortr ftomeon Dr. 8. L. Warm was aket <d yraMat: W. C. Pearson, vie* jmident; i. M. Avery, Mtiim .ad W. Gomes, aeoratory. START OFFENSIVE ON BOLL WEEVIL Eat ration Sarrio WiU HnM County Widn Mnat nt C3an ton March 10 To lam tb* harry loam* expect '4 (run tho depredation* of the hod xwril In the North Carolina cotton bait hr lMt, the North Carolina Ag •icahnral ExUntion ServV* haa flan ■ad o ooriaa of eoanty-wldo moating*. of which vttl to hold at Clinton Friday, March Id. An them mooting* will to hold It cloven o'clock and all cctOca grow er* in the rigwIN eoontioa am trued to attend. "Tho tort method* for glowing cotton on dor hell weevil condition* mil to explained, huladhu variotloe planting, r#rUU«Jng, cohare In ttom uootiagx b unnwoMit of Frank llo Stonaan, chairman of tho Xn Imoioa *0*0100 to* woevU eeamttteo. Tto tort method* fat fighting tho toU woevU wftj bo dlmmmid. Inclad Ihg the polaon method. Alao plana for making a good living on the tom —tom gnrdwu and orchard*( adOc eowa, hog*. ponHry, ate. "All cotton grow ore pi tho Ma tin when thorn am King* an hold an urged to attend. Tho mooting may make tho difference beOooon onoooaa and fattnr* to yon. K* effort wll ho •porvd to maho tho —r“~gt onto able. Each aprtboc it a iglilalhl la h!a li**, and matinee tha mtiomcm of the prohlcm. agahut had weoe^^*«»*Im?*,1,, 5S5WSBP“H*S5H9!SS,,"KHoo*55* '.v •■•r: SCHOOL BONDS GO FOR BIG PREMIUM WHEN SOLD CERE A IMIM of U^M wiU ho j»;< r«r tho lint 100.000 of tho IS09 000 '• •efco#1 k**A MthorlMO bjr an el ••t**® «• tho Dar.a K'aool i'.Xrtct* **"*• °* tW tositoM m«M Mil Thawd*, 1* th. ««.. of tho CkM»b*r of Ciwtoowi, joha Nitm A Co., of Chicago, offowi tho high. noHn Mi occ^r^i* f.^ tko <Uto of 1mm. making • total of tlH^H. ^ koMo wfll ho dchvorod to tho ho Olio thru nob JW* *80*0 ral North Corollo. •Cared bite on the bend* and »;x «~v rNMitlvii ad tea variant l«tor*t« i •ntv k«« wban tee Wit war* apa ;. I Acta wat only ana local bid. Thil •a* team tha CoaomereUl Boat wiiich Wd 9100.0M and taeraad tatmert. Oaljr aaa kid waa below par. That waa team tea Provident Loan and Mareaa bid led aB often by W hi. bt id< le *b:* data tea dMnct lr r*fk -r bp mt n .. ta flu.MO. Whan to kaadr were mood tea beat Md tear team mi NtkOt. It la Ibat M tea koadt bad bean mi J r tea time of lame and koJdlng on tea wbw tebaal ctmctarer been rtnr^d Ibm. tea diatrict woeU have o amn teas 9*0,000 by rano, of r lam priaa od bewdaand tea Vgh r»4 id latum. - Itemay derived team teaaa will ba davetrd ta bnildiag ena MW*?', gram an r arbael bvilding far ekfldren at a coat ad OM.OOO, to tv mmtdrllliig and enlargement of <>. protest Ugh tehool bailing «■•<> <• tea partial payment of tee wsttl - dan coat ad tea Harriott Kagro Irdi' txial tehool. Ttee grammar whirl wit ha to: trarttd at ears. It wil etnad a" t - watbarn and ad Vagnollt »vcn~ t* ba peapertj known a* tea Yr.ic -pT 3awa. The aehoal boa* to ' boon an able to gat n ra t • igme to kaOd tee |N**. . m within the $00,0.10 I'm probable, however, teat tt rJ ■ • ■ wui r mwi u •eta plana. Tbk, K la tbon*:':*. vrill mk in lower bid* fro-t ?>» .< Th* nafia oehocl* will b« b-. prlnp and nm«, th* erov. u4 other ifnctt eo-ope*'- • J»* district In payiac the re .. , .>£ ItliMt probab'.a that t?!« «l '. ohtu aidiaal bonding will br r **«d until th* »«w an* k cctn f. ^>QMAr SntlNCS LP.CUfN ww o» Muntisiur r.:“ r»t»‘r spun**, r*b n v , wtnlw me«tio* Mordo- n .-rb; *. W *»*«« hd Ka ns An * UflOB dlrided to pat on aowbo *?> M*o for MO bond rod atnabr- i • ■ 'jm oad April 18th. Prior* wTTl « ’ ■m ao follow*: Pint pr‘s~ f—• oMotnWMp or ftM d: Vi * i*cond pria*, ana poor M»r..b’.. « M in aook. Ah loonbr- r < > t*MM to taka aotlvo pi-. ' - Mia O — .1_ __.. . .. .. far a i|iWrtftft at M«tl A «■ Mar fotara, Cate K T*f. ptrtwaat adjatant ha* ?ktt: W ftraaant alawg with tor* -. At thl* RiiWiiy Mw 7* ftoartat wlD ha ftraaoat '.v wSl ba Watted aa4 *4«>'c4 toft vaonttA cmkxkns Ke nt IT WITH OLD re STATE m Tir MaOaban, »*h. M rhtehaw* art aat in h whra t la La>«a ayya aoca Karth Cftral:■>. hfta a haa that b. 4 ■ft Maturing f'Kb 1 ft and *'x 1 __ *V #H Mr. Traftaa. *4 Vtry's;. tow aa tha owaar of a . Mr. 4a Kh hftft Mr. Tfftftea haakad toahaoto. ' V

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