h I VOLUME V1IL . BUM MlUlWtLL TALKS ON CHILD WELFARE HERE Children Of Today Will Com •titut* Citizenship Of To morrow, 9ho Soy* OPPORTUNITY FOR PLAY RIGHT OF EVERY KID “Children * Cod*" Should Bo Port Of Every Slot*’* Local System, Sh* Toll. Women'* Club, end This Should Corn prim Intelligent And Hu man* Low*. Following arc extract, from an ad dress male hor* last week before the Woman'* Club by Hits Mary Shot well: Child welfare 1* one of the fun damental problem* of thi* age. The children of today will constitute the citizenship of tomorrow and a* such have certain inalienable right* The tight* of childhood may be briefly itstcil: 1. Healthful childhood. 2. Educated childhood. S. Happy childhood. 4. Patriotic childhood. 5. Religious Childhood. • Protected childhood. In order to pecure healthful child hood are must safeguard and main lain the health of every child. With out health, education and training are almost impossible, sad th* chsncs of becoming sn eftcient member of society more or !e*e negligible. c/ma in ruuuca vo lUCfi MJj education In the public schools of the State as will fit him for Hie work. The compulsory school attendance law says that a child matt attend school from 1 to 11 yean at ago. Last year than won approximately 100,000 more children is school ia North Carolina than ever baton aad this inomao In attendance esaso within the compalsory school ago. Happy Childhood Opportunity for whole some play Is the right of every child. It la one if not given expression retards Ms physical, moral and mental develop ment. Ike Joyous, buoyant spirit of childhood thould be encouraged and directed—never suppressed. Patriotic Childhood A knowledge of the Ideals of demo cracy; respect for all that is fine in the country's traditions and custom*; love for the flag—should ho part of the education given by home, church and school to the child. Through those institutions he should learn Intelligent Christian citirenshlp. Religious Childhood “A nation la Christian not when a chuith U established by law, hot when righteousness is sAablished within the workers,” and righteous ness in Die hearts and roinda of peo ple must have its beginning with the child. Kot one should ha allowed to grow up without spiritual instruction and example. Protected Childhood A “Childrens’ Coda” should bo past of the legal system of every state. This code thould be composed or intelligent end humane low* for the care and protection of children •nd Include satisfactory provision for their admin ietration. Whet la a child worth With the passing of slavory the world hae ceas ed to think of human beings in terms of money veins, and yot each indivi dual is cither on asoet or a lihility in dollars and coats to His state and comrnanity. A proTemor of economics at Yala, after much careful study, has arrived at the eoticlaaien that a good, healthy American hdhy it worth about $1,000 fo the state. If this la true, the date and county depart ments of public welfare and other child helping agencies which arc ac tively engaged in stamping out the germs of delinquency and dependen cy arc an lnQalu saving to the state. One child prevented from becoming a criminal or pauper saves the state not only $4,0041 which a normal child la worth, hut the coot of keeping a awlsmUml I— ih. I.tt _ _is_ai__ •n Indefinite number ef year*. At «mt»* that only one ehlld out ef •*» ef the 2,874 children revolving protection or Jiactpliau In the Jare nllc rourt* of North Carolina daring the eoeend yrur ef their organ taw lien and that thaee children ware thereby kept out of the trimlnai elate the State waa mred ever (8,8X4,00*. North Carolina can juetly be freed that rita rank* fourth In lb* mine ef agricultural product* among the State* ef the Nation and that aha I* taat developing eno ef th# beat cyu tem* af road* In the South; but what win theaa be worth If the neglect* the child Ufa el the State *o that aha aba* have an Ignorant defective end deteriorating rioefc af peep la! LUL. Wiuun U LAMB DIES IN ROCKY MOUNT Chairmaa •* State Board ml KImOw Had Boo. Ill For Throo Rocky Mount, Feb. S3.—Cel. WU son C. Lamb, of WiUiamston, ehair man of the aUte board of electioni ■laro iU organisation daring Aycock’i administration and pioneer loader in Democratic circles of eastern North Carolina, died early this afternoon at a local hospital where ha had been brought far treatment three weeks ago while snfiwing from a severe complication of kidney diseases. Tbc remains were taken to the home in WlUiamston this afternoon by mem bers of the family who ware at tbs bedside when death cams, and foneml service* will he held from the Church of the Advent there Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, being conducted by Rev. Walter B. Clark raetar. Colonel Lamb, who was 71 yean of ago had always fought moat vig oreoaly for the Democratic party bat had never sought oSce, the chairman ship of the beard of • lections belay tba only public position of any signi ficance which ha held daring his tang and extremely active political career. Ha was known primarily as a party fighter of ths old school. TELLS STORY OF ; INFIDELITY Wife of Grtoubore Doctor CorfMw To Alleged Illicit ReUtfems Orrtniton, fcb. tt — Going on tfco witness stand upon tor own voli tion, Nn. G. W. Norman confessed m Superior Oeurt tore today to illicit relations wish tor brettor-ln-law, *. B. Boren, ** tending over a period ef Over ftva years, unable, sto said, to Mail tto urging of tto man, who is bring oaad by tor husband for »100. OM. Tto aswst room arwwd. hariag board tor ssn swear yesterday that bit raothar was guilty of iauworallty, cams back in lasgrr numbers today. TWfTdBr* 'toumeunwtoxebi story of tor Infidelity, interrupted •to said, over a period of long yean for oily a few weeks whan one of bor sons, her youngest child was kilt ed In au autosnobiU eectdeat. Sto wanted to aoet tor boy la heaven, ato testified, die told Boren, when to Insisted about two weeks later on resuming their relations, and drove him from tto house, but to soon came buck and Inflated that she anbmit to him, which she did, Aa said. Started By Cm When sto mas ashed about her sou’s dsoA Ae broke dawn and wept, sobbing, Ac curious throng of specta tor* eyeing tor aa stolidly and aa avidly then as when she told her story. She spoke in a lew, emotionless voice, dart or straight ahead. A Mm, given tha man at Chrlataaaa tlaaa la 1014, whito hla own wUa waa In aa adjoining room, darted the whole thing, Aa taatifiad. Ho wasted It for a “Christmas prnmt," die mid and aha haatowod it- Prom that to the wont waa aa easy atop, according to tha testimony, the next visit, ahe •aid on tha next day, seeing the mar* rings vowa of both broken. Signal* warn arranged, by tele phone and tappings on tha windows, when it waa safe for him to come ovor, the woman testified. She evm swore that be aaM Mo wife and her huahaad were sickly and suggaated marriage ia ease tha two—brother and alder ■ should die. Mrs. Hornsea said that she told him she oonld not do that. Tald Hmhaad Whale Story Kor btuhend eaaae open Berea leaving the house ia Swsdii lMf, •ha taatifiad. She and Boron hawing hem in a pantry. He garationed her and toU har to toll tha troth, hut aho refused, aha said, until dm be came in, shortly afUrsrard and, ask ing him to forgivo bra told all, shs said. Har bcuhoad and a Baptist minis ter. Bev. L. L. Carpenter, former psw to* of the Forest A venae (brash ban, srere tba oaly ones aho told of bei aettoei with Boron, dw testified, am eopt that when bar son, Courtney asked her what to do, she said tba told to toll dm troth. B. AND L FOLKS. . SOON WILL START THE ORGANIZATION Frank Steadman, Of Favntta I villa, Will Addraaa Tha Ckamkar af Couana SMITHFIELD SECRETARY WRITES ENCOURAGINGLY 'Shows What Association Has Dona For His Town And Thinks Dunn Will Profit Lorgaly Through Similar In* stitution—Riddle And Now* bony Working (h Schotna. | Prank H. 8 trad man, president of I tha Cumberland Saving* and- Trust Company and a Wading figure In tha development of building and loan aa aoe tali ana in PayeUeville, will addrem the d(raetoSc of the Oiadnr of Commerce and other bueinoas men of the eommuulty on the building and Wan idea at an early date, according to a letter received from h:m yester day by Secretary T. L. Riddle. Mr. Steadman waa invited eeverul days ago by Mr. Kiddle and it vu hoped (hat he could make the addrem tome time thW week. Prea of other buaineas, however, has necessitated postponement and ha says: “1 am unahle to aay just wheal can go up. I Mir w ao so in u»« jttcAT fuiurr.'* Hts coming will mart the begianlag of actual week or thr «rrattan of a baildlng and loan aeaociatian ham to provide fund* for tbe building of I bomeo for people la moderate circum stances. Director A. U MovAeny aad Mr. Riddle have been working oa the idea for several weeks. Finally they have gotten a number of other bminora men interested and aro as •umd that thair plane will hear fruit within the next few weeks ki pantime, Mr. Riddle Is getting tb.- information he can about th succeaa in other towns The latest lat ter received ia from Smith*old, writ ten by J. J. Bruadburst, secretary and t-eaenrsr of ths Smith*old Building ond Loan Association. Mr. Broad .burst Writes: ! ."Mr John R. Morris of the Smith f ~ues« sassm—■ , i bended your letter of February ISth j relative to Building ami Irian Asso ciations; to me. | “The SmithSeld Building and Loan I Association was organ had October ISIS, boginning boalnses with 818 shores “Our Annual statement to Insur ance Dopsrtment, Raleigh. December 31, 1831, shows we have matured and paid off 287 shares, have 8,878 la farce, with total leans te sharehold ers for balldlng homes 8308,848. which amount represents about 76 homes built. “Our association has done more than nny-ono institution in 8m:thAeld to build up this community, and you should organise at once aa It takes several years to prom tbe many goods that come from a active associ ation. I am sending to today* mall, law* and copy report* of all associa tions Id state, which will give you deal rod information a* to how to or gan lie. “Jail a look at the report will convince you how many towns not as largo as Doan have associations that have beam the making of their building progress. Organise sad get In line for your town* upbuild, on easy weekly payment plan. GRIFFITH'S NEW PRODUCTION COMING TO WrtlTK WAT "The Fall of Babylon’*, David Wark Orlflth'a magnificent spectacle, wherein more than 134,MO men sad women appear, ha* been sec a red as the special foat*rod attraction at the White Way ThsatR* for an early showing. Mr. OriMtb’s "The Birth of a Na tion," and •'Hearts of tha World" have established this dramatic gen laa as America's foremost prod act r Of unusual entertainment, and It if ! therefore not surprising to learn that ,in ene scene la “Tha Fall of Baby lea" Mr. (MiAth shews fear thousand revellers at a baeehaallaa foam. The hardest time tor a man to gut *p la the world la every aaorutng. A friend la need is a dollar gen*. M ing th An mrc >4 U> town way ib*4 an Thla win bn !■ Mid Meat of Moon Lm Many af Ik from 100 to place within a cinues to Urttljr brought to balea or It la aear 300 boloa IB Dana ton that oral gia this A I at tattoo to be sr» i the rat many of lor W. TRAFFIC Kinston, Pi*. 22_Neute riser. rUing rapidly her* today threatened tailway cornmnnlcatka over the Ua iton-Carolina line aad practically blocked Caawoll strait bridge to tnf Uc. Railroad crows Mdo repairs to tat trmlai through. A.Wg waahoot wao threatened tonight. Authority nr, expected to order the bridge closed to traffic. The atago wao oevoral foot below the 1919 record bat the itma rose steadily. North Carolina baa ah the present -■*e ««t wUal construction or L-mtractod for Ml ailtos of rood of •he top toil, nnddOi or gravel typo, carting approximately SOO alias of the Wloua had surface types costing **.760,0*0; bridgs sro«k costing approximately *40*,00*. Daring the yoM there hns been completed approximately UO miles of the topsoil, m>dclay, or gravol iyps costing In jrexste figures M.600, M>0; 66 miles of *• various hard ear face types which aost approximately 11,000,0*0; tad bridge work eeotiag . .proximatrly fS*0,00a. These figure* taelude both Federal Wd and state weak h*t go not Include nrerk that la Bob* done by counties, cf which w# have a* record. It Is ex pected that dating the coming year ipproximstely 4*0 mile* of paviag work and 6*0 a*Bw of other typo* of roads orlU bs la* te contract—H. K. Witherspoon, M—faeicrora Boeord. -1—■ Chapel HOI, F*b. S3 school bosksthcl quint 1 mingtan here Wight in the cl.'mlaatW scrim 17-17. Benson M*t Wad aatiy and was never threatened though Wilmington tightaaad siuifdd aatiy la the sec ond half. Hadsea and Stems shot six court goals each for-Benson white Bostict1 was ootetandtev Tar the WOsalagtea1 qulat scoring all seventeen of Ida I teams points FARM AGENT IS ASSURES DUNN BY CHAMBERS’WORK • V f'v _ . I i D. L. LATHAM IS MAN CHOSEN PON THE JOB Alter a wkirlvlad campaign to Mm $1,000 to goaiaatee tit# coat ■saHg'e good faJ* Eagan* T. Dm par. diraetar of tba department at agriculture af the liana Oiabr af ’ I Commerce, yesterday sasotuesd the r**Bs*tior of hit dream ta here a farm dootoaetration agent slaignsd to tho Dunn District The money was ■mated.aftar lam o thontownty-CVC ■marod after loss than twenty-fear hoars of solicitstiss la Daan and Mh, aad T. D. McLoan, district de ■Mmatoatlan agent who was here ta lejyacata with Mr. Draper and Iw retaary T. L. Kiddle, assured (hot that an ageat woald bo assigned as pea aa possible. TX I*, laths an. saw mrrlag at KaaMagtsa. N. C., is the man chorea >y Mr. dfaLaan to dll tho Job here. 9a haa Km -rrey highest renommoada Jon fsaOWthe extension tsrrlee of ho Stoto Dopartsnoat of Agriealtaro ■ag wfll yrodo of la rateable aid to *e Chamber of Commerce in Ha ef forts to faator dfrortlfiod farming taaa ta tha district aad to th« faimatt *ha are see* to taco problems that bey hare net eaeenatcied before. Temporarily the new agent prabob y wfll establish uKrrs ia tha Chem *•» ef Commerce reams. Later an effort will be mads to la decs tha ►•ard ef towa cemmiiilanari to pie rlde ofleu for him ia the Monidya] Building where he weald be mask >•*1 or of aaeeao to (armor* who weald rant to c oof or with hint reaootaiag heir problem*. -dSfrrratrtH {"mtri r. o grew aad how to grow thorn, what r-d* and Implements to nre and hew >est to get the mod out ef their work reaorelly. H« will hare tho agrical* snl deportment# of the Stale aad ?edet*l gorcrareeata behind him all ha time and will spend attach time rWi the farmer* on their farm* Mr. Let ham, too, will be able to aid faw trs In their stock raMag aad dairy ing efforts aad to give them tha beat tf adrico oa hog aad poattry rala* LOW. The Chamber of Commerce In] making Ha fin* mere to get an agent for Harnett County want before the Beard of County Commissioners and liked for an appropriation to pay that part of kin salary aad aapinan do*, paid by tha State and Federal forommanto. The eommiaaianan, kewrrer. refusag to make the appre prition. Then the chamber agiwad to rales tha necaaanry meaey if tha ex temeion service weald accept it and irlfi a man for werk ia the towa k alter. Many oarer gat egg* milk ar bettor, and tha dally faro at taata aan at a lanefa tana ar dtat Mtrhan a tha aabaal . 34 ME WHEN BK AUtSfflP CRASHES AT LANGLEY FIELD Si HITS HIGH TENSION ■UCCTMICWaKS Df FALL Xsrfafa, Y«, r* 21—Of fa* fa. U4«4 M w4 eirUiani *)«, feft Lnnglap PtoUnir atatlaa at 141 fab afunoM aa what promt la ha tha iaat flight af faa gtont anay tlrlgtob Koau. thbty-faar ara *m*. faa faafa. •a af aaay af faaai halag faanai ha. pan * raeagnittaa, aa4 right aahaa ara la faa Anay PahUe Xaalfa Saw rt« banplul hart Bering tmm (t. ,m-s ' \n Th# Mfll rd her gat big afire and the llfll •iftg followed u the HN of ttt craft •track a pile of car malarial a few feet beyond. The eaplerioa rant floats# MO fact 'n the air aa eight of hog awhwe leaped from tho -dock’* of tho dUp. Throe other* wan dragged f ram to* mom of anrhm* and flamea The bodies of thlrtgmM had heea taken aot at • o'clock, and sdtolf Who kMw peraonaHy many gf to* ••oars and enlisted mm were omHt * oingio oae of tho vio toally cooked to daato to too maos of wreckage when too uplidio and 0*iy thorn to too fat ward part of the operating mmpirtmnt ef too ■kip had I dmtt far toatr itoaa. SotctoI war* lojprod eororaly Vy lamping, hot thro* came aot praett aaUy unhurt and won dMmapod from tog hoopfto! arhhto a few tom after tho itolto, Llootonoat Bart, who with Captain Bead woo too prtoctpal pilot wt too Boom, woo aaa of them Jdmpad whoa too ddp woe only o few yards from tho groaad. A ofrOto*, Boy liar toy, olm omopod ophort oo did M»