THE DUI VOLUME VIIL_' ' DUNN. NC MKjj—M— MELT MONDAY TO PLAN BEGINNING SCHOOL BUILDING Beard Will Coaler With Arch itect And Contractor On Change* HOPE TO BRING COST WITHIN DESIRED LIMIT Member* Feel That $00,000 la a* Much Money A* They Should Put Into One Struc ture—Moat Repair The Otld Building And Aid Negro Project From $100,000 Bond Sale. In a final effort to Induce a con tractor to undertake the construction of tee proposed grammar school W Y.g for a sum within <60,000, the school boaro, Architeet Wilaon anti Contractor L. Gentry, will meet in the office, of Clifford A Tournaend Monday afternoon It if probable that •omo flight change* will be made in the plana, but theae chengee will not effect the material ralue of the build I Jig. Decision to coll this meeting was touched In a special meeting of the Hoard yesterday when the building committee reported its inability to And a contractor who would under take the project as it now stands for the sum offered. The board feels that it will not bo justified in spending more than *60,000 for th# building's con struction, since it inlands to spend only *160,000 of the *200,000 of bonds authorised in election list year for this building, repair* to th* old and aid for the new negro school ■ building. Mr. Gentry, whose oflees are in Fayetteville, was the lowest bid der Ja th* recent contest among the more than a soers of contractors. Hia bid then was slightly over (66,000. It D felt that with slight changes in some phases of the aichiteel's plans he can undertake the building fur *60,000 or lass. This building is to ha erected at the southern rad af Magnolia avenue upon property purchased last year fra** p. t. «— 1m.-« mn ii <fnt of the boat and molt modsmly equip ped public school buildings in North Carolina. When bonde were issued for the construction of the bailding it was hoped that it could he completed la t me for the last half of this term of school. Low bond values and high building eoets. however, interferred. The school board did not feel justi fied in letting the bonds go for lees than par. Caution in this matter while delaying the building program, sav ed the community more than (10,000 in the sale of the honds and much more money in the value of building materials. It ia now hoped that tha building can be completed by the time the nest rehool term opens. Unless it Is, there will be no room for hundreds of children who should be enrolled in Dunn schools next fell. Even now some of the classes are working on hal ftlme to permit all of the chil dren to be accommodated and all of the class rooms ere badly crowded. Everyone edmlte the bonne hill is doe, but says someone else owe* it A train of thought if often wreck ed by an automobile. UTTLEINCREASE FOR NORTH STATE Sixteen Cento Per Kilowatt Hour Per Five Towns; IS For Four Nominal Increase la rates for eloc trtc carrsnt is aDcmed tho North Mat* Power Co., operating electric lighting plant* in nine town* and village* whh an aggregate popalatlon of 6.000 la Wake, Harriott and John ston count!** In an order headed dowa by the Corporation Comtalmlon yesterday. Increase from IB cent* to 30 ecata per kilowatt hoar wme naked for the petition filed rcveraJ week* ago. The increase allowed 1* from If to If font*, with a rearrangement of the rebate sebedalc that will atoke for eeeae alight addition to tho revenue* •f the company. Tho new rates are ♦festive Ifairh 1. * . Tke Comnfeaton in sympeftbcOe, bat enable to lest eight of the fact that niaa town* tanas* ha made to pay the aaasual rate* that weald be necessary to make the petitioner a profitable eaaeera. Some tone sedans bt* mode U the company, bet rat** err held to what the CommMoa to ll.-vea the rervtae worth The property 1* uld la the enter to be worth alt of the 376,000 paid far It at the netWi sale whee the inane oi mo o«ron«t uaDtrUnl Power and Light Co., were eottlod1 op, hot bigger than the bus!nett of 'he nine town* demand. Twenty mute ae a baait woald not ha tufll *lcnt to aara aa income on the value it tbe property, the order poiatt out The relatively heavy eoet of over head management of the fonkern front the odka In Safelgh It not leemod by the Comanilwn fall Jne tiflcntion of the rote petitioned for. The company la fomlthlag n tervice which juitifiei eomothing men than the normal charge fer torrent, the Comm lotion find*. The current rata for other power eotopaaioo la the •ate le approximately 11 canto Far the tewni of Kealy, Pour Oak*. Pine Laval and Princeton, a rate ef 16 cento per kilowatt, with « didlng Male ef rahetee ranging from 6 per rent for amonnti ap to 16 klloeraito, up te tS per cent for aateaau of 606 klewotto and over le ordered. Fer the teem* of Wen toll. LfHlag tan. Pugvay Spring* and Holly Springs, In which town* torrent to developed hy oil engine*, p rate of IS eaato por kflowati boar, with the earn* eeale of re bo toe to ordered. The tainhaom rharge In all taaao to fixed at ll.M.—Mm and Oboe Tver. MASONIC CEREMONY AT CATE CITY ELABORAT1 Initiation *1 R. L. Avery Chief Pea • l«N| Fairfax Harrow Praaaat ! _____ 1 (irtenaboto, March *.—Over am thousand Mssom gathered here thii aft.-mon and tonirht in on* of Um moit spectacular and a la bo rate Ma tonic ceremonies over carried out lr North Carolina, Initiating H. L. Av ery, superintendent of the DanvUh division of the Southern Railway, Hi the ramblinw Matter Mason's Degree, Greensboro Lodge. Visiting Masons from Washington to Atlanta, from Salisbury to Ashe ville and employers of the Southern Railway, ciowdad into the city to par ticipate in the ceremony, swelling the Masonic ranks here. Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern, headed the visitors. The affair was divided into two parts: A special communication start ing at 6 o'clock this afternoon: at 6 >80 o’clock three banquets began, a total of 800 gathering around tho boards This was followed by the dra matic work- beginning at 8 o'clock, i colorful ceremony, with the parti cipants In full Masonic regalia. The Southgate Club degree team of Win <ton-Salcm put on tho Degree work. Manv notables in the Maaonlc life of the State were present. 4 spec id We.i load of Masons came fiom Sp n - NEW WORLD RECORD FOR COURT JUDGMENT Jadgwwt Agilirt CtlUwaig Man Far Aa Emin Largo Sam San Jok, Cat, March 2.—Wh»* Grontr Jonc* borrow ad $100 for :lu»« month* at 10 par cent Interact monthly on Janaary 18, 1137, from Henry R. Stuart, he did not figure icrhupa, that the loan would lead up -o a judgment againat him for $364. 940,332,312,686.16 yerterday in the Superior Court today. Compound in -rreat" ia the explanation. Stuart charged that Jonea dk* J eared after the loan. _ He reappeared reeantly and Stuart brought aalL The court found for Stuart, named the figurr and an nounced that it wat the “only judg ment it could return under the cir cumataneea”. It took the court and two accountant* two houn to figure the amount of the judgment. — Mra k. L. Deaaiai Enturtalas Mr*. Robert L. Denning delight fully entertained the Entrc Hone club Thur^Lsy afternoon at her home on Leyton avenue. The reception hall end parlor were tastefully decorated !n epring flowers. Tablet were arran ged for progreetire sweethearts. Af ter many exciting garnet, a salad course and almond* wart earred. A color ftheme of yellow vu carried nut in decorations, score cards and refredunaata This club hat recently been organ ised among the yonng married wom en with Mra H. M. Pittman ae presi lent The following are members: Meadames Cart Barefoot, James Best. Robert Denning, Carl Fitehett, Bill ion Goddard, Coorgc McKay, David Fear mil, Wm. M. Pearsall, H. M. Pittman, Arthur Pape, fiantoo, L. C. Stephen*, B. R. Thompson, Herbert Taylor and Mra. Durham Taylor. In addition Mrs. Denning had as tor guests Mrs. Sam Broughton, Mrs. Nathan Johnson, Miss Janiu I pock ind Mim Clara Johnson. Several movie stars dent item to ho Ilka their pictures. SENATE RATIFIES YAP CABLE PACT Thlrtccm Democrat* Veto For Ratificotioa ud Nia*. too* Again at Waahlngton, March 1. -Taking Hi flrtt ratification roll call on the *e r*aa of international covenant* negv cjiU.1 during the anna conference, the Benaw today ratified without re irrvnlioni or amendment* the treaty with Japan confirming American ca ble and radio right* on tho iiland of Yap. The Anal vote waa A to 22, rep resenting a margin of uvit over tho aeceraary twe-thinta The 32 Demo crat* preavnt divided 13 for ratifica tion and IP against, while only three (laptsblieun* voted in the negative. Pacifi* Treaty Te Feast Aa soon a* the result had been mr.ounccd the four power Pacific treaty, the pivotal agreement of the irms conference (erica wai be cuff'd t oof ore the Be note for action. The prolonged and bitterly fought debate which ia expected ta precede a vote on It will begin tomorrow. Ratification of the Yap treaty fol lowed as all day battle over reserva tion! and amenihnenta, during which diaaatiafied Senator* on Ole Demo-; rratic tide joined by a few Bepubli- , tana, sought unmercifully to attach lual.f’.rationi to the ratification re to ll l ions A half linen proposal*, all or«*cnted by Democratic Senator*, rare voted down *ucco**rrt|y by over whelming majorities At to IptlCwm Leader* of the various Sonata el« ■nenU disagreed a* to the tlgniftcance j >f today'* action with regard to the j our power and other treaties awgft ng Senate action. The adminUtra ten manager* declared that on »ub rquent ratification roll calif they xpacted to lore “vary few" of the rote* they rommaad*d today, while ‘-ho irroconcUible*'' predicted that at »*»on and probably more who roted for the Yap testy or wero ab tost would vote againit the four-pow-1 !*r pact “North Polo BU11 Mo ring"—head I ilr>a. Boot* ore high ereiyohm WOMAN’S CLUB WILL UNDERTAKE COUNTY PAGEANT To SUgo S pacta do Ob Basko Of Capa Faar Soma Time Neat Fall \PPOIPTrS~COMMITTEES TO ARRANGE DETAILS Aid Of Eatmtaign Service Of, Eali^d I. Pro-; ject — Mrs. Anaya Harper' Young And Paul Graao Hare Part in Preparing Hie torieal VehicU. With the appointment of aoveral committee* to prtpert, alago and coo turn# tho Harnett County Pageant which la to be prelented somewhere . along the banka of Cape Fear River text full, the Woman'* Club of Dana hurt woek took it* lint *tep* toward he project'* realisation. Tho committees are Mn. Annye Harper Young. Paul Green and Pro folio r Koch to p re pore the story; Ut, L. J. Best, Mn. E. M. Jeffreys and Mn. Fred McKay to gather the lata; Mia* Bridge, home demonstra tion agent, to plan costumca; MW* Camp and MIm Elizabeth Lay to (tag# the prodoctier, and Mn. P. , Smith to procure proportion. Solicitation of fur da necenary to •taring the pageant will he undertak en *oon. Several hundred! of dollars aril! he Headed and no trouble in railing tha tand ia impacted. The object of tha pageant It to perpetaate tha airly history of Har nett county, a large part ef which wai rattled by tha find Kagllah speak ing people to eontc to America. That portion of tha county cloac to the Capo Fear la rich la historical tnter eota, although the praaont genern tiaM know* vary little about It In tha keeping of many of tha old or families of tha county are many re cords of in estimable historical ealac. ft U from those that tka grantor port ef tha pageant .wfll be prepared. Appointment of the rommrttaee followed an add re as deHrercd before the club but Friday by' Mia* Camp, who flint proa an ted tba Idea Of stag ing • pageant in tba county. It woe Mhn Onmp’a second appearance be fore tha dob to gain the Into rest of M* members In tha project •afore' than aha had attempted te gat the' people of Ulllngtou latemtod (a such an undertaking, but wag Jhrun as little eacourugoment that aha thought it hart to toko the matter up with tha woman of Dunn. No# aha la arnurgd thut tha project will ha put Uire<*h. GOOD Ala* What i. a ciattonT Thl» T. L. raerea from and Ing and primar Mr. letter: "You ara to the right direction la to organise a local Building Aaeoctottoa lor we mow Uko the Lou thrift end “It U net an anajaal in your firit it in butter to and build up W« think Itart with are “Wc which we have anil if it will he ua.“ The booklet What ie a “ toHahwT? A Boild'og and a company for the make ryatewiatie ■«ae What la the BoHdiac have no rto.V^r *U At I rtrictly autaal hi meabera elect the Beard of Dtree loiu from their'awn nwadber, and rereive every 'cut ad profit, after paying the uuatQ running aspen wit • _» Wkft ii ^-1 —A b« RnlUinv ind Leas AsseclatieaaT Building and Leaa associations runraatee that aiatew only shall ihare and (hare alike ia all baaaffta; bat :u affairs dmB be seeasmically roi.docled, aad tAt every cent of jrofit rhail be appsstiomad equitably unong the shsruhsldsm How ia the BuDding aad Loan a* toeiatien Managed ll ia managed hf a Board of Di ructore, elected by the shareholders, it their annual wadHag. aad by eth ers elected by the Board si Dfcrae :or*. - • • Are the Book* ef the Ooldebero Building and Lena Association Ever tudtcdt Yes, by syeeial Auditors from the lusturaace Department at this State, dsw many triads'of -"shared* are-is tur I by Building aad buna Asanrla :on? J Two kinds. "Paid Up" and “la itaBasent" (bare*. Whst it meant by 'paid ap' sham ’Installment" dtareholdenT By 'paid op' share* la meant eer tdicatn iaaaad to persons wishing u Icposit one hundred dellaru ar malti ivo per rent anneal internet. payable ia »<*ml-#nnual indtallmenU, and at Maturity a farther participation In 9a unKtp of the Aaaoelatkm. •Can “paid ep” eharee be arRb Irmwnt Ye«; “paid op” Aetna may ha wMh. Item at any time apon ana mintVa aritton retire. Why la thie praeaation taken? Thi» precaution li taken bacaaae rery little idta money la kept an hand. | It li Invented ae feet aa puaaAli In *rrt mortgagee, aa that R b not el oay* convenient to fataia depeafte at on re; bat there In generally little delay if any, to nano eadfer from in- j ennvtnlencee by Me rata, made to protect the IntereOte of alt coacorood.' What tatarRy have “paid up" end The total eaeett ef Mm amoclafen,1 Boneittlng principally of ftrat mort-' gngoe on carefully eetaetod real es tate. I What la meant by “taefalhnnat" iberae By "hmtallmont" Anna la meant •here* of a par'er motorIty raise of ono hand red delta re each bat to bo paid for la monthly bataSmcnte. What are the payment! oa ‘tnrtall neent” Aareet Dee# aa latte Raent Aarai era payable monthly In adraaoe open a harta ef tl eeatf par week oa each ( Centiaaed aa papa ktrao.) SALESMAN MAKES MAN WALK BACK J. O. Safe* Mmt That Pr» aawtiam la Timm U Mmt, tor Policy Ooldabo:#. March 1—J. 0. Smith, a traveling talwnu, waa la thla city Monday afternoon and atotod to aama frleodi Mmt he waa leaving last night la Ms car far Wlbea. A yraag ama, ona *f the alam that dram waU and •brays bars money, hot neror work, overhaaid the conversation, aaksd Smith to let hja rida with Mm to Wllaen. Smith ngread acd told the atraagar that ho waa laaviag at Idt P- *• A friand celbd Smith adds and told Mm that tha yaaag maa't mo tive ia wasting to ga waa to rah him. Smith told Mm altrlght, that ha waa wist to aach game* and at tha ap palatod time went promptly on their way. Seeching a paiat ahawt mvao mile* from thia eity, Smith stopped mm. ..4 t:-a vim dm mod * mM the ear, aad walked back to Goldsboro which the stranger did in a heavy Iowa poor of raia. Smith retained to the city ead went in a differ*at di set an. The stranger had to feet K hack t» QoliisUoro and has not shewn •is face ea tb» street! today. The Coanty M»r«, dodge Mead he ease ef Major Smith, the white mad who ltvvi ah oat 1* miles from ha city near Mount Olive, who wr charged with shooting Celeb BisaeS aolored, wee found gnllty, made to toy costs and give.i orders by the •oorl to mil up ead leave Ways* toantr aad to slay away. It is net known where Smith aad hia family will mere. Twelve years age he aad Vs family are said to have been roe sot of dehastoa, their aadivs coanty The meats department ef the We erne's Club will meet this afternoon March •, at S:30 o’clock at the reel donee of Mia. B. Is Godwin. WSh Mrs. Godwin aad Mm. Harper Holli day as haatoasee all music lover* at* erged to cease aad jeia this depart msat There vrfli he a ah art heafasaas mooting, after which a meal cal pro SHOWMAN HIS HUY SUNDAY’S SAW DOST TRAIL ■'!SZSZSzittr RaKgoona Life BEST COTRACT HE HAS EVER SIGNED, HE SAYS “The Mighty Wwt," magician. ran deviIlian, griftar, at*., nattra of Har "«H aad elUaan at tha world, hat re format Billy Sunday la rcapoaatbla, with hi* proarhtagi at Spartaaabayg. S. C.. whore the Harnett hay haa bean practicing hi* nawoUy-oolliatr ability among the bolLwoaeU Aghteia. The Spartanburg Herald tell* Boat hi* reformation thualy: It la a far try from the oawdaat ring at a modern eireaa to tha mm dun trait ef a •‘Billy” Sunday tabar aaala. It la a farther cry from tha pine hearda of a nowelty Otago to tha ndno hoard* la tha aaata at that tobwr naek. Yet the dropping of Ae ctage and obese Ufa for Aa Ufa *f mrrioc it Jaaaa Christ waa dene Ak week k a an who haa heea a nosaky aa tor, a augfcka far Aa paat flea pan aad a elewa la a eheea. The an la Loaaie P. Weak, of NarA Carolina, baiter kaewa aa “Tkkly Willy." com edian and etreai clown extraordinary. Mr. Waat haa keen working ter the poet three manAe for the Nenky Salta Byatsai Corporation, ef Beki notc | novelty Beanttfactarlag hence. He haa Bade hsadpaartaca la Union and Bye neater*. Before nMlietin* wiA the BaKhnert eaageay he waa a ram Krai yerf trier aad a vnndertUe rtar, aa w*B aa a circa* clown. Hie k an iaerraatlag etary. Mr. Waat atalad that when jaet IB year* af age he left a Christian home ant leetag parents to fellow the wfllothowtry. Later la hie ca reer he BMt the gkl ef Ua choke, married her and at yrneent haa kk WIA aad aae child. The Beat Caatenet Ha hi came tntareetad la the Ban day campaign whan It fhrat opened at Apart an bo rg, 8. C., Pah 11 aad Juet a few eights afterwards ha "hit Aa trail." When saaa yeatarday. Mr. Wert waa talking la the Jargon ef Uw footlights and Aa mwdart ring and •wards the sad of Us Interview he <e!d, Tve signed stage contracts, eir u contracts and aaqjr other kinds, bwt the greatest of aH I signed the other night—a contract with deem Christ. “AH sty Usw from new an wfH be went in working for the Badeemsr cad in my wash I intend to sayni the varieos fra adds at gasses and hoanaa which arc warhed on the pdb He, the way toe wool is polled over toe eyas of too aJBeeca of too Inwand •toon by diarycn and wfH do my hem be eeaae dm on el) nmHm and 1 alee wish to edvtm toe yooyls of Barnett comity. North OaroHaa who may ham any dahaa age teat am that every coo wMl be paid ia fall ar gtskh aalaaa arrange. That will take ■earn tone. Bat, win novecthalam. Bs ■ays ha has boon vary enargotle far toe Dot* and will aow bo soon sasr gatie far Ood. Anyone who may wtdt to write Mm oddrom Mm at Seaton Via Syortenbarg, S. C„ he says, "I am sorry I over toft Harnett scanty, fee I believe its too heat eonsty la the beet date of too U. A A." Tv* beea as bad as toe wont id them, and many a dollar has yasaed torbngh my heato that did net came toon rightly, last as seen as 1 pew slbiy can, I am going late reHgtsne work and bring sank to toe Oae who has to min me the way to go, the eaty way, ia this eld world of o«rs“. Mr. Wori Is at yrenat woikiag •• sa syoraUva at to# Pratsa Mann, factoring company, hat (steads to ga Into roMgloic work ef acme character as seen is toe cyyertaaHy yraeaate EXPLOSION WRECKS ■auk or rAomow TW» «•* *»>r With Onr gl •Ml Mftoit, March 1—Yaggroea thi warning mu tha Saak at Fa* •»•«*«* aaaapad with H4U la Mi tNy at explaervae wan aaad in auTcl fart to break tha time lack at tha molt bat to aa avail. Tha rob ben Anally entering tha earn* by maeter nt tha rembtantion. Tha total law has act haaa aaHttotad. and will aot ba known an til tha ddhrta baa haaa cleared away. Tha aaytaaiaa la tha hath aaeanad about 4:3d tbia morning. One nyn ait.icaa told at natag a am leave tha hank baildtag wttboat "hi* bat badot* toa Mm waa beard. The bat waa totar found to tba itructare. Tha ox iloaten caaaod a fke la tha wait which rvraked la lawaga to hank hooka and Important daa amenta the extent at wbkk baa net yat haaa de termined. Tha yraoHiat and caahlar atata that tha laaa to fully aavaaad hr to wuaa and that aa lewaa vnfl to uatainad by railemcM Bank atfiriah mi the police arc working aa tar •ral data that may land to darratap saata aa to tha identity at the year Kach damage waa cawaad by the * xplpaen. which parttoSy wvaahad ha bank bonding. Part, Worth. Tnu, Match t/— Kiag Gootgo of bgland. through Mo manage, hao fW o mil fan diehrtet •eking rtowigii1**f $1,0T» fer'lhe •lloged eon-delivery by the Md la land railroad of dxtrfnr ranee * iW*»«oaidadHw Moment had control of tho or a period daring tho war. Kteg icorgo woo the ealy plaintiff aaaaod la tho aofc According to tho oak, tho coned Kef which woe to ho chipped fro* Her* to Hoboken, M. I., never woe delivered. «SMUtAL CAM MUCH BCTTM PATS MPOHT Durham, March 1.—“Vary and rotter," wae the report given thfc iftcraoon freai the boilatda of Geo vel Jahan P. Carr, who hao haar in He U1 at hie bene hero for the podt oft week*. Tho gaJOMl underwent a »ligb' clapeo Monday Wght, which laatad jntll Taoedoy afternoon. Tueedey if tornoon them wag a fbaago for the otter, aad the hprenanat hao heea •toady aioee than. Mr*. Belie Plowing, who hao head very iH for eevornl weoha, h elowl) wproving, her away friend* So Dona rill ho glad to learn. “SBSSSSSi s _ GROUP BUYING BY ■ FARMERS STARTS jwj MMi “W» an plank| t*

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