* •* •> «*■••*•» 4 j LOCAL*' * - - ■» * **■*•; i The lull cotton stop, ginned tot March 1C. totaled 7,4T4,C48 baloe, :.rcording to' counts bureau flgurvii iclrascd yesteiday. Wu* Fannie DcVgne, of Red, Spring*, and Mi*a )<ou!*c Oaten, of1 itw York, were hero Sunday to visit! if.*, and Mrv Charles W. Harris. State Senator and Mri John A. I Oates, of FnyettevlH*. wure here 8un- 1 ■lay to via't Senatur Oates’ sister, Mrs. Charles Harris. John C. Cllffo-d, Jr., of A. and E. College, Raleigh .spent the week end here with his parents. Judge and Mrs. John C. Clifford. , Hat Jonas, a student in Wake For est College, with his friends, Mr. Myei*. spent Saturday and Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Jones. Mias Margaret Wad*, who is a student in Peace Institute, returned yesterday to Ralegh after spending tavern! days here with her parents, Mr. and Mia Martin L. Wade. Wifi.am Wade, an employee of the Atlantic Coast Lina Railway in ite general offices at Wilmington, was here last week to visit hie parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Martin I~ Wad*. Ellis Goldstein returned last Sat urday from New York where he had spun l several days Ip the interests of the Gold-stein Far Company, of Dunn And Coklrboro. Jamc> J. Davit, os'. Columbia, S. C„ anil hie daughter, Mr*. J. C. Thom, of New V«ik, were here this week to visit Judge uml Mrs. E. P. Davis. Judge Davis it • ton of Mr. Davie. Bon Collina, of Charlotte, waa her* Sunday to visit Mrs. Collina, who i* visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. La* DanM Enn'.a Mrs. Collin* will leave this week to join Mr. Collina in Charlotto, where they will make their home. The Find. Baptist church will for mally dad cate Its hnoi* of worship '■ on Sunday morning April 2nd. Dr. W. J. McClothin. president of Par man university, Greenville, 8. C., a noted preacher, leader and author, wili preach the dedicatory sermon. He will deliver tore* lectures an 1 ehorch h'rtory on Sunday, Monday j and Tuesday night, following the dedication. , The Broad 8tr*et Service Sution. to he operated by Jerv Pearsall and specialise in gas and oil for motorists, will open sum* time this week unless some untoward circiuautanr, pre ve.tt*. The station is located at the, corner of Broad Street and Clinton Avenue and is on* of thr beat equip- i ped to b* found anywhere. It W sat f “in aad out" establishment, afford ing tile utmost In convenience to those who are oa a hurry fou service, j From Sanford, Florida coma* th.- j announcement of the wedding of Mies . Violet, Marie Wearer, daughter of Mrs. & C. Messer, to Braxton B Baggett, son of Mr. and Mr*. Lucian Baggett, of Dunn. Mr. Baggett u a* rociated in the automobile buslneaa in Sanford with Parry A. Jemigan, an other Dunn boy who has mad* good progress in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Baggett will be at home ia the Let Apartments, Sanford, after April 1. They »r« now on a wedding tour. R. W. Brook- and H. L. Johnson, of Smithfteld. have sstabliihsd a Willard battery service station here in the garage of Nelli Green’s Buirk sarvie* establishment. Mr. Johnson will manage the bust Bern hers, which U to b« known as the Dann Battery Company. Mr. Brooks will manage th* BmithAeld branch of th* busmeas, but will visit Duns every week, lie is a brother to Roger Brooks, who was a cotton buyer on the local mar k*t tiut TCtr Out.' Is ca tj jit'.miAua Jag. Be ery woman who coaid get into th< Barno* and Holliday store* Monday and tha Era action tU)T, today bought and bought the pretty shiny war* ant'd **•»• was no mors to ho bought AM of. the stuff went at attractive prices—paro sluminum kitchen uten *11* being sold for leas than the priee of tha ordinary enamel ware. Nearly crory kitchen in the surroanding country ia now adorned with the ware that ia easy to eleanoa and look* protty all tba thno. The Bamet ff Hollldcy sale was a feature of the ten-day sale »f hardware and huml tura being conducted by the eomp -ry. although the aluminum was of fered far Monday only. The nrauyh bn tale !• far taday only. Tha Loti'y Frayn on the head of a pin—|M letter*, perfectly formed and correctly epaecd. That is what RdvaiH Burke, of Seattle and Spa ke mc, I* skewing on tke at recta of Thinn today. Tb# pruyar Wee engrav ed by Mr. Burke while he wae in the employ of a newspaper hi Spokane Three years war* required to com ■■ art — iplete the work which was started hi 11*14 and computed In 1*17, whei Mr. Borks storied a tour of the com | try showing Ills curiosity. Since that • me He has visited practically every Biuto in the union, and wherever he has po>ie tut work has been viewed wild much 'interest by handred* of people. The pin head upon which the > prayer is engraved Is made of gold land Is only onu-DSteentb of an Inch | In diameter. DEBATE FRIDAY NIGHT ' On next Friday night, March t< tile prvltminaiy debatae among th. ’Igh schools of the State will be held. About two handred school, have entered the contest which will be spirited Uiroughoat the entire I State. The winners In the verioai contents Friday night Will go to Chap el Ilill April <, where th* final dim ination contents will be held April « and 7. Th* two surviving teems will have the final conteet for the championship honors on Friday wen ing April 7, In Memorial Hall at tk< University. In the preliminary contoet her Friday night, Bruce Cromartl* and LuclW Ayeock will uphold th« adlr ■native of the qocry, Resolved, •‘Thai th« United States should cuter the League of Nations," while th* noga tlv* will bo supported by Ervin B Pittman and Donnell Wharton, of Ssnllhfield. The debate will be held ut the Open* Hoaae beginning at I o’clock. Tbu people of Dana are cor dially invited to hear the debate. If yon want to spend en hour o! rral plraaur*. and at Uie mm* time help a moat worthy cause, do not fail to attend the concert to be given b> the Oxford Singing Class. "Ti» piuutw cuM" The Phil*thee clam of the Pint Baptist church, held lta regular mon thly burinete meeting Tur*d_y even ing March t4, at the home of Mia Id* Mae Pittman1*. The meeting mi rilled to order by the proe'dent. Mia Sallie Naylor, and the opening pray er wai led by Min Lein Strickland The elaaa eong wai »ung, after which upon the call fnr buaiaene. It rr.j decided tint the PbllaUina girlr make cardy and aanitwirhej each week to bo Mid by Min Erie Lackey •t WUron and Lee1* Drug Store Tki money received to be u»ed to h#!j ruppor* our orphan and to raiae I •Hiking fund 'or the maintenance ol •tor elaaa. Buvinns haring been finished Mim Pittman very bean t if ally server* •» deliciou* re lad count, while Muic. Myrtle Pope and Mudie Bell render ed eeveral selection* on the piano, latent Ldnon records aLo played a major part in making the evening ■ *‘Wr -eae yithrt CLASS REPORTER The 14 girla and boy* In the Oa ford Singing date ate repretentin* about 37k children in that ^ lend id Institution. Hear them ling and tee now you like th«m. • A county campaign committee con aiating of the farm demonstration agent, the home demonstration agent (he superintendent of edocation, the superintendent of health and the wel fair oAcer In each coonty haa been appointed by Governor Cameron Mor risen and charged with the reaponai biKty of “potting over" the “Lioe-at Home” movement, through which it i ia hoped that North Carolina may win economic independence and hr started upon the road to greater pros perity and better cendltiona of health and phyaica) fttnasa. The county ofleiala named are de dared by Governor Morrieon to br in better poaition than anyone a 1m te realise folly what s deplorable handicap North Carolina haa had from a financial and health stand point, in th# practice ef a Urge part of its farming population! of nag t^HHwamwaamMH t- S is ,.-V at home proper food for tU family and fuJ far live alock. The.** offlriali are In ciooo touch with the situation ami are . li.-.td/ wui ■ng upon lae propevitioM. In thU clav paiyu i’«*/ will uigunfoe, »vturo the auliUiicv »r tlielr local newspaper moo mad oilier interfiled ciltaeoa and conduct an intenaiflcd campaign In which they will have the aaxidaece and hacking not only of the Governor, tho Department of Agriculture and the State College of Agriculture and Engineering, but aim of tha Depart ment or Education, the State Board >>f Health, the Board of Charity ami Welfai* and other agenciea, including ‘•be ipecial central campaign commit* too at Kalolgh, of which John Paul Lucai la executive tceretary. It haa hem emphaalicd in augura ting th!x campaign that tho big idaa li the production of food and feed producta for home coneumptwn and tot for tho market. In eome sections i of the State there are commercial possibilities for the growing of theae products, hot this ii declared to he t negligible factor aa compared with the Importance of every farm family producing iu full supply of food and food ituff on its own prcmiMc. Syrian Enpraeiiow (By 8AM THOMAS) Full of pleasure waa my walk When a vvlee rang in my ear; From a lonely grove, It broke. And I heard theae words an clear. “Sweet and 'air sing nr to ileep, Let my heart rejoice In Thee Love bo mine, thy promiae keep Though 1 go beyond the aea." All the tree* have feit the attain . Clapping haada and wooing high E’en the flooren on the plain Kleced each other with a sigh It waa not a fairy land. It wae not an Angel’e tongue, It waa act the chirping band. It waa but a maidnn'i song rrcpii^ iron oriunq m wmc. There a maiden stood in white, 'j reeian art though wondroui he. Failed ta give a face to hrigM. And the Venua of their time Shrink* to nothing when compared Beauty gives what time and clime. To the world ia (tore, have spared. Yet behind this beaaty liaa Something that la deeper still ‘Neath the magic of bar eyei I* a heart that paaaioiu fill. Oh tha heart: That noble abnno When all virtue* grow and thrive' Bdni of Wya and lev* divine In whoa* holy place they live. Calm stood I near for awhile Then I thus a'ldrcaacd the maid: “Angel thou art heaven'* nail*, Speak. If thou art tike u» made.” >• . * . « “Tell me aweet in aign or more With thy lovalit eyas or tongue. Pour thy voice any pretty bird Pour It on my been In *ong."_ “Fairy cyea upon me thine. Soar ia Beaaty** sky my dove. Pour thy mrkxUea *tia win#, fill my tup with burning love.” Further then her voice again. Rang through vul* and valloy groan. While I board I looked in vain, But nobody could be seen. ‘Sweet and fair ting me to deep, bet my heart rejoice ia the*. boveSe aaln* thy promt*, keep, rheugh I go beyond the tee." ‘Think tf au when I am gone, • shall he forever true. Non# i* faithful, Oh there** none, tn this world but Cod and you." j“u««ve nCT ^»«na3FT5?3i!*^^ ; MeU u aappy ai thy fide. For ay heart will ha thy home, Aau tKy Wr» will ha aqr guide." Hound about 1 turned tod gated, When my aye* warn epaaad —r Ai*. J 1 rtaod l.i U-d >murd, On my face than, ebon* tha aitim * * * * * 5 * 4 4 BUSINESS LOCAL * » ♦ a * ♦ . * s SILK WAISTS. SILK PETTICOATS, draftee,aadyriag hate by tha hundred and then mure. The new •ft, with (jualfty. atyU and deafen l he baft. Aad boat ofaB, rlrk, the Yellow Freat Stem, talk cheeuar. B. C Taylor Co., March li IMS. FKANKLUf sriup ia> ru cam. Ara rru nMw y«r fllrrrwar* fluaT h aot trade with g, and mf how ca*y ft k. Freaman't Caab Qcaaam.__»1 tfc AND STILL THE GOODS COME TC tha TaUaw Treat Stare. Lot* and J»t« »;« foDiag far ba W an* Srtwa of today. Do you tidnk tW- cfl «a»tta*» long? Wo do not iQtdek artie* far thaia who want tha baft thteyer, U our ad »lca lolka E. 0. Taylor Co.. March SI, 1ML LOOK row in* w*D HAM ON tfca curb. That U ^ Tin dealers sign- It is b from of JC. V. Gataar'a IT tfs. »T*AT5wX~iCu5 HORSE, weighing ahaut ft to pounds. Gus to s»y ksua Satud., might with harmew am. Owm«. mb pt harm hy calling at mj how at TuSg. tonh Cross Bond* f. A. TariS toc. Pwft.C Kouto I. tltfe WANT£Dc-OU>y' S AND COM . federate SUU.SUotos of all kinds. Aba bsab. uad in pboa of stamps, and iaseed privately hr Postmasters in rarius towns 4urfng aha CM1 War dap. Entire collection i bought. Stamps »r arigiaal sW opss oc seven bring more. Highest prices paid far amp of the aim. Cor reap sadoocs impttad in regard to ao/tktar poo hart. Ad drtas Wm. H- 8IDELM, Bam ISS. Dana, K. C Mar, u 4t pd. KODAK riHISHIWC— Mia* »«»•• Radio will fiat* ko dak films within la hours. Ta He TENANTS WANTED—I WANT A| one-borre tenant, aim a two-horse I tr'ist. at 0tea. Wafer two-horse I mat to famish toamm Goad fuw osar »cboot, with desirable dw»B-> in**. LotsU Wottsc, Newton1 Gram, Baads t. Ban 44. >1 *t p. ‘ ■ !■ . "l- I. .. 1.—*?*"* YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST, «•* tty th* bait. ImI Tim. E. V. I Oataay. IT t&. tik« urdara tor (mmImpmuM baaiary, tor la, iw nJ (kit dm. fcltaitmabta dan lag *00 Ad a waak toll Uau, I1.M aa hoar tpan tlma. Sspariaaca aaaaaaa tarjr. latmaUaaal Marking Main. NooMmi, Pa. FOUND-PAIR OP KID GLOVE! aa Ealkaad Avroaa, Monday wra lag. Onraar ran gri tbaaa as Dia patak Otfea. Ur. j TWO CAM or HAY—OUT grada as |1.S0. L. P. EaHaa. I ta. FOR RENT. — EIGHT ROOM KS-fe.Knx-Ti " Lawu; Daaa. N. C 31 tfc. HUSH COBBLERS, MAINE Grow. $1.30 par nark. Dairy Bard, Milk fla. Happy Cow *1*0. Mo tan u* Pood *3.00. fib Irbon Toad I *E50 H* ■»<*• Wa giro Beotia;! Silverware oaapona la addNtea.l Piaamaa’* Caak Qrerary 31 tfc.1 —-SSSSSSB* MM—owin— t'wrqrqioa at »>■»■ WANTED TO TEADE^-W ACB231 ti land. « riwii, far kaJMJap' E.*^. FWM«/dowT?. C*U 4m| WHITE HOUSE AND QUEEN'S Sir'd Coffer 43c par peaad. Uu vertdy Clak 40 e*»iU t»nfmik nnSiff^S&nJS Orarery. tl tfr. IF TOU AEE HESITATING AS TO Saw and «lw> to art faahioe'a latret »hk krrt qaaSy rbmpmt. <« ■Itlinary, dry tools (8k, wool o.-4 cottas Irena*, Snycre. elotk l«lt, etc., let tko Vrtaa Front Eton chow too aad year ptobiam* ota rolocl. DoVi W ItffaWE paa pla, bmto qalcWy l* tk» am of a thoaaaad kaapata* aMa tkr croon of pood tkinc* aboard. Toon fat fttaator terrier sad l«tr t*n nlaa. E. O. Taylor Ca ,TUrek El Tin. ie v « L"L|yLV*iL HAY l» tATIDLV AAVAKCtMa XiTi.'ZX ?Z. i^'SflsSSaSWm ssss"r z* jsy russ *W wM wtiiM to •pik lb* T*r •«*» - JnM Lubber Co-*t»ny. AX ’ <* -to* I&mM rt^SrSrSv. rur tor An I Inbr CtopHy «*«T* >«U to bin JEW-' «*r*b SI M 4 II. Flower Seed, Garden Seed, Field Seed We are licensed by the State to sell :ecd«. Our stcck is new. Fresh shipments ar riving daily. Make our store your head quarters. Let us supply you With seeds that have been tested—the best that can be had. Hies lice cl Planet Junior Garden Plows We handle lull assortment ol poultry » vppiiea. Full-O-Pep foods for laying hens r.na baby chicks. “Reliable Standard* incu bators and hovers. Make house work easy by using “Old English Waxer-Poliel er” to polish your floors. We are agents for O’Quinn's cut flowers and cemetery vases. - . . _ . - The J. R. High._i Company Phoce 17-Next to Gfty HaQ » I ■■!■■■ I-.- ■■■!■!— I I ■ MMHHMMSHMB HKi MM ^-■-- * I , ... ,,, ; ■ ■ Our buyers who ours constantly on the New York, Baltimore, Boston end other northern t& have flooded our stores with the newest thing* to wear for man, women and cL'UIren. And remember the old reliables have die right prices. An old saying, hot true nevertheless, merchandise well bought is ha.f sold. Our baying power is unsarpasssd In this part of the country. Through our buying system we are always in a position to have good things to offer our customers at a nvisg cf from 25 to 40 per cent. Beginning next week we are going to resume our wee’ etrd specials, which will be conducted each 7 hursdsy, Friday and Saturday, with new and (Efferent assortment of merchandise offered each week. Our advertisements ghr -g you an idea of what wo are offering %ri]l 5rc found in each Tuesday's issue of die Dispatch. Announcement I Lave opened a Blacksmith Shop bade say warehouse. Slice in* a specialty. All wc.A juarar.teed. Give me a trial. 1L. P. SURLES DUNN, —i— NORTH CAROLINA HOT WEATHER IS COMING - - _ * ___ _ You Will Save Yourself Many Unpleasant Hours by Using I Mity Nice Bread, Cakes and Pastries. ' :^Bjf —.... """ 'Baked in Dorni by -. . (:- Pearce’s - Bakery

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