THE DUNN1 VOLUME Vin. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA* ACj FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DUNN WAS DEDICATED SUNDAY MORNING Special Sermon Was Preached By Dr. W. J. Mc Glothlin, President of Furnian University. Large Congregation Present. Program An Interesting One. Church Cost $45,000.00 Un Sunday Horning, April 2, the nrw church building of the Pint Β»ptlit Church waa formally dedica ted to the worehip and aervke of Cod. U ww an occaeioa lone to be remembered. Th* Baptiite and their friend* came in lire* ow-haf·, fill· *'»«» sen of λΪ7φ^° th*1 tireve to contr^ll»'*ncry 8,11 10 Provide the **hl ot ώβ tion. -jf** «pirt* The d—n ,/rr »t the people waa ·" The Joy of many heart· babbled over into tear·. An excellent and intereating pro gram had been planned The chair man of the building committee, Mr. J. C. Clifford, read many congratu latory mesngra, letter* and telegrama from former paatom and friend·. A very fitting word of felicitation eat •ent by the Flrat Preefcyterlan church of Donn. Dr. Livtngetone Jahnaon, editor of the Biblical Recorder, Ra loigh, N. C., apoke briefly In behalf of the a00,000 white Bap*.·*· mf North Carolina. The Mnra waa perhapj th* moat tiapreaaivo feature of the aarviee. Dr. W. J. MiGlothlin, the preaMant of Farvnan University, Greenville, 8. C., delivered the dedicatory aeteoa. Few men la all America can présent the Goapel with greater clarity and power than thia anuaaal preacher. He choee at hie «ubject "The Signi ficance of the Charria Building." The text of Scripture need le in 1 Tim. >;!*: "The hem of God, which b the cbtuch of the living God. the pil lar and ground of the Truth." The prcacher pictured an «agin ary utaHar fro· Mar* making a tour "Now ai the··, the only vUtt>l« evi dence* af our Indebted ne« turn to *»he*, W» Mot (row oar momory the labor, hardship, calif-denial and priva tion· endured to Make pxUMt thia <>;, and rcmacuher alono the pleas ure which has com· to H· in bain* ac corded the joyous pdrlltt* of m ak in* a icer ncrtflees for Kim." foRpurlac theac touching warda a iront wave of jeyeaa emotion w^t th* frent congregation and alntoa* nperitarxoailr the people roM to Oiclr M »nd aang "praise Ood froaa whom all blearing» flow." There waa rot one but that waa mightily etir rod. Following that wm the dedicate 17 •rtr offered by Bar. J. A- Cet» bell, former pastor, and «ready be loved I" HamoU County. It WM a PTecloua and holy moment a· tW ehnreh *ave their baaoUful temple ta thalr God. Appearing la tka April kuTMla af the Chwth U th· lpUMrin« ctate nent concerning the ehuieh build in*: "Oar church home which we now dedicate to Cod waa fee «a» h» 111··, foltmvtng a reeotarien of aw church, timidly pecced that we undertake thr erection of a new balldfog, eoaring approaimateiy |1·,00·. Accordingly an architect waa a«* ployed, plana adapted and work he ran with a MUle faith, no each and a labecri prion I let af abeut |1*,000 Of i*ma wp kmar that the plan adapted coald aa( ha carried ta aaaa pletloa far the amount limited la tka Initial reeolattaa, bat If owr eyea had bean opened ta the fact that wa ware beghmtag «m «eharien af · tmlliNag which weald eaat ae Mr*M, taanarawa iheuld hare failed mtm pl«taijr; jr»t, tfcouch I cannot Ull how It waa done, thai· tua which w· finally placcd In th« bulUin*. FWhapi th· moat try in* ordrat througi whirh «re pw»il, was tie fnihc wh'eh we had to ovrtum' wh»« with our build in® half dan· and our d«4>» hardly touched the (tons of Ht· world war do*·* all marketa, ! paralysed credit», tat ad our faith and challenged oar count* aa noth ing (1m had dona. Tha strut*!· which w« mado throach the yaara, kevntr, th· hard- j (hip· ovticooM, tha «wldenc·» of | God'· 1 «adinc. tha recognition at Hj ' bUaalnpi attending oar effort» to hoaar Him ha*· atraavtSanad Mr ! faith in Rim and caniaad aa who had ι tha privilege, andurlng the atroecic { m hwn>H*i ^1 'M H Itl ι rtrHoate rauren au seen ihiMîi. 1ϋ following 11 · brief historical aketch of UÙI lire organisation : A Mittotiul SWch ' A history tf our chareh μΛ&τΛΛ$ of the church, coetinatnc few· rear*. ! Dr. J. A. C11U mrroJ the thurofc for ttrtmf) month· Won he raalfned to ifrve aa chwplaia In tho w»r. Then followed tho pa (to·· to af B. L Oil*# arhfch la» tod for aon than throe 7oars. The prooont paetorate bogan In November, 1M1. Nan·· of put*» only have boos —nllaaod In Oil· brtof ihlnh, Ono *o«M wUh to mention tho oameo of ■May noble end conteeratod laymen and wna tm «(moo loyalty and Mri too made the paataratee dwriNU COL. WATTKMON WILL· BE BUBIB0 TUBSDAY Jaokaorrrlllo, April 1.—The body of "Kara·" Hoary Watferreea, who dlod bora Deeoadbar 22 bA ara* re moved today free tho reeoM** vault Wi Bvanroen cemetery and tonight raotod la the chapel of a mortuary preparatory to beta* taken to Loola vHle, By., tomorrow algbt far be rial Teaaday afternoon. Tho foaoral aorvlcoa wfll bo eon· dactod by tbo Bov. B. U POwaU, pa» tor of tho Ffrat CfcrUtian oharrh of LoaiavUlo, of wtHcb denomination Mm. Watteraon laa cammnaleant, tad latonaoat wfH be 1« the fua*y In Oavo HID eaaoetary. Jo ha 0. Wlllri rotomed Koadai I from Dfltoa, B. O, wWr. bo apgal . tho weak «td with hi· taaRy. R*t. Elbert Ν. Johmaoa. Putor, Fint Baptiit Chareb of Doth t XUNKS IODINE AND MES SOON AFTER Ulliaftaa DrofjUl Had Bm DcprvtMd Sine· Bin inn ! Failur· Lllllr.jfton, April 3.—Ceoi*· H. ί-ting, ay· 44, took thr·* ounce· of -.Clare oi iodine tbii morning abSut >1 o'clock and died fifteen minatae la· .ft Mr. was proprietor of tlx 'a?· Fear l>rug Company, which •*ni Into a voluntary receive rahip ! >hree week* a* ο and sine· that tine !, had been (nttljr depreaod. Urabl* tu sleep he want to the .Antral Harnett })ui|>ital thU Dorrving . nd a*k*d Dr. J. W. Baliord, the ; hjrreian laboring. Or. HaJford : dmimatarad a hyperthermic and need :ame iodinr to cover the wound to ■■revent in/vctioB. The doctor went lto another room to get hi* coat to .company Mr. Lone home when he •turned ho found. Mr. Long had rank the content* of the bottle. The hy*ician did everything powthll to ;ni*citatc hka hut to no avail. Mr. Lone had lived hare all hia life -id waa prominently eraaactad with \any famille» in the county. Ba ! t mrrived by thre* brother*, J. D., V M. and W. 8. Long. of thia pJaea, | end one cuter, Mr·. J. C. Ooodwin. if Dunn.. Fuserai service* will be held t· •lorrow afternoon at X o'clock at l'leaaaat Union Chnatian chureh and ntennent will he in the f■ 1 r bu li ng groand. 7 ATAL ATTEMPT TO BOARD TRAIN El\ Wilder ο» Wibon'a Mflla. Pi*i At lUl Hoapital Aa Remit of Injur*·· Bart Wilder,.,. X·» aa ■tflijJ MHgaBaaaffiiaE^ ·« 'clock jeterday afternoon itw ha r.ompu.l to beard · g—bord Air Lin· freight train at the puMngtr tat ion at Cwy The young man waa ' rouffht to the city Tmxntdiately fol owjyg Uta tendent by Dr. John P. rIonter, of Cirjr, and aucrumbod a am boar· later. Wilder, who waa employed as a nember of a foret cutting a right ■f way for the power company at lolly Spring·, wa» vititing in Oary ad hid planned to beard the freight de to Apex and go to Holly Spring» I ia the Durham and Southern. He I T.idc aa a'.tefnyt to board Oie freight ι rain for the fuur-njllc trip at the ! ï-)re«ger ilat-'oa· at Gary. Wilder I :ra>ped the rang ef a ladder, tort >13 hold in tome manner, and (ell. Si head «tr'king a ail) axd aa an am ! mtanent at the dation. In falling 'he wa* alto «track by a freight ear. I Π!» (kail waa fmetered In foar place* iia toft tog broken between the ankle and knoe and hie body badly broieed. F>n«rgeney medical attention wu gtv •n and the young nan rushed te the ilnleVh hotpltal by automobile. I Wilder waa a native of Johactoa -oirnty aad h!» relative· reaide at , W'tann'» Mill·, near Selma. The My ( w»» placed In charge et a local un dertaker pending the arrival ef rela tive» to make arrangement· far the , 'nneral. Nothing la known her· aa t« thote who nurvive the victim of the j accident FORMER KING OFFERS PRAYER BEFORE DEATH CharUe HmI Bhb III Par Ta· Day* •afar· Daetar Waa CtHad I Funchal, Mad· r Is, April 2.—"Oh, ι Owl. thy will be dona, Into 1%y hands f commit my soul and the earr of my wife and children. 1 offer my l'fe m · sacrifice for my peo»»e.H Thn* (pake farmer EkapeTof chaa of Auitila-Bvanry, soreee and calait st tHo Bornant at hie death. . The Mr of tha former Emperor ;Κ!,·»{ rireeeed In the csmpafcrn eel fan· or > Field Marsha), lay today |sM planting lent. Georgia t Ikt ud of ι tlx |«T«nuM|^^ iafttlcg ka. b.«r< way in ι îuch cotton 7 the iaa· 'cmm hmi eKUnd entrai count!*·. The caat tlr jLt ι 'Xoct ngainH > ' ». had been ■? the rèceat paat )iciand teak otr a art becatue of 4k er a' operathree he further ι f flt!«hed oread of the rporta of broker* ] •c d* forced t> rarial. '«oth In New Enrfaa^ ^oott, beeanaa of ι υ in manufa <> beeau* of 1» The weak u« I He ar*t department Vorfrtt Ν. CIS BIG BUYER FRO* OTHER STATES ItMlk. April », ■ported la 1MO feed and feed φτο tach of ι >*Im of bsm then Itli,· NMN aceordin* to «cam which ha»· J eat km eapM bin nhm -■pert· u4w Ik· direettoa North J ■Carolina, «be atata la reaBy mo better I iff In the matter of IWaetaik predic tion than it wa» la 1910, at.wfcicb Lee it waa 78 per eelnt below the level of vvao a Hrfbtly (toebed farm area. One-third of ou fanoaca eat ao baiter and driak no atUk, and of '■Mane are prevfdte* no HÛk for their ; rowing children. baeaoaa they have ao milk towf. Iowa wttk fewer tarav en baa fear tinea aa aaay aiHk «owe ■ira inf· an o» iKiir qaanty. Un On half Um (mm ad \k» lUt· rrow MtHt HhtOM fet laaafly :a· and a auk aatoltor >w>·! |i»· Irbh potateea. W» latport Mn ^iit tfcm» w* piodatc and oae-tiatf the fermera la the aute in lt»0 pndat«4 na bay for >«ni for their Kw •Uak. ν "The eimyie treth U." «an Pl»· foaaar Hobba, "M Ihaaoaail· af nt tanaeta do net bagia ta feed their family aad Ureatoeh. Ni>U an Ihin faame βη aa Aort rattona, eapartal· •y ta la·» yam. TMr diet ta OM>al aneed and inooScloat. They »« β» dtruaarUhod, their children badly fad and Mr yfcjalual iwliniaiit ita» tod." "Turn yee*ie .hoald ba the beat fad yiu»l> af all yaayh. They AoiM and eonld have i «tO balançai (Mat, arlth Jut a little aMantiea to fMd prodaetto*. twcy fana la omr «tato ahould feed Itaatf flnt Oar faun woald yilltl myhwa 'or Mil in a ttmn tw dM fl|»it Η·ομ tndfkl 'I m ik· M Carolina play· pr—«a1o< by taint 1 Too cannot afford to m'j* Uia Duat» U the tot town whleh ha* ptoto«ad tkaao pity·. wtH toa by tto Carolina flipakin at du Univeriity, though thai* kn Won <ι·μΙ (or tka* to· all OMMitry. *>· Carolina tore tow·* thai to dlaaeaa. Now, «ton Dm it gfeaa tho emporta»*. of and U tho fir* town to to aa, yea] ihoaM arran*· to ko Ρ brin® your frloato. 1W play· to ko gtooa toad and onUrtainla* Aow. 1» M»| an1» Kitehaa" loto tho rtocy of too] rourUbip of · Μ·ι<Ιι Can and *trl to tho eometry, a Which k toewMo* ky all (ha *oia of (ho toi poaal ta ftnally Juk aad QU. tka nbk to·· r tka Mdo litofem «Μι to . "Tko Baton of Bmé Oa«to- to a| NEW YORK CRIME WAVE cromitiEsl April Starts Wttfc Mm Vto I ΙιμιΜΡιτΟιΙμ S*t U* h i New York, Ajprll 1_-Kew Tor*.] wkiek nispi record for •eentfc, begaa Afrfl with U Dave Motkowiu m M· t «Ul Λβφ caOtrng aa thé Ff«l NVhelae CaQtee te un Mb. Am μ·| to»afclt> 4im ap at the cnt, low] mm ipuc out tntf «Bind dM ι •ad eae of thai dtot Xeaka· be lay evwaitaK em fhe fleer. In —mm abeetia* affair, Jeeejhl «ι a eagre, tacilfri a MJrl ( wound Id the lay while otkar negro Lfitj a revolver Lata | tk* Mr *f John Foafc Faalar waa taken ta pttal whk «md4 la the mad abdaaen. Bolamon JUlevye,] charted with tha ^ao^eg, waa raatcd after ka had barricaded m If behind the dear aΛ aa f» off Cotaanko» Circle and f«rced feminine wifpafcta to aland before | hi· aa % (kleld from tha ballet* Thirty —ran ptitom wm Muiir id daring Htrcl>, KtardlH *· raaaH· | ib·· of a dally afMfif«. COTTON GDOWP.M IN oaoaoiA ikn puoou Atlante, Afrt I. — 11* Q—Igh Cottaa Qi»■»·»>' Ou apt rail»· A— c'atlaa haa obtalnad phdgn far S4·, 00· tola· af cottaa la tiki· State ta bo taarbated fc* poaltaf amwewete tt *u anaaamtd bar* lata today. Caorgia W the tavanU Mate to m» plate Ite mimtmmm «jaate a# MMN balaa aad win ba fada rated wfta Mm atiiw Oia···' lacbaagi. "WW· Um bal waa»B mm. we'll nradaoa a«r awa faad ««pphaa Ν *aD fa hungry ta No Kb fan··· ft U Hebaaa** obotea." 1 1 BADIN PLART TO ' FUHVSH POWER uib unaiua· ii>n >no «φη sa w* Vint Baptijt church thi» lliui· ali tor Mkl for en explanation of the meaning. and import of It. Tbon In anaarer to his inquiry the ;nnlii» toll· him that the church b ■ qrm bol of tho faith and conviction of a jrtxip of p*opU Ho thaw* firat that It ia a symbol of their faith in tho Invisible, inaudible, «piritual world, rf God; that th« church vu baih bocaaae of a conviotion that there ia a Ood to be arorahipped and tarred. Secondly, that the cbureh eyuibolieoa the belief that thi* God haa manifeat cd Hiaucif to Been throajh a Man, Christ J cru· who la more than a man. Thirdly, that tha chareh «tend» for the conviction that man ara brother*. PoartliVy that the building aymfcoMaoa faith In Immortality. baxdlately followtn* the aarmon, Mr. J. C. Clifford came forward and burned tha laat at die notaa and AOlt mi«i In tha preaanee of tha congre gation. A* tho fire arma hunting tha laat ve*tl*a of inddbtedaem an tha church, ha «poke moat feelingly aa Ifollpwat