Μ BONN DISPATCH Avril 1. MU ;v -i ai «-Mm mm . A . LES'JATS A Κ D - rmiDATS *JsmÎE —— Mtfc «cuscurnox «Ara·: · •mJ« --M-00 « «« ÎUothi ' · " ||! CASJi Ix'ÂDVANci"" ' I ■ 1 Λ*)!»» alt ι iwinénrfw «« τλλ Ι '-:-9Mek All fC • t.fatth «η to T^chrf Γ 1 . V»·· ItS.' Cwivintini awi var (*vbc4. bat acted < '«.r. : <* aia·» fonlak aa with Ida ι ■i a aat mmouj that tka dim to] jVUW. kut »« fcuiat that it ba t »aa a· an avlfeaaa of ι *t\ STRING BRANCH Uni th. ymlig of tta Vernal '.'qjhite. the ί ι·· iin*y, to Ion* !» V.*·, MM «Β be (radulljr W» : v: freat ta lethargy. thekine °ti i apathy. ma4 otfcerwtae indieaUn* >.» tb (Mtit. gakàeaiaç inflaenee ■ί Sprtnc eu pMattata «ru the vjtrt lad Matt hidebound place*. Tko h»m] mUh period of Un H -Ian toA ha* urlml with the Od mat Of coceplaiate and ■ i «at» agaiaat Hi* HivMif by the —ad Udic. Now «a itaee «ta am • ·■» trmbW let Ma glra a anra «4 ■Jit pmtallti'ft. A ten cent black t a«foetid*, chip it ta· à**P » ta .. jottl* or Jar, fill th« «Mi «ta - wr. utida the chieka toad «ta i » «atar tad refill jk, rami with ι -er once a*£h day. TMa It aara t· ' - ρ tko >—t». rat·. «Mn, «laatlt isi aiggon 'rota kathoiiag yaw h'ekana a«d alto keeps tic chick* la hn!ttqr coadltiea. Nethln* bat ac cent will kill a«a af Umb. Wker, : ci with to «at aaa iaolata It (or a •nr day· ttd feed flit grain. * Iht foelida need a at ko ι twul of otor thaa oaca a aaenlb far a fto-'t . r ι oo ch'*ta Th. nairt fctatj laiaa and riak « «a m Cxi tmmOf of oat of the ep - r.tun ha Va nwaMrf the Oaath ■V Uivmto· Jackaaa Booaa Mfg. Co., (■f joy killer far to fMt thirty day·, '••ft they ta]·· with the ronm; erf ?rtn* to toemte the natyl auJR -^-at*7 to bring ay and area iacreaat 'it atn'Jly oraraga. Thia / m if 'xUb ·ρ of Jknaaat? faiatu aad ca >ya the jatreaaft of our loading !<«r!ital?> Reporta on tko aativkiaa of the lo i«! I«. T. P. U. wtll to |toa la tkû fvc a* those actKltia· liiwai m ikaaklc Kaceae ef fana ami paucity •f «1rs mm aapa the vitality et uj .•«îg.oua .U..MI .. _ Ma te aet gMMitlj' mM m a tut ti, lalaiag aaatioa bat mmuMm, Cm ara to ba mm Λ all pablte .■■«hai'nai lus· pnniiii» af wary Otm caivaa ■>»■» OWÎH 11* M |||M af Aw that M eppertwKy M «how tfcaai b miMai. Tbay no la ate· tnm that af the ρητ» Mal «lnnlay itick ta U large aa -iIth hot and «ι* ateijl Am ta 7«ln L»( aqr they wave I The aerrice at Spring Branch aa Mil «ai eondactad by faf. A. C. Party of Baleigfe- Tba ebareh an^ xutar hap· to be aMe ta aataie Mr. Haarnhy'a carrkaa ta a aeatiac »r day* latar la thte year. The oU Oiiaa Mill jaflaw U ha at aaca a piaca of pieaaare and pra »t ta ha patroca thla year. Saitahle nMwKiila wifl ha aereed la pte ntefcaza aad the general pabBc on (MaHaja attar May tat, aad the fry haft af table meal can be had at all tiaaa. Ate aad water free to patraaa while a aaahil charge will ha Bade for cfhar »ai ι leea. D. B. US. April t, IMS. ■ROADWAY HOUNG MAM MES m SAMFOBS HOSPITAL Broadway, April t.—Heffl Barring too,' aaa of Mr. aad If»·. D. D. Har rington, a* Broadwaqr, 4M la Can tral haapltal at Banferd following »ij 1· year» aM and a aaaaabar af the PiaÉhftaala· ehnreh. Ha la aarvived if hia parent», two brother* aad owe tfater. town It to Dot for thoM election, into the te qulUf to tke modem girl cMeriy critic· to b« to her jontt.—Baltimore itk tf. L. P. 8UXUS. od or girv oat tke During •re not ■ * tfato j>ro m«T And • wooier H. À^feBUB. B^irtnir. A»rtl 4 Τ H 14c. ' LEGAL AD! •f DiUUKUo t »n«| foi· axlnirj; LumbeT Com KtMfsrssr^jfs th« mM U:n|v ' r-U· Mld tr «ntirn Dawui, liml· tlw Tu — Campa ν \ Λ"! mii Twta*xc-Ju«.-i ka»« b«an «««une t « and Ail k'H» due _ Lumber - Comm) auat b.Wfcd >kk. D. TURNAGR, PAUL· JONES, t V. DAWSON. HaRk tl 1M1 Marali IHI4 1L Hartnjr qaallfiad m administrator ol the nUtt of H. P. Johnson, latc •1 Hamatt Cnwty. North Carolina, tMa U te notify all paraoai having claim· againat tha «Mata of »a!d d*· •«njé. or ÛU •1 Uii.e ι nl Jii . cl Thie Gay ao "Ja rh 88 tke linger ie, 1*2 J, ■ed 11 I.»? -uai ae «. rnlio .a· . Joln.i-ja. lost. r, Atiomrjri. 4 1) 18 25 M*y S. Ν·β«· 1 ' •4e* aeU] arity renier I vv.t**|f»c, ι uwer:*- si I *c.t M:, I Oa relia·, I -» Rrtit 1 r tr ·« >·-···>ι^ etored < T**id .'Τ aid·· ubLV ι , (leaf· ^fordey III it, th· dwrîbed a* : MM)· rtrert #od roi •Uk« ; stake; then·· ! •I liai ΕιΙ·ι· *ir.or ef the euth the nnde-«-d exiWion of the »& In a by Ceele oaoty, North ι the A See of « r80«. In the therein Deed, and de for aaac. ' for «ale at h, at the Cowt __ County, oa of May 102J, ar (te defined and to-wit: •take on Wilaos 1M feet te · Ν. U (Ht to I X. 142 feet to Wilton (kiMi with WUaon (trMt to the Vacbvflnc, containing two (I) lota, ία tkk town of Dman. N. C., mm U |ΊΗ f«t, and ν corded, in tx*#k No". 188, pafv »81. in t\R;ajfUrr of fV«c« 1st day of April 11*22. TIUJHMAil LUUBEB ΟΟ. INC. ι Κμ1|·(η. >o»C(r/B(i( and Yuunj, Attorney». April « 11 II 86. Week End Spéciale - Thurs., F: APRIL 6th, 7th, and 8th vW irm r-'4 hum MM DRY GOODS SPf&IAL S Oc and Me Lad «ad Laete Cloth, 32 «ad fêJhath, extra «poêlai for Thondajr, Friday and Satarday ...... Ml Quantity tfaaitod to «aok eoa im Botta Ion* etoth. 1· ΑΛΙ® ·ρκΜ.·..Λ· New Dresses, New Coat Suits, New Slippers - . / Just Arrived and all Being Offered in \ / THOUSANDS"OF OTHER BAR GAINS AWAIT YOUR COMING GOLDSTEIN'S Dunn's - Best - Cash - Store WATCH! - Our Win dow Display for Week End Specials Each Thurs., Fri., and Sat. — w* con· Oar Buyer·, who » tant I y on the Mi My they are ffoi&f to fur nish u* each weak with freah new thiof· to offer our trad· - at uahaard of pt 1 biff lot of jroung men'i Drena nit», conaiatlnf of kwaeda, aprinff w elf ht,. caaat mm·, MrffM, «te., in the new •port model· and tlao plain English. Valu·· to |30.00, we are totef to aell them at the 'special price of— $17JO ' Oar men*· furnish! mr «lock 1· complot·, ailk shirts, Bilk hod rry, neckwear and other ttenu too numerooe to mention, all of which we are selling at a treat as ring to jon, We ara offering great valu·· In our read? to wtar depart ment. W· ara jaat la receipt of new· from our trajrer* that oa thb Wednaeday evening we wll> receive about 100 ladiae garment·, conaiating of dreee··. cape·, mittt, ate. The*· gooda ware bought at tha.right price· and we will therefore be in a poaittoa to paaa them «a to/ you at the light pricea. Do aot fall to eae them.