♦ *»«·*» a * L Ο C A I. * **♦<*··« » A daughter, P«ri Genevive, ara» bora Fiidiy night to Mr. ami Mia. F. 0. BSk.n. Mr». E. J. Swindell of Southern Plr>e«, vliitxl rfliiifH 111 Dunn and >t Bute'· Creek thl· week. Hugh Prince returned Monder morning from a week'· bualneae trip to St. I-oo.«, and other weetern eittea. Mr. and Mr*. Pittaaan ai Florida, arrived Monday to viait Mr. Ptttaaan'· brother, B. G. Pittman. They will be here for errerai day*. Holnn, the young daughter of Mr. and Mre. J. A. Poole, baa about re covered froea bar retent Itlneaa Her condition ij steadily Improving. Κ. B. Calbreth la moving ihli week lato Kit hatxleome new bungalow on Wrat Divine (traet. He hu ana it itbc mort beautiful «mail home* In the city. J. N. Bamette and family have moved to Dann and will make thia their permanent home. Mr. Bametta is Baptist Sunday 8φοο! Secretary for Eiitem North Carolina. Mr I. Sue Allen Irfl Monday for her home in North Importa. Va., af ter «pending eovne tinve hare with her daughter·, M Lee Kathtyn Allan and Mre L- X. Warren. There will be a dance at the Xilli grey Hotel In Lllhagton Friday night April 7th. Muaic wlH be furniehed by the Harmony Byncopeton. The hour· are from 9 to 1 a. m. Ε. Ε. Surlea οί Rocky Meant, •pent th· week end bar* with rela tive* and friend·. He (u ■ position witi the American Railway Expraaa Company In Rocky Mount. Atlantic Coait Line train acrricc w·· HolaycH her· a ihort Um Bator day when a box oar waa wracked on the mtm line >oet north of Dunn. It took only a abort tape to clear tha track. Dr. W. 1. McQlotàlin will «fee his clotlag lecture at the Vint Ifcptlst Church tonight at 7:10 o'clock. His subject will be "The Rite of the Cath olic Church." The public ia cordially invited to hear him. • Rn C. R. Vuia^n, Mia. /ehi A. McKay and Mia. Ε. N. Johnson re tarried Saturday itvm Charlotte whore they attended the Woman 'a Missionary Union convention held is that city March SB to 80th. Mr*. Floating continues quite ill at a hoaplta] In Fayctteville. Aaothec operation was recently performed and It aeems hard far her to oreneoaae It la her present wakened cowdl tfeai « »· '·» ■ · - — Dr. P. Λ. Stewart, who was called te Oreenadboro last- week on account of the serious llineaa of his father, i* ititl at his bedside. His father'» condition continues aarioua aad be 1· not expected to recover ■ The Cathay Buggy Comfwrj of Saliabary, ku » car load of milk cow* and ealvea, back of BmWi meat market, which they arc iff» ing for taaent and for the pact three yean haa been a treat aufTerer. He waj a thirty-ascend decree ma •on and wu loved by many friendt η Dunn and vicinity. He W%* a younf mar of atronj character and lovablt traita that endeared him to all. The funeral «rricea will be con tacted from the Tint Baptiet church this afternoon at te'clock and the >ody wtU be buried at Oreeawoed ■teintry with Masonic honora. IV wrvicea will ba conducted by Hev Ε. N. Johnaon. who will be aaaiatad by Rev. J. A. Campbell Card ·« Thaaka We wtah to thank oar friend· for their many acta at Iclndnea· and a comfort to ua during the Ulneae and .-taatb of our dear mother. May God richly blaaa each of you MBS. ELLA GODWIN. MBfl. Ν. Β BAAS. ί FOR IAL( KÙULof PL) IOUTH ιηχ. J a* KOOAK FlNlSHll. _ ν Mi»» tetth'» itMjf will tmrnS ko J dak film» within V4 h»v*. Tn Ifc AUTO FOR #4IM.-VkOMPT ANC •Oeient MrvUt. JJomforUble con C*R£ Talefthoi* 41k Lucknew Now**! Uni J M311Î CLOTHING,. 1LIPP heU and manj "* for men «»w« modela, patte la f real y to th to iwnro tic, for kuler, Co. iVANT ED.—OLD federate Alto loci and !i In va Waj k ope» price1 Con to an; drew Dunn, N. C. SHIRTS iteeu of drea all ci n«wt· ace cotaln/ low Front Store 10 want the be· R. O. Taylo April 6, 10SS I place ι Wii S. AND CON iaiopi af a)l klnda ι tamp· r CM 1 lection aal enrel la repart ha»·. Ad Box 113 Uwy 28 4tp< any, a tnri' TOO II SIDE YOU HAVE tri: now try the beat. Gainey. Ε REST, Tir··. Ε. V 17 tfc. CHICKENS AND EGG* WANTED We will pay klfncrir cach price» Wlr· at for jpnM Owui Fruli and Produce Co.,Warn?·, Florida. SI Btc. ANYONE WISHING (renard corMt ο Wo ο» call Mr» J. phone *10 V / r« KB ANKL1N SYRUP yfw PER CAM Arc yau g«lt ag /our lilr frteT If not tr*a£w:lb u« and bow Mijr tt iei/Freemen'· Cm! Grocery. Τ H th AUTO FOR efficient eer* Tryanre Lue know WANTED —MF. taka trim hoalary, fai dM. Di· a «Mk full ΉΠ ti •ary. In Norrirtown ROMPT AND ifnrtabla rbn Telephone/ 410 EN TO guaranteed ο aad ehll min* 140.00 II.CO an hw •ne· mnnae·» Stocking Mill· WHITE HÔU$ BUod Coff·· veraity Cleb coupon· In PAY CASH Grocery. >ft ANp QUEEN'S taMSe /tr pound. Un!· b 10 /iiiti. Silvcrwara adljtJIn. "ΓΓ PAY· TC llfJ/ Freeman'· Ca»· V SI tie AGAIN THIS 1 , lot of Enter •ad tilk bl item of f«»h aaality com. Store. Aad •re cheaper. [April I, lilt iCK. A SPLENDID I.ary. rflk waUta many other and b«ii Yellew Front all, folk·, all Taylor Co. ltc. AUTO FOR MRE^TROMPT AND efficient wr«Kl. ^begfortablc con veyance. CkU^Telephone 419 Lucknoor Strqf Stand. HSltf h· Tir» front of M. V. j f ill tf«.| IRISH COIBUM, • e.CU par rT^i tio. ta.ai-, bum Food ta.50 per BUvorwaro >"rc«BMUl'l CAk THINK tt with a for tkU . wbr toi ci fm» «ter quality wi crros. and β. Tfcylor TO Tins DEMOCRA' or HJL I hershyV H'dn'e for»If court of Ht th· action ο α Jo">c. If slectcd tht doHpj or tmrar, as ■ a do. SI tfc. littajjy L. L. LBVOiBON. of Pursuant to a call _ W. P. Bjrd, rhilr—w Ucao Kxocolivo »ΛΙ CoBMgr, th* for Awartir on o'clock room. Ια Dunn. Tkii pri of jo be asur #Hawy fsr Hon b* held at $Λ6 ι Ko ~ k rton-Halc iin. This K>ti ll 31 y. Β. H. To ma of tha DiniHli r«u. ι nattf· cand nui· U oury. Any qual (or tha plaao a_. : - of which I opfaUra the _ T&tUS the OaaaraVA umd by iS'i to bo Bar tMT, 1 aiay have to iw, amd »i*l «fitly confidence I là· tnut aad liant ability V In your of the party or the walfatc the khNABLE HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALWAYS IN THE LEAD —r— •MRW "ΓΙ Butler Brothers § Dunn, Ν. C. Varina, Ν. θΜί: Jff? » ■1 » » · ■* * # «ΐ· ν ■ V1 I « .+■ '·:»■«'· ! . Γ&' SPRING : TIME/ DANCE New tel /fwmiegrey gtonf N. G pal 7th, 1922 a. m. y à/limc by HARMONY J/SYN< Admission $3.4 THE LAST DANCE OES, PUMPS AND ν FIT AND GRACE * Y FOOT