THE DUNN VOLUME IX. < DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA, DR. IRA LANDR1TH BE BERE APRIL 18 Law Enforcement Community M*u Meeting At The Presbyterian Church “Th* American Issue” devoted to t'urihering prohibition throughout the notion, carried In the number of March 4th, the itinerary of several speaker* of prominence Who propose to campaign North Carolina during the spring months prior to ths pri maries, thin city to bo included in tho itinerary. The following comment was made: “The North Carolina Anti-8aloon League it now planning n speakers' campaign that will reach every part of the State. We hope, in these two hundred meetings, so to reach the Christian patriots of this state that they will wake up to the necessity of using the primaries to nominate the right type of men to make and to enforce our law*. Every man and wo man who wants to sso North Carolina make good In the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment ie requested to become a booster for the meeting that is to be held In his town or com munity and to make out of every one of these meetings a community mass meeting for obedience to law and en forcement of law." Dt. Ira Laudrith, a famous orator and Chaatauqua lecturer la scheduled to apeak in Dunn at the Presbyterian church. Tuesday April 18. In speak in w af T>n T J.ilt Ur. Ira T. Landnth has been a prominent character ia this nation for several year*. He is a native Tex an and the >iae of the state indicates the dimensions of the man. Physically speaking, he is six foet, three inches, and weighs two hundred and forty pounds. For 14 yearn, ,.j was the edi tor of a religious newspaper and a ' moat prominent one for reform rarer urea in Tannaaree. In his church councils, also, he haa gon* to the top, having bean Moderator. For the past several years, be haa bean one of the Star apeak*rs of the Anti-Saloon Lea l -gue of America. The San Francisco 1 simply want wild.’ " JOB OF RE WRITING TARIFF BILL FINISHED Washington, April 6—Th* work of rewriting the 100,000 odd rates in the Fordney tariff bill finally was completed today by *’«• Senate fi nance committee Republicans. Con sideration of the technical adminis tration feature* was begun lata in the day and Chaiitpan McCuaebar is hopeful that the bill can be com pleted by Saturday. The big question remaining before the committee is that of th* valu ation principle to be written Into the meaaure. The ad valorem rata* as now contained In th* bill have bean rnlculatad on th* basis of foreign val uation, but whether this weald b* approved beady remained to be de termined. DUKE BRIEFS Duke, April 6.—Revival eervico* started at th* Methodiit church Sun day. The pastor, Rev. J. R. Andrews, will do the preaching. It Is expected that the service* will last two weak* The ladies of the Baptist church gave a vory enjoyable “brunrwleh •tear" In th* Eradn Purk last Satur day- The proceeds want far charitable purposes The Erwin Park band, under the able leadership af Director MJehaflo Reyteli, gave their fleet concert of the ucaaon Sunday afternoon. People from rarroanding toane And thir a vary tnjoydblc attraction during the ntnener eaaaon. Ja. Caddie, of Fayetteville (pent Bandap kora with fcle brother, X. C. Coddle. Mr. H. J. Elmore, 0f Rocky Meant It opoadlaa oeveral daya here with her >later, Mr*. K. R. Thome*. Mr*. 0- M Johnwm, of near Duka, loft Tkoraday far Liadon, Va., to at tend the burial of bar fathpr, J. A. Borryman, who died nddealy. Mr*. ■. R. Thom** and faaUfy ■pent the week and in Waat Durham with retartlveo. Thomaa W. Sprinkle apont the week *nd In Burkina visiting friend*. C. H. Millar attardod th* Aow at the Academy «f Ma*ic In Raleigh Saturday night, C. H. l‘*Pio”> Andonon apeat the week and at Karnoravlila with rela tive*. J. a. Webb ipent But day at Lin don. N. C., visiting friends. Several of the local "Iaane Wal ton*” knvo tapSfWd an anuoaat hand of "gisaard" ahad recently from the water* af the Cap* Roar. M l* ottimatod that an th* Prat dhy of baooball li,Md,M0 grand x • mother* will ha kuriod. BOOKER WASHINGTON STATUE IS UNVEILED Fuad* Far Erection Of SUtue Com triLuted by 100,000 Nefret, Many At Eearettee Tuekcgte, Ala., Apr-1 S.—A bromic statue of Booker T. Washington born in slavery, but who founded Tuekc gcc institute, was unveiled here to day in the presence of a gathering of white people and negroes from all parts of the nation. Funds for the erection of tbe sta tue were contributed by 100.000 ne groes. end it depict* the negro edu cator In the act of pulling away from s -.Touching, half concealed black man the veil of ignorance and supersti tion. Carved on ita bate tra the words. “He lifted the veil of Ignore nee from hi* people and pointed the way to progTas through education and induatry." Other inscriptions from Washing ton’s Writings, on the bear include: “We ahull prosper in proportion ar w* loam to dignify and glorify la bor and put brains and skill into the common occupations of life." “There is no defense or security -or any of us except In the highest nteliigencc and development of alL" “I will let n* man drag mo dawn o low as to make me hate him." Th* unveiling, held in connection with founder*' day of Tuskegee in stitute, brought together the largest crowd that over viaitad tha institute. Egg* are having the.r near-Eaatei trouble*. lan’t it about time for the annual iliacovery of a building truat ban on drinking at WILLIAM AND MARY ■All Student* Who Taah Up Oa In toxicant* Hereafter Will Be Expelled Newport Npwa, Apvii 4.—The stu dent council at William and Mar; Collage haa bannad drinking at the Lnatltutien voting to expel a Bonn who a found under the influence of liq uor after he haa onre been warned The declilon waa^uxtdl'' public, ir. following article: , "Prinking muit atop. The etudeat council told the men student* lent Wedneedajr morning ia chapel. In view of the fact that during the* I eat month there haa been more drink ing than In the entire year preylou* to that time; end that there have been numeroue complaints In thi> matter, the connel) haa decided to take stringent action in ell cate* ef drinking. "Hereafter, any man when found guilty of drinking intoxicating liquor? will be expelled from college, if he has been a consistent drinker, or If ha hae been warned for each an set before. The jodgment will depend upon the faeta o' tho ease. Ignorance of thil ruling 1* no exemet It U not the deaire of tho council to expel any man, hut lentement ia against drink ing and it will bo natively prohibted.” WHISKEY FLOWS FREER THAN BRANCH WATER Sanford, April 8.—Whiakey waa freer than water in Sanford yeeler dey afternoon when Mayor Titta and bia assistants turned alooae 493 quarts of '’hoteled-ln-bond” in the sewer pipe. When this waa found too todioaa a process, they ruoorted to the sport of throwing th* bottlrs against an Iron pipe and lot the earth soak op th# contents. So, literally ■peaking, Sanford Is a whiskey-soak ed less today. This last aeons in th* aoteal local garage haul eras enacted withoat aay ceremony, few citlaens knowing even that It was going on until it was aB over A 'few thirsty souls gathered around tAe remains to got a whiff al the penetrating contents and to join with Judas Iscariot In his cess ment, "What a waster MW#- VANDERBILT TO •PEAK AT GOLDSBORO Charlotte, April •. — Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt, president of the North Carolina Agricultural society ha* ac cepted aa invitation to attend North Carolina Drainage Convention at Goldsboro. April U-». Mis will make an addreai an the “Black Beil Land of Baatera North Oarolls*." As presi dent Of the society Mrs. Vanderbilt i also preddest of the North Caro lina Bute Pair. Bar plana for th* fair In IM* will stake ft illustrate the manufacturing and agricultural Industries of th# State. Mrs. Vander bilt I* interested in the Madr-in Caro lina association, and plan* to make the Mr a place where tHo people roa too what Is made and grown In North Carolina. PonpU saving far a rang day of U« m Intakes a dnaaie for a flood. SLOW TO PARDON IN MOONSHINE CASK Governor Say* Thu Manufac ture of Wluakoy Moat Stop Declining the recommendation o 1 the judge w'uo tried the ease and 'He solicitor who prosecuted, Gorer ■or Morrison yesterday laid down (Hr proposition that the crime of manufacturing or assisting In tha cams'neture of whiskey is a ddib irata offense and that he will be vary Jow to "pardon anybody else for this •ffansg." The application in question vat made for William Edward*, of iohnaton county, stntcncod In A ag ist 1021 to 12 months on the roads 'or manufacturing whiskey. fn his statement of reasons Gorer tor Morrison said: "The prisoner In this raw, WJllam -dwarda, was convicted at the Aog iit term, lltl, Johnston superior ourt, of manutartnring srbltkey and ‘ente.rced to 12 months on th* county oada. "Hia pardon 1* rrcommanded by ha solicitor who prosecuted and b7 he Judge who tried and sentenced >im. Ordinarily upon those recosn n rdatlons 1 would parol* sr pardon hr priioner; I have don* to In »*v ■ral similar cases, but the crime of nanuractoring whiskey, or assisting n doing to. is in it* nature a vary lelibcrate offense. It has worked treat demoralisation in many eommu litics i.n this 8ute. I think the sen rvnstu e-./ 14 wsAnika /mm Ik la iv#onao nodarate. Thne are many other* on hr ronda of the State for the mac ■ffonsc whom 1 am not going to par ion and I must decline to pardon h>a defendant. Tho manufacture of if whiskey and the operation of die ilteric* muat be broken up. It is ec oaaly mtap'ering with many com nunite* aad I am gaing to b* vary low. and will hate to have moat ox alient rcwo» to pardon anybody >la* for thia oITruo." HORRIBLE CRIME ON A FARM IN KANSAS tilled Owe, Fatally Iajorod Severe! Other* And Thee Set FTre To HeWea Concordia. Kaa., April 5.—Ualng he family axe aa a weapon, nmeont ra.-ly today killed Theodore Troan ilay. IS, knocked fcor of Theodore’* -ouiigrr brotlicra, three probably fa ally, Injured the father and act Arc a the hooae and barn st the Trean lay farm near 8t. Joseph. Officer* aid tonight they were without chics. ’ he cider Tremblay, a widower, who I oaly slightly injured, eoold throw 10 light on the murder. The orinc waa discovered by neigh bor! attracted by the biasing bouse tnd barn. Joseph Bachand, the first to arrive old officer* he fonad the father at (he rear of the house. Hie feet and land* wore tied with wire and be «emed dazed and waa bleeding, Bae tand mid. Us waa only partly drwaa «d Baehand aaid he carried Treiriblay to the porch and went Into the bum ng house where be removed the four .oanger children. Only one hea a haaee to recover, according to phyti -lan*. In the barn, Bachand aaid, he found the burned body of Theodor*. :ail in spine for si YEARS REMOVED Toronto. April 1.—A nail aanbod dad in a man'i (pin* (or Si years hot Soon removed, and tha patient, Iaaae Carapbeh. of Caledonia, C. B., will orobabty reeever, It ni told at the Weetern Hoepltal her* to. I my. It war found n« nr wary to remove three vertebret to yet the nail. Camp bell warn hen In a railroad aeoident. 1 •m,my ■ ■ ■■■ THE EMPLOYMENT SITUA TION IS MUCH IMPROVED VTadtiByton, April ».—Employ ment eoMlItlen* throoyhoat the reen try eontlaaa to improve, accordiny to report* raeetvorf n including Raleigh. The uw again it a girt wm no! procied In tho * court, where Uih quintet a haar ng. Cartia Sender*. pleaded ratlty to gram he baavieet a three men. He wu given on lh« road i. by Judge MaeRae. sod did not take aa "Chirk” Ivirett and Oltle rter. -cd to 9 dayi on and rack appealed to tho court. They were found immoral or,duct. Both are from Hop# Killi. Bath of the girli in • of ?ood npptaiaaci but dniuionn on the ■Vhiifcey wae freely ebieb conmunod part aad all of Talley made tim rue aa clean aa ••Antially far from Sergeant George rgr it' th« CiMB -ke, in addition to of hit rape nor al_ l wbiuntal reward landed capture of a till. Sergeant Coatiii a effect the capture,' n (ho nraarpe of l»c hour* after ha* ho aa;U in paliwlling IMk eerttea of he reuarvation for Whoa :h« Woe had or, • yataaape, op .reached (he atiU lata-Ja tha after iooa, carrying tea cap'md worm on Uia back, the eorgeeat the drop >a him and marc! bo ora bio houe 10 milaa ^-camp bead RAgALirffo ■ Snoitkfiald Tobacco May V—Five Daya ia Bhaa Graaa State rhe Smlthdaki Obeerrer. T. 8. Ragvdalc, of Uia ehy. who ua been on a trip throughout Kfcu ueky for tea purpoae of aeeurli« 3rat hand information oa the work ngi of the co-operative eeiUag rye urn, haa returned to the city and ua made a abort hot atrulght U tha .oiat talk to the people of thie city n tha opera home urging thorn to vork a* they never have be'ore to wrfect the organieetten aad have all the dotal to worked out by the .paring of tha new aaaaon. Mr. Rage laic made kit'trip in five days. While a the Burley bolt bo celled oa banb raa, merchant*, farm— and tobacco aen and found tea m«Jv*ty of thorn in favor of tho movement. Ho Ua M)f I* elated over the equation. “The pool In Kentucky i* going to market 120 million pound* out of 170 million railed tbit aaaaou,'* a* '«)d Mr. Ragxdale wbaa atead about '.be poo) and iti walk. Bo mid teat the ftret thing bo did when ho gut u> Kentucky woe to ea8 on Mr. Jam C. Stone, director of alee in that re oJ*m_. ate-*, v- ..IJ tel- .1_* . ■ borrowed See mi Men dollar* from banker* to dirt opoinHon and ♦*■«» they had made arrang*imnto with eke War Finance Board for a loan of twenty mllMea dollar* bat they did net hero to e*n o» them for it. The pool boa already eeld about U ir TO mtlMon poande of green tobae ee which enabled them to pay every penny the aaaoeletle* owed. ORB AMI .MKANINOLSSS, DECLAftBS ALIENIST Londcne, April E—Or. Wttliam Brown, mental ^mNMM and bead if the department of yefcbologJ hi King'* Oollage, Unhremity of London, * a novel theory of dmaaet, reject ed the claim of tike pybohomnalyleN that that are alway* MgUUaat, that *»ory part of them bn* a manning •blob met be leaked far In pr'm* ttee deeirne larking la the mbiia eeien* mbit He gave them a aad Mmpler Mgnldjmneo. 'The faaetlea of a drearm b to piard eleep.” be aid before the leett lelion of Hygiene, "la -deep deetrea craving*. aanletloa, the, mamertm el earlier day*, all ef whhh me Mm fbm lamemui ilmab Mil ml ad weH op and etrhretewud ' amllnmni while Em Mala pemmnlHy lit M n beyaaea. If they lemi — i?' WOULD DIE THAT NAN MIGHT UVE . "Is these any law under which 1 eoold die ia his place," writes • Wilmington woman te Gee rye Sosi Are, Superintendent of the State Pstooo, oftrelay henplf as the IMh ■riellm of the oleetitc chair la place of Clyde Montgomery, under sen. e»re of doatfi for rape, and denied a rehear my by the Supreme Court There ia nu law, but hack of tfcal query that coract from the woman whose name is withheld by the pn >on authorities there ia pirtiapa some hiny finer even than romance. Thera J no doubt, a dlriae spark that would yo dawn to death in place uf a mu in whom the law has found much evil. Montgomery came te the prises from Wlhalayton, aonteaced to doath formeof^uTmooUinycS u the annals of North Cara lie courts. Hut records of the trial are sordid and black beyond racauatiay. but •over so black hut mmowhur* there is a woman, and not of his same, who would yo in his place upon the groat advents!*. •cores of letter* have been re chred 'ran Wilmington women any r*y the Governor toward elemeucy n the matter of Montgomery. No lay has bean set for bis doath. The upraau court a wash ago declined a llUur kina m - — leial L. **3tt hi Um death house far tfit day >n which the Governor w4H tay that ia must die. HI* victim wu a girl *•»*• yean old Otdca customs alWwd a slave to lie fee hit ataeter. and salt! older cue oam that pot more liberal centime ~on on the scriptural -Ufa far a ~t*" allowad aay erne to mffsr yua 'kmrnt lor another. Bnt thaae things