THE DUNN DISPATCH t r *9 Cwdiiiii IMBMMiClb mad* ta Th* Onto ■f*y-wS Min, than tofam th. ta tha Jam prl th* caw. Witt *ffk« of ahcriff than ut far all th* I th* cat«*• wtU ^*3s§2l 1 ta wlaet good *» tha affair* of the diowt'af action a 9f th« eoaatjr and of the a hey are farced tt tnaaa arc **• tac kick and f ml that thay arc ta aem* relief. Far tha pari f oar weal thiol » pay Chair tax* ptaa. tha tota' thay aaald not dU it at ona time And thla y*a more than a third of the lur - -A been paid to date. Of eaarw tvow who mm la (t May »#d» »wir a h • i ‘ i f ♦ talib •“» | w,V I • ! y / ar*» * ‘ m -art-aTa w * a« tk» kttatx I - * JCw artaaT ad aat’va aati.t* f> «*J» La* i la tk« fafl aa4 »»r1 «!4k aaa a aaa fitaiid aa IV aataaf tka afaaar. TWa# rraara* f ji - - k a k— far »• aa» .tmu 'a l.r dvw. daisy (tall Ki:im. I fctv r*v ’vitilinl tkU «,««rr ftitb any irinf i'wv eawin* k. If I had umd iW pound* of para Nava Scotia land l-laitor per sera iu a lop riroMwr on ihU * lover aiomid the fir* vf Mmrrt , •••»*■• havv been much bettor thun ’l la tkla elaeor doei not bloom the i B**t Jtar. fc a*V blown And make | toad the recoct year. Voa can mow j t far lay t'ia ceeb.'d year a* often •a yoo can mow al'atfa. Cow* 'can «n*« »>* this etavor while the dew U i .-a aa«l no danger of Planting the awo. A Swoab Clover lot the tecond raa.- I* a pand‘«o for the honey bee Hoaty made' from Uiia clover will '•f'-i-g live cent* per pound on any ■*»rket morn than from any other kind of clover. Oeatt. N. C., April 7, l®t2 ARBUCKLE'S THIRD TRIAL NEARING CLOSE Sehadalad To Eater Claeing Weak Today) lavImr Will Bo Fleet Wtaaai 8a* Francisco. April 9.—The third trial of Botroc Aifcuckle on a charge of manslaughter li scheduled to cn '•r Iti closing week tomorrow. Barry Barker, friend of Mix Vir gia-a Hoppe, upon whoan death tin charge againu Arbuckle 1* pradical •d, it to be the firat witnea* tomor row, h'a examination being eantinu ed oxer from Saturday. Barker teitificd tn teeing Miv ~*y;c ill or- a 'number o' occasions Mr*. Virginia Warren Cbi'awr nurw, and Mm. Helen Whitehurr Mm witnenet. art under tabpoe oat to appear before the grand jur;. Tcmorrow night to bo questioned re v rfc-'r testimony. Jlr-. Wb'tehurjl repudiated a do nrt'.t'on rigred by her in Chieagc "* which It was alleged that jbe fr* eueatly inw Mia* Happo iH at the r'ri'a home. Mr*. Warren testified *h“*. J’it? Ranoe ncperlenced a prreaa bare * ih'Mhfcth. Other kttne*** r’atm’nw clnrer acquaintance with Mi#* Rn-pe raM they netcr had heard of the incideat. DECREASE IN RETAIL • PRICES FOR HARO Wr.-hinglon, April 10—A Recreate In lie retail ort of food to li'C xver r?" fnatllr In B«r. is at compared w"'H Fobratry- w»t tc-.o-te-J today by tha bureau of labor (tatistici of the dapartmaot of labor. Price* a* of 43 feed artle'.ae In 11 important eltlc: were considered. Seventeen of these artialoa showed decraaae* ranging few low than Arr-tenth* o' one per rent, on butter and tea to 3-t per cent, on strictly fresh butter. 21 ar ticles increased fioca lev than Ave tenth* of one ,>er cent on I'l-cr.a Jr 11 per cent on orange*, and six ail? 'let remained unchanged. Daring the year, March 15. 1921, tn March 15, 1922, the bureau added the avoirg* decease in the Tcta; pricca ^ these foods w», n p« rent, 35 article* d*- New York, April 7.—Subject on! •o moderate rieereala, due to “crab tag in" of profits, toe dock market today r«wr»»l id upward aweep, #r 1.850,000 shares ettabllsfciag snothf caw high record for *}moA two year; The further rise wos characterised >jr net galas of two to over 10 point 'a pegralar steels, with CgW Statr . a tho oalMandmjr feature. That •dock aeveral month* ago enlivened tho market by it* extraordinary gyro Warns, bat today's gala uf ID * ; y»*n:* -ju s'sijit steady ant remit i ft. auto for sans.- rx_'MiT and officiant service. Comtonab’e con veyance. Coll Telephone 410. Leck.'ew Newt Stand. lisitf LOST-M DEGREE MASONIC fob. Ft com return to M»:,h bor row und receive liberal Retard. It pd. FOR EASTER.—WE ARF. OFFER in*. Thunday, April ISth and ex trndutg Ihrvuch Sulurday, April 15, very u.iurval baimirt ir mil Unary, dulling, dtv,»at, rvaitu. dippers, ate. A look >!nm the quality and ttylv and cur prices ‘ wilt prove the merit of our off*: Infs, it Q. Taylor Co Ur YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST, now try the beet. Hood Tires. S. V. Gainey. 17 tie. BREEDlr.C HOGS FOR SALE.— Nice lot ol (io« Bleek Estex pigs, three to four month* old. Excep tionally fine brvedc.v Coma 'th ui and ;p' how rxry It U. Freeman'* Cici Grocery. 21 tfe AUTO FOR HIRE —PROMPT AND efficient mrelcn. ComTonaLle con Call Telephone 11 Luck.iow New* Stand. MU Ilf LOST.—01.2 CLACK KAI ) BAC on the roed from Den., *«- Vayeuc vlllo, Sunday, April Had. 11. w*. .1 if totumed to A. Ou.' ) N. C- 7 2tr. WANTED—MEN CR V/OMEV. To take orders for genuire ma-.tntc-.‘l hoalory, for nseo, women xi ,J chil dren. Eliminates da it; In J. 3 a week full Cm*. $1 CO an h«ur spare time. Expeneiit c uan«r*.. aary. International Sioikn>r Mill*. Norristown, Pa. WHITEHOUSE Adio QJ ZEN'S Bland Coffee 4 He pci* pc no A Uni vanity dab 40 cent*. Silverware coupon* in addition. "IT PAYS TO PAY CASH." Freeman's Ca.h Grocery. 21 tfc STRAYED—A BLACK MARE nude 10 years old. Weigh* about 1100 pound* an I hae* a split ear. Whito et>ot under throat. I.rlt Sun day night. Notify Carl R. Hodges Dunn. No. &. It p i for SALE. — SIXTEEN FINE Rhode Island Red bens and one rooster. See me at o.i.-e. 14. Garil Dun-. N. C. 34 tfc FOR SALE.—NICE TOPACCC plant; ready to tjl oat May lir.t Hnoufrh to ret 12 *«:■*. A*?l.v 1. D. P, Jonoe, R. 6 Dana, N. C. 11 2t pi!. AUTO FOR Hl«aA-?ROK; T AND euici* it rat vie*, tiara Carla!!« con reyonec. Call Telephoto ilO J.orko.v J»«»> {.tend. M.1U1 LOOK FOR THE RED MAN ON the carb. That |« the flood Tire dealer* sipa. It i* in front of E. V. OaiceyY 17 tfe. IRISH COBBLES.:-, MAL-'t Crowo fa.bO per Kick. Hairy Feed, id'iv. flo, $2.-‘r,; Ilafp Core S2.CC. la/xa Feed 52 O. CVpltfta Fro per r*..V, Wc rrlve !.*■» Silverware rent- .< I.a ad >u. Freemxri'i Cn/h >' •««>'. 21 I DON'T LET THL G"'ri V'.VL worry yoa. Tell !i, • ci rij |. » under the watnr l'..-h I ca t eerten doort, wii dim :iii flour; « a.da, aid do o' ci it1, work. Lei me d-- yi'j; repa.i /HO. W. Uodprt, 7 < KODAK FINISHING — ~ Mira Sm th'r Had • v !'. fire i ’ dak film* within 21 boo ♦. To i Will the dtbuMX.F o' ill. ?i i dooia d her .own ape k fluR k i e «w» harper hey an ' !•#? ri ■ n p't Utrh key •-Loalavi'li Co-; four rat. * J twenad .. * Irai ha.ocii • v . ( Mr. f. C. Ingram, A hole } 1 ■ • • !.: c i mrlrr Mil teo t *■< *, K'nc ; .-igh. i>n top • •"1 *• • lot within till* biff f la.n'er and deeper bole* - • • »»r.-.rocard for no (riling •V. According to Mr. J Vi. i.»y t • Ito.npt to fathom one of there ' •h a pole failed to bcMom Water has rife > in th» 1 »•.—frfan.-n Democrat :.T.£*MriNf, ROANOKE ISLAND FILM ON *40 VIM Th* movi.ig picture prov-aji for t J neat two wooka include' the hi* '.or.'rol ,:lm mad* on Roanoke bland, h* plrturo »how* th* attem.ded f«t ■ mraxi in North Carolina, the Lost Ctlony a til variooa experience* coig •clod with tha colonisation of Am erica. Th* pictnro ha* b*en booked for (hr following plaoo*: Mondny, April 10—Broadway. Wednesday, 18th— BunrU*T*l. ■ Thursday, IStb—LiNington. Friday, 14th—Chalybeate. Saturday, tStfc—Olivia. Tuosday, 18th—Cbata. Wednesday, Jtth—Bunn level. Friday. Slot—Flat Branch. Saturday, SSnd—Christian Light. The program will bp put on in Dunn under tha auspices of the U. D. C. The data far this mooting will ‘o an, Uur. Th. rr 1 fo\V up*n dator, and '.I theta ia any com munity wli*nh daairvr In x-» ihu p-i :o»r .applir.-i trail 'may *•’ nude to Mlm Kami Camp, dire... a." rum irMility aativicc, at Ljilinaui . I——I im 11 ii i a . ■ -at - iwaNiM'saaniMWMMHMaHiSaM Df. W. C. Horton, one of tit* jedacvi Bl the C,immunity Sin* l*jt iojii*nabcr, will appear in the cast. Mini Camp is muillnR out to ti.e >cfooli« pamphlet. entitled “The tar leu Enjsljeh Expedition and Attemp itad 3km> mrC:< r. Ten ;»ry Now tl>« llnitu.l 8lut. . , '.C.H MKV.t." Thie pamphlet uivc» mart iutauyrtillfr l,£ht •P*»» I hr »III j eel mailer of the pic •lliv ai d i:'uu1J be read by viiryurv Viefc'r v'.vwinit Uh> im-turu. Mmmm pme*f thm fiu «*• poctmt— Tim* ^ pock0l-bonk — SC *.. #10 ^TOLflJ^ Why not «ave it yourself? j You can, by trading with— WALTER JONES . TU* on* price grocer Heavy syrup, yellow Cling peaches USc, three for_ tl.00 arge can of pio peaches_]5« | Evaporated peaches __ _25* I -vaporated apple*_2Sc ICcU'oroia Black eye peas, quart. I Sc [Fine table syrup, gallon. Just opened a barrel of old time , country syrup. (YOU BUY ’UM—JONES TAY3 THE Ft EIGHT PHONE 17 1 ^ | Unusual Opportunity for PiofttesslTe Business Man To enter thm Automobile Business ! -• . - €L The Unefodudae two cm favorably known all ovar tha world. C. The Overland to the moat comfortable, low priced car in the country. The Wlllyv-Knight offers luxurious motoring at e median price. t Tie two ltoee at pnecet prices directly Write the largest Add of prospective I c Th<| right type of hneinrw mm, with or. g*1^*”* •“ky moderate capital, wQl nndlthto an unusual opportunity to cstab liriija permanently growing profitable ^'p‘^^SfiCTS-OVBJtLAN&r MhS ~ * ' ' " ee« mwm, twee*, omp W November 10,1921, j the 30 z 3% "Use©” wee .marked to sell _Cor $10.90. This odd and closely figured pries was the lowest quotation ever made on any tire of known standards. ' A genuine pioneering step by Che makers of U. S. Tires, see Now conies a lot of different $10.90 ekes being rushed into the market. "8pecial” tires. "New* treads. Ua&mUer to look at—with an atmosphere of . • wen made Co meet the Buttfae*rUsco” sdll occupies a place by ksel£ A good old r-c—.-.. . . -^RW ASK YOUR DOCTOR FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS EAT ARCTIC ICE < REAM Same Way Every Day You Ail Know What il ii> SUNDAY HOURS: 12 to 7 Dunn Ice Cream Parlor F. G. SHKAN, Proprietor . PHONE 268 Lv#ry Alten.ecu 5:30 - to - 7:00 ■ 'Pearce’s !?r.hs ! ; Why the$I022 USCO is better , \ \ than Just a$!022 tire / | standby on millions of can for years. Better than It ever was. Still potting the emphasis on honest quality, even if it does sell for only ten do Hart and ninety cents. The $10.90 tire with the record of a proven product. The dre that people sdll buy for the dig nity of its quality regardless of the low amoun~ they pay. '* , *t I MotTm J. W.THORNTON-DUNN,N.C. SfttL, THOMAS DRUG COMPANY-DUKE, N. C. 0