COTTON GROWERS DISCUSS PLANS North Carolina Mao Membar Of Cottoa Grower* ‘ Lncu trro C—nhat— Oklahoma City, Ohio., AprU 1»_ Th* public wlU be represented In the American Colon Growers’ Exchange, it »u decided today by delegation* from *cvaa *tatc* cotton plaatcr co op* rater* market* which make op th# exchange. The chairman of the Federal Reierre Board and th# chair man of the Federal Trade Commis sion wilt be ashod to name one per eon each to represent tbs public to *erra on the hoard otf trustee* of the exchange. A resolution adopted urged that the power of the War Finance Cor poration be continued. It also recom mended that Eugene, Meyer, Jr. man aging diroctor, be continued a* hand of the corporation. It wee agread to maintain the ex change under the Verna# adopted un til the completion of the marketing of the 1926 crop. Tbs exchange is to auperrU* iaepeetion, grading, dea ling, warehousing end selling all cot ton told directly by those organiza tions The (lata organization retain theid identity and right to indieidaal action. Order* were Issued to, bare ell departments of th* exchange op erating in lime to handle the 1922 crop. New ainbia of the ecu tire commission chosen include W. H. Austin, SmttWUU, M. C. Preside North Carolna Cotton Grower*’ As •oclation. State* repress.';ed el the eonfer e'Kfe were: Alabama. Arkansas, Ari zona, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and Oklahoma. MILK DRINKING IN THE JOHNSTON CO. SCHOOLS lerrsyi M«Jt U lam, Clayton aad BmhMoMi Tati Ta Be Csadoslsd Hare Aa a reealt «f tha survey* asd* by Mlama Garrison, Bridge aad Bwaia ■who put aa a “Milk Week” Daman fixation ta three town* of tho coa'a ty last waak, tt was found that a Ismipw et>t af sshoal ahUdkea 1a MMU are drinking adit than la Bsaasa or iCIayham Mswucer. tho por eont of tho children drinking milk boro is only 68 por cent. Benson c omen close with 60 per cent, while only 47 por cent of the pupils at Clay ton are reported aa milk drinkers. The comparison is based upon 446 pupOs pro sent at SmilhAcld the day the surrey was made, *60 drinking milk, and 214 drinking tea aad cof fee; at Benson, 64* pupils present with SO* drinking mUk aad 186 drinking tea or codes; at Clatyon, 47* pupils present, **0 drinking mUk an*, it* drinking tea or codoo. The survey from tho lvaahoe Mill school was not Included above. As • result of the stady In the lo cal school plans are bring mad* to make fame milk tests. Certain ehll drsn who are undamreight will be given milk ad regular Intervals dar ing tho day and thalr program watch ed. Miss Kean otto, primary sopor riser .will probably hare charge of the teat. Mr. Jam** Myatt, our en terprising dairyman, haa kindly offer ed to fumlefc tho aritt free of charge far tho teak Mr. Myall has bora very mock Intereutod la tha campaign and baa offered a somber at oaah priae* for assay* aad poriors in tho school. Nat only hju Mr. Myatt shown an interest is tike rrork bet tbe dreg ►Urea, woman's elab, yw?U. uf teacher* ot the school. merchants end •there bar* ,u (ontHbaUd to mt, the eamy«*«a a mno Oa«b prlaas hare aM* beee .0,^4 by the dreg stares^ MWbtdalg Herald RogcowE* IM hac« • rem state sematb Goldftoro. A*rU —A. Baauww for M years »/“Ewt of W«pu eeeaty and a Mwtt, today •* noeneod Ms sandidMy for the SUts seaats ta tbs Jena Hlmooy sgelnet tbe Mcombsnt, W. t- £*»W. Mr gumswei’s tiogaa li "■•‘••aehauot end Re farm.” Mr. »*•••"*'•» tar ieaay year* waa adhoe and F*1"*** ad tba Oatdsbara Headlight. ****+• eg* bo sUrUd Um sampalga <•» Us re foru. Jama* A- **Hh, a maUdM*** tar. mar af Btogdoo tooattHp. F***"t*y anaowurd We undldaay far *** *f tba SoparNr Cssn a*UaM A H Hooka, tba l»«M»t. LITTLE Cl EL DEINKS CAEOUMK AMD dim Tempo, VIA. April H-Mtgbaa** months old Mrtfta Torooa Mon and* foend a bottle eenUMteg na*Hao o* ■ ebalr at bar baua MM Md«y. *w bar uotbor hod toft It Hu Alb draak from tbs bottle l*d dMd edtb Hi an War. % DR. IRA LANORtTN He will deliver a lector* at Ike PreAytrriao chatch la Dunn Tues day night April Ulb. Ha subject will be “Today and the America for It" DR. LANDRITH HERE ON TUESDAY NIGHT Noted Lecturer To DtUnr HU Famoua Addroaa ia TU Proebytariaa Church I ' Dr. Ira Landrith, famoua Southern Orator and Chautauqua lecturer, will a "Steward** of Homey." T. A. Cera, Grasp Captain. First—Introduction by Lender. Bneeud—Scripture lending: Labe UOS-iS—A. D. Williams. Third—Whet te Christina Stewsrd Mlm Ida Mae PHtmaa ^^tb—Talb—The Owner of the ■» »be Owner ef the Won! Alan. —Mine Rachael Leg. Math—vtatb—The World's Oreat •M QneMlen -W. H. Grimm Srennth. Spmtal MaMe — lar af tha aatoto la dlapaaad a# la ■paaiai baqaaato. Mr. Whttaraao’a lib rary, carlo#, pieturaa and athar par aanal batongiagm, art le*t to the UuiaaiHa public library to arbiab waa q aaa lb ad $$.000 lac tha aaaaUwa Uoa at a plara to heap them, to be knawa aa “Tha Haary Wattonoa At torn." MUSIC DEPARTMENT WILL GIVE CANTATA Sp Undid Proem. At toaby fcerian Church Swaday "Victory." a tutor Cantata, will U given at the Pro+ytoria- abash Sunday afternoon April l«th. at I o’clock, under tba ample at of tba sp ate dapartsaal of tba Wosaa'a Chib of Dunnt Babaarsla for ibis slendld mot teal avast hova boa In pragmas for mvera! weeks and tba people of Bui will be given aa appartaafty la hear an uxeellent progress aa tbia aeeaaion. Mia. Harpar HoMlday wUI diraet tba tinging aad Mn. J. Lloyd Wads will set aa organist. Aw people Dunn ad vicinity arc card tally invited to be peasant. Tba fallowing !*•«*«■ will be raadarad: Na. 1 —frram Catbsaaaaaa la Cab vary (Open lag Chorus by tba Choir.) No. t—Nat WhS I WUL (Saprm ne Solo) by Mn. John ntggarald. No. *.—Out of tba Night of Durfc naaa. (Chorus by tba Chair.) Na. 4^-0 Mon of Jay. (Sagnao aad Alta Daat-J Mrg,^tL«. Away. (Bps JTT2L, Mr. 'A L Donning. Na. •.—Ufa Eternal, Life Eternal (Tenor Solo, Soprano S«Va, Trio.) Vra Joe Sarnia, Mn. W. E. CoHrnne, Mr. Casper Warren. Na. 7.—The Sang of Victory, (Baas Solo and Chair.) Mr. T. M. Paraaaa. No. S.—There’s No Night b> Ra ven. (Juortat far Sola Voices.) Mae damM McKay, Holliday. Maaara Wac raa and Hiohasith. No. 8,—In the Splendor oi HI* Glory. (Oorui by the Choir.) No. 10.—Hi* Loro Dlvin*. (Ceo •rntto Solo.) Hre. Harper HoDidny. No. 11.—Cirri it Hoik Awn (Pi (udo by tho Choir. Tho following voices will be beard in the thorns: Soprano*'—Hosdauao Harper Hol liday. H. & UrXny, W. 8. Snipe*. John Pltageratd. W. E. Cohrmne. J. W. Pardle. I V. Jrifrtyi, J E. Cree kott, Bob Swain, Joe twain, MoD. Holliday, KHiooa Godard, E. U Don ning end Kin Dorothy Shear. Abet:—Moodenoi Hodgao, Hood R. Pnrwtl, Henry Loo, J. S. farth ing. T. L. Riddle, f. Smith, Bah God win end Kin Gertrude Jeckeon Tenors:—Messrs. Warren, H. Shell, T. W. Parsons, J. R. Batter, J. R. High seal th. Ranuaor, HeQuecn and Swain. Director of Cantata, Mm. Harper Holliday. Organist, Mn. J. U Whdo. WHITFIELD MAT BE CANDIDATE IN THIRD Clinton, April It—Oapt. IBB# Whitfield aanoances Hut ha will pro bably ha a candidate dor Coagtsn In Hu rrsnt CiiigTi. Bofauoa da Capt Whitfield soreod hi Hu World War, using ooUro Mriln U JOHN K S FOR LI FI i "* | N«r • Me ,Co:toock Umi, to lolytil wi bla phy obtain io htoFari throat tkrfc crioio wai Ml BOl aorta*#, to bit ha oUTuisi tkiw. and Mnerh tl, ia ren mMhig cetab Ushin »e*.i am sun red t> 1,663,861 bale* of lint aad 134400 of Hater*, compared with 1486.848 I of Hot and 288411 af lie ten to held 'a year ago. and n pmble storage and lat compresses, 876404 bate* at lint | aad 184,088 of llntors, compared with • 6,Sl*a Hater. Jr., whoaa airplane t»V. at tic cl: aka law, aaveral nOaa e»»t ot t'-a city Satarda7 afternoon, Chained to tba city after ap*ndfeg '=• Sunday with relaiiret In tloldeheio, halurd up tba motor and other part* ot tba damaged plane, and chipped tea to Waihingtm. Tba rtmahuWr mi >hi> plea* wn left near iu retting ■l»c*. and it ft prat—tad will bo Jen • od, l> the plane b gad tret■ ad to are beta an aid on# and ru ulaw I