. Co-Operative Marketing Is Simply Golden Rule Growers Unite Not Only For Financial Relief, But Fo» Social Progress By BENJAMIN O. TOWNSEND, IwrtUiri ui Trti~i-of tho North Carolina Cotton Gswwnra’ Co-Op tratita Aaaoalatioa in RiaWaai, (Vo.) Nm Lender. Co-operation in it* fullast aanaa moana nothing ahort of reasonable To ward for the labor* of producer, equitable rcuirna for lirrootmont, honoat naeaaur* with full ralua to consumer and equal prosperity to all The cotton, tobacco and peanut grower* of Virginia and tha> Carolina* should think eO-operstion only in a spirit of mutual benefit to themselves > th* Investor In manufacturing or other process of finished preparation f'T distribution sod to the ultimata consumer, witihont whom these pro-* ducts wo«ld bo all surplus and the labor* of production wasted. Truly our drat stop In the inaugu ration of our ee-aperativa system is to stop a vast amount of unnecessary expense sad waste that Is now going on with the present method uf mat hating them farm products. This pro can* of elimination will bo one of tho means of finally bringing about all other desired reforms. Merely tho Golden Bale Tho true co-operative spirit, ans lyxod, is simply th* golden rule—Do ing unto other* os wo would be don* by. While we have begun at the mar keting end of the business, and it is there wc find th* greatest number of ponuMes who live upon tho labor of others, who produce not and who have no regard far the cost to the world from their wasteful, negative activities we must and will not forgot that there La an aqnnl responsibility In th* txsruM of smarmy Is pto aee to It that w* practice only honoat and thrifty measure* in creatine * cost on production. W* are uniting ourselves not only for financial relief, but also for odu rational and social uplift. Co-opera tion la not suiting out, haw over, with a viewpoint of th* sxtromist attempt ing immediate social regeneration, nor in s spirit at idealism, looking for human perfection Co-operation today will accept human nature as H exists, and will Ml about In a practi cal way to sxtreis* an influence that everywhere will gradually school mob v hoe* In ter eat i are gathered into an affective unit at aetion for a common good. Money is th* thing that today moat forcefully appeals to the minds of men. So, tho first laapoo that co operation will touch, is that it pays. Just bow well It will pay at the start, ol course, depend! upon the degree of loyalty exhibited by th* member *i»* of th* associations and th* de gree of eAeioncy in management, latalllgont Hankudidsf On* of the first functions of th* associations is to IntolliganUy march • ndisa Instead of coo tinning the proa ant system of dumping oar product! on an uninviting and an unwilling market. This atop* the practice of an uflhuaineeellk* and an unwarranted competition between Individual pro ducer* who have net the opportunity to study ths varying market condi tions, nor to team how to meet ine vitable marketing problems But tbe association* nut not itoj with ths elimination of competition between the million* 0t individual*. Ths lev er ai state or community organisa tions moot federate themselves to gether in a coordination of. their kin dred later eats and problem* into a •ysten. of co-operation, indeed of competition with one another. Another great function of the** as sociation* la to oducate ell of their beneficiaries away from the demoral ising end degrading Influence* ef an allcrodit system of doing burin*** and thereby encourage thrift, elevate life, and improve social position. This benefit by no meaaa end* with the farmer, but reach#* out to every ndividuel, in whatever vocation, hv i.ig within the borders of the terri tory In which the *»-ocialk>a* operate and yet Interfering not In the least withe ny private rights er iadi vidua opinion*. They must in time ehangv ths power of money into a human agency for the amelioration of the ill* of society, promote sound judg 1 ment good will and provide the great cat of all a venose by which the mas eee can advance. “Tlw Pom* *1 ladoetry ~ In conclusion, to quota one see in - rnt writer on this subject, "Co-eper atlon was born of the feeling that, at beet, unmitigated competition wus hoi ^Tgnnlnet scar, and the ugh war things to Mnah N>r, 1f progress could net be accomplished by pome nobler mean*. Whet an enduring true* is te war, co-operation is te the never cose log conflict between labor and capi tal—It is the peace of Industry " And again, to qaete another dieetpla, “The future of co-operation |a fraught only with good to the individual and to the state. Iu star I* la tbe ascendency, and nothing can aUy it* CO area.” Co-operation la an idea upon which my heart ha* been fixed for yean; long before I had the opportunity of obaerv.ng any attempt at its practice, sufficient to fix practical thoughts in my mind for expression. But now it is to m* n great and wonderfully clear principle, upon which I can me ditate with delight to myself. It is a definite practical thing, the principles and pate of which It Ts easy te bring inta view and to understand. It is ;uity In Its every relation te bad ness. Tl is honesty, nelgbbovllnoee, courtesy. Intelligence end It is broth er!/ understanding; a *drlt that when completely incarnated in the eonli of all men in the north, aril] -nark the time of fulfillment of • rcriplaral prophecy. PLANTING OF COTTON MAKES GOOD PROGRESS Plutiai Uadar Way Oa The CaitJ ruin »t North CareUaa, Say* Review Washington, April 19.—Prepara tion of ground for eotton planting nnd planting Itself made better pro gress daring the weak ending yester day than far eeveral weeks, the Weather Bureau laid today in Its weekly weather end crop review. Planting of cotton was onderway during Uia week, the review said, on the coastal plain of North Carolina and was began at points la Tennes see and aeethaaSNrrn Oklahoma. Planting has been almost completed in southern Georgia ami the condi tion of the early planted trap is re ported as good with chopping oak be gan, the review added. The condi tion and progress of early planked eotton In toother* Tens* was report ed as only poor to fair too to dry ether sad high winds Garmtaatloa of the is tor plantings in Florida baa boon alow oa eecooat of leak of main tin, Waether aondtUooa worn fevertikla for track crops is the Golf and At lantic states, except la a few in Wan - era where too dry, partioulasty h Florida. Colleeters meet maey moo of pro mow. ————.—i—— i ■ . . ■ PREPAY FREIGHT ON SOUTHERN MELONS UsIm* IU>mU An T»it»l To Pro «M R«A Ctfn Matt It Ai mtui, Paflroads Dirlds Atlanta, Oa.. April 19.—Pre-pay nnt of freight chargyo oa *H meloni shipped from the southeast will bi required this aeeeoe aeleeo bond ii made to guarantee tech charge* o the shtpaaaat . la eooompantod by < eorUBeate Aoming tha miion* bur been property treated fer pnrrentlo' if "stem-and" rat sa th* day the cei Lilest* is amdc, according to roeolo tloai adopted here today at a eonfm •nee of grower* called- by the soetl am freight rate eoawalttss. The only other section of the cour try haring each a rule, It tree aal by dalegaloa. la tha central freight ai •Delation torriUry. Today's eonfei •nee was attended by members .af th *<don dhtribatoiV and growers' a aociatloas repreeaatndvae af ind pendent grow era and of the fmigl rate cocnsMtee. Member* of the dl tributes*’ sssaeWtion. it ws* tabs A<P 71 per cent of the melon* ! ■mrthoMtera territory If It weren't for the fan ef antic paring the pleaser** af trmrol ai the fua of tatttag sheet year tr •hen yon got bath, nobody won •nor go rory for from heme. FATTY ARBUCKLE GETS SURPRISE All of Co—dki'i Coairacti CaacoUod and Films Aro - Withdrawn Loa Angel**, April 1*.—Silane* pending further development* wa» the avowed policy today ot Boacoc 11. ’Fatty) Aobttekle film comedian, who#* contract have been cancelled and finiahed ecreen play* withdrawn, according to announcer—nt in Now York le*t night by Will H. Hayv. head X* the Motion Picture* aaaociatlon. "Godt,” waj Arbuckle'r comment, when informed laet night ot Mr. Hmya announcement. Arbackle recently was acquitted in San Francisca of a man* laughter ‘barge in connection with the death ft Virginia Rapp*. The portly comedian added: "Thi* it a complete rurprie* and I might •y a ahock to me. it i* the find I n«wa 01 H, I oon i mow vuu t la all about, far thaogfct I waa well tarted on my •eomobieh.' "You aaa, It'a dtia way. Joeeph lehenek of Now York, who producer ■ny picture*, will be la Lot Angelei tomorrow. He will know all about bu matter. At I am entirely at aea, 1a far aa being able ta explain K, I hall content myeetf with remaining dlent.” EMPLOYMENT SHOWS A MARKED INCREASE bawbee Row laahfW Matoriaily Greeter TVaa Year Ago, Soy* Deg art Wartlngton, April 20.—The non >«r af pereoae employed In industry >t the end of Maieh IMS, waa ma rtially greater than It waa tat year igo, the Department of Lgior do lor ed tonight In a etatement aom narisiag reporta from employing coa ■emt in all aoctioaa of the United Raiae Niue t\& at thtriton Induatfiaa ber of worker* in mooted daring the oar by 4S.4 per cent, and U boeta tad ekoce 124 per cent. Tke avtomo Ire induat.-y had an iacrenac of S04 ter eont The demoted employment appeared in cotton manufacturer, roa and atael trader, and paper mak er At a result. of wage derreaee* ddr ag the year, tha total amount af wage* paid wat lower In eight Indtat Iriet than It wtu a year ago. In hot wry and andtrwtor mannfaetore, however, the wage total paid during he moath waa 4S4 per coat more ban during the taafe period In 1P21 MILLIONAIRE DODGE IS HELD IN LIQUOR CASE Fewad GmBtf ml Punning, Tram pertfasg ud Famishing hUiiwaU Kalamazoo, Mich., April 10.—John Dural Dodge, Detroit mi'l'unai'e, and Rex Bait, an architect of Kalamazoo, war* convicted In circuit court h*n lute today on a eharjc* of illagali] pomamlag, transporting and famish ing liquor. Attorneys for the defend enta Immediately gave notice of ap peal and Judge Weinaer withheld Mrs tenet. The Chargee against Dodgr »nd Bari Resulted from ai automobile ride here on tha nigh of Merck 11, when they Invited three r*«ng women into their ear am drove them against their protect* pit, the country. During the ride, th three girls testified they were offer ■d liquor. ,-jfj Dodge and Ehrt are liable to m tone* to one year Imprteonmesit a 91,900 flat and costa of the trial, e both. Tho Stub la the Ground Mr. G. B. Thornton and Mr. Hai vey Westbrook visited t>* sink I the ground boo miles south of Neu ten Grave last weak. Mr. Thom to oaya the place Is about it foot aeroi at the tap mad looka to ho about 9 ia 49 foot aero** at tha water wide I la about 12 foot from tha tap. H , doea not think tha Mak ia over I or 40 feat deep. The piaoe ie in bin hut not far away Is a mm breach and about half a mite fro • tha sink a small creek starts. M Thornton thinks an undargruui t stream ha. run aodor wham this all ■ •• a*m “b01 R bushed away aa mm , dirt trial the ground from above I > nelly gave away eaudag the eta Tide explaaatloa mem* reaseaeb and neuet bo true. Mr. J. 9. TW - tea, who Uvea about three miles fro I the plaee, wm hen yesterday ai > said that tally a thousand peeq I visited the tiak the past Sunday ■miUdtetd Herald. B | Li i 8)i Kd the •rnor W. lo succeed »or of the Xr. Cooper dap in lo land the rang* for trie an Bank Wilmington, tional bank The an iu> u»cad renion had that. he of Wilmington chaser for a atdent, W. B. Cooper. Lieutenant Wimhmgton Democratic Meanwhile, North .tntaa are u Hindi n .to gat the idb just Xra. J. X. 'an, tie* the ponding on af the laom the tnnual Daughter*. Vieo o< Groene oro, ia eleo many Tar Htol delegate" the annual meeting o£ the The cirO an louneee ha >d hi at *i Cell. Aitanttau TV T»..'»■■) Seeing. C irtitinlgAi -h.nl Acting Poetic liter E. C. Weat «f Sc Dunn, North Oaroliaa, postoflca, U co-operating ia a nation-wide cam teign oi the goeanuuent to protect the American people against take rod nitwit* InacOhneote and to be ing hidden aurplpa fundi into cir ca lotto a. The government ia naming people againet financial tranaactiona with ■trangera and adrtalag thorn to pot ihoir money in good oncuritiea, place their funda in bonha or ieveet in Trea jury Boring! Certificate. at the >ort office. It I* dSnlt to convict ■windier* who attain money from unfuapoctlng people In thla manner until aome of tha federal or atetr lawa have bean brtken. Department eWtli any they arr .leased that people win paaa by a hank or the poatoflee which offer protection of fundo and aafo taveot ment to hand thoir money near to M>ae imooth velkl** ewtndler ahoat whom they know aothlag.' Peotmaat I I mmm •- Lee. *- I_ iV. • department te aw, their influence tn ' every way yttoMH* Prevent dll lew 1 of mllliena of deHart tack yeat 1 through wwnfdM prametirt tad 1 windier*. Acting Fn ilaldu Weak aoya: "1 | am tending latter* to the patrena al ' thia office. area lip those of lnafted r maaAt, railing ditto attention to al r .Treatment goal fit ad both aa ti prktpal and tataraat kg tha Unite* State* Government and which will to craaaa 18 per cent la free year* ■ Through this patWh* It la paadMt > to parahaae a |U Traaaary having “ Certificate for fMy a plbO aarttfhaW • for 880 and a «M«h earttttoata fa ■ MM. rayracanting, aa lav set men I vialdlag, at paroimm price, 4 14 pa k cent Interest, ttmiwhi 11 ap • naally. If the at wiahea V 1 ca«h kit ntdewiii WPtee the aa. a of hva yearn, ha} to* |(l m* mono n r ah abea ■ r. d k h *• ttoed *oand 11 (d^iant in tha sate. » tiea of kt* wifi) d»taraop*H* DaO id Star. V U --pw - A mltoaha, w4a dtoaevar*. t wap* toaha maple IMPROVEMENT Hi BUSINESS SHOWN Washington. April SO.—A pro found Improvement la bnaiatim 1 throughout the country la shown in | tha latest statistics af commercial 1 and Industrial mevrmazita during 1 March according to tba monthly sur rey af current badness made pbblk tonight by the Commercial Depart- ! mant. Optimism, always re taming I wtth tboapcuing of grlsf weather, tba department dmdamd. has had much to da with the meant increase la retail trade and batter feeling prevailing gvnarnlly, debate name af Reed# and a late crop Mason. This optimism, the department a*- I ratted, ia based apon better fanda- : mental conditions thraagbont the 1 country which am reflected in the 1 trend of reports roc stead by the gee- i imm ant. “Thro outstanding feataras of mars Was ordinary Importance," it said, "art tba marked laersasaa la iron tad steal activity aad the big tn cmaas in conatruetiaa. Since the first >t April, the seal strike has liaaattsd almost total Basset! an of work in be anthracite miner and a redaction sf mom than M par cant in btttualn sas output: hawaear, awing to ex *aptisaaay heavy steaks ad coal ibis i.tuaUon has as far had bwt littla af fect open btdsam" Experts ef cotton is Merck. ^s 141,4*4 teles, while cottemeaaaup U«* by textile mill* saonUd to ll*.4te and stocks la cotton tells tecltee tte tots! mounting to 14H, OM telo* or steal UMMO bale* CRAVEN COUNTY IMPORTS MANY FOOD PRODUCTS Atesd tU—.Ml Was Sant Oat Of f as sty is INI For F..tSsd. Ealeigh, April *1.—Many countie* 0 N'erth OsroKr.a will fled food far thought In an analysis of tte surrey recently mode in Cravsn County of the food aad feed protects Imported ■to that eaanty hi 1*11, A total of warty $S,00»,000 waa seat oat of this county for fate and food pro fits. Of that amount tl,llt.0«0 wae represented by purchases of food itoffa toe hiding hay, can, oats, mrm) and chops, produced by farmers ef alter state, shipped hundreds oi 1 mile*, and sold at a profit through two or three dealers. A tote of II.IH^M was spomt iec naia, Mem, mm. lard, poultry and egg* Another $100,000 want far hotter and eheaae and canned milk. While a rtaailar ran war ipent far canaad ragetablae and fraite and tin iad meat*. Fifty tkouaand era* grant far Imparted eyrup. There I* net an agrieuitaral laad-er in North Carolina who erfll agree that hay aad oth*r feod-ataffa can ha kn pevted into North Carolina at any thing like the eoat of prodactioa at homo. Meat of them agree that hay partl'tilarly car Im kt'-wii in non •octiona of the (tote at half the retail nrlce af the imported product—and rot North Carolina U (ending to oth er aeetlena, and putting lute the poc ket* *< dealer* aad railroad a, hetwoea 00 and 7$ mlllian dollar* a year far tVgap nandnela eMwWW pTOQwC *(• FORMER BANKER OF FAIRMONT ARRESTRO I H. L. 1 • bomba non, April *0—H. L. Woe, - Jr., farmer aaaioUat emhier af tfu i Bank of Fairmont wan a reacted and I placed la Jail bare Uat night an Um r charge of in* nail ament *f $f/)« i aad *ther mania* from the hank. The Warrant we* rrm **t b] f Haranea Latham, chief at* to bank a* i amlaar. Beeorda af the Falrmaa • beak ware damaged by Bra. whirl . “W Hawed *a aaploalea la the hank oi tfc* night af Fdhraaiy 1$. The dam ngo to Um recard* Made aa tofu « x the hank** affair* illiult The hnnl b '.’** not bean apanad ahwa the An r .. Dome Fertana la aaa dam* the daedal mile am yoa bacon** ypa or I- handmaa* Qqtaey (IQ.) WW$ NOTED EDITOR TO DELIVER ADDRESS W. J. Gsseeron, editor of Henry rord'» paper. the Pttlhim “IndO wndent,” will deliver the addrem to bo graduating clam at Mi's Crook kbool on Thareday, Kay It, oeeerd ng to annonnoemaat made yesterday >7 Dr. J. A. Campbell, bawl o'. Urn imitation,. Rev. i. A. Mia, ot Xa elgh will deliver the ohwoal rtidram Thia year’s claao at Rule's Croak mi namber II, mid Dr. Campbell. >nd the enrollment far the year baa Breed the M mark. n—onimiiit xerriaes win begin with the a as sal > ogrom by the primary grades ee latarday. Map II. The banalaqrente errnon will be delivered an land ay day 14, by Dr. Pari Bagby, of Woke pomrt The program far the imaila ler of the weak follow*: Wednesday. Mop IT Idt P. If.—Contest far daelaim r’t medal. 4MP. M—Scalar Clam aadrelam. 1*0 p. M. lappha and Astra U erary societies rosiest. Tbmwday, May 11 1*41 A- 1C—Contest for orator's noaai. Nmii—Address to graduating Am* IT Mr. Cssisrai. ldO P. M.—Alomtv luncheon and UldrBfA 40« p. M—Baasball gams bo or con senior) sad 1 • 00 P. M.—Annual play. PUBLIC SCHOOLS RECEIVE INDORSEMENT OP LEGION 4 Washington, Apr* *•-—Daring the fourth aaaasl iimpMu at tha Am rrieaa Ugisa, hpdtasat at Florida ImBrud. That tho tupvlatiaa fa-1 *M federal support of tha puMIc schools uadsr a oyaUas that wffi aat latorfsro with state sap I re bis a of •uch schools; sad ha tt “•oaoleod further. That this con vention favors an improved eyatcas far (ha vocational trainiag of ex-ear vice man, haekad hy ample appropria tions.** Sssststs asd raprvaantattva* is Coegrem who favor the Towaer Mai Hag hill, astahliriteg a Department of Education with a Beefatary In (he President's Cabinet, find la thb ac tion at tho pioaior young Axsorieaa man orgaaiaatioB groat rnuoaiM»> -neat- So many organisations at all lerle have edened the bill that aaati ■nent h> Conge ms b rapidly crystal lining toward its early paspg*-' Ta And tbs ex-service sms of Florida •olldly behind support for the public school is very gratifying ta all friends ad the hill sad all proponents of Americanisation plana which arv ta work out t&rough the public school HORRIBLE ACCIDENT OCCURS NEAR BENSON <p-"P_1_ m._ AlJ m_ (hi_A_ | lUoult Of «■>■■■»« whoa i car Men by |*n| Golden Parker etruek the twelve year aid roe of Mr. Wiley Crimea, who wai riding a bicycle. The injured lad wm taken to Fayetteville ta the Iwglltl where he died about 9 o’clock Sow day nigh*. Tba remaina warn carried to kia heme near Beaten early Mem day morning and lata meat was modi the tamo day. It eocene that Golden Parker wai drlvldg a Hadeem ear and going at i torrid* rata and tba yoanger boy wm oeatiag out of a eruae read Into * highway upon Ms Mcycle and dli aot hear the approaching mnohlw which strwck Mm, knocking him, K I reported kora, about oigMy foot. Hi logs and arma worn broken and M Tba Injured boy wm Immediate); rushed to PnyuttrvUk to a heeptti but kia wmanda prove* fatal and tk and cam# about P o'clock. Tba t mains were seat to kia kerne carl i vo r. ! We drat waste time; we west i enraatvea. We dent MB time; ee* hi ■ ouraoWoa We dent thee* tbna; w A fortune awake Me man who aa ::x\rir 91 ****** MORE TAXES FOR COMMON FOLKS •ife’ > ^ *M» » M, m — H*. A > ■■■■HiBlj, vMM WwIH> •' ’"■“’I"** PM MMbc. Mw th. tew *"««f “■ “ • »***•<» — “ •* «*u« of H4M Hi MOO for ••d ckild. CMr m -Mo to of 1 +'Z *>“* on who* k, -Hod ohm- Jem w*<slif *** TfcJi ooft of explmlao wb, th. on thrni tkTSu will bo po44**bj^"*th. EStJfir nrnrnm m

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