COTTON SHORTAGE SEEMS PROBABLE G*Mral Falling Off In Toxtila Production and Demand U Incroaafaag By Bion H. Butter in New. ot Ofcwmi Something over a year ago Paul Barringer, of Sanford, remarked to me one day that ha anticipated a abort crop of cotton aerd and cotton, and that if we did not wuteh oat we would And ourselves facing a textile famine. At that prediction people langhod. But from what he hud to offer la the way of figure* of produc tion aad consumption I was satisfied that Mr. Barringer had reason foe hi* views. In February in New Orleans Colonel fleeter, the /oremost statis tical authority in the world on cotton told me that he looked for a cotton shortage, and explained why. HI* line of statistics was much like Barring Sr's hat with a year more to hack up the conclusion. A fow day* ago Richard H. Rdmondi, writing is the News and , Observer also Intimated that we am running close to the end •f the surplus of cotton. Bat I have had this thing la mind for months. Wc have your supplies for teatile cotton, wool, flax aad ollk. le last six years the cotton crop has been below the average The flax crop has been shot to pieees. The wool crop has been given a similar jolt, and silk has its attack of heart bowed-down Prior to the war the acreage of flax In tha flax-growing countries of th# world was about flf teen million acres. From what figure* can bo gathered for recoot years the production ia hardly half that acre age. Russia and British India, which were the great flax producing coan trieo, hurt slumped, until no one knows what Russia is doing, and the United Btat«« and Canada have fall en away balam tha production of flax ia ao decisive that I Inca, which war a common fabric before the war. ia hardly seen now. Linen la almost out I of tha running. W»Ou4 Waal Short anh'ls tha least important pf the * used to a large extent It is not of a substantial or durable nature, and, ia too expensive to count on at a du • pcndabla source of clothing. But it, haa suffered along with tha others, especially in Europe and in the Asi I atle provinces whore war was mod, ia evidence. Bat it is wool and cot ton that provide the practical bulk' of clothing material and cotton is the ftaple. But wool haa its day of grief aa well as cotton. The world sight years ago had over 630,000,000 fheop. Now it haa almost a hundred million lam. Bhecp man say a scarc ity of naariao wool will be fall in-i aide of a year, for the sheep that aaado the fine merino wool have been killed off, and the aheap that make! th acoareer wool have held a Hole! bettor because they are bigger ani mals and of more value for mutton.! So the wool that wakes the better grades of goods la abort, ami the! coarse wool ia more plentiful than merino; but only because the world refuses to use It aa a substitute for Mbi4iia ■ i era] TK. InttV la Slump mil wool ia ahort, hot the conn* woo)' would not be much service if abund ant. The decline in merino wool ia' the catastrophe. Everything In the'way of textiles' la short. With flax, aalk and wool! ahort the altastion is worse when it comas to cotton, far everybody has' known that the cotton crop has boon below normal since the war commen ced. A shortage of demand for tint has enabled the short crop to meet the needs up to the present time, hat government Inrcstlgotlon shows that the world on doit demand in catch ing Bp to the short supply, and fast week a bulletin announced the belief that by next year the surplus stock of Hut cotton an hand will bo getting dangerously mall the demand for cotter is becoming normal again as compand to before the war, while the production la mill much below normal. Maying Mircmsot la Prespact If demand ia becoming normal it la plain onoogh that the crop mast ho moeh bigger thaa any that baa boon . mined to the last three or four years or tbo crop will bo short of oneugh to moot the call for list. It la well enough known that as soon as the world ia able to hoy cotton a buying movement will sot in that will tall for groat quantities, for the people of all natieaa have been run ning on scent allowance alecs the area commenced. Old clothes were worn oat long ago, and the compul sory habit of mighty economical rai ment has hem prominent over moot of tbo world for' the past sight yean. Ward refers are law, and If tha world la ratarning to its ability to bay cot ton a largo aanoaot of H will bs needed to restock the bureau draw ers and the rid bye closets —*•' Til aoa agate la o« of tha paepeaw CHARLES MARSH GIVES BOND FOR APPEARANCE Cm* of Fayetteville AtlmtUI* Man Will Com* Up lo Aifsii Carths**, May fi.—CiiuW G. Marsh, automobile dealer n' Fay of U villa, H.’ C.. who war held by the author!U»» in connection with thi fata] automobile accident that occur red near Weatend early yesterday morning wa* released on bail in the ran of *1.000 by Sheriff D A1 Blue, aftor conferring by lalephon* witli Solicitor M. W. Noah, of Hamlet, who advlred this eourac. Marsh, who war suffering from painful cuts about the face and head cauaed by broken glass from the windshield, left Immediately for his home in Faycttovillc, aecom panied by friends. The bon.I was foi his appearance at the Aaguat term of th* Superior court of Moor* coun ty, when the matter trill come up for a bearing. The charge to be pre 'erred by the solicitor will bo thu: of manslaughter. It is mid. BUL_JIG BOOM AT NEW HEIGHT April Brolw All Records For New Construction; Figures For Eastern U. S. New York, May 7.—April broke si previous rscoidi for the amount ol construction rtarted, nrcordtng to the F. W. Dodge Company. There was an increase in every impoiUnt clast et industry, even in plants which have been the last group t» pick up. Building contracts in the Middle Atlantic States (kbulern Pennsylvan ia, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland District of Columbia, Virginia and the Carolines) amounted to I IS fi6:i - 000, which was an increase of 9 poi cent over the preceding month and of 78 per cent over April, 1921. Last month's total included $20, 209,000 for residences; $9,598,000 far public srorks and utilities; $#. $(,409,000 for educational buildings they were $46,478,000. This figure tvms 23 per cent greater than that tor the previous motnh and 10 per cent greater than the total for April 1021 Contracts awarded in the central West (comprising Illinois, Indiana Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Mi/soori and portions of eastern Xnnaas and Knbtaska) were $90,023,000. the largest monthly total for this district since April, 1920. Last month's total eras 6 per cent ahead of the previous month and 20 per rent ahead of thr corresponding month of last yenr. In Mlnnetota, the Dakotas and nor thern Michigan, fethlding contracts were $7,986,000. This total was 20 par cant order that of the preceding month and 4 per cent over that of April, 1921. KILLED IN EFFORT TO STOP RUNAWAY RnUri Veterinarian Civne Life Tn Sara Lira Of Chil dren Rowland. Kay 0.—Dr. K. Harria was initaiiUy killed here tl.ia morning ■bout 11 o’clock while attempting tn atop a runaway lean of mule*, carry ing a wagon load of echool children Harria waa thrown tv the ground ami the wagon, passing over his body, canted internal injuries from which he died immediately. None of the children in tha wagon were hurt. Dr. Harria located in Rowland sev eral month* ago and waa engaged In the practice of veterinary surgery, la the abort while he has lived bare he built op a large practice and was uaivsraally liked by all who know hint. The town and eonaman'.ty is deeply saddened by his tragic death. Dr. Harris tarred aa an officer la tha army during the war. Hit home was in Fenton, Kick. of the cotton conference which hold iU first mooting at Maw Orleans tr February. Tha conference would I have a complete study made of con | ditionr sH user the world aad Inara 1 haw much cotton tha various see | tiont can use and pay for. Right noa | tha cotton planter of the tlhltec |fltatce would like to know last huv mack that amount la, for on tha 1 ability to buy tad pay far cottoi i depends the price the planter evil gut far tha crop ho plants this year Bat be la aa completely in the darl aa a bottle of ink ta the bottom o: a wall at anldalgM la the dark a tha moon. SCOTTISH SOCIETY TO MEET AT FATETTEV1LLI Ead Springs, May E—The SeoitW Society of Amorlea will moot at Fay attevSlc Taaaday, May SB, tha aci •teat to bo hold at soon In the L* GODWIN CHAIRMAN COUNTY DEMOCRATS Neill Stlmoa Named Secretary and WU1 Assist Mr. God win in Campaign Democratic executive committee of Harnett county met la the court a.'uuc auditorium Monday for the purport of electing a chairman and | reerctary to manage the coming cam paign. The following repreaentatieoe wee# present: Anderson Creek: John Elliott. Avriusboro: O. P. Shell. Barbecue: E. P. Harrtagtoa. Black River: C. 8. A damn Buckhorn: J. R. Brown. Duke: Arthur Fowler. tiro vs: L. 1. Levinson. Hector's Creek: W. L. Banter. Jotaruonvllls: D. P. McDonald. f.ltliagton: J. W Halford. Nellis Creek: F. H. Taylor, Stewart’s Creek: J. C. Byrd. Upper 1.1 tile River: D. P. Ray. Mr. Chas. Ross offered hie resigna tion as chairman, ha being a candi date in the primary. Mr. Boos sailed utlenUon to tbo necessity of inducing good men to accept the oAce agreed with Mr. Rose la hie opinion of this need. Immediately after Mr. Baas had ra llied. the committee went into the se lect'on 0f • chairman. Hoa Hanni bal L. Godwin or* Dunn was nomina ted Ftom the l.iUlngtan precinct sec retary came the report that this pre cinct endorsed Dr. J W. Halford for chairmen. Dr. Halford immediately jrosc and withdraw, stating that ha felt be could be of groat service la the ranks. Mr. Godwin eras then alert ed unanimously. Mr. MoNeiU McKay 8aMoon waa unanimously elected secretary. Mr*. C. S. Adams presided as tem porary chairman in the absence of Mr. Godwin. Suggestions wara offered for mem bers of tbo County Board af Com missioners of candidate announced before the lime expired. — Harnett County New*. - 1 ' ' ' STATE, HE SAYS Greeo»boro College Proftuor Decides To Quit HI* Job C.ocnaboro, May 8.—Dr. E. C. l.indcm&a, professor of social acoao mica at the North Carolina College for Women here, has resigend. ac cording to hi* answer to a query naadv by a local newspaper man to day. effective at th* end of th* pre sent academic year. Swgtsnfbar I. Questioned farther, he stated that he | had been warned to leave th* city I several week* ago. He a*id that he supposed that the warning earn* from the local Ku Kloa Elan. Several week* ago it was rumored here that a negro woman, cook for the Lmdetnan family, waa th* hoa ore* at a party given at th* Liade ! man home. It was denied from the I Lindeman home that such waa the I case, It being stated that th* cook had a birthday and invited several of her women fflands to • party but that th* party Was not given ia th* I.imfeman bom* proper, bat in the human eat aad that *nly negroes at tended. i moot the affair never found its way into tho newspapers here, or else , wbvro, and it amt thought tha matter ,wu andod, but ia a faw day*, came other rumor* to tha affect that t®m« person* had eddreeaad critic lata* U Dr. Llndemsa el eertala alleged acta >nd that the collage had Wait asked ' to discharge him. Dr. Undeman stated today tin ■'warning” ia not the chief reasei far hie severing his connection wit) I he college, although W mid that X i it one factor entering into the do ! < Irion to leave. The aaeln reason fa i hie resignation, he said, ia tha far t that he Is considering other propeel I tions oI—where. He had tsat pat da cided where W will go ha stated, lev real attractive preposition* have heat offered to him, It is andonteod. Be came her* several poors agi from Illinois. Ho holds see ora) d« l revs, Is the author af several book on taelalogieal sabjsete and has trav clod axtenatvoly in Barepo, studying si the canters af leaning there. In rlading Vienna. Ha la Baaadlaavlm in origin. Ha la abesrt thirty yeas ■ aid and married. Fayette span house. Ooromor Caw cron konriooa, president of Ota at claCjr, will aaaka dts add rasa, an 1. after tha meetings luncheons seffi h j torvad la tho armory. One at lb i fee terra 0f the program will be tb ■ giving af tha highland Mag hi sa - loam by stadeats af Flam Kacdenal r College. I I tar. H. H« | barahlp U By Ueb* Kearney, Nab. .has cfkanfetl the {enemy to n friend char eh, ac i cardiac ta Bee.. pastor of tha Methodist ehareh here. "When the af the whale community Vnow church aad tha bind o< mem an* th* ear trill e any them of away from it.” ha aak paper* 1 have af my eh arch in Cbriit said “Co eat aad ta cam* la. What la tbaa ad vertlainf la wayT “1 half pact era. Tha met by tl [‘that h»a Khuton. M mayor of bidding t wffl b«h% Asm | bars 1,000 strong. Ha mpectfnOy ' mggootod that they nami aay bod | n of candidate* that might be lying Harper'» prarlassiHan fallow*: “Wboreaa, it baa come to my at tontion that nobles af Sudan Temple, A. A. O . N. H. S.. intoad balding their Spring Ceremonial la oer fair city of Kieaton, and "Wbrraaa, It baa coma to my at tontioo that there will be a tutor of candidates on band to be Initiated lata the atyatorles of this most ex cellent order, and “Wboreaa, It behooves mo, aa may or of oar fair «*J of Kiaatoo, to ac* that the nefclm bar* a goad that* and the candidates a bat time, now, therefore, I da peerialai, “I. That our titiaeaj a* a whale 1 extend a moat cardial Invitation to Sudan noblaa, tfcab wives and sweat baarta to taka pomotoon af aur fair city on Hay IStk as they may ssa At, providing they do not non the city hall nor set Are to the mayor** | red dance. “!• That the said noble* af Sodas I Temple be reapoetfelty requested net 1 to la eve bodies of candidates aw to* street* after dark. i “I. That the initiatory ceremonial ‘ be held at such place where the ag . onlsiag sawams af ttw candidate! cannot annoy some of oer »or* timid } **4. That the fair eKjr af Xlaataa ! extend* fra* barial place* N haept tal arrei—adattaaa to caadidatae whemn found nr wry. "Done *T*r tag hand and mo! while la a parfaetly a ah at aaodltiaa. thli trd day of May, ltd. “M. If. HAPPBB, Mayor of Bhutan.” («aal) FAYETTEVILLE PAYS TRIBUTE TO UNDEKWOOE I il Fayottavllla, May A—TV* elty « [PayottovtUa today paid the laat tri i hat* of repeat and affaettaii to th. * mMMipw pi# fahn Tfnilam-mii —B.. •■ww< ¥ •• f®**1 WlMWI WVVI) WP i h»4 Mm htld \U H«W 4lct li iKb gift oi f—amity, wtoft < t tap* aaaaoara* af hi* fallow eitina . «Dad BL John** Bpiatopal eharah a i tea hoar af tea faairal ayarltaa fa i tha ft—or ■■par, who —a kill* [ yaatorday —rates in an ante—bit . a cel da at In Ma— aa—ty. Tha t—a ball la tea htatarta Fit - hall w*a tallad a* tea tanaaal eortey 1 acarad the rash tea ataaata. Tha an r vie*a at tea ah—h and at tea mm * tety war* eandanad hy Bar. Arche a Booster, footer yi Be. Jehafa. Th r anatear af flaid dhrtip coat h MORE DISTRICTS WANT SPECIAL! Tlsay W«d Batter Sabaab mm Am Willk* Ta Pay Tba Price At Meeday*s meeting of the Boon of County CnoswtodnosM two son school districts pstitisnsd for spool* tax oiootlooo—Hector's Orook Mo. 1 aad Doko. Hectors Crsou wheel dl*t~i.1 Ke 1 p.tUloss.. [r s special elect.on which ora* appeared by tho beard aad tho clectioa data was ret fa lane 10th. A A Mosul woo ns wot rspirti is; pX-olde:*, M. L. Ballon and D. C. Hr milt on. Horten Creak district 4 report* heir rorret election as folteors: To Ui rapistnLta 47; for 22; against 0 absent and ems-itod against A A spatial bond clectioa for (ebook fas Dnfca toemah'p was alWed asst 4. C. Offls d if to prvpa-o the poH lien It was ordered by tho Court] Plethora that M. McK. Bohaon, spoeloi agoot for tollort'ag load soles, etusl reasH to tho cooisiy oocb ; ■sod faro of tho tax rocript afl scat for Ua eowpemaotk 1M0 taxes; bat on tU rosasalsoioa for Mjjtr ooot , $190.02. towndiip* teak Aa nA >( oCca al tha Monday ■ eating According U taw, they a • rogairad ta >M A< Mai Let ITaitaa WaA *ii— cm 14IMWI Pefats H lett er! Wm IhuHitaait New Or Irani. May 7.—Throeghou Ac weak jut ended tka cottas our kat flood at tho advaoce, rising t <M highmt levels at akoct (ha mid die of tka weak and holding Ha fail Taiiiy well thereafter, la tha face a considerable real li inf fram tha lanj aide. At ita heat the active poeitfen wars Mt to 1*1 potato higher thai tha cleaa of tka preceding week will doty sp ta 1S.TS. The dear wh a set galas ad M ta 1M potato wit Jaly at IMS. Is tka mot depart most middling gained lit potato b tka sot raaslto doting at IS.If cent a pound agaiaat 11.88 os Aa else ef Aa same week laat yeor. The demand waa encouraged moll ly by Aa nfaranMi weather cm dilions «*ac tha graator part ad A bait daring Aa early days ad A weak, Aa heavy ram* In Texas to weather deralayiaaota, attheayfc Un temperatures aal amaaqaant faOar a# yerwbartoa af aaad arm aba #a« tores that aiada aa aarfaeorabb la pnaataa reyerdby tka crop eutlool Sanaa aactioaa at Oklahema wtred k cal cattoa nlaaama that cotton aaa wata rattiay la the yrwand aa th recall of lk« combination of ta aameh laebtwro and toe aool weattha Toward the end «f the week th aa rather took o torn for the betta and tkia atiiaalatad conaidarabla raa Hitay oa the bay side. Mere a lorn IkaUaUea af baay eoatracta «i i in ortdaaaee ta the clooa. hot tkU aoi of aaDtay wae hardly aa ataek < i yaa really cay acted weald he tl caao after tka hall aaaakata af tt tarty part af tka weak. One raaaa t for tkU was the hotter tom of traa ■ j r opart*, tlyaa far a hotter daaaa i for the aetlaal cotton aad the bn > anOI takbys far Ike weak. 1M,<X i baba ayataat It I.PM tkU weak b H year aad 1M.0M this wadi two yen l|aya. Report! fraaa team aratioat i t. the CamHaae war (ha* aeaae all r were ntaatay fall thee wttk a fa I nllb rraaa warklay alybU. Ihrerpo h ^ rtiflSlSMSS ftk Iftral he aVma — —* - -* tattsMysi w »^si wiMm sswq mo j laqalry for ebtha aad dabaad tk r trade waa belay dene, in a aaedera II way. by Maarbaatar wttk all paa • af the world which wax aaa opted r waa he by watered. At tka aaa a Uaaa tka aattaa trade yewcral'y n r.tlttb that waa conetraetlee la I r'daeabyaaaab at the Oenaa ceafi J. H. PATTEMON MID I SUDDENLY YIHUDA1 Allutic City, N. Mar T—Johi H, Pattenoe. fomader aad rhninmai l »f tha hoard ad directors af tha Ma ' tea. Ohia, dM aaddeal^ todajnMm I a train held Car Me city. Mr. Pattaraea wac rtrlckn er'Jh i hoar*, attach aad diad be'*o mediea , ear.rvancc inH roach hia. Ha ora , era lad la a chair ebattiag with hi , ralrt, h'r only n—yaalie. ai tto train flail thioagh rithwnd, Cato I den reuaty, ho enddealy Ml «* 1 Or. T. r. Dradaaa, af Sanaa. I Uka. M. Y., orha oraa fat tha aaal Icar war —mmd and triad to fw vhra the wrirh.a nan hot aB mtor athos failed. Me had haaa a af— from a chronic cardiac condition. The body was he ought to Me c*d aad the antharHiar itdatd H gal to am ondwtWag yttor. nM. I Kuaabor of bocbotboB oolfitn ymehaeud (fonda raised at comaanity rtcetinfft)_ t) Volley boll outfits ........ 1 Amount of Money rained for athletic rood a. acbool m'| mrat. libraries, etc. __ M*-X Somo county-wide feetores wen ladnUM thu department, end ; [ for ckompioiuhip. etc. Keereai tonal nd atecy hence, to Other with athletic drill wot* wed. 1 nn e part of aoeb day*e yeofcnM ■ — ■ ■ _ - i ADA JONES IS DEAD OF SUDDEN || M^H^TrUWtr, ,yu m "* [jeeaafMd MomUy NINE MILLION TO BE PAIDMEMBERS Wmr rjmamm Omkmam Umtkti To Bo PraoMt At ■—riamo. wttl wriN ** al otkc r r » jroMM of (HPKMilf >•. OM.OOO on tkatr o^i wM* *9 ** n!*!?r i^rrl? Sk *!rti^«f*r *awa ta **<rtrij pawL^T MWory TfcadMtota" ^ jUtafc, fc»—w», a»U» i« »pii< pwl s

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