— i ' ..I ■ and Saturday, Vcy 1 li) t 12t» and 13th. Don^ fail to attend* Bigycit value* ill Hi^p^yr"*] t m > V jj JS J ■3 CO 1 4 «■* g s ft 5* T 2 » s ft >» 1 2 J? tJ s I i H I I I a One Dollar Day—Not a Three Dollar Day—BUT THREE H ONE DOLLAR DAYS. Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 11th, 12th and 13th, 1922 In the Spring of 1921 we held the first Dollar Day Sales ever held in Dunn, and it proved to be such a great success that we decided months ago to make this an annual event, and began to make our plans to make this one more interesting to the buying public in Dunn and vicinity. Never before have we offered such wonderful bargains. No matter where you live, don’t fail to visit our stores next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 11th, 12th and 13th. No mail or phone orders on Dol lar Day Specials. _■_■_•__ -'■ - ___ _ —-- - --* ORGANDIE 35c to 50c quality in ail the newest spring shades, during our Dollar Days we will sell— 4 Yard* for $1.00 SOISETTE 50c quality in black, white, pongee, pink, blue, gold, etc.. during our Dollar Days-— 3 Yards for $1.00 ORGANDIE 75c quality, assorted colors, pinks, bines, periwinkle, jade, maise, white, etc. Dollar Days 2 Yards for $1.00 50c Quality MADRAS SHIRTING In all newest shirting stripes, Dollar Days— 4 Yards for $1.00 One Table WHITE FLAXON3 and VOILES Checks and solids, extra nice quality, was sold for BOe to 7Be per yard. Dollar Days— 4 Yards for $1.00 lad and LASSIE CLOTH AH colon including solids. Dollar Days— 5 Yards for $1.00 32-INCH DEVONSHIRE 32-lnch Devonshire, all col on, we will sell during Dollar Days— 4 Yards for $1.00 GABERDINE Extra nice quality, was sold as high aa $1.00 per yard. Dol lar Days— 4 Yards for $1.00 RAMIE SUITING 86-fn. Ramie Suiting, pinks, blues, roes', browns, etc., 36c quality, Dollar Days— 6 Yards for $1.00 _ * CHAMBRAY AND GINGHAM 1 table of checks, stripes and aolids. Dollar Days— 10 Yards for $1.00 PAJAMA CHECKS Good quality, Dollar Days— 7 Yards for $1.00 f- • ‘ . ’____ V 36-INCH BLEACHING 1 table in short lengths, val ues up to 15c. Dollar Days— 20 Yard* for $1.00 DRESS GINGHAM 26c beat grade, extra good patterns. Dollar Daya— 7 Yards for $1.00 SEA ISLAND 40 inch, we will sell during Dollar Days— 10 Yards for $1.00 LONG CLOTH 15c Long Cloth, Dollar Days— 10 Yards for $1.00 FEATHER TICK A. C. A. 8-ounce Feather Tick, we will sell during our Dollar Days— 4 Yard* for $1.00 CURTAIN SCRIM 16c quality, Dollar Daya— 12 Yards for $1.00 LIGHT PERCALES 15c quality, Dollar Daya— 10 Yard* for $1.00 Men’s Specials for Dollar Days MOTS 7Se NAINSOOK UNION sum i AH Sih, we will nil during ear Dollar D«r»— 2 lor $1.00 OVERALLS Boro' atrletty 7Se overall, 1 all eat. good weight— 2 Pairs lor $1.00 >1.60 and >2.00 Ladies’ Fash ioned Silk Hose, all colors, we will sell on Dollar Days for— $1.00 Per Pair Ladies' Fine Lisle Full Fash loned Hose. 76c Quality, dar ing Dollar Days— 2 Pain for $1.00 LADIES' HOSE Assorted colors. Dollar Days— 12 Pain for $1.00 On* Lot Children’* OXFORDS AND SANDALS Dollar Day*— $1.00 Per Pair