. I •• ' £■ DUNN VOLUME IX. ~ 1 DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA. TAXPAYER STILL MAY APPEAL CASE ' _ I Can Go Bafora County Com missioners Sac oad Mon day In July Mach amsndlng of th# Reveaui and Machinery Act in recent yran and the concurrent confusion as tc just what the status of laws for fix ing the valuation of property foi taxation provide for at present, havs not changed th# iranwmorial provis ion that on the second Monday In Jnly each year, an aggrieved cltiaen cao appeal to hit county board of commssioiners for redrees, according to an opinion famished yesterday to the Revenue Commission by Attorney General Manning. No further general alteration of present values through a horisontal redaction, general revaluation or the like, can be made without farther legislation on the matter, but noth ing in the amendments or other aev legislation hat abrogated the right of Individ eel appeal, in the opinion of Judge Manning. The opinion fol lows. "■action 28 and its sahdrvisioni were amendments to Lhe revaluation act of Ifll and wore enacted by thr Legislature of 1921 to meet the ana auai depression which had occurred, •r «ei supposed to have occurred In valaea of real estate generally throughout the State. In order to meet thin condition which had follow ed the revaluation of real' create jr dtr the act of 1919, the Legislature prescribed that the Board of Goanty OommtaaloBere, sitting in joint real ■iea with the Bdraoofetaoinetaomm I tioa with the Board of Review, ceokl1 adopt far ita reap active county ef one of three methods to wit, horizon tal reduction, revaluation of all real proparty or the hearing of petition* hy individual owners of real aetata. "AH of the counties of the Mate l adopted one of these throe method*, I reported their action to the State -V Beard ef Equalization and the State CSSSSSmSS tier in the State until the next gen-1 oral ri aasiaanent of real estate,! which haa been for many yean in1 this State made once In aach four years. "There hat been alee in the Ma chinery Act of the Slate for the past 18 or 20 year*, section* 77 and 78. | Under the** suction* the Board of Connty Commissioners is created the' county Board of-Equalisation, and It ia authorised to meet on the sec ond Monday of July of aach year and I consider, having given notice of thl*| mooting, individual complaint* of ovar-asmmsent or onder-aaaeasm*nt. It ha* power to hear evident* and tab* testimony and determine in each individual ease whether the property la excessively, valued au compared with the value of other real estate Hi tiie county or whether it is under valued. "As the name of this hoard sug faets, it U (tie connty Board of Equ-1 alixntion for real estate values in the I county. It hat no power of general revision end It haa no power to make | a general aaaaasmant of values of, real a«Ut* In the county, bnt Its! powsc la halted to undertaking to, equalise the vein* already establish-j ed but K cannot create a new stand ard of value*.11—New* and Ofcserv-! *r. j NSW TANK WAGON PRICK OP GASOLINE U CENTS GALLON] New York, Kir 11.—The Standard OH company of New York today ad-| rancid Ac price of gasoline on* cant, a gallon in all its territory. It also announced a limiter advance in As pries of varnish asakera’ and paint ers' naptha. The new tank wagon price 0f gaso line is 2d cents a gallon, which it the same as Ant charged by Ute Stand ard Oil company of New Jersey, the Sinclair, Consolidated Oil corporation and ether companies which have an no an Bed advances during the past week. The sew tank wagon price of varnish makers' and painters’ nop As Is 24 1-2 cents OPPBR CONVICT TWO MILLIONS POR LAND! Jefferson C*y, No., May *.—D. P. Hayas, a convict of negro and Indian bleed, hat received two offers, one purporting to be two million dollars end the ether *1^00.000. for hit oil into rote, prison officials said to day. Bo U serving three years for 'orgary. Hayes ia said >to ha the owner of ISO acres ef Mexican land, eiaeetfied »* oil land. He Is reported to have hem advised not te seH As land tor leap Aaa »4.000,»<X) MBM „M S ..N .Vm .. The Irish herder Is frayed—(Jr*Se ville PI i denial ! CO-EDS DEMAND VOTES FOR THEIR FAVORITE ! Wade Haa Effective Cacnpai(r er la Fair Feaiialae Specimaa .. ^Aapel Hill, May 10 —The ever-ri feeling woman stiff rage method-hut tonhollng, honeyed-voire, rweel wnilr with a hint of terroriratiun In th background—war in evidence durini the atudont alectlona at the Un:v«r aity here. “IKd you vote for Jake Wadr foi editor of the Tar Heed?" a partiou tarly pretty young woman said t< each friend of here who came to tht postoflcc at the crowded hour. He I words wore in thp form of u question I but lurking in the tone was somethin! | that soamed, unmistakably, to say | “Well. If you didn’t you're no fr1cn< | of mine and you Ecedn’t come arounr • again." I M any of thoee she addressed hat i voted against her choice 0r plannee to, he didn't admit It. Of course. Wade didn’t have at the partisans among co-*ds. Each can dldate had his feminine following which contributed persuasion as wall i ni vote*. CATCH GRADUATE OF SHOPLIFTERS’ SCHOOL CiH Whs AccvfnuU Ivd $*0,000 Worth of Finery Worries 9tor« M$*t|$n w-.. rrwit ro, 1.4III , Mfty 0._ Harriett Crvwthcrs, 22 year-old eon faurd graduate of a "School of Shop lifters" in Chicago, sat complacently '* a call today while half a doaen worried department store manager: considered her remarks in' the ligh: of her acts. Xie* Crowtiers, according to her Story as recounted by the police, plied ber trade here one week and accu mulated 120.000 worth of flnary, in cluding 200 gowns, of which she says 7« came from one store She added that the could have "backed a truck up to aay atore in town, robbed it. and gotten sway without detection." Mil .11 UUJ.UJ' some of the rules. WINTER WHEAT CROP SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Big Increases In Production of Rye Hay Forocast By Department Washington, May 0—Improvement! was shown in the winter wheat crop during the last month, the Depart ment of Agriculture today forecast-1 Ing this year’s production at 581, 702, bushels, based on the May 1, condition. Today’s forecast is approximately 12,500,000 bushels more than was es timated a month ago, 2,80 0,000 bu*h els leas than produced last year, and 6,000.000 bushels largnr than the average production for the last five j yeara. There was almost 10,000.000 bush els increase In the prodaction forecast of rye compared with a month ago. A total crop of 76,.'il2,0O0 bushels is forecast. ^ Hay promises a crop about 7,000, 000 teas larger than last year’s, the production this year being forecast at 103.579,000 tons. Spring plowing and planting both were behind the average for the last tan years, while the condition of pas tures was much lower than a year ■go and also below the ten year ave rage. The condition of winter wheat on M»7 1. and the forecast of produc tion in the Southern States follow: Virginia, condition 91 per cent normal, production forecast 10,499,-j vvu, rronn Carolina, pi and HI,475. 000; Sooth Carolina 6« and 1,210, 000; (Margin 75 and 1,510,000; Ten nreset, 03 and 5,616,000; Alabama 60 and 212,000. NO MEMORIAL OBSERVANCE HELD IN LIIXINCTON Lillington, May 11.—Manorial day nraa observed in LiUEngton only as s holiday, them being no exercises In celebration of the event. The mason for thEi it that the gmvet of solid era ere scattered over a wide territory, each Meal rommonity having Ha bury ing ground In whoor bosom rest the remains of the fallen Heroes. Many people from Lfllington wen In at tendance upon the exercises at Chi ton rentiery near Averaaboro bat tleground about three cadet from D»»n. The program began at 3 o’ clock under the anepteea of the Dunn poM pf American Legion and 0. D. C. Cap* Rowland WiUarnt of Dunn, delivered 0te address. The extremes were conducted under the supenrts’en of Mrs. MeD. Holliday and the made uma funrlahed by the Dunn Concert Rand. ' 100,000 RATIONS TO J, VICTIMS OF FLOC | -- '| Mltf Commission in UsMrni Fll f**kody Actually Starving Tn Dootk. Report Mod* -- • Natch**, Mis*., May 10_With ■ i 000 persons already rationed in t ■ flooded arises of Concordia, Ca ' | houla and Tcnaae parishes, all of t I flo.OOO flood sufferer* In this distr ■ will have bean supplied with food I the end of the present weak. W. 'j Connell, chairman of the executi committee of Iks Louisiana state i II hef commission declared after ca feretiera with workers and plants today. Kilty thousand rations we ordered Tuesday for distribution Vidalia and points along the rle south i Rations will bo issue,!, Mr. Cornu «ald, where emergencies exist, b ] registration card* must coma wi the next request. Rationing will be on a weekly i I semi-monthly basis. Where point* , j families are difficult of acceaa, he as | ration* for two weeks will be su plied at one time. On* hundred thoi . rand rations have bean dietribats Ithui far. People will be allowed to stay i their homes where it Is possible l •each them from barges and othi | points of distribution. Whan this .mpoasible. they must come t* d amps to get supplies, be said. “Proas ill our investigation*, w | could Ana n* on* who is actual! hungry," said Mr. CobbsII. "Wbe hangar impends, people hare gone | Iks ss^n. SSOBbII.- s_ _- — -1---—-■ ! FUME OF COLD GIVEN TO VETERAN MINISTER FROM NORTH CAROL IN Richmond, Va„ May 10.—la n cognition of hi« SO yean of rcntifu oui service as a trusts* of the Inat tution, the Rev. H. G. HIU, at Mai ton. N. C„ was today presented pun* of gold at the Anal exercises <, Union Theological Seminary. W. Moon, 1he presentation Though part BO be appeared as opr at a boy today when ha stopped fm word and accepted tha gtft His aai Vice began |n 1872. HARDWARE MEN CHEERFUL OVER BUSINESS OUTLOOI Chattanooga, May 10.—Opium* over the business outlook marked th sddrccaca at the opening of the slxtl onnnal convention of the South-east cm Retail Hardware and lpiplamcn meriition here today, tha keynot ■pevch being made by President Frv H Young, of Lake City, Florida. The addresi of wHcoane was mad hy Mayor A. W Chambliss and th response by R. O. Noonjin, of Atlani • n-ponse by R. O. Noon Jin, of AttaR Alabama Frank Oamell, 0f LouirriU Kentucky, recorded on behalf of Rn exhibitors. Tho exhibits am feature of th gathering. The session* Will contim* hardware dealer* trade will be dll rawed. PAYMENT IMPOSSIBLE SAYS GERMAN REPL' Parli, May 10.—The German re ply to die reparation* rnmmlmliia prodciU which be* been received b; the reparation, com minion., protmt tbe good will of the German govern meet, but plead, the material tmpoa albillty of impoting SO billion matt new tare* before May SI, or eoa*ly ing with all the condition* laid dowi on May 21. The German govern man the reply *aid, it convinced of ttw nccewity of covering oapendltor without further monotary InfUtion Honing rcgunl, however, for tbo Car men ocononrie eiluation and finaticia obligation* abroad it |* considered in evitable (hot important payment* do. by Germany Hr foreign currency can not bo met without the aid of for sign loan*. 161,000 ACRES ARE PLANTED TO WATERMELONS THU YEAl Washington, May 7.—The acruag planted to watereaelone la aarly pro dicing eta tie thta year totale 161/101 aertt in ulna etatce aa compared will JOO.SOO herveated acrce la 1H1. at cording to oatlmatoo made public b iho United State* department o' agri cult*re. Thi# i* as increase of 4' per cent. - « Georgia has S7.S60 sera* thi* year a gain of S2 per earn over the hoc crated acreage last year Team ha SMOO aero* or 2# par cent enor than la 1MI. Florida ha. is,4th aeraa, a gala of It par cant. Acre age* have also laeroaaod in Boat Carolina. Alabama, Now Me.tec Arltono and tooth*rn California A email dacratM waa shown li y>rlh Carolina. D JAKE WADE ‘•EDITOR OF tr ; h'( »- -- |»! Chap.) Hill, May et w*de. of Duns, 3, , in-thief of the Tar p. i «Ky eefni-weekly ,a annual »- j terday. i- CHarlUa J. Parker, Jr, „ ' a rota o? »7« ta ra moat internet tag ,t *Wa campus has Yf thus. Tha now II Jonathan Daniels, it, Daniels, editor of the Oh h1 aarrer. Be served as ed! j t°r of the Tar Serf am ►r'waa athletic editor thi „jyoar previous Ba street d " associate the CereUaa adi l-, tor of the Dnleenlty d monlr known as the the past yeay. n ■C. B. Cohen, ai « 0. Wright r1 wnh darted g Tar Heel. • Stanfield, oa the Tar e 1 I -! trraa Ranter. II the contrary 1 "He wore a 1 robe over hie the aged wold ter. “Oa ‘ an old striped bonnet. At did not here J «ny woman', belonging*. There wne 1 fit even any string* on hi* bonnet. | H* was a men tare enough.” The Michigan trooper*, 419 of ' them, with ten oOcera, Were prepar 1 ing for reet after three days and 1 light* of marching from Macon. 8ol ' dler Hunter aeld. whew they spied a I little camp seeladed amidst a cluster of sapling. An advance guard wae ' wnt on, a few abota were fired, the I entire regiment swooped down and ' the camp waa taken. | Jcffeiuea Davia, bia four children, Joha R Regan, his poetmaeter-gan cral; a staff of nidaa aorvanta and . him others, war* found. •I "1 am the man yea are looking for.' the veteran quoted lb. Dwria. ’j “We all surrounded him," Mr. Hunter continued. Colonel Pritchard II did the talking 'or n* We were all '. *“»PT and wanted W celabrate. That made Daaie mad and he said. Ton fellow* think yourare mart to- eap '■ **• • camp at womaa and children. 'I Well, you are not.*" '| The camp wa* guarded eloaeiy that 'I ■*<*>"’* left hi* tent aad attempted In ' walk away, only to be betrayed by ■(hU spare «a he tripped new e log. ' Hunter raid. 'I "We took him to ltaooa torn doym ' | later," Hunter mid. "Then 22 awn • eecortod him to Waahingtan and eur I rendered him to Major Genera) ■ Milee." Mr. Haoter mid the awn of hie regiment men given a »*»0 bo mu for the tegunio. It being enraeded ia 18M and finally paid nine tern yearn later. 1 Says He FTa* There Tommo, Kearns, May lS.-J*aper | Taylor, of BeMaa, la aether)ty for | the rtaUmont that ho aealotod la the >eapt«ro of Jaffeton Daria. Abeat : twoaty-ilvo years ago ha received hie 8108 reward far aariMfag la Mo em • lorn. , i i BISHOF KILGOS If PLACED ON i RETIRED LIST BY CONFERENCE ► Hot Springe, May ll.—Tha goaor - si conference of tW Redyed 1st Dpi*. nltal>^ Hendrix, of Eanaaa C*y. and John C. • EBge. ed Ohorlette, «. O, ho phued oa the retired RM. T , ■ t* % . ‘ V -i • t ••• f * ' \tr ■ .J L . i TRADE IS GROWING IN EVERY 1NDUSTR j O—Ai—Ira Amaag Maaofeetar* Shvwa That la«l— aa Ha* Tara ad aad Loft "Career" * —m——^m New YeA, Hay 10.—Busiaeia u ‘,-ada conditions throughout the Uni cd State*, a* reported by 10,000 mm* nfactoren to data K. Edgerton, pn cidaat of tha National tnrraatioi " of Manufacturer* today, At>w a Ml Wo, sane, defln'lc and eentina_ng ad ranee \ “We ha*- j n t »y tcnud lb oorBr' a Mr. ICdse.tin'r a.'»i . Mary a4 a suivey of the tndi*. *:y J-* J completed "We a e arm } 1 eery for behind Hoiinw- I* *« V.i upgrade in r-.r'.ieai:* all of the ba 1 he indu..i Tha SdTT'y aa.* mads by question nairas, nnsv «.*, o a . i *.i wore rcceiv ad srtthia the lart Si hour* eo thai k represent* to editions as of today “The i.*< it lUajrriy of our b^*K ktdaM-'iie ta t that the preeont tandc i* fai- ‘u rJ«d; mm* ray it jj excellent, but only a mall part (a) It ia poor," tha report continued. “Tharu ia a general tcaar cf b:.g\i pro*poet* for the future, and a greo many o' the industries —t oily re port that they are employing mor* men than they am a year aga, but that thay are looking for a still far thar increase ia their fame* wbaa the fail waA eats la" GOLDSflORO AGAIN TO HAVE EVANGELIST HAM Mretlrel* W* IqU Jm. 4 Ari Caat'fje Fur tin Wutlu Ot dA-ne, May 20 —Tbr Mlntiter 1*1 t 'tr'T.-.'.yn rad Christian Uy «»’i Fa ‘.Titles of All chy mu bury at wa:l: gutting ready for Ac Haaa Rummy revival meetings which cooumMo in this eHy on Sunday, joj>« 4. s-d the —Raw of these w31 re« that tho meeting advertised sad everything t‘-a revival, which eoj'dact »d a ala eity laat year, 'inj June- 12 and eoadnaiir util July 24. Thousands ——t* the might ■aariaga. ala* laaga trends attended the morn tag service* at the teat and afternoon meetings at *• non* buotneaa bouses. Thia time the evangelist expects to it amis in At city longer Aaa ha did laat aummor. CUMBERLAND OFFICERS MAKING FINE RECORD Fayetteville, May Bhertff Me Ceacfay and his deputies made a good record last meath In the war an man ufaetorarm of mooaskin* liquor. They captured fonrtoeo man alleged to have been engaged ia illicit distillery or ajdating in doing so. Urey got ewooty-oevan stills, together with a great quantity of bear, besides other articles used in the making of tfci fluid which makes inebriate* and sometimes doaa worse. Yesterday Jailer W. A. West, tire custodian o' the eaptnrtd boos* plants, cut up thirty-nine stills and *11 cap* and worms and ether fix tures pertaining thereto. On Wing asked by a reporter what h# did with tho scrap head, he docHaed to toll, ailegiag aa hia reason Ac fear that bootleggers might be toaepted to try and make a still out of the scraps. TO ERECT NEGRO DIVISION AT SANATORIUM THU TEAR Bids wore spaaed Batarday for A* •racoon ax sanatorium, n. u., h « "•grv divieien to tba Sanatorium and far fc now dining roam and kite ban. Tha bid af Me Etwee and Heater far eenetraetiou work totaling W, MO waa aeetgted with tba under (tondtag that tba dining ream and kitchen would ba aamplated by Ma remfcer 1st. Tha negro aanatettom to ba randy far eeeupaaey an January let OrloneD Company aaaurad tha aon trnrt far banting at M, 1*1.00. Tha piunfblng will ha Inatallad by tba Sautbarn Plumbing and Heathy Company at a coat of |7<MQ Thaaa who are net familiar with tba let bulldlnga and equipment the Btete bat provided ft* thorn taking tmateaant fa* tubereulaaM wm ba ra^riaad by paying a vidt te Seaatertum. XW VANDERBILT AMUVHS AT MLTMOEB POE SUMMER Arhcvilla, May I, Mm Ovary* Vanderbilt and daughter, Mim Car nalte, arrived at BiMmara bauaa to day and wOt apond tba amnmar. Tan can «av# daylight by aatng It—Mnwgipar Tatmrpilaa Ameeie tten. B9MRS9HM-HHB ■ FAY FINAL TRIBUTE f| 70 HENKY P- DAVUOI *| M-Irt-aemi---e -.-[f.| in..n Mm« At Stnirn, 1 l-wt Valley, N T., May U > HultiMllllonalrv and rimple rHlsgoi - met today at the little ivy clad chape - #f St. John's af Lottlngtown far tbs 4 funertl „f Henry p. Davlaon, baokn ' anil philanthropSrt. , l :,x- too, van m*n and worn • -n o' the American B'.d Cram la pay r I ta T stc ta t in mao who during the • I Wc..\il War Had directed the argent :«:Njn’« effort* to keep af\ht the !| '• k ai w# or care the final boar >bv d/!nf | ih» Rsd C orn wreath occupied I * e niace of honor at the briar; the Rr d Cruet Is* floated from the rad ite i la the tiny Long Island church; ■ i grcap of Bed C:o«« nurses stood I w ’*1 bowed heads on the church lawn It i g U>« rmplc Episcopalian ritual >* 3 delegation from the Bed Cross j c-cr council fllciahy represented the “realert mother in the wortd.” i J- P. Morgan, heed of the banking hoes* in which Mr. Davieoa had boea I J parte*/, :od the prsces:isn late the | thdrch, t* which only the nearest ro ’ot TO w-V closest friends wets ad i miUed. Around tike rbap<l wrrs maer I ed man and women IntcmatowaUy pi emir eat who had coats by mater *;• special train for the ce-e*snr. At the graveside far the final rite* r'** ••'If the closest friend* I --- ! ccvrrjiMErT u facing I NECESSITY OF HANDING HUMAN TO KBUPPS Wa*-gt<m. May IS,—TW A»er jicaa gorenuaeat Had* hwK aedar • the revived* pat*at treaty with Car 1 many, fared wiU» the neeaseKy ad : paying royalties which it la aattatoted amy leach $f fc.SOO.OOO to tha Kisppt «« pa tan ta haaad oa INnaratlaa 'of Air.r-'rpa engineers. "■-W. 1 M'ltor, I'm Property Coetodtaa. da I Haaad | Mr. Awt.-icsa «k! circle* the belief U af tha A morion tda is "Wt aw-'y raaevrad from panaMtat^aad^ trariaga_ , local news or interest TO THE PEOPLE OP — Duke. May 10—Ttia Auxiliary of will giro a of Mr*. K- H. Boat next ing, from 7 till S. A w*l ha rendered, after ; »eitta will ha aarvad. Tha ' will ha far the aapanaaa af , copal church. Everyone is I invited to attend. ! Bev. A. C. MeCdB, paeti Baptist church, has bee frost throat trouble for days. He was cendoctlag ***** w**an stricken H is ha will aaaa h* abh to preaching. Be*. A. T. Lassiter, Prwbytrrlan church at ducted servieas hare the PraSbyterii Bev. 1. C. of Bute's Creek, condnr rvicca at the Baptist church Sunday nipM. Mrs. Annie W. TUHiiAu* •«* H—»P«nt Friday in Wilma. Mlm Madeira K»i*ht, U V«atj Durham, waa a ambmd gaaat bam. W. S. Wkitflald af Waat Duiham, ■paat tha week aad ham. T**" H. Wafefc aad fatally, af Caneard, apart Vm weak aad hart, ithc xuaaU af Dr. W. 9. Idt «aad Imam', af Man Hill Oai Mam HU, apoat Vm mark aad • bam rtth hi* atatar, Mtaa Maad Ska ns. PhHlip aad Frvdartek Thomma, ata 'danta at Trinity Path Sabaal, Durham mtaraad bona laat Tboraday far tba “Mteky" O'Qaian, «f tba OrataM bwrn ban dab, .pent Vm mat-oat wkb hta pamata. Daatd Small, af Laxla«taa, baa aa raptad a paakton ham wkb tha Park Cafa. C. H. A a da man mart Via a.A i««d In WlaatonWaWa. Naab Sally, wtm waa infarad In | •• aatamaWta wrnek laat waak. la vMtla* atony aery wall la tha Vial tal ham. I William, tba al*-r««r-oU me af Mr. aad Mm. Hilliard K*rrta«taa. !»wa a rarj an|ayrtta party ta aawi aral af bta yarn* frtaadi TWmday alvM, in hotter af hta dm Mrtbday ^ «wam aad eaka war wmd. Mlm Laaa Calvflto ontartataad Prl [day Bight at bar boat* ta aaraml af bar frtaada. Oamaa warn ptayad, af tor wktab muak aad rafmVmi.nU warn aajayad. Abort faartaaa warn 4 i TWO COPPER STILLS TAIBI BYOFFICERS wrml p'.lni at Mill, a ad nd War taVea, r..i aaa mam mid am <b* Mr't rf a raid maim by nmiaJ reveano gflctn La Aat aacteea Tbar«day. Thu dkm cat aw A* itUI* and brcagbt Am w Dam aad Ac wbUkay and bear waa llnjii on Ac <pat. tmdan Stewart waa A* wma araaat «d. He waa A rw— mad <NTra1aalrn»r"|lTilyai!<i^Si tSoaad 'aadar a »MJ« bead mad wA be triad daria* Ac m«*« week. — »«* ceeeral other fdlcM at Ac atfB Imt they made their eecepe ini Ac rircr «, a beat Watranta wO la ’•coed ter Am bowaccr. mad ter •8 probably be aoaaalad Mm ._I Hot lyriw. Ait, Iter 10_*te I tot to Which oao ha aha i *k|as$| Th. _ which wmo wada to a i •ac 17» to 110. Iha ---frrion too* •*>»»•* 'TV?* •***•»•»**.*• 'wtodteif^rniinJ^jnt^alatod! for Dr™j!'V. MtoJlTof Ori«te. Ftnite. tot»U« too pnoc ia which ho mwtor nUicahm to ehanh atei Kaaald ho to* not botta*« too touch t«M an* tradition which had wtoh tooad too toato of too faaoa too do nomiiwttton kaa Mi^y - - -

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