__ THE DUN VOLUME IX. ' " ~ " DUNN. NORTH CAMU MANY PEOPLE HEARD DR-BAGBY SUNDAY Walt# Format Mu Preached In tcreating Sermon At Buie's Creek Lillington, May 16. — A throng much greater than the seating cap« e'ty Buis’* Creek church gathered there Sunday morning to hear the bacealaureate sermon by Dr. A. Paul Bagby of Wake Forest to tbtf grad ••b* of Buie's Creek Academy on the occasion of the thlrtydtfth com mencement. Dr. Bagby, although a comparatively new arrival In North Carolina, has so acclimated himself *-b»* be was familiarly referred to by the veteran educator, Rer J. jA. Camjkcll, as “one of our folka.” Dr. Bagby straightway won his welcome by preaching one of the most appll sermons ever heard In these parts. i Professor Campbell announced that sf the Sf 5 students enrolled for the clacing caselon there had hern no deaths, no eerloee Winces,- that rail-' glous services had boon attended by, the largest number in the history of the InmUuMon, end that from the standpoint af general discipline and inspirational results secompllgied. this had been one of the most tue eeaaful sessions. Seventy ter,loss wdl graduate next Wednesday. On Thurs day morning the orator* will contest for a medal, and when this number on tho program is finiriied, Editor W J. Cameron of tha Dearborn Inde pendent crlll deliver the literary ad-1 draas. ifn the afternoon the Alumni Amaelation arlD meet and be address ed by Dr. J. A. EMU of Pullen Me marial Choryh. Jtaleigb Dr. Bagby read from Paul'* latter La (kg -1- -«-a_t_ .. 9th and 10 verses, and cheer, for hie rabject "The Finished Product.” That He might merely forcibly lm prooe apon the minds of his hoarors element# that constitutes the fin-' imtad product in manhood and srom-1 anbood, be drew an excellent word PkWie of that which foti do ‘make up th# product bJfc which does not -**• «» “*•***•’ rtm ^mi|e ^ t*t* Ires, which la turn It Tempered * • th* lfn*r hfddpWd. Long hoars oY.ar> duo as to##«fHntt, the Aolds of col-' '.ton .but the AnisKjfr product ia not ettolned until fin# akill brings forth the comfortable garment. Thu* H la with the soul, mid the smoker, every man, woman and child is of Infinite value to God. Of all tho starching after value, the greatest estimate Is pUced by the Cresdor apon he man beings, and their value ix host known to Rim. Most failarea arc brought about by men and women seeking after wrong things .and because they do not know what tht\ finished product ia It ia not strength, nor is it beauty. Sparta and Athens came near making strength and beauty their God. Bat-' Ulng Nelson, greataat fighter in the wurid, wse only a physical product. The mom beautiful woman In the world eras only ■‘beautiful.” Jeat hare the speaker paid his compliments to beauty, declaring that ha admired M and that he would go as far to believe in paint upon a woman's face,1 if It was neermary. “but God pity tho woman upon whose face it was necessary.” Dr. llagfcy want into the definition of th* tbriahed product try declaring that it moat be something that would taab—would not fado away. Strength gfrea way, beauty will fade, but the man n, sometning that improves with the time that wears agaiaot it; and this not only, hat it moot be wholly acceptable to tha true will of the Almi*bty. Brain - and brawn cannot of thenuelvet ac compli yh the end meet deetred, aaid the spraker. nor can morality, a) though these ware fine things to cul tivate. "When I think of the school* that dot oar head I praise Ood and taka courage; hat when I think of the thoarands that era striving af ter that which will fade away I feel that ire need Cod’* bctp.” • There never waa a Um* in tho Wa tery af the world, aaid Dr. Bagby, wban there waa a greater demand far morality and tha moral life. "Oh far the day when w* dull have don* to dearth the double standard—when tha yean* man aan aland up and say ta hie Ood: Ah these things have I done; and for tb* young memos who pi new herself on the pedestal at morality.’’ The most moral In the world, however, aaid he, do not eon stMate tho fobbed product The la bhod product Is a matter ef the are birth, complete in Chriet Jeans. TV. "moral" man sank** Urn eomraaeit] worse for luring lived in H If k* haw ' net Ohrtat in hi* heart, fool ef Tamm did not lift tha world; hat Paul point *d the wup, tho troth and the llgh that made the world safe far Chriet daring his wonderfully apgUeahV asms on. Dr. Bagby declared unto hi LOADING COAL AT i' CAROLINA MINES L - ProapocU Bright For Mining of A Thousand Ton* P«ilf Ssnfonl. May 18—The Carolina Coal Company on Monday commenc ed to toad coal for shipment from it» mine* on Deop River, a few mile* out from Sanford, and if nothing ariaee to prevent, It is the Intention to put a continual supply. The main •lope is driving farther into the coal seam every day, and cro*« heading* and working rooms are turning off! t0 make a place Tod minor*. Air | tourae* hare bcon driven to the work* ing heading, and a big fan la supply-' Ing a strong and ample current of air to keep the mine* thoroughly ven tilated. A Pennsylvania coal man who was but at tho mine* this week and down in the workings, say* be ha* never taen batter coal, nor bet ter conditions for taking it out. Contldvndd* morr development work is yet to b* done, but it goes drward along with the mining op-' oration*, y.. at. Keextv, the general managar, njri the coal runs 10 per cent fixed carbon and SO per cent volatile matter, with low ash ami •ulphnr, and Blon II. Butler, vien-i president. who waa op the first of. week looking at the coal cotnr out to load the first two can, says t is the equal of scything in the Pittsburgh field, which is where he came from some years ago. The mine waa planned from the boginning to car* for an output of a thousand tone a day, but the man agement anys It will take time to work !t up to,ihat capacity, although that la thA* ultimata ambition. A groat deal o' construction » yat to b* done ‘ before that capacity can he attained. BIC CONCERN MAY COME TO THE COUNTY SEAT Kapraoaalarfvea of Poplaa Minufac lartag Ca. P rosea tod Plan By Which Eatahltot.mmt May Mora Hera town may gain thr headquarters, coa- i silting of laboratory, aaJea ofHcea and entire management of the Pcplax Manufacturing Co., of Colombia, 8. C. Through the inatrumentalily of Mr. John W. Kehoe, who baa lcaaed The; Killiegmy Hotel for a period of tan ' year*, and who ia the largest stock holder In tha Pap lax concern, pres sure haa been brought to bear upon Ihr oth r stockholders calculated to Influence them in the removal of th*| entire aatablishmenl to Lillington. Upon invitation of Mr. Kehoe, j Venn. J. R. Baggett and Hrndereon 3teele went to Columbia a fear days ago and met with the owner* of Pep lax, to whom they pointed out the wholrseaso adramtagea of Lillington aa a distributing point. At a result of this conference. Dr. A. W. Taylor and ' Attorney A. C. UePaa of Columbia came to LfUington Monday and were entertained at a banquet and btuincm meeting ef business and professional men of the town at The Killiegrey Monday night. Never before haa there been a liner apirlt of co-operation shown. It was with one accord that the business element greeted and hailed with de light the opportunity*to secure the location here of n concern of such magnitude. Tha Peplax represents LilHngtaci would retpond, and follow ing closely upon the dote of the ban quet hour there were conference* which looked toward the c cm mi re me tioa of the plan by which tho concern may locate Into. While all of the detail* haw* not yot boon worked out, it it safe* to predict that before many , day I Lilllngton will become headquar ter* for oar of the most wide.* ad vertised proprietary medicine* in tho •outhera state*. Mr. Kebet has I ace red a building for tho laboratory and office*, and I ha loft hero Weduced*/ for Columbia . to superintend the packing hod ehip ' plag of tho equipment. Harnett Coun ty News. Tho a unbar of people in tho Unit ed State* riw eon not apeak English , is lees than two million*. Th» in cludes train eallert. Richmond ' News Leader. I audience that tho groatoot dignity ' that hamaakiad could aaeaa nd redemption of man i triad to prodoeo the fintoed product —to make it paeaWU; but It is ouri ’ by tho grace of Qsd. Dr. Bagby wai board again ii i Bale's Creak charrh lari night bj I another audience. I 0 HARNETT COUNTY BAC G RELIE Thousand Dollars Raised A Mom Mooting la Lillingtoa l-illington, May 14—Nearly <1,041 wa> subscribed to the Near East R< lief here this afternoon following a address by Dr. Isaac Yonam of No York, a native Armenian, who tol of actual conditions in the strleka Hible lends st s nass masting in th court house which formally lauaebs Harnett county campaign for <2,SO for this greet humanitarian move. Mlm Heme F Camp, of LHlingtoi who as county chairman hat works up Interest In the drive, presided. Be fore he had finished hie addrem Or Yonem eras Interrupted by H. 7 9|>een, 0ne of Harnett's leading citl sens, who told hint that be need gi no farther—that be had made ou a esse against the so-eelled Chr1^ nations of the world and that Urn arc few in Harnett county who wtl not respond to the can ed the Nea East Relief. 0_ a. . ... • "r—». CBOiiBf WLU y motion, declared that he had no >liev.d such thing, possible la , c:\ilisad world and that although b> la *2 years old he would williagb volunteer to join an army to wtp< Vurkey off the map. Ha than "adopt cd” one of tba children now in tiu rrphsnagcs over there, of which Bar .'.ell county i, a deed to provide fooil and clothing for 17 this year. Mr. Spearv’ contlibwtion was foV hawed In rapid (HMaraaion by the 'adoption of It children which, with ■k* amen already provided for b) unsolicited funds, makes to Harnett’! wards taken care or on the first da) af the drive. Others wfce "adopted' children were: J. C. Byrd sad Brothn »f Dakr, Mia* Camp, B. t. Gentry o< UUlingtoo, Mrs. C. S Hick, of Duke, “■ *• Hltka. Mia* Tiucn Saha on of Lillingtun, c. H Milter ad Duke, Mias vudic Sexton of Ulllngtoa, 7. K.'Bag rett of Whngton. E. H. Spear*. H f. Atkinx end 7. B. TngaaB jointly iW Spews and O. 8. Atkina, afc-ef Ull.rgton made tlx moirthJf "addQp lone.'* These with the cash donation dialled I947.R0. STOPS ALL NOISES IN RADIO SIGNALS Invest tied Eliminate* Crackling and Bussing; Remove, Croat Okstada Chicago. May 13.—Elimination oi he crackling and hoaxing accompany ing radio signal, which have prove! jne of the greatest obstacles In the development of that science ha, beef lccompllihed by United State* arm) .Xpert,. It was announced today. TIu inventloa, which saparate* all static olaes from tbe.rgdjo signal, was per fcrUxI by Major l!o. Mauhergpe, sig nal oScer of the 8txth Corps Araa anil I7r. Louis Cohen, of Georgi Washington University, consultin' e'g'naer of the War Department, at ter more than two yean’ experireen tation. Thy • separation off *g«h Aon static noises caused hj the electric* charge, in the atmosphere I* accem .dished by a drain coil of wire, tb lamrlK bpSLOi Mfltt with tkf dll tance from which signals at* meats ed. The strength of the signal 1* na affected by die draining process, m cording u> Dr. Cobsn, and the signal may even be amplified. Another recent invention is a is tnmtnco wavs coil by vrbieh a radl receiving set snay be plugged fate * ordinary electric 'light pocket an radio sign ala recdvod as sroll as srtt an serial. This Invention, oa whle a .Insen patents are pending, wi perfected by Major Osaeial Ooom P. Bquier, chief signal officer of tl army. HIS NECK BROKEN WHEN HIS MULE 4UMPS SUDOENL “■ 11 Lillington. May 16—Whvn M /la McLeod, who lived boot Oosd bitched op Ms mala and ssaa props Ing to go for a rids, Ma male boom frightened, jumped and tanglad tl rein* is saab fashion Mat Mr. Ms tbssrv' aaeh wan caught and brake It seems that tbs male was etan lag hitched to th* baggy wham M Matthews started I* gsrt ia. Tbo an aaddenly took fright, from son reuse unknown, and bogaa maria which tangled tbs gear so that M Matthewi could not got himself las before tbs rata Incams fastened ! round Ms aesk, breaking It sad aai lag inteant death. HAl F! - t Stem )' Fayetteville, ' of dollar*'* ’' growing crops j ’ hail atona in ,| afternoon. Th* ; ceded the rate 1 errerity- atone* > mu'* fiat f|W > tbo atom him I the irate aid* of yteej ’ and op the - stream, - crops th v In th* Black 1 county th* '■ deep la drift* than twelve while the water I feet deep The ’ that radian never seen hafl fell yesterday A quantity erf irra brought to tearu pp W. G. Murphy, The ivcrur sift* rfhf ported to tin boon noticed in the dry before the bell of fire began cwirling through apnea and before a toiae that sounded'tike a great explo sion waa heard. A report from Chaae City, nine ty mile* from Birkiawd. ts to the effect that the m• tear waa oot only Seen there, bwt that the axplorion earned building* to ikaka, diobca to rattle and famrtnre to reek in many ho alee. AutomobHtst* who ere re pa roadway* in MackleaMff county are quoted a* aayiag that H aeemed aa if tharr can bad might km aa great wa* the HHntiaafloo. One Chaae City mao (aid tki* morning that the w*If* fall nortb ern of that town*. Ha w** inhabttaata of Chaae City and Marhlaakwrg County wore badly frightened and ruahed *rowi their how Ob feartag that an earthquake waa caariag the bawaaa 1 to ahaka. He wpartad aa damago to : property, tianrceer, **ri aaid aa oaa ' nmed to know tho’effect point at which the meteor struck the earth, if it landed at all. The phenomenon waa ertteamed toy many Mmafga who 1 were oh the *treeto riiortly gftei • 11 o'clock. Tho entire •auDnrcotani ■ able* were brightened aatf by a fla# - of lightning of a great ba»t of flame. • 'While tho Chock we* toot frit bon M at point! sooth of tha dSiaaa «hrer I R attracted a (mat deA »* attention • a aoita similar to Uwt.AnrtM h] » persons at LawraasdoiBa and othei points Map hoard id Mdnaond aha ' the detonation o APRIL SHOWS LARCE employment ga» Ra Watitinpton, May ll<—April ha dbwwn tha praataat pa* in ample] I moat throaphost tha oaaatry of an r month aineo tho fUat of *ho year, I IE Hunt, aeeratary of tha President' r.' confer taco on uiafhnwit, 4* «. flared today in a dahnni p[ Employment, ha add, <• dwwhp • 'steady and snstalned 0**- April n • ports Wap tho moat naanarayina o t*' tho year aad elaarly ladlaila tho a| a-'ward trend at indaatry aad tonrtaaa I-1 Royotis from M stMaa aad U r. District af Co load) la, ha daelara la ahonrad that far rrory 106 joha Hats m darlap tha month theta tears 1M a p, yiloaata aa a«alaat 1M ta Naadh; II r. In Pahraary, and ltd, la ipaaar so This, ha added, to a dermiaa af I a- par teat aver tha aaaaAer af apyt a- lay far wort dertap the Aral fa aaoritha af lha yaar. FALCON YOUNG MAN ! SINGS IN REOTAI ’ J. D. UmmUk Mmhm Hit WU ’I Elan OuUapa, May 1*.—Tha da yartaaanu of voice and axprasuloc Haro proton ted J. D. Strnvk and Mim Eunice li (Si la a jMat rr cltal la* n'fht. ?. «Ir'rick ha» a rick Una. vet • < f .rrrr.* rrronl o, and k: allows la oinfinf a lino uadamand ln* of tka tarknifue of tka work. Mr. Maaolci ho* baa* etudyiuf voieu for tkrao yaan V!m Florence Fiahar, • fradaa^a if tha New Euflaad Con servator;- hr •• kern Ma laat taackar. Mr. Mroii V tka ron of Mr. and Mr*. J. M. ITm Ick of South Creak, tat ha* ad p*ed Falcon aa Hi* p«T aiaaaat ktnt-. Ha taesrod Elan Col late at V5r bci U lnf of Ui junior pear, and k'l m da a. remarkable r«>ard for MmaaX Uo will receive hia bachelor's detroa at (Ho com.'nt commence meat. May M. Dur.nf kb atay at tha railage he Ha* maria many friaada. and Has ban native in tha col lama Ufa. Hi 1. • meiMmr o' the Pklleloglao Literary Society, aad during hi fi.it year at Efen College GU« Club. th* El on Quartet, the college choir, aad •ang loading parti la the cantata which wt,- rendered at the lart conn ■awaggt Mr. Memick. though airing aiuch tuna to muic lo Wrong lit his Utarary wurfc. II* rc?Term»e4 the Senior CUa« la the Jarlcr-Senior debate lart NawgrA.-r. II: ba: bsea elaaaty con aoeted with the relfetons life of the eolMr* ccrvlrg e* President of h, therefore they star-j tod tare or three day* age. Practical-! *’ every build ag aloug the buainrm, «ra*te wUl k* from one-half to fews^! eovered with rad, wkito aad j klae aad same athtr colon af doth.! AJ1 BYRD IS BURNED TO DEATH IN HOUSE ’yrj.l ved a lane in Ike keoae aad is! tkaryi t to Hava been It* tola eecu-1 aa; w"-; j tke fir* rtarttd. Tej ether, ore* ereie area at tke house during. the day aad tke three art said to have I kora drinking. When Byrd’s charred body wao to*ad toe bead bad keen neatly bar*-1 td away aad the lower part af too legs ware burned off. Tbe gnu—a I And was made by Areasm. wbe aa-‘ torsd tke hawse ae seen aa tke flaw at' had subsided auAtoieatly to admit of entrancs. Hit watch aad the remains of a bedstead ware tbe only things found near tbe body. Byrd bad had a chequered career. B« had figured La tore murder eases bat was cleared af the charge a against him in bath. He was aegattted af toa kUUag af fVtd The—an a d ea rn »«•» ngo when tko jury aceepted bis plea ad self dsfaw. In 1A1T ha waa bald ia jail aa an nnrs—line af ter the fact ia the murder ad Angeles Mantes, a Greek, by Lees Sturm and Kate Edwards, bat wa* ret speed an habeas corpus proceedings by enter o' Judge Bond, who held that there was n* rridanc* to connect Byrd with the crime. Both homicides occur rod hi Bynfs lodging boas* on Bow street. Byrd leaves a wife, tram whom ho was separated, a mother aad tore# si stem. CLASSIFIED MOTHER AS DOMESTIC SERVANT WMUn**m May It—Th* man *H man yet diacovered hi th* opinion of United Stato* lamination anther Him la a BpaaMi alien damitOad in America wh* reioraad from a ridt to th aald country recently, travel - In* as first caMa namw *n a sumptuous Hoar, la tha atmudi of which he had dntoMahat* kia aid ' maths r, rlaaatfytn* her as a “domao | tie aarvont.” hacratury ad Labor Daria, although eoocaalia* th* mao'* aama, la honor of Mother** Dag. aigaod aa ordoi Saturday doctoring that although tha "fact aatonada ana who haa laaraaf ' to honor and rreara oihadnr tha mother would ho admitted to the United Mato* far da raeatha. The ■ ana waa required, hourarat to giro i l *S00 bond*, to ha hold by the immt r rratlor nathoriUaa to guayuataa tho Ma mother "wfll rocoivo at you hoea* th* traototoat to which a moth or H entitled." ■ In addition th* eon w« to re . otcortoln how each cool* ho _ nda aca. fa loot thaw & • • \ - M ___