-=- • 'I DUKE WILL VOTE ON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE El action Collod For Jum IMh. Newd Mora Roan. Othor Local Ilona lA»ks, Kay It.—On Jane 15,—tha people ol Duke will be riven an op portunity to show their Interest in the further progress <>1 school*. A special election ha* been called on the above data, for voting upon two issues namely: That of voting *75,000 in fe rial bonds, and a local tax for main taaaace. For several years the people of Duke hare realiaed the present In adequate achool facilities, and tha coming election ha* aroused much In terest throughout the town. Tha school, Haakf, haa grown to such pro portion that it haa been nacaaaajry to hold two aection* daily in the princi pal grades Tho high school has used a dwtlllnghouse thia year, because of the crowded condition* Jn the lower grads*. The enrollment this year was 671. the largest in tho history of (h* achool. It also is tha second largest achool is the county. Incidentally, thr Duka school haa tha dietinctioo of being tha first graded *«hool In Har nett Coanty. but due to the rapid growth of the town, die facilities hae* long since become inadequate. Local Items The Duke graded and high school closes Friday,' Hay mb. The school has had a vary successful year ondtr -k.^guiding hrnid' af Principal T. W. Sprinkle .id hit assistants. Tha ex orrises will begin Thursday eight with aa operetta given by the pupils of Kiss Woodworker's music class. Fri day morning, tha primary and game ■>*r gradgk will have their exercises ui cn«^i. hi unraigf of cem fi estas, nod tlx p rex Motion of models wW also eoosa at that time. The exer . eiax will be eoadueted Friday sight with two plays given by the high school students in the school audi torium. Many w*r« present at the "silver ten,” given at J&o borne of Mrs. |L H Boat lost Friday night. The mull et] program was axeeptlonally hrter fond. Mia lone Haakst spent the week sad with her sister at Rebcrsoaville. W. H. Coffey loft Sunday for SUtesville. Ho win accompany hb daughter, Mia Elsie, e student of Mitchell College, hoax. W. A. Erwin, Sr., of Weet Dur hen^ spent (several days here last wxk. i. W. Raynor and family of Ben hs spent the weak end her* with relative* Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Kelly of New pert Nows, Vo., spout loot wxk here with rale^vas. -_ Robert -drannack, of Burlington is ■ponding several days hers with his brother, T. V. Brannoek. Mia Mine Zerbe left Saturday night for her home In Pennsylvania She had been the gnant of her stater, Mia Lula Zerbe of Good Hope Hoe pttsL far Ox past week. ' Carloses H. Brown, candidate tor Judge of the Recorder’s Court, speat Saturday in town. Mr. aad Mrs. S. J. Clerks, Jr. spent the wxk end with relatives, near Lit-' tlston. Mousy people of Daks and vicinity took advantage ot the free anti-ty- > pnoia *ad dipenena clink hold bore la* Saturday. Dr. X M. Buia, of Duka waa la charge. He wae aatoted by Philya Thomas. He w01 rtert other place* jn the county this week. "Ahee Hungertand" will be atxrmn free to the opera boons next Wednes day night. Tbia picture la shown un der the auspices of the Armenian Re lief Fund, for tt» pogpoee of raising funds ter the Armenians. It in urged that .very eae avail theme*hree of the opportunity of seeing this picture. WRESTLE MORE THAN S HOURS—NO DECISION Chicago, May 17.—The wresting contest between Marin Pleatiaa. af Chicago, and John Paatk, of Sheldon, Nebraska, waa stepped by Kean Thlry, referee, at 140 Tuesday after they had "wrestled those hoars and twenty - two mtaotoa Both wen wars exhaus ted. The msstrb, billed ea a finished, beat, was declared no-contest by Re feree Thlry. Mash can fusion attended lbs end ing of the bout. Spectators ballad bale, papers aad paetHieard boxes late the rtafc and started an aprear ef dieurtag and Ramping. Palestine atehned ka wae partly blinded after the first 1« minuet efi wraetRag whan had stack Me fla gen'te kic eyas. A phyrtolan examin ed Faleatiae la Me dressing teem af ter the beat and mid the wrestler's eras bad been tnjarad. I V -- - The art of aollag la one part talk ^-tobHtoM CAPT. HINNANT HAS • A NARROW ESCAPE lUrfeifc Seatimra Cwdedw', Trail !• Sldeswlpsd By Skjftiog Nrar Bern, May 17—Copt. Wilbur Hinnant, Norfolk Southern condoctoi on the Goldsboro-Bcaofort run, nan rowly escaped serious injury in the hare last night when n shifting engiot on |ta way out to the oeal chute side-scraped bwo passenger coaches on CapL Hlnnant’s train ns it was pulling into the station. The conductor was standing on the steps of the forward coach as the yard engine driven by Eoglnoer Dan Russell rolled up a twitch. Captain Hinnant jumped backwards serous the steps and vestibule ef the coach just as the engine struck and shat tered the steps and a part of the coach. Neither engine nor earn were derailed, but the Utter were left la the shops foe repairs. MARTIN FARMERS BACKING “CO-OPS” Enthusiastic Meartmg At Will iams tom Hear Tobacco LaadUrs Willlesautofi, May IT.—An eatha ’.astie meeting was held here today In the interest of tbo cooperative marketing of tdbaaco at which im Presets# speeches were made by Dr. I- T. Joyner, T. 8. Ragsdale, George K. Norwood, and other*. On account of heavy rain* and the ndcaiu.y of the weather the crowd ru not ae large a* hoped for. Bov ■vrr, a majority of those present •eeesrd in favor of the movement Thor* 1* a strong probability that ma or man of the wnreturn lee hare oiU join the movement. The re pee ■eatatlvee of the association were rery favorably impressed with the dtuatlf a and conditions hare. . The bridge over the Ttninofcs river, rhleh ta a part of the National high way from Norfolk, Va., to Raleigh PHMmM Inly and Uua will mean that this narket will mil Urge quantities of nbaeco from the county of Bertie, troong the audience there wore eae » boo rtandpetteru who asked a great nany questions, all of which wore mewered eetisfactorily by the repre sentatives of the aaaociation. In addi ;ioo. many critieiam* of the co-oper itlve plans were dlecneaed, and an swered to the satisfaction of thorn Keeent The farmers In this section tr# awakening to the great oppor uaity which eo-operative marketing iffrri and are ailve to the fact that his can be obtained by joining pi a aovtmeal that whl give them some roles in the marketing of their pre in eta. The representatives of the ao ncistlon left here for RobersenviUe, chore they'trill hold another mostly onight FREE PROTECTION OFFERED AOANST SICKNESS OR DEATH Harnett county and the North Car ilina Board of Health are offering rree protection egainat sickness or leath from typhoid fever or dtptheris * every white and colored man, sro aan and child In the county. ur. uoiiraae ana ur. Warren, j« ■»l physicians, have charge of this sork in this immediate territory. Monday waa the first day of tba cera isign but only a few took advantage »f the treatment because the cam paign bad lot bees fatty advertised. K la not too late to atari, however, rho next treatment wiU be glvea tore next Saturday, May 10th at t JO I’ctock In the afternoon at the eehool building. Treatment wiM alee he gtv »" on the eatne day at Long Branch •eh** building at 1 o’clock la the afternoon, and at Mary Btamart mho* house at the eamo hoar. 1%e bwo other treatment! will ha given at the mmo Urn and plaem on Sat orday May 17th and June ltd. ft is important that tba public take advantage of this free treatment. It does not com you a cent and It will take only a few minatee ef poor time. Meat tba doc tom next Saturday ead taka tba first treatment. Three treat ments are nacweary and if yea do •at taka the first one Saturday, yen will ha unable ta gat three without U ALENS ABE ADMITTED TO UNITED STATES CITIZENSfUS Wilmington, May ! 7—Twenty four foreign hem raaideato ware ad mitted to eitiaeeeMp by Judge H. 0. Conner la federal court here today, Natleae represented la the group In cluded Greet Britain. Baaria, Ger acany, Aadtrte, Holland, Turkey ami Ornate. ELECT DUNN MAN TO PRESIDENCY Hardware AimUlfaa Of Car Winston-Salem, May II. — Aft*, electing oOtan and delegate* U thi National convention, ft. C. Wler, a! Wmeagiec, Mick., delivered a tjmel] address before the Hardware Dealer Aaeociation of the Carolina* at thi dosing business session this moraine Mr Wler discussed “The Hardwari Sal*man, hi* present Mata* and pe ; teatial posdhiitti**.’' Adjearamem | w« takan at I o'clock this afternoon While no definite action was taken the general impeeectoa prevailed that the next annual cenveotioa weald he held at Columbia, ft. C. An iavttotior waa extended from that city and thi secretary waa authorised to Celect .th* place aad aanounca hi* daddoa at a later data. Many 0f Ut visiting hardware man remained over thi I afternooa aad *t tended snAerti Intent restores, which Jtcladed a ride over the city and a baibceae at a Meal tobacco ware house. Officer* are chose* a* follow*: President, Mot). Holliday, Dana; Ar*t viee-presiriant, L. G. Ecmridge, Newberry, ft. C.; Second vic***ml leat, D. V. Conrad, Lexington; third vice-president, R. ft, WIldar. Sumter 3. C.; Secretary aad Treaaarer, T. W! Dixon, Charlotte; assistant secretary. A. B~ Craig, Charlotte. FIRST MILLION COES TO SCHOOLS State'* Frew yniu IMUr Lomn Fuad Allocated To One-fifth of the flee million dollar leu tend or public aehool eonotrwe tloe wu fbiwoided to tea fUQU '▼1 flftw iiMULa _, * * nhdk> _ an and •arty f*n. . . ,,.v j Dirtribatioa at the fund, w^lch pas held np la January by • question aa to.the validity of the act under which lh« bond* were aatborlaod, clean ap a ittnation that bad given grave con cern to aehool authorities in ahaoot '-very country In the State. More than a year ago scores of new aehool bouses were started under the aaaur anc« that the anency weald ho avail able, end Boat of those bar* bean held op. Under the law. and county in the State can borrow frees the fund ta •neuoti In the ratio ef Ha school population to the aehool population of thf* State. The money ie to ho repaid in SO annual In eta Ihn ante, the coun tie* also paying the internet on the bonds. Applications filed with the Slate Board of Moca Hon by December 1, 18*1. ahoorted the entire Are Bil Uoe dollars author!end tn the loan rou. ana the entire emount wee er Aered aeld. Early la Jnonary preiper tire pure Wen were adriaad to not •ecryt the boede on til they were paMd upon by the Supreme Coart. Aa agreed eaaa waa prepared ead a fanrorabie declaiaa rendered In April With the exception ef the high aeboel in Wilmington, which la a ronnty-eride high athatl. the entire minion doIUra loaned yertarday wfll be need in building country high aebaal*. The dlatrtbotioa of the fond by eenntlea la announced a* foUowl: Alleghany. 180,020; Aneea, *14, •00; AA*. *8,000; Awe 17, *12*02; Beeindbrt. I2T.800; Bertie, *24,202) Buncoed*. *18*00; OaMweD, *80. 002; Carteret, *18*00; Oaowell *10, •02; Catawba, *82,022) T^aibam *lr 802; Clay, *2*22; CWeelan4, *2,202; Oreren, *81*22; Onmhatlaud, *4, •00; Oarrttoeh. *12*00; thou, *1, •001 Deetdeoe, *40*00) Dnrtmm •8*,020; Edgecombe, *18*22) Gea Wa, *41.020; GmarrflU, *88*20; Oullleed. *88,002). Halifax, *8,800; Harnett, 811*02, Hendaraen, *82,. •22) Iredell, *42*20; Ltooela, MV 002; Mnrtta, *82*20; Montgameij. *8,040; Moore, ••,000; Near Ban. •ear, *40*20; Oraage, *12*22; Pamliee. *82*22; Pomaa, *4**22; PHt, *1T,M2; Polk, H0.002; Kan delph. *10,220; llohmaadi *11*22) Baheaaa, *10,222; Btbarfatd. M2r 002) Stanly, *12,222; Bahaa, *8t. •0°: Union, *8*22) Waba, *42*02) Warren. *12*22; Wataaga, *1**02; Wnyne. *42,220; Taaaey, *82,022 — N«« «nd Ohaarear. The richer the man, the mare he hAtas t# apand a half dollar fee . »** Nr if (artere. h ta Br« i NO AMERICA, SflMIL Urfa* U «W mU id I io^>rv tart mmnlf ta % Wirit aad it* 'lit niy«d ay and died.__ apward again. It wap tha firat *j—1 'a all hi* rear* of diligent doing here »n the mat at thia aaad ME that to haa been ahaact Yesterday hi* energise loft him. Ha had poored oat to* maeh of it ui area a md haadail fnntihawa had hi* ItmKaiiona. Or. —rh*E --- lad upon hi* one^eetsdly. ha mlseal rakated hi* strength hr an* day. To mamrow woaM hav* fme eery welli tar being tick, hot today It gramma him. Nalthar h* ear Mia. Costobeli came op the road tU* morning It •wa^h* tint ttau rithor ha* over Hi. SpM Pnmt ■■t tha spirit of Horn hath was yraaaat, and there wore tow of the •eorei of alomal who e*mo hock for *• day who did ae* da down to tha nw» cottage that haa fnooa op to •action* to At the ~T"'~rmm‘* at Ihe Doctor-. honsohoM t« pm him. even If from no nearer «•<.» the daetmy. Ho key Wharo ho conid watch the throng* a* they-T and wwt. He ie not earioasly iU, hat it will U noremary fee him to aUy a brd for a while. . Sate far tee flirt half of th« day aad lowering tele* all tee afternoon cat tearply teta tea aanaal attead “M. bat with awn tMa Mntraare. tea crowd «m Me, maaeerad by tec •tudenta af mart achate af tMa tea. Than War* tea aaoal acres af aote ••biU. af fbmiUaa aad friend* af tha etodend* aad af prarpartaf alnm "• te (MM la hatoMaaa. Tha ate maata drora tee raareteta within tea rhomb. From tee beftegtay they have beaa held 1a the old tabernacle. bat tee reof ef this renoftele rtructere la ancertain. lba Wronger with la tea gate* at tea Academy coaid bare learned why all Baia'a Creek eternal are aeeh ready speakers had hate an band far tea begtaalay gf tea seate* far tha •reto to* medal tMa awfMey. TMa part •f tha program waa Jo* drawing ta aa aad whan Mr. Oamnea airtrad. Other niwlaii, locladlog tha grad uating eaW.la.i af tea alaaa had al* wady baaame Watery, aad with tea araaaatattoa at tea atom play tealght tea aahaal year ceded. Fr.lea Far bosses* Mr. Cate area wma pataanlad to Me •red ifeith Carolina aodlanc* by Boater Oreech. aa atoteaaa af tea acadttey X* recalled teat tea tint W»r*red by a aewapapn editor. wha later baaama a ableet odbaer, aad peMiteer af tha State'* largeel aewa PtM». Mr. Cam area ha praaaatad at .an editor wha had alto hud Wat tonal pmatlnanaela tho toms Said. (Coatlaaed *a pay* S.) FOUR DROWN AND FIFTEEN NSSM MarUa, Toxai. Mag IT.—Pour pm •on* are known to tor* bom drown •d tad fifteen others art missing ■ r reenlt of tbe otlsgao ef t1< Ifa Co ■•Jtoo bridgi- oxer tho Bra to* rnrr too raifer w-r-t t f horw yootorday. Tk wool tier of the bridge onohH wMW •tost thirty persona. Including auo; •omen, worn itneding thorn wstckiai r^sir work on an abf ittt. w’rirl had been damaged daring tho recta flood. ef the fear bedim ratovercc have been klc.. tiffed as tksm of Ifra ■d. Meoslry of Beasmeat aad Mrs OeUba-g. «f MarUa. Beane patriot, hurriedly gathered dragged ata <y of tho straggling par maa from Iks wafer before they trawl wader. Bawls aad rafts a sickly thrown t«r*tor aided hi An troth, hororal Mb three ailw aoeth tf tha anal •bnt baforo they wore taken from them rears id tsars all la a aura er lam ooriawo rawdMm. Mayer T. M Bulhrorth. who «u ■■sag these bib accus ed by a ebUd went dowc ** ,MdMM GIRL AVIATOR IN LIQUOR TRAFFIC wu-l7i 1 ——■-"T-rff T. Ham Im Mm By Wmi Wi«U York, Mar IT.—Olaoffcl mm ««int* at a ram ramatm r*~'i (no Whit* Plain* tar trace of lit aviator who unfit after havin* literally dctefci a Mi with choice wttckey In hit aahayff Indlif. I I a W Canard Wadi _ _ ta daw af -toa tod that ■ la panel pad rdwC* Sd wL . ta a large namber ef panel pa<_ ta gat Chair prepoaed changes. Tl># change* which have baaa m ’ gealed. Or. Weeks aid, ■—-»*< pra , petal* ta la a arnica iibaigi ad aw , or two eeaU oa each pared —l*--1 ' ngaidlen ef weight or acwe, awd t nadjad rate* bp weight aad sene. • The Pedamdar Geaeral potato oat that thera baa baaa practleaBp ai ehaoga ia panel pad rataa dwaa U» nrwlaa wa* inaugurated ia 1*11, al tfctogh the east ef kaadlteg the w rice emanated ta - M 1»S1 ttea til rt* jmr li wma HhI «4a SORGANIZE IN MONDAY NGKI |D—■ M< 1—1 Hill territory. A nittat k utW to KhI>j ai«kt to perfect the irpeel—ttea. <"W hm taken toaraa U wffl «naltf^ to tocto kwtotoT MIHif nhm kkn u4 wertc ***l Wgfe vitk to little 4elsy a* d NEWS ITEMS FROM <j BANNER'S CAPITAL : - I j I

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