TAR HEEL WOMAN OUT OF CONTEST Mr·. W. N. Reynold· Announ ce» Withdrawal From D. A. R. Race Winaion-Saletn. May 28.—Mr» W. K. Hoynold» hot withdrawn from the candidacy for the next president gen eral el the Daughter* of the Ameri eon Revolution ·ο thia popular firnl vice - prceldenl general an· pounced at a meet In* of the Second Diltrict of the North Car olina D. Λ. K. in eeation in the Robert E. Lee Hotel yeeterday morning Mr*. Reynold* thought «We ahould tell Νι/rth Carolina DauyhWr· Tint. Thii newt wat. greeted with real tadnnas by all prêtant for Mrs. RoynokU vu the leading candidate for the next, presidency. The meeting of the Seeond Dis trict wu held in the ball room at the Robert E. Lee Hotel ye*terday. Kra A. Clay WHl.ama. chairman of the dlitrict and regent of the local chap tar, prenldod over the gathering. &he called on Pr. R. H. Daugherty, patter of We«t End Molhodlnt church, who opened A« teaaion with · prayer Next wai given the flag ulute which waa led by lira. John DUlard, who waa eacortad to the platform by the page*. After the repeating of Americana creed led by tfca ragent. Mr*. S. Clay William*, Mr*, liurna Mithmi, «ice regent of the General Joaej* Wlnaton Chapter, then made the addreea of welcome which "wa* in original verve and very cleverly told of the D. A. R.J » -it* purpoae. etc. I Be response to IB· address of wel come vu msdr by Mr*. M. H. Jonas, of the General Dari· Chapter, Dur ham. %n Thomas Maalin than aang two beaatlfal solos after which greet ings were. brought ftom the other chapter· in the district. From Oreena .bora; Mik MeCoanall; Salisbury, • Mra. Henry Hob eon ; Dunn. Mis» Ka rhel Clifford; Albemarle, Mrs. J. E. Harris; Saltish, Mra. Charles U. H m Γ η» ; Lexington, George Mount castle; High Point; Mrs..#. 0. ttiatt. **BoWta* tha aWv. lttfle speech*· m four-cauiaa Jaacheen vaa aai »i Table discussion which consumed many matter· of vital interest to the Π, A. R It wms at thi· time Mra. Bay· nolda made the announcement that was greeted with sadness. The diftriet unanimously V OU H to pay its part of tha North Carolina Hall in Waahing ton, and alto to place in this room first a portrait of Mr*. William Ν Reynolds, the present vice preaident general. The new State registration was #fopted, after which Mm. Spen cer cloard the annuaP meeting of Dis trict No. t, D. A. R-, with one of her beautiful original poems. HORNADAY GOES TO DAVENPORT JUNE 1 Durham, May 26—Prof. C. L. Hor naday, of Trinity College, who leavea on June 1 to assume the duties of president of Davenport College at benoir was presented with an expen sive lamp at a meeting of the Trin ity club recently. Presentation of the gift waa made by Dr. W. H. Wantrt maker, doan of Trinity. Dr. Wanna maker spoke of the high esteem in which Professor Horn ads y ia held by faculty and students alike and aaid that Davenport gained aad Trinity lost when he enters upon hia new du ties. Be reviewed briefly Professor Horaday'i aecompllihmenta as teach er aad as editor of the "Alumni Reg later" In the twenty yearn that ha has been connected with Trinity. Profee sor Homsday made an appropriate reply TV. ·»-— -a tV. t aaula roll·*· bu «bout computed bu «r r»!>jr»m«nU fer entering upon hi· du· tir·. Already h· h»» formulated plan· looking to the idriMtnmt of Dav enport In th· next. year. H* ku beer in ftoae touch «Hh tile eollege rince he wua elected aa iU prr«kj*nt in February and aaya that ta the mat ter of enrollment and general pree iweta the coller· I· headed for a Te cord year of projr·»·. CorneUoa Harnett Chapter Da«gh ten of the American (evolution wiH meet at the home of Hn. Hertert Mc Kay Friday afternoon J«a« 2nd, at 4 l'nllrt The folio win* program will he ear ried out: Bene—"Star Spangled Banner" . lord*· Prayer—Chaplain. America· Creed. Baa lata·. The foandfnff the National Seeiet] D. A. > and Program it haa made Mr·. Farqahard Smith. The America»'» Creed aa Broad • eaetad by ila mthor—*lr». J. L. Hat ditr. Be port ef Dlatrkt Oonferrac* Miaa Bach·! Clifford la Memertaai—Mm. Belle Fleinlag our real graaddaaghter. DUNN HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES NEXT WEEK Sermon Sunday Evening At I Metbodiat Church. Graduat ing Eur ci··· June 6tk The eloaung «xerciara uf the Duos High school will take place nest week. : On Sunday evening, /une 4. Ut· Mr non to th> graduating rlasa will be preached at th« Methodist church. Monday evening, June 5th, the elaaa lay exercise» will be held at the op era house. The»· exercise» will be conducted by the clam and will be very interesting The graduating exercise· will take place at the opera houj· Tuesday, ««•nine, /une Oth at 8:SO. The annu al add re» will t>« delivered by Prof. U. C. a Noble of tha university. PrwfcMor Noble i· a very inatructiive and entertaining speaker and will plea·· the audience. The di ploma· and certificate· wHI be awarded and Bible· prevented to the (but. The pablic 1» cordially invited In attend all the»· exercise·. COAL PRODUCTION" IS VERY MUCH LARGER Neteble laerease al Soft Caal DmnM Past Week—AatbraeiW CmI I Starred by Strike Washington, May 28. — Report· fiom the bituntirvoiM coal fields still operating in spite of the «encrai mine itr.ke showed a general and notable Inrieaae In production set in the laat week, the geological survey reported today. For four •ucceeeive day» including Thuraday—the latrt reported—rail road tiri loidid wrth nrw coal num bered more than ^0$Λθ, on Tu«eday th# total waa* 16,026 can. The aareey eaUmated thla woe Id fi»l a total production of nor· thaa 5,000,000 ton· for tho week. "Th· incraaae it largely In roepona· U hiffcar prlcai Mid mora active Λ* mtmi," tk* report Mi4^ . Anthracite production remain* ai mait completely «topped by the atrikc the report indicated. INTERESTING VACATION OFFERED TO TOUNC MEN An intcrcrUnf^^^uïiot^ fraught »iU» pleasure*. odofRTuBal future and excellent phyalcal training It of f«n*d yoang Bien of thia tecUon by -he Cttiaco'· Military Τ mining Camp· for the aummer of 19X2, according to announcement by the Fourth Corp· Area Headqeart*ra at ftrt McFhonon, G a. Two campa are to be opened My 21 to Augoat 26 inclunro, at Camp UcOelhui, Alabama, where inatrue tlon will be given in Infantry, caval ry, and Bald artillery, and at Port Barranca», Florida, which will offer I a coarac in coaat artillery train in* 1 Three couraea will be given at both placoa an elwnentary coufaa, for Cl ti ara· between the age· of IT and 24 y tara, which qualifie· an entrant for ndmiaaion aa a private in the Organ iae<l Reaenrea or in the Natioaal Guard; the White cour·· for non conraalaaioaed oflkera, aad the Blue eourac for commlnioned offlcew, I qualifying Mch candidate of th« lat I tcr two to adaiaaloa In the National <3u«rd or Organlied lUaanraj, aa taon : commiaeioned and com»iaeloned eS ' cent laqntthtly, eligible for the flrat (egnt; frem 1· ■to 2t tl>· eecond, and from 1· to 27 far the third. Filmic·] fltaen, good moral ^Kiricler anil common InteQi 1 genee m the bade requirement» for I xlmlttance to either of the three ι COOTW1·. Hierr la room fer 1,000 : North Carolina young mm at Camp I |ft Ctellan. , I During the oourwi, which will be 1 lntersp«r>od with routine »rmy In fraction and athlcltc», aogmented ■ with the aocM and entertainment f<* teree, the gorernin» at wUI tftar ail expenee·, Including travel, unlfenal, board, etc. Application btanlci and farther Information may We obtained . by writing to the aalvenlty axten : (ion division. Chapel H Hi, N. C. i * CONDITION or KILGO CONTINUES TO I MF ROVE Memphia, Teen., Hay I».— BMtop John C. Kilgo, of the Methoriiat Bpl» eepal· char oh. Seath, who la in Λ a IhoepKol her» la ooaaewhat I ai proved tonight, hie physician· eta ted Ft.ee monia, which derreleped Friday, whOa not entirely elearap, has teaaori to b« • aa alarming factor la Dr. Kile·'· ron ditioa, phyaician» stated, and ethei , conditions war· more faverakl·. Bk wife arrived here ftMi Charlotte, Ν C., today. AUSTIN TO ADDRESS j BUSINESS WEN HERE Quunbo- of rnmnwcM Hâi ι Called Mooting To Di*c*aa Coojxriti»· Mtrlwtini Thoac buaimraa bu of Donn and vicinity who remain rather akeptical Λ» to ttie benefit* to be tiertoad from ey-operalive marketing ar· urged to attend a meeting to b« held at ft· Opera Kou«e Wadncaday «v«n)n( May Slat, at 8 o'clock. At tfib meet ing the gubject will ba thoroughly dia ■omoU by men who luiow what they are talking about and the proportion will be plainly ■ ta led. The meeting i« being called by the >unn Chamber of Commerce. W. H. \uatin, president af the N. C. Cotton Groweri Co-operative association, a ι* farmer, aad ooe of tha moat »oe •Irful buelnea* man ta Kaatern Caro tna, will be the principal speaker, faring the past few month*, Mr. Vustin haa made trip· through the rntirc cotton growing bait of the 3outh, and ha* Brat haad information. It· hat made peraonai invcetigatloas «a to the way the various organisa .ion» functioa. and It la hla deaira te -onVey the information ha baa gained ο other*. Ha haa made thia lavaati -mUoo (nom the ataadpolnt of the ninaeu man, aa wall a· the farmer, •nd the main parpoae of the meeting amermw night la to ahow the boat .■·«» inan where be wiH be bv ne fitted by co-operative marketing In addi 1on to the above speaker there will ο other* here, who are prominent 'a the co-operative marketing raeve ■aent. who wlQ addreaa the meeting ilong aimilar line*. τνι· „—·ι— —<n ι — — int to tfc«· kgnnni mo of thi* eac ^on. Information it what the >nn|« tip nati bcfora he cooatti hlaertf to a certain policy. After the propoof ion ha« boon aetiafaetorily (tated ha ■an better decide u to tk« roana he wiehee la panoe. If there ta as ad. vantage \n *Wuall»i awtatiog t ahoold be iupport«d. If Share la oaettUnt Vf* * not ban aft rial loth· *atj>JW·· 'or their own interest aa wall aa for the betterment of condition* geneT *ii/.' SMITHFIELD TO HAVE INDEPENDENT COMPANT SmitfcfteU, May 17—taltUMd haa a habit of keçfriag abreMt with the timce and die li avarfDtng to forego that reputation «ran in the tat area* of the tobacco co-operative naiMiic plan, and, therefore, Meean. flkianer and PatteTaon will oparau the Bu ner Warehouae daring the approach ing aeaaon. Thaaa geattemon have op erated the ease warahooae afaaea 1AM, being the pioneer waaelnaat man of SaotthfieM, althoagfc the war» booaa baa bean aore than trebled ta else, and M now oae of the Usgeat In thie eection. The larmeia are readily dgning the CO-ope retire tobacco aelling a greenest, and there wiD bo » large per Mat of the farmer* of Jobneton coaaty lined Bp with the co-operative marketing, but, of conrae, thaaa «fll be rnne whe wRI not eign «ρ in Jefea (ton, Samp ton, Harnett and aor poumHag countica, and Maaara. flkia ner and PetUreoa decided they would continue the open eaia for the bene fit of tboee who did not rign «ρ. With the radiyiiif plante of the T. & Itegadale Co., T. «. Edaasdaoa Tobacco Co., and the etarage ware houaa theA emithfield new haa, the MtMUU market will be aMe to take care of aTl the tobaeoo that «(Β be raleed fa thia eection. NU. BELLE FLEMING Wkrreu, God (β RU tnftntte wia ilm bas rhoeen to call Un Uriulli Mcligr Flaealng hear from h«r woth on rarth, aad , WIwrm, w« tka Go niellai Harnett Chapter of Ui· |Dn|lun · of It·· American Rfrohitlen wUh te aprin par ana ai Ιοψ and mi of bar Ufa and character; Therefore, be It raaelved! Fir*, that la hariQg had Μπ. FWnrtny w a Maker af ear chapter far a few montha we hare beea given a (blnlng example of what a tree d—gfcU» af the Aaearteaa Rerolatieei khotald be and that bar ww^Mia tlam of tba Ideala of bar forefatbari will be an lacpiratlon ta tba otbei membera. flecoad: That ear deep cot and abi eercet aympathy (o·· eat ta her b* rraved faallf. Third ι That a Mfr af tbeee reeoht ttena ha Ml ta hat fatally ; that ι rop»bo apread «pou the niaatea *1 the Camélias Haraett Chapter D A It, and that it topr be fornlAad t*>< local paper for pablieatlea. RACHEL OUFVOWD. MOLLIS FKAMALL HOOD I BTHtl, HOOK·, SAYS SOUTH But im tγ** i· OmkU w«ck to 0«Μ«<* tar diaappotntmclft %1U be the lot of the atao-rene whaa thé battle of bel 'oU u over, nod the red i* called ay TorrwJtr at the coarthouee. F row nrtj On Ull the aettia* *i tfaa mr tkm '.· loch activity aa woald put the iWT bee la th« elaaa of tha ilunird. They. «Te cuiTMHd tfta four eoman and tome of thm claiai to have are· gone Into the fifth. TV* farmer paraueth let hi· area row tot rometh a ill· didate is the f«i·· there to eew other than tha wadl of the field. Thi profeiaocal au aannet dictate to Va (teaofrapher j**t thai* coaneOi a •>ro"pecUve aad >qp«4«l candidate to offer toat anaoOcltad dictation. The marc hart alert open c in thine a cae toroor turn» to And a» w&a* mkw tampering with Wj evidence of trade. Kven the lady «hopper fiada that aD » not roil· and pénale, aa «aeraetlc candidate rUppta* in te provide her with a printed ballot, wfcl4> aha pate 'a her retkale with other aamplea. An (Ι m it geea, and ae it con»·». Prediction· are piantlfal aad low in the autifcet. "Mr. Ro-and-Uo. will win over three opponent·" ia the cheap eat quotation aad find· ae atocktaV era. Creator block· of iatanat are taken, however, la prediction· * to Who will eoaoa eat beat ia (he ^wia raeea for the LeglaUtare—ileaae aad Senate. Harnett being accorded one of the Seneaora fro» the fourteenth Diatrtrt thU aaaaion. either John Rob ert Bacsatt or Charloa ftaaa will he ecat ay to aerre a perthd of ilrtj dayi next January aad Fahraary. N. la* ■—lin, fa aa Urm,iud la beta* vifotoqbIj oppoMd by m· ef Ha*· nett'a Boat brtiBaat r*U( attorney», 1. Robart Tcmafs <w af tbe eoanty'a able attorney, IniAf Yeuaf. Hara la *Wt the greater tatejW Ha·—ta Om lerialaU-re rMi — becaaae thl· county, like ptMMcally al odwt eoaatiaa, ta tateaaely inter aa*a< fa iiiidlal I^Willi· ta nftid ta The barde· «m b« H«bt tandtaatea wbe pnaÎw» ta do thl thing la aiaktag a etrmg bid far ratca. It la a fawrw MWhibi'ttii theie wfll of amaaltj be a eetand primary. Fomr aqadldataa fbr rafla· ta» ai daeda aad an eqaal atuarbér fat County Ketoedar vU a» apfUt mp tka rote tbat H «V be naeaaMry ta "abaka the baabaa" ecaia <m Jo)y lab It eeana « M >'iM'a la II en >· Harnett. AMboa«b al·· appear ea tbe «Aalal ballot, ail ai AiM, a« already on pf t&at — >ιτ baa writ ! tea Harnett County Mew* uU>| tfea' far btai beeaaaa be «HQ ia(M U If ilait^. Tkta aiaa b Mr. ■ Ψ. Haiitatlu·, Una af *a eU beam lin l£vels η PRICE OF COTTON WaatW ud Cnp Htwt Factor· kt TU Borfac; July Show» Urajth Nrr Orleuu, May U—AHIw^k iometbln* of a mctiiuy tes4eaey «a* thewa by the cotton maifcet ta the «aity a»«rioTi* jariM the weak jnat «nded, th« other ia«!n krnikt preiaura to boy and rtroRi advaa caa to naw hitrh lyrcla far the upward m»T—ift in price· «hick hu bam under way far aoMiait paat. Mack af the bajrtaff wa# dene an bailtab anticipation· rtfrnrdiiir the ftnt cao dttlan repeit af the umh fro· the cnnnaMt bet tome af it waa doee aa coatiuaed unaatUfactory weather ov«r the bah »n d aa · tonttnued |n4 dem»»d far «pet mHn, which waa nat by lacreaaed «vidtnta of dimto labing Nvplia*. Hiftoat prices •a the tloeng mtm lea whea My toaefced MM aad the tot af acttoa ami the waa M ta H potato higbar than tha claaa ml the prccediag weak Laat prlcee war· at eat gala· :f 41 to H potot» with July at *C.T«. Jely wu, at aU llaii. tfv >t-oaf eat month «ad thara «rare '— - whea It paHed the re«t of Ac Uat ep wttk it Cwiili by tha tort to· tereat was napoo ■> il» fee atck af the ι—am ta hay Jaly aad thU amitaf waa latoiei ta a |NM «X leac by t>.c 7-owlar atraortb af tha itotlarral paettioa. Aceordiag to tW «hU; ataliaaant. tk« rlrtle fpply of Aurica ·Μ· 'on It ww down to Ι,ΜΙ,ΙΜ Mm mint « Ho .4# τ a rwr ago. ■tc<-ka Il Um 10 ceuM lataitor Imu have beee radaead to U4.11T bale· aftlut l.rri.ltf · rear ago aad 1Mb at ail port* bmmM ta >rly AM,877 blot ipiut While vntkn condition* οτττ the I bait r-ttm regarded u (bowing aaa iaamtaaat they rail war· looked af>aa ·« bain* far fraai aa»1|ferlei-r | aad ci«r »i>arta arm a aanate •appel to 4m aulut. 1>a fiiet earn-] dttlen tSgt attracted «oat lUwtiM ranged tram KJ to IM par oaat af norm» I rhhe"t'a that· »· ( rtpartj if M and β9 atA aaa m f.lgh aa 71.·. A great daal ad ώΜ'ΐ >· fallrwrd a buraaa repart of M.t for cm4>Um which waa eccompantod by aa ntt Ml« af · par eaat aa the latrie·» of Um acreaca, jnlattog to · crap ol ι 243,004 baiee. accordlag to tba *·»-1 rrnacat fomnia. Htm and baavaa ara not ao far] Mparatcd aa «a mutlaw Thry ax* aat aaparatod at , they aik both la tba buUdiag. Hoa» la tba tower etery, aad la laeatod dm Wrt oa _£»· crowd floor; beavea la vp daia, ia ifce aacond and third «aria·. As aa« aAar enother af the faaitlj la catted to "caaa ap higher," that wbtob aaaau to ha aaah a etraaga plan b« gfaa to m» a fara'.lar Mpaat; aad idnn tit· last aaa la left bale·, tha hone la transferred to hoarea. and haaraa la baa·. Dont abat «ρ yaer hooaa, I aat tha ■u AmM fade year caapeta aad year haarta, laat a *erry Ua^ AnM dukt down HIM of the nnty old euhaabe that a. If |M «aat to nia r»«r aaa a, tat Dm· tbiak Ibat all mirth aad aerial eajoyeat β aat ha toft oa tha Muaddiiild with aat abn thay conm how· at Bight. le «at, Λ**ρ aad MA la. Mm «w* kaa b«cva tbat «nd* la «Aa <«· grata*.·. Tant W*>+» a«t ton thmy dont kan it at Mr «M >·ι* «tenu, it «β ba iiuM at other and far·, lat Mm ftra baaa brightly at bghtful «tU a» tkaa· Ht*· art· «a Don't Mfia Om buoyant *Mt af yrar aklldi··. Half an baair af «afri ■art ahal Mm lasp aad fluMglit of a Imm Wata aat many a ear· and during Mm days aad Mm ait «afagaard th*r tah· wttfc than lata tka «arid la th· mitai tnflainai af a br%fct UtUa tinutti etate. Raw It tfc· btlnA af Asarlaan Pat Imm· ftatt aad for·· and yau «ffl fbi yaa* «Mld< rea a geod Wf<U«i la MmIt and (kawtan: ht ·μτ· «IN a Mua «fcaa Mm iMaa rit«U «rii k< bnkn: «ban im «01 "b«f far Mm t—cb al a naléa af t ralaa that la ι an tba MmU-J. W. Jordan W. t. MaMtawart» J. A. aad Ν la «atta tetelr tfeay «tu m niai aaaag* rata· la A/ tha· te. CLOTHING DRIVE I HERE THURSDAY T· Um Wmm'1 Oak mt Dm ka· k«n tniiljMl tk· teak *f ι all *ι« «M ffetktt tk· « U «ίν· ί»Γ tk· Km Em* Mtof. N« TkaiUir bM kMi MinM "Boitdto Dejr- tad « Ma wM ka| ■ill te d» Met »f tkto work aa ι dey. 11m local wnito, km will raecto· twin Mn tk· SMleier mi tk· Wik, m It «M » tk*r kU wkca k· iiumIhIIm w Utile tka· ki wktok U «at tb« meet kef··· Ik· |H|li Ha. Pni McKij to cWim tk* n»ilM««, aad wfll ka M by Μη. Λ1Η· tate. Mm. McD bfejr, Mr,. B. W. Mwn m* _ , Ju. I. Bettor It to *· Mm «T tkto| ι ii—hIMm te ton tk· «K »*t in If mmlait, to ur af tka| Λον« cwrtt—. μ ϋ «ill k· ■ ' V* troM* to Mb · tkan cairva·· ml tk· tow*. T%mmm «to < ••t rmtd to ttob uBirMia. htm wm pUtm Mttfjr Km. 9fm4 Mai and tt will k· Mat tmr. KtakM '■ ·*· ward· <4 «b· tow· la after 4 ik*y aar k· m*il br tk· μ "MORAL ISSUE" IN county pouncs

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