THE DUNN VOLUME IX. < DUNN, NORTH CAKOUN GROW MANY SPUDS IN DUNN SECTION Jol.a W. Fitzgerald Haa One Field Containing 265 Acre* Hail to ι h« tfpad, crttwhile· I» Ι'ιι· lowly, now crown ed kincr ni tir m rat Dunn Uii triet. Vr'kfri' Cotittn ha» n-ignrd eu prrmr alnre 1 h■· turpentine worker* Weil· b»nishi'<l to Ceorv's (be fuvor. it»· frail of Erin now ίλ over all. An yet thar· I· no way of Wiling l»w !oii|; the reign of the now king will b·· The crop hauu't bt«n lui venlwl y«=t, aad former* generally err watching thr «etlvitlra of the potato glowers to are how thoy com· out on the profit or low aide. With in hailing distance of th? town limita there it one potato field containing P'tfbably the largrxt ai«gl* potato area In North Carolina. In thi« Acid i« till· pre it vat nop over aean. Not u bue 0r a blight, not 0 wilted vine— jaat an rixHeiu M-riea of up-itand· ing columni of green which atretch into the distance aa far ai th» aye area. ΙΛ. 11/ WW- — IJ 1 ■ -a » dealer, a ton of the laie T. L. Plta rejjJf^wbo »»-' for yrarj Dunn'i ally to King Cotton,1 of tbis Held. It n*. ι* and ia the Boat MB* project of the tar Mr.' Kitigarald to mature late thti Hy will harvrrt 22, th· area. H* now >r c|)it/i and barrel· (<r them to tb* larger ot the Stat· and the North ' * 'JJBud 01 uia sum ana uie Non ' 'Jf '0Ι>* bl* ■wl<>0 cr0Ç Mr. . ^UgereM U growing about 400 gotten, be>M« math corn >pa. Ha 1· ose »f the £<"t'» r.rongcrt advocate· tame lag method· and t· art a pace for other North Carolina tad V rrgHna crop. It ia oetimated that the local crop will be bctorecn 40, QOO and 50.000 boahcli thli year. If the ρβ«·π mart with «urcca* In auufcetirfg their product next year will arc thl» blotiom Into th· graat eat potato-prod octr.g am ia the Sooth. HEAVY RAJNS AFFECT IRISH POTATO CROP Many Ci la tily, Jan* β—Morhanx DTicd i«rly Irlah potato Ithii station by the eon· Iry raina .and ton· ara hoir crop* regard!t-a» of the Uftfaeorable weather condition» in or der to late advantage of the prel· ent remarkably price quotation·. Digging &* a whole, hownver, ha* been dulayed already by the raina, and many grower* fear that their po tatoen «rill rot in ■ the fielil· b«fore they can be dag. Potatoca were celling at Philadel phia Tuesday morning at $5.T5 to Ιβ.ΟΟ a barrel, and S. C. Abbott, local committal on broker, had a car load to rell at those figure·. Ia New York, quotation· ranged from 15.60 U $0.(10. In both cit'ir· th· demand waa good, lor the rraaon that th· eiop farther South haa practically all been ahlpperl. Marly in the week here, pot*tor» were moving at the rit» of a car or two a day; but H la certain that a* aoon a« the waathaf clear* op, ahlpment* will raatrrtalll hlfiwr. Mr. Abbott declafa* that no ipe Mal danger of glatttnit thn market h to br expected In heavy potato ahtp B»nla front thl* taction becaoae th« Sooth Carolina and Florida crop» an not cleaned Up. Η « wty» aim that In· illeaUont arc that food ftock, prop erly madad, wilt eontinoa to brtni frrortAIr price·. The crop la eoM*6 erably «barter than luual, bat th« qaalltjr of the Brat H*jtin«* hat hoc» vary food, ha atataa. CUMBEBLAMD JAIL IS EffTEREO BY ROBBER! FayeltrelHc, Jon· 7.—Dm poliei are convinced that ana of tha aM daring r**f* of thieve* in tha cwtm try have Ικβη at work ken. Tha Can bar land eaanty jail wa eaternd daring Batorftay night aa< . tha tale (talen containing MT2 il eaih aM a cheek far it.200 all th penoaal property af JaHor W. A Wret, it waa announced today. White no elaa to tha Identity ai th burglar· haa been MtahlltSiod, th police helicrr they were qalta faail ,.r with tha lamartlnfi /* COTTON CROP SAID TO ι BE IN SORRY PLIGHT WaUka lutMii Say· T«nf*r«tir·· H»r. B*«« Btl·* Ν or mal Waihinglnn, June 7.—The cotton crop «rue dracribfil by th* wrathcr hurra· today in it· werkly wmUi·? and crap r*Tt«w » liu mid in poor coédition except in the Southern and -wevtern portion of the b*K. SaumarixiDg it· report* un cotton for the woek «tiding y.eatcrday the bureau aaW: "Teropcreturoi «err moilly below normal In th· cotton belt, rapccially in tli· cantral and weitern portions and rainfall m heavy in many lo callt *·. particularly in the eaitern tnd the aor· mUrn mOon). The crop made fair to very good progrea· la Texa*. The night* were aomewkat tnu cool in Arkatm·, but'vary good advance wma reported in general from that «lata, although the condition· ya'kil greatly. "Tha progroaa af the crap m very rood in TnMWt and fairly pood in the Carolina·, although field work wai delayed in the latter area by fre quent rainfall. Pair progeria waa re ported a too from the aoathern divn ion of Georgia,'" although th· vnfk «■ι generally unfavorable in that •tup OQ «rcouTu στ cieweaTC rainraui. The nil«irf*erere k«(R, the land waah «1, and fan· work Impossible. "CoWltfaM win unfavorable alae In Alabama, Mississippi and Oklaho ma «tier* Κ was too cool and wet, and cation mad· poor progress ia •vosc atataa. lite condition and stand in OVlaSatna are very oarven, ran* lng Jroe very poor to very ' rood, ^il« the crop 1« generally late and mostly neada cultivation. 8oma plant ire waa don« ia the Mlaslaaippl delta Where previously flooded Wi»»ll ae ity la report«4 fro· many eectlèn» of the bolt, including a few loeali tiaa in aoothera North Carolina." GARDNER BAS MOST State Sanitary Importer McLeod, irat to Dunn by th« State Board of Health, baa apent raach time examin ing the sanitary fm»>Bt>n in the town for the past three weeks. He haa mads many improvement In Dunn but aaya the people are alow te cooperate 'with him. Thla week he examined the public dairies which A furnishing moat of the milk to Dan* bayera. Ha rated Mr. R, Gard ner about M per cent, and atated that h la waa the moat lar.Hary dairy he had aeon in the State. He gave Worth M. Pope aecood place with a ratine of 71 per cent and William Jackaon tMrd place with a ratine of about 40 per cent. The ο there he ex amined were rated aUU lower. Mr. Mt-Leod will be back in Dann la a few dsya and continue the work which ke haa boon. Below ia what be aaya aboot the , dairies: Drag «teres, botcla, cafes, bo m pa, ' or any other placet that arc keying milk from da tries, ahould.know th< condition under whleb theae places are being maintained. I have looked several place· over and And that lota ef Improvement» can be made. I do not know where ' you people (at yoor milk from, bol •you do. I Tb* (rat place I* owned and opcr 'atod by ft. Gardner, and speaks foi ttael*. Tia place rates about (0 pei cent. Not a ektiur plu· to h» found Μ|·1ιιι» a ronnd kerr. Second, Worth Ρορ<·, which U In | rtry good condition end rata· 77 p«r cent- Mort pain· cm· be taken wilk tUa place. Third, W. R. Jarkaoa mmkea a ra ting of about «ο par eaot, and lota of improvement· can ba mad· at thia ^plae*. Ι For Ue other threo plaça* waybe o· know, and iyfc· jn ara ualng . milk from them. Milk la · food that j ha» tot to be leaked after, and no paraon can «1» a laaliary, eJaan, I dairy, withoot Mriei aft·» It erary dap, and darett·* hi· thoo ta it If ye* cm Mat ran a «lean aanitary dairy It wavld ha batiar U prat eat ι ef the baahiaaa. I Nad the Italia kept In ,a vary had ' condition. Ba rara to care for poor cowa and keep them In a good, clean •Iplna*. Mr. I. Gardner haa got a real aanl II lary dairy, and It la bain* properly I malatainad. II «TAX* 8ΑΜΓΤΑΜΥ HfM»*CTOR. il IvaMam Oalna 1 ^ <Treat Daaaaimt Atf, Carathrr» I, · » tUV, Me ) ■ la 1»1β Κ ni Kardlnc «r M now U*· bath. y DUNN HIGH SCHOOL CLOSED fi;i3 WEE'< I Sermon By Dr. Peele Sunday Night. Prof. Nobles De· ' livers Addrru Thr commencement <*er*ir<·» nf ι the Dunn IlijcH Be'·»»! np'-nrj Sun· Irlny ni»hl with tlir bai-rilauienti' f9V' raoa, which «iu drlivrrcd ul thr T»l Jvinr Street Methodic chureh by Dr. W. W. Ptiele, paainr of the Edrnton BtïefJ Method'wt I'hntri of Raleigh. Dr. Pit!· cho*r M> text from fir*6 chapter nf Bomuns mwn 14 to tfl: "I am il<4)tor. . . I am ready. . . .1 un not antmmrri," and from th*»« woid« of the Apostle Paul he ilellr ered j brnutiful and vi-rjr impreaaive .«■rmoti. E<prciiUy did ho impie» upon the twelve memvh* « of the Ria duatinjr rlu*« the rraponaiblu poaition in j>rh ch their (.-duration had placed them. There wa> an ontuually large crowd prment fur ike o'.hrt churches ·'« up tlirtr usual Sunday night «rrici'i fo that thw'.r member» would be able lo uUend ihil «rviee. ι Cioi Day burdm The claw day excrrtora were held in thv opera Kou>« Monday night.' The Sooar wa« beautifully dreeratod colon. Suspended inou the «tag« «•4 a I«Typ baaner in red and wh'te bearing the motto of the clan— "Ni < hi I Sine Labore." Til* program «» aborter Umn is ueuai n> tuch «ru iom, bet the different nomhrr· wore exrrulod so well that It secsncd ceen shorter than It raally wwl Profealdy the beet features of three j exercises were the fanlrall songs to the différant clama and to the school. These eoogr were all coatpond by mfmben of the feuler clasa. Never have the claas day exercise* in Ihann' attracted soch a lame crowd. AJdrea. Tuesday Nigfct % On Tucaday olflal Prof. M. C. H Noble, of the Unhreralty of Narthj Carolina, dclleerisl the eoarUBcnca·1 ment add reel· Prof. Nahla is a prom-' ed te Um graduating class what would lie exported af then at rood citlxrnt-' After the addresn, Die diplomas an) certificates wots awarded to the claas Hy Mr. J. C. Clifford, chairman of the school hoard His few words of congratulation to the members of the clam «-era aery lmprr>ar»e. Thoai who wit.· a<rnrded diplomas war·: Viaees Lj ilr Aycock, Elisabeth Ε»· ·. *♦11. Florcnec Holiiilay, Lucy Popo, l.nuiie Pridgen. Berth» Wvitbrouk and Paul Strickland. The following reri>iv<d certificat»»: Raymond L. romartie, Jr., Houston Smith, north Wade, Enri W oat brook and Miai Ka-' chrl l*«. Diblr* were prceentt d to each mrmWr of tlie graduating claw by Rev. Ε. N. Johnson for the Board of Truntee*. t Mr. Mri>. Uolliday presented to'. Earl Westbrook a medal awarded by the U. D. C., for the btit esaay on "The Cauaci of the Ciyil War." This medal will be awarded each year by thv Daughter» of tha Confederacy to the member of tile graduating elaaa who write* the beat ea"ay on tha sa^jt-ct which they will aeloct. The program was concluded with the Valedictory addrvae, by Misa La dle Ayeoek, and the farewell sung of the senior elasa. HICH OFFCIAL» OF Κ. Κ. Κ. ΑΜΕ INDICTED Ι<ο· Annln, Calif., Jane 7.— Three high ofictil» and 34 alleged member· of the Χα Klux klun were Indicted by the Los Angeles county grand Jury today on Are count· of felony chargea In connection with a raid on Tnglewood, near hare April tt last Th» klan office» ware Willi·» Co bara, κ rand goblin af lb· Pacific de Cln, and supremo attorney af the er r; 0. W. Price, kin# kleaglo fa* the atate ft California and N. A. Bak«r„ I<*al urgaaiinr for tiia eounty af Lot Anglea. Baker la oiMlar arm-t bar· whlli Cabum an.I Price are anderatood ta bo ί» the eaat. m* olhur peraon· were Indteted each aa "Job· Doe." TV· chargea an mpriaarmeat, two eoaiH»; kid napping, two caaata and aaeault wit* latest to eotamlt mardcr, one aoani TO CAKRT ΚI LOO TO HOMX AT CHAHLOTTI Kcmphta, Trna." .June *—Di(bo| John 0 Kilga, af the Metkodiat Ipta copal rharth, Rout h, who hai beei critically III M a hoapltal here. aUrt •d for h la boat· la Charlotte, H. C. tenfght. Biehap Kllgo waa rary area! I when taken to Die trala, bat Ma phy alclana «rpraaaaii caaDiletce that b •«aid wake the trip aafely. · THE CAUSES OF 1 ; CIVIL WAX (By EaH Many people hi li'TO that ihnrtijr Uir Civil War. lion of alavary mo· ι violrnl con North and South 1 the Mlonuri '.V opinio* of tt-J In «ay that dav J b to ad dtrlying cat 10 understand , vU-w, Thr neither t'jTir tki- annexa other «Inffe ! lion» took to · ark other.J JfTerenco cauKvl tlv-ai hlur and tSuogh French l.i wtat ι «il! la ljr. ih« m^craUei^ chanta, •η ut Hrt kid aa and (laea tUm of nufrs brook) lad to bo i'tka taaaa ·' Iha inatita. topic af the between Um tie tijae ol of U10 ta iim IM1. Bal eaaaed the ; *( Dm u faHurt af ι war waa aar any ■ta] Chat af and aoeial l·· D* Mtcra whool were «+*ce. Is th». r» whit·· And diffrrrne·, comlnc o« it» drnaadad infant In Uave 1 cr band, I ut indu felt tUt oily indk ι high lu ■I Kx raw >D<1 th*w had ud wealth;' rrown tfc>« m«an« b«K>n read·, thioafl··or A· tiie f.rt «β icricatv «d by ae>l sr d«v*l At Ulaturaa ; otfcmri»· aeta, a«r «xcladcd of the d« Court. In · fini» »1βτ· act·, remark "If. few wtUfalty ι rjr into «ffeet l ot too which of fmrHiv· »id« bo ne longer I P«ct, a aad Ylr li»« Hill ra ta ear *HU b« '·» ο·· M * IMVKVI1 υ· H|M r ; TV. Booth Mik bti .the rifht to wfth^^Krom the aaioi at ptoaMire. VkaVihtM· MM mtrfod free ΙμΊ·«·Μμι. Thej tm M*h mm4M fN« mtwj|l and lid+pradeat-dalu, la the treat) with Oraat Britala. «Mb «he ocaetl tutien af PTflT M Mit .Nik Ml Vil left to adafft tti mmMMM·, · ta rafnain · eepaeaWrfMiea. M tlx ranatituttan had fartjldj»· the vMh drawl from the —la· at platwrt, I never would tea· haaa adOfM. Th rifht ta wttMrinr (M 4m win ha We ο«μι·Ι; Mated la rmtotlia h, whleti Virginia. VMa Maul. a· New Y»A adafM the iimIH>iIii therefore, Ihla gar· a*; ether Mat ' the «ne right. The Ml dw hi llered ht aeeeaalaa, far inhf «h war at Kit, The Wirthil Oeara· Uaa whieh m aiade af «f Om Me· Kaglaad State· had MiwUml to ■ cede. At tha Maw af the war wtt Mexico, WBUaai Ltoyd Qantaaa « MiaeAwHli, had pn>i»d aari FMt apttoae. <h* hie alata dheal > lead to a aeeeeriaa MNMlk ι The Mk MM haa* to ff veut «a>. * V)M tor anli * '« * · #_ they took pojeevaioa ml tha (•rM, i*jote>io«. until, ud other pdblk baildi·*» in (Ml Thick bad >·Ιιι«< ta the United State*. They gffered ta pay tor tUw if H wm foaod M they had mon tkaa their dhart of pahiit ptopmiy. TVj mt Ceafad to roqa.rt the rnmhr of tfcaaa >Mnf«ly, tat Oujr mn sat ana received aSctally. FWUy cum tha attack of Fan Cawfadatmta State· ashed Piaildwit Uaaola ta lanwdw tha Fart, tat 1m w|M»d that ha an gotag to aaad trtnfamiaaaU to the fait. Puddait Davie aahad «ta fedeaal caaaed the Sertit to feel that It would be iaipoasiM· far the tort aa· tlona ta IWe together la ]eaca. On· by one «be «tronc tie· that bad held the ceo οtry together ware leveled aad tbe anion fail qpii ASICS CONGRESS FOR TAX REFUND MONEY Mara Thaa MMMuM Ta Be Re· leaded to Taaae DtegsBy ■ Wublnftos, Jane 7. — Pre·!dent Harding caked Ce agree* today far a deUciency appropriation of $tS,ltt/ tM for refaadinc taxa* Illegally eel· laetad dnring the fierai year eadia| June tO, 1»«1. Aa eetimate by the badgct botaaa, t ran emitted to Speaker COlett b| the Prcddnt, rtewed that the C«a ■ie«i«air of Internal Rwma tftai that datau woald be appiwed dar I lay the next fierai year. The eatiaeated refend» under the bead ad Income taxa* vu SIMMs 00 <* Knfand of taxaa to talaa waa a» tlawted it IIAM^M. Many atbai item were lleted, inclodln* |1*0,00I >wader the heading of fnMMln, ΧΛΜ. MaOONALO WEJTBBOOK Mr. Waatkraak van tb« aedil AiJ rtu imiM bjr Chicois Chapter U. D. C. for tkc Μ ι—y m the wmi of tk< eMI w»r. Hi· atticl· ι to p«Uakrd kcrrwith. He (iUhM free Uu M|H «toil thte «Ilk Mr. WKbmrt m «ctte· to tfc· pukllea Uoa of T1M Daneea," the Mfh Mkod magaslat, tka ut»ai adltte· of wUcfc matte tu »wwa»ea hM let, aW vh · Ugklx cradi tabic mm Bill MU Ut IKUI- |, • uav iavmci cumn |{ CAT*· DURING APRIL}. * »! PMtouin κ. α WMt «f ty dm· peoteAee Mfi the (onrnanTl ne Uon »Mt μιμι· ter poOeft «m Λ·!Ι"Ι Ιν·Ιι ρΜρΚ 11 vil ΓΟνΙΜη IBYtlv* meat* and te iBcnnii tk«a te p«t , tMr money «W* It «KO h# eefoly protected, b mnating with pul me CM* M lîhlttNd hy the m)·, hqrif ttmik of nearly eight hundred th«MMd dollar· «f Τι awry Savtngi Certificate·, maturity valae. I· the Fifth Federal ftewve tKêtrkt daring the aontt of April The exact ftfuree tew piled (rem two h—drad and elxty-three poet i>m «ad the Federal Beeerve Bank of llll—lad are «7M.S4I which I* «· la ax. «aaa »f talea la the pM.lo— month ■when the amount reached wae »M«. aiB. Atrertln te a Maternent received hy the poatawoter fro» Howard T. Crae, Dtreeter of Oorrniaieet Ba-r ht*a from «Ma dletrfrt. He «le· of , theee e*rtlfWoteo ta April far each etate are m folle··; North ComHm' WM,rr7«[ Went Virginia 1»·,8«»; | Vkntnia «ΙΜ.ΤΜ; DtoMrt ef Oil— Ma MM*U; 8eath CeiellM IUr mi Maryland IIMU l« iMMm there wee told throafh the federal JUaftyo Baak |M,fU pph!a« a fiMd total «f ITMJ4B. . IteOke hiroarfaHy HM for • fake eehempo U meet «Μ win· «M gwtellen to fftth netoy eat «f the »"·»!»'» peehete wW« the «Mo DUNN PLAMUNG FOR HC FOURTH Fully n«n«w< (tM Ike nrf» lick •da'ni-Vur.d ja/t battf Mr. ■aidiar krraUed Ow c—leg rfucr mairj, Daui h iiltaakit · ravivai ·( i.i i>aau«l Joly 4 eatobratlea KKdl to «ill—I MTM tke Μ *4 iu wfferiac· '>>—>< In lb* tokyoo 4aya when Ike Mat Wty of tta alii ■•n· aparee* Ike tnwtjr "Ihrvrr hU •mM be mH<i< wMk B«Mm ebon ι of the wntta » «kit le» pat Mt kjr tk< I wildcatter*. Tfcl* eelOwillw li ««ia* to W ι ι k—linger <m|—W to Am Mm 'Mm mt tkfa M rotto·. poto tM· Md fluty Jaat hew int ttan ϊ*·1>7 an. Thar* wiS be all Mrta ei totejrele, uiill «· 1Mb A*4 than will be tot· of alkor tW·—. tea. to· garlan Bacille· la ettker tabla* · liquid fohn hi thU dhaaaa. It waa Nporad at tbe MdHy dti • hk* doctor «m ·*·»(*« i« tbl vktelty «U «tapa «m lanaadie tel: taken by te aeiiel| ta rayait tel ta tea won «f the Bute iMfi ef Medieal ImmImA te eeder tea « —liaiit alfkl be Ueaed for Mi emd that be algbt ba My >ia>ieta< Β «m farther te»#t ta HgM tea ba araa peea^dag a «ara te kayaiai patient», «Mb a* yaialytka, advaM ad tetomlar eaaa·, and atbar taeta eat of «May aelartewtwl te th "•o·»'». __ the Pbyeitlaa'e Credit Oaida. «Ml ia aaar laailita, ba yabfiteit aa te «m baada ad tea aw»w« by tt -next re«vkr weetf»g af tea full*; j-wWteh «ill be Wadaeeriaj. My * hm. AVERY CONCEDES DEFEAT W RACE *«*"'··. Λ" A. C. "·«» t--*· *■* Ml feiMt for m> A SHOW NEXT FALL

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