THE VOLUME IX. DUNN. NORTH Β. 4L. mtMBEKS ENTHUSED OVER PLAN'S PROGRESS Matt* Third Payment Prompt ly And Many New On·* Appear LEE ENCOURAGED BY FINE SHOWINC MADE Loan· To Three Subscriber· Approved By Board and Building To Start Sooo—Se»· eral Otbera R»in| Consider ed—Much Interest Shown By Community. With coruiduiubly «ver 2,000 share* actually in force snU many more Mibicribeil, the Dunn ButlJlng iv>d I.nsn Auoelstion hid* fuir to at· tsin the dctirod (toil of 8,000 wittiln the η «it month or , according to Eugene T. Lee, secretary and tr»s« urer. Yesterday and Saturday marked the third collection period since tit· organization of the muociaUoa on t —- - Ο *»— · · - * felly up to th·· mark expvcUd Many who had uibtcrtbed for rtoek earlier in the montN, bat to whom It had not he, η l>«m*d, raaie In yr>ii.rJ^y and paid op Many more ar* exported during the week. I.oano to Uirey eubicriKjrt hare Jiv'ii approved by the dl*sctir> and bp made as »oon a* deed·. the riop*rty gpon which new h mt" an te be built are approved by the at torney*. The loan· will te made to Jcjm M. W>l millionth Modal T" Ford Motor wii produecd May 18th, in the Ford Faetory »t Detroit. In other word/·, from the time back In 1008 whan the Ford Motor Company bo Kan marVetiag the now famotii Mod del "T" Motor Car antil May 18th, 1922, a total of aix million Ford Car» and Trucks have been produced. Oat of thia toul 5,617,94β war· de livered to purchasers in the United State* alone, and according to the latest statistics. 4,478,848 of theee Fonl Can and Truck* are sUll ia dally service. Thus ,it will be «va that oat of • very five Ford car» and track* Mid to retail purchaser* In the United Mat·-· a Ion· during the paat fourteen years, four are atlll la actual daily u*e, which I* really remarkable when the hard service of commercial ear* « taken la to eotisidention. This s· if Captain William D. Holland, pre sidential pr«f>mc· for «he oIBc«, ha* imb Mt to Ue Benata and probably rill b« confirmai within the neat 'ew day·. Witli the confirmation, Captain Holland will breoaa poet nailer and Mr. Weat will ratera to he practice of law. Holland «apporter» have had a i«rd tine getting Edgar CariUlc'· ι Id». Many Uaeca tbay thought Uiey iad bin oatted, but Um tall boy po*· •ard unueual rceillcncy. He ahraya >ne bark. Not until month· after be "civil" ear*Ire, which hatd Cap'n iollaad to be the likeliest candidate y reaeon of hla bring tka only Jto mbllcan who caane eloee enough to T. La· and lalph Wade to pi into he running, ware the anti-Waatkai ble ta get Cap'· Bill'· name peat Dm ormaley preaidant. ■■τ; cui··· me Μη nao gainat Mm· of the Roptbllcu ma ildataa. Men of th»M toi thraahed «L Cap'n Bill waa foaixi to bo not ranting la anjr of the quai Km· diw· d bjr thoae «1m do the appointing, "her· will be Β· ferther flght, uU Edgar Carliale «01 yield with aX th· tmi poorfhl· te om «ko ha· held U ιβκ agalaat all «oru of κΜι for Mr. WMt <■ the choi·· of Joha •et upca liU|n>hlt iaatrurtioaa rfaich gave th· Democratic incumb OU Euecive L»e, hardly time to kick up the account· of tfc« «Se·. I* entend with a grla. Ht lmu rlth a amik. Tollowtag his appobu MM aa th· temporary holder, dvfl •rrice examination· wen ordered, «t not until the Republican· had Mtked over th· Soathcm field and ound that H would not b· Mi· to 11 ow Urair candidat·· to «liter coa rata with D—iimata without being afeguarded by Mac aert of break rater against which th· Democrat* light bat their hmdj without das· cr to the aafefuard. Poatmaatera war· to be chosen trough dril aarvl·· ahorn of all ctr Bty. They were to bo cboacn from h· Int three name· aa the Uat of UciblMi Became at kaat two good lemoeraU atood ahead of Capta in lollaad, there waa no plac· on the at la ft for Mr. Weat. Therefore, he raa «bored Into the diacard. «κ. HUKHAUAT TAKES CHARGE OF COLLEGE law PmUnl »f Inducted fait· one*—c«·». Piw Triait 7 CaBa>a Unoir, inn· 11.—C. L. HornuUy rM formally mad* praaidrot of Da anport eolloga jMhrfa? Donu» lunpnn of Statcavlll·, prvaldtnt of ha board of traataaa, Rer. J. F. Urk, of flallabury, aearetary, F. C. Iharriil of Coroolhu and Mr. Hoyla f Charlotte, a»amb»r« of tb« board r* tmittw, tofathar with K*r J. B. àravon, tka prraidaat, wort im tor Um^K· of admlniatra la FAru^?thia par Mr. Horn day wai iImM prraidaat of Daraa «rt coll·*» by th· boanl of Ua«t««l 0 take ekarga of tfco flnt of Jaao rhoa Mr. Crave* woald ftnbh «ρ hla ear Mr. lomdigr was · aaaiber af ho facalty of Trinity collect where λ had boon far a boat M year*, aarr ng both la tho eolUcc and la TrinHy 'ark aehooL Mr. Caara·, tha retiring preddeat, • praatding «Mar of tha Charlotte Hatrlet, aad hu boo· a*Urely tant' d with thia worfc tinea latt anaaal «riirian. Hovorir, ba waa ah la *> oadaat tho affair* at DaTonpert le ho Int af Jane aioa. Dareeport pot ato baa grarwa aranderfally aadar ha aianaçaaiaat af Mr. Cnm, aad 1 ta aayortad ta coatinaa ta grow, aaraaaa aad develop aadar tha new «aaiilaaA τ» nav uv Mr. Bryan haa aot yet tonveeted tva ho hU ΐΜητ of «raatiaa. "If ha ran aiada of arad," aaya ffra, "he'd attaint? dry op aaaa M .wkile."— few Tork Trihmo. Tp 0001 COM Ml TO ΒμΙμπ, With ι toi Omif u dl«c« h Um Ch In a tor* Uat r»pr ««a «f t>># dation fitting to* dUroMtd. On· ko·. Lillinftoo, if Demi woaJd nftUgaUj of lh« ; te eon 000. tor I ira* • "I -that! *! Mr. IAΫ, kit money bond· to twenty Oor.n al»o one t· be prmrHrelV | 000 to b«iM o*«r which wo«U km ι the, «Ml Ν. M. Ψ. » mat I to the Thto. to th« the probable {«•linn of I Willi Mr. Kelt·* Another plan made public waa meeting and mmb the approval of «S however, wUI aet be people *»U1 M itilyraent time. mid. w CAROLINA POWER BEGO^MOVEIPR belli »M th· km tav· of "thai t*wn •hew w>n<«mn ·| at Thajr laraHaMy a*r M» 1 n—wr to tock ■«**.'t i OiHitf ten • few toy Um it] I· r«* tf Ζ LA m CONTINUED SIGNS ΨOf IMPROVEMENT AU, OVER NATION DIVERSE TESTI AS TO CROP Cottoa .CMriiiDi A· Raaalt Of WaakLg Aad Ml WWill I AirtwMbiW Pr^i Picks Up» Now York, Jon· 11—Continued la dicationa ef lnduarrial inynrnuBt, rien* af a rrnrwed aaalag ta aiaaay ratra and dWint taatimony «· I* eray condition* arc tb« feature· In I b—timi aad finance af tfca put week. Commodity price· silli aha· a flrm«r too*, retail trad· la about'what a» ι «ft be aapocted at thla time of year aad the labor fitoalica dliwi no decid ed rhan*· Altogether, tfca pWtarc, eoaUaaae to be one of gradaal. bat fulriy ilaady rtcovvry from depraa aian—a rata»try. In fact, wKlcb an ttM whole ciceede expectation* teTtaiaad early in tfec year. From tha ladaatiial Raid, reccat reporta ahew that the ited planta ara ■till operating at rata* which' caw para favorably witi fall capacity op a rati ana before tke war — wtn If tkaaa rataa cerreapoad only ta T> par a*at af praaaat capacity. Steal pricc* are fina aad mo at of tW aaaa yaaiaa appear ta be making marie at profita. Tbe τ alar af building con tracta kt Jn twenty-a·* ea Korfboai tara daiA daring May aat a new high record far all time aad waa aU ι iVo. *b. if· dariag 1M4. Automobile productive daring May I who· the ateei cwiuIn npMt^. per Mat pNttr thea la week a r<*r Η° Order» for railroad fpulpatnt coat···· to b« placed la •a tUf artery valante. Latest report fr*· tke Northvett Udieate, meanwhile, that the prpa pofU are (or a good wheat crop. Prie·· of wheat far future delivery have, to be Mire, decliacd Aaxplr ia the laat few week·, hat a liberal ■apply of grata at fair price· la eon· aidered te hold oat better projtpecta far general bmin«· than a éoit crop at U|k prie··. On thia bade cotton proapect* aie not to eacoataging. Flood· have weahed eat important grewlag area· ia the gaythwtet whOc the mild win ter aad wet aprfng hav« aided the boll weevil aad delayed planting. Farther rain* daring the past week la many parla of the belt caoaad aomethlag resembling a crop «care. Aa a reçoit ρ rire* J α raped ta the ftigfceat afore laat October the Wading fntarva crossing it cent·. M DEAD IN STORM SWEEPING NEW YORK Malm fmiM Are Ρι····Ι Is L»»| lilni >«■■!—Itwn la OKU KM. irnnl New York, Juno 11. — A riaient lt*rn accompanied by Λ if tin* wind· that reached ■ velocity of M tail·· an hear, took the lhraa of Î4 par •ana, injured morr than 100 ind caaad enonaoas property 1m» in the metropolitan «action lata today. •iiUra boat·*· win reported drowned la Lone Ialaad aoarvd daring the mad «term. Kicfct bodi·· Jut* keen wwwwi The poHri^hflen at City hland La Μ·Η ^ftgwdi trying to Identify tit* dcaC^p.e»k irnr MlMhtf kla and friend». HonTHCUrr* wont uoucb I WAGES or HU niNTEMUNi London, May IK.—Oppoeed to ef-' farta to rednfr the war·· «* printer) am Loadwi daily newspapers, Lard Narthctlfe bai ml|Md from Dm Newpiftr Prepriileii aeaoetatioa. II· takaa all Ma aowapapera, laclad tac Ut· Tie*· and Uie Daily Stall, with Ua. He ha· let It be known that that· wiN be ao ridneUana la tha' «■caa of printer· employed oa Ua pabUcatJona. Tha aaaaeUU*· waa in-J rol»«d la the matter; Waa re ha decid ed U break with it. ' la a itatement a· the «abject Lard MarthaHffe declare· k· objecta ta cap italiste, ignorant af Ftaat atreet, die taUaf tarma ta wan who km «Mt L >»lr IKraa li))a| ta «adeaataad (ha ^ith the ptmlkli eue option af tern» •part In Κ jinnwh and a Mbav poMI catien, h· lay·, a mnilanelra la k«*l»d rraay ·**·>· London dally arw^apar. puNuiAi. or nu. a. d. mrm LAST nUMT un Ttiàmr «lock, the Mjr of vu tai4 to ran PloaeaM Platea BaraaU nuqr. Μα AWBjr la May *1. dM My the old fcMM (or I te af of ha, raralyaU, free rallied, only U coming la akrat a week altar Aa ' atridteo. Farinai aorrteai et ■<—Mal M·· aad cdbya large Muakw af friend», war· haW at the heaae W fcar| daafktcr «a Tata «tree* te boro. In. J. ■. of Waat Market church, tent paiter at llu rather with Bar. W. ter af the Waatey dirt church. of chai«e of tlM ι barrit, la la the * Mn. Byrtl, ta t« tha tea tela af — haJ ikaiaatnlaaf her Ufa, mad 4rew, W . A. ER WIN MAKES UMAL DONATION Chap.1 Hill, J rrtiag bit af naar* InM oat ia thia rmainky txlay «h»· it kaoMM known that W. A. Mi, cblaf owa •t of the Krwta Catta* nlfc, ia la to the danar at tha aaw Xpiaaagal ;harrh tha tanatiaeUaai af aAleh «ΟΙ kagia at an early «lata. TV· rxaat nauit that wit) ha grr· ta by Mr. Erwia baa oat haaa daft aiwly I earned, but it ta to·*· that Jm DaHflnbo· ariJJ aaaaafattar» lag company will aaka a gift af at laaat IM.004 om tha Bpteapal Λ tMa aw ta ia to the eaMtrvetlaa af tha eharch Kaeif, rather than tha to· rMwtib. The iaMlm af tha pariah h'oaaa. Inn* iinl af nr by tha for fro· Reata ttaaa age tha »lau far Mm· «troctiea af tha' Mar AMI aa4 af· tloaa vite anMwncaé. Itfata that· had baa· tafli af lalaigliiL nU thtntk, haeara aa tha Oafal af tha Craaa, bat akaa tha art y «aa ebatvh a ad lat th« Craaa ataad, and near aaara that Mr. Crwin vlH ba «a or of tho μ Tha larboa H b ha*» a taltoaéa afM to ι ■aw ««Mart and fee ahagal af 0m! Craaa, tha latter to to aaad tor I BtUa Chapel af tha SANTABY DRIVE STARTED BY CITY BEAuiffna ι .