THE DUNN DISPATCH 1. MU ranuh VwDAYS ■wT Γ1ΙΓΓΓΠΙΙ—I λ IN AOVAMCX leattaaa to 1W of Tka OSSIUO WUU w« of thu Democratic part) rt ajpiwtnc ihtl» rrar the do of old bu· «tyrtrw» to ΰκ of fVnneylvaali sut··. Η win bl to wwMw «kit kappoaod In iMk whoa At ««7) I MHWllnli unknown mui. •Iter * ftlHj éaj cmaipaifn, aw M doœ to Mttliaf W. T. Leo. ot too ItoU Corporation Commiuiop titot Dm —rM— waa goaaiaely «car ad; Walter tttar. aoHeitor for tk< dMrkt waa tiallD by W. Clawaoc ■t Charles La baa Aktmetk; to old liaon tore for yean toa tijlat to diae redit, candidat* for teafnidoMl reprcaeatotlea fro· Is s Many oomerc< rmee to which Matt Allen, m «1 Jedge (Mirer H. Allen and a lib— of the late Jodie William «. Allen waa Ma favorite of too ftplara, miU ι all aloa* too lise vote ouat Un UM au» fMlina M la Um «Tfihron RRBBKnnanMaB· «hM KMtUit. H· «il do ad I· kMf Ht of r«JiUc* uri 4mt* hU «Un ta. tte >■>—i that te ·ι4·ι »t>a<a. Ht* «φοΙηΐΜ with Nawterry duaU htn tiifkl Mm • „ . · * WITH HOME POUC * Ρ UllinitM Sua day «eteoli ar* coq· dactiog » remuât to «m which eaa Mon tte 'tect iHtMtu· doit»· arcacot month. Hun arc tte·· «f tte acte·!·—Praahytariaa. BaptiaU aod MttMW· 8· far tte Mathodlat m ta te ta tte liad, tet tte hosy Biftte and tte ataKd Aeotf ara J·· termlncd that tte wia»*r wOl know a rvr tea teas te Id «ten tte aid romoa. Haanitel L. 0*Mi, «te nearly thirty yaara ■(« waa raecnd· •d aa Matter of the Wcalcy Blbla Clau, ol Di»ino gt^it Matfaodiat Chuffeh hare, waa in LUBacten Baa day to adrira*· tte MaUodUt 8anday ftchool that· and aid hie fellow Mtth odlrta in their raca. Ha iai4. there weic mora than 200 am'txn pre sent Sunday morn inf. That la almost a thIH af tte cooatyaeat'* popula tion. Completion af that Uak of tha La Fayette Highway which la ta era· Hinttt Covaty from tte Wake ta κ. r· ii 1. · ■· lington la expected within ninetj days, according to a bulletin just is «ued by tin Stat· Highway Comml» X·*. 4 Se and ni|irim practlcallysil Éw. This link ta kneam m frojacl M». 4S8 and coi priât» practically S3 Milaa of ριτ«Ι road eighteen feat wide. It will coat »J7i,000 It will cloa* a now practically imposesbl» gap between Raleigh and Payotte *111·, and wton coapMid will (Cil local mote rift* the M root· bo· twrm Koat and the State capital. The Capo Few CJraT.l Pita, Inc., la a new concom for lalllngten. II kaa purchased the Xdward 8. ftattk tract of 1M aerci and will misa and Mil grarei for read-tmilding and oth e» purpose*. Its aathoriaed capital ia $100,000. lu Incorporate» mIL Kenyoo, «f M·©·ton, N. J.; C. W. l-acy, «{ Wlitatagtoa; H. Β. DaLor raie, of Wtbningten, and J. SL Bag gett, of Lillingtan. The coaipaay Aral will cat aad mQl the timber now oa the tract and then bofln tka difiiia aad marketing of gtaroL LflUngtoa gravel la »id to be the boot la Um ce an try and Κ U expected that the Mar tonte»a will develop lato one of the meet tapoiteat esterpriaeo ia -be county. /· ψ Aa Inspector attached to the flute Department of health waa here laat week to inspect the several datrie· which «apply milk to the homes, roo ts or»»t« and cold drtak establish meats of Dana. Oa tho baala that "tOO" U a perfect score, he found one with a score «f 10". Which Is a pretty good score, considering that to keep a cow lot perfectly sanitary one eery likely would have to how his cow· hi porcelain stalls ■ ashed continaously by running water. An other had a score of "77", which, while not nearly perfect, was much bettor than a third with a score «f ~β0." The third was forty point· tad. but it wasn't the worst. The inspec tor said there were ethers with low er eeores. It would be interesting to k^ow who conduct» these. Milk, brought to town as a food for little children aad foe adults, should come clean to the place of dlstrlbotiea. Κ there are dairies about town that rank—aod are raak enough to rank farty to 0fty per coat tad, there evrwniy HOTH Ν (ΟΠΗ way «I pre· reatfafj tb*m iWitiailm adk «■ food. If jn ere ■ burner ·( Milk. ye« m It to pirMlf te at· that it naci >am ae (l«M a dairy aa yoa cas Sud. Whi· Um pabllc rafaaea U bur ncku ·1Λ, maybe th« AatribttM «il gtn a little greater difru of mihlMM to year health. Den'· aew baftHnf aad loan ae reeiatien already kw Jeattfted He e* ieteaee. Βκι·ι of lu preaeaee three mr bemee wffl be b«Ut haw» dlately. end othere wtU come eteaf at tht rate of eae aaeh aventh far the next tarerai 7ran. It ia probable that the aaather «01 lacraaee ae the eatae of the 14m la iwwikUi by the ee«M—tt|. Deetd reanaD. Joe ■tepheaeei· aad Jeeae M. WUeoa are the irat te be aided ia heaM MU l»g by the aaaeetatiea. ΑΠ ef the leeai an awl, two beta* of ÛMt aad eae of I1.IH bat either ef theee mm wtt batld ylte · alee bean la tbia day ef law prtaad la·· bar a»d labor. The laeeM ef the f.··· a aretruT peneitUaf the'baild Mf ef a new h law ef that petae reery thirty day*. Meay ef the kaMh af aoene, arlU aeat aaarb mm thea that, ahiriliri aafa* the leeaa to ■Pfbaeat pHrala faah hi billdlH It I· aalhaalad that faOy IMMM HI be weat la beaae baMta« ter •ar <;m Mk the ao happy 4^1 wbm Ik· hllwi uwd a pitchf ocli instead ·1 a nntn riautr to gutt er the bom; off tit· bank floor» ai night; bat, folk are riding aoywfty. Hm tal there nUtlif fender* ui knocking motor· add to tha noise of Ik· Toad, but all ar« iipwtlng to pi a batter car wbaa crepe art «old. Sitting at our point af vantage feriast Broad Street's allak aaphaH oa a Sunday afternoon are see many of tfcaaa erstwhile stately motor mon ument· ta the folly el a tea· thrifty bat glorious ace. Like tXa things gt Athens, Rome, Byzantium and fl ▼alky af the Nik, tkey bava faiui lata rata, bat tkey serre a good por^ pose. Brer eo often we go around aad leak at tke Mark riba of oar own dear old Flhrtaa aad are reminded that créa tke gnaaa lanes hare a taming. Tke oM rains that ply up aad down the street» of belered Dunn are patketic. They Ull of tke light that^fei; af Ur stream that ran dry. our folk were handlist too al^BMy, they coald not ee« tke ead tvept through ft golden hase that ubeeuiad the breakers. IJv erything their hear* d eel red, th«j had. It was all moonshine! The cnui came, leaving as little bat oar now!) scqulreti habits of waste, it woald not have been so bad except for thta. Even those who naturally ara thritj And It diBeuh to return to hablti of thrift after tasting the sareotneM ».f plenty and tba carefree Ufe. II Itaa taken as two yean .to gat bach lo normal habita. Bvea yet wa lonj for the An^ linen and mellow plea» arae of wealth. But, the old mono meats vrmiad as of what happens ts the blindly thriftless. When prosper ity hits as good and hard next fall aad wa feel the urge to spend, lefi all go into the attic and laok at tlx shreds ef $17 silk shlrta, the warped * roily. F.w et c'.utc it. r»f •arty , "do^l ΟβΤ will vast to r···» reaton, wo r««l Id oo o>d pro» Wt ara cured have mm of thus of ft· Vutfun Sand*} Sunday «nor •quai will Β. B. Cmr, ft· V—ittny S«i o! Raleigh, vat W gathering and that foand plaf · of U· htim Ho in the uk atadent. all the ' hand; Ion; ; foarth. «opt tho to 0m Jaraariah, stating not in an of fta in a he aort. "Wo ' Irg foQ !*· !Manda iyi Kft holea—hot Jaramiah'i J.J. a rUt I ι point oat right the ItMn mi htlpliliwi»—witkoet leaving κ in. Th« W««Wy Bible clou ' • f th· Method i»t Sunday acfcool «m guttU of Um Vufutd elaje daring I Mr. ftnw1· talk. After an abeence of thr«· montka | Ueorje Gordon Bjrrou tord returned j Satardaj iftornooo to Th· Diapatck. I ! ι IÉc WhUa he vu abiont ha «m political irriter and director of th« department of co-oparmtWa marketing for The Nawa-Ltader at Richmond. Ha wai pl«M*<i with work and with Ufa In Richmond, hat Dunn caJWd to him ■ad ha could not mtirt tht lanmoni fro rothet own wfaox every part ba to*·*. Hcncrfoith, ha will remain in Duns, r«Mim1ng ht· work for th* Cluabtr of Comma rc·, tho Harnett County Fair and tha various daily nrwïpejMn of th· Stat*. N«t tin# ι a call com*· from othfcr firld·, he aya, h« «111 llitm loot bvfora tat "for Dunn rtalljr ia th· beat townund er the «un—on« which all ο fu» can tit te a»d lhr· for." Dunn Ice F. G. SHKAN, Next to PoetofBc· better $500.00 —To anyone who will cream told in Doiin then our ARCTIC ICE 100 per cent Pure Cream, 100 per Made in WUmin ved by the State One spoonful of ou: other, bon't look for you will nol Double forty4ight All cl*ar—no Tilghmah Duili, e Small and^ *e Uri· kuk p*r«*a>l New ■ Furniture 9 Now Arri^n< / /— PORCH CHAIRS and SETS BEAUTIFUL SUITS New Designs New/Prices :-ALL RACTIVE-: Complété Line Now'in Stock Barnes & Holliday Co. —r !i ^Unp« North Carolina. _ Have You Got Your TOWN LICENSE TAG? For Your Automobile All car 01 must hav&. display town licensfc nui ;rs in the town of Dunn on their automobile a )er. The price is $ 1. <% yours \witHout further delay and avoid embarrépsi Τ M W. F. Dawson ι ■» Tax Collector Town of Dunn

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