.· » • L t » F. S. CuUom, of Sonford. was · vititur bare ycatetday. Jpur Park Butlvr «pent thf week •nd In Tabor with ftivndi. Mr. and Mr·. Jamra Eldredga and Mim Mabel Butler (pent Sunday at White Lake. Mr·. DavM Lutham, of Jackson ville, Fla., it »i*iliny Mr. anil Mm. J. K. Crockett. Mr. and Μην Klmer E. Polk jpent Saturday aflvrnunn in FayetUvtlU with Oieridi. Captain t. Roland Williams «pent •cvvtul day* i)l but we< k In Ualnlgh on butine». Mr and Μη. V. E. William· left Monday Tor 8<vrn Spring* where they will .«pcml je vera I work·. Mi» Arnea Cannady. of Oxfnrd. i» herv na a KUr«t in the home of Mr and Μη. J. C. Crockett. Amine Naylor, son of A. B. Nay lor, left last week for Alabama, where He will make hi· home with hi· brother. Ml*» Π rare Crockett left yenterday •or CrevrMboro to enter the jammer school of the North Carolina College for Women. Grorv* 8nead left Saturday night for John· Ropkina hospital, Balti more, wbeie he will be operated on. Me will be away for acveral week*. Capt. B. S. Κ ho*· U ft Monday lor ι Atlantic City to attend the American Railway auoclation convention which L open· in that city June Hlh and wlU continue through the 2Gth. ψ} J rude Franklin Wilaur 1* at Chapel niu wins wrcK HiMrnain^ ujr cum mmcfmrnl exercise· of 0» Unlv«r • ity of North Carolina. Hi· ton, Gir ard Wllaon graduait» thia week. Chief Dawtnn has extended Ahc rr atri<-l«xl automobile, parking are· to three block· In Broad Street and two In Wilaon Avenue. Painter· have barn engaged thi· weak In marking tpacei. Mm Lera Smith It (pending a week with ralativn In Payette rill·. After mith relat'vej in FayetteviUeUFUPN leaving there the will «pend a faw day· at White Lake, accompanied by a party of her frtenj? from Fayaf rllle Mia· Logiw Brewer and Mim Mar garet Lucas left thi· morning for New Bern to attend the B. Y. P. U. Convention being held in that week. A number of oOicg oplc will go t<> Now Bern \ψ ry O. Shell ami Sam FerraU «igued contract· to play yii\ von club of the h»set>aJl "laa ΰ·ηι»;·)ηκ Bi'iiiOii, Smithftcld, and Wendell. The flrat game played at Benson Wwlm-tiday work. MeD. HoUiday'i gre.it htxtl of· friend· will be grieved 10 learn that he ha* been quilt- wck at hi* liume her· fur the lut lèverai doy*- He ha· Khontn eon»iil»rable improvement since Sunday, bat fltill M unable to come down (o buaineia. An unidentified man lut aight at· tempted to enter the bom? of Mrs. Anna McKay Ho wag in th^ act of climbing through a window whan de tected. When Mrv McKay gave the th« man AltHnnark Rnrfit>rl "S. McKay Λ red «hou after him, he eietptd The Ζ V. Snipe* garage recently ha* been eieetly improved by the enlargement of the officc apacc, the installation of now water, air. (U ami oil fillln^ appliance* and other convenience*. The place ha« been rc paintl'd, too, and noxr U one of the mart attractive eitabllahment aloof Wllann «venue. Mord Dowd and Pan! Jonet hare leaned Surloa pond for th· luramer and will make it an attractive place for bathing, picnic*, etc. They win have muetc oat tfcare every day and will alio eel I refreshment*. Being the nearent available place for awimmtng It will no doubt b* a popnlar retort (luring ft* summer month*. Ilornce Baocom, of Qreeniboro, I* her* today. Mr. Baucom vu far «av érai year* a(«nt for the Daffcam and Southern Railway here. He resigned that petition la*t year to ga ta Greenboro where he had pcrcbaaed a greccry More. HI* many friend* her* will be glad ta learn that ha U doing very steely in bl* new boat ■ ι Ν. B. Bbm, raperlntartdent of th* atreet department, want* the f(«ph •f Dunn ta pat their tmk oat fai the carte before Batarday. The Km' cleaning fore* Bake* only half a daj Saturday, atopfifaig work at noon, *M can aot remove the traah before San day un leu* It U placed for them ba fore 'Be La May morning. Clean yaw yard* Friday and all traah will b< removed beware Bandar. Twenty-two thoaeand balea of cot 9 ton have beer told 911 the local mar ket ulnte laat Aageet, aecording to Tom Ruyal. o®clal weigher. Added to this there U the quantity weighed ■I lh· Oil Mill» and «old direct to broker·. This bring· the total sal·· from the 1820 and 1Ï21 crop* ap to mure than 40,000 bale*, leaving probably liOOO bale· (till 1b etenc* or on the farms of the rariendlai reentry. Uwrtnct Jemigan, a ton of Mr. and Xra. 1. I. Jernlgan, who recent ly returned from «ervice with the army ia the Canal Zone, left Sunday for Sanford, Fta., to opond a fow day· with hi· brother, Perry A. Jcr nlgiaa. He will go from Sanfoni to Jacksonville, wheacc ho will aail for the Canal Zone to enter the employ ment of the government at a civilian i-Urk. Mr. Jrrnigan ha· wrved nearly ftvr year» ia the army and waa with (he American forces occupying Gor man territory after the arraiaUce waa •igned. Digging lia· for that gnat potato patch planted by John W. Fitagvrald, and the «nailer patch·· planted by Ε. M. Jeffrey· and other*, ha· come —and the yield bida fair to aarpaaa the fondeat expectation· of the plan ten. A finer grade of potato ha· never been seen than thoee being turned up by the digging machine· which have been at work rince early Monday morning. Mr. Fitag*raid ex pert· to avcraga better than fifty bethel» to the acre on all of hi· 2t& acre· and the other fellow· will do a* well. Market· aeem plentiful at thi· time and several can of potatoes will be (hipped from Dunn today and tomorrow. Anher Edward·, of Ooldaboro, is dead. The end came Saturday after a long life ot aaofalaem to hla adop ted community. He waa te yean old and had been one of Ooldaboro'· most valued rlUseni since ho came to lh, community M an immigrant more than half a century ago. He was known throughout Eaatern Carolina for hi· fine boelnee aenoc and hi· sterling qualities of mind aqd heart. Panerai eenricaa were conducted at Goldcboro Sunday afternoon whan hundred· of friends from all parta of the φaatry gathered to pay their ' rcspat to hi· memory, llr. and Mra. j Ellis Goldstein, of Dann, war· among I the number. Rev. John J. Ltnplog, pallor of Our Christian Chare h for ti>· two and the Chri»tl»a Church for two and| He *n<l will Uitc September lit fer. Ktntucky, wherv hr will engage W evangelistic work pending his accept snce of another choree. HU family will accompany him to Kentucky. Mr. Lang» ton come to Ονο* fro® 8U1 ncjr. Nebraska, early In Jaaoary, I BtO. H· hi■ done a wonderful work for kia church hero and ha» boon ac tive in all things which bad a tond· •ney to bolp the town. Hi· work hat bw» fruitful. Dana people who know aim h·^ low hiro moat He will bo mbsrd much. Ui» resignation is uni formally regretted. lUNlOR CLASS ENJOYS OUTING Member» of the Junior CI**» of the Da tin High School and a few of their friends, accom paaiod fay Hr. and Mr*. ». L Hatcher and Ml» Jaaic Ipock, lhair teacher, spent «avérai day» of last wuvk iuup at Whlta Lake. Itiey thorou^^^bijoycd the oatlng, which iiulude^^Klag, bathing, flak n(t and all thaHort a? thing. Thoac «Uendin g war·: Miiiei Eleanor Batcher, Bevie Wilson, Me Maaeengill, Ruth foaaf, Laclle Creel, Ruby Oaekett, Eleanor Grime» Chariotta Hatchcr, Ellia Moeely Hatcher, Elisabeth K» lell, Theliaa Jobnaon (CUntoa, N. C.) Mildrad Shell. Ole*burn Wilton, William Pearce. DrToh Dowd, Raymond Cromartie, Earl Davra, Rudolph Wilt»», Bab Hester (Elisabeth town,) Paul Ε wall (Klisabethtown), Mr. and Mr» J. L. Hatcher, Miaa Janie Ipock. A. H HARCROVES DEAD A H. Hargrove», *ui ia«rly a citi zen οf Dunn, who for the pajt lèverai yean" has made hi» home ia Sampaon coanty, died last Sunday. Be had been III for eevaral emehs and the ■nnegicHiMt of hi* death did not coma aa a surprise to thoea who were •wan af the senoasnees af hi» con dition. Mr. Hargrove» waa about Κ years of age and leaves a widow and twe children. He was a merchant hare far several year» doing a g rotery business on Bast Broad Street He waa wall known in Dana and has many friends here who will be eorry to learn of his death. The (omtbI Hnku •d Moa^B afunîoo* «m bMlt MifU Uny. TIN bvria] tkc naWi t a. L. JACJUOM PtAD 8. L. Jacksaa, pnMhMt Itnui anrt beloved iMn>, Hm'ift Ma ta Haiapaon tcutjr MtUur moraine at 1 o'clock, afUr an lav over wnnl Uok place Monday family cemetery ud of 'fiends «ad n1ltln|èW> Co pay tk· last PrtMiad vma M ras a native of In •ran on* of tki Ml ι»ηϋ ο' hi* serti— · vas a ma a ίο mer. aad for « φΜ(. Η· wm ι Baptist ctmrrh :he rel Mr. Ji kavlag Far ■ number friend· her·. a rareer and ι larft estate. He Is «anr+red rhlldran, ■ I »th«r nlilhr· Mra. rJ Mr. Y. Tj| U her bom· teriMMn. 8h« •o« of the hor n.lfhbor ■t Bothaodo I ibort M rarnir, Hn. Wo Primitlr. h*r lift riavoLion rrar*l whom ara and 8. Y. tf »d of ' ο tr r«i the oil of το πι NTTT I fonad JlKlM J. J. I HAR fco τοα my pro ley for I of our »«rt7 > I AaD atrfeo Mr party to it, al all 'ARMER· TO BE PAID the but cfaiti »f wfctab I M SffflDMCtfuDT CLAW80N L. WIUIAM*. FOR CAM1> BRAGG LAND Waahlngton, /mm ·.—Plana-have my bee· Mdt to prorWt fundi in the next dfttltucjr kit fer nlabv «lag (uwtv wboae land· were takea orrr in eatablaahlng Camp Sim. Ba ■ itanUlhrt Haateer announced , Tharaaday, Hi bu btn at vtrk wjUi Itutar Onnun for Mnnl awn the overtaking le pt tha fioltlpr aeUled ^^Bhe government to reliera wm,t. I tail own art lo Hake aad Cumber land eoantiea Ian been waiting threo yarn» to be paid far Aolr lmd Mora the* a year ago judgment we· ob tained, and a rrpreaentative of Uia ι War Dtpurtwnt »4ttrd aararal of 'Λη at oat ρ rawing claim·, bat la ft fcnaettlcd at the aaaM tlm* many that P&ere cauaing troubla. InnjUap» ara who moved oat, booght^^^ftnd gave paper for them an^^Baure ' haa been brought oa them^^ay up. Rrrf tope haa tied tha matter be twcea the War Department and tha Budget Bureau. It «M thought at one time tha aaauay could be nulled oa pending^rgWatioa, but delay haa raaalted until new a a aw effort la to ta made on the deficiency bill. If people were a* bad aa tome peo ple think, there would be a biff »Kort ago of aagab In haavee.—Harriaon bunt Patriot. * BUSINESS LOC> •UY YOU· CAS tu and cet a ; met FRKK. %. I U-tfc. -I wiah Honia! for BALSAM OIL FROM ! kltrhca cab- j p*'f Garaga. tad taati· ARNOLD'S j «Mara* |>η up all ke m» bet I rtNltid φ ι SBTB AftMOUVM "•nlj for fcoi Mn >■01 rottir· Jan# 14, I! Week-End Hundred* of yard* of hwa. ptrul· sad yard at — imported Orgaadfca, all colon, per yartU Sill· Pons···, white aad colon, p«r ya/d. Pure Irish Lien, whit· and colon, nh· 50c Vol I· at par yard ... -~r~ J~ Good Work Shirta JL Good Overall·, •facial .par pwi.. jL... Pin Check Work pVnta, p« Cool Hon mer SurnrrVr Suit· / Atlantic Black BroAc Oxftrda Small ύ« aad odd η Some of the·· Oxford] Cell and exatrine oar For Thnrsdaji Friday aad Sat urday Only $eo. t. y rince & ifon χ Hot Bread*, 3^£Vi5'5 * ■ • >A ors/brcfs selPBâisinbbîead preparation Department Store 7 ~ 4 SPECIALS FOR THIS ^Autiful baronete satin • $10.00, to q Hpjyleome crepe reductions irtment -. AT YOUR SERVICE Veterinary Surgeon en ce. Locat Tart place, Htalls to ac( Will go an; able. A. A. / V ot/20 years experi own as the Henry rth of Dunn. New e case· at the time, tiled. Rate· reaeon Dunn, N. C. TOO HOT JO BAKE! Fills the Bill BeSiire to Pajfj Your Pllone /τν,^Λ We Have Positive Instjfcction^to Not pid by liât June 15th All Who

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