ANNOUNCE PUNS FOR BK REUNION Rm Τfcimai Hmm Of n·' Saath EjbmImI a| Byy | mmTKmII to Π ■t.h·»·à, Vt, J«n· 10—WHk the ι Ht» Mai ta »l»m At prograa te tlw |tiW Confederate rvaaien km Jw i> u n, tuMn, tkti ihH tar the gathering km 8m· ιι·|)ΙιΙι< i>irtala at the eoaaultM today aattaatod tkat Ιτ< th—aii wntwn »< Ike Confederate Amy «α usni t|irtlt train· over every railroad ta tte SaaUi will Mac rtrlsgatas to th· noIn, it vu anaouneed, mm train mijlug tvthr* Patbnans trrine b( nitniri of the Tana brigade TM Fallu in «ΟΙ bring iklijaUi twm the Tcaaine camp· and a like itonWr of >Ιι·ρί| rata «UI carry Omi|U veteran». Members of Wllcn rwp, Birmingham, Ala. aad veterans front JintiMirr will coo· to Rich mond la fanrtee* tlNftn, while an other iftrlal train «ai arriva with veterans from the «tela of Μ1···Ι>ρΙ· Kapsrt Μ,ΟΟΟ ΓμτΙ. It h hUbiM that the veteran· wtth thai» families will bring 50,000 pa»» fa to Bkhmesd. If a Senate ré vélation, pasaed an motioa ot Sea a tor Svaueo, of Virginia, Is adoptad by the taw» branch of Cangraas, the war rVpartassat will land the votersaa 1,· DM a nay cots for «μ daring the re* Union. ·' - af Virginia; Md The reunion »e prodded o*er by I» Car*. commander· Confederate Veter vctcrana South# m Mr will hold cwtn» w*h the rean win be featar •t the the la tka will cooehide Oa and toad •f the official* of the po&t P> rba>« we toon îhall have >o aaaay .hotel· In Boiton that nobody will have te xtajr at beau at all.— Beaton Timcript. r WHUI ARE THE T*UE MOTH IM AND MINUTULS TOO ATT (Pabliihed by Κκ,ιμΙ) i~ I ka*« tra<l with inter·*. the artt dtt in jreur paper *ai«ot "Jtnkj." I la u glad that public aontiment U muut it. But, oh! htrw my h ta it ached when 1 read of, "The patter 0r a church curb» Jaxa by toddlinjr himeelf aad allowing ail tha young people of hla eonjnregat-oo to toddle. at regular Oaaa hi the chart* chapel.*· Are «e roi π κ to raiae ap a aober generation. by letting the morning toildy before oar children ? God for b'dl Ami luiltkn can va lata op a part, noble-minded generation where they baea no mora respect (or God's housv. or God'» llnMafir. (Are they God's Upaunprt?) Personally 1 "*»; that *» art taking worldly arau vmrnt· inlo the churvh and Into our «boot*, to the tearing down of our homea and society. I have heard the remark of young peuple. "Why should I go to chart h Yen, they try to entertain a·' I admit that, but pah aw, il ta all baby «toff, IH go where f ean get tke real thing. Oh, when I want a little comfort for ay aoul. III go lei the cook, no church for m* plcaae.' Defective nutrition of tke aoull The world today W like the ado let rent; "It ia the dawn of a new life— a new birth, H ia the period In which the boy bccoate* a man and the girl a woman. Interest broadened, ideal·, a feeling of rcaponalbilHy aaaert* it self. and the youth begins to take life irrloaily. The period it fraught with danger, bat it la likewise open to op portunities of giorioua achievement." Mo there» ministère, let'· "Throw Out the Life Line." "Fortunate ia the vouth who entera anon Αι* Mmil af adolescence with right habita tn the forming, good !Hna* of right and high Ideal*. Κ -bo has b««n under tic rlfht nri of Influence daring the pre eroding ytin, he will uaaally be well prepared for the oncoming atroggk." The home and church I* responsible far till·. Oh Mother* I I would t· God that rach of you had a deep horning de ll·» for the falfara of four child. Oh that w* could be aa HaaiuX Sam. li27-28. "For thia child I prayed, an 1 ;·γί Lord hath mo my peti tion which I asked of Itim. Timhw! alao 1 have lent !ι:η i> Uiril: a« 'or\p a* he he aha'l bs lent t tw Lord." Mother* awaken! ere it i* too lata, aad «Fixai EU, and God tend* down a judgment upon oa. 1 Sam 3:U, "For I have told him that 1 will Judge HI* hea*e for ever for the iniquity which he kaowatk; because hi* aona made themaelvae Tito, aad ha <· strained them not·" A few week* ago eomeone made th* remark through aome paper (I dont remember who or what paper) that the jroung people were not half to had a* the publie thought the». But IΓ we parent· knew juit a tiny fractional part of the awful things that arc done in each of eur State*, it would »hock oa more than word· :»n t«U. Joct I few moo the ago in en· cB Mir InlUn poMic «kooli oa· IH girt. ate 14 yean, fot aad «V ■■«other little girl aboat the mim agH kit aboat Wr beau, the wcood llttleT |iH told on the ftnt little «M. and the Mat Uttle girt nki pehaiw) that la nothing, I eu point oat * doaeo (Ma right here la echo·! that ku rrnereal famt. The reaalt wet, the board |M to gether, ealected three phyaieian» and «rent through Ue echoel, enalaeJ tvery pupil, foond the first little girl and one other era» pregnant and Ν (trie and aa Baaj hoy· with Taflk . ■al d'*ea»«e. ThU ««a in the mH bat aot la a big ttty, therefore fa- J then aid «aother» it Vehoorea u« to , watch and pray. Another Inatanee happeaed Jett a | little while before CfcriUmat, in one of tar Southern citirj. A beautiful, ignorant (aa to the world) girl, IB J yean of age, from the aouttha the city to get work. Oh· fooML Uee in a ten-eent-etore, and \ fter morning as the caree j to v·^·: would hear the gtrb tell ; of good time· they had laat night bo- j coming «ο lonely In thU sea of hu man be In pi she remarked to one of the girli, that the wUhed aha could hare a good time, to whi^h the other |] replied, oh jut you pot on mm glid l· rag* and come aa, m their «et of boyi |< Were Infrtmml rtf ik* »■ «>*■■ '' «rren firl, «ο la dm· tint «h· foond herself with tU« crowd at U*e ehik ho on enjoying watching the dn«Tt On· of the boy» coming to bar aaked her how ib· was enjoying b»raelf, *ba replied I nmr dreamed of anything M wonderful, whereupon b· Mk*d her If ib· would have a champaign·. »htJ replied that rii« bad never drank ■nythiac OMft Mda-wat«r u4 chero cela, be lnaiatad upon bar trying the w drink, and poor child, the next thine «he knew oa· at tb· gtrU wu »itting on tb· bad trying to dreec bar and telling her It waa time to g» back to tb· city. X Mi glad to aay that them are a few pore, decent (iria, the next morn ing, Mary, oae of the clerk» that wa» not of the crowd, feelag bow jaded tbia girl wa· aak«d her how «he en joyed herself lut night. Abe replied that the bad nreer enjoyed herself so Meh in bar life bat me did Coal bed. tb· champaign· wa» the beat thing •ha erar taatod, bat oh my, don't it make a girt «ore. Jdary realised at one· what tbit (tirl bad ondacgone and waa igaor at ·( It mil, ι • C* girl. tat told K«, with « Pi* ai«tn- Mit for Uw i.d e»p)al»»4 wwylMi^y Kor aad rtr*4 to her tatter to come at «ne·, •4 flrat ·4ιΜ ta Win that hi. laagfater taJ( gotten Id to th« wroag ompaay, aotl· tke poor rather may «*»r know, Irut I hop· tkU poor girl λ* Uaul I laaeon from thle hint thmt wJH make her a *utdmc| ingel to rr*y other fill that osaee ia inafu* wkh. I ' A MOTHER. J? ~ ι A K*rM tMHkr between «peaa<towe*4 I· oae which »i»wW^[ parpoaea.— action I oi fkurin Ac DunrNûllI Vher» arc de-1 ralgiMj conuai» I ' ΛΊ aell at pub Ile amcUoa to the highest bidder, for eaah. in «roi* of the Municipal Build ing la the town of Dean, North Caro line, on U« Itfc day of July lttfl, at It o'clock M., the following deocrib •d property of the Dunn CM! Hill· Company: First: A tract of land located In th« northern port of th« town of Duna, In tha county of Harnett and tut· of North Carolina, lying part ly within a ltd partly wtthoat ae cor parafa limita of the town, and be· [caging to the Dunn Oil Mills com pany, and bounded and daacribed u follows, to-wit: Beginning at a »tak· la the old J. C. Surlc» line at it* intersection with the aaat Hoc of the; right o^-way of tho Atlantic CoMt Uor Railroad Company and m I Who aa tho Baric· Lia· Bouth 63 fait,6M foot to a ttako in aaid lin» at it· intersection with the wut line of Clinton street thence with aaid Hat of Ottnton Stroat North 37 lut to a (take; th·net North 64 Wool »00 feet. to the East side of Wilaon «tract; thence North 37 East Uffa«Uo a «toko; thane· North M Wast SN foal to the bc'ora taan tiotaed Una of tha railroad right of way; the ace aa IhaMaat South 8T Wcat 9tf fact to ttfl^Kinninp, con taining It S-4 aWjJt land. Said tract being that v. .oon 1· located the mala manufacturing plant of th· Duna Oil Mills Company, consisting of tho sala factory or mlN building and Ka contante, the principal office of lie corporation warnhouar· Mid iloiift roena, itonif» UoU, cotton r'n and Tiriou» other building*, equipment and AaLurea. Second : AD pmoul property b*· longing to the Mid Dunn Oil MHl· Company, conaiating of machinery, comlNJMi, engine*. boiler», tool», appliance*. book* of account, chœe» in action, material. raw wrought and in tha proem of manufactura ; ίο gather with eeery other apaciaa of aay kind or cla«* of property, (real, Cnwnal or mixed) in anrwiae be aging to the Duns Oil Mill· Com pany. of whatever description and location. Together with all ami jtnyatar the tenement*. hcreriitamonta and appur tenance* thereunto belonging 01 in inywke appertaining; »n<t the rev«r tioni, remainder·, tolU, lncrea···, rent*, iuun and pro'iiU thereof and of eaeh and every part thereof, and al*o all the estate, right], tltlM, In t# re ill, property, poaeemon, claim and demand whateoever m well at law »* in equity of the Dona Oil HlUe Company of. in, and to the tam* and every part thereof. ThU Ine llh day of June 1922 H. L. GODWIN, ι W. M. WEATHERS TOON, Commioionerj. June β IS 20 27. G! at Surles Pond OUT Why Not .Bank With Us! / / / i Banking hefre gives you something more than interest/-it strengthens your standing in the coforruinity, increases your ability and ir education. Everyone who needs t*e kt*ow more of bank v/'U cV — * 1Ή| FIRST NATIONAL BANK Dunn, North Carolina We pay 4 per cent interest in our Savings De part ner.! or (Certificate* of Deposit.) ite and Marble Corpo ration r Iron Feicing ||en c>J all sizes of Art Memor id Marble and on alii kinds See Us ^efore ^YoirBuy \— J. M. JONES — E. C. EDGERTON •ι I Dunn, North Carolina A» ·, ASURVEp of the experience of susccessful merchants of all. kin<k (department stores, clothing stores, specialty stores, hardware stores, drug stores, grocery stores, electrical stores, etc.) show this: - \y # 1. Better Ligbt κ Improved window lighting gives full advertising value to «how windotfSC and attract· ntvjkre buyers inside. \V Improved^ptterior^ighting ahowtf\ \ merchandise aid sales service to best \ advanta^ÛQj}^|^the number of "lost 2. Better Light Improved making ι with the five. improved tec^showe fabrics, çfl laity of me r ch a n<® /returns, sampling V 'remnant sale*. speeding ting costs, re lighting » ' Better Light is increasing good will and quality reputation. People have learned that a well light ed store window is the outward mark of a progressive spirit, sound values and courteous service ii They have learned that j/well lighted store interior means gnfcater ease in shopping, less strain em, and so great er courtesy from, tl^ sales people and less chance of srle^ing unsatisfactory goods. 5. Better Light meu£ "better location." Improved wwdow and store lighting is the chieL^actor in overcoming un « favorable /^cation. It makes a store • stand oujf from among its neighbors; it draw^Duyers across the street. ~ : is not an expense. illation of improved window 'store lighting methods is an in it which pays for itself many over. Light is a merchants' leapest and most effective salesman. y BETTER BUSINESS" & Light Co. »

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