' L Ο C A L · • *. jf* φ. M i M J| Mia· Julia McNeill of Roanoke, Va. I» vii!tin* Mr*. 0. W. Naylor. R. 0. PhanN ntiun4 Saturday from a flahin* trip to Ocracoke. William Wad· of Banford, «pent the week and here with relative·. P. S. Cnllom of Bar ford, epent tba weak end here with kia family. W. P. Dickey left today for Fay c tie ville wkcrr he «rill «pend ttrcral day*. Mia Be alia Lea Collin· of Middle· bars, ia the fucrt of Mr·. R. O. Primroae. Mlaa Carrie Howard of Sanford, If vlalUng la the home of Mr. and Mra. W. R. Howard. N. 8. Green ef Oreao'i Buick Ser vice Station, will return today from a buainrea trip to Charlotte. Mr. and Mra. L. E. Newton re turned Saturday from a plearuro trip to Richmond, Baltimore and Waah iBftOB. Mr. and Mm. W. A. Thornton hare tnored into the dwelling until recent ly occupied by Mr. and Mr*. M. H. Spill era. John C. Bodata ha· returned from Moant Olive, where he haa been ae rating B. L. Cramp In a blir aale for the paat three weeha. Mra. Roger Brooh·, who haa been vtriUag her pa renia, Mr. and Mr*. Gee. W. Nayler, haa retained to her home In Rock Hill, S. C. Capt. Β. β. Sharw haa returned from Atlantic City where he attend ed the annual convention of the Am erican Railway aasociatlon. John Oataa HarrW ia in a Fayatto villa hoapltal where he underwent a minor operation Monday, lilt mo ther, Mr*, α W. Harri», u with him UUa luaalL· ft—«_ I— where the le being treated for throat trouble. She wu operated ·■ lut vhIl Her mother, Mrs. Ο to. P. Ow en·, U with her. Ml·*· Marie and Ernestine Cul lorn left Friday for Aareliaa Springs, where they will apand the aumner with their grandparents, Mr. and Mm. D. T. CooA. Mim Mary Louie. Cole and Mia Norma Partin of Durham, returned heme Mandajr after «pending the week end with Mr·. J. G. God dard, at her home on South Wilson avenue. The little daughter* of Mr. aad Mrs. J. L. Hatcher, who bava bees ka a FajrtteriUe hoepital far aaveral day·, are getting along nicely sow and are expected borne today. Μη. Wiley Hineon ia recovering from an epevatioa parferai ad in a Fayeitovllle hoepital laat week. The »neaei«w «m af a aaiioM mature bat bar condition la satisfactory at tbe prêtant. The public installation of officer» ol • Waabin^on Couneti, Mo. 191, Jr. O. U. A. M. Duke, will take plaça Saturday evening July lit, ·:Ι0 o' clock, at Duke. Λ large attendance la expected. Λ program ha· boon ar ranged that will be af lntereat to the pvbik. All are cordially invited. Mr*. I. M. Seam· and daughter, M re. Oecar Strickland, and ton I. M. Jm and little Mim Julia Ream· Strickland *tait#d relative* In Dur ham and Oxford laat week. Captain Kaama and Oecar Strickland went to Durham Sunday morning and return ed with them San day evening. C. W. Holiaad brought to Tbe Die pateh office today a cotton boll from hU farm Jnst eaat of Dunn. Tbe W^.11 U —I η -a » rd. Judging from the tçpmmxt of the boH It probably woald ku· open ed within Uu M>t two er tkrM week*. Mr. and Mra. M. H. Spill*π will leave July 1 (or OharietU, whara Mr. Bplllers haa accepted a petition at traveling aeleamaa. Mr. Bpillera haa bean ««ployed by the Peoplaa Sap ply Company far aaveral aiantha and tea · beat of friends who will re gret te aee Mb Ware. Cottoa bloaooma her· reached the Dlapeteh oAee thia week from the CoMaUia ten· and from D» fana af J. M. Smith. Beth of thee· gentle asea report Am trop» en their re ■pee tir· ferma. French WW torn» ii Mr. GeMatefe't tenant and the Smith farm la being eaHJratad by WaKei •lea. Mr. and Mr·. C. L Fay wdl mere to Wilmington, where Mr. *oy h engaged in the groaery baalaem. H« waa aaatetaat caahier of the Hnt Na Ueaal Bank here antH he raaigned thla month. A letter from Urn te a friend here ataiee that bta boataoiu ie getting along aieely and that b< aad Mr». Toy like Wilmington rerj aaaeh. Maaa Norria and Harvey Strict land hare formed a oa-partaorahlp ta aeadaat the garage owned by WU P. Saitaa la Beat Bread Street. Bath an * expert ante mechanic· and are well known to the mutorUta of Duo* and iU environ». Until bow Mr. Norrli ht· baen employod by Ζ. V. Snipe· and Mr. Strickland ha» bean with the City Garagt. In last week'e Uaur of Our Diapatcb It waa «tatcd that tha HtU· son of Mr. «ad Mn. C. M. Stopbaaaon hid thrown an electric insulator at the llUJt ton of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Langlry and bad hurt the little fal low very badly. TbU waa an error. Sever·] children were playinjt near the Langley home and it ia not known who threw the m tapir. Qeor(v Κ. Qrmirtham. P. A. Lee, and B. R. Ilioau are in Winiton SaUm thi· week to attend the annual convention of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Aaaociation. Mr. Le· la lecond vlco-prcjidcnt of the orjfuniaatior and will br elevated to the ftrit vlce-preaktont at thla meet ing. Next year ka will be made pres ident. Mr. Grantham la chairman of the Anance committee of the allo cation. COMPORT VS. RIGHT Mr. Editor: Yonr editorial on "Blue U«," appearing In the l>t«p«lch on June *3rd, waa read with deep inlrreat. The editorial advocate· the aalo of ice cr«am, cotd drinks, etc, on Sun day for tha reanon that It adda to the comfort of the people. "If Chrlat were upon earth now," aaya the edi torial, "we ham no doubt that he would advocate keeping open of pla ce· that would viva comfort to hu manity a tail hour» an Sunday that art not actually devoted to the work of the choreh." Prrrolt me to miar mim question* with reference to die argument. What ta "the work of th<- chnroh" If not to eaUbllah the rmlr of Chriat on earth, if It ii not to lead people to re ipoct the Lord oa the Lord'» Day, if It la not to indacei nen 1» place per eonal .rigfeteousncae above poaaonal comfort? J «ras did pot come ρ ri» aaanly to make humanity comforta ble, bat rather to raako humanity rigkteou* and Godly. Cm waj an advocatc of comfort, and hi the effort to make himaclf comfortable, loft h la birthright for a met* of pethfe. Judai evidently reasoned that he would be mora con»· fortable la pgphaaloa of the ^thirty pieces of ailver, and denied hla Lord., The Jpwiah merchants that bought aad eold in the temple at Jerusalem plac ed comfort aad convenience abovp reverrnee for Cod or reapect for H la law, and transformed the house of ι prayer into a ilea of thieroa. JeauT aeeing them enjoying their unrifrh toooa comfort, did sot aay: "Gentle men continue to make youraehees as comfortable aa you caa." On The ooa trary, he "made It uncoaofoetabU " for them. Mr. Editor, making one's avlf com fortable ia not a safe rule for life. Some day a b«. fat. citlacn, one who ia more uncomfortable than wiae, may decide during a hot aummer day that he would be more comfort able without dothea; but immediate ly the policeman will remind him that ha must pat the law of deccacy above the law of Arfort. Ia it not iode Italy botter to bo rijht with the bond of the Sabbath and car ry · eroas than be wrong aqd <om *,ΜV"slilVjJSdiîWi ibo i * cloeod during 4fca mo/ill at » ¥ July, lfia· flmyfc huJÀove to * * Lake Spoeial wo>4 \ψ inlarat- * ¥ ing and coeymg at tf* South- * *· em School of nAography. * » The rtJfeo Miti b#ro-opered » ¥ imnydUtely o^>oa bar netjijc. ♦ ) * BUSINESS LOCAL * THE YELLOW 'm tboatand* S&.5ÏVÎ ckujuft. G STOW or Thim Je η β IK, 1*22, [β* Qt> lu. rJeljr loua ifttlSMM, t Flnt VitlMMl Buk 21-Me. BUY TOU* GAI u and nl ι . t*»i ran. z. v. Il-tfa. mon ίο» cab !»«■· Ounce WEEK YHI ; ladta* kaU '» bai·, th< And lad te·, an rbaaper than cot ι to tfce Yell©* tk* brat, ehrapor It· 0ml*. fnrtabloî I· it not better the conicitnrf above the eeldj ^ Ought we not to wits·»· (or Ae even at tho coat of nfwllf, am tv. Lord's <lay; rather than bo tfiJ able and crown Hub with Uig t-npt UaapectfuDyi ELBERT N. JOHNSON. r RECITAL FTtlDAY EVENING Mim Katyc Lee will give a reeiU, at tha Oporn houea Friday evenifcj Jane 30th at ·:!· o'clock. She wlli ba aai«t»d bj tome of Dmn'a baal talent and an lat«*c»tinr program ha» baea arranged. The price of ad mlulon will ba 1( aad 86 cent· aad the proceed· will go to tha miaaion arjr aociatjr of tha MethodUt chorch The following prvfrin will ba re»· dermis Salon Maxurka .... Oarl Boha MIm Crate gmpu Tarantalla in A Minor. Op. U, No. 4 .. ... .......... Dann»· Mia· bot» Balfaioc Story Book of Funny Smell* and Everything ...Eleanor H. Abbott Mia» litjrl Laa Shower» of Star» ..... Paul Wachj Mita Chrtltin» Thompson Story: Tho Humble Petition ... ... -Francii Calhoun Mia» Katye Lea Duct: WbLapertng Hope..Hawthorne Mr» Hodg*» ami Mr. J. C Phillip· Play: The Neccaaary Rvil ... .. ....George Eann Kennedy M Lu Katye Le· LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE or SALE OP LAND UN DEE DEED OP TRUST Under and by authority or the pow er of «air contained In a certain deed of trait r«rented and delivered by Wal^rr Edward Wilkin· and wji, Nealy Wilkin», to R I~ Godwin Tnute·, on tho 12th day af Kubniary ISM, and recorded tn Book 196. Jam 87 of th· meonhi of Harnett Ceuety, North Carolina, default hav ing beea made in Die payment o* the bonde and indebted η«τφ thereby ae ro red. and the owner land bolder af •aid baada having rwdieeted the du drnrigned truntae to «ell the land can· rayed in aaial dead fi tru*t accord ing to the tara»· the/oof, the follow ing deecrlbed *e»l rptr win ba (old at public auction lor rash to tha VflM bklderW the Courthouse Doer in f jillingqpnJ N. C., an Wod ncaday. July Mli §022 at IS o'clock noon : 1 I A certain traeflLf land lying and being in Harnett Ο» anty, North Caro lina. tnd bounded lu follow»: Begin ning at a «take at |he intersection <Λ the loeafled Μ·»«Ι1 Street aad fUb-the right ofwïy of the A. C. L. Railroad Company, aad ran· aboat Eaat ICS 1-8 feet to a aUke; theece about S. T8 feet to a atakr; thence aboat Wert 168 1-8 feet to a atatca is the right af way of the A. C. L Railroad Company; theaee _at>«aJ κτΤ) You Jm* MMt β», Heat uI Yi I 11 1 AMânaM ■'■Jwnlfx P. Notiοο·«Τ Salai Cadcr udyr rir *ln tobUIbcMi « ' Truct uMittLk* W »Ke, LIU* F.TÛrttj •iffned TnutM, vkMbl Book 114, P·*· t*r of Dredi f__ North Cinliu, A made in the pa; curud by eaU _ the holder o* Mid Dot* havlajt IMU br autd, th« nwi offer for ul< to . for cuh at the Oo Lilllnptoa, Harnett Carolina, ea Mem" at 12 o'clock M.f arribed tract of land BerlnniiiK at a etakJ pie, two hucklebenyj of MartUa^f wKJl OB« ltt-1 tkn· black I gun·, π»· «a* Minwi H a «mail limnc-h, »appo»ad tt& la t>>· MO acra tract fin·, Mm Blifillucw ηντ bctwrrk t. O. LA· and W. T. Martin, and mi --■>»'- dividing lin· Ν 65 W. 10.44 cAa· te a atak» ' in cantor of tiu pvale roa<l, ont pin· pointer; Πι—lia M aold rood S| 3A l-t W. 14 cfeoiaa ta a lUkt ia •<|«UT af roa4, W. T. Martin'· aad Alra Norri·' earner; (banc· a* the· dividing lia» b«t«Hi Al·*. Norri· •ml W. T. Martin 8. U E. 4.10 chain, to a «take and ν ta· pointai*; tbcnc· ■a inotkw ûl th«tr Ma— Β. 47 1-2 E. L.5Î chain· la. a atafc· Vy Norric" foire, mpp—il to W ia the old 440 lira tract; thanca a· that lia· Ν :»V VI K. litdt 25.SI chain·, co· ta'.nlng 44 3-4 'itnt. Place of tab: Coart haaw door LUUnrtoa, M. 0L \Tcim» of aala Cajh. Tinte of «aie*. Monday, July t4 _ C LA UNCX J. SMITH. \ TnuUc. J lint to 27 Joly 4 11. N«ie af Ra-SaU af 1 aad Uo-lrr and by virtue of the author ity va*ted In dm by a certain doed ol trait anutul by A. T. U· aad wife to th· aodor«uraed truatee ta Kcjrt tha payaient of a not* to tha Vircini· Trait Company of Richmond. Virgin ia. which said dwd of troat la ncml ed ia tha Ifflitn of Hvnalt County i in Book 1M at Pas» 4tT. the aad«r ngned traatea will aall at Pablic auc tion M tha hlchaat bidder at Um Coart Hnw deer in thaAmrn LU linjcton an inly SO, lWt, at It o'· I clock M^ tk« follow» dcarribrd tract Of Mad: . - «C Il Bryonia* at · Winch Lftk ot Cape F*ar Rhror ψ&ΈΪ decree» E. 10 tk*m 7£ ioenar theaca K. ΪΓ3Ξ ■Γrtwt S eliala* te a (take »: thcaaa N. « ÎÏTSi pin·: the* I M haka U ■ p'.ae j M. M W. about 11 .ι th· aid corner wiUi Hickory ι pat a ton. J. A. Vtnaon't cor with «aid J. A, Viaaaa1· th. road Booth 11 I.M chain* to u a* m Cape K*ar River; |>d bank M ' ' »U hash II chaîna ta tha bk. ·*· ia 1V1 acrea. mere or ood Tract: Ba^inoirjr at the ι ai Spring Branch, rannlng e a op Mill OiocV 7 .polra ta a that below tha Great Failli thenro K, 40 degree* E. 11· polra ta a «to·»· arid (w'nUn in |. 8. Biadliy'* line; thane· N. 4 1-2 W. 8S pah-* to · atone aald Bra<ltry'a co-net; thtnee N. V4 vr. *8 18 pole* to α «ton· thoncc Ν. 13 digmi W. 49 1-2 pole* to a «ton» and peloton «aid KrndleyV corner (η H. if. Lanier*· Jirwr; t heart· ft. 40 1-t deffreea W. 46 1-t polra to a ataha on tha Mill Road, laid La nier*ι eoratr in Ε. M. Blaarhard'· line; thance ai Ε. N. B'anchaH'a line alone a?'d Mill Hoad 101 polaa bo a «ton· plU and pointer*; thenro. Β 41 f-5 deg-ee* W. *» pel La to ai rock; thence Β SO 1-2 dnmil W. Sit Β>1*1 to a atone on tha Sprinx ranch; thane* down the »a lorn* rouaaa of the ismt to th« beg.'anlnx, '· containing alxty two acru uad Ct pole* an«l i»clad*i the milt, fin, utr. J Thla Jana 10th. 1Ht. W. RANSOM SANDERS. Troatao. Γαοβ to »T Jaly 4 II. NOTICR or SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under aad by Tirtne of authority •on Lain *d In a certain jadenant ren iered In th· Ba per tor Ceart af liar· iatt Ceanty, North Carolina, an the Ith day of iu*e INt, In an action vhcrtla the Statu Bank af Laurla kurrf la plaintiff and the Dunn Oil KMla Company and other* ar« de 'aedanta, tha anderalfrnrd count datera af tha eoart will aell at pak ic I actio Β to th· hlcttart btddne, to ' :a*h, (a front of the Marikljial Balld-,! ng in the town of Dann, North Car» i< uia, an the 8th day af Jaly lOtt, at. It a'eloak M. tha following dcacHb-' ni pnapeHy of the Dann Oil Hill· Baajaay: Firtt: A tract oT lead located la -fa* northern part of the town uf Dana,, in the cusity of Harnett and itat· ad North Careliaa. lying part ly within and parti* wtlhoat die cor aumte limit* of ta· town, and he· ongint to the Dann Oil MB1· rom >any, and boaadad and doaeribad a* ollowt, to-wit: Beginning at a k'jk* in the old J. C. hrlei lis* at ha ntaraertion with the i-aat Un* of th* rigbt at way of the Allan tic Coaat Line Radroad Coarrtany and tuna hen re aa the Snrle* Line- Bo alb U Eaat Ml feet to a «take la mmii line at ita intcraaction with the wort Hit· >f Clinton atreal thence with aa'jd line of Olintaa Street North S7 Eaat tU feet ta a stake ; thrnre North 14 Wert SO· foet to the Eaat «de of fffltoa rdreet; thenro North Π Util 22° «·&«·· N«iU 94 WM l«< f act te tka k*>«r. M» Uaar.1 line of Ike railroad H (tit oj w*r; thane· m dut Nm In* «1 Wm DM feet te (W btflulM, tea ■■it S-4 κι» ■■ tract Mat that wkrreoa I· · the Main maaufaeturlnjr slut af th I Dama Oil Ml* Cci»»My7ee»«btU« of ι ht main factory or «iM baildfau a»J Ile contenta. tbe yiiactpal tl*t ■corporation wnkoam uU Of the etaraae Uaha, _- , — —. u aither km «qvipanant and Becend: All pewaoaJ pKuoarlj : iMMttat ta the aaM Dana OU MAI* Mac% ap^«nc«V' too Im aetion, mat·rial, raw _ to the praoaaa of wan afa» tare t ta fitlMr with rwtrj attar ^eeiaa at Why in ffnl&igee handle· w« l er.t or mil* mt M.48 m rough-ftnlah* monter record-ft Cord Tlq ■ M· k th· I'nird ts [la«i» the mo£ Indrlni* hafb I υ IDE "OLD «EUABir ^ v THEOFlRO'S/tUCt-UMT

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