DU ·· y » . ^ -*■·.>· ^ %: » ? (TES YOU TO CEI VOLUME IX. -ft ATHLETIC EVENTS· tobeenjoyabl· FEATURE TUESPl Herbert ft. Tartar Arru|J Program Snrpaitiat Am tUM Y«t AnwptiJ TUG OF WAX PROMISES TO BE REAL THRILLED Carolina Power Alan Ckaltang ad All Comaera la T«at Of Stmftt—Bicycle Race aa4 Ball Caiao DhrMe CoMÉor ef Sta*e—-Fine Bill Arraa«ed For TV* Day. Throujh the rfforta ο1 Herbert B. "■ Taylor, chain»*]), the athletic eoae mlttce ef til· Jalj-4 celebration baf •nu|«d (be but athletic program t»»r itafti in Donn. Then are four teen major rventa la the pragram. Λ ay one of llup «heold drew a good icrvwd. Om of the meat Interacting am brrm on tha program vlll be a tnf af ear between a team piafcad from Carolina Pewer airf LWbt Com pan y employee* and ajay aad all comer· wbo wiah to oppeae them. The power company men are big hoaky fellowe who gather bream every day «breath their itreneon» coaatreetioa work bare. Anetber tateieatiag era β I will ba the ball (erne between two taaaaa picked from tha feer kid bapa teaaaa bare. Tbaae will play under the banDer* of the White 9ox aad the Cad Sex. 1Mb «ami will ba played on the aovth bleak af Lacfcaew Square, and like all areata (tared by tha celebration coaamlttee will bo' free to all via term. . Ilia flnc af the athlaetr tveda wilt ba itapi peoeaptlj at II o'eleak. It wtil be a half mit» Mejaele raee, atartlnv at tha want aad of Wart Broad (treat aad ondlag at the ■quwe. Tbli wifl ba free to all. Other areata will ce me In tha fat ■uwiiac ο ι««[. 104 /mrd dads. Hnint*f fetfh Jaaap. v-~~ iK£®JSw-«·.^ under" 16. Centerpede race. Acrofoatie tuoAling Ml—Stewart, Pop· and Newberry. Shoe rv·. Tag of War. Cllmbtne Qreaay Pole. Shot pvt. Polo Vault. Baaeball (OH. MINSTREL IN DUU MONDAY Dak·, N. C.—Tbo Ctrl· friudly Club, of Duk·, win ιβη m» at tha b»rt home talent akowa of tha κι «μι at the Auditorium Monday aad Tueaday nlgMa lrtvea eftf of tha moat talented laillaa of thU dtp «01 preaent as all lidiaa Mlnatral Are» part aad the ecrcamineiy fenny har le.qae, Kit MmM 'Pink Tea," a pUjr with at] blackface character*. Tha «how will ran far two keen aad will teaat with new «on* hlta, a world of local iokei and anj novaltiaa. Many vaudeville acta will ba later epcraed dariac the cooraa at tha pra daction. A ehanf· of paftua will ba given the aaeoad alfbt aad the Dakc Mala quartette will otw a se lected pnpta, "Deep C." Ore en will ba beard la a blackface ■—ο k>»»e and, "The Ooaantpttoalata," a military btackface Aatob wis eteae an akeellaat pregiaa The perfo nu ance each nifbt will atart promptly at nifbt o'clock. GOVERNMENT TRIES TO AVERT STRIKE Will lav·!» TrtamortalU Act To Mtkteh OrtUrfy CMMrfTnli Chicago, in· t>. — TaUmnUow by th· Mnl pwnmt >■« ad atMjr Iwlf · aiUHoe MN rattraad ■•ihau. Tk*ir oMmatoai to Ik· talHray «χ. fflUTti ngviwif «rows «jhvwtW VI th· at· «h*f araflto aaloaa, «MA àn· eaiM a at·*· far 1· · <Μ latiHay «ami··, aal *t Iaa4ar •f tear othar Mil·· mv jpillht ■ strife· vote, nipiril toai(M to · •w Km impMi af toa tMW Ma to· Battway UN· latxl to a* year to a (riml lai ntljaHi· to fin»ι City, Mo., June 97.—The aaartlon that labor 4nnands br« ■ad tight winae was declared to b< "oofouaded." by Ways· B. Whe«ler, general coanaal and l*tiWatlvr ta perinteadeat of the Anti<6aleon Lea fa· of Aatrica,i to an ad4mi before tbe con τ m lion of the International Sunday School Aaaoelation hare Maa foy. "On May 1«." aaid Mr. Wkaeler. "a teat wu aa - · * W_ « ■ «« AAA by a vota of Atm to m on the Democratic ticket, mad gnanlmoaely •a the proMhitioa party ticket-* "•eventy eight United State· 8aa atoM aad a Majority of Coagraamaen oeane fraaa etatca where tkt eteta IV aaif kai prohibition even on* par cent tear. A aaoator or ctairwiiw talaad by Ma own etate for law en forcement doe· not deaerve live «ap port of law-abiding citifena. Sen ator» lika the eeaier Senator fram MLaeoori, «bo bava feagfct la« en forcement maaanraa aad apent «heir Uae ta abualag and aatarepreaeat}ng tbaaa Mann· enacted for the pub lia food, have forfeited all claim on laod ritlaeaa. "Thua far «a hav/ aatabluhed two facta: Prohibition enforced ta a anc ceea, aad evea «ken only partially enforced it it better dian the lirenae lyxra The following raanlta prove It: DnaaûteBBaaa baa dcereaaad mora thaa ene-half. Thoaa oppoaed ta prohibition admitted, after a aurvey made recently, that conaampUçat ei beverage liqaor baa fallen of TO put cent aad that tha snttr of drink em ia redaced over 17,000,000. Crimea related to llqaar have fallen a# materially, aad all exteting crime iadacad by drink provea nr conten tion that alcohol provekca «rime and ahoold ha eliminated. Nineteen hun dred and twanty-oae waa the health teat year In the United States. Liquet aa a cootribating factor In poverty ia now negligible. Over «2,500,000,000 waetad for drink kaa been tamed la ta uaefal ehaanela. Hank depeelte aad aavlaiga have lacraaaed, and tha net haereaaad wealth of the covntry laat ma 18,000.000,000. φι οι un itqoor nier· Mta to nolUfjr fbi· lew la ■ chaBeag* U n4-kl««M Aaariem. The high er the individual I» eeeial or bvti ■M life, tkt pwtir dM re^oad· kOlt* that atioeld be attached wber he deflea the law of the Wad. "Th· Ci|U«Mlt Aannfank «ai » ra WpW a threatened latorrapUen ο Mh, aad acting aader the aether! trot the Tiaoapertatlea Aet, Imo< a «HaMew ta the etrlke leaden t aeea before ft for eidtl In^airy The AwiJatUw of laftway Im «μ, laulhtid aad rajeoted the ae tea propeeal ad g tret paadtag at DUPLIN IS INFESTKD BY THE BOLL WEEVU Fare A(m| PUi Pm Enrywfcara Γ*ι ι Γ» IMlt) •f tha Uu .»jr nlu aad m thai an ratard Um it a< th« crop, oariy for hUwaoa >MMaitr«tor McLaadne, of rti that km And· that tha foil wcoril U practically ail orar Du plin, and that whara cattoa w«a plant ed early, already tke puetvwl Mfoaroe at· beginning to faU. If thé be tha oaaa, than thare'a little room for doabt that the wear 11 will play havoc with tha crop la thta ricinity thla year. SEVERAL PRIZES OFFERED BABIES Pbyatciaaa Oh· T«* «100 G«M PImtm J«ly 4 . On· of the mo*t I*tan* lag naU of Dann'a (root Jaly 4 ralahr·flnai will ha tha bottar baMaa ceetaat held ander Αι aiapicea of Qm ulrtutli· coarmittM by tha phyalctaao of Dana la the farmKar» è«* rooaa of tha Barnes aad Holbday Cη»pa ay hacfa nlnj at 10 4· a. at. aad fading an til all ai tha babies entered hofara 1 are Jad*»d. but £hle*. The ^jMmi if Dhb will fir· ·· la geld to tk· wta»·* \ mcMJft tk· toe rl*****. ·η« af whlah ip\ b* f»r b*bia· It· IkM oe* y«*rtWld, Dm odw far kotweea tAe «in of *m and tM. CUniet J. flaalth. lawyer, will «ir* a hand —Ή baby tap to tk· wtabar ta Ik· tat ciaaa. and the fltetott fund tar· muiufactaitn will gfra a beautiful irorj night Labi* to tk· mother of the baby wh· vioa In tka •ecoad cWaa. TW« tobta ta valead at Kt4l and U a vary pretty piece of fa rn Mure. Tk* babiea will be judged by Dr. Wallace B. Ookrane. Dr. OUaa L. Dana Inc. Dr. Ρ- H. Bertqn, Dr. Cbaa. Hlfhaitk, Dr H. C. Turlington, Dr. Robert L. Wair*B and Dr. I. 9. Hick» Tk*y will tx aided by din· aotktia tu be appelated ky th· Woman'· Club of Duns. The Jodfiag will be done la the blf ahew wtnlow of tb· furniture «tore. Point· will b« green fer lia·, weight, condition of teeth, aym*try. •hape of head. mentality. «to. 1%· babi·* Bust be entered before noon Taeaday. REMARKABLE RESULTS IN PORK PRODUCTION Fifteen He*· Gel* Hearty t Pia*di A Day Eut Uad*r l*r*p** Feedle« New Barn, Jon· 18—A record that S* keltavm has not keen bettered hi Eastern North Carolina In ρβι% pro duction haa keen Mt by W. M. Kick· ardaon, af Bella)r, in thu county, wfeo during tb· peat thirty-one day· pro duced as average of l.*4 ρ—âe par ·>·* per day an fifteen hoc», aa4 oa the lot «ad» a Mt profit of |K over «Mt of faad far the period. Mr, *kHardee· la an· of a number of Craven farmer* who are finding ρ re fit la feeding hoc· for co-operative Mr. lUehardaea'f kbgs ara aaratt month· eld, according to J. G. Law ton, county a***it. who took the weight» yMtorday. At the ânt ef *· laat period tk· ftftoaa walçhid a to tal *f I.OM pound*. Yeatorday they weighed l.Mt poand*, or a total gala of »1* pound* In Ik Κ M l pound* par bac. Ma aspect* to m» . W«* Hi I· Ual m* tk. -Λ. -A 1 a. "The BcIU of Qtmji'β»4 MheHa pWfHti, wtiah oomMM· VI pat cast of the crop u4 «Mak are mil) tlu at*pie and nailaXhla y each, «R of My and the ahipptag «β «taad into t*« flrat weak M An«at mi nearly aa «a au actiaÇaU new. "Camas paarhae ane kaf ta a ta g ta be picked now and wtO eanHaee fat about OB· ««h Tteaa con all ta ta only a aanall perwntac» of tha araf m I aat of tha opialea that ft would be botter for jret (adhaMa to ooaaa hara bttaan fraaa thk l*tk ta MA of Jaly to aa· tha aMpt"M aaaaaa i* it. hrlfhta. 1 will let ye* kaew Mara definitely la ah aat two waaha If tha tin· ahotdd change from oar eati imttion now I "I aaaara yoo that wa ihaQ be (fad to hare yoo all vlatt thia aawaeHr. aad I «hall ha flad, penoaalty, ta ko with you orar «ha territory." ·■ Y. P. U. PVOGKAM Monday, July », Mack M. Jaralffaa, On»ap Leader. fak£eet: Ood*i Prorldenee m Iliall rrieadaMp. Scrtptara mediae, 1 IwmI M 11-41—by Mr. Arthur Hohha aad Mr. J. W. Btaarteoa. Introduction, by Maak M. Jerai tan. Ttt : Tha at ory ef tha Uaal friend ship aa caOtaod la Aa wjlptaraa, fcy Mm. Baai Pr.ag.Stea Boat by créa». Talk! A jrwidefttM (Head, kg ■Mr. WUllaai Paara*. Talk: Tha aanlHahaaw of traa friendahip, by Mka OreUe MM. Bpaclal Malic, by Mia. B. L. Dee niof aad Mr*. C. M- Jaahaoai. Talk: Traa frlaadahlp aaaat jren Itarif yraetteal. «? Mr. Maari Badeaa. Talk: Jaaaa, the Mtfa heat Mead by Mlaa CleU NtjAar. Poe·: Filial** p. by Mtaa Iae< ] FAYETTCVILLC BANK TO BUILD SKYBCBARI FijriUnU·. i*u St.—Tmjwt* TiJU win MM b· IB tka *|—H ri^fi of fitli·. Th· MaHmaI |m of FayotlMMa gom to tfe diatiai tiM of «recti** U· Ant faaMiag « tkb kind Wn. It will b« · 10 or 1 itory iliMtan ik wiM miff th ait· of tka f raaant ktaa of tka baa •a tka nan.htr»o> conur of Muta Tko fcuUdin* wtti ka of *m! cm *4 medvr tka late •jnia ·< aad a aab^floo will ka iatrtai ta Ika mm af th lacatotiM «0 [will ka M aOaaa, Ju'lf tka mm flMi*·1 4TH Of JULY FUND RACED LOCALLY •fftl Oiflkr Ca„ OmOm Nwu aad li|k Coapujr, J. W. TharnUo, J K. Paal, Jum But. L. ». OiIhUl» Cmhut. Ball· aad IriUv, B. ι, C 1 Ioom, Β. B. G·®. L· Oaanady, lumm ». B. IoIm, B. C. Wa* WOMB ud U, J. W. Padlc, H. C Turfh»rton. Sua nwM, B. L. Deo J. MOton TaK J<> fair W |Md Kf— •rally, ni ameaBaet (mit m yesterday, tkt weaUter baraaa r· (•■M today ta iU weakly -11m MMWoatftecMuraii» artad aa poor to tab Ι» ι Ml mi a·· entra] Oklahoma bat vary foad h ntham aed araatora yorttona«f thai latato" tha ravtaw said. "It waa tat to «tiaUaet ta aautbara m Tana, aad maatiy paar to fair ι wfcara ta that m»ρ». B^aam hall· wara famtac rapMly hi, FATEOFCAFTTVES STILL A MYSTERY ti» W«rd Pre Med* ■» ■it wjr M wmj tfcrt they Mt —y line in liUMiWtUhdfcrf STAGE Β SET FOR DUNN'S GREATEST CELEBRATION YET REVIVE RUNNING RACES AT RALEIGH •tel» r«tr WM Bum OU TW TKrflU At r»H •f La* Mr. Wttek «A h· ImM la (Mater, *· Élilli «m «M· )W »·· ·. ·Μ A. -<·