COMMISSIONERS MEET JULY 10 TO FRAME TAX RULES Legislative Act Makes County Board Equalisation Body MUST SEE PROPERTY CORRECTLY LISTED Shall Reduce Valuation Of Pro* party Which I* Thicr Opin ion Has Been Returned At A Higher Than Just Figure Are To Be Judge* Of Actual Value*. - Under the provision of tha Mach inery Act conitltuting the County Board of CommUMoncrs a County Board o' Equalisation, the County fathers of Harnett wfU meet In ex traordinary asaston next Monday, July 10th to perform the dutlas sot forth in Section 26 of the Machinery Act, which roads as follows: "The board of oounty eotnmlmion *r« shall constitute the heard of aqu all* at Ion In each county, and shall mest the second Monday la Jnly In saeh year. Said board shall eqoaHae the valuation so that each tract *r lot of land or article of persmml property shill be catered on the tax Nat at its true value ta money, and m for this purpose they shall ohsarva .county commission - be* the _ ctertt of *^bc^S, pi equalisation, pad U within Art days after ad rnment ef said board famish the Sfcte Tax Commission with a copy of alt prori-cdlnirs of tha county board of'equalisation with reapaet to any and all rkaagoa mada by sack board of valuations made and returned by the township list-takers end assessors. ’‘The rWrk of the board shall also fumieb the State Tax Commission, within five days after adjournment of the Hsnty board of equalisation, 0, on blanks to bs furnished by the cost miasion, statement from the returna made by the township list-takers sad aeacaaon of aggregate vale# ef real and personal property by townships and as a whole for the county sad average value per unit of land acre age and of the several llamas ef live stock.” BIGGEST CYPRUS IN FLORIDA TOPPLES OVER IN LIGHT WIND Moore Haven, Fla, July 4-—The “lookout tree,” a cypress believed to have been the largest la Florida and . which had stood for ages near tha shore of Lake Okeechobee a abort distance from the settlement of Belle Glade, has fallen. After withstanding violent storms, the big tree, 4B feet In circumfer ence eight feet above the ground, toppled before a tight gnat ef wind. Bobsiding of the waters because of the - drainage of the Everglades had resulted la a settling of the mack ground which left Its roots under mined. ‘At the base ef tha tree sms an ar tifltelal mound of sand believed to have boon carried there from the lake there by mound betid era who ones were Inhabitants of tha terri tory. The Indians or prehistoric peo ple buried many of their dead la tbe ’, human bones have been recovered from It. One of tbe meet Interesting of those was a wrMhone metreWl br > erada bandeon, a imm! diaear •Tf LRWIS MnCAULXY Clinton, N. C„ Jnly t.—Mr. and Mm. Frank Lawda ■■naan— tha aw gagamant and appro—king laarrtaga of tkalr ilaagMar, Baaaia Alla— U Bar Jaaph Bariy MaOaalay ai Ckapol BIB. ' 11m wadding will taka pin— at Aagaat lk. MIm Katharlna Parrtah. af Win ataw-Mala-, la barn ta rttdt MM Kathlaaa Holland ft 1 , EP WORTH LEAGUE Program for Monday evening, July 10th. Starts promptly st • o'clock. Subject: Francis Aabury, the Flo mss Bhbep. Song. Scripture, Prayer. Song. Life of Asbury until be cam* ts America—By Carrie AlpMa. Hi* work in America until ha was ordained—Bran Cromartte. His work as the first Methodist Bis hop in America—Thomas Hood. Song. League benediction. COCKS STUDENTS ELECT OFFICERS Student* Form Aaaocaabom At Vocnbomnt Training School The student* of the United State* vocational training school at Chick Springs Saturday afternoon formed an association famfllar to that oalet in g hi various institutions throughout th* nation where student* have a voice in airaim about th* school. Of ficers elected were: Willard Jackson, of North Carolina, president; Max Odam, of Savannah, vice-president; Mr. Dev loon, secretary, and Bay Monahan, of tenaeasoe, treasurer. Much Interest was ah own at the organisation Meeting and the ballot ing for the various ofilees wut dose. The students’ association will cooper ate with the commander, A. E. Potter, la many wwjs for th* welfare *f the bmtttutien. Upwards of 110 students are Aw la school and others an « foctad to arrive until the fall eepa rtly of 1M> win have reported. Th* iri*riant* are from th* stele* of Morth aid BfMh Carotin*. Ooocfcia, Florida, notidi a«fd ... which com Ihf dtth district, as It is knowg ^^ » - Raklgh, July 4.—Fkxxii drowned ■any Fourth of July feature! today and the big parade of the Ku Khn Rian want with tha min. ' Tha kian had arranged {far Mg events at the state fair grounds and had lavited newvpepar man to witnem tha ceremony of two hours, but the deluge Boat have swept sway all crowds. The American legion delivered quite p aeries of midday and early afternoon Manta and a barbecue at S o’clock admitted many faithful by card. Jam as the meats and drinks were uncovered the torrents earn* and H wao good night for the remainder. State college summer school con tributed many athletic features along wtth tha legion, boxing and wrest ling worn given by the legion, mix ad events by the teas bora, men and women. No records and no boost ware broken. Oratory was at a dis count. BOLL WEEVIL ACTIVE IN ROBESON FIELDS Rlweo Msgreas fa fjnmheilen Jell Far Robbing Cave Dumbarton, July 4.—Robeson eflt ean captured a 40-gallon capacity copper whiskey still la a swamp nans Lamberts* today. Beside* tha aUH •evorul hundred gallon* gf boar ad » small quantity of tha flafchod pro duct were destroyed by tha MB* era. Mad rick Locklear, Indian, wua ar rested in eoaneeUan wtth tha captor* •f the Mill and Is in jell bam. The boll weevil W estiva Hi the eot taa Balds of Robeson county, having already appeared In ovary saattoa af the county. Tha want damage deni the trap to far Is in the southern part af tha county, however. The ground In many Bald, k already Hoed wtth punctured squares that have falkfi off tha cotton wood. Baron negroes from Rhwd, Rohe son scanty, are In jafl hero awaiting trial oa tha ahmrge af robbing Atlan tia Coast Line freight can at Brad. They wilt ha given * preliminary heart* before Rseorder David R FgRe^Thgraday^ ^ ^ sao county oattk already given th tahereukM* teat have proven to bo In featod, eeeordlng to Dr. R H. Wei 1^0^ ^||0 0^0^00 0^ |^0 000||0 testing b (hie count# Vfr. WeOa •aye the eltlnea* of Rihimn are so eperatlag with him to tbk Impertan baa objected to their aattk bairn I gives the tost, this asm being a tody Mias Beaa Tnllaa and Mlm Rath > kan Meade, af BmMhBiU. apt bar m goaato af Mka Mary BMtoy. I GRANTHAM MAKES HIT AT TWIN CITY Local Drug giat Goto ^ “ Wrft-ey" Twin City Sentinel. G. K. Grantham, • life member of the Pherraae out leal Aeaoeistion of North Carolina, and who hae been ae tire In the deliberation* ef ovary oao oioo of the negotiation line* becom ing » member in ISM with two a eepUone, be being nbeent from two eeetione etnee becoming a member, la again “on the Job" bar* thin week. Mr. Grantham U eh airman of the finance committee of the amrUlina and wae a member af the committee, appointed by PreMdoat MlmOdia*, at the I net meeting at Charlotte Mot year which (elected Win*ton-Salem an the convention city thin year. Mr. Graatbam b one of the 1—r“-g ciUsoae of Duan, M M. tire iaterant In all mattem affecting hU cotsmnnHy, county and Ante, m wen aa coadaettag a meet onrrowful private bueinean. Be h a native af fliaithdielil. eon aa a landing druggbt of his comma ally and aacttoa Mr. Oraatham km boas active la county and state gov ernmental affairs. In l*Ot bs was elected and served as chairman of the board of county comm I ml oners of kb county; was sleeted mayor of kb basso town in 1613 and represented Harnett county la the general assem bly in tbs semion of 1616 and 1311, and was offered this commbaion again but declined. He is also a member of the beard of trustees ef the Univer sity ef North Carolina. Mr. Grantham is proud of Ms home | and family.. He b one of eleven bro thers and listers, living, tree ef Ml seven living brothers being druggists, and a son U now a student In the University School of Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Grantham also have three daughters, two ef whom are students at Martha Washington College, In Virginia. L O. O. P. ENCAMPMENT The 76th annual easel on ef the Grand Encampment of Me IndepenA ent Order of Odd Fellows la North Carolina will asset at the Oceania Hotel at WrighMvffie Beach August 16-18 17m Amt xmien will be called at 6:80 Tuesday night. The WUaUag ton Odd Fellows have arranged U hold the semion at Wrightanflb Beast with the Oceanic Hotel aa hssiViasr IiTie LKupneni Drones ox tar Order has made good progress dvr tag the put peer and v number M Odd Pel Iowa wOl attend this meeting The o Beers of tbe Oraad Biwvp meat are as follows! A. C. Mahrin Oraad Patriarch. Darius; J; C Wright, Oraad High Pilate, Bhilob D. W. Daria, Grand Banter Warden HeadenoneDWi H. A. Bedard, Grate Junior Wardaa, Aaherffiai L. W Paannarot. Grand Bartba, Aaherilla John E. Wend. Omnd Treaaurer j Wilmington; C. P. Bardhetla, Gram Marshal. WlaatondhOem; W. B. Bag wall, Omnd Batelaal, Dviham; J. 1 Woodall. Grand BapreaoaUtloo. Ba lelgh • | , ,f - , MABIOH. Oi. POUCH OrMCHB, PILOTING PRBaiDBNT, KILLBI Marten, 0., Jalp 4.—Bdward Maa taraaa, captain ef pa Baa hern, die today from tajarUe aestalail 1m might la a fan fraat an nateragbfll Mr. Maataraaa waa la a asaehiaa tha ' waa pHetlag PraMdaat Harding'S ar teaaehfla ta tbe Mai ag the Praal deaf, father. Me attempted te eligt i frees the aataeaehOe while It waa i , weUoa, aad fell baAwaad from tb running beard, atrihiag hie bead e • the street par mast. Mr. Mnatoraa i waa a rteaa friend ad Pwdliat aa Mrs. Harding. k • M* iniil at OM. Besldm this •nator Ledg* to tan aa factor* ij from waataa, of whiah cally would odd of th* famon la sar MIL And tha toll 000,000 a your aa tMa commodity This U how th* poo* to “protact" or. H la aa burden a raah tha agricattml not ho defended protection or of potaah aloa* undi ed with 270,000 tariff rat** la tha dtp the MU would aaamat to earn of |*1 ,000,0*0. It* production of paM. (0,000 ton* annually ad ltd fa 1*10. wfcll* th* output ImU yaa* waa hut MM team But U IMM n**t Or* year* tha yea due to would collect from th* farmer (Or 000,000. In that patted. «Ua a* tha to yMd up (11,000,600. .had may ytetd tram th* damietii peaQueo ad yotadb hatow th* MOM taue 1pm would cease the - Aa ana at I feltot to yat out of Ms. .. r*d*rction Maw My *a Mss wault ha rabbit by Ms layaklMa tori* bflt And R Mmltlki of asmoal* la to bwraaaa tapto wfciak tha A ■ariaaa prataasa sag ■ tori* »«t mlal a* a. pstaattoa to a baaaa taJ—tar far tha rispto toa • aaa that Asariaaa aalybati af as tha saatata af toa w*ri4*Mto aari a tori* will betas aa rasas to Dm » Patera) Tnsary w toa farrip* ps tor cannot i.spatl to toa Asati I ptoa tha psaf far Ispirti M INI . UMll 1st wito M a toa's to - toa,ooa las to* lass an ptaah - at at 11,000A*# a yaar s thto to I pratlaat that ha salt as'aa a ptos i toat far hto crape. Batatas at as l. i i I ,i ; WANT TO EXTEND STEAMSHIP LINE fhla, M or Talk, laM aat all caa tao yaiata, la eaafaaattaa wHh tta Oyta Haa. Tta Mfbt raU by thi. oat*, it !■ ait, aria ta oaly a for "iTtadlOo ta tta frrtcta taina. a N|tir paaata tarries will ta taaiatalait aat —aakfkt aataisiaaa DEATH Or A CHILD Oa that talk aat tmry algkt af Jaaa M. aa uyt Afat Aa taraa at Mr. aat Hit Bwdtla Brora aat aaoM tiaaa Asm ttair tarllaf taby Daratky. tta hat Wo aMt akoat A waaki wiA aaMtii. AH waa taaa tar tar that yaiaata, rsMtlraa, Masts aat AOist pkyAdaai cwaM ta, tat aa awa aaald Aay Aa batata af taath. Daw Ay wat a awaat ahlM rat waa larat ky arary awa wta mm ta aoatart wttt tar. Aka waa tarn iwaa 1«, lMl, Mki*r tar Hay oa •art* myawMt Airtoa taya. It nan! Aat Aa waa sat Maat to Era la Ota world at traahla, aa Oat taak Aa yorito Hula awa ta Bo aa Aat baaaOfal Asm. Tta MtUa katy was MM U rot la Aa family a^Jjtf** eroat at ralaOaaa aat MMkkN.A s i ■* • 0 .. * nones ro not to OIVUU to It. M«ateh dotom to to pahflto a nowploto Mfil * to* zzrzsifirj: to itoM Jaly Poarth mM» * UM. II to (UM< to do oe to toio work for too nataa toot to to otoon who par* prtou ooo- to to Mt toll w too oomoo of too to to otoun. toH m, r*~T~ to to got too hf—itlii for w to to to tit for mmx Taioday*» oto. • to Uoa of too papor. Ihaak ywa. to ». _ » f.HWl> mim RV ELECTRIC WIRE OiMaoMtotoHto Utt,vsn^a^3IUUT PUyfaUy rolling Wo hoop atopg Ditto. toroat W.dontoy oftoraooa Chariot Naylor, atoo poor old ooa of Mr. oaf Mia. O. V. Moptor, ooMdod With o highly charred MaoMo poor* polo gay wtao aad waa altooot to oust* killed hy oltitriiMp. tt W aot kaowa how to wtoo to wJtaooo to too’ tnwody which hoaagjht dtaofc to ooo of too oooot IombMi to tit hope of tot eoauwaaity. Chorloi •to waBctog with Ma Mother. Bo PM ohood, roBtog Mo hoop. lowM of tight whop Mo Mttho r hoard Mm ■a toy wNfa hfc am wroppil fhoat awtM too powar had hoM toat oC. PiPMal tarrtooa ware oaadaptod ot HOW MUCH DO COST THE NATION? Cart—. Finn. Baaed Oa P»art Wuhlaytoa. July t_(Capital Nrwr ImlM.—4UM« iMd by ■titkn la tbit e—try .rtaf. aiR tbaa par yaar. It li aat eaa taadad by tha J.|.ilaal that lit (O'" ara acearata, dace thay 4a paa4 apea aiaapapir aa4 Pda pa per rcparta far tha Mat part, hat that thay art aadar, tathar Pat rrar* It la bapotdhl. trathfahy la aaU taete tha araraya aaat af a xtrika. aiaca thay wary a* la dataUaa, tow 'bar atf mkan afaatad —4 aaaaa ak to* thiwgyfc datiwi tadaatry , ia wholly or part la By that 4m. Bat | If tha wad caaaarratira yadUa aa Umaia ha ad. ak that tha 100 •trika laata IP daya, tha fatal urtrad at ia P^M^OO a ■ ip lay daya bat par yaar. If tha awataya aaat af ad ’ workmaa la |l par day aad tha aw jaya laaa te aach bdadrj daaa aat ,«ae»«d^thraa tbaaa tho law la tha try mm MMNdN a yaar. It b aat ballatrad that thaaa By • Vat. tt I* pohrtM nt it ty Cap<> .M. X It mm tea* that mt, Mt.* ' MM *hM Or atito mq Mr. Oat Mt.0M.0tt Mart la *m ■ pa danaalt aa arttwMaa m«M «• iMaMoOlp atop aat If nat a* tia |«Mhaal ^ r • > t* ynt a part of It fa iiwaii ttatiatim at rtrfka mti la ta Na I try: a HttU iliatlw a *M « r*atlp aalo la alap varti ariaht aabi paapla ha wflUay u taOafca la, « CARD or TRANKS Wi wMi ta ttwt ar fit a A fa la «MM,’rtThM>a «Taw Manat ■aat. I k gaat ta Not aaaap paapli •ymalUaal ifea^HML an of yrtaf kaTlaaa^aa^ha^OaM ,jN * ■ fiM pjin ianAAf 90 ' i v *• •*tl MU

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