TW fttata mt North Canlta* tea not «ta rifkt to profcibil JMiinr in noft-MTipblr itnUb owned by in t rdàaH. μπΗΚι ta t ■uTnntrt Miln give* Friday in ikt turn at Stat* —«fart a lair·· cHi ••n« of Iter tat whom wwwW tel kM lntaad ie(teHE« tke »dmW that Iter had ftihfd la Black R1111 «CMtKn. Th« (MM ««Ν triad Vc?erc Mljt VrMM Arfh Jrmiini and Β. M. * Γ ford. jot County, in Cttataa. Ooy aad Park»r and C'ilTord and Tow*»r4 at Dana, nymMH IV· -tofndaoti. Godwin aad WWiaiaa rcpn-aoitad Cm Sut·. The warrant· war· rwom on·, by a ι· prawutatlr· af the gtaU !>»[>arfr| *»1t of r^ieriu two* «το. Hi Had tp«at aertaftl day* (n tkia lo- J cal:ir aad bad ipitHrivd macfe ln*or- ; auii'vn icUUrt ta â· »ct'.»iUe« ofj Μκη» Hr appeared -ta ba -eaaB-| Aria that (·· would convict all far' fet'iM· hf had warrant# and that tbay, wu-ild te heavily toad | SAMPSON COUNTY WOMAN 4 GETS PRISON PAROLE Rrria* btram totally bTnd la ornai «τ», witk tbr otbor om badly tfftrt· ; ♦»'. Utn LukLi «u paroled by Λ* ! Owemir ycrttrdijr far tbo kaloc·' of Her term of «k» yrara I* tb*j Stat· Pri«« «Un ah· «κ «antancad fro m ftunuw cVad»y «Μροή. Bca'dtn W Impair-: «■1 'Piifkt awl tS, likelihood that' # fill ktcemt .totally MM, *e' nlTi» wlh rfamoje Brixbt'· ditea*·. I " The par«tc was çraatH by Got-' frxor Xirrieon upon tb* raeommrn-' dat oa of tfce β-iprrintfidiot of th* *t»ti*« Prima at wiuw* inttaaee «he, w raamintJ by tb· priaon pbyalri-: DEEF C' CUIirS SHOW PLEASES DUKE POLKS1 >)*b. July 1.—TW Friendly fHubj XWtrel glna by th· Girt'» FrWidly ; Ctab, wrf·^.μμ>·' Im |M Mar to' tto ton In af htm «tafia* a tmf ·*«Μ, "The, MnaeztottoaiM·," wkkk yto»M to to r«ry |iit, Tto dial (lit et tto Hi Uy afefcf· «how «nu agata «torn. Thanday ajgto the «tow waa gtoea Π» IJUiogtaa. ffiwi or wads amd vicncmr Thru m to uy «arrieaa at tto DM Praskytcrlaa church Bauday >'«kt «boat 4'ΛΟ wkin h UjcIc buckled L't,*njn to My there were no la}o?>e - of ma a mlaor ' b-. »cl;r altHuixb moat of th· pa*· 4- lgrn got a TioUnt dkakinc up. The accident ■ thought to km boon duo ta the buckling of a mil' on aeeount of the boat. lautcdiatcly after the wreek many automobile· eî «triture fro·» Boeky Mount came oat to oco tbc accident hot nothing took pl»«e to dMinguidh them from the bundled· of other ρ man· «be turned oat to view the jiceUrnt Tbc baggage car aad th· one coach remaining on the track wore aUllted to taka the HWWjÉi of the iU-fated cura to Peteraburg where another ear waa added. The Pullman waa re placed at Kioto· **4. About two hundred yard· of track ia Mid to bar· beaa torn up in the mlihap aad the wreek trahi waa «low in arrtrlng at the scene, bat It 1* not thought that Uafic win be dalay ed M the «oath bernai track waa «a injared. . GOODBICH-MANN Tbe wed dine of Mim Bom Mann, roun*»»t daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Momferd Mann of Merry Oak·, and Bar. Arthnr L. «Goodrich of Beneoa took place tn thia elty Saturday at the home of thaJbsM·'· brother, Mr. Leonard Mann, hi South Penan •treet. Th· eerexaeny wai performed by Bar. C. H. Cnahwall. putoi οt Wendell Baptist church. 1%» brltie won a litiaUii nit et Um «ilk (N| uh^Mm. Immediately after th· oereaaony the bride and |i«*m toft for a abort waddta* trip after whleh they wiU be at home at Hoi lister, «tara tba bridacioom la paetar of the Baptist charrh. Mn Goodrich is a lamaafal yonag teacher, kaviac bam odaeatel U Meredith College and wu last rear principal af tka «ekool ai Merry Oaks. Pnrlimlr I'm bad taaght at Ccrieth and Boar Creek. The bridegroom ia · fradoate of Waka faraat Collate, ahma ha vu ana af tka laa dar< la literary and debating activitioe having been aa tka editorial staff af bath «ha collera magasine and college papar, repro i truing the college in inter-roBafiate dahatea and at th· recent commence ment winning the etiated Ward ■»· dal for oratory.—Nam and Observer. Henry C. Lea, who for tva yaesa waa aaaoclated with W. C. Eaaoy In tka ptambiag and heating lailiioM here, ha* ι teamed basinesa at tha stand formerly ocrapicd by hia old concern. The new baiiraaa is known as tha Dunn Plumbing and Haatlag Company, with Mr. Laa as manager. An expert aanitary mglnter will be employed to aaaiat Mr. Lee ia the aaw ▼eotarv. Tha company's stock will ar rive In a few days. Mne· tfc· iirlnl M the ten'· new upkAlt farue* MM y try badly a·»dod wwk i· being don· on tk· pawmanU about tow*. L. U. BisscU, •upcrinteiidcnt vf th· water do part ie rut, Is directing tk« rapalr work. Buick Service is Rarel^fNeeded Bftt Always Ai Buiek pride· bave the unint deffree. « sK up/n the fact thai; Aek ovyn DM Of ι service. en unu yc£ r e Buick authoridft> Mrviee »i*u, u can get the goiyine Buick part wii(, you will find Whenever yon you will know ι that you need—thft your work will ba la mtr l»«hn Doptrt Mtt or (CwUflMtH of Dtp wit) Λ . ' ν » -« - « , ' I III I I I M ■■ I 2 .· t · ' ■■ Y^^HwSS^ί}24j'* j·'■ J '' 1 Why Not Banking than With U«! you something more your standing ability and Everyone who know more of bank ANNOUNCEMENT! J ' We hsv· purchased the entijfe flock of Sinj(le Comb Rhode Island Reds owned by lev. A. R. McQueen and have moved them to our farm 3 miles north of Dunn. W« have S One pens matednnd can furnish fancy hatching egga at $1.60 anf 12.50 per setting of 15 eggs. Also 8. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs at $1.50 per setting. You sre invi r farm. Midway Piultry Farm W. C. ΚΑΛρΥ, Muupr Duma, N. C. R. F. D. No. 6, Box SO Forty Inspectors Will Watch The REDSKIN CHIEF OF ALL REACHES of Sandhill Peaches WHEN YOU bv4 a Sandhill Red .kin peach thi. confidently proceed to eel tl in thai it is physically perfect. At Ike Fruit Growers' Association will bave aa inspector who will, without Hesitation, vthrow oui erery peaeb^kfl doe· t>et (rade up fully to the United the* F^ncy LL· l^bel m a guarantee which tfiea leare you a end that Sandhill Red are the beat be tiding ap their pro plaches OB earth. For twenty-ire years the Sandhfll Orchard men hare I duct, and today they hare m pinch that tots to the world uqder iu brand, THE SANDHILL REDSKIN'· ' désignâtes the best peach, that is made. The boyer ( A BASKET OF SANDHlLtlfcEDSKINS 1 70 BUY ANY l*γου D0'N"r waw them· And it inaiats that this brand is to be the judge. ASK YOUR DEALER TO SHOW Y few ôitfs ι with THE SANDHILL FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Aberdeen» N. C. North Carolina Peaches ■ For North Carolina People. And yon can't boat MOST MILES p*r DOLLAR one R&cords Cord· continue to em ore different And better, la number end In mileage that there le «H beet Plreeton· entre mileage le " M fat ■ vet eliminating of the cord pile· in ■ vet virtually elii le wmA got jroor b:In wtn'^Wé curing, with ha 900 pound accurately end equal lie· the •rent plantation· end type·. Fire»tone men add «till ore better—Pireetone ueere Fire» to ne mileage, have }—they hav· mod· theee ate your friend·' »t»cce*a your neat tin accordingly, mileage. b:Ih *13 ΙΠΪ- ·»:3 - β'β ts Smith & McKay, f*, - —- -J rurcue Drouier^ Duirn, N. C Dunn, N. C.