·**··■#» m •LOCAL · ··♦·* » * » » WEDNESDAY Norma Talaiadfa la "Do L«jh Ann!»." THURSDAY Kuii Provoat In "A Parisian loaa d«J"—Universal Feeler* FRIDAY Antonio Moroao in "A rnllty Co»· select»"—Vltagrapb F«»t«n SATURDAY "Breaking Tkrvveh." "Strep Han gar"—Two ml O—àf. "Aim· tar·· of BID and Bab." L. J. Best tu a bat**· visiter la Greensboro htardiy. Cordon Bell «ont t)»e day In JU Ivlrh Sunday with frieaàa. Kin Ethel Boll it visiting her «la ter. Mn. I M. WaUrs at Arapahoe. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Honing ·' KtMboro, «pont Lho week-«nd hero with relative·. Mr. and Mrs. Noill 3. Oroon and Mr*. Maggie Butler spoat the week ond at White Lake. Mi···· Margaret and Ault Lacas are visiting thotr a ant, Mr* Una Hat· eher at Carpootor. Ml· Mae Bool of Arapsboi, who has boon vIMting Miss Pa ml In· Boll rTHirauii uviua bbwii m|i Un. Imcn Fleming ud children, •f Crimoeland, an hrre a· gmeaU la the bom of Mr. and Xn. MoO. Hoi lklay. KiM) Bthel and Loll Bill and EVuWtii Jrmix*n turn re tamed bo·· after ileiUng friend» at F ear Oak». Mr* 4. U. Water» and no, J. If. Jr., left Batardey fer iMr how at Arapahoe after «pending eereral day· hare with Mr. and Xn. N. A. Ball. C. 8. Moore, building contractor, who haa been la New Ben for τ· era: m cm tin, retained to Dunn M week and ia eonaiderlng n·» In tag hen. Bee. and Mr·. Α. Β. H err* II of Pe te rib ant, Va., airie^d Monday after rioei* to epend eeeera) day» with Mm. Harrell'i parent», Mr. and Mm Heary Pope. Mn. Earl Barefoot left thla week for Clyde, where ebe will epend err erai weak» with her parant*. Ml. Barefoot will join Mm Barefoot there within Ou next tew é|j» and aUo will ipend eomr Mae than Gay and Parker, lawyer·, who bave oceapied a mit in the State Bank,and Treat company building for erferal year·, bave Jaat complet ed a Lhoreofk remodeUiac profrae -„l$ their ofltoea. fte cp4a aar a*· ' l»m the aott ettmctiTeia*«j^ colored ehlldren agaSnjt l||ànM Maa day! "fifty of the·· na^Utql the treatment that ley; <f weri nan cihl. The treatment Is tr·· and ad· ahhXiW free. Dr. Codrlngtoa U aaxlotu to giro the treatmeat ta re el* colored school child te the dlabrfat. They can get It by calling at his of flee. Mr. and Μη. Η. Ο. te, «aat tb» waek end haro wttll·'*3atir«e. O". W. Wataon ntRMd Uat nlgkt boa Johniton, 8. C , «k*N h· W baon for tJ»· put aérerai day*. Mr. Watooa'a fu&llj will roaaaia la InA Carolina until lniliaÎH. Ε* krouftrt back «Mb Ida aaroral bail waerll· which ara b«iag «aaa with te Unit by many Don >«opU. Marion C. (Jack) Laa baa rotaieed to Waabington to ι Milan Ua datlaa as a <n*riia( aaleaaaaa far a roof ing concern after tpendlaff tkroa w»iH bit· with kU parante Jadgc aad Mr*. XMradga Laa. TSa "aqetoa" tiaa J ait fottoa a letter from tha him that jLk ia ooaaktoMd' am of tbe Mart ralaaMa Ma ta Ma οτχηΟ iaUod. Oar food Mead Bab 8wala, who dnrinc the Uat tarerai roan, la aa tho mead, aad tfcat coûtant mb0· of hla la broaden!»*. Bab baa bam tab las »<■« sort of bone nadriic'taa^ mont at rayatterflle aad really k «etUa« food reealte. A· wbe b*V •ok wilt ko «lad U tear· «U*. bo caaot aador all of kla af·^ ba baa boo* aba to keep Aiutal all af tka tlaio. today MnI wfll nfikr ttrtw wtthf aad mU| lfn. Λ. L W· July Itth at $ a'ato*. Erarr 1· vH t» b· of tki dm wko brnte a· way to go will fku· <*fl Mrm. Om. r Pay·, Mm. W. D. Holland, Mm. J. L. ektrcr Μη M. P, Hadcaa ami mi mm of tktaa will b· |U to aaJI tor I f é« at ya«f Tto D. P. a. Motor Cim>>·y M Den»'» ivrwart wtontln. η M I» to ba ImwhnM wHk X- ▼. m Ma RiwUnt, Brtart U Ε a· IU rin yiltot aM Bo|k M. PHna· aa liai Beaaaaa, It ia Mid, Mm yontractor haa aot km able to gat necemary ■Maria], work on the H« white echoei baUdiag ku boon hold ap fat wraitl day· and probably will ba delayed a whole month. 'Meantime, L. f. Bailey, loeal contractor ««a I» tape rln tending wort on the colored achool baildia*, to pnAlng hie work rapidly. It i· probable that Mr. Bailay will aomplote (to building under M· chart* before aahednled tiaae. Mr. and Un. J. B. Iwili and fu lly, who ha τ ι mad· their home here far tba Mat aataral month·, bava Β»· ad ta OraamAoro, aim Mr. Mb haa Va headquarter» aa a field worker far the Tobacco Grow»»' Co-»pe ra ti *e AjNcittion. Dun regreta ex ceedingly to loaa tbla axccUaat fam ily wboaa member· bava made many friend ι during their abort ataj bar·. Mr. Bwaia la a cooain of Bob Swain, of the Baraaa 4k HotHday Company. litre yea paid year water rantt If yea baveat, you M botter (at biy. Friendly Old Bis, superintendent of the waUr department, haa baooma about the hardaat gay ara end team. 1%t towa board baa told him to col lect—and ha will. Eve» patron who baa not settled oa or before July tO will And htmaeif ntinua service July 11. There l« sa )oka aboat thla. No favaritea will bo played. Laege and ■mall. Important, leM-important and unimportant will be traate^ alike. Yoar bDI awaite yoa in the oOca of H. A. Parker, city clerk. Botter go , Λ M "Ruesell," the diminutive nerte who vont tlu shoe lUnii, delhren or doea «Wtovw Ma haad finds U* 4e, wold a·! b« with lu had mot Willi· Biffe and Earl Cisaeren, two negro young bmb, «orne to his reerue laat Snadajr at Sari·· Pond. Kvaaell had gottea Into deep water, had gene down the ywwrtM throe ttati and waa about to yield op the gboat whan hi» wapulM· reached him. Tticy carried him to land and after ho had boon rolled are» a barrel for «Mae time waa jut aj food aa ever. Bat, he M fa, he will aerer get la water ever ankle deep agalB Big Bill Dawaon, Duaa'a good al tered chief of police, wandered into our mitctum thia moraine to a* that we ftve a friendly tip te thoee no torls»» who have overlooked the little natter of ρ rowing State Ucaaaaa Col. J. Bryan Crimea, secretary ef •tote, ha* written Big Bill that be mast enforce ttia law about motor licensee- And, aa mack a* be dialflus to ran m inconvenience to Oaan /oiks aad Oaaa's friande, ha wm be obliged to ρ bach a*7 aad aS whom be aeea vieUtlag the law. He saggeat» that yoa anchor the aid -boat la some safe harbor until Cornel Grimes •end* rym jmxr hcenm. Tags with applied *ror" written upon rflii'aôÂlil. They are sot so good aa'p laat year's license plate. If you bare any idea that you aaa aacape Ike ahlefs wrath wttk each a sub terfuge, yw'd batter thlah some more a beat H. Colonel Oriassi states that hia oCee can ttl ordeci (or licenses aa faat as they come new. Bead him a certified aback or a money order, aad yoar plate will coats by raton A mighty food old friend of oin —«Mcnigh he w ahmja Inclined to groaeh—cranpUhaed the other day the Dtap·tch HTK paid any atUn tto· to anything that h*pp»o«d at hi* booae. Ht «14 Mjtt It «U btunt ho «u not a aobacrtber. Of couiee w* eoald km naked Un bow ke know we did not "pay aay attention" to kirn If ka did not boy tko payor, bat that weald ksvO boo· unkind. Beally, there la nobody to tows wo think ■ore of; nor aay who· wo would ra ther "notice." The troth la that tbU oid friand Urea a rery qaiat Ufa, all In* ap hie tiaao with hit «karab, Milag and other fthp The only way wo hare to gather new» Is to aak folk* for It or to haw then give H ta «a voluntarily. We aeMom aao him. and ha MTW toll· o* anytfciat. Tka thepeiteti really Imo to Ρ rial yaw—1 new*. Boeh item* are the life of a paper aaah as la earn. We WMt all et oar mtêmI* to toll aa •beat their ofatta··, their «re pa, the repain «hoy ara «aaHag about the have or «ho fori aad all that *ort of thin*. Wo tanr h to aot Jwt a do tir* te aao one'* nam* In print that protept* ioQca to toll aa dno at tbea*a*lrii. Their (Mb like to knew what they are doing. That t* why hoato foOta take «he borne pap J. *. «TKCKLAND rwrnl m.lm far J. * Strleli laad, vfco (Had Monday moraine fol lavtog » itrtk* of paralyrii Friday iftinww, war· fcald today at tUd BUI «bank ta Dm of a Imita —ΛιιΗ·« af friand· ta Dm· U4 Hanott Ml Johaata· Oaut; Mr. Strickland «M · roral mall aanrtar atteakad ta tha Dean poatt Aea. Me ted aanad In Uat eapadtj| ■tar |MH and wai tann to « hrad Vjr baadrada al Mta aOra'a j tau Ha waa a dor oat Chrtattaa| ■a wm hem to JoJmaon Coontjr u| liai· at· and Brad ta Oaa a· . Ha (a — iliai fcy Ma «Ka, nil A* aaaa ara| ·*Ί·βι «β tofla at tto*| ai U iUr. The*. J. O'NmI of Toccoa, Qs. ' fir·. OfM U η evaoftlUt of larr», «tp«iM>c« aad torn·· to m klghijr to- j commanded by the bntlm· of the Christian Alliance of th· Bouth. Ho was formerly knows a* th· "Boy Preacher of Tom." Wo οφι· cially TnriU all the Cbrbtkana of Ik· town and community to eo-oycnti and wo r*li I ρ with ■· and everybody will floil a welcome to til «M hTtIoU 4. U DA VU. Paator. BNTftX NOUS CLUB The Rntre Ν oui dob member· and a number of guest· won delightfully entertained ai Bridge and Rook on Thursday afternoon at 4 Λ0 o'elock by iXra. H. B. Taylor at her kom on l^yton Arenoe. Mia. Floyd Drew, of Raleigh, wai gueet of honor. Balk eta and bowta of yaltow flow er· flOod tko HMjUw hall «Im Brid«· and look waj played at fomr < tahÎM A delidoo· fro·en —lad coax·· with tea and «lato wm mt· •4. Dainty hand painted place Mid· marked plaea· for th· foilowtnf X. IL Mh···, L. C. SUphtM, n>h Dm, of! Halalgfe. David fwnin, Cart Itfa&ot, B- O. l'ajrlor, J. R. Butler, &rthor hf·, Hary.r Holliday, H. B. TayWr, «a. M»K. Poam». P. C. Hood, WiQlan rhooMuoc «ad Μία Laanio Oaiaay. _ _ - - ^ ~ ~ ' BUSINESS L· PO* RENT. wlA (alow «rit See Dr. 3, I ltif. : TRAYEZ) tttk-r bl anew »r» | ni *. o,ftr ιυβτ larfloi «kit· in* cknep I Szrz. rou l tlnary and l in* to *.0. l-o* BALM— Tmm m il Mfar ethw. COW·. _ Both htvb tmtr w»fki oM, Will rXthin^· WANTV>.—TO wi/ m CAMi mall Utm nrlr/Dunn. tL Ou4 dt. V / U4k. -FLYMAN _ of Uifir hkllnj than. Yaa ctn knew wkrn yg Job. Hood mmd WE AfcE Κ • bi* lot of 41m hit*. 1. qnick. K. Q. LO»T—SOCll in cooler, « •raMtMd ·Ι •*twW ofle· ·»< WEEK 1 nrwrit In h>>, Co. ite| U DU*»wh Special Notice During no*limit o! pairs or The we pot e number of ίΗΜΑΝ BROpt Company 1 et Tfcj* cowl i» ? * ' ✓ !»·«»_ ι» .»·«■ ira *nA| J «V-, r*., ·* , I ) y c~w m» j j Τ .' V ί τ ~Ξ3 Mere>Sûi^i:/hi.ry Profit V The dairymen γ ho u.„ p,;·." it α t.r jhp cow* on pcoturY W'ï.-J tiiry nico s —> to tVare |h» Crast /l'y l!iry Arc! tinH." rjv/t d<iijk it nqxfrjt more Iced ir. the wlitn tô actual rcku.ï· of milk ao Scot, u*l| bt irn back i&::l Joduci thkysKa -w galfot. af r. i> feeding α ) » ecu -)Γβ η ~ v ι S» ■ 1 .· - Cow Chow μ «n i. ι·3 j j .t ι' ; ri «lit pruteia l'on ! tuuwnrai tobalaiicv. £r: '.s. i:. ·./ ,;hn*r? put* the pre; 'of "οι.· sttir.· «er prof.u r £·.: :h^ mift pail. atari .·, 1». L .rviy ονί peeve it with j p. ■©tvnoowa. · * ,J · V' * « . JR. jk. Sold in Duljn Only by— L. P. SURLES Henry C. Lee room· and aHopa H· will bave a and haa emplo; of tbe plumbing H« will be glad you contemplât*. ι the opening of hie now «bow old Kanoy and Lm atand. • ♦ »l«t« Una of Sanitary appliances plumber to direct all work at [ glee yon an «ethnate on'any work It Started with a Snap. Hundreds of customer* who values are came in Saturday and wonderful bargains we are ed Saturday. . They were more than because they know that this goods at any «pwi«l xU We sbU have low If you come quick. The sale will run Come now. Feldman's Deo' Big Jul} Clearance Sale now l ill Full Blast Big Bargains for Everybody!

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